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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, July 23, 2020

MODERN MYTH MESSAGES: Contact....(with Jodie Foster) !

In the radiantly explorative 1997 film Contact, Jodie Foster plays an inquisitive astronomer named Dr. Ellie Arroway. After losing her fellow scientist of a father at the tender age of 9, she becomes a lonely orphan.  Eventually, her other worldly talents become poured into an obsession with trying to continue her late father's work. Becoming a beacon of belief in the possibility of intelligent life behind our own Universe.
After she and her fellow team of like minded SETI scientists discover radiant evidence of possible extraterrestrial life beyond our small minded scope, she becomes driven to make "first contact" with whatever form of intelligent consciousness that may be lurking beyond the understanding of our own limited beliefs in a Universe of unlimited possibilities. 
Testifying before the US Conrgess, she pleads her case for the potentially unplausable experience she underwent as the first member of the human race to make a true connection with a potentially conscious life form not of this planet.  One that would alter our own paradigm shift of a long held belief system forming the possibility of potential life well beyond our limited scope of understanding.
Senator: You come to us with no evidence, no record, no artifacts. Only a story that, to put it mildly, strains credibility... Are you really going to sit there and tell us that we should just take this all on faith?
Ellie Arroway: Is it possible that it didn't happen? Yes. . . . As a scientist I must concede that. I must volunteer that.
Kitz: Then why don't you simply withdraw your testimony and admit that this journey to the center of the galaxy, in fact, never took place?
Arroway: Because I can't. I had an experience. I can't prove it. I can't just explain it. But everything that I know as a human being, everything that I am tells me that it was real. I was given something wonderful, something that changed me forever: a vision of the universe that tells us undeniably how tiny and insignificant and how rare and precious we all are. A vision that tells us that we belong to something that is greater than ourselves, that we are not - that none of us is alone. I wish I could share that emotion, that everyone, if even for one moment, could feel that awe and humility and that hope that I felt, but... that continues to be my wish.

From Warner Brothers : CONTACT


Strained credibility, while protecting us from charlatan theatrics, also inhibits our own magical and personal experiences of the awesome, wondrous beliefs of this more than "Magical Universe." Too many of us have slowly succumbed to the Soul numbing understanding that this short lived Earthly experience is both the beginning and ending of our individual reality! 

Thus shortcoming our shared collective consciousness on two fronts. The first being our own extraordinary place and pleasure in stretching our own energetic essence during our precious time here on Earth. More importantly, the second, encompassing the contribution of individual hard fought and unique Super Hero's Journey that blends new found wisdom with the desire of sharing this enlightening  loving understanding with the "collective whole."

I've had my own "expansive experiences" during my personal Super Heroic Journey. And sharing some of them have only further dampened and caused a deep questioning of my own mind filled sanity. 

And I have the succinct feeling that I am not in the minority on this topic. 
The way the Universe communicates with each and every one of us is absolutely magical and unique! This cacophony of communication may come in the form of synchronicities, or signs from not only our burgeoning  media, but from using meditation towards tuning into the power of our subconscious mind! We are truly all MIRACLE MAKING BEINGS!! If we simply BELIEVE

Simply tune into the nightly TV news for a brisk 5 minutes. In such a brief exposure to what is unfolding outside your own protective window just might shake you to its soulful core. I believe you will experience a World run amok with a political system/administration running sans absolutely NO checks and balances. A worldwide pandemic threatening to forever change our way of life! Record breaking heat temperatures from the real threat of climate change. Streets in pain from civil unrest; still fighting for racial equality, respect, and common care. And such a paltry lack of sufficient health care and understanding (especially on the mental illness front) that is causing a severely fractured Nation of disillusioned individuals with nowhere to turn to receive the assistance that is their very birthright! 

We are continuing to numb ourselves through materialism, drugs, and alcohol as a way to circumvent an emotional world gone awry. While I am in NO way against the expansion of technology in ways that bring us together and ease the manner in which we navigate our ever expansive Earthly experience; doesn't it feel as though we may have "jumped the shark" in the process?!

Wouldn't you be more interested in breaking free of such anarchist paradigms and begin to accept a new belief system about the truths of what our world deems as esoteric in nature?! For deep "contact" is the key to our collective expansion! 

In one of my favorite personal books, Bringers of the Dawn, by Barbara Marciniak, she channels the brilliant discourses of the Pleiadians. She credits her sister, Karen, for the assistance to connect to this Universal compendium of energy that becomes the core components of this "must read" book! 

Just as Jodie Foster's character in the film CONTACT, this book offers  a different way for us to believe in the possibility of what exists beyond the window pains of our own heart and souls! As is explained in this extrapolation within this transcendent tomb:

"It's not that you don't know how to feel, it's that you are afraid of your feelings. You don't know what to do with them when you feel them. They bring up a feeling of powerlessness within you, so you associate feeling with a sense of, " Oh no, I blew it." You have boundaries in your belief system that states that when something comes up that is emotional and brings pain or anger, than it is not good. It is time to stop tiptoeing around things and avoiding our emotions."

