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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, May 31, 2019

Time to CHOOSE What You Are DYING To BE!!

In 2002, Anita Moorjani, born of Hindu descent was diagnosed with cancer.  For the following 4 years, her body valiantly fought this insidious dis-ease that was slowly shutting down her bodily organs one by one.  Until February 2, 2006, the day “I died.” Although in a coma, I was acutely aware of everything that was happening around me, including the sense of of urgency and emotional frenzy of my family as they rushed me to the hospital.  When we arrived, the moment the oncologist saw me, her face filled with shock.  “Your wife's heart may still be beating,” she told my husband Danny, “but she's not really in there.  It's too late to save her.

By Anita's account in her transcendent personal memoir ‘Dying To Be Me’, although she was in a complete coma, she was able to hear and see everything that was happening around her body.  She was having an NDE. (Near Death Experience)  But unlike many of the other narratives I have consumed on this phenomenon, this one was less grandiose and usurped any sense of the traditional tropes usually found in such accountings. There are no ‘white lights’ or personal meetings with Messianic energies.  In place of these experiences, Moorjani's retelling of her NDE is filled with Re-membrance and HOPE.  And an incredibly powerful message for those of us still finding our way on this remarkable Journey called life!

Know I have said it before, but it bears repeating: I now live my life from JOY instead of FEAR.  This is the one simple difference between who I was before my NDE and who I am today.    Before, without even realizing it, everything I did was to avoid pain or to please other people.  I was caught up in doing, pursuing,searching, and achieving; and I was the last person I ever took into consideration.  My life was driven by FEAR- of displeasing others, of failing, of being selfish, and of not being good enough.  In my own head, I always fell short,” recalls Moorjani.  

I don't know about you, but I can relate in many ways to her recollection of her life before her NDE.  And I have MORE than a intuitive feeling that many of you reading this even share many of her exact thoughts and feelings right NOW....  And as I have stated oh so often in many of my previous posts, EVERYTHING that happens in our experience is for our greater good.  And I do mean EVERYTHING!!  No Thing is ever wasted in this Universe.  Because everything is made up of pure and perfect energy and we are all a part of this ONENESS.  As Albert Einstein said, “The only thing you have to decide is whether we live in a compassionate Universe.”  The rest is just pure folly!! As Anita found out during her near death journey!

My heightened awareness in that expanded realm was indescribable, despite my best efforts to explain it.  The clarity was amazing.  The Universe makes sense!  I realized.  I finally understand-I know why I have cancer!  I was too caught up in in the wonder of that moment to dwell on the cause, although I would soon examine it more closely.  I also seemed to comprehend why I'd come into this life in the first place-  I knew my true purpose.  Why do I suddenly understand all this,?  I wanted to know.  Who is giving me this information? is it God? Krishna? Buddha? Jesus? And then I was overwhelmed by the realization that God isn't a BEING, but a state of being....  and I was now that state of being!  Every single encounter was woven together to create the fabric that was the sum of my life up to this point.   I may only have been one thread, yet I was an integral part to the overall finished picture.”

And GUESS WHAT, so are each and every one of you.!! You are all a perfectly crafted concoction that encompasses all the beauty in the Universe.  And you DESERVE to be loved, cherished and adored beyond any measure previously fathomable simply because you exist.  Because we are all connected at every level, your every action has an effect on both YOU as well as the collective whole.  And it is this very Re-membrance that Anita Moorjani brought back with her to share with the world during her Heroine's Journey during her NDE!

I became aware that we are all connected.  This was not only every person and living creature, but the interwoven unification felt as though it were expanding outward to include everything in the universe.  I realized that the entire universe is alive and infused with consciousness, encompassing all life and nature.  We're all facets of that UNITY-we're all ONE......” writes Moorjani.  

I also understood that the cancer was not some punishment for anything I had done wrong, nor was I experiencing negative karma as a result of any of my actions, as I'd previously believed.  It was as though every moment held infinite possibilities, and where I was at this point in time was a culmination of every decision, every choice, and every thought of my entire life.  My many fears and great power had manifested as this disease.”

Moorjani's book is so full of such subtle insight and beautiful prose that I won't spoil any more of her Journey for those of you who may be interested in buying a copy for yourself.  I think you will be incredibly glad if you choose to do so!!  

