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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Super Heroic TIPS For Long Lasting SELF CONFIDENCE..!


Let me ask you all in the New Age Nerd Community a few questions..............

When you first awake from your nighty slumber, and begin your normal morning routine...  HOW DO YOU USUALLY FEEL?  Anxious for the day ahead of you?  Do feelings of Self Doubt begin to bubble back up into your being?  Does fear and feelings of 'I am NOT good enough' resume their place within your self consciousness? Are you gripped by stagnation and a MIND-set that keeps you drifting DIRECTIONLESS day after day?  If any of these patterns are overly familiar to you; you are NOT alone!!  In fact, let me share a story with you.....

A few years ago, while taking some classes toward a leadership coaching certification, I had quite an impactful experience that I still use to help me transcend my own ‘inner critic’.  Who needs enemies when our own MONKEY MIND insists on taunting us with thoughts of blame, guilt, regret, and self-doubt.  Often with a big, heaping side order of worthlessness.  And as that day's class was soon to show me, we are truly all ONE in this experience that causes so much anxiety, doubt, separation, and mental anguish.  Not to mention how it blocks us from the healing LOVE we need to learn, grow, and evolve the 'Collective Consciousness.'..................

After our mid-day lunch break, our class of roughly 30 seated students were each given a stack of cards with various short phrases written on the back of each one. We were instructed to pick the ONE card that best exemplified the way we felt about ourselves the majority of our waking day.  You have to remember this was an extrapolation of people who were all on an active path toward self growth. The great majority of us having spent years, if not DECADES, on a quest for the specialized knowledge that would allow us to coach, train and teach others on becoming the ‘greatest version’ of themselves.

The phrases on the cards ran the emotional energetic scale from ‘I Am Love’ to ‘Work in Progress’.  Once we all had our card picked, we were told to stand up And with its message facing forward, hold it in front of our chest, while we started mingling with one another.  One by one, we stood up.  Suddenly, a raucous set of laughs started erupting from one side of the room to the other. With over 20 different messages that each member in the group was free to choose from, ALL but two of us picked the EXACT SAME CARD. That card read...... NOT GOOD ENOUGH !!

I will NEVER forget the divine feeling of oneness I felt in that moment. Oh, I laughed my ass off like the rest, but my soul was shedding tears of joyful connection. Up until that moment, I had often been afraid to admit the intensity of my own MONKEY MIND.  How controlling, suffocating,  and idea crushing it could be at times.  But as I looked around that room and saw nearly everyone holding up that same card, illusionary message et al, all I could see were beings of utter perfection.  Even if THEY could not see it in themselves. 

Since then, I have come to understand that creating concrete SELF CONFIDENCE is like most everything else of great value; a PROCESS. Our capacity for self confidence is not unlike a muscle.  It must be trained, honed, and cared for with patience and love.  So I would now like to share some suggestions garnered from years of hard fought personal lessons, studying messages from spiritual masters, and plenty of implementations toward a formula that will assist you in empowering a new MIND-set that garners a Super Sense of SELF CONFIDENCE!


1.  Know Your WHY!

Many of us get so thrown off track by our own 'Inner Critic' that we actually forget exactly WHY we desire a goal or want to fulfill a Mission in our life. Yet, our WHY contains the Burning Desire and Passionate Purpose that is the rocket fuel toward manifesting your heartfelt dreams!  It should INSPIRE you so deeply that when you are met with any form of resistance, you will have the inner fortitude to forge ahead because your WHY strengthens your BELIEFS.  And having absolute KNOWINGNESS in yourself is absolutely critical toward manifesting the life you desire! I highly suggest you write down your own purposeful WHY and refer back to it often! Especially when the chips are down and fear begins to creep into your precious plans, causing you to ponder staying put in permanent stagnation.  Your empowering WHY will lift you out of egoic patterns of self doubt and back into anabolic BELIEFS of your Super Human, Bad Ass potential!    


Many of us are handicapped from taking action steps because we are paralyzed from fearing thoughts that we may make a mistake and feel judged or embarrassed by our actions. Not to mention the albatross of pondering what others may think of us as a byproduct.  Sound familiar?!  That's why I invite you to transcend your MISTAKES into MISSTEPS.  The decisions we make stem from our mind, our hearts, or both!  Everyone makes choices based on their past experiences, their belief systems, and their own personal values.  Remember, we always choose what we believe is the best possible choice in any given situation. The key is to direct our energy away from self judgment and back towards empowering declarations such as "What is the lesson?  How can I use this experience for my greater good? And perhaps most importantly, what is the Universe trying to teach me in this moment of NOW?"  As Richard Bach said, "The events we bring upon ourselves and the manner in which we tackle them are necessary for us to learn.  Whatever steps we take, they are necessary to reach the places we've chosen to go." And as the great Joseph Campbell often espoused, "When ANY experience enters your personal experience, bless it! For it is EXACTLY what you need in that moment!"  Let that last sentence settle into your consciousness.  For I promise you that it will serve your highest good throughout your life experience!