"Through your emotional body you are connected to your spiritual body. You may want to bypass something that is difficult, yet you have to feel your way through it."

"You want to sweep difficult things under the rug and say."I don't want to do this, " when the difficult things are your gemstones. Look at the boundaries you have set up, and instead of swearing at them, simply observe them and see if you can discover how they came about. See what purpose they served-what grocery store you shopped at when you bought those times.......   And you must learn to love your emotions. As long as you describe something as difficult, you are making it difficult."

"Get clever. Next time you come into one of these emotional situations, say to yourself immediately, "Alright, I know what is going on; I'm not getting caught on this one. I know there is something for me to learn, and something for me to change. I believe I am being guided and that I am following a blueprint, so I will check out what is in this for my not judging it and by going with the flow. I request that all my changes come in joy and safety and harmony. So I will go with this energy and see what is changing for me and what I need to give up."

While the film Contact may offer us an expanded viewpoint of our individual beliefs in the makeup of the Universe , it more importantly showers us with a devout undertaking of the importance of seeking out our individual TRUTH! And expounds on the power of personalizing our own spiritual beliefs with the understanding that by honoring what feels true to us, may just resonate with many in our 'Collective Consciousness." 

Go deep within and trust what you FEEL! For feelings are truly the guideposts to the SOUL!  And pray (a prayer is an energetic thank you note to the Universe) for the KNOWINGNESS of this great adventure! And your part in it! Warm up them vocal chords and start to belt out your own unique "Heart Song!" Re-member, you incarnated with a Soul Pod. And many of them are still searching for you. And you for them! So please DO NOT allow anyone to tame your freak flag. As Freddie Mercury from Queen taught us, becoming a LEGEND requires you to BE unapologetically you. Be weird, unique, and especially NERDY! (wink) Your Soul Tribe will NEVER miss you that way. 

And you will NEVER miss out on "Contacting" those special spirits that came to assist you in accomplishing your heart filled desires and unique, personal CALLING! 

And that "Contact," will always begin with YOU! No teacher can enlighten you further than what you are willing to unleash from your own forgotten essence. We all need compassionate and patient reminders of who we are and why we came here. So be open always to the keepers of the light that will appear when you are truly open and ready to receive them!

May these words assist in lighting all your Super Hero's Journey's!!

Through the moon lit night....
A single Path is now shown...
Dare I step onto its glowful glare...
For the destination is unknown...

I ask Spirit for Guidance and Strength...
As I take my first move into the Night...
Heavy are the thoughts of my mind...
An internal struggle to hide my Fright...

It is then that I Re-member...
That when our Journey is at its end....
We all forge a path and must go alone....
To those before me, much Love do I send.....

Night swept Fog now blinds my way....
A silent whisper like none before....
Asks for my utter Belief and Trust...
As I traverse this foreign shore..

My sight still betrays me...
Tho I surrender to this special voice...
And brave this dreamlike vision...
For I've learned the power of choice ...

We have many gifts to light our darkness..
Yet still so many lose their will...
Giving way to all their lifelong pain...
Shouting to heaven a powerful shrill....

Perhaps this night's Journey....
Will show me that our pain is power...
Perhaps forgotten along the way...
Inspiring others with this night's swept shower...

Is this the Purpose for my dreamlike state...
To assist in my Re-membering of why I came...
A Steward of conscious spiritual Light...
Teaching others that our Path we can reframe....

As I start the process of Knowingness...
The path ahead begins to clear....
My Hero's Journey illuminates this path...
And leaves me No Thing to Fear.....

Written by Jeffrey Louis Martinez



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Want To ADD 10 Years To YOUR LIFE..? Here's How!!

Whenever a particular topic or issue continues to show up in my life through the variant magical manners in which the Universe communicates with us, it often becomes the basis for one of my new posts.  And the last few weeks, Spirit has doused me with an overabundance of silent whispers regarding an issue that like so many others is often overlooked and or simply ignored.  Unfortunately, our current level of global consciousness is still at a level that...... could greatly benefit from a good kick in the tush of TRUTH!!  Not because we are LESS THAN in any way, because I know my Tribe is well aware that is simply not the case.  But the illusionary pull of our current existence tends to sway toward EGOIC habits. And patterns that simply DO NOT serve us any longer. Especially if we continue to use them to avoid the real 'TOUGH STUFF' facing a planet full of a population  8 Billion strong!!

