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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, February 28, 2019


Back on February 28, 2019 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC., Michael Dean Cohen, former lawyer for President Donald Trump from 2006 until 2018 and former Vice-President of The Trump Organization testified in front of Congress.  He pleaded guilty to several charges of fraud (including avoiding his income taxes amongst others) and will be going to federal prison as a consequence of his actions. 

After nearly 12 hours filled with his personal testimony, followed by grilling questions and pondering pontifications from both sides of the political isle, the day's events were closed with the following TRANSFORMATIONAL speech by Mr. Elijah Cummings (D) Maryland! At that time, little did we know that this speech would be the final exclamation point given by a true luminary in the very likes of Martin Luther King, Jr., Robert Kennedy, and every member of a political stewardship that continues to seek UNITY for the greater good!! As Mr. Cummings passed away at the tender age of 69 earlier this week. Please allow his words to seep within the deepest aspects of your SOUL! For we are rarely graced with individuals who have the prescient knowledge and wisdom that Mr. Cummings possessed with such humility of all ages...........


"I don't know where you go from here. As I sat here and listened to both sides. I just felt as if.... (several beats) and now people are now using my words that they took from me and didn't give me any credit! We are better than this! We really are. As a country we are so much better than this. And, you know, I tell you (beat) For some reason Mr. Cohen I tell my children that when bad things happen to you, do not ask the question, "Why did this happen TO me," ask the question, "Why did it happen for me." I don't know why this is happening for you. But it is my hope that a small part of it is for our Country to be better. If I hear you correctly  it sounds like you are crying out for a new normal. Sounds to me like you want to make sure our democracy stays in tact. The one meeting I had with President Trump I said to him, "The greatest gift Mr. President you and I can give to our children is a democracy that is still in tact. A democracy that is better than the one we came upon."

And I am hoping that the things you said today will help us get back there. I mean come on now.  According to the Washington Post, our President has made at least 8,718 false or misleading statements. That is stunning! That is not what we teach our children. I don't teach mine that! And for whatever reason it sounds like you got caught up in it. You got caught up in it. 

And in some kind of way, I hope that you will...I know that it is painful to go to prison. I know it is painful to be called a rat. Let me explain. A lot of people don't know the significance of that. I live in the inner city of Baltimore. And when you call somebody a rat, that's one of the worst things you can call them. Because when they go to prison, its called a snitch! I'm just sayin'. The President called you a rat. We're better than that! We are! 

And I am hoping that all of us can get  back to this democracy that we want and that we should be passing on to our children, so they can do better than what we did.  So you wonder whether people believe you. I don't know! I don't know whether they believe you. But the fact is that you come and you have your head down. And this has got be one of the hardest things you could do. Let me tell you  the picture that really, really pained me. You were leaving the courthouse. And I guess it's your daughter had braces or something on. (painful beat) Man, that thing.  Man, that thing hurt me. As a father of two daughters. It hurt me. And I can imagine how it must feel for you. 

But I'm just saying to you. I just want to first of all thank you. I know this has been hard. I know that you face a lot. I know that you are worried about your family. But this is a part of your Destiny. And hopefully, this portion of your destiny will lead to a better, a better Michael Cohen, a better Donald Trump, a better United States of America, and a better World!  And I mean that from the depths of my heart. When we are dancing with the angels, the question will be asked, "In 2019 , what did WE do to make sure we kept our democracy in tact?!" 

Did we stand on the sidelines and say nothing! And I'm tired of these statements saying this is our first hearing! People come in here and say, "Oh! Oh! This is our first hearing." It is not the first hearing! The first hearing was in regards to prescription drugs! Remember (pointing to the front row) remember there was a little girl, a lady sat there. A Mrs. Wortham.  Her daughter died because she could not get $313.00 dollars a month in insulin!! That was our first hearing! 

Second hearing! HR one, voting rights! Corruption in government! Come on now! We can do more than one thing! And we have got to get back to normal! And with that this meeting is adjourned."

WOWSA! Right?! I truly believe that not only our country, but this entire World is at a crucial precipice of "Cracked Consciousness." As I have stated before, the Universe is currently desiring a grandiose form of expansion! Which requires all of us SUPERHEROES to DO and BE our part in this Mission Possible! It's an arduous task, but also one that will give all of us the great challenges we so crave and live for. If you're here, NOW, it's because you were "TAGGED IT" by the The One God Mind! Many were asked, and yet very few were willing to answer this Galactic Beacon Call! But all of us currently traversing the planet said "HELL TO THE YES! I AM -  SO IN!" And so it is, as it ever shall BE!

