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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Myth MAGIC Blissful BOOST: New Amsterdam!

New Amsterdam is the name of the oldest remaining, full public service Hospital in the United States. Meaning NO patient is turned away for lack of funds/insurance. Dr. Max Goodwin is the brand new Hospital Director; despite the fact he has just been diagnosed with late stage throat cancer. In just a few short weeks on the job, he gains the deep respect, admiration, support, and LOVE of his fellow staff and patients. His catchphrase to all being, "How can I help?"

No longer being able to hide his cancer diagnosis from his staff, he confronts them with compassionate honesty and is showered back with unconditional LOVE!

We enter on Dr. Max Goodwin and his pregnant wife, Georgia. Max is resting comfortably in his hospital room after surviving a near death scare; a complication from him ignoring his cancer treatments. His hospital chief of staff members enter the room and surround his bed.

MAX: (struggling to talk) I should'a told everybody from the beginning. (about his cancer diagnosis) I've been wrong before. Sharpe (oncology chief of staff), I want to start chemo. No clinical drugs. No risks. (lovingly looks at his pregnant wife) I don't want to risk losing you, again. That's my priority. Which means.....

SHARPE: (interrupting him) No! No, you are not resigning.

MAX: I have no choice.

FLOYD: (chief of heart surgery) You will if we help you. If you're willing to delegate, we'll all have your back.

VIJAY: Like you had ours.

IGGY: (Chief Psychiatrist) Yeah. Yeah, count me in!

BLOOM: (ER director): Me too! I don't mind putting in extra time if that means keeping you around.

MAX: Guys, you're not hearing me. (Dean Fulton, COO of New Amsterdam enters the room)

DEAN: I think they are hearing you just fine Max. These are your people. This is your hospital. For better or worse, there is no going back Max.

MAX: (glaring up at his wife) Georgia, help me out!

GEORGIA: Max is about to start the most intense fight of his life. And above everything, he has to take care of himself. Which is why he is not quitting! This job, this job is who you are. And in some ways, it's who you've always been. I honestly believe that by staying here, and working, it will keep you alive. 


Perhaps the single biggest attribute in the "Collective WE" creating Heaven on this Earth has to do with us finding and fulfilling our personal CALLING! We are all Superheroes, on a Superhero's Journey toward self realization. Here to Follow Our Bliss. To have both the courage and ferocious fortitude to traverse the darkness of our own personal versions of HELL. Where we are forged, through the fires of our pain and suffering, into Men and Woman of Steel. We are all SUPER BEINGS! The "Greatest Group of Super Friends" ever assembled in all the multiverses! SNAP! SHAZAM! How does that make you feel?! ;0)

We all agreed to convene here at this very moment of NOW to punch a "Hole in the Sky!"
So more LOVE can come flowing freely into our collective consciousness. Thus ever expanding the Universe into 5th Dimensional Dynamics and leaving a DYNASTY worthy of a SUPER HEROIC LEGEND! Yeah, that's how we're all gonna roll! Once we are ALL on board with fulfilling the personal spiritual calling that will literally "ROCK THIS WORLD" to a new, much higher vibrational offering!


But the ride will NOT always be easy. In fact, the "ass kickings" will never stop! But us Superheroes don't run away from the most formidable challenges. NO! We run TOWARDS them!

We are built for pain. And the wisest amongst us will let that hellish pain in and allow it to stay until it has taught us what we still need to re-member. Cause that's just how learning gets done round these here parts! Got it! Great! For there will be many periods in which your life will feel like "Groundhog Day." Rinse and repeat! Rinse and repeat! My suggestion is to practice the Super Heroic Habit of blessing these knockdowns as "KNOWING OPPORTUNITIES!" Because that is exactly what they are. Opportunities for you to transcend your beliefs in yourSELF and the way the Universe works; from BELIEF to KNOWING! Big difference. Wouldn't you agree?! 

For in time, you will come to see the gifts in every single person, place, and experience that has ever graced your life. No matter the pain, strife, and struggle they left in their wake. In fact, the bigger the "MESS" the more it was brought for you to be "BLESSED!"

And then you will KNOW. You will KNOW that the Universe has life 100% rigged in your favor! And that's when you will no longer be in allowance of being a "victim" of your life circumstances. No, you will transcend those beliefs into pure KNOWINGNESS that you are "Victoriously Heroic" because of all the battles you have survived. Not in spite of them!
Mind Blown! So never stop going into daily battle! Attacking your life's CALLING with a fervent and ferocious gusto!

As you go about finding and fulfilling your personal CALLING, I urge you to find a friend, mentor, or coach who can assist in holding you accountable in the daily or weekly steps that scare you, but you are still willing to tackle with ferocity.  This practice is a true game changer!  Because each time you commit to an action step and see it to its fruitful completion, you will slowly start to build the sense of Self Confidence that has always been within you, but hidden behind the masks of Frankie Fear! And the scripts that you write in your mind that contain all the scary, dramatic beats of what might happen if you put yourSELF out there. They will be shown to be nothing but parts of a movie that will NEVER be put into production! Just sayin'. ;0)

And, yes, "I do KNOW that of which I speak!" In fact, many of you probably aren't aware, but I have a PHD. It's from "Pure Hell Divinity!" LOL I have visited HELL so many times; now whenever the Devil hears my name whispered, he sheepishly declares, "Oh hell no! He's NOT coming back again is he?!" A HA HA

So in times when the winds of your internal storms seem overwhelming, please re-member, that just like Dr. Max Goodwin discovered, YOU NEVER WALK ALONE!  And that your Wounds are no thing more than the Wisdom that is looking to be activated through the seeds pre-planted within your Soul!  And they will forever whisper the sounds of serenity that keeps your HEART SONG in tune. And when it seems as if the pain is just too much for you to bare- PLEASE- PLEASE re-member there are "A Thousand Loving Angels at Your Side." And that I AM one of them.............



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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