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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Find PEACE By Following Your Purpose

Souls are meant to struggle from time to time...
As they navigate the storms that come their way...
In a perfect process to show them their true path...
Some say that enduring the pain is a high price to pay..

For those who muster the strength to forge ahead....
And burn off the illusions that shed them from the Light...
Sending the Ego off on its merry way...
And in return are gifted with the vision of heavenly sight..

An illumination filled with pure KNOWINGNESS ...
Becomes the TRUTH that transforms their every breath...
That speaks only words of Compassion, Peace, and Joy..
And no longer does FEAR bring them thoughts of their death...

But be forewarned that not all will accept our new Journey..
They may forsake you in your greatest time of need...
The true Spirit who wields wisdom will not judge their actions...
Yet hold them in a space of reverence that may plant a seed...

For they know not what they do...
And may have forgotten the Purpose we all share..
To be a servant of others with Blissful LOVE...
An invisible badge that all LIGHT WORKERS wear...

So hold steadfast to your personal CALLING...
And let others express the feelings within their heart....
All the while holding them in a space of forgiveness...
Even if this means you LOVE them from far apart....

For anyone who strays from life's well worn path...
Will be questioned beyond your BELIEF...
Causing shards of pain, confusion, and loss..
Yet follow God's Light which offers relief....

Never let the opinion of others dim your MISSION..
For that is a sacred pact beholden to your precious life...
Held always by a Spirit that walks by your side....
With a promise that on your Journey you will feel no strife....

God is asking for HEROES to awaken from their slumber..
And wield the talents and gifts that were sent your way...
To fight the darkness by simply BEING the Light...
Shielding yourself from others that may cause you to sway....

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Have You Ever Met An ANGEL... I HAVE....

Six weeks ago I accepted a full time consulting opportunity with a media company less than two miles from where I live.  I am still building my coaching business and thought this was a wonderful opportunity to gain some extra money to assist in the many aspects of fiscal necessities that come along with building any new self built occupational endeavor.  However, at the same time, the acceptance of this offer was contradictory to a promise I had made to myself that in 2018 I would NOT go back to corporate America, but rather make the necessary sacrifices (part time work etc.) to be laser focused on The New Age Nerd and bringing it to the next level of prosperity.  I know that the bigger my company becomes means I am assisting more people to become the HEROES they were always meant to be.  

The daily internal conflict I felt was starting to consume me and my self alignment.  So last Monday I actually had a moment in which my PTSD roared its nasty head.  As you might imagine, it was FAR from pleasant and I knew it was my body telling me that being in this position was causing  DIS-EASE within my body.  So I made the challenging decision to leave the company after just a month of employment.  

And this incident/decision has caused reverberations that I expected, but NOTHING like what I could have ever imagined.  Both family members and close friends have backed off and away from me.  To be fair to them, the last three years I have had some incredulous mental and physical health challenges to overcome.  And I can only imagine how difficult it  must have been to stand by and watch me suffer through so many maladies.  Probably something akin to a roller coaster full of unseen twists, turns, and horrifying drops.  Needless to express, this past week has been so challenging in spiritual, mental, and physically psychic manners.  I started doubting my decision and felt a whole heaping dose of SHAME and Self Judgement.  Even though I have spent the better part of the past 20 years practicing self realization and growth, I am BY NO means immune to the emotional illusions of the EGO.  Perhaps one day I will finally be able to say Lego my Ego, but not today.  ;0)

I started praying to Spirit to give me the strength and perseverance to be worthy of my sufferings.  And to give me the ability to overcome the shame that had started to dig its sharp teeth deep within my Soul.  And for those of you who may doubt the true POWER OF PRAYER, what happened next was remarkable and absolutely AMAZING!!

On Sunday afternoon, I received a knock at the door.  It was a young gentleman who I had started a friendship with almost ten years ago.  He is a Jehovah Witness and when he first showed up on my doorstep oh so many years ago, rather than turn him away like so many of us do, I decided to hear him out and was truly surprised by how closely our spiritual beliefs were in alignment more than I would ever have conceived   Our language and source material were not the same, but the basic tenets of our life intentions and beliefs about Love and Light were very close indeed.  