I desire NOT to begin a political discourse with this post entry. No! I only declare to call forth the TRUTH of our current planet's predicament. I believe (actually KNOW) from the deepest recesses of my heart and soul that things are currently playing out in PERFECT IMPERFECTION! No matter your personal "thoughts" about our current President, his presence has absolutely brought the "shock and awe" that is often required for a crack in collective consciousness to occur! As J.K Rowling, the imagination behind the Harry Potter franchise teaches, "Rock bottom is the place upon which to build an (entire new world)!" And So It Is Mrs. Rowling. Tell Harry's owl I said, "Hoot Hoot HOOTie and the Blowfish!" lol

And rock bottom have we hit. And a huge, "YEA for us!" I say. For the bigger the mess, the more to be blessed! And how blessed we all are. To be here at a time that will be looked back upon with the fondest of eyes. And the reverence and astonishment that only the most prolific LEGENDS are created from! Ain't life grand?! ;0)

So I lovingly urge all of you New Age Nerds to grasp the TRUE PERCEPTION that is right before your energetic eyes! Time is a precious gift in this realm. And "time it is a ticking for us all." So there is now NO TIME to waste. Our wings are ready. It is time for us to soar to heights previously unimagined and thus not held in a space of our own allowance.  The sky is NOT the limit; it's just the beginning! Feel me?! ;0)  

So now go and spread the "Great Word!" to all ready to receive it. And start to gently and lovingly nudge those who are not yet awakened. Trust me, they will eventually re-member who they really are and LOVE YOU FOR THE JOLT! Promise! ;0) And their favorite band will become Aerosmith because as they sing, "I just don't want to MISS a thing!"  And miss a thing they will not if we start to DO and BE what we promised.  Which is of course, no thing less than being of loving service to ourSELVES and all others! Keep it eazy peezy por favor! K?! Simple, but deep! Always........

Go deep within and trust what you FEEL! For feelings are truly the guideposts to the SOUL!
And pray (a prayer is an energetic thank you note to the Universe) for the KNOWINGNESS of this great adventure! And YOUR part in it! Warm up them vocal chords and start to belt out your own unique "Heart Song!" Re-member, you incarnated with a Soul Pod. And many of them are still searching for you. And you for them! So please DO NOT allow anyone to tame your freak flag. As Freddie Mercury from Queen taught us, becoming a LEGEND requires you to BE unapologetically you. Be weird, unique, and especially NERDY! (wink) Your Soul Tribe will NEVER miss you that way. 

RELAX and KNOW that we are already well on our way to this "New Earth." In Tuesday's New York Times, there was an awesome article declaring that the Universe is expanding more rapidly than ever believed possible!! See! IT HAS BEGUN!! Heck YES it has!!! Wooo yooooooooo.............

So my suggestion is to stop being afraid.  Re-member from the post earlier this week, your best friend is Frankie FEAR! You CANNOT fail. Failure is just constructive FEEDBACK from the Universe. The world is completely rigged in YOUR favor! ALWAYS! And Frankie is just a loud mouthed bestie who is showing you all the places to go so that you can become a fully self actualized version of your Super Heroic Higher Self! It's that simple! So no more "One Dayer" mentality. Your day is NOW! Everything has been put into its magnificent imperfectly perfect place. All so you can joyfully PLAY in this matrix of energy that can be bent and twisted beyond the reaches of time and space to create ANY REALITY YOU SO DESIRE! How frickin cool is that?!

Again, no pressure. But the entire galaxy is watching. In complete awe and astonishment of what we chose to come here to BE and DO! Ok, I gotta scoot. Tons of fellow peeps to be of loving service to....... 5th Dimension Here We Come!!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Myth MAGIC Blissful BOOST: The Daredevil!

Matt Murdock (The Daredevil) is having a heartfelt talk with a nun who he has discovered is his birthmother. They are reminiscing the life of the church's former head Pastor who was slain in cold blood in the basement of an old Catholic Church in Hell's Kitchen.

MATT: I was angry.  I would change that if I could.

SISTER MAGGIE: If God allowed that, there would be no future. Just people endlessly rewriting the past.

MATT: Yeah. I think he was trying to tell me that for a long time. His last words were, "Forgive us."

(forgive them for keeping the secret to who his birthmother really was)

SISTER MAGGIE: Do you think that's possible?

MATT: (Several contemplative beats) He told me something years ago when this happened that I never forgot.  (pointing to the sunglasses he wears to protect his blind eyes) You see I was pretty angry at God and bitter toward his world. How could a loving God blind me. Why?! Anyway, he told me, God's plan is like a beautiful tapestry. And the tragedy of being human is that we only get to see it from the back. With all the ragged threads and the muddy colors. We only get a hint of the true beauty that would be revealed if we could see the whole pattern on the other side. As God does. 

(Looks down at the ground as if to summon his own TRUTH)

MATT: And although people have died on my watch. People who shouldn't have. There are countless others who have lived. So, maybe it is all a part of God's plan. 


Matt Murdock (The Daredevil) is a haunted SOUL. As a young boy, while trying to save a man from being hit by a car, his eyes were exposed to a canister of toxic liquid the causes him to lose his eyesight. Then his father was gunned down for refusing to "take a fall" in a boxing match with tons of hush money on the proverbial line. Matt ended up being raised by a group of caring nuns in a Catholic orphanage in Hell's Kitchen. And it was within those hallowed halls that his own Superhero's Journey began!

His journey reminds us that everything happens "through you and for you." NOT TO YOU! See the big difference. I surely pray so because the shades within that subtle shift in understanding is one of just a handful of the greatest TRUTHS you will re-discover while on your path in this Earthly plane!