As I consider myself to be both a STUDENT and a TEACHER, like a spiritual special ops on steroids, I am constantly searching, reading, and exploring the greatest messages this planet's minds currently have to offer!  After over 20 years of self actualization work, I have a wonderful BS detector that protects me from the various charlatans who appear from time to time, simply to prey on those who are in desperate need of a quick fix to their life's hardships.  Fool me once, shame on you!  Fool me twice, shame on ME!!  Or at least that is what my therapist tells me.....    ;0)

Hopefully, over the past two and a half years of posting,  I have built up enough trust that I no longer need to profess my personal passions when it concerns the LIGHT that I feel should be shone upon a situation that is becoming an epidemic upon our common shores.  And one such issue that continues to be brought to my attention is a little talked about PANDEMIC  facing our planet. (As if we need any other, but hang in there with me!)  I'm sure many of you prescient New Age Nerds are thinking you are one step ahead of me.  Climate change, water and food droughts, over population, Covid-19, civil unrest; while they are certainly issues that need to be addressed and PRONTO, the global malady I am discussing in this post is....  LONELINESS ...!  For according to many of this world's leading doctors, researchers, and scientists, LONELINESS will be the leading cause of new health issues, not to mention a level of spiritual, mental and physical pain and suffering unlike anything our planet has ever seen!!  HAVE I GOT YOUR ATTENTION NOW?!??!  ;0)   Thought so..................

One of my favorite spiritual teachers is Dr. Lissa Rankin.  I have been following her blogs, books, and TEDX speeches for nearly a decade.  She is truly a Goodness Goddess and has a special message that usually completely captivates those who encounter her precious prose!  Amongst her many crusades, LONELINESS continues to be a topic she uses her hard fought platform to confront with the ferocity of a true Wounded Healer.  

"Loneliness predisposes us, not just to disconnection, depression, anxiety, and addiction, but also to chronic disease and early death. We are tribal beings... and when we feel lonely, our nervous systems sense a threat and activate a stress response that increases the likelihood of illness. When we come together in authentic, loving "soul tribe" community, our nervous systems relax and we connect to the life force — activating the body's self-healing mechanisms and allowing us to heal, body, mind, and soul."

Lissa Rankin, MD

In fact,  do you know what the top 2 determining factors of a life of longevity have proven to be by most of the top doctors and health professionals around the globe.  Alcohol and smoking....NOPE!

Lack of good health care...GOOD GUESS!  Regular exercise and eating healthy...   Sorry..Try Again!   

The answer is having both a strong love/life partner, and a social community that you engage with on a regular basis!  Those two factors can lengthen your life a good 10 years longer than ANYTHING ELSE ON EARTH!  Mind Blown...   Gotcha!  

In one of Miss Rankin's blog posts, she further fleshes out the rationale for the importance of living a life of CONNECTION!!

The Effects of Loneliness On The Body

What his researchers found is that the tight knit community living in multi-generational homes and enjoying communal dinners and frequent festivities provided solace from the loneliness so many people feel. The love and support of others in the close knit community alleviated the stress and overwhelm many lonely people feel. Researchers posit that the stress lonely people feel, which increases cortisol levels and activates the sympathetic nervous system, raising heart rate, elevating blood pressure, incapacitating the immune system, and increasing the risk of heart disease, is responsible for much of the illness lonely people experience.
Because the people of Roseto never felt alone, they rarely died of heart disease – most died of “old age”- even though they smoked, ate poorly, and drank.  As it turns out, alleviation of loneliness is preventative medicine, and the scientific data suggests that loneliness is a stronger risk factor for illness than smoking or failure to exercise.

So after processing the information presented in today's post, I am really curious!  In what ways do you feel it might benefit you to become less entangled in the web of life's way of tempting us to KEEP BUSY, and look for more ways to SOULFULLY connect with the world around us?!  
Because I see a truly symbiotic relationship with healing the WORLD through healing the myriad of intimate ways in which we are currently connecting with and through it..........  Make sense...?

What would it look like to have Boys, Girl's and or Nerd's nights off from engaging with ANY technology?  And instead use the time to call, or even better, make plans to actually have face to face engagements with our TRIBE of true friends and family members!  Call me old fashioned, but some of my favorite memories were the times when me and my old gang of geeky buddies would get together on a Saturday night and play board games until the sun came up!  OK, that's how I used to roll...LOL   But I'm more than willing to bet that many of you reading this have similar special memories!

And if you are currently feeling yourself in a state of unbearable LONELINESS  is there anyone that you would feel comfortable reaching out to?!?  You may be surprised by how many others have felt the very same thing you are currently suffering through!  And even more importantly, are much more compassionate than you may be giving them credit for and would be MORE than happy to simply sit and share more than a smidgeon of their time with you!!  

After all, your very life's  longevity may depend on your willingness to become more connected to the world around you....   And even more importantly, PLEASE do not forget the gifts of understanding, strength, and wisdom that you still have within you to share with those who have yet to HEAR YOUR STORY!



Jeffery Louis Martinez

Sunday, July 19, 2020


I originally wrote this entire post last September 23rd. But given our beyond challenging times, I thought it actually resonates more NOW then it did last year.......   