So I ask you- are you living life or slowly ‘Dying to BE.’ Because there is simply no reason to do that.  We must simply BE STILL and search our thoughts and feelings for the answers to our greatest dilemmas and for the reason we came.  Please stop wasting the time of your BEINGNESS.  It is the most precious gift we have and musn't be wasted or it will be worn into the shards of time.

As Moorjani espouses, “I believe that the greatest truths of the Universe don't lie outside, in the study of the stars and the planets.  They lie deep within us, in the magnificence of our heart, mind, and soul.  Until we understand what is within, we can't understand what is without.” 



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, May 30, 2019


Back when I was in 4th grade, I experienced the first form of true, cruel emotional shaming towards a fellow classmate. He was quite socially awkward, and didn't "fit in" to any of the niche cliques that were already forming at such a precarious age. His sneakers were not name branded; i.e. Nike, Addidas. But rather off brand kicks, obviously from a discount store. And his clothes were often mis-matched, as though picked out by a blind fashionista. 

I was fortunate enough to have been selected as a student crossing guard and still re-member the barrage of insults and down right disparaging remarks sent his direction each and every morning. Until, I finally garnered the gumption to confront this rather intimidating group of bullies head on. 

Now at the time, I was quite tall for my age, but skinnier than a cheerio's sized hula hoop. 
But having the privilege of being a crossing guard, part of my "job description" was to uphold the Mustang's (our school's mascot) motto of truth, kindness, and excellence. And so one morning, as this unconscious group of goulish gang members ascended upon my defenseless classmate, I left my post, pronto.  

And as they were busy throwing evil epithets toward this fellow classmate, I spoke up rather loudly, after putting myself between their group/gang and their personal prey. 

"You guys want to pick on somebody. Pick on me!!," I snarled. Truth be told, I was more than a little trepidatious. I might not have been a math genius, but 7 on 1 isn't exactly fair numbers. A rather stout member of their posse stood out from their pack and approached me directly. 

"What are you going to do Martinez?" he blurted out. 

"As long as you come at me one at a time, why don't you see?" I nervously espoused. I knew the ONLY thing I had going in my favor was that despite my fragile size, I was the school's all star sports phenom. I held every school record in the physical education department. (And still do!) And they all knew it! 

As we looked each other in the eyes, with a steely glare, Eric (no need to reveal full names) backed down and walked toward his trope of groupies. "You're lucky Martinez," were the words he tossed into the waiting wind. "Whew," I heavily heaved! 

His entire entourage left the near bombastic scene and went into the school's back entrance one at a time. Several evil eye exchanges not withstanding!

"Are you OK?," I asked the victim of this constant abuse. I'll NEVER forget his answer. 

"I used to believe in everyone having a SOUL.  But now I really think that we are all SOUL LESS," was his heartbreaking retort. 

"All I know is that if we do have a SOUL, yours will have a special place in Heaven," was my effort toward consolation.  Quite a prescient retort for a young man of 10 years of age.

Thankfully, he didn't have to deal with such a collage of personally heartbreaking abuse the rest of that school year! True bullies are deeply insecure and it plays out in their dastardly behavior. So, as soon as they saw me around my spiritually fragile friend, all bets were wiped clear off the table! 

However, this experience still informs my spiritual psyche, and dare I say sometime still haunts me to this very day. It was my first experience with the truly life long damaging effects words and actions can profoundly affect the very core beliefs of any special SPIRIT searching for their life's CALLING. 

And unfortunately, with the advent of social media, emotional bullying has found a new outlet for its fiery and forcefully damaging circumstances! In my county in Northern Virginia alone, there have been well over 10 school suicides in the past two years alone! Absolutely horrifying! And completely unacceptable on our collective SUPERHERO's watch! In fact, my beyond gorgeous God daughter was forced to be removed from her high school because of both emotional and physical bullying.  GRRRRRRR!!! 

While the #ME/TOO movement is a fabulous start toward creating a society that has begun to create a foundation built upon equality for ALL, there is still much work to be done. By us all!! 


As followers of this blog are fully aware, I dream and strive daily toward a world in which we celebrate each other's unique Super Hero's Journey.  Each and every one of us are here to fulfill a transcendent CALLING! And with each of our spectacular endeavors comes with it a plethora of trials and tribulations. Missions that ONLY WE CAN FULFILL!
And yet so very few of us know and truly try and understand what our fellow brothers and sisters must overcome in order to accomplish their tremendous earthly Missions! What would it look like to stop and truly listen to someone else's hard fought Journey?! I have the fermented understanding that by doing so, we would realize how close our struggles surmise a realization of great similarity! And that an enlightened world of understanding would bring us closer on so many crucial fronts. 