And once you re-member how to leverage that know-ledge, your life will suddenly both ascend and then settle into a space of inner peace. For no longer will you wake up daily fretting "what could go wrong today."  In fact, you will re-member that "right and wrong" do not even exist! Only that which does and does not serve you and all others. And you will begin to embrace everything that appears within your daily experiences as no thing less than a SOUL sent blessing from your own personal "Wisdom Waiter!" 

Think of life as a precious, multi layered Jigsaw Puzzle. We often start working on one particular area of the puzzle at any given period in time. Just as we are getting our perfectly imperfect "Jigsaw Jam" on, WHAM, God sends us a piece that is for the complete opposite side of where we were focusing our efforts! And more often than not become stubborn and resolute in the way WE think things in our lives should play out. So staying stuck in our own personal convictions, continuing to build out the puzzle from where we have started it become our nominal norm.

And so we tend to ignore the puzzle piece sent special delivery from The Grand Creator herSELF
"I've been working my tushie off on this puzzle God! I'm confused. Why are you sending me a piece that goes way over on the opposite side of where I'm building all my magical momentum?" So you inner monologue espouses.

But you have to re-member that THE ONE GOD MIND can see "the whole puzzle" already perfectly and pristinely finished in its glorious form! We tend to see things from a more limited perspective as we live out our daily experiences. Hopefully, now you can see the prescient power in learning to take a DEEP breathe and just RELAX! And then take a few steps back from wherever you currently find yourSELF to BE. Each step will allow you to BE in a space of appreciation and GRATITUDE for the "entire picture" that your jigsaw puzzle is slowly becoming! Just as THE GOD VOICE within you has seen it from the very beginning. Pretty rad, huh?! ;0) 

And the next time God throws you a piece of your personalized puzzle from "way over there," you will already BE in a state of pure ACCEPTANCE.  And be in allowance of it to grace your world with a form of loving reverence! For it came from a place of Universal KNOWINGNESS of exactly what you need at that given moment of NOW!


Creating a New Super Heroic Origin Story

One thing I do with all my coaching clients is have them write a new "Super Heroic Origin Story." With the intention of assisting them in transcending their past stories from a state of catabolic, victim consciousness, into an anabolic "VICTORIOUSLY HEROIC" energetic vibrational space! I highly suggest you try this incredibly transformational process too!

Literally start from your earliest memories and begin to write down the 'New Story of Your Life.'  But refrain from seeing these events from your past perspective.  The static stories we tell ourselves about our past become the coming attractions of what is still to come.  And unless you have already done the energetic clearing work on these traumatic pain points, I really don't think you desire THAT!! Am I right?! lol

While writing, concentrate on just how any past painful experiences in your life have actually proven to be blessings rather curses.  Start learning to ACCEPT them rather than reliving them in your mind.  Acceptance frees you to transcend these catabolic and disempowering based thoughts and start seeing them in a fresh state of GRATITUDE! (Just like the Gift and Miraculous Blessing of my own father's abandonment)  In your writing, it is vital to transcend such limiting beliefs in a manner that you can actually begin to see your past challenges as no thing less than "Bliss Filled Gifts." That were soul sent as opportunities for you to heal, grow, and expand into the greatest version of yourSELF. Which benefits not only YOU, but the entire Universe!

Start 'connecting the dots' of your life.  Look for the pain filled patterns that keep showing up in your daily experiences. Continued experiences of lack in any form; yuperoo, there is a great place to start! For that is proof positive of resistance still holding space within you. That's where you are still NOT in alignment with your Super Heroic Higher Self. TRUST! This will shine a light on the areas of trauma that still need healing and tending to!  The blocks and trapped energy that is still awaiting you to release and transform it into your unique Super Powers. Once looked at through the lens of OPPORTUNITY,  the things you once thought as misfortune will be seen as perfectly placed in your path to pull you back and then "Propel You Forward!"  If you are having great challenges doing this, stop and pray. Ask SPIRIT for guidance and wisdom to see the Truth behind your pain! Then quiet your mind and listen. You will be shown the answers.  PROMISE!  

You've suffered enough!  It's time for transcendence and TRANSFORMATION!  By creating a New Super Heroic Origin Story.  Start living from a state of Christ Consciousness and NOT  "Victim Consciousness."  Because the past stories you have been programming your mind to believe, are powerful forms of RESISTANCE!  Resistance is the arch enemy of the Subconscious Mind.  The Powerhouse of our "Abundance Making MIND Machine!" And that is part of what is still blocking you from being able to manifest all your heartfelt desires.......

So look around you often.  Re-member your outer experiences are a direct reflection of your inner reality. So if you find yourSELF in a space of lack; be it financially, health wise, or in any other form, it is "proof in the pudding" that you have some blocks, limiting beliefs, or pain points that still need to be addressed with non judgmental love and compassion.  For there is resistance somewhere within you that requires your immediate attention!  Just sayin'. ;0)

Commit to using this year to both create and live from your "New State of KNOWINGNESS!" And just like "The Daredevil," begin to see with eyes no longer blind to the TRUTH!

