About Me

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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, April 29, 2023



I was introduced to the term ‘Wounded Healer’ on the very first episode of Super Soul Sunday I ever watched. And it has been a part of my spiritual paradigm ever since. In the episode, they were discussing the fact there are certain individuals who seem to go through extraordinary life challenges, as well as an amazing amount of pain and suffering. And unfortunately, many of these chosen SOULS are labeled with having bad luck, or making poor decisions that are the root cause of their various life struggles. And yet, most often, that is simply NOT the truth of what is taking place behind the spiritual scenes of their experiences. Many of these special individuals are called to be WOUNDED HEALERS.

The term itself is derived from Mythology.  In Greek myth, Chiron was the wisest of Centaurs and the archetype of the wounded healer.   He was accidentally wounded by an arrow which had been dipped with the blood of Hydra. Chiron was immortal though, and so that arrow's venom sentenced him to eternal pain, suffering, and terrible torment.  In his lengthy search for a cure to his own condition, the byproduct became an ability for him to help others.  He became a teacher who spent his days spreading the healing arts he had learned through his own struggles.  The very act of helping others with their suffering greatly aided his own angst. As Buddha says, “Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion.”

While Greek Mythology may have originated the idea behind a wounded healer, the energy behind this powerful archetype has continued to spread throughout all generations.  It is at the core of The Superhero's Journey.  In the final act of the Journey, the Hero, after overcoming an inordinate amount of struggles, pain, and suffering, brings the knowledge collected and lessons learned back to their tribe to share this newfound enlightenment.

However, there is a distinct difference between curing someone from their particular malady, and HEALING them from their pain so they can resume their life's purpose.  Perhaps it can be surmised as the difference between science and art.  Effective healing energy flows when two hearts intimately connect. There is a deep trust because of the mutual understanding both have from experiencing things that are quite similar in nature.  I know, for instance, when I meet someone who has suffered from Crohn's disease, they truly understand my pain. In fact, we call ourselves ‘The Crohnies’ when we meet.  We share a common yet unspoken badge of honor from our malady.  This doesn't mean that the only people who can assist and support me have to suffer from Crohns, but as Carl Jung said, “The doctor is effective ONLY when he himself is affected.  Only the wounded physician heals.”  What I have found is I tend to resoundingly connect and resonate with others who have dealt with their own severe forms of trials and tribulations.  They just seem to have a common form of knowingness and understanding of which I resoundingly relate to. The depths of their souls are so full of mystical magic and wisdom. I can get lost in this esoteric energy for days!

Jung believed that the best healers were those who had undergone a transformation of sorts from their own suffering and set of life struggles.  It offered to them an authentic piece of soul based compassion. The Wounded Healer understands at a profound level what his client feels, because he/she has experienced something of a VERY similar nature.  The Wounded Healer is thus able to feel a profound empathy, and not just sympathy for their client. And that makes a whalloping difference in the relationship!  It's as if a spiritual channel of connection emanates from both healer and patient which  causes a sense of soul filled understanding and trust.

Admittedly, my life has had MORE than its share of experiences that many people lable as bad luck. Literally casting caustic epithets such as “Jeff just can't catch a break.  He has the worst luck.”  And sometimes it has been beyond painful and frustrating to be engaged in such a manner. In an old post called ‘A Dark Knight of the Soul’ I describe the moment when I realized that luck had No Thing to do with my life experiences.  I believe  I was called to be a Wounded Healer and have since made it my life's purpose to use what I have learned during my Superhero's Journey to support and assist others who are still in their own particular sense of HELL.  A BATMAN with a spiritual MISSION!! Yeah...I Like That!  As Thomas Jefferson said, “Who then can so softly bind up the wound of another as he who has felt the same wound himself.”  Utter perfection...........

So today I ask you, do you believe that you can find a way to use your personal and unique set of hardships and pain to assist others?  Because in a way, I believe we are ALL meant to be Wounded Healers. That doesn't mean it has to become our life mission.  But how much human suffering could be transformed if we had the courage and were VULNERABLE enough to share our hurt and illusionary failures with our fellow brothers and sisters?!  Furthermore, I believe it is time for us to make this one of our collective earthly missions.  We need one another NOW more than ever!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, April 28, 2023

An ODE To All Of US Hopeless ROMANTICS...!

DESIRE....  Our restless compass meant to show us the way...Created in Heaven's womb in which a sacred contract was made...

Yet..  it was a declaration,  signed before I came...
An Earthly experience with so many dreams to wake..

