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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, November 10, 2019

TIPS For Moving PAST Life's TRAUMAS....!

Today's Inspirational “MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC”

~~ Emmet   (THE LEGO MOVIE)


I recently received the first post communication from a previous relationship that ended a while back.  Despite my belief  that I had moved forward from the emotional residue left within my being, I was super surprised at the extent to which I was triggered by this engagement.  Had I REALLY been moving on with my life the past year, or was I mired in the past, reliving the impactful moments in my head over and over again pressing a perpetual rewind button in my mind?

As is typically the case, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.  What is for absolute certain was the realization that it is time to apply some serious attention to truly MOVING ON!!  So like a Prime Directive from Captain Kirk, I have been compassionately applying some terrific techniques to assist a shift in energy toward anabolic energetic progression of new BEGINNINGS and magnificent manifestations!  Since all New Age Nerds understand that everything is comprised of energy, the reason we feel so much more powerful when we are in the act of expanding that essence is because it is our natural state and essence.  When we become stuck in pertinent areas of our life, our connection to SOURCE energy becomes stagnant or even catabolic in nature.  That's why it is commonly said  “Either get busy living or get busy dying!”  In fact, Bruce Lee used to implore to his students that “Life is never about stagnation. It is constant movement as we we constantly change.  Things change only by moving forward which always causes strength as it goes.”

I think we can all relate to feeling stuck, stagnant, or even complacent in our lives.  Especially in the areas of past traumas (relationships, job loss, break-ups) and the daunting difficulty in moving forward. Not to mention the self destructive behaviors that accompany reliving the same painful moments again and again, conjuring realities of what ‘could have been’ or even writing different versions and endings of these past stories in the mind making script machine of our minds.  I don't know about you, but I Thank God from time to time that there are no hidden camera recorders in MY mind!!  Just sayin......

If there is ONE thing I have come to understand as Universal Law, it is that you can fool yourself and others by trying to ‘fake it to make it’ in regards to your efforts in soul filled transformation in life, but you CANNOT pull the spiritual veil over the Universe with the reality of your core movement.  And let's face it, since our most powerfully ally is the connection to the SOURCE energy that is always at our disposal, why not ‘work with the mystical medication, NOT against it!’  :0)

I invite you to think about incorporating some of the following suggestions that have done wonders in supporting my own efforts in MOVING ON in areas of my life that were keeping me from being the Greatest Version of the Grandest Vision of who I came here to BE:

“In my experience, I have found that the solutions to all of life's intractable problems are NOT found in any form of intellect or cleverness.  They are solved by simply MOVING ON.”
~~  Carl Jung

There are several stages to healing from and moving forward from the various painful traumas we all experience during our lifetime.  I believe ACCEPTANCE of now what ‘IS’ can be the most profound part of this process.  Eckhart Tolle, in one of my favorite books said, “In fact, the moment the judgement stops through acceptance of what is, you are free of the mind.  You have made space for love, for joy, for peace.  That immediately takes you beyond ego.”  Are you aware that the majority of suffering in the human condition comes from the resistance of that which is.  So Re-member, what you RESIST PERSISTS, and what you look at, eventually melt away.

Last year, on an episode of Super Soul Sunday, I was introduced to the life affirming story of Madonna Badger.  A former big time NY magazine editor who seemingly had created a storybook worthy empire for herself and three small daughters, lost it all one Christmas morning in 2011.  On that fateful Christmas Eve, a house fire took the lives of all three of her children, as well as her parents who had come to visit for the holidays.  While Madonna was able to escape the burning blaze herself, she lost her entire family literally overnight.  UNTHINKABLE LOSS.  Tears streamed down as I watched her relive the two year journey that followed this horrifying event.  As you can imagine, she suffered suicidal depression for over a year, and found herself transferred to several ‘mental rehab’ centers, all in an attempt to transform her back to a semblance of her former self.  But do you know what she said was the miracle medicine and healing balm to her Soul that helped pull her out of her deep doldrums?!  It was the moment she stopped trying to THINK hew way out of the emotional malaise.  Getting out of her head where she found herself reliving the painful past, feeling guilt and shame about what she could have done differently that frosty, fateful night.