Because if you knew just how POWERFUL you truly are, there is absolutely NOTHING you would be afraid of!!  And dreaming BIG would be your new mantra.........  And So It Is!!!




Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Myth MAGIC Blissful BOOST: Dr. Strange!

Dr. Strange's Super Heroic Higher Self races out of his Earthly Body to address his spiritual teacher, The Ancient One. She has been mortally injured and pondering her SOUL's Journey on the balcony of the hospital her body is dying in.

DR. STRANGE:  You have to return to your body now. You don't have time!

THE ANCIENT ONE: Time is relative. Your body hasn't even hit he floor yet. (Beat) I've spent so many years peering through time. Looking at this exact moment. But I can't see past it. I've prevented countless terrible futures. And after each one there is always another. And they all lead here. But never further.

DR. STRANGE: You think this is where you die?

THE ANCIENT ONE: You want to know what I see in your future?

DR. STRANGE: (peering down) No. (beat-reluctanly) Yes.

THE ANCIENT ONE: I never saw your future. Only it's possibilities. You have such a capacity for goodness. You've always excelled. Not because you crave success, but because of your fear of failure.

DR. STRANGE: That's what made me a great doctor.

THE ANCIENT ONE:  That's precisely what kept you from greatness. Arrogance and fear still keep you from learning the simplest and most significant lesson of all. 

DR. STRANGE: Which is?

THE ANCIENT ONE: (with a loving glaze) It's not about you! When you first came to me you asked me how I was able to heal Jonathan Pangborn. I didn't. He channels dimensional energy directly into his body. 

DR. STRANGE: He uses MAGIC to walk.

THE ANCIENT ONE: Yes! Constantly. He had a choice to return to his old life or to serve something greater than himself. 

DR. STRANGE: So I could have my hands back again. My old life. 

THE ANCIENT ONE: You could.  And the world would be all the lesser for it! I've hated drawing power from the dark dimension. But as you know, sometimes we have to break the rules to serve the greater good.

DR. STRANGE: Mordo won't see it that way! (Mordo is a fellow sorcerer The Ancient One trained)

THE ANCIENT ONE: Mordo's soul is rigid and unmovable. Forged by the fire of his youth. He needs your flexibility just as you need his strength. Only together do you stand a chance of stopping Dormammu.

DR. STRANGE: I'm not ready.

THE ANCIENT ONE: No one ever is. We don't get to choose our time. (grabs Dr. Strange's hand) Death is what gives life meaning. To know your days are numbered. Your time is short. 

I'm not ready. The famous phrase of "The Reluctant Superhero." It keeps all you reluctant heroes playing on the sidelines of life. Where you THINK it keeps you safe. Tucked silently away in your "Conscious Zone of Comfort." And yet, you came here to UNLEASH your unique set of Super Powers out into the world. So staying confined in a comfort zone slowly eats away at your SOUL's purpose filled intentions. And thus the discomfort and uneasiness you feel about the reason life hasn't turned out the way you had envisioned is caused from the weeping of your SPIRIT'S true essence. Your soul is literally crying out to you, "Wake up! Please, re-member me. Re-member us! We have so much to BE and even more to DO! I still LOVE you. And I KNOW you still LOVE me!" 

You are a Superhero. NOT a victim. You came here to "Happen to life!" Not to have life "Happen to you!" There is absolutely no thing to fear! I have a question to ask all of you New Age Nerds. Who is your best friend? I'll give you some time to think about it while I go re-watch Dr. Strange for the 26th time. lol

Ok, WOWSA, still as good as the very first time I watched it! So, what's your answer; Irene, Danny, Brooke, Michelle?! NOPE! Your best friend is a guy named FRANKIE! Frankie Fear! That's right. Frankie Fear. Now Frankie is always by your side. He NEVER leaves you. He is one loyal SOB. Yes, sometimes he can be a complete pain in your rumpus! But, he shows all the places within you that still need to be cultivated and improved upon. He keeps you alert and on your transcendent toes. He is definitely a "backseat driver" too! Always telling ya' which turn to take. Because he KNOWS something really Gi-normous!  He KNOWS all the experiences, all the places and people you need to face in order to transform the space of being a victim to your life circumstances. Listen to Frankie and he will show you the Yellow Brick Road to your own salvation!  From victim to being VICTORIOUSLY HEROIC

And he is actually "the best" at taking directions. His bark is definitely much worse than his bite! Trust me! So don't be afraid to remind him that you're the boss. He'll invariable try and take the wheel if you let him. That's just how he rolls. Frankie is all crusty outer shell, but filled with an ooey gooey center of love filled intentions! Frankie's job is not to scare you. (Except for purposes of extreme life survival- I.E. Our inherent Fight or flight instinct) NO! It's to guide you to the precise experiences that will offer you the constructive FEEDBACK you require to learn, grow, and expand into your Super Heroic Higher Self! Re-member, FAILURE IS AN ILLUSION. It does not exist! Period. Take 1,006 and scene! lol How can The One God Mind fail at anything. Preposterous to even entertain the thought. So, I highly suggest you stop thinking about it right now! Just sayin'. :0)