Expectations I had been warned, would be a case for concern....
So my actions tempered such temptations of the flesh...
And instead I planted situations to allow My Soul to learn....
For deep heartfelt connections would allow fellow HEARTS to mesh...

For once in human form we forget oh so much....
Attempting to find our true path in time...
As I watch lovers pass on by, through a simple touch....
Someone waiting for me, who would be true and kind....

Instead I sit alone and watch time pass on by....
As I've saved my Soul's love songs all of my life...
For I came here to sing someone my favorite lullabys ..
Never thinking the passage of time would cause such strife....

The type of love songs nobody has heard before...
I'll sing them once, For I know they're only for your ears..
Sitting on the sand as they remain steadfast dreamful lore...
Lyrics manifested straight from my heart, sometimes sharing space with my tears… 

Life is here and gone in a blink of an eye...
I've made mistakes just trying to get by...
But in front of you, I’ll bare my soul’s howling cry...
Please don't go, my feelings don't lie....

In the recent past, I know I've been scared..
So many Dreams I've wanted to make...
But soulful feelings are often layered...
And our past memories are hard to shake...

So please tell me if these DREAMS are meant for you...
Maybe all we need is a little more time...
Because my feelings ring cosmically TRUE..
A LOVE that may be meant to mimic the Holy Divine..

And if such feelings are way offline..
At least I'll search for a new place...
Where I can find a HEART to call MINE...
And in her care.. I know I'll be truly safe...

A Romantic deep within my Body and Soul...
Such emotions I have never shared before...
Wondering what meaning might take their Toll...
Because they come from deep within my CORE...

Patiently, I've been saving all my daily Breaths..
Waiting for the One who is certain to be You…
Celebrating those who care not about impending death..
Despite their earthly struggles.. valiantly did make it through...

If promises before space and time did I make...
Never were they made in Vain..
Although still hard for me to shake...
I know you won't hold me in a place of Shame..

For my heart and soul are still searching for YOU...
So many quiet feelings, emotions never felt before...
Previous moments known by only a precious FEW...
On an empty and desolate Spiritual Shore...



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, April 27, 2023

BUYER BEWARE Of The Spiritual Narcissist........!



Since the mid 2000's, there has been a growing group of individuals who practice what I call ‘Spiritual Entertainment.’  These searchers of  he easy way toward Universal Truth have become professional conscious con artists who can absolutely WOW you or a group of people with their spiritual vernacular. As well as a perfected practice of various quotes from books they have obviously read many times over.  And their talent in captivating a group is absolutely undeniable. And the confidence in their seemingly innate ability to capture a group's attention with epithets of the rules to SUCCESS and soulful nirvana are things worthy of America's Got Talent!  But upon deeper investigation, you realize that their 'Spiritual Song and Dance Show' is more surface based than they would have you believe. While they may have perfected the vernacular that enthralls those seeking 'The Way,' with just one peak behind the misleading wisdom of their Wizard of Oz like curtain, you realize what they are actually peddling is all Egoistic in nature. They wish to be liked, seen, heard, and validated by the rest of us. They ‘talk the talk,’ but when it comes to actually living what they are preaching their magical semantics become a hoax of well rehearsed riveting routines. All falsely capturing the hard work, dedication, and courage it takes towards bravely forging toward your own Superhero's Journey.  

This form of ‘Spiritual Entertainment’ is hollow, superficial and leaves us feeling empty. Not unlike any form of a quick fix we seek to fill forms of pain and disconnection we all face when we become completely detached from our connection to SOURCE.  

This form of spiritual narcissism is captured perfect in the following Bible quote:“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.” - 1 John 4:1

As you can imagine, during my 25 year history on my own path of self realization, I have come across many of these spirits who peddle a get spiritual rich quick program. And my goal here is NOT TO JUDGE THEM.  They are on their path and like the rest of us, deserve the dignity of their own individual process. However, that DOES NOT mean that we cannot choose to love them from the other side of the room! Right?! Many of us on the path of righteousness are fragile and vulnerable.  Most of us are in pain and seeking a way towards our own SOULS salvation. So I thought I would share some tell tale signs that you may be dealing with a 'Spiritual Narcissist' in order to support you in continuing your path of functional and soulful purpose!

1. They Constantly Reference their own Achievements
The Spiritual Narcissist loves to self-promote. For them, every conversation is an opportunity to share just how superior they are to the average believer. They typically go about this by listing off their own achievements. You’ll hear them talk incessantly about their upcoming book, their latest achievement, sermon series, missions work, or that time they led someone to the TRUTH.