Please re-member that there is absolutely NO THING that comes into your experience that is not to further expand your very loving energetic essence. We are all SUPERHEROES that have the courage and fortitude to withstand any and everything that this Earthly experience can send our way. The ONLY way we can forgo being "Victoriously Heroic" in our SUPERHERO's Journey is by erroneously believing that we are a victim to our circumstances. 

And please believe me with that which I write and speak.  Many of you may have noticed that this is the first post I have written in the past month. Well, I have always promised that I would use the platform of this blog to be of "Supreme Service" to others. 

And so I'm choosing to be incredibly vulnerable to say I have been diagnosed as being 
Bi-Polar in the past 5 weeks.  I thought I knew what "HELL" looked like. Oh, little did I know the depths and wrath of suffering and pain that this earthly experience can forge onto one's heart and soul! I literally went from being incredibly joyous, grandiose, and exuberant for several months, to suddenly waking one frightful morning in the darkness and hopelessness of a deep depression. My SPIRIT was temporarily broken and utterly shattered! Just getting out of bed felt like an exercise in pure torture. It affected every part of my being. During a five week period, I lost 20 pounds of hard earned muscle. And there are absolutely NO WORDS to describe the physical, mental, psychic, and spiritual pain I have endured. Not to mention the damage I caused in all facets of my life. Almost unimaginable!
No excuses on my end, yet hard fought compassion as many of my actions were not always the "authentic me."

However, I have not only accepted my diagnosis, but embraced it! I now believe that part of my own Super Hero's Journey is to push through the intrinsic challenges of this illness to be an inspiration to the myriad of others who face the same challenges I do each and every day; absolutely NO fault of their own. A Super Hero for the "Mental Illness Masses."  What a privilege indeed.  Easy?! HELL NO!!  Worth it?!  Damn straight! But I am more than up for the task that lies ahead. As Rocky Balboa says, "It's not how many time you get knocked down. But how many times you can get up and keep moving forward!

There is such a horrific "STIGMA" still surrounding any and all mental deficiencies. Yet 1 out of every 4 of us around the world will be afflicted by some sort of mental illness in our lifetime. Not trying to scare you, just stating the pure scientific facts! And many in the psychiatric field believe those numbers are WAY TOO LOW! Only because of the hellish lack of education surrounding any form of mental illness that still carries a soul crushing stigma causing too many precious faceless brothers and sisters to suffer in vein. And those that are reticent to get the help they deserve due to stigma commit suicide at an alarming rate!

Part of my own healing process the last month was achieved through the task of doing research on many super successful individuals who have been afflicted with the same malady that I have. Here is just a small list I compiled:

Ralph Waldo Emerson
Robert Downey Jr.
Abraham Lincoln
Van Gogh
Kanye West
Robin Williams
Jim Carry
Demi Lavato
Brittany Spears
Mariah Carrey
Catherine Zeta Jones
Frank Sinatra
Kurt Cobain
Russel Brand
Jane Pauley
Sinead O'Connor
Amy Winehouse
Mel Gibson
Carrie Fisher
Edgar Allen Poe
Ted Turner

And the list goes on and on........ At least I'm in pretty good company! Wouldn't you agree!

It's beyond time for all of us to STOP THE JUDGING and SHAMING of one another. And transcend those actions toward a compassionate habit of shifting our LOVE towards trying to truly UNDERSTAND what makes us extraordinary, rather than JUDGE the unique Journey's that each of us have been entrusted to complete.  After all, WE ARE ALL ONE! A unique emanation of the ONE GOD MIND that sends us all that which we need to fulfill the transcendent CALLING we came here to fulfill.  

No thing ever happens "To You."  Everything sent into your experience, no matter how painful or excruciating in nature is ALL FOR YOU TO COMPLETE your individual Hero's Journey!  PROMISE! 

Now please understand.  That does not mean every experience you will encounter would be deemed easy by anyone! I will personally declare that some of the "crosses we bare" are beyond punishing! And the process of accepting them will contort your own core beliefs many times over. Never to "TEST" you, but rather to assist you in your own expansion of energetic essence. That's precisely why I teach and ardently believe that each and every one of us our Super Heroes! 