So for the past decade, he has continued to show up at my door every six months or so, and we always have a very engaging and spiritually filled discussion.  Yet on this day, he brought a message that changed my life forever.  TRULY!!!

He actually came to say goodbye to me.  I found out he had decided to up and leave Virginia for North Carolina.  He preceded to tell me that some long time friends of his were in desperate need of assistance.  His friend's wife had been diagnosed with breast cancer and was not able to take care of her children.  The couple didn't have the funds to pay for the daily help they now desperately needed, so he decided to up and leave and move down to North Carolina to give them the help they so ardently deserved.  

So I asked him if he had a paying job waiting for him or a game plan to assist him in making such a deeply HEARTFELT and selfless move.  I even inquired if he was going by himself or had any family members in the area.  And the entire time I was peppering him with caring questions (He is 15 years younger than me and I think I felt a little protective in the moment) his face NEVER wavered with an angelic smile and his body oozed of Faith and Knowingness.  It was as if he had relinquished the illusionary outer shell of his earthy body and was standing before me in pure Heavenly form!!  

I asked him if he was nervous about the move, and he patted the Bible he was holding in his right hand and said, "This is all the happiness and peace I need Jeff."  I started to cry.  It was as if he was an actual angel who transferred the KNOWINGNESS that had eluded me the past week and it filled my sullen Soul with a vibration of LOVE that is still undescribable!!   ln that very instant, all forms of inner turmoil I had been feeling all week completely melted away!  Self judgment seemed almost silly.  And any sense of SHAME quickly became a relic of the past.  I felt absolutely transformed on SO many levels.  

Here I had been second guessing myself with moments of such PAIN and suffering, plus a feeling of constant shame the previous week.  Worrying about what others were thinking about me.   All because I decided to fully commit to my Hero's Journey.   Yet, this young man had made a decision to up and leave everything and everyone he loved all to be of service.  And he absolutely exuded not one thread of worry, doubt, or self judgment.  He knew his CALLING and understood that as long as he followed his chosen path, he would be provided for in every and any way that he required.  And I could sense that he could absolutely care less what ANYONE thought about him or his decision.  In fact, I don't think I have ever been in the presence of a human being who was filled with as much peace and happiness as he was resonating.  

Before he left I gave him a big hug and after he left.  The clouds continued to dissipate.  I no longer cared what anyone thought of me or my decisions.  In fact, I started laughing that I had allowed myself to enter such a period of shame and self judgement.  Those feelings were instantly replaced with self pride and courage, and strength.  I wanted to climb to the top of my house and shout out to the world , "Spread the good word.  I AM committed to being a servant of LOVE!!"  

And the past three days, I have maintained a vibration of complete and utter BLISS!!  Full of self confidence and LOVE and Divine Purpose !  And while I still hold all my family and friends in a space of love and forgiveness, there opinions and actions toward me no longer have ANY effect on my sense of inner peace!  As Oprah Winfrey says, "You will only be truly free when you relinquish the thoughts and opinions of others toward you!"  AMEN SISTER!!!

I decided to write today's post because I wanted to share with all my fellow New Age Nerds to Re-member that everything you want in life lies on the other side of FEAR!  Fear of judgement, failure, or any sense of lack.  And that we all must support one another towards our chosen CALLING with a sense of reverence and grace!  For the world needs  HEROES now more than ever!!  HEROES who have the courage, faith, and support to follow  their CALLING so that their unique and heaven sent talents can be shared with the world and assist in shifting our collective consciousness back toward LOVE!!

I will be holding a space of KNOWINGNESS, Strength, Courage , LOVE and Light for everyone who has made the commitment to follow their CALLING and help in changing the World!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Learn The Most POWERFUL Way To Find Your Life's CALLING..!!

I am not writing a regular post today.  Instead, I am ending an INVITATION to any fellow New Age Nerd's who have always been a little curious or interested in what working with a Transformational Life and Leadership Coach.  Maybe you have absolutely NO IDEA HOW a Transformational Coach can make AMAZING changes in your life.

For those of you who follow this blog, you have hopefully more than just a taste of my coaching techniques and how they can INSPIRE you in ways you previously thought were unimaginable!!  