2. They Invade Conversations
The Spiritual Narcissist craves control, and their highest authority is always their own self-reference. As a result, it’s not uncommon for them to invade the personal or private conversations of others. They’ll often do this under the guise of 'helping' or 'correcting' fellow SEEKERS, but they have no real interest in a two-way dialogue. You can choose to be loving or choose be RIGHT, and these individuals tend toward the latter!
3. They Twist The Word Of God
Susan B. Anthony once said, “I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires”. In the same way, a Spiritual Narcissist uses scripture as a tool for their purpose instead of God’s. They approach the Bible/Koran/or any spiritual understanding with a closed mind, memorizing only a handful of useful verses that will justify their behavior. Anything else, particularly scripture that conflicts with their actions, gets ignored. 
The best defense TRUTH SEEKERS have against this kind of faulty theology is to simply read from the words of our world's sacred spiritual teachers. The more familiar we become with God’s work, the more familiar we become with God.
4. They Profess Love, but RARELY Show It 
Perhaps the easiest way to identify a Spiritual Narcissist is to see if their works match their words. Many will claim they have nothing but love and compassion in their hearts for those they rebuke, but their actions prove otherwise. God says we can judge a prophet by the fruit of his labors, “A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.” So, what kind of harvest do they bring to God’s table? Division? Disdain? Cruelty?
Love is more than words; love is actions. That’s what separates the truth seeker from the Spiritual Narcissist.

5. They Talk, but They Don’t Listen
Listening can be a powerful tool. Listening builds trust, creates empathy, and fosters understanding among individuals.  The Spiritual Narcissist, by contrast, is quick to speak, quick to take offense, and incapable of listening. They enjoy being the loudest one in the room, and the idea of deferring to someone else galls them.
A true Spiritualist listens to others, even when they might not agree with them. Listening requires that we be selfless, which is the one thing a Spiritual Narcissist can never be.
Before I close this post, I want to reiterate that I am in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM judging any Spirit in the Cosmos.  I truly DO NOT believe in 'Right vs. Wrong.'  And certainly do not adhere to any practice that would place judgment on ANY SOUL. I fervently believe all SOULS are EXACTLY where they need to be in their own individual process of understanding and spiritual growth. But for those of us who have transcended certain levels of consciousness, it only impedes our continued growth to engage with these individuals who are still ‘finding their way.’
In time, I know we will all dance in one grand SOULABRATION of truth and remembrance. And when that future moment of NOW occurs, I will be the very first one on the dance floor and the very last one off!  And I welcome any and all dance partners on that Sacred Day! My dancing partner list is ready to be filled........ 

Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Learn The TRUE SECRET To Manifesting Your Earthly DESIRES...!!


Did you know that you were born rich? And that ABUNDANCE is not a privledge for a lucky few, but rather your birth right!  And if you DO NOT BELIEVE what I just stated, that is the first energetic frequency I would suggest you work towards. But in order to receive the unending amounts of abundant energy in all its forms - be it LOVE, money, health, or fulfilling relationships - there is something even MORE important than Belief that must be achieved as part of your inner alignment. And that is the highest form of vibrational energy as it pertains to manifesting our most heartfelt DESIRES.  And that my fellow New Age Nerds is KNOWINGNESS.

See if this example resonates with any of you. You have a friend who desperately desires to be in a loving, fulfilling relationship.  Yet weeks turn into months, and then many years of her/him desiring the same thing, yet their story NEVER changes.  Five years later, you see that person at an end of year holiday party.  Only to hear the EXACT same story of how they were hoping ‘this was the year’ it was going to happen. But still say they really WANT to meet that special someone. Raise your virtual hand if you have had or know at least one person with a similar ‘Story.’  I know my hand is raised high as can be!!  LOL

The Universe is made up of NO THING but pure energy.  And that energy is at our disposal whenever and however we desire!  But in order for that statement to become a reality in your experience, you have to KNOW it to be true.  And no!  Simply wanting, wishing, or hoping JUST WON'T CUT IT!  It's absolutely essential we realign our thoughts and beliefs into a state of pure KNOWINGNESS to access the abundance that surrounds us.  It is the ‘Key to Miracles’ in this dimension.  Abundance is not something we ascertain or acquire, but rather something that we tune into through changing our vibration into a state of ALLOWANCE THROUGH KNOWINGNESS.