She decided to leave the trappings of the mental facilities she had been cooped up in for two years, and went to live with close friends in Arkansas.  She started occupying her mind with action steps and set goals, albeit understandably small at first.  Eventually, she traveled to Thailand to visit a child orphanage and gave the underserved children all the toys that her own children cherished prior to their passing.  Soon, she said she no longer felt herself stuck in the past, and found that life started filling in the new space with HOPE, joy, PEACE, and of course, ACCEPTANCE of her new reality and life.  It didn't happen overnight, but she said she made more progress in 6 months living with her friends than over two years at the various rehab centers. 

Finally, I will leave you with this little parable that strongly resonates with me and it is my desire that its essence finds its way into your ability to MOVE FORWARD in in any area of your life that is causing you pain or confusion, so that you can continue your Superhero's Journey in the most productive manner!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

For more information on my 1 on 1 Signature Coaching Programs,

please email me:  Jeffmartinez@thesuperheroscoach.com

Saturday, November 9, 2019




Perhaps one of the most challenging aspects of having the persistent COURAGE to take a path toward Self Realization is the cacophony of times you may have to ‘Fall off The Horse’ of your HEART as a natural part of the transformational process.  And has anyone reading actually ever fallen off of a real horse?   I have and let me tell ya, my tushie still smarts from the thought of it!  NO FUN!  It hurts like hell and is ALMOST equally embarrassing.  Luckily for me, my high jinx while horsin' around were way before cell phones were in everyone's pockets, just waiting to capture such precious memories!!  LOL  So you will just have to use your imaginations.............

I use this metaphor as a way of introducing you to a very common phenomenon that invariably occurs as soon as you make a clear and conscious DECLARATION to the Universe of who you now CHOOSE TO BE!  And it usually unfolds something along these literal lines.  You do an amazing amount of meditating, reading, workshops, seminars, coaching and come to that magical AH HA moment of realization in which blocks and/or limiting beliefs are seen for the ego illusions that they actually are meant to be.  And your body tingles with GODBUMPS!! You know the feeling I am talking about if you are on this path!  And suddenly, its party time!  Yeaaaaaa for me!  I am growing, learning, and raising my personal level of consciousness.  All is good in the world and the horizon seems unlimited in its potential of future manifestations.  Is any of this resonating so far?!  For many of you, I am sure it is hitting a chord of commiseration.  

And then, out of the blue, your world becomes flooded with the EXACT OPPOSITE people, experiences, and circumstances from the new vibrational declaration you have fought so valiantly toward.  Toxic ex boyfriends and/or  girlfriends start showing up out of the blue.  Events that once triggered you into egoic and low energetic vibrations start manifesting no matter what way you turn.  And you begin to believe one of two things; either you are slowly going looney tunes, or all this self transformational work is complete and total bullshit!!  Trust me, I've been there on several occasions. In fact, at one point, this phenomenon caused me to grab a black ink magic marker to start ‘HIGHLIGHTING’ some of my favorite passages from the pastiche of transformative books in my collection.   Well, (Marking through a paragraph in all black ink) never have to read that passage again!  Don't believe me, I have the blackened passages to prove it!  Just sayin......    ;0)

All this changed when a past mentor sat me down to set me straight.  And I will now share his wisdom with you!  The moment that you make this declaration of WHO YOU NOW CHOOSE TO BE, everything unlike it will flood into your existence.  BUT IT IS NOT A TEST.  I repeat, this is NOT about the Universe trying to test your essence.  It isn't set up that way.  Life isn't a game, nor is your experience of it.  It's serious spiritual stuff transpiring here!  Now what is occurring is SOURCE energy allowing you the most precious of OPPORTUNITIES.  In this realm we traverse through 7 different levels of energy at any given time, and this is simply the Universe's way of double checking that this new YOU is truly what you DESIRE and where you Now Vibrationally Resonate.  And please learn to accept and be in complete gratitude of this often incredibly challenging process.  Think about it for a minute.  Given our society's prevalent ADHD and oscillation in our decision making process, aren't you thankful that this system gives you time to make sure our impetuousness is not clouding our new TRUTH?!?   I know I sure am!  I can't fathom what my life would look like if the transformation of my Superhero's Journey shifted on every emotional whim that crossed through my complex internal processing Paradigm.   While it might make for a terrific episode of E! True Hollywood Stories it certainly wouldn't support my highest vision!  And that is just plain old keepin' it real!!  Who is with me?!?