It seems as though we are currently in a precarious time in our society.  And it has me and my friends discussing the situation ad nauseum as of late. For the most part, there seems to be two distinct camps we are finding ourselves in. One camp has plenty of financial means and security, but it has come at a dear price. They spend the majority of their free time working in a job most dislike, with a commute that only adds to their dilemma. They are literally betraying their SOUL for a paycheck. Bottom line, they have the means but NOT the time to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Then there is the second camp.  They have plenty of free time on their hands, but the constant stress of not knowing how they are going to pay their bills or take care of their health insurance payments takes most of the fun away from this situation.  In some ways, I feel hypocritical even discussing this topic because for most of us in both camps, we are much more fortunate than the majority of the world. For instance, did you know that over 60% of the people in this beautiful world of ours wake up each and every morning having NO IDEA how they are going to eat for the day!  STAGGERING and oh so sad!  Yet, for those of us in more developed areas, our dilemmas seem challenging in their own right.  Please do not think I am downplaying the plight of the poor and/or forgotten and dismissed. Like many of you, I am sure, I do what I can to assist them in many different areas of my life. And I wish more of this planet's SUPERHEROES would awaken to their life's CALLING and do the same!  More on that in my next post.....

So for those of you caught up in this dilemma of living one side of a two sided coin, what can we do?  Does balance truly exist?  And if it does, how might one go about achieving it?  The truth of the matter is that I am not sure of the answer. What I do know is that each and every one of us is here for a reason.  A CALLING and a Mission larger than we often give ourselves credit for. One of magnificent proportions! And I think therein lies the catch.  It would be so much easier if we didn't have constant whispers from our Soul about why we are here.  It would make living the status quo oh so easy.  BUT THAT JUST ISN'T THE CASE!  In fact, for most of us, it is just the opposite.  We bang away in office cubicles day after day, year after year just KNOWING we are here for something more. The zest for life which was once your daily dance partner begins to disappear; perhaps courting new heights on the horizon. Or no matter how many materialistic accouterments you amass, it still feels like their is something missing. And since I don't believe in blanket sentiments, I know there are many of you who find your life's calling in these jobs and life situations.  And I honor that part within you that recognizes that.  But for the rest of you, the daily slog of not fulfilling your CALLING is an act in soul withering agony!

And please do not think I am advocating walking into your bosses office tomorrow and waxing all poetic about how you have a journey and life MISSION beyond the walls of his office.  And you need to spread your peverbial wings and fly with the eagles. Because the only thing that action step will bring you is dinner with the crows.  TRUST!!  LOL  


1. A heart filled with love.

2. A mind set for INSPIRATION.
3. A strong will to be of service to all.

Jeffrey Louis Martinez

My life coaching business is all about assisting people in fulfilling their Superhero's Journey.  But I will be the first to admit garnering the courage to follow your CALLING is much easier said that done. Let's be fully transparent; if it were easy, we all would be doing it. Don't you agree?!  As you might have ascertained, I have spent many years thinking about this stuff.  Just sayin!  And here is what I have incorporated into my own being as KNOWINGNESS so far!

We all have the exact same Purpose. And that is to spread Love and Inspiration to each and every person who we meet along our own Yellow Brick Road; all in the form of loving service.  It is up for us to discover the manner and means in which we are meant to serve. And before I go any further, let me state something.  This manner DOES NOT HAVE TO BE SOMETHING THAT WILL MAKE YOU RICH AND FAMOUS!  Now it could bring you such accoutrements, but we live in a society that has made being famous "the creme de la creme of achievements."  Aye dios mio!  That's NOT why we manifested into the human condition folks. (neither is just Netflix binging...lol) With such mind-sets is it any wonder why we find ourSELVES living in a world of pure peril................... 

For all of life itself is a Superhero's Journey An experience of radical spiritual transformation.  In which the Universe expresses itself through and as US!  The Grand Creator seeks to expand always and in all ways. It's the very nature of God herself. And as the late, legendary physicist Stephen Hawking discovered, "The boundary condition of the Universe....is that is has NO boundary."  NO BOUNDARY and that means NO LIMITS!  Meaning YOU have no limits either! Whoo hah! 

You chose to come here to carry out a MISSION that was Divinely Devised.  You carry a divinity spark of pure SPIRIT that is 100% super heroic!  Part Martin Luther King Jr., part Yoda, Wonder Woman, and Captain America, but all Christ Consciousness!  By fulfilling your unique Mission, the byproduct is assisting and adding to the expansion of the Universe.  Which ultimately means creating more heaping buckets of LOVE!  The core component of all that is.......