I absolutely love Huffington Post writer Nathan Dern's explanation of this Paradigm when he writes, “An authentic life is one of making distinctions about the nature of reality. Many people think that what they believe about reality and what they know about reality is the same thing, but unfortunately its not. There is a fundamental difference between believing something to be true, having faith that something is true and knowing something to be true. Believing means that you have accepted a truth, faith means that it may be true, but knowing means that you are certain about that truth. These distinctions need to be made if we wish to invite sublime possibilities into our lives. When you say ‘I believe that angels exist,’ what are you really saying? What you are implying with this belief is that you don’t know about angels because it is not within the realm of your experience. Do you believe in angels because they are appealing or because you have arrived at this truth through personal experience? Do you have faith that angels are among us or do you know for certain that they are? Or you may say ‘I am Divine’ but again what are you implying? You believe that you are divine, you apply faith to this belief but do you know for certain that you are? Is your belief based on knowing or based on an outside source?”  

Knowingness has been the single biggest factor in my most profound life changes. In fact, it wasn't until I truly started incorporating the practice of true KNOWINGNESS into my inner vibrational realignment that my life TRULY started taking off in the direction I had yearned for what seemed like ages! In simple terms, it is like the difference between wanting something and committing to having that very thing in your life.  One is passive and rests at a very low energetic vibrational  resonance.  The other is a Kick Ass proclamation that you are prepared to do whatever is necessary to get the job done! Does that make sense?!

As many of you are now aware, the late Wayne Dyer is the mentor I never meant, and he does perhaps the most effective job of laying out the true power of KNOWINGNESS I have yet to come across.  In fact, it was through him that I was first introduced to the amazing shifts that occur when KNOWINGNESS is a constant inner vibration within ourselves.  It absolutely has the ability to allow anyone to experience ‘Heaven on Earth.’

Here is his most potent explanation of KNOWINGNESS that I know of:

“The way to understand this, it seems to me, is to understand the difference between what you know and what you believe. A belief is something that has certain characteristics; a knowing has certain characteristics. I’ve identified five characteristics that differentiate a belief from a knowing.

Beliefs are handed to you. Knowings come from within. This means that a belief has doubt attached to it. A knowing has no doubt because it comes from within, from your direct experience.

A second characteristic that distinguishes a belief from a knowing is that beliefs will let you down in a crisis. Knowings never let you down. The reason that a belief is something that you cannot rely upon in a crisis is because of the doubt that is attached to it. And so it isn’t reliable, whereas anything that you absolutely know—for example, how to ride a bicycle or how to swim—when a crisis comes along you will not be let down.

A third characteristic that distinguishes beliefs from knowings is that your beliefs are mental exercises. Your knowings are physical exercises. Your beliefs are located in the mental realm as thoughts that you constantly reinforce. These are strictly mental exercises that you constantly practice until they become your reality. That is, a reality based upon the doubt that is attached to these beliefs.

You may believe that people shouldn’t wear jewelry in their nose. These kinds of beliefs will influence your conduct and cause you to judge others, until you change your belief and perhaps search out a nose piercer.

Your knowings are located in the physical domain, even though they originated in the mental. When you know something, it is a part of your total being, originating in the mental and residing in your complete being. That which you absolutely know with certainty—such as how to dance the mambo or ice skate or swim or ride a bicycle—is a part of your cellular being. It resides so deeply within you that it is in the cells of your humanity. That which you once only believed because it was given to you by some external person has now been transformed into a knowing. You may also have some beliefs within you that you actually treat as knowings. These include those beliefs that are so strongly ingrained that they act like knowings within you. Some of these entrenched beliefs may be judged by you to be knowings, but they really are not.
For example, you may believe that you have no talent for art, but somewhere deep inside of your consciousness there exists a tiny smidgen of doubt about whether it is really true were you to actually apply yourself in a new way. When you know something, it becomes your physical reality, and you act on this knowing at all times. When you merely believe something, whether it be a negative or a positive, you have a tiny, tiny bit of doubt connected to it, and that doubt becomes your reality. Beliefs are mental. Knowings are physical, though they originate as mental beliefs.

The fourth distinction between a belief and a knowing is that a belief will restrict you, while a knowing will empower you. The reason a belief restricts you is that there is doubt attached to it, and, therefore, when you go to act upon it, you do so sort of tenuously, and so there’s a restriction, whereas a knowing, something that you absolutely know that you can rely upon, will empower you. It’s the difference between knowing about God and knowing God. Knowing about God is a belief. Knowing God is a knowing. And knowing about God usually means that you have some reservations—I’m not quite sure about all of this higher power stuff and I’m not quite sure about whether I do have a higher self. Whereas when you’ve learned to experience it—and that’s what these keys to higher awareness are designed to do—then you absolutely know God, not just know about God.