So how do we measure our progress through these moments of opportunistic deluges?  The answer is fairly simple!  We GAUGE the time we spend in allowance of these disruptions to distract us from our new TRUTH!  In fact, I will share with you exactly what I mean with a recent experience of my own when I temporarily fell of my horse for a young lady I recent met.  As I have disclosed in many previous posts, given my traumatic childhood, I had a long standing pattern of chasing after women who were emotionally unavailable, and/or treated me in a manner that was much less than I deserved.  I ignored red flags the same way so many of us ignore the stoplight as it turns yellow to mean GO FASTER!!  LOL   Seriously!  For many years, LOVE to me equalled struggle, chaos, and having to prove that I was worthy of someone's care and attention.  As pathetic as it sounds, it was something conditioned and imprinted into my psyche from a very early age when my father abandonded the family when I was a mere three years old.  That led to many years of various mental, sexual, and physical abuse at the hands of my caretakers that had a lasting impact on my conditioning about what relationships should look like.  

After years of self realization work, I know I have made significant progress toward healing these dysfunctional patterns and my own level of self worth has skyrocketed in the process.  Thank you God!!  Well the past couple of weeks, I have been communicating with a lovely young lady who seemed spiritual and kind and incredibly conscious.  THEN, some red flags started to rear their nasty head, all cumulating in a very painful, caustic, extremely judgmental interaction last evening that lasted into the wee hours of the night.  Now five years ago,  I would have stayed up all night writing her an email to try and make amends with our night's painful co-creation!  But NOT THIS NIGHT!!  No way Jose!  
I decided to be a true Lightworker and shine my new found level of self worth into her darkness.  I did not allow her to dim my light!!  Five years ago, I would have woken up this morning as a basket case.  Full of self judgment and self loathing.  And spending an inordinate amount of time trying to make amends from last nights escapades.  But NOT on this day. I have not responded back to her caustic texts and actually hold her in a place of absolute reverence.  But FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROOM!  I am still LOVING her, but it is perfectly OK to love someone from the other side of the room!!  And just think of the birthday and Christmas card money I am going to save this year!!  LOL

The ultimate point I wish to convey in this post is that the path toward self mastery is a never-ending process.  And just when we think we have graduated from a lesson in our pattern, it often has a funny way of resurfacing just when we are ready to bask in the light of our accomplishments!  And the real truth of the matter is that there is no Right or Wrong with whatever way you decide to go.  Either fall back with the crows, or lift off and fly with the Eagles!  It all comes down to who you truly choose to be and manifest next in life!  

One last thing I would like to impart in tonight's post is that LIFE IS NOT A TEST! 


Please do not misunderstand me! I am not trying to condone or make light of the plethora of tragedy, loss, pain, and suffering we all endure at various points in our lives.  Life can be BRUTAL.  Even soul crushing at times.  We often lose our faith in any form of a higher power.   But rather than looking at them as TESTS, what would it look like for us to transcend our challenges as opportunities for MIRACLES to surround and support us.  And for US to BE THOSE MIRACLES for others. In the form of love, compassion, kindness, generosity of spirit, and understanding.  THAT is why we are here and without these OPPORTUNITIES,  we would not be able to experience the glorious feelings they afford us.  


Everyone will be challenged and endure times of struggle and strife on their unique Hero's Journey.  But the Universe wastes absolutely NOTHING!  Everything you experience is happening THROUGH YOU and FOR YOU, not TO YOU!!  Big difference!