The extraordinary spiritual teacher and master coach Martha Beck, in her book, 'Finding Your Way in a Wild New World," describes all of us SUPERHEROES this way:

"Most of us feel a sense of mission involving a major transformation in human experience; a strong sense that whatever that mission is, it's getting closer in time; a compulsion to master certain skills in preparation for this half-understood personal mission; high levels of empathy; an urgent desire to lessen the suffering of humans, animals, and plants; and a loneliness stemming from a sense of difference, despite being generally social. "

She calls this group of SUPERHEROES 'The Team.'  I call us The Legion of Love!!  If you would like to officially join this team, just let me know and your t-shirt and pin will be in the mail, pronto!  ;0)

We aren't here so much to save the world as we are to TRANSCEND OUR OWN SOULS WITHIN IT!  If you are here, now, it means you were 'tagged' by the Universe to discover and unleash your Super Heroic Higher Self on this planet!  And you chose to accept this 'Mission Possible', because THAT IS WHAT SUPERHEROES DO!  We seek the grandest of adventures.  BLISS is our birthright!  And we devour any chance to experience it in all its magnificence!  When we are summoned into 'being of service', we don't walk, we eventually run toward our CALLING!  

As Joseph Campbell said, "It is miraculous.  I even have a superstition that has grown on me as a result of invisible hands coming all the time- namely, that if you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living.  When you can see that, you begin to meet people who are in the field of your bliss, and they open the doors to you.  I say,  follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be." 

Our government is in complete turmoil, climate disruption is threatening our the vitality of our planet, the middle class is shrinking by the day, and fear and hate have created one of our country's, if not the world's,  greatest periods of divided disconnection.  And while there are many who have awoken from their slumber, still others are stuck in choosing spiritual sides.  Either stay in the darkness, where its safe, or have the courage to be reborn into a new identity.  That of a SUPERHERO!  The SUPERHERO everyone came here to be!  

We become galvanized and fully aligned with our SOUL once remembering it's what we are BEING with our life that matters "oh so much." We then bring that being into our "daily doings."  Meaning, you could be a doctor who has an arrogant demeanor about him. And treats others as though he is above them in many ways. Or you could be a teacher who treats everyone as though WE ARE ALL ONE.  You tell me; which of the two do you think is being the loving servant to mankind?  Yeah, easy to discern, huh!

I also believe we are all WAY to caught up in what a given situation can GIVE TO US, rather than realizing that we are put into situations to give to them what we feel is missing!  Novel idea isn't it. ;0)  For instance, if you find yourself in a job where there is a lack of compassion, be the source of more compassion in every interaction you come across.  Now let me say, I KNOW this is easier said than done. However, the grass is rarely greener on the other side.  Until we become content in some way with our current situation, we will NEVER be happy in the next. BOOM!  That is TRUTH my friends!!

So if you are stuck in a job or situation that is less than ideal toward fulfilling your life's mission, make a plan.  We have these things called nights and weekends in which we have time to work on changing our situation. I know it can be tough to use our free time on improving ourSELVES, but trust me, in the long run it will be worth it.  As the old saying goes, ‘Opportunity knocked at the door, and when I answered hard work was on the other side!’  And that is just the way it goes.  The ONLY difference between successful people and their sidekicks is that successful people are willing to do what others are not!

And if you have tons of free time but limited funds, perhaps start by getting a part time job. It will bring you some daily structure and contacts as well as line your pockets with some much needed dough to help pay the bills! Desperation leads to inspiration and that will assist in guiding you back toward discovering and fulfilling your life's mission! Again, neither path is right or wrong.  And neither of them are EASY PEEZY!  Life isn't meant to be easy. It's meant to be meaningful and filled with daily lessons to help us Re-member Who We Truly Are! 

One thing I do know is that once you truly commit to your life's CALLING, your angels will swoop in to assist you in every manner possible.  If you have ever truly committed to something, you know exactly that of which I speak!

This World is currently calling forth all of its Superheroes.  There is literally NO TIME TO WASTE! The unique Super Powers that were bestown to each and everyone of us finally need to be UNLEASHED into the realm of our Collective Consciousness.  After all, there has never been someone exactly like you to grace this planet! And there never will be again. That's how much you and the gifts you came to bear now matter! 

And So I am compassionately nudging all of my New Age Nerd tribe to finally answer the "Grand Call to Adventure" that awaits you all! It will only serve the mission for which you came and help change/save this planet from extinction!! If that doesn't motivate you, nothing ever will!!

I will end this post with one of my favorite quotes that has gotten me through many sleepless nights by Henry David Thoreau........

“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.”



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

NEVER FORCE Your FAITH..!! Here's Why...!

Belief leads to FAITH.....and FAITH leads to Knowingness...
Knowingness leads to Gratitude....and Gratitude graces us with BLISS!!
Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Ronnie Coleman is a true bodybuilding Legend!  He holds the record with a total of 8 Mr. Olympia titles!  Yes, even surpassing the 'Austrian Oak' himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who racked up a total of 7 bodybuilding world championships.  But Coleman's own Hero's Journey is just as legendary as his stack of awards.  