The next time you feel any resistance about stepping fully into your own Hero's Journey, please re-member this. Your Soul Tribe is still waiting for you. That's right. You may not yet re-member, but you made oh so many souls a promise. One written in the stars with the consciousness of certainty. And every single day that you continue "playing small," your own Soul Tribe is left scratching their head. Still wondering, "Where the hell are you?"
Because they need what was only bestown upon YOU! Your Super Powers are the healing balm they await in order to become fully self actualized versions of their own Super Heroic Higher Selves! So, um, no pressure. But what in the hell are you still waiting on. The Universe already tagged you as being "The One." As is said in The Lord of the Rings, "One ring to find them. One ring to bring them all in and in the darkness bind them." Yeah, no need to ever ask for MY nerd card.  LOL

So take a page out of Dr. Strange's powerful playbook. And start even before you are ready! Because as The Ancient One taught him, "Nobody ever is."



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Myth MAGIC Blissful BOOST: Bohemian Rhapsody!

The band QUEEN is practicing for their 1985 Live Aid Performance:

FREDDIE: (Addressing his band members) Before you leave, can I have a second?

BRIAN: Yeah, what's up?

FREDDIE: I've got it.

JOHN: Got what?

FREDDIE: (softly) AIDS.

BRIAN: Fred, I'm so sorry.

FREDDIE: Don't! Right now it's between us. Just...us. So please, if any of you fuse about it or frown about it, or worst of all, if you bore me with your sympathy. It's just seconds wasted. Seconds that could be used making music. Which is all I want to do with the time I have left. I don't want to be their victim.  Their AIDS poster boy. Their cautionary tale. NO! I decide who I am! I'm going to be who I was born to be. A performer. Who gives the people what they want.   A touch of the heavens. 
I'm Freddie fucking Mercury!

ROGER: You're a legend Freddie!

FREDDIE:  You're bloody right I am! We are all Legends! 

Freddie Mercury left us such an outrageous and profoundly authentic template of what a Superhero's Journey can truly look like! By simply allowing yourSELF to BE courageously and unapologetically YOU

His life was NEVER easy.  He was born of Parsi Indian decent. With four extra incisors in his mouth which caused his upper jaw to jettison out from the front of his face. And, of course, he was gay. In a time period in which being labled as a gay man was akin to torturous persecution. His parents moved the entire family to London when Freddie was 18. Further complicating authentic ownership of his SELF image. London circa 1970 wasn't exactly a welcoming "heaven worthy haven" for outcasts.  Just sayin!

And, yet, Freddie Mercury persevered through all his challenges and turned himSELF into an iconoclast! A GOD amongst other rock 'n roll men and woman! His singular vision of the way music could transcend gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual preference, and sear LOVE through the hardest of hearts only grows 30 years after his passing from AIDS. 

He was a true New Age Nerd in every way imaginable! The loving musical "Nerd" in him saw and welcomed the "Nerd" in all others. As fully fleshed out in this small scene from the film:

John Reid: So, tell me, what makes Queen different from all the other want to be rockstars I meet?
Freddie Mercury: Tell you what it is, Mr. Reid. Now we’re four misfits who don’t belong together. We’re playing for other misfits. They’re the outcasts right at the back of the room. We’re pretty sure they don’t belong either. We belong to them.

And forever more, we have all belonged to him! And his story! For the fate of this world will depend on the stories that we LOVE and believe in! The stories that we tell ourSELVES about who we believe WE ARE

So let me ask all you frickinfrantastic New Age Nerds. What are the stories that you are telling yourSELVES about who you are? And equally important, how you believe the world works. Are they resonating in a place of victim consciousness? Where you still believe that "you are what happened to you." Because your father wasn't "always there" you are still playing out the need to feel lovable and worthy in all your adulthood relationships.
Or the cancer that brought you and your family to its proverbial knees was just "not fair."
Tell me how THAT story continues to serve you...............

Or, just like Freddie Mercury, have you transcended those stories and written a brand new Super Heroic Origin Story for yourSELF?! Straight from the Mind Making Script Machine! Where we all create "The Best Selling Book of Our Lives." One that ascends victim consciousness into VICTORIOUSLY HEROIC consciousness.  And instead sees your suffering as no thing less than opportunities to grow, learn, and expand further into KNOWINGNESS! And LOVE! Cause nobody wants to read a script about someone who continues to live in self pity, wallow and shame. BOO! 

Freddie chose to see his challenges as his biggest strengths. His true "Unfair Advantage." (Please read the post on creating a powerful Unfair Advantage if you have yet to do so) He learned to LOVE and embrace his quirks and eccentricities as amazing advantages.  He saw Soulful Strength in every mountain before him. And was ferocious in what he demanded of himSELF and the Universe. That's what all Superheroes do! And as kindred Spirits in this SOUL filled world, we are all so much the better for it! 

So, could it be time for you to refill you own Mind Making Script Machine with a new ink jet cartridge and fresh willowed paper?! And start to re-write your own best selling book. One that ends with you being a LEGEND! Just like Mr. Freddie Mercury.................