1.  Assisting you in removing any LIMITING BELIEFS  that are keeping you stuck from moving forward in your life.

2. Helping you remove any TRAUMATIC BLOCKS that are causing you to live your life in FEAR.

3. Enlightening you to how all the pain and suffering in your life can be transformed into authentic 

4. Finally finding and following your LIFE'S PURPOSE!!  So you can live the life you were always               meant to live giving you more happiness and joy!

believe that every single one of us is a Hero/Heroine.  And we each have a CALLING to fulfill.  But you MUST have the courage to follow your own Hero/Heroine's Journey in order to find that CALLING.  And once you commit to that path, your life will be transformed as you stop drifting with no real direction or meaning in your daily experiences.  I can help you see that everything in your life happens FOR you and not TO you.  Once we ACCEPT that fact, your life transforms from a place of playing THE VICTIM, into seeing and receiving how the gifts that every life experience comes to assist you in fulfilling your CALLING!!  

So if you would be interested in experiencing how my purposeful coaching techniques and guidance can support you in removing any limiting beliefs, blocks, or hurdles toward living the LIFE YOU WERE ALWAYS MEANT TO LIVE I would love to speak with you!   Although I specialize in assisting individuals with guiding them toward their LIFE'S PURPOSE, my proven techniques can be applied to any life situation that is holding you back from creating and feeling like The Greatest Version of The Grandest Vision of YOU!!! 

So if you would like to experience how TRANSFORMATIONAL a personal life coach can be, please either email directly at ... jeffmartinez@me.com or call me directly @ 202-258-6965 to schedule a FREE session with me!!  I look forward to hearing from you............


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, March 11, 2018



In what all the New Age Nerds who follow my blog readily know by now, my favorite book of all time is THINK AND GROW RICH by my Hero Napoleon Hill.  For the uninitiated, the book was written just after the Great Depression.   And it came about all because of two great visionaries.  One, of course, was Napoleon Hill.  The other was Dale Carnegie.   Napoleon Hill had a burning desire to understand the secrets of self actualization.  He had seen many self made men profit even during the worst economic times this world has even seen.  He also saw many men take their own life after they fell into financial ruin.  So after seeking sage advice from one of the greatest self made men in history, Mr. Dale Carnegie, they decided to team up like a modern day Batman and Robin and use their combined resources to try and discover the FORMULA for becoming successful in life!

Mr. Carnegie, with unlimited financial resources and personal connections to many of the worlds greatest self made men, actually paid Napoleon Hill to make it his life's mission to interview such luminaries as Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, etc. to see if he could find a common denominator to what  it takes to create an abundance of whatever you DESIRE in this lifetime.

And from this dynamic duo's decades long endeavor came many books, the most famous being THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill.    And if you have never read it, stop reading this post IMMEDIATELY and go pick yourself up a copy.  Seriously....   I'm a patient fellow....I'll wait...  ;0)

Throughout the book, Hill references THE SECRET that every self made man has used without fail as the blueprint to becoming successful and obtaining anything they DESIRED in life.  He promises that he will NEVER mention this secret outright anywhere in the book.  For he believes it is much more powerful if it is discovered by each reader.  As you might imagine, the exact answer to what this SECRET may be has caused many of the world's brightest minds to come to a finite answer!

And as you may imagine, there are a myriad of possible answers that have been debated over the past 70 years as to WHAT THIS SECRET that Napoleon Hill discusses in his book may be and goes so far as to say that it is purposely mentioned in EVERY CHAPTER OF THE BOOK!  I'm quite sure, though never his intention, it has driven more than one erudite mind many sleepless nights trying to uncover this hidden message within this tome.