Born on May 13th, 1964 in Monroe, Louisiana, like so many other self made men/women, he wasn't privileged with any 'silver spoon' near his food deprived mouth.  Humble beginnings often lead to super heroic leanings, and Coleman is the perfect poster child for such transformations.  After graduating from college on a football scholarship and unable to find gainful employment, he was forced to take a job at Domino's Pizza.  Too broke to buy quality nutrition, Coleman relied on left over pizza each evening after work for mere survival.  Eventually, he followed his instinctual inclination toward being a HERO by enrolling in the police academy of Arlington, Texas.  He lived the life to 'Serve and Protect' from 1989 until 2003.  

Already possessing the natural genetic composition of a Super Hero physique,  Coleman's fellow officer, Gustavo Arlotta,  suggested that he join the local Metroflex Gym.  It was there that he met fellow bodybuilder Brian Dobson, also the owner/operator of the fitness facility.  Dobson allowed Coleman to workout everyday for free, as long as he could train him for the upcoming Mr. Texas bodybuilding championship.  Coleman won first place, which spurred his burning desire to be a Mr. Olympia champion.  

Coleman split his time between working days as a police officer and nights pounding out weights for hours on end.  Although standing an average height of just 5'10, he slowly built his physique into a mass filled monster of meat weighing over 300 pounds!  His hard core training sessions became stories of mythic proportions.  Lifting weights that blasted by the iron sized barbells of his fellow competitors.  Coleman was a man on a mission and like all of his other life endeavors, anything he did was with the commitment and determination of a Titan!  Second place was NEVER an option!! 

However, despite his doggedly determined efforts, for several years, Coleman never finished near the top of the Mr. Olympia pack.  Utterly frustrated and on the cusp of giving up on his dreams, he went to seek guidance from fellow contestant Kevin Levrone on the eve of the 1998 Mr. Olympia.  Levrone's sage advice started with "Listen, man.  You've been carrying your food around.  You're so serious.  You're measuring out your food.  You gotta just relax Ronnie!  I said, Why don't you just have a seat and have a shot of vodka with me."  

Levrone preceded to go to his coffee maker and pour Coleman a cup of java mixed with vodka.  He approached him with the cup of bodybuilding elixir and said, "Here! Drink that!"  Coleman was totally reticent toward the idea of putting any alcohol in his system.  After all, he had maintained a strict diet for months on end with NO cheat days.  So the very notion of ingesting alcohol was a completely foreign concept.  But Levrone was persistent, urging him on to drink the liquid he held in his enormous hands.  "Listen up big dog!  Just take a shot.  You'll be alright!  Chill man, just take it easy," Levrone insisted.  Coleman's desperation outweighed his reluctance and he started to drink the coffee/vodka mixture before him.  One sip turned into the next.  Until, he had downed the entire cup!
Levrone persisted that he drink another one.  Coleman had always believed that success leaves a trail. And since Levrone had better success in the previous Mr. Olympia's, he must know something that Coleman didn't.  Five shots of vodka later, he felt relaxed and calm.  Completely secure within his own skin for the first time leading up to the 'Big Show."  

The next morning Coleman awoke a new man.  The vodka had not only provided a much needed boost of relaxation, but also dehydrated him just enough for the real ridges of his perfectly sculpted physique to peak through his now tightened skin!  He got on stage that day and transformed the art of bodybuilding to a heightened level no other previous contestant had ever produced!  He was 300 pounds of totally shredded muscle in perfect proportions.  A God like statue come to life in front of his fellow competitors and a stunned audience!  Having never even placed in the last few years, Coleman took first place and thus started to cement himself as the greatest bodybuilder that ever lived!!   

After the show, Coleman realized that while the vodka certainly did its job in helping him to expose the nuanced bulges in his chiseled physique, it more importantly caused him to stop FORCING HIS FAITH!  And to put his trust in the Universe.  To Let Go and Let GOD! Instead of thinking he could win the title, he now KNEW he could!  Coleman's burning desire to win his first Mr. Olympia championship had caused him to enter into a vibrational state of lack, want, and need.  He was pressing his emotions toward frustration and disillusionment.  His energetic offering to the Universe had become one of RESISTANCE!  The arch enemy of abundance.  As is any form of self doubt, worry, or fear!  For any RESISTANT vibrational thoughts will block the flow of SOURCE energy into anyone's life!     

And the rest of his story, as they say, is one for the record books!  Rather than resisting his bounty of blessings, he learned to LEAN INTO HIS FAITH through authentic BELIEF rather than self doubt and worry.   Through that shift in perspective, Coleman created a lasting Legacy and is a true LEGEND in the world of bodybuilding!!


While committing to any burning desire, it is crucial that you stay in vibrational alignment toward its fulfillment.  What does that mean?!  It's an inner shift from WANT or NEED to one of DECLARATION and KNOWINGNESS!!  Start with monitoring your own language.  How many times, for instance, have you experienced someone in your life always stating what 'they want?!'   Perhaps it is a boyfriend/girlfriend, a new job, more money, better health, or even a change in living geography....I.E. moving to a new location.  And month after month, year after year, their utterances remain the same, and so does their life!!  The moment you utter the word 'want', you are sending a vibrational offering of NOT HAVING out to the Universe!  Instead, start replacing that word with declare, call forth, or commit.  I CALL FORTH a new job opportunity is a much more powerful declaration than I WANT a new job.   Does that distinction make sense to you?!    