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Myth MAGIC Blissful BOOST: Pete's Dragon....!

Grace: "I guess you heard about the boy?"

Meacham: "I did. Word travels fast in this town.
How long has he been out there?"

Grace: "Six years!"

Meacham: "Six years?!  Nobody could survive alone in that forest for six years. At least not alone."

Grace: "Well, he says he wasn't alone." (picks up a drawing of a dragon)

Meacham: "He drew this?"

Grace: "Yes. (shaking head) He says it's his friend from the forest.  And it reminded me of......"

Meacham: (Interrupting) "I know what it reminded you of. (Looks up at the wall with a picture of a dragon he drew many years ago)  That one?"

Grace: "How old was I when you drew this for me?"

Meacham: "Five or six. Just before your mother passed away. I remember you hung on to every word I ever said. You were so full of questions."

Grace: "Dad. What did you really see out there. And, please. Don't tell me another story. Just tell me what you remember."

Meacham: "What I remember?!  What I remember is that I was out hunting and the sun was shining down.  And the wind was blowing through the trees. And I remember thinking, boy this is exactly where I belong!"

"I stopped by a creek to get a drink. And suddenly I realized I wasn't in the sun anymore. I looked up to see what was blocking the sun. And what did I see but a dragon. I see a dragon. I've never been so scared in my life. But when I raised my gun to shoot, suddenly there was this feeling. It was like MAGIC! There is no other word to express it. It was MAGIC! So I put my gun down and just sat there. Sat there across the creek from each another, just looking.  I just sat there looking. And then the dragon turned and disappeared into the woods.  And I remember thinking, "I am one lucky guy!"  

"Of course nobody believed me. And I knew what people were saying about me. And I must admit there were times when I thought, "maybe they're right." But then, but then I thought about the MAGIC. It changes the way I see the world.  The way I see trees.  The way I see sunshine. The way I even see you.  And I wouldn't trade that for anything."

"So I'm not going to try and convince you. I gave that up a long time ago. But maybe, you could be open to just looking."


Ah MAGIC! The key elixir in sending "Godbumps" shivering throughout your inner reality. (always re-member that your outer experiences are a direct reflection of your inner reality!) Magic is no thing less than exactly "Who We Are." It's our very energetic essence. And for those of us who are blessed enough to awaken our own birthright, life becomes one giant, amazing amusement park. Where our minds and emotions combine to bend space and time. And alter our reality to exactly what we desire to experience. Now, if THAT is not MAGIC, someone in my choir of New Age Nerds please enlighten me to what is! ;0)

And yet, there are still so many who do not believe in MAGIC. Please judge them not!
Re-member that everyone deserves "The Dignity of Their own Process." Trying to "convince" them of something they are not yet ready to hear will only cause both sides on the love line no thing but frustration, strife and chaos. Trust me! I have been going through this very thing for the last few months.

Back on December 24th, I had a profound personal experience that I am finally ready to share with my Tribe! Last year was one of the most challenging of my 49 years gracing this planet. And as anyone who has been following this blog the past three years knows, I've had some doozies!  So much physical, emotional, and psychic pain. It brought me to the edge of my very own creative core. And shook any hell that still resided within me to the "Curb of Consciousness." And thankfully, my very own Wisdom Waiter was there with an "Understanding Uber" to drive those parts of me back to the ether from which they originated. lol

Now Back to our originally scheduled program! ;0)

On this past December 24th, around 10PM, I was writing a blog post about the true meaning of Christmas. I wrote of what Jesus the Christ's authentic message while on Earth really means. Here is a portion of that post I would like to share for those of you who did not read that entry:

Jesus the Christ was chosen to enter into the dense realm of your planet to leave a path of Re-membrance back to your true nature. His teachings and so called miracles all ended with the same declaration, "This and so much more, one day, you too will do!" A portion of HIS Calling was to remind each and every one of us precious beings, we are unique emanations of GOD. Made in his image and essence.  In ALL WAYS! And thus able to accomplish the exact same earthly miracles that HE demonstrated during his short visit amongst you! He was well aware that the path toward your salvation was through temporary SUFFERING. And to assist your Re-membrance of this "Universal Truth," he always BROKE BREAD amongst the masses before performing a so called earthly miracle. A BEING of ultimate intention, his very purpose for this action was so that we understood that in this realm, we must often be broken just before birthing a MIRACLE!! 

From a place of EGOIC intention, many of your so called Teachers have tried their best to turn his preachings into something they were NEVER meant to BE. Such as the declaration there was ONLY ONE WAY BACK TO GOD.  And that way was to follow HIM!! Yet our gift to you this Christmas is to let you know THAT WAS NEVER A PART OF HIS TEACHINGS.  In fact, he preached THERE ARE MANY PATHS BACK TO GOD. For HIS level of understanding rose way above EGOIC tactics that offered any false beliefs. Such as any belief that only through HIM could you commune back with YOUR GRAND CREATOR HERSELF. He taught every precious piece of energy in mattered formation that has entered into the dense realm of Earth is indeed part of "THE ONE GOD MIND."