The fifth and final characteristic that distinguishes a belief from a knowing is that your beliefs are all transitory, while your knowings are eternal. Just think about some of the beliefs that you have today and how they’ve shifted over the years. Remember how many people were shocked to see men wearing long hair and earrings? I can remember working in a high school in the inner city of Detroit, and a young man came in with his hair real long and with earrings on, and they expelled him from the school and told him to go home and get a haircut and to stop dressing like a sissy.

Today, the very same people who suspended him are wearing those same kinds of jewelry and have their hair quite a bit longer than they did in those days. And now you watch on Sunday afternoons the National Football League, and, in the interviews, you see these big, burly mastodons of masculinity with their long hair and their earrings protruding from their helmets.
So our beliefs about things are very transitory. and they’re shifting all the time. But what you know is there with you forever.”

I know that was a lengthy excerpt, but I have such a fervent passion for this topic, and have experienced first hand in its transformation power. So I felt compelled to share it in its entirety with you!   

And guess what, I KNOW without a doubt after reading this post, all of you will start to incorporate the power of this concept into your daily spiritual practice.  Like any other spiritual principle of value, be patient with yourself.  It takes time to shift long held beliefs and patterns that we have been carrying around with us for, in some cases, decades.  But I promise you  by working on shifting your inner beliefs into KNOWINGNESS, your life will profoundly shift in ways previously thought unimaginable! And you know what, there is not one person reading this that does NOT absolutely deserve to live the life of their most heartfelt dreams.  Let me tell ya, it feels AMAZING!  And my desire, is that one day, you too shall be creating daily miracles for yourself and others using this incredible paradigm shift!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, April 24, 2023

STILL Trying To FIND Your Life PURPOSE... Please Read....!


Souls are meant to struggle from time to time...
As they navigate the storms that come their way...
In a perfect process to show them their true path...
Some say that enduring the pain is a high price to pay..

For those who muster the strength to forge ahead....
And burn off the illusions that shed them from the Light...
Sending the Ego off on its merry way...
And in return are gifted with the vision of heavenly sight..

An illumination filled with pure KNOWINGNESS ...
Becomes the TRUTH that transforms their every breath...
That speaks only words of Compassion, Peace, and Joy..
And no longer does FEAR bring them thoughts of their death...

But be forewarned that not all will accept our new Journey..
They may forsake you in your greatest time of need...
The true Spirit who wields wisdom will not judge their actions...
Yet hold them in a space of reverence that may plant a seed...

For they know not what they do...
And may have forgotten the Purpose we all share..
To be a servant of others with Blissful LOVE...
An invisible badge that all LIGHT WORKERS wear...

So hold steadfast to your personal CALLING...
And let others express the feelings within their heart....
All the while holding them in a space of forgiveness...
Even if this means you LOVE them from far apart....

For anyone who strays from life's well worn path...
Will be questioned beyond your BELIEF...
Causing shards of pain, confusion, and loss..
Yet follow God's Light which offers relief....

Never let the opinion of others dim your MISSION..
For that is a sacred pact beholden to your precious life...
Held always by a Spirit that walks by your side....
With a promise that on your Journey you will feel no strife....

God is asking for HEROES to awaken from their slumber..
And wield the talents and gifts that were sent your way...
To fight the darkness by simply BEING the Light...
Shielding yourself from others that may cause you to sway....

By Jeffrey Louis Martinez



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, April 23, 2023

STOP Blocking ABUNDANCE From Flowing Into YOUR LIFE..!



Do you ever feel absolutely STUCK in your life? Rather than an abundance of money, health, functional relationships, and a job that lights your inner pilot light every morning, all you seem to feel is that the Universe must have erased your name and address in its iPAD. You feel utterly forgotten and lost. Sound familiar?  If it does, I assure you that you are not alone!  In fact, there have been a number of times in my Superhero's Journey when I felt like The Universe was Santa Clause and I must have been put on the naughty list.  Aye Dios Mio!?