Here are just a few of the answers I have come across while trying to uncover this puzzle within an amalgam worthy of Indiana Jones himself:

1.  There is NO secret.

2. The secret is that you have your own free will to choose whatever you want in life. Napoleon Hill focuses very strongly on this concept, especially in his other works. In his classic, “Outwitting The Devil”, he explains that most men are drifters, and never firmly decide what they want out of life. I like this explanation, but I believe the real secret is a little more abstract than that… 

3.  This concept lies just below the surface of “The Law of Success” and “Think…” and in fact Napoleon Hill tells the reader that it will jump out at you. He describes to the reader that the moment it will jump out and the reader must stop and ponder the full effect. If you haven’t experienced this epiphany yet, than you haven’t experienced “the secret”. The concept takes a lot more thought than one might think, however. Here’s why…
The golden rule states to “do unto others as you would wish upon yourself”. If you extrapolate upon every avenue that this statement suggests in the book, you will become rich in all forms and ventures in life, including but not limited to wealth, happiness, peace, love (sex) and richness of life.
4.To quote Napoleon Hill:

"There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is DEFINITENESS OF PURPOSE, the knowledge of what one wants, and a BURNING DESIRE to possess it.
The method by which DESIRE for riches can be transmuted into its financial equivalent, consists of SIX DEFINITE, PRACTICAL STEPS, viz: 
First. Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. It is not sufficient merely to say "I want plenty of money." Be definite as to the amount. (There is a psychological reason for definiteness which will be described in a subsequent chapter).
Second. Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire. (There is no such reality as "something for nothing.)
Third. Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire.
Fourth. Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action.
Fifth. Write out a clear, concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire, name the time limit for its acquisition, state what you intend to give in return for the money, and describe clearly the plan through which you intend to accumulate it.
Sixth. Read your written statement aloud, twice daily, once just before retiring at night, and once after arising in the morning. AS YOU READ-SEE AND FEEL AND BELIEVE YOURSELF ALREADY IN POSSESSION OF THE MONEY.
"It is important that you follow the instructions described in these six steps. It is especially important that you observe, and follow the instructions in the sixth paragraph. You may complain that it is impossible for you to "see yourself in possession of money" before you actually have it. Here is where a BURNING DESIRE will come to your aid. If you truly DESIRE money so keenly that your desire is an obsession, you will have no difficulty in convincing yourself that you will acquire it. The object is to want money, and to become so determined to have it that you CONVINCE yourself you will have it."

The list goes on and on and on.....and on....LOL......
And one of the greatest aspects that I believe with all my soul that was SO BRILLIANT of Napoleon Hill was to NOT out and out give us the answer to THIS SO CALLED SECRET!
Before you call me crazy (Which would be just fine with me...because BEING outta your mind is one of the BEST places you can BE) let me explain.   I choose to believe that there are many paths back to the LIGHT from which we call came.  The transformative book A COURSE IN MIRACLES says so much!  And that book was channeled to be from the words and thoughts of Jesus the Christ himself!  So to my humble understanding, it makes perfect sense that there would NOT be ONE singular SECRET!!  Doesn't it?!?!     
I think that the Secret Napoleon Hill was referencing actually has more to do with accessing and harnessing the Power of the You-niverse.   And why would that NOT make sense.  We are all a unique emanation of all of Infinite Intelligence!   Yet, we are each but a drop in makeup of the ocean in all its greatness!  
So after reading and re-reading this book many times, the answer to this SECRET is the following.  ACTION.  ACTION.  ACTION.!!!!!    Did I mention ACTION?!?!   LOL
The SECRET is that we are delivered the plans and points of proper direction that we must take once we commit to manifesting any burning DESIRE only once we show the YOU-niverse that we are willing to commit to having it!!  
The YOU-niverse is NOT our own personal wishing well.   It is a well oiled mechanism that is more than willing (in fact it derives joy) from seeing us putting our DREAMS INTO ACTION!!  It even makes our life easier once we decide to stop drifting and make tangible action plans toward our DESIRES!!!  
The hidden secret in Think and grow rich is “YOU BECOME WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT MOST OF THE TIME or “Thoughts become things, because everything we create first in our minds. If you decide about a goal and begin thinking about it it all the time, you will plant your goal in your subconscious mind, when the goal is planted in your subconscious mind, you will start to believe that you can achieve your goal, when you believe in your subconscious mind, your subconscious mind will give you plans on how to reach your goal!!  I can't even begin to describe how many times in my life I have just started moving in the direction of what I am trying to achieve and I begin to become deluged with signs, hunches, ideas, and alternate plans that seem to come from all areas!  And I have a distinct feeling that many of you have had very similar experiences!!  Am I right?!?   ;0)
 I have witnessed this way too many times to not believe with all my heart and soul that while this may NOT BE THE ONLY SECRET, it is at least ONE of the many ways toward bringing a wealth of health, joy, peace, happiness, and love into our lives!!  
So if there is something that you truly desire to manifest into your earthly experience, just start moving toward that goal with the smallest of steps, and let the YOU-niverse to show you the rest of the way...........

Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, March 9, 2018

Why COMPARING Yourself To OTHERS Is So Detrimental To Your Happiness and Success..!

Back when I lived in Los Angeles, I got a job with Comcast Television as aa advertising sales representative.  I was thrilled to get the offer and while I made a managerie of friends and gained a ton of sales experience, there was one thing that tempered my experience there.  

You see, I was replacing a young lady that my boss literally thought could walk on water.  My very first day he went so far as to say that I would NEVER be able to replace said young lady.  He told me how funny, bright, effervescent and as well as the best public speak he had ever seen.  And if THAT wasn't bad enough, on my very first meeting (in which he accompanied me) was with Paramount Pictures.  A pretty big deal!  Well, he got up and started the meeting my introducing me and telling the audience of 15 that while I would never be able to replace my predecessor, that I would still be able to handle the job!!  Yeah!  I'm not kidding.......

Needless to say, I was completely embarrassed and emotionally devastated!  I almost left the job the next day.  But at the time I was just starting on my path of self realization and thankfully coached myself into Re-membering that Everything my boss had said was HIS KARMA, and the way I responded to it was mine!  While I'm not saying it was always easy, I put up with his constant comparing of me for about two years.  And eventually, I was able to accept my karma in the situation and send him LOVE!  Because after two years, I was able to discern that he was incredibly insecure and always had to be the life of the party.  He also felt a deep need to feel as though he was part of the 'in crowd.'  He was gay and had actually even gotten married to a young lady.  All because he couldn't stand the thought of being ostracized. And I started to really feel his inner pain and anguish.

Nevertheless, being compared to others is always a challenging situation.  We all want to be seen as unique and special.  And constantly being compared to others can put a real wet damper on our emotional well being.  

So for all of those who are either compared to others, or even WORSE, compare themselves to others, I wanted to share a Hero's Tip about how to overcome this insidious and challenging  part of our life experiences.

5. Be Patient With Yourself And The Process And Don't Compare Your Journey      With Others
We live in a world of instant information and results.  Yet life is all about the Journey, NOT THE DESTINATION.  What if I told you that YOU CANNOT MAKE A MISTAKE?!?  How would your action steps and plan in life change?  Well, I am here to share with you that you truly cannot make a mistake.  Everything you do is based on the amalgam of experience, conditioning, and information at your disposal at any given point in time.  In fact, I have removed the word mistake from my lexicon and replaced it with the word “Misstep.”  As long as we learn from our missteps, they can no longer be deemed mistakes, but lessons learned.  So please be patient with yourself along your Journey.  You are going to make missteps along the way.  And that is entirely OK.  In fact, it is a crucial part of the process!!

And lastly, try and refrain from comparing yourself and your current life conditions with those around you.  You have NO IDEA what they are here to accomplish and why their life situation is so much different from yours.  Marriane Williamson always says comparing yourselves to others is like trying to look at another person's life notes.  They are not meant for you, just as yours is not meant for them.  We all have separate Journey's and miraculous purposes for being here.  And none is greater than another's!!  Even Spirit's who seem to be so accomplished are usually one step ahead of you once you really commit to living The greatest version of Who You Truly Are........


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

5 THINGS All Super SUCCESSFUL People Do..!!

One my own journey toward self actualization first started,  it came off the heels of an 18 month recovery from SEVERE CROHN's disease.  I actually had the hospital priest tell my friends and family to say their good byes to me as I was oh so very close of passing away on more than once occasion.  Pretty serious stuff for a 27 year old to to confront.  I have fleshed out that Journey in the very beginning posts of THE NEW AGE NERD BLOG, for those who care to learn more about that ordeal and how it shaped me and my life's CALLING!!