Many of you may question our presentation of the true teachings of Jesus the Christ, and THAT IS A GREAT THING.!! For the only way to ensure there are no more Gi-normous misunderstandings of this nature is for you to question EVERYTHING. Listen to your feelings. For they are the guideposts to your SOUL.  And when used with reverent intention, will always guide you back to TRUTH! Practice what others teach. See what serves you.   And let the rest go! 

As you and your most beloved TRIBE members celebrate this HOLY DAY, we ask that you Re-member that the core CALLING of Jesus the Christ was to show you the power of BELIEF. And that is the exact same purpose for our brief visit with you special SPIRITS on this EVE of CHRIST.

This Holy Day is meant for the purpose of Re-membering the POWER OF BELIEF. Why else do you think that the magical idea of Santa Clause has engulfed the imagination of billions of children the last thousand years?! It is so they can practice the power and understanding of what you can accomplish if .....YOU SIMPLY BELIEVE IN MAGIC!! And then re-member to not only believe, but actually KNOW THAT YOU ARE MAGIC!

As I was in the middle of channeling this particular post, I felt a warm glow come over me. 
I had just started back on some medications and knew one of the side effects was an allergic reaction. Which included hives and/or rashes. I paused for a couple of earthly beats. Panic started to enter my vibrational energetic offering. And as I looked up, I saw a saintly vision of Jesus the Christ over by the door to my garage. He was pointing to his heart. And then it was as if my body stared to softly glow! And in an instant, an energetic "Leveling Up" caused me to ASCEND into a completely different realm of KNOWINGNESS! Of understanding. Of TRUE PERCEPTION in the way all things work once you peal back the "veil of illusion of time and space."

I have been studying spiritual psychology for over 23 years. And I have most certainly had moments in which I vibrated from my SUPER HEROIC HIGHER SELF. But within this moment of direct communication with Christ Consciousness, my SUPER HEROIC HIGHER SELF became the permanent vibrational offering of my being! It was as if I couldn't re-member how to live from the egoic mind anymore! Tears began to pour down my cheeks. As I looked at this vision of Jesus, it appeared as if he was trying to tell me something very important. And he was! 

He was telling me, "It was finally MY TIME!" At least for now, I had been forged enough by the fire's of "Earth's Heavenly Hero" making machine! And all the pain. All the suffering, struggle, and strife. All the illness. All the depression. All the almost unbelievable situations that had entered into my realm of personal experience had done their job. And were given the A-OK star of approval by the "Mastro of Miracles" himSELF, Jesus the Christ

I FELT him expressing, "Jeff, now go! BE of service. Teach all that you have re-membered to those who are ready to receive it.  You are ready!" TEARS!!
And it was such a relief. Because I just didn't know how much more I could take. I had been trying to fully step into my CALLING for years. But would eventually be "tripped up" by unseen forces that seemed intent on making my earthy experiences the nightmarish things that have made Stephen King an iconoclast! lol 

And so the very next day, I stared to eliminate anything in my doingness that was not 100% aligned with my CALLING! And it was as if I could now "weave magic" for mySELF. On a daily basis. In fact, several times a day! Things for my business (now officially called MARTINEZ Conscious Media) started appearing out of the ether! Synchronicities (winks from God) started to pop up like Trump on twitter. lol 

And these magical moments continue to this very day. In fact, if you enjoy The New Age Nerd blog in its current incarnation, wait until you see what's coming in April! Not to mention I will be starting "The New Age Nerd Show" on YouTube very shortly! My life is beyond beautiful, and amazing, and most importantly MIND MAKING MAGICAL!!

The only down side to all this has been the loss of many of my inner circle Tribe members. In fact, I chose to LOVE my very best friend of the last 35 years from the other side of the room today. He is a psychiatrist and believes I am in some sort of dilusional state of mind. That's what often occurs when you think you are crazy enough to change the world.  But, also often the case, it's those of us who are crazy enough to think we can change the world that actually DO! All with MAGIC



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, February 22, 2019


Thank you for being in allowance of us to visit you again. For those of you who are called The New Age Nerds, once again, we are a compendium of energy from the Galaxian Council known throughout the Multi-Verse as BLISS - Bringing Love In Support of Spirit. We just adore all that you are accomplishing on the planet you have called Earth.  For around the Universe it is known as "THE ANCIENT SPACE."  For every single creature that has ever graced your planet has been encoded with the DNA of ALL AGE TRUTHWhich makes your "Earth" a most special place indeed!  

For within each and every crevice below and above your oceanic planes, there is a space that contains the Universal Truths of the ONE GOD MIND! How does that make you FEEL?  We pray it allows you to further practice the Art of Knowingness. The deep understanding that you came here for a specific Mission Possible. Your Universe currently desires grand expansion. And so trillions of Spirit's around the Multi-verse were given the opportunity to grace your planet at this very moment of NOW. Because this task WILL NOT BE EASY!  Your collective consciousness currently resides within the 4th Dimension of Consciousness.  The Universe desires you to transcend into the 5th Dimension! Yes! What an exciting time of magic and miracles for all of you!