However, now when I feel out of alignment and blocked from SOURCE energy, I ‘check in’ with myself to make sure I AM in a state of ALLOWING.  Rather than the opposite state which is  another way of saying you are GETTING IN YOUR OWN WAY.  And in the process blocking the very abundance you so desire from manifesting into your experience.  This can happen for a number of different reasons and life circumstances.  Our lives are so filled with stress and 'TO DO' lists that it can cause our thoughts and beliefs to become completely out of alignment with our actions.  And what do you think that brings us?  UTTER CHAOS with a side of frustration and two helpings of pain and suffering! For what you ALLOW, is what will continue to show up. And this is when your dreams become homeless...........

But what exactly is involved in ‘The Art of Allowing?’  Simply put, it is the practice of aligning what you think, believe, say, and do with congruent energy.  For example, how many times have you heard a friend repeatedly tell you how badly they desire to be in a relationship?  Yet, in nearly the same breathe they make declarations such as “There are no good men/women left out there!”, or even worse, “I'll never find the right one.”  And that is just what they are saying!  Can you imagine what their actual thoughts and beliefs about the situation might be. FRIGHTENING!

For the most part, your external circumstances are a direct reflection of your inner reality.  How you feel inside and what you think and believe about those feelings attract similar energy into your life experience.  Now I said FOR THE MOST PART.  I do not believe when natural disasters strike or for every horrible accident that occurs, it is our FAULT.  We don't live in a vacuum. And sometimes things show up on our doorstep that are NOT of our causing. That is also why it is SO very important to be in alignment. So that which you DO have control over can be done so with deliberate intent.  

An absolutely enlightening book on this very topic is ‘The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent’ by Esther and Jerry Hicks.  Within it, they state, “For any desire to be realized by you, or before anything can manifest into your life experience, there must be vibrational compatibility between your desires and beliefs.”  For example, if you are sending out resumes to land a new job, all the while BELIEVING that you are never going to get a great job again, you are not in ALLOWANCE of the very thing you desire. In fact, you are actually blocking it from coming into your life.  

Another terrific example of not being in ALLOWANCE is through the use of social media.  Be honest. How often do you peruse the Facebook pages of your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend, gazing at pictures of their new relationship and how they have managed to go on without you in their life. All while cursing the Universe because YOU are still single!  Sound familiar?!  I bet for many of you it does! Can you see how such behavior is actually BLOCKING what you desire rather than ALLOWING it to flow into your life.  If you are still having trouble understanding, remember this:  ENERGY FLOWS WHERE YOUR ATTENTION GOES

I love the term, also from ‘The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent’, your Emotional Guidance System.  This philosophy has had a major impact in my life.  The book defines it as “Your awareness of the vibrational variance between what you are vibrationally offering in this moment and the vibrational offering of your Inner Being is literally your Emotionally Guidance System.”  In plain English, they are describing the importance of balancing your energy. Being aware that what you think, what you actually believe about your thoughts, and what you speak about them to others need to be in alignment. For when they are, you are in a state of ALLOWING.  As the book eloquently states in this passage, “From your state of balanced energy, you experience clarity, vitality, eagerness, physical wellness, abundance in all things you consider good, and an exuberant state of joy.  This is the natural state of who you really Are.”  Yes, please!

For even more examples of how to incorporate the Art of Allowing into your daily practice, I highly recommend picking up a copy of “The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent.”  Once you truly learn how you FEEL when you are in alignment with SOURCE energy, you can maintain that level more often than not.  And from my personal experience, in this state, life becomes the magical experience of daily BLISS it was always meant to be!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, April 20, 2023



No matter how much self realization work we have done on ourselves, there seems to be one common thread that tends to crop up in our day to day actions.  I like to refer to it as visits from the 'Monkey Mind' but you may have your own better served term for this malady of epidemic proportions.  It tends to appear with more reckless abandon with us sensitive types and wounded healers, at least this is my experience. As a mentor once told me, “Jeff, you are an emotional genius.  But your greatest strength can become your undoing if you let it.”  I liken it to my own form of kryptonite.  My mind can over think most any situation with emotional abandon in which I can pretty much think my way out of or into any situation I desire. Now in some ways you may be thinking that's not such a bad thing.  And in some ways it truly isn't!  HOWEVER, when this ‘GIFT’ of sorts causes me to oscillate back and forth between making a firm decision, it isn't exactly the things that concrete choices are made of!  In fact, it can drive a person crazy. Not...that...I ..would know anything about that.....lol  ;0)

Now please do not misconstrue my meaning of this posts's topic. I am a BIG and staunch proponent of the power of THINKING!   As so long as WE are using our mind in this process rather than the other way around.  As Yoda would say, our mind is a powerful alley.  But we are its master, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.  And this becomes particular problematic when lose our connection to Source energy and believe we are going about things completely by ourselves. Because THAT can become one of the most harrowing thoughts of all! It's akin to starting to build a house or a business with no concrete plans. Aye dios mio!! That's why so many of us freeze in our tracts and never take another action step toward our goals. It just seems like too much is at stake, including our fragile EGO!  Right?! Exactly!