When I finally was released from the hospital, there was no going back.  I simply could not live a 'surface' filled life any longer.  I mean, how in the hell could I.  I had just started my own mortality straight in the fucking eye and stared him down like the Wounded Warrior I later realized my trials and tribulations had transformed me into!  Because as I have stated time and time again, No Thing in life is ever wasted!!  Everything that you experience in this realm must be accepted as a precious gift.  And please do not think that I would immediately solicit that suggestion to someone who had just lost a loved one, or been the victim of a horrific tragedy such seems to be way to commonplace in our given times!  But after the process of accepting the pained suffering that had befallen them, take a close look at ALL the examples of people who have used their pain to fuel their passion and purpose!   Like a family I know in Austin , TX whose young son drowned in a local pool!  Absolutely aa horrific and trying event.  I prayed for them every day for a year.  But after they gave themselves the dignity of their own process, they started a foundation that educates parents on the ways that parents can incorporate a myriad of different types of precautionary examples to avoid such tragedies from happening to them.  And shifts in consciousness that turn pain into your passion and purpose is perhaps the most INSPIRING way to shed a light on others who are still trying to find their way after experiencing a gut wrenching event and/or loss.............

So why am I starting today's post with all this seemingly disperate information.  Because life can be BRUTAL!  Even a spiritual teacher like myself cannot escape that truth!  That's why the self help industry is a MULTIBILLION dollar industry.  Because we are ALL trying to find a way to navigate this experience not denying our pain and missteps, but after learning from them, putting their BLESSONS(Lesson plus Blesson) into productive ways to make this life EVERYTHING it was always mean to be!  

Coming back to my first ignitions into this world of self realization, I Re-member thinking to myself, "Success must leave a trail, and I am going to dedicate myself to find out and follow that trail to see if it leads me to my own WIZARD OF OZ!! And ya know what, it has not only led me to him/her, it has assisted me in blowing past any form of limited belief or self sabotaging long term thoughts and actions that would deter me from fulfilling my own CALLING and MISSION that I was sent here to complete!!

And along my own 18 year year Journey, I have has my own set of setbacks, heartbreaks, loss, pain, and suffering!  Because, hopefully you have come to understand that all of that is a necessary part of our own growth.   And without it, there is absolutely NO WAY we could complete our own individual CALLING!  I hope you are feeling me on this!!  Because in the some  2,500 pages I have written over the past two years, there is nothing I have ever written that is more aligned with Universal TRUTH than what I have just espoused!!  

So for those of you fellow NewAge Nerds who are still reading because you would like to know what the 5 Things All Super SUCCESSFUL people do, you are in luck, because here they are:

1:  All successful people understand the difference between wishful Thinking and using their Super Powers of putting their  plans into ACTION!!  Have you ever come across someone who is always espousing some deep rooted experience they so desperately desire to manifest into their life.   Yet year after year, nothing changes.  They still have these incredibly sounding plans for making their dreams reality.  I know I have MANY people I know fall into this category.  And it can at times be rather gut wrenching to witness.  Because for a myriad of reasons, their dreams end up in the graveyard of misfit manifestations that will NEVER EVER come to fruition!!  Action favors those who COMMIT to bringing their DREAMS into reality!   

2.  Successful people realize the importance of investing in themselves.  They KNOW that investing time, energy, and money into their own growth will reward them ten fold!!  Unsuccessful people will come up with a hundred different excuses why investing in themselves is a bad bet!! Yet, eventually, they will only experience the exact opposite.  bcae super successful people NEVER stop learning.  They never stop reading, taking classes, and surrounding themselves with others who can only enhance the skill sets they have already built!!

3.  Successful people realize that there is no such thing as a free handout.  They know that there is a fair payment that much be exchanged in this earthly realm with others in order to get what you desire.  
Instead, they: 1) understand that they have something important and valuable to offer in any situation, 2) are willing and happy to share something helpful in return for what they want, and 3) if they can't return the favor, they offer to pay it forward in meaningful ways to other individuals who are in need in the future. In short, they treat others exactly as they would hope to be treated. 
Successful people are respectful, resourceful, curious, competent, tenacious, and they figure out how to get the help they need without asking for handouts. That doesn’t mean they don’t seek assistance when and where they need it , or make use of the many free resources available to them (like Score.org, etc.). It means that they don’t expect something for nothing. They recognize their own value. They treat others equitably and fairly and know they deserve the same. 
Courtesy of Kathy Caprino....

