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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Myth MAGIC Blissful BOOST: Supergirl!

CAT GRANT: Dive.  You are standing on the shore, afraid to dive into new waters.  And you’re afraid because you don’t want to say goodbye….Now you are standing there, looking out at your options.  The icy blue water, the fast flowing river, or the choppy blue sea.  And they all look very appealing to you because you’re dying to go for a swim.  But you know the water is going to be cold and the journey is going to be hard.  And when you reach the other side you will have become a new person, and you are scared to meet that new version of yourself.  Now, we all get used to our own personas and used to our own comfort zones.  But trust me, in order to live we must keep daring.  Keep diving. Life is long and you will be many people before it ends!

Cat Grant to Kara Zor-El (Super Girl) 

FROM THE CW'S: Supergirl

Life truly does begin at the end of your own Comfort Zones! Staying comfortable causes your Inner Superhero to become agitated and discontent; like a caged tiger mauling its lockbox so that it can be UNLEASHED out into the world. Your Super Heroic Higher Self came here to be DISRUPTIVE! To blast this world with bliss filled boosts of love, compassion, kindness, creativity, service, inspiration, and joy!

We are all "Legends in the Making." It's our very birthright to be Iconoclastic Innovators! And as Superheroes, we have the super powers to be forcefully disruptive in a world that desires to be awoken from its deep slumber. Showering each day with LOVE BOMBS of spiritual "shock and awe" is our collective purpose on this planet! We knew the nominal norm was no longer serving our highest good. So we are here to LOVE this world back into the LIGHT! BAM! Boom! Ka-pow! 

But we must earn this conscious change. Not because we are in any way not already completely worthy.  Because we are! But the process toward expansive growth, wisdom, learning, and massive shifts in collective change requires massive action. It's the system  the ONE GOD MIND put into place in this dense realm called Earth. As we forge through our own daily challenges, we are forced to stretch our own energetic signatures to blast through any previous notions of what the beauty of our own reality can BE! We begin to learn that the sky is NOT the limit; only the beginning of our own magnificence! And as our own core essence of energy expands, so does the Universe in equal proportions. It's the most magical equation in all the Cosmos. And a true "win, win" across the spiritual spectrum!

My suggestion is to begin to attack your dreams and goals with absolute FEROCITY! Now I did NOT say attack life! Life is completely rigged in your favor. Always! Never forget to be in total allowance of "the Flow" that creates your connection to SOURCE. The natural, abundant nature that brings the never ending force of LOVE and all its super powers into your existence. 

I said attack your Callings! The missions you came here to fulfill for yourSELF and the betterment of us all. And FEROCITY is a tool that can assist you in climbing the toughest of mountains! Here is my definition of this revelatory Super Heroic Habit:

Yearning to Be Great

Being ferocious means being "all in!" It's doing all the things that most others choose not to. It means stepping WAY out of your comfort zone each and every day. And it's the path of all Superheroes!

I highly suggest you start to build the Super Heroic Habit of FEROCITY today!
Begin with creating a daily "Morning Mindset." For instance, part of my own morning routine is a mediation followed by repeating my Daily Intentions. Here are my intentions for today:


Filled with Gratitude
Alive with Ferocity in ALL I do
Radiating with Bliss for mySELF and all others
Overflowing with LOVE
Boundless with compassion and kindness
Steadfast in KNOWINGNESS that through my own magic, Extraordinary Things
will be Made Superhero Manifest

Establishing an empowering Morning Mindset sets yourSELF up for a day of success and joy! And creates a habit of centering your mind, and realigning your energy toward your goals, not against them. Re-member, if you want to see great changes in your life, you have to change things in your life in a BIG WAY! As Albert Einstein said, "Problems cannot be solved from the same level of consciousness that created them." Holla! 

Good thoughts, good words, and good deeds will lead to massive change in you life. But it's up to you to bare the task of creating new, empowering habits to see the change you desire to experience! Your own Inner is waiting to be set free. So step out of that comfort zone and soar to new, empowering, extraordinary heights and punch a hole in the sky of your greatest desires!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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