Thinking things happen TO YOU is a mindset of Victim Consciousness.  And You Are Not a Victim! PERIOD and Mic Drop!!  And re-member that we are built for pain.  In fact, you will never find a better teacher than the Pain Professor.  It would serve you well to let Pain in, rather than resisting it.  Allow it to stay until you have learned what it came to teach.  For those lessons will prove to be the most valuable on your Hero's Journey!  


There is no such thing as FAILURE! (Unless you never try!)  Failure is simply Constructive Feedback from the Universe! It is always instructional in nature.  These are opportunities to grow and learn from.  The Universe does not work on a Pass/Fail basis!    Unlike the game of baseball, you get as many swings as you desire!  The Universe will give you Do Over after Do Over, but NOT to test you.  Please believe that 'Life is Rigged Completely In Your Favor!'  The Universe sent you here for a reason.  And it supports you in your Mission Possible!!  Do Overs are just the Universe's way of allowing you to get the lesson and wisdom you need to complete the next step on your Hero's Journey!  Ask and it shall be given, for the power and glory are all yours!  You are Never alone on your quest.  In fact, if you knew who walks beside you at all times, you would never experience Fear ever again.........


It's not as if God cast you out of Heaven and then makes you pass a series of TESTS to 'Get Back In.'  We are Divine creations, perfect in every way.  Each of us is priceless.  Never devalue your sense of SELF!  In doing so you are devaluing God Herself!  

Our collective MISSION has been Divinely Devised.  You each have a unique CALLING.  And it can only be fulfilled BY YOU !! The byproduct of its completion is nothing less than the rapture of a gateway towards Beams of Bliss flowing into our Collective Consciousness.  Expanding and infusing the energetic radiance of LOVE AND LIGHT, Peace and Wisdom, Compassion and Kindness back into the World!  And the stout KNOWINGNESS that as you spread these gifts of Blissful Boosts to others, so will this BLISS be brought back unto you!  For that which you do for others, you do for yourself!  The illusion of Separation will dissolve into nothingness.  Forevermore, You and I, will BE ONE!!


As Pastor Steve Simons says:

God is not measuring you.  God is leading you.

God is not judging you.  God is instructing you.  

God is not condemning you.  God is picking you up.  Dusting you off, and saying, "You'll get it better next time."

God is not testing you.  God is loving you, providing for you, blessing you, and giving you life.

Where you see failure, God sees opportunity.

Where you may see obstacles, God sees potential.

Where you see defeat, God sees impending victory.

So close your eyes and take a deep breathe!  And then Let It Go!  Learn to RELAX!!  Always do your best, because your best will ALWAYS DO!!   After all,  LIFE IS NOT A TEST.........



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, November 7, 2019

DISCOVER the REASON That We Are All HERE....!

Today's “Mythological Magic”


Unfortunately, I have attended more than my fair share of funerals the last three years.  We all know how fast life goes but attending the passing of a dear friend or relative truly puts us nose to nose with our own mortality.  As Steve Jobs often espoused, our own mortality is one of the greatest motivating factors to pursue your dreams.  

One common trait that I have witnessed during these celebrations of a Spirit's life is the manner in which eulogies of the beloved still left behind tend to be expressed.  There is usually VERY little time allotted to the individuals achievements, honors, created financial abundance, or how much ‘Stuff’ they accumulated.  Do you know the one common emotional trait that runs through nearly each and every one of these heartfelt expositions during eulogy time happens to be??  It's simple actually.  HOW DID THAT PERSON MAKE YOU FEEL is the resounding answer!!  And it makes complete and total sense.  Why you ask?!  Because FEELINGS are the guideposts to our Soul! So when we are engaged with compassion, reverence, respect, love, and loyalty it awakens our Soul and allows it to grow exponentially  so that it, in turn, can ‘pass it on’ and share that same kindness with others!  

In fact, most of the stories I have been fortunate enough to hear during these funerals (celebrations of life) have to do with how someone offered comfort and support during times of trouble and tribulation in another's life.  Or how they always had a knack of making a group laugh raucously during get togethers.  While the stories are too many to recall, the one thing they ALL had in common was that they touched in some way HOW THAT INDIVIDUAL MADE OTHERS FEEL during their co-creations together.  