FAITH is GRATITUDE in action!  It is the deep Knowingness that as you ask, so it shall be given!  ALWAYS!  Forced Faith is filled with doubt, worry, and fear.  Just as Ronnie Coleman forced his faith into self doubt and the results were filled with deep disappointment!  But once he started to go with the flow of life, relax, and LEAN INTO HIS FAITH, his results were legendary! As Morpheus told Neo in the film 'The Matrix', "There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."  In the same manner, Knowingness is FAITH in action!!  So always feed your FAITH and your self doubt and fears will starve to death!


Please remember that self control comes from a place of knowingness that you have the power to bring the object of your burning desire into your reality.  The Universe is your personal Doctor of Destiny.  When you find yourself in any emotional state of lack, simply ask the Universe for a prescription of a Higher Dose of FAITH!  And BELIEVE that you will receive it!   Understand you are constantly creating your own experiences.  Every thought and feeling you generate has an energetic vibration attached to it that extends out to the Universe.  Those vibrations become attached to energy of the same resonance, and that creates the reality you experience!  The Universe is obliged to serve up on a platter a reflection of what your core thought and belief systems are based upon.  Your outer experience is in direct correlation to your inner reality.  What you BELIEVE is what you will RECEIVE!!  That's the precise framework of a Self Fulfilling Prophecy!

But you are infinitely more powerful than you realize!  You have the ability to move mountains.  Yes, I said mountains!  There is no need to believe in Magic.  Simply believe in yourself; for you are fully comprised of magic!!  You are a Magical Miracle Makin' Machine!!!  Deep within you is a Super Heroic Higher Self !!  But to fully activate it you must be willing to summon the courage to shed the flesh of your former self and assume a new identity.  One that is unlimited in potential and power!  In fact, once you step into this new YOU, there is absolutely NOTHING that cannot be created as a new reality in your life!  
No longer a victim of your circumstances, you will become the HERO of a new life filled with unadorned BLISS.   And the path toward the grand adventure that has been awaiting you will be lit with a light filled with pure LOVE........................

Serve with Love...
Fulfill Your Calling/Mission
Inspire Others
Share Your Bliss


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, July 12, 2020


Back in December of 2005, Sosoliso Airlines flight 1145, headed from Abuja to Port Harcourt, South Africa, crashed upon landing and killed 107 of the 109 passengers on board.  One of the two survivors is named Kechi Onwuchi.  The Nigerian-American was just 16 years young at the time of the horrific accident.  In what is no thing less than a Miracle of Cosmic proportions, Kechi was severely burned on over 65% of her body and lost part of her vision.  Her doctors gave her less than a 30% chance of survival.  But Kechi is a more than just a "survivor."  She is the definition of a SUPER HERO!

Out of the 60 students that were on board the doomed disaster, she was the lone survivor.  She describes the horrifying ordeal like this:

Fifteen minutes to the end of the flight, the pilot announced that we were soon to land at the Port Harcourt airport. I remember I was sitting in an aisle seat, and my close friend Toke was on the aisle seat to my right. The ensuing turbulence was getting very frequent, but I didn’t think too much of it until someone from the back shouted ‘Is this plane trying to land?’ I couldn’t see out the window from my seat, but now I think about it that was probably for the best. Everything was so surreal in that moment. I turned to Toke, and we held hands, and I was like ‘Maybe we should pray?’ Before we could even start, there was this sudden shrill sound ringing in my ears, and next thing I knew, I was waking up in Milpark Hospital, South Africa. To this day I don’t remember the actual impact of the crash.

In 2007, Kechi and her family moved to Texas so she could receive treatment at Shriner's Hospital for Children.  She had to endure over 100 surgeries to manage the extreme trauma her body had been exposed to.  Over 100 surgeries!  Unfathomable, isn't it?  "I lost muscle mass and surface skin on my legs, arms, head, and upper body," she told Health magazine.  "Doctors harvested skin from my torso for skin grafts, so I wouldn't be prone to infections and sepsis."  She was in a medically induced coma for over 5 weeks.  

And yet, she not only persevered through nightmarish pain and suffering, she found her CALLING in music.   "Lying down in the hospital bed with bandages from head to foot, music was my escape, and that's why it means so much to me." Her supportive mother would often spend nights singing to her while she recovered.  

Back in 2017, then a still extremely shy and confidence deprived 28 year old, Kechi auditioned for the NBC sensation America's Got Talent.  This Princess Warrior was brave enough to show her scars to the world while belting out a transcendent version of Ed Sheeran's "Thinking Out Loud."  To no one's surprise, she got a much appreciated and well deserved standing ovation.  She made it into the group of Top Ten finalists but finished in the bottom five.  Still an amazing accomplishment on all fronts. " America's Got Talent  gave me a platform to share my story and voice, and inspire others with my journey as a burn survivor.  I was exposed to burn communities I didn't know existed.  And I reached children who were struggling with what I went through.  I was able to give them hope, and let them see that it is possible to have any life you want after the burns."  WOW!   Talk about a ball of bliss filled INSPIRATION.