For all of life itself is a Superhero's Journey.  An experience of radical spiritual transformation.  In which the Universe expresses itself through and as US!  The Grand Creator seeks to expand always and in all ways.  It's the very nature of God herself.  And as the late legendary physicist Stephen Hawking discovered, "The boundary condition of the Universe....is that is has NO boundary."  NO BOUNDARY and that means NO LIMITS!  You chose to come here to carry out a CALLING that was Divinely Devised.  You carry a divinity spark of pure SPIRIT that is 100% heroic!  Part Martin Luther King Jr., part Yoda, Wonder Woman, and Captain America, but all Christ Consciousness!  By fulfilling your unique Mission, the byproduct is assisting and adding to the expansion of the Universe.  Which ultimately means creating more heaping buckets of LOVE!  The core component of all that is.......

Just as we are all SUPER HEROES, our collective Purpose is also one in the same.  We are all here to be of LOVING, BLISSFUL service to ourselves and each other! BOOM! Period and exclamation point! Our individual CALLINGS are the vehicles through which we create that form of service.  And your CALLING has just as much to do with what you are Being as what it is you are Doing with your life.  Think of it this way.  Your purpose is the beingness and your calling is the doingness part of your Hero's Journey!  And by that I mean being kind, compassionate, patient, joyful and loving.  The doingness is the Divine Assignment you came here to fulfill!  Together, they combine to join forces like two BSF's.  Best of Super Friends!  And in tandem, they create the love filled expansion the Universe desires........

And for all your Heroic efforts, you get to experience all the abundance within the Universe!

All the wealth, health, joy, laughter, light, LOVE and BLISS in the Cosmos!  As you ask, so shall it be given.  That's a pretty fair trade off, right?!  I say Hell yes!  :0)

But in order for this "Cosmic Experiment" to be fulfilled, we must awaken from our collective slumber. And re-member that WE ARE ALL ONE!! And stop the judging and shaming of one another. And replace these actions with a deeply profound transformation towards UNDERSTANDING.  In fact, I KNOW it is crucial that we make this transition ASAP! Our very "Collective Consciousness" depends on it............................



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, May 7, 2019



To all those faces, including my own birthfather's, who pass away each and everyday without  any understanding of how much they were loved.....   Blessed Be Their Souls....     Please stop making this Earthly experience so challenging for one another. Every Master and Teacher; every religion; every sound philosophy; every spiritual understanding has ONLY tried to have us live one simple truth..............    JUST BE LOVE................


The streets are filled and lined each day....
So many SOULS experiencing life...
How often do we stop and truly listen...
To their stories of struggle and strife....

For each person carries within them....
STORY so special and unique..
Something that is stored within their heart...
With lessons that their PAIN came to teach...

So why is loneliness slowly consuming this world...
When there are so many to engage...
Simply by reaching out to lend a hand...
Just a matter of choosing in so many ways...

Too worried and consumed with there not being enough..
We look the other way and pretend not to see...
That while our DOINGNESS is important....
It's only pure LOVE, that we came here to BE....

We've forgotten the Truth of our Journey...
For there is truly but ONE...
To be of service to each other..
Shining our LIGHT as bright as the sun.....

To awaken to our PURPOSE....
Yet something has gone amiss..
For how many of us can truly say..
Each day we FOLLOW OUR BLISS...

For on that path our gifts are still waiting..
The ones that belong only to us...
That were promised for our Journey...
Meant to be shared with our gentle touch....

Close your eyes and envision a planet...
In which our collective consciousness rose to the occasion..
Threw our fear and caution to the wind 
And by following our Path, bought UNITY to each Nation...

This isn't a fantasy, nor a lucid dream...
Spirit surrounds us still
Waiting for us to change....
With a shift in our heartfelt will..

Thank God He is patient..
For it has been more than a while...
Since his gift of life in these bodies ..
Made his most precious angels truly smile....

Tipping points be damned...
Yet we have not one more moment to waste..
Bringing Heaven to Earth...
The Universe still is making its case...

Each day is a bright new beginning...
A chance to shift our FEAR to LOVE and compassion...
And truly be of service to the needs of others ...
In an authentic kind of joyful fashion.....



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, May 2, 2019

REMEMBER......Life Is NOT a TEST!!!!

One late night back in 1997,  when I was in the hospital for the third straight month with major complications from a colostomy surgery due to Crohn's dis-ease, a priest walked by my darkened room.  I turned my head and my sullen eyes connected with his softened glaze. He had been making rounds into my room for weeks during which time we had built up a mutual bond of confidence and safety.  He asked me if it was ok to come into my room.  I softly shook my head yes and he slowly walked toward me.  He brought out his bible and laid it out on the tustled sheets of my bed.  He asked me if it was ok for him to have a serious talk.  In too much pain to worry about what he may say, I said, “Of course, Father.”