Think about it for a moment;  when you tend to take the time to reminance about a loved one that has passed, what mental images do you conjure?  DO you think about how many houses they had, or the type of cars they would drive?  Or do you think of the deep soul centered  warm and loving feelings that are still a part of your Being?  I think I know what the answer may be!   ;0)

Rev. Michael Beckwith, founder of the Agape center in Los Angeles used to often declare with such conviction, “Be aware and very present with each and every encounter you make on a daily basis while on this Earth.  Because YOU may be the ONLY bible that person ever reads, and you have a responsibility to shine your light as bright as possible in every co-creation you have!”  Amen my New Age Nerds!!!

While it is in all of our best interests to BE HERE NOW, sometimes the stresses and complications of our busy lives tend to get in the way of that goal.  Perhaps Re-membering the fact that your most powerful lasting impression you will ever make on another is how you make them feel will be a wonderful reminder to stay PRESENT in every co-creation.  We never know what another person we meet may be going through and how the impact we can have in their life by the way we make them feel in that precious moment.  

There is a wonderful story told to me many years ago about a young boy who, to say the least, was far from popular.  On many days while he would make his way from school back to his home, he would be bullied by a group of unconscious bullies.  

Yet on one particular day, a member of the school's football team saw the bullying occurring and intervened by stepping in with his physical prowess and assisted this young man in collecting the books and papers the bullies had kicked to the ground.  

Many years later, that same young man, became valedictorian of his graduating class and told the story of the day he was helped by another student who cared enough to make him feel like his life mattered.  It was a monumental moment in his life, because he was courageous enough to say that he had planned on committing suicide later that day.  

So the next time you come across a seemingly meaningless co-creation with someone, Re-member, you may be the only Bible that person ever reads.  And the massive effect you can have on one person at a time during your Superhero's Journey!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Time To SPIN Your OWN HEROIC Tale...!

Today's Inspirational “MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC”

"There is a story in the Talmud about a king who had a son who went astray. The son was told, 'Return to your father.' The son replied that he could not. The king then sent a messenger to the son with the message...'Come back to me as far as you can, and I will meet you the rest of the way.”

~~Reuven  (THE CHOSEN)


As you obviously now are quite aware, The New Age Nerd celebrates all things that encapsulate the transformative nature of the Hero's/Heroine's Journey.  Thankfully, the rest of the world is now catching up to the prescient nature of Joseph Campbell's teachings and subsequent life's work that espoused each and every one of us is on a very unique yet equally important path with a purpose and individual CALLING.  One of my favorite quotes of this man so full of accumulated wisdom is, "The greatest privilege of a lifetime is being exactly who you are."  NOBODY has ever had the exact set of challenges, experiences, setbacks, roadblocks, and God sent and heaven borrowed gifts to CONQUER them as have YOU.  The following passage from Campbell's ‘Pathways to Bliss’ has always inspired me to reframe my own particular set of struggles as a way of setting forth on a BLAZING ‘Mission to help the Masses’, especially when funds are running rather low, and my external situations seem overwhelming to the point of waving the white flag of surrender to a life of service......

Here is a story that seems to me to embody the essential image of living one's life, finding it and having the courage to pursue it. It comes from an Arthurian romance, La Queste del Saint Graal, by an anonymous thirteenth-century monk.
There's a moment there in Arthur's banquet hall when all the knights are assembled around the Round Table. Arthur would not let anyone start to eat until an adventure had occurred. Well, in those days adventures were rather normal, so people didn't go hungry for long.
They were waiting for this day's adventure, and it did indeed occur. The Holy Grail showed itself to the assembled knights - not in its full glory but covered with a great radiant cloth. Then it withdrew. All were left ravished, sitting there in awe.
Finally, Gawain, Arthur's nephew, stood up and said, "I propose a vow to this company, that we should all go in quest of that Grail to behold it unveiled."
Now we come to the text that interested me. The text reads, "They thought it would be a disgrace to go forth in a group. Each entered the Forest Adventurous at that point which he himself had chosen, where it was darkest and there was no way or path."
You enter the forest at the darkest point where there is no path. Where there is a way or path, it is someone else's path; each human being is a unique phenomenon.