And as far as FAILURE is concerned, it simply DOES NOT EXIST!!  Failure is simply FEEDBACK from the Universe.  And it is infused with wisdom from Infinite Intelligence. So it is always constructive FEEDBACK in its nature! Did you know that Thomas Edison spent years trying to figure out the magical mechanism to create electricity.  In fact, it took over 2,000 attempts before he finally flipped the switch and lit the lightbulb that changed the world!  Yet, he refused to say he ever failed.  He simply stated that every time he flipped that switch and the lightbulb stayed dark, that he succeeded in finding a way that electricity did not work!  

Now the experiences of FEEDBACK we receive in our action steps when trying are valuable insights and transformative opportunities for wisdom and growth. It's been my experience that simply allowing the energy of FAILURE to enter into ones thought pattern stops the majority of people dead in their new shiny sneakers.  "JUST DO IT" gets the big ole Nike Nix!  Again, so much of this is about our MIND-set.  When we keep our MIND-set for SUCCESS, than we shift our perception to "Progress rather than Perfection!"  And the more we begin to try something scary, we are now armed with a new Belief System. We embrace the FEEDBACK for the gifts of understanding and new found Wisdom it offers!  It then becomes easier to redirect and pivot to new plans and action steps in places where we may have been misguided.  And guess what the byproduct is; a new found sense of SELF CONFIDENCE!!

Ok, I am well aware that affirmations have gotten a bad rap in some circles.  Many folks feel silly and awkward repeating statements like Stuart Smalley from Saturday Night Live.  Yet, Albert Einstein himself proved that feeding the subconscious mind with the feelings of what you desire coupled with the EMOTIONS that they are already in your possession will bring about the physical equivalent into your earthly experience!  And I can attest without a doubt that my personal experience with daily affirmations, that they indeed create MIRACLES.  And I will put my money where my mouth is my friends!  So long as you are committed to the daily process of applying them to your morning and evening routines.  And most importantly, that you use your creative imagination and emotional belief system as though what you are repeating is "already in your possession!"  

Again, the Secret Sauce is that as you repeat your daily affirmations, they MUST BE MIXED WITH FEELINGS!! Our feelings supercharge our Beliefs as they are the guideposts to the SOUL and feed our subconscious with the energetic Power and Knowingness that what you Desire must be made into its physical equivalent! Pretty cool, huh!

Here are a few examples of some affirmations that you may choose to use if they resonate with you.  Of course, please feel free to create your own.  Just understand they are most powerful when they begin with I AM and are put in the present tense as though they are already in the plane of your experience!

1. I AM receiving abundance now in expected and unexpected ways.
2. I AM increasingly confident in my ability to create the life I desire.
3. I AM acting on inspiration and insights and I trust my inner guidance.
4. I AM giving and receiving all that is good and all that I desire.
5. I AM receiving infinite, inexhaustible and immediate abundance.
6. I AM creating my life according to my dominant beliefs; and I AM improving the quality of those beliefs.
7. I AM constantly striving to raise my vibration through good thoughts, words and actions.
8. I AM making a meaningful contribution to the world and I AM wonderfully compensated for my contribution.
9. I AM willing to believe that I AM the creator of my life experience.
10. I AM willing to believe that by raising my vibration, I will attract more of what I desire.
11. I AM willing to believe that by focusing on feeling good, I make better choices that lead to desired results.
12. I AM worthy of love, abundance, success, happiness and fulfillment.


Many of us often short change our own abilities and past successes.  Yet, every single one of you are ROCK STARS!!  And to prove it to yourselves, start remembering all of your past big wins! Huge or small, they are equally potent toward the process for rocking a new empowering sense of Self Confidence!  If you are stumbling in coming up with examples, ask your family and friends of concrete examples of your accomplishments.  I think you may be absolutely amazed by what you hear!  

A SUPERHERO'S TIP is to remember times in which you temporarily froze in fear before attempting an action step toward a heartfelt desire or goal.  And all of the negative scripts you wrote in your noggin' of everything that could go array or 'blow up in your face' if you took that first step.  And yet, when you mustered up the courage to Just Do It, the experience ended up being absolutely nothing as awful as you pictured it to be! 

Then try using those experiences to shift your fearful MIND-set toward a courage filled vibration remembering that things are rarely as horrible as we make them out to be! This can really be a powerful way to shift your energetic vibration from scared to SACRED SELF CONFIDENCE!


Again, gaining a lasting level of Self Confidence is a process.  One way to start building a new habit of facing your fears is to begin taking action steps in the direction of things that scare you!  But start small.  Every journey begins with the first step. Then celebrate each time you face a fear.  Treat yourself to something you truly enjoy!  I promise you that although this step may seem terrifying at first, if you stick to it you will learn that everything you desire is on the other side of your fears!  And each time you face down one of yours, SELF CONFIDENCE will begin to become a new found Super Power and YOU WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE TO STOP!

By applying these SUPER HEROIC TIPS, you will begin to see and feel a Greater Version of Yourself.  And believe me that others will begin to notice as well!  As Wayne Dyer said, "You can either let life happen to you, or YOU CAN HAPPEN TO LIFE!"



Jeffrey Louis Martinez