He sat pensive for a moment, as though he was asking Spirit for the words to share with me.  He then grabbed my right hand and lightly squeezed it.  What he said next still informs my Purposeful Calling and paradigm for many of life's challenges to this day.  Leaning in close, he softly uttered, “Jeff, I don't know why certain people are meant to suffer.  And I have seen you suffer more than most.  What I can tell you, is that God is testing you my son.”  

While I certainly appreciated his attempt to offer me his LOVE, support, and kindness, his words just DID NOT ring true for me.  After he read some passages from the bible and blessed me, Father left to visit other patients.  And I spent the next few hours, prior to the sun's rising, pondering on the words he had whispered.  I knew that if I had a child, there is NO conceivable way I would put them through the many years of torturous suffering I had endured as a way of “testing” them.  In fact, it almost made me angry.  

The next few days were incredibly daunting.   My mind kept pondering that night's engagement with Father.  I knew that his intention was absolutely of pure LOVE, but facing the endurance test of a several year battle for your own life causes one to go deeper.  There is NO meaning left in simply “punching in and punching out” with life's daily time card.  

About a week later, after my mid afternoon meal (though an IV bag of course..  Yummy!!! LOL), a young boy about 8 years old passed by my room with his parents close in tow.  They peered in, and the young lad asked me if I would like to challenge him to a race.  He was fraught, skinnier than a fritter on a frying pan, pale as Casper the ghost, and completely bald.  Although hooked up to an IV machine, he carried it with such grace, as if it were Harry Potter's magical staff.  

I felt like HELL and was in an enormous amount of pain. However, the courage and strength that this young HERO radiated, imbued me instantly with the gumption to hop out of bed and walk toward him.  His parents profusely apologized for their son having disturbed me.  I assured them that it was no bother what so ever.  I slowly bent down and asked him his name.  “Peter,” he said.  “And I know I can beat you in a race down the hallway!”  Never one to back down from a challenge, even from an 8 year old, I excitedly said,  “ You bet!  We are both going to need to get our strength back  for when we get out of the hospital. ”  

At which point, his mother touched me on the shoulder, and slowly shook her head NO as a small tear strolled down her face.  I knew exactly what she meant.  Peter was not going to be going home.  He was obviously dying from cancer.  It took every ounce of conviction I had to keep from breaking down right then and there.  I took a few deep breaths of composure and addressed Peter again.

Ok, Peter, you're on.  Let's race down to the edge of the nurse's check in office.  Whoever gets there first shall forever be known as the Race Champion King of George Washington Hospital!”  Peter's parents began a countdown and then we were off to the races.  I began with a quick burst, and then slowed down to let Peter catch up to me. And eventually let him beat me by a couple of feet.  I have witnessed kids on Christmas morning who were not nearly as thrilled as Peter was in that moment of BLISS.   He began spinning and dancing, and waving his arms in the air.   And then,  Spirit created an opening of KNOWINGNESS that stays imprinted within my Soul to this very day.  


God wasn't TESTING me all those months in the hospital.  He was showering my soul with the exact experiences I needed to learn how to be a Wounded Healer!  And the Universe has continued to bring such experiences into my life.  And although they have been beyond brutal at times, I BLESS THEM ALL!!  I wouldn't be half the teacher and coach were it not for every single experience that has been brought upon me!  Thank You Spirit!! Perhaps next time our dances can be provide less opportunities for stepping one one another's toes.   ;o)

We aren't made to suffer and be utterly challenged because God is trying to TEST us. We are perfect emanations of the Divine Spirit HerSelf!  We have absolutely nothing to prove. And I do not believe that God has one judgmental aspect to his BEING!  All of life is a grand set of Blissful OPPORTUNITIES.  As Napoleon Hill said, "Your biggest opportunity stands exactly where you stand right NOW.”  For instance, perhaps the greatest thrill of my life that far was the OPPORTUNITY of letting little Peter experience the feeling of wining our race the day nearly 25 years ago!   Without our pain, suffering, and challenges, we would not have so many of the opportunities that carry with them the majestical miracles that life has to offer.  As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “ Never lose the opportunity of seeing something beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting.