The idea is to find your own pathway to bliss.
~~  Joseph Campbell  (The Pathway to Bliss)

And as much as my GEEKY passion for the larger than life examples of Heroes and Heroines that weekly fill our multiplexes (Yes, even Superman V Batman ROCKED!) and nightly preside over our High Definition TV screens, it is easy to overlook the GRACEFUL and HEROIC actions of the individuals who cross our paths every day.  They seek no fanfare from the Fanboy set, nor do they think of themselves as anything resembling the stories that myths are transcribed from.  Yet, it is the cumulative  energy from these SPECTACULAR SPIRITS and their always active Love Lights that express the space of eternal soulful expansion that is the true essence of why we are all here and hold the code of The Hero's/Heroine's Journey's edict.

Today, I had the privilege of hearing of one extraordinary example of the visceral impact of such heroic power through a humble caretaker of one of my mom's dear friends.  My mother has been assisting her friend Kate for over ten years.  During which time her health has slowly declined from a pastiche of ailments including MS, diabetes, and recently the loss of her right arm.  She has no family around to aid in her daily care taking routine, and let's just say that there is a HUGE disparity between the manner in which her various nursing team cares and treats Kate and her substantial physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.  

This morning, my mom, as part of her daily routine, stopped in to check on Kate and found her to be in wonderful spirits.  This was very much due to the fact that her current caretaker is a tiny woman of Indian descent named Makela who engages Kate with true compassion, grace, and absolute joyful dignity.  Although a low hourly wage worker, one would think she was Kate's daughter or sister in the manner of delicate and deliberate LOVE she spreads during her weekends with her.  She patiently does Kate's hair and makeup, takes the time to buy and prepare healthy meals and engages her with words of support and devotion, rather than ‘duty’ and ‘down talking.’

This morning, prior to leaving Kate's morning visit, my mother stopped Melaka, grabbed her by the arm and said, "You are truly an ANGEL on this earth.”  To which Mekala humbly replied, “ I am NO angel.  An Angel would be someone who would care for Kate if she were her enemy.  And I LOVE Kate.”

Upon hearing this story,  I thought what a world of transcendent glory we would all be a part of if we lived by those words.  For they would indeed challenge the heart of even the stingiest of GRINCHES to move three larger sizes.  And it also reminds me to live yet another luminary quote coined by Campbell, “At such moments you realize you and the other are, in fact, ONE.  It's a big realization.  Survival is the SECOND law of life.  The first is that WE ARE ALL ONE.”  Something the World seems to now gleam as little more than a light in our collective rearview mirror....

Traditional MYTHS and legends throughout our history have served as ‘teaching tales’ for humanity.  We learn and are reminded of courage and compassion, humility and goodness, fear and heroism, life and death, and everything in between.  It is my hope that this small story of MYTHOLOGICAL proportions in my nerdy eyes be one that does that for you, me, and everyone we share it with.

Because it is precisely these little known TALES that contain the spiritual guidance and Re-membrance that can INSPIRE us all to live our lives as the Superheroes and Heroines we were always meant to be!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Why Every One of YOU are SUPERHEROES of Your Life's STORY..!

This life has a way of putting us in the direct path of people and circumstances that can dampen our Spirits and make us doubt our own Path and reason for BEING!  Because so many Souls on this planet have been beaten down and thusly completely forgotten their own CALLING and reason for manifesting on this planet at this exact moment in time.  And it is oh so easy to judge them for their current level of consciousness as an indictment of Who They Truly Are.  This actually happened to me earlier today.  I was confronted with an engagement  from a co-worker who rather than giving me a kind exit for the weekend, actually confronted me with a condescending comment about a logistical aspect that made me feel less than, just as I was leaving the office after an incredibly stressful week.