Think about something for just a minute.  How much would this world of ours change literally overnight if we did what we are capable of doing and not what we are COMFORTABLE doing?!?  Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it!  New technology being born, answers to poverty and destitution being eradicated.  It literally BOGGLES the mind!!  At least this New Age Nerd's noggin!

Unfortunately, we would rather stay in our place of comfort, with a daily agenda that offers little to no variance, so that we know we cannot fail.  The biggest problem with that Paradigm is that it keeps our most hearfelt desire and dreams, the type that could revolutionize the world tucked hidden deeply inside our own BEING.  AND that serves NO ONE!!

SO what is a possible answer to this issue of overthinking that has taken over our society like a version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.  My suggestion is to stop thinking so much(No I didn't say STOP THINKING, I said stop thinking with the Monkey Mind) and start to FEEL more.   After all, FEELINGS are the guideposts to the Soul.  They help us understand if we are in or out of alignment with your purpose.  Feelings and their not so distant cousins, EMOTIONS, are the tools we use to paint the desires we wish to manifest in the real world.  We can think until the cows come home, but until we feel our emotions and then use those emotions to fuel our ACTIONSNO THING tangible will ever be accomplished! Capiche?! Fantastic!

In fact, one of my favorite quotes comes from author Jeff Brown who says, “ Repressed emotions are unactualized spiritual lessons.”  To that I would like to add, please DO NOT make a Broadway show out of your feelings and emotions.  NOBODY and I mean No One wants to buy a ticket to a show that has well overstayed its welcome!  Trust!!  LOL

Here is a trick I use that combines both thinking AND feelings for my highest good.  When I find myself thinking a great deal, I stop and ask myself how those thoughts are making me FEEL. I'm not a proponent of being impetuous so I will continue to check in with myself when these thoughts tend to arise.  And what I have ascertained by using this technique, is that the TRUTH about these thoughts and their purpose in my life seem to surface the more I continue to listen to my FEELINGS about them. Does that make sense?! I hope it does!

Perhaps the most important thing to remember is that WE ARE NOT OUR EVERY THOUGHT!  Our society has become conditioned to believe we are what we think.  And that is pure anarchy, not to mention causes an inordinate amount of senseless pain and suffering.  I know I would be in a permanent psych ward if I allowed myself to believe all the thoughts about myself that tend to sneak into my daily brain waves!  :0)  No, I'm serious...lol  Again, our thoughts are an incredibly powerful tool. But only when we learn to harness them with focused intention to help in the creation our reality.  But our Inner Critic or EGO will often fly its freak flag within our minds eye to create thoughts to keep us feeling small, worthless, and disconnected from Source. And most of the world's collective suffering stems from our identification with THOSE THOUGHTS!  Which aren't even TRUE!  That's why it is SO important to constantly check in with what you are FEELING.  Because if we are feeling self doubt, worry, or worthless, it is our SOUL telling us that its time to change our THOUGHTS. Remember, WE HAVE COMPLETE CONTROL OVER OUR THOUGHTS.  And thus, we are also the master over how we FEEL!

If this shift from thinking to feeling seems overwhelming, that is OK.  There is no need to shift your entire Paradigm overnight.  Instead, just start being the silent observer of your thoughts. And slowly you will come to realize that YOU are the observer of the thoughts and NOT the thought themselves.  And this is a breakthrough of ginormous proportions!  

And secondly, learn to trust your feelings and emotions.  They are there for a reason.  To serve your highest good and assist you on your Superhero's Journey!  As Darth Vader told Luke, “Search your feelings.  You know they are true!”   And they are your obedient servant to guide you along your daily path!