Last night, I was channel surfing and stopped dead in my 'remote control' upon seeing Kechi sitting on a sofa just before her second chance on this Winter's America's Got Talent's Champion's Edition.   Immediately I became mesmerized by this woman's presence that bled through my flatscreen television's vista.  Instantly, the remote control was dropped on my lap as I became fixated on this Living Miracle's story. 

The producers did an enthralling piece on Kechi that had tears following down my cheeks within minutes.  What a beautiful, magnificent SOUL!  And yet, I had NO IDEA what was in store when she graced her presence on stage.  Dressed in a brilliant sequined outfit, this soon to be world wide sensation took her precious time before hitting the very first note of her audition.  The voice that soon burst from the lungs of this "Dynamic Diva" hit my heart oh so very hard.  It was a moment I will never forget.  And neither will the millions of viewers who were fortunate enough to tune into that evening's program.  

She belted out a deeply heartfelt and emotionally charged version of Calum Scott's "You Are The Reason."  Here are the lyrics:

You Are the Reason

There goes my heart beating
'Cause you are the reason
I'm losing my sleep
Please come back now
There goes my mind racing
And you are the reason
That I'm still breathing
I'm hopeless now
I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
Oh, 'cause I need you to see
That you are the reason
There goes my hand shaking
And you are the reason
My heart keeps bleeding
I need you now
If I could turn back the clock
I'd make sure the light defeated the dark
I'd spend every hour, of every day
Keeping you safe
And I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
Oh, 'cause I need you to see
That you are the reason, oh
(I don't wanna fight no more)
(I don't wanna hurt no more)
(I don't wanna cry no more)
(Come back, I need you to hold me closer now)
You are the reason, oh
(Just a little closer now)
(Come a little closer now)
(I need you to hold me tonight)
I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
'Cause I need you to see
That you are the reason

And when the light's faded to black, I felt like I had just witnessed the face of GOD!  Tears wept down my face as I sat silent, basking in the feelings of theONENESS we all share.  Talk about transformational, this was pure transcendence.  The audience gave her a tear stained standing ovation which understandably overwhelmed this gorgeous woman.

Curmudgeonly judge Simon Cowell surprised a stunned audience by telling her he didn't really "like" her rendition of "You Are The Reason."  Only to pause before bursting out, "I LOVED IT!"  He then preceded to hit the 'golden buzzer' that sent Kechi straight into the show's finals.  What a moment to re-member for all of us who were blessed enough to witness this real life 'Wonder Woman.' 

I have since learned that Kechi is not just a singing sensation.  Her brilliant mind has earned her numerous high school awards and she finished her undergraduate degree from the University of St. Thomas.  She is currently enrolled as a graduate student there earning her MBA in Economics.   When not deep in studying mode, Kechi performs for audiences all over the United States.  


Kechi Onwuchi is a powerful example to never let any of your life's "situations" define you.  She is a shining star who shows what can be achieved once you allow yourself to live from the space of your Super Heroic Higher Self!  Skies NOT the limit.  For you have NO limits.  You are SO much stronger than anything life will throw at you.  Being a victim to your circumstances is an insult to GOD!  Truly.  It's akin to sending back all your gifts to the North Pole.  Rather than GRATITUDE, your vibrational offering becomes a grievance. Re-member that the next time you start to feel sorry for yourself.  Please!  For that aching pain that settles into your core beingness when you do so is actually your SOUL weeping.  For your Inner Hero LOVES YOU; silly quirks and all.  And your Spirit never wants to experience any form of disconnection from the Grand Creator.  You know that feeling you get when saying 'goodbye' to someone you adore?  Well that's what your SOUL experiences when you forget WHO YOU REALLY ARE.  Get me?  

You are only as strong as your greatest adversity.  For it helped forge you into a Miracle Makin' Machine.  The bigger your mess, the more you've been blessed.   Holla!  Everything that's ever come your way has been no thing short of an opulent opportunity to learn and grow.   A gift from the GOD MIND.  The quicker you can learn to process your "situation" through ACCEPTANCE the better.  For what you resist, always persists.  And what you are brave enough to accept will melt away and be rebirthed as blessings.  I promise you!  

So the next time a hardship lands on your doorstep, it would do you just to re-member the story of Kechi Onwuchi.  For she is a mentor to us all.  She threw away the word IMPOSSIBLE years ago.  She understands it spells out I'M POSSIBLE.  Because every Hero's favorite space to play is within the "Playground of Possibility."
If she can do anything, why can't YOU?  




Jeffrey Louis Martinez