Please do not misunderstand me! I am not trying to condone or make light of the plethora of tragedy, loss, pain, and suffering we all endure at various points in our lives.  Life can be BRUTAL.  Even soul crushing at times.  We often lose our faith in any form of a higher power.   But rather than looking at them as TESTS, what would it look like for us to transcend our challenges as opportunities for MIRACLES to surround and support us.  And for US to BE THOSE MIRACLES for others. In the form of love, compassion, kindness, generosity of spirit, and understanding.  THAT is why we are here and without these OPPORTUNITIES,  we would not be able to experience the glorious feelings they afford us.  


Everyone will be challenged and endure times of struggle and strife on their unique Hero's Journey.  But the Universe wastes absolutely NOTHING!  Everything you experience is happening THROUGH YOU and FOR YOU, not TO YOU!!  Big difference!

Thinking things happen TO YOU is a mindset of Victim Consciousness.  And You Are Not a Victim! PERIOD and Mic Drop!!  And re-member that we are built for pain.  In fact, you will never find a better teacher than the Pain Professor.  It would serve you well to let Pain in, rather than resisting it.  Allow it to stay until you have learned what it came to teach.  For those lessons will prove to be the most valuable on your Hero's Journey!  


There is no such thing as FAILURE! (Unless you never try!)  Failure is simply Constructive Feedback from the Universe! It is always instructional in nature.  These are opportunities to grow and learn from.  The Universe does not work on a Pass/Fail basis!    Unlike the game of baseball, you get as many swings as you desire!  The Universe will give you Do Over after Do Over, but NOT to test you.  Please believe that 'Life is Rigged Completely In Your Favor!'  The Universe sent you here for a reason.  And it supports you in your Mission Possible!!  Do Overs are just the Universe's way of allowing you to get the lesson and wisdom you need to complete the next step on your Hero's Journey!  Ask and it shall be given, for the power and glory are all yours!  You are Never alone on your quest.  In fact, if you knew who walks beside you at all times, you would never experience FEAR ever again.........


It's not as if God cast you out of Heaven and then makes you pass a series of TESTS to 'Get Back In.'  We are Divine creations, perfect in every way.  Each of us is priceless.  Never devalue your sense of SELF!  In doing so you are devaluing God Herself!  

Our collective MISSION has been Divinely Devised.  You each have a unique CALLING.  And it can only be fulfilled BY YOU !! The byproduct of its completion is nothing less than the rapture of a gateway towards Beams of Bliss flowing into our Collective Consciousness.  Expanding and infusing the energetic radiance of LOVE AND LIGHT, Peace and Wisdom, Compassion and Kindness back into the World!  And the stout KNOWINGNESS that as you spread these gifts of Blissful Boosts to others, so will this BLISS be brought back unto you!  For that which you do for others, you do for yourself!  The illusion of Separation will dissolve into nothingness.  Forevermore, You and I, will BE ONE!!


God is not measuring you.  God is leading you.

God is not judging you.  God is instructing you.  

God is not condemning you.  God is picking you up.  Dusting you off, and saying, "You'll understand it better next time."

God is not testing you.  God is loving you, providing for you, blessing you, and giving you life.

Where you see yourself as a failure, God sees you as a grand opportunity to be a Devine instrument through which to share the gifts that are part of your very essence. 

Where you may see obstacles, God sees potential.

Where you see defeat, God invisions impending victory.

Where you see yourSELF as a victim, God sees you standing victorious. 

You cannot SUFFER without the redemptive power of compassion that it brings in its painful wake. 

Even Jesus the Christ brought his closest followers to the Garden of Gathsemane. So that they could see him suffer in mental anguish before the eyes of his/our FATHER and question his own path. He desired only that his disciples understand that true humility comes from questioning your own heart and soul. He deeply desired his brothers and sisters understood that although they may fall, FAIURE was not an option. One of his last teachings was to FEAR NOT. For "failure is simply feedback." And it is always instructional in nature.  Every single cause to action can and will NEVER end in FAILURE. 

So make every swing count........
Ask as though it was already yours....
Dream Big and think even bigger..
Re-member it is already yours even before you asked.....
Know that Miracles are Dreams already dreamt into Being.....
Always wait until your present is fully unwrapped before understanding what it is....

Then close your eyes and take a deep breathe!  And then Let It All Go!  Learn to RELAX!!  Always do your best, because your best will ALWAYS DO!!   After all,  LIFE IS NOT A TEST.........



Jeffrey Louis Martinez