Combining your thoughts with your feelings are a magical potion that can transform our lives in the most unexpected and powerful of ways!  It just takes some practice to understand how these two aspects of our lives can be used in harmony to manifest a life that benefits and serves us all!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, April 18, 2023



Yesterday, I was watching an episode of Super Soul Sunday and a horrifying fact was presented that stopped me in my spiritual tracks.  It had to do with a recent Harvard University study that asked 10,000 high school students the following question.   If your parents were asked what mattered to them more, good grades or being nice and kind to others, what would they say?  And do you know that 80% said that their parents would say grades without hesitation. Are you kidding me?!  I literally became sick to my stomach while watching this part of the episode. Not to mention extremely saddened by what I was hearing. Mind you, in many ways I wasn't surprised, as we have become such a hyper competitive society where the 'Best of the Best'  are rewarded and given the royal treatment while the rest of us search for the left over morsels and scraps.  

The episode profiled David Brooks and his book ‘The Road to Character.’  His humble demeanor and obvious self awareness won me over instantly.  “I wrote this book to save my own soul. I was born with a natural disposition toward shallowness.  I now work as a pundit and columnist and blowheart, to volley my opinions, ....I have to work harder than most people to avoid a life of smug superficiality,” he writes.  

He recalls an experience he had in Frederick , MD where he met with a group of women in their 50's and 60's who all taught immigrants English.  Over taken by their compassion and kindness, and the manner in which they accepted him with love and joyful openness had a deep effect on his Soul.  And this began a transformative change in his life.  His inner being was shown glimpses of the LIGHT that surrounds us all but is taken in and shared by very few.  

According to BrooksFame is the new definition of character.  Which is in and of itself a declaration of our society at its basic level in our current times.  That same Harvard study asked how many people thought they were  going to be famous and the answer was 80%.  Compared to just 10% back in the 1950's when the same same survey was done.  The times they are a changin! And much of it stems from our lack of true integrity and CHARACTER!  

So what are the basic tenets that make up a CHARACTER that we can all strive towards in our daily lives. While some of Brooks answers to this question are quite basic, they are pragmatic and useful as well. For instance, he says one commonality he sees in people of great character is “consistency over time. Despite lust, greed, or hunger,  the things that lead one's character are long term like honesty and courage.  They can be counted on over time.”  

Accurate self awareness from a distance is yet another tenet Brooks thinks is missing from our current generational makeup. We are all in competition for fame and noticeability. Hello KARDASHIANS!  “The noise of fast and shallow communications makes it harder to hear the quiet sounds that emanate from the depths.   We live in a culture that teaches us to promote and advertise ourselves and master the skills required for success , but that gives little encouragement for humility, sympathy and honest self confrontation which are necessary for building character,” he declares in his book.

Even our vernacular has changed dramatically over the last 50 years.  A study done has shown that words like kindness, humbleness, gratitude, and honor have dropped over 60% in our daily usage.  SCARY!  Yet economic terms have risen by over 80%.  

The episode also highlighted individuals who helped build this country on the backs of their moral character.  People like Doris Day, who dedicated her entire life toward helping those in need. Paying herself no salary throughout her entire life. Don't get me wrong, there are indeed sweet souls on our planet who use their every ounce of BEINGNESS in the name of service.  But like chivalry, it is slowly becoming a relic for our history books rather than a new generation of individuals who we can write stories about in our current tales of moral character and integrity.  

“What suffering does is it takes us below the everydayness of life and reminds us we are not who we think we are. It carves beneath what is the basement of our soul, carves through the floor and reveals the cavity below.  It introduces us to ourselves.”

New Age Nerd readers know this principle is something I espouse in most of my daily blogs. It is through our suffering that we gain our selves.  That our pain leads to our power, our wounds heal to reveal our wisdom.  And in my humble option, this is the beginning stages of true CHARACTER.  To have the strength to face our own demons having NO idea what lies on the other side.  But having the FAITH to travel these dark and morose places anyway, with the KNOWINGNESS that our purpose is seeded within that darkness. Those with the greatest CHARACTER have the ability to face these shadows knowing that the end result will be their ability to help and assist others to do the same.  

Let's stop playing the Fame game. The Shame game. The Fear Game.  And start building back the type of individual CHARACTER which can be one of the saving graces of our current times.  Can you think of ways  you can improve your character both large and or small and be an INSPIRATION for others.  If I may suggest one thing, it would be to put our priorities in order.  The POWER of Love must TRUMP the Love of Power.  Are you following your passion? How much time are you spending toward actions of service toward reminding others who they truly are and what they truly have the ability to be.  Stop trading time for a paycheck from work that does not serve you; or others in any real meaningful way. And be an example of the type of CHARACTER that allowed this world to flourish during times when there was much less money and technology than we have today..........



Jeffrey Louis Martinez