And I will come clean and admit that as I walked out out of the office door I had an enormous amount of judgment towards her.  That's right.  Even someone who has been studying and preaching not allowing what another person thinks about you to have a negative affect on your vibration was brought down several notches on the spiritual vibrational of the Cosmos spinning wheel. I just started a new job because of both the fiscal and pragmatic opportunities this consulting gig provided and of course I am still in the process of getting to know and understand the cacophony of employees and how to best engage them on an individual level.  

How dare she leave my weekend with negative energy when I stopped by her office only to wish her positive salutations prior to leaving for our weekend break!  Yet, as I made the long walk to my vehicle, I centered myself and came to the realization that her hurtful words toward me had absolutely No Thing to do with ME on a Personal level!!  That's right.  That only had energy that was vibrating from her inner consciousness.   And how she engaged me was only her KARAMA!  The manner in which I responded was my KARMA!!  So I said a silent prayer because I knew someone who would engage me in such a manner was filled with pain.   And rather than judge her, my job was to hold her in a space of LOVE AND LIGHT!

You see every story HAS A SUPERHERO!  She is even the SUPERHERO of her own story!  She just isn't in a place of conscious awareness to embrace that TRUTH quite yet!  And that is completely OK!!  In earlier conversations with her I learned that she was in a very abusive relationship for over twenty years.  And although she is no longer with this individual of a low vibration, the obvious effects of this relationship continues to vibrate in her day to day actions and it is quite obvious that it continues to cause her to live her life out of energetic alignment.  And that is a crying shame!  Yet, unfortunately I know that there are many of you reading this that share a similar pattern and lowered energetic vibration.  Am I right?!?  Time to fess up My New Age Nerds and come clean so you can follow your  own personal process of healing toward alignment back to the LIGHT!

So I decided to write a post this evening in the hopes of INSPIRING anyone who because of any myriad of life circumstances feels LESS THAN in any way shape or form to remind them that it is simply an ILLUSION!!   And PLEASE do not judge yourself for the way you may be currently feeling.  YOU ARE EXACTLY WHERE YOU CURRENTLY NEED TO BE!!  No thing in life is ever wasted!!  Everything you are currently experiencing is simply understanding that will eventually reveal itself as wisdom, courage, and strength for your own Hero's/Heroine's Journey!  I PROMISE YOU THAT!!  In fact, it is that very knowledge that once saved my life!  

Once you Re-member that we are all one, it will be soooo much easier to release any judgement that we hold toward ourselves and others.  Because it is during this very moment that you will Re-member that you are the Hero of your own story!  And that everything that you experience, no matter how painful it may seem in the moment, is No Thing more than the exact experience you require to continue following your individual, unique, and magical life's CALLING!!  It's actually a BLESSON!  (A BLESSING AND LESSON)

And that is why I created a coaching practice and this very BLOG!  To help myself and others Re-member to pay no mind to what others think or BELIEVE!  That is all about THEM!!  And that what others think about us is absolutely NONE OF OUR BUSINESS!!  Let the haters and doubters have their day!  Do not judge them, but Re-member that they are still being controlled by their EGO.  And they would rather keep you playing small than to see you shine your LIGHT so bright that it blinds their current understanding of Why They Came into this World!  Because every HERO is someone who understands the responsibility that comes from their FREEDOM!!  And that EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US IS A HERO!  And by following our own individual life's CALLING, no matter how scary or impossible it may currently seem, it is the way toward our salvation.  For as Jesus The Christ espoused, if you bring forth that for which you came, you will have eternal salvation.  But if you refuse that CALLING, it will destroy your very reason for BEING!! 

Believe it or not, I have been contributing to this blog for over two years.  And many of you may wonder what my motivation for continuing to write so many daily posts must be.  So do you truly want to know the answer to that quandary?!?!  I mean TRULY?!?  It's because I have a personal CALLING AND MISSION!!  And that is to awaken as many Spirits on this planet as spiritually possible!  Awaken them to their personal CALLING!!  