The 5th Dimension of Consciousness is a space that holds all "Esoteric Truths" as its philosophical paradigm. Your new TRUTH! In the 5th D (we like to call it this because we think it sounds cool) everyone will care and share LOVE always. For in this dimension all will accept and KNOW that what you now deem as New Age understanding is truly ALL AGE! Which is all there ever has been and all there will ever BE. Religions will slowly melt away. For there will be no need for separation of a TRUTH that will now be "Unified as ONE." Any construct of "separation" in the form of hate, disrespect, discord, and fear will be an after thought. For it will no longer even be a thought you are able to generate! You will choose to care for your planet as much as you care for one another. And BLISS (WOWSA....  that's...who WE are) will rule your lands.

That is why you are already seeing your "millennials" stop attending temples of worship. They are younger and still carry the whispers of wonder that were lovingly placed deep within their sub-conscious mind. It would serve you well to follow in their footsteps. For they seek not materialism as a form of getting high with quick hits of pleasure. They crave grand experiences as their way to express and to feel good! Bravo! Rinse and Repeat!  ;0)

The great majority of Spirits granted with this opportunity "ran the other way." And we judge them not! For this mission is Not Easy. As we are quite sure most of you experience on a day to day basis. That is why every single one of you "Spiritual Spinsters" are SUPER HEROES! For HEROES do not run from the greatest of challenges. They actually CRAVE them! That is why your history books will one day explain this very crucial space under the illusionary veil of time as  "The Heroic Age." Is it any coincidence, that suddenly, every other form of what is deemed entertainment in your experience contains Super Heroic messages. We ourSELVES prefer Dr. Strange. He is...as you say...Da Man! lol

So. Now that you finally know the truth of your Collective Calling; SEE IT! SPEAK IT! BE IT! KNOW IT! There is so much to BE. And even more to DO within the space of "being LOVE."  So what are you waiting for. Your planet is slowly dying.  And deep down within your eternal essence, YOU KNOW IT! So start today by doing something about it!  Re-member that you are the greatest group of heroes ever assembled.  Yes, including your Marvel Avengers!  LOL For you are known around the multiverse as The Legion Of Love
Isn't that ....well....LEGENDARY. You are already deemed LEGENDS to us.....  Just sayin' and prayin' for all of you. We know that's "how you all roll."  Is this not what you like to tout to one another?! ;0)

You are already there. So much good is coming your way and into your life right now. Clarity, insight, abundance, breakthroughs, love, awareness, guidance, and positivity are all in your reality at this moment. It’s not somewhere distant. It’s now. Own it as truth for yourSELVES. You must simple now go and collect what you have already manifested within “The Space of Your Playfulness."

Starting today, begin to focus only on what you desire to expand in collective consciousness. Open your Third Eye and really begin to SEE! SEE what is working and serving the highest good.  SEE what you KNOW is needed for the survival of your planetary play space.  Everything in your experience is happening in your favor. Even when it feels like you’re up against something insurmountable.  And very painful. Re-member that life is completely rigged in your favor.  The Universe has got your back! Re-member everything happens through you and for you, NOT to you! 

LIFE IS NOT A TEST! Why would the Grand Creator herSELF desire to test you.  When You and the ONE GOD MIND are indeed….ONE! God needs not test HimSELF.  EVER!  The GOD SPACE is simply sending you opportunities to grow and expand.  For IT herSELF KNOWS exactly what areas within your "Soul Space" require to be forged and strengthened like steel (HA! That’s why Superman is called The Man of Steel!) in order to fulfill your "Universal Calling." Please be in allowance of these truths. NOW!  

Your mind is now opening up to a greater understanding of this KNOWINGNESS!  This new insight is giving you more clarity on your mental power, perspective, and emotional intelligence. For emotion is simply energy in motion.  Or energy in action. Which ever suits your mental sensibilities. Your sub-conscious mind is “non-verbal.”  It does not respond to words.  Only your thoughts and the E-motions behind them!  So it would serve you well to become an “Emotional Genius."

You’re learning that you HEROES were built for pain. No thing painful lasts forever.  Pain is a powerful professor.  The most prescient of you on your planet will “let it in.” Until it teaches you what it already KNOWS your soul needs!  

Your MIND-SET, words, and e-motions should always be charged with - "I AM a Miracle Makin Machine!"  Always and in all ways. This reminds you of your truth and puts you back to focus on your abundance and expansive spirit. BE afraid of no thing.  For you cannot fail. Failure is a man and woman made construct to control the masses from daring greatly!  Failure is simply FEEDBACK from the Universe. It's that simple Nerds! And this feedback will always be instructional in nature. Re-member the Universe tagged you as being "IT!"
It desires that you never fail. Only succeed. Feedback will assist you in your succeeding! See what we are "throwing' down". Boy, we are getting your hipster chat down pat!  Holla!  LOL

We must go now.  For just as you have a "Mission Possible," so do we!  But that is for another time and visit...................

There is NO THING now that you do not KNOW. So no more excuses! Please. No pressure. But the entire Multi-Verse is watching you. Studying and learning from your group called The Legion Of Love!

Until we meet again!