4.  Successful individuals realize that there ARE NO SUCH THINGS AS MISTAKES!!!  They refuse to live in victim consciousness and truly believe things happen FOR them rather than TO THEM!  BIG DIFFERENCE!!  They aren't afraid to play BIG and know that every misstep they make in life is their greatest teacher!!  In fact, they embrace their daily missteps because they know that without them, they are not growing.  And even more importantly, they know that it is through their missteps that they gain the exact gifts, talents and skill sets that are absolutely needed to complete their life's CALLING!!  So everyday they make sure to FACE THEIR FEARS!!  Because they know without hesitation that everything they desire in this life IS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THEIR GREATEST FEARS!!!

5.  The super successful understand the power of having healthy boundaries.  To quote another on of Kathy Caprino's lovely quotes, "Successful people know what matters most to them – their priorities, values, concerns, and their mission and purpose."  
They develop a skill set that allows them to discern between what thoughts, beliefs, and actions are in alignment with what their CALLING on Earth is and never sway from those vibrational offerings!!  Because hey are consciously aware that their root Purpose is BEING OF SERVICE!!

I'm sure my beloved group of New Age Nerds have many more attributes that lend a Light to what makes the Super Successful, well, forces to be reckoned with!  
But I truly believe this is a wonderful start to add to your daily arsenal toward becoming someone who both INSPIRES and reaches the heights of leaving a LASTING LEGACY for all of us to share......


Jeffery Louis Martinez

Saturday, March 3, 2018

4 TIPS About SELF COMPASSION That Will Change Your Life..!!!

A few years ago, while taking some classes toward a leadership coaching certification, I had quite an impactful experience that I still use to help me re-frame my own ‘inner critic’.   Who needs enemies when our own MONKEY MIND insists on taunting us with thoughts of blame, guilt, regret, and self-hatred,  often with a big, heaping side order of worthlessness.  And as that day's class was soon to show me, we are truly all ONE in this experience that causes so much anxiety, depression,  and pain.  Not to mention how it blocks us from the healing LOVE we need to move forward in our lives..................

After our mid-day lunch break, our class of roughly 30 seated students were each given a stack of cards with various short phrases written on the back of each one.  We were instructed to pick the ONE card that best exemplified the way we felt about ourselves most of the time.  You have to remember this was an extrapolation of people who were all on an active path toward self growth, many of us having spent years, if not DECADES, on a quest for the specialized knowledge that would allow us to coach and train others on becoming the ‘greatest version’ of themselves.

The phrases on the cards ran the emotional scale from ‘I Am Love’ to ‘Work in Progress’.  Once we all had our card picked, we were told to stand up, and with its message facing forward, hold it in front of our chest, while we started  mingling with one another.   One by one, we stood up.  Suddenly, a raucous set of laughs started erupting from one side of the room to the other.  With over 20 different messages that each member in the group was free to choose from, ALL but two of us picked the EXACT SAME CARD.  That card read......   NOT GOOD ENOUGH !!

I will NEVER forget the divine feeling of oneness I felt in that moment.  Oh, I laughed my ass off like the rest, but my soul was shedding tears of joyful connection.  Up until that moment, I had often been afraid to admit the intensity of my own MONKEY MIND.  How controlling, suffocating,  and idea crushing it could be.   But as I looked around that room, and saw nearly everyone holding up that  card, with its illusionary message, all I could see were beings of utter perfection.  Even if THEY could not see it in themselves.  How could they not see that in themselves?!  Why could I often not see it in myself?!

Since then, I have come to understand that radical self compassion is like most everything else of  great value, a PROCESS.  Our capacity for self compassion is not unlike a muscle.  It must be trained, honed, and cared for with patience and love.  Here are 4 TIPS for practicing self compassion that have made an enormous change in helping me keep my inner critic just the way I like him,  Supah Silent :

1.  Feel your feelings, then let them GO.
When you suppress your feelings, in reality you are quelling a spiritual lesson that is trying to emerge for your highest good.  Your inner critic is going to get on stage and grab the mic(he/she LOVES attention) when something triggers you no mater how much work you've done on yourself. By allowing yourself to fully FEEL the emotions this brings up, you may just find that there is some light being shown on issues where attentive love still needs to be applied.  The key is to make sure you DO NOT make a 'broadway show' out of your feelings.  Nobody wants to buy a ticket to feelings you are holding onto that no longer serve you anymore!

2.   Meditate
When my Monkey Mind is causing me all kinds of chaos, the most powerful tool I know for calming the noise is through meditation.  If you don't currently practice meditation, NOW may be a great time to start.  There are some fantastic programs that are free online (Oprah and Deepak Chopra offer one a couple of times per year) if you don't know where to start.  By simply going within during meditation, you can reconnect with Spirit and Re-member that you are a unique emanation of God, perfect and whole in every way.  As you get better at meditative practice, you will begin to carry that FEELING of being whole and worthy out of your meditation, and INTO the rest of your day.  Just be patient with the process, my meditations are STILL a work in progress.  ;0)

3.  Realize that you are NOT your thoughts
The arch enemy of your 'inner critic' just may be the watchful observer.
When those thoughts  of worthlessness and doubt arise, try this little trick.  Close your eyes, and visualize yourself in a room, alone with JUST THE THOUGHTS that are causing you trouble.  See how you are completely SEPARATE from them in the room.  Do not judge the thoughts, or allow yourself to become anxious around them.  You are simply an OBSERVER. It may take some time to achieve this space.  Thats OK.  Simply breathe   ...one ...breathe... at a... time.
Once you are in a place of calm, address the thought/thoughts.  
Thank you for coming.  I appreciate you shedding light on the places I still need work.
But now, please GO!  You are NOT a part of me.  And I am NOT a part of you."

You can repeat a mantra that works for you(feel free to experiment until you find something that really resonates) again and again.  Visualize these thoughts slowly evaporating back into the ether from which they came.  You may be laughing, but TRY it!  By seeing yourself as separate from the thoughts through the power of your watchful observer, their grip on your psyche is truly lessened.

4.  Choose your TRIBE carefully
The number one thing I hear from people is how they have no control over their lives.  For the most part, that is true.  We do not live in a vacuum, and many facets of our experiences are completely beyond our control.  However, ONE thing we do have complete control over is also one of the most important aspects in determining our overall joy and success in life.  
That being WHO we choose to let into our lives.  

There has been scientific evidence that proves we become the average of the five people we choose to spend the most time with on a daily basis.  We spend SO much time dealing with our own inner critic, don't ya think it would be a great idea to make sure the people we invite into our TRIBE shower us with inspiration, support, kindness, and growth filled experiences.  So when it comes to picking new TRIBE members in 2018, CHOOSE WISELY!!

I hope this helps you quiet your ‘inner critic’ and ALLOWS IN the healing love and light that is all around you.  For our experience here is but a sliver in time.  And why waste any precious moment living in self judgement or any form of Egoic energy such as FEAR, lack, separation, feeling less than, or simply playing small so you will never have to confront any form of failure.  I promise you that living your life in this manner will ultimately only bring you regret and the illusion of shame!  

So shine your LIGHT!!  Fly your Nerd Ass Freak Flag!!  Live FEARLESSLY!!  Because once you make your transition to the other side, you will Re-member that that is exactly why you came here!  And anything less than you giving away all the gifts and love that were part of your birthright is actually a very selfish way of BEING!  Because you came here to be a servant of LOVE to everyone.  And how in the hell can you be a top notch servant by protecting your talents and gifts for the fear of being rejected?!  You simply can't!!  So Bless those who are ready to receive your gifts and pray for those who are not.  Eazy peazy!!  Well, more often than not....LOL  

I want to leave you this evening with this quote from a wonderful tome called The Top Five Regrets Of The Dying by Bronnie Ware................

“People play the victim forever,” she continued. “But who are they kidding? They are only robbing themselves. Life doesn’t owe you anything. Neither does anyone else. Only you owe yourself. So the best way to make the most out of life is to appreciate the gift of it, and choose not to be a victim.” 
― Bronnie WareThe Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing


Jeffrey Louis Martinez