Because I cannot be the only person who sees a world that is sick with apathy, disconnection, emotional starvation, and spiritual confusion.  And I truly Believe with every ounce of energy within my body and soul that the most effective way in changing the vibrational consciousness on this planet is to have as many Souls as possible awaken to their CALLING!  And the ONLY way to accomplish that endeavor is to guide as many people as possible toward their Hero/Heroine's Journey!  Help them accept the fact that by following their life's MISSION, no matter what obstacles may seem to be blocking your path, that YOU ARE A HERO!!  YES, YOU!!!  And you matter more than you could possibly imagine!!  And that you have unique talents and gifts the likes of which have NEVER been seen before you have wielded them in this realm!  But, you must have the courage to step out amongst the light of the masses who would rather see you fail and flail amongst the illusions that they do not yet have the courage to confront!!  

But that is NOT who YOU ARE!!  You are a SUPERHERO! And no matter what your current circumstances may be, YOU HAVE THE POWER TO SAY, THIS IS NOT HOW MY STORY WILL END!!  And please Re-member that you cannot make a MISTAKE!!  Mistakes do not exist in this realm.  Missteps do, but they are simply opportunities to say, I TRIED!!  So do not let that stop you from taking the first few steps toward your salvation and the CALLING that is a part of your birthright!  

Because here is a SUPERHERO'S In Training Tip.  Every single thing you desire to manifest into your life is on the OTHER SIDE OF YOUR GREATEST FEARS!!  In fact, by stepping through the ILLUSION of time and space, and facing our greatest fears and terrors, there is something called PURE BLISS on the other side!!  And the definition of Bliss is perfect happiness and eternal JOY!!  So what on earth could you possibly be waiting for!  Start your Hero's/Heroine's Journey RIGHT NOW.  There will never be a perfect  time when the stars align in perfect harmony that will act as a cue for you to start your JOURNEY!!

The world is full of SUPERHEROES, yet so few of them BELIEVE!!  Well, I do BELIEVE!  In fact I hold a space of KNOWINGNESS!!  Because that is my CALLING!!  And as the proverbial saying goes, The Night is The Darkest Just Before the Dawn!!  Well, the Dawn is upon us and the time is NOW for us to awaken from our collective slumber.  Yet again, at the University of Central Michigan University, a fellow Spirit killed both his parents who were simply there to pick him up for his upcoming Spring Break.  He has since fled the area and over 100 armed police officers are searching neighborhoods in the surrounding areas.  Such an absolutely tragedy!!  This obviously unconscious gentleman was suffering in deep psychological and mental pain and anguish, yet as is becoming all too commonplace, the red flags he no doubt displayed went without a call to action and the results were once again, not only preventable, but a reminder that the change we seek must come from within the collective consciousness we all share.  Looking to and blaming the current Presidential administration is a waste of our energy.  As is fighting the powers surrounding the NRA.  While I am completely for more stringent laws regarding anyone obtaining any form of gun ownership, that simply is NOT THE SOLUTION!!  As they say, you are either part of the problem or part of the solution.  

And we are all to fixated on allocating our finite energy on external answers to a problem that stems from deep within our own BEING!   WE ARE THE SOLUTION!!  WE ARE THE SUPERHEROES WE HAVE BEEN WAITNG FOR!!!  Pointing figures is simply a waste of time and energy as well as a futile attempt at deflecting our own responsibility for the state of the world's current consciousness!  

As one of my own personal heroes, Wayne Dyer once said, "Life either happens to you, or YOU happen to life!"   And I think every New Age Nerd chooses to happen to life!  Am I right?!?  Please tell me I am! You guys simply frickin' ROCK!

A tide of trouble seems to be at every corner of our experience that has no need to be tolerated any longer!  Because by transforming into the Superheroes this world has been waiting we have the ability to see and acknowledge those amongst us who are hurting and seeking our assistance.  Looking the other way is no longer a solution that we can accept!  By simply acknowledging those in our path with compassion and kindness, especially those who are in obvious distress and discomfort,  we can circumvent so many of the tragedies that have befallen us in recent weeks!  Don't you agree?!

It is beyond time for the oh so many tragedies that have befallen us to be a relic of the past!  But the ONLY way for that to occur is through the awakening of our collective consciousness.  As Gandhi professed, BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE IN THE WORLD!!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez