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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Learn How To PLAY The Game of LIFE..!!


“I used to say I lived my life a quarter mile at a time 
Now…I think that’s why we were brothers…
Because you did too!”

“No matter where you are….whether its a quarter mile away, or half way across the world…You will always be with me….and you will always be my brother…….”
~~  Dominic Toretto       (THE FUROUS 7)

 [letter to Stark]  “Tony, I'm glad you're back at the compound. I don't like the idea of you rattling around a mansion by yourself. We all need family. The Avengers are yours, maybe more so than mine. I've been on my own since I was 18. I never really fit in anywhere, even in the army. My faith's in people, I guess. Individuals. And I'm happy to say that, for the most part, they haven't let me down. Which is why I can't let them down either. Locks can be replaced, but maybe they shouldn't. I know I hurt you, Tony. I guess I thought by not telling you about your parents I was sparing you, but I can see now that I was really sparing myself, and I'm sorry. Hopefully one day you can understand. I wish we agreed on the Accords, I really do. I know you're doing what you believe in, and that's all any of us can do. That's all any of us should... So no matter what, I promise you, if you need us - if you need me - I'll be there.”
[Tony looks at a flip phone Steve sent him]
~~  Steve Rogers AKA Captain America                (CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR)

 We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for. To quote from Whitman, "O me! O life!... of the questions of these recurring; of the endless trains of the faithless... of cities filled with the foolish; what good amid these, O me, O life?" Answer. That you are here - that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. That the powerful play *goes on* and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?”
~~  John Keating           (THE DEAD POETS SOCIETY)


When I was just starting out my teenage years, I had a small group of friends that all lived in my community and it was perhaps the first time I understood the importance of having a tribe.  Looking back in retrospect, it's quite amazing how many powerful spiritual lessons were engrained within me during this often awkward and precarious time of life.  Events that were perhaps the initial birthing place of my passion for self growth and transformation.  Fond memories that have now become stories I still share with myself and others that have lasting life lessons.

Growing up on the East Coast, the winter snow was always a welcomed relief from the daily stress of school.  And since both of my parents were teachers, we were the first to get phoned the night before if schools were closing the next day.  SNOW DAYS were the ‘Holy Grail’ of childhood blessings and brought with them an unending opportunity for fun and freedom.  Our group was perhaps the first incarnation of TV's current ‘BIG BANG THEORY’.  We were for the most part a cadre of nerds who shared our intense passions for video games, movies, mythology, and especially board games.
We were all competitive as hell and took losing relatively tough.  Then again we were still pups in the relative scope of our emotional development.  And on one particular snowy afternoon those many years ago, we all got together for an afternoon of winner takes all MONOPOLY!  Little did I realize then, what a powerful metaphor for life was about to be displayed during that day's battle royal with the dice..........

One friend in our group we referred to as ‘Alex P. Keaton’,  after the character Michael J. Fox perfected on the TV show  ‘FAMILY TIES.’  Like the character Alex, he was obsessed with Wall Street, money, was small in nature, and had a relatively sharp temper.  All games played with him were intense, but he played Monopoly with a fervor that was unmatched by anyone else I had ever met.  He was wickedly smart and he certainly won his fair share of games.  But not on this day!

An hour or so into the game, I found myself on a Vegas worthy lucky streak and started collecting  houses and hotels all around the Monopoly board!  As I looked around the table, I noticed ‘Alex’ was just about out of money.  One more unlucky roll of the dice, causing him to land on one of my stockpiled board spaces, and he was done!  And he knew it.  His brows began to furrow and his lips were parsed.  I handed him the dice which he grabbed from my hands in obvious disgust.  He shook the dice for an unusually long time and then threw them down across the board.  He counted out the steps with his game piece and landed right SMACK in the middle of my Boardwalk.........

In what seemed like an instant, he grabbed the board game from each side, and flipped it high into the air.  Sending pieces of plastic and fake paper money flying all over the room in what felt like perpetual slow motion!  Not to mention ruining the game for the those of us who were still participating.  The group sat in awkward silence for what felt like an eternity.  Unfortunately, the game was obviously over and the rest of us began collecting the various game pieces that had been flung in every other direction with ‘Alex's’ display of utter dismay.

Of course we were furious, but at that point in our lives, we were not comfortable with heated confrontations, so not much was said until days later.  And looking back, I'm glad I handled the situation in the manner that I did.  Because whether we knew it or not at the time, ‘Alex’ had just taught us a Gi-normous life lesson that I still share to this day.  Rather than simply playing the game for the joy, laughter, and fun it can provide, he allowed the ILLUSION of the game to become HIS REALITY.

Admittedly, this tremendously powerful metaphor didn't solidify itself for me until many years later.  But do you see how we all do this very same thing in our own lives.  We allow the ILLUSION of this world to become our REALITY.   Just as ‘Alex’ did!  And when we do, we become disconnected from Spirit and the purpose that we came here to accomplish.  And that's very often when depression, anxiety, loneliness, and separation from SOURCE sits in and stays for a while.  Or unfortunately for some, never leaves.

We live in a Matrix of energy that was designed as a creative space for our souls to experience the Greatest Version of the Grandest Vision we have ever held of ourselves.  SO much of what we see and experience is an ILLUSION to give us the very opportunities we desire to feel.  I know it can seem SO completely real at times, and it was set up that way.  How else could we have such transcendent experiences unless the GAME we were playing felt so tangibly realistic.  I like to believe that the masters on this planet, have slowly learned to “tip their toe” in the universal life-force that surrounds us.  Just enough to enjoy the game and experience it for what it was meant to be, but never “jumping in” completely, thus allowing the ILLUSION to become their REALITY.

As Eckert Tolle says in ‘A New Earth’, “ All we can perceive, experience, think about, is the surface layer of reality.  Less than the tip of an iceberg.  Underneath the surface appearance, everything is not only connected to everything else, but also with the SOURCE of all life from which it came.”  Essentially we are all ONE.  The illusion is that we are all separate.  But we could not have all the juicy, delectable experiences we desire, if we did not have the illusion of separation.

My intention for you today, is to Re-member this story the next time you feel yourself allowing the ILLUSION of life to become your REALITY.  And even better than that, share this Re-membrance with others who may have lost their way.   We all do at some point.  That's why, as they say, “It takes a Village!”


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

We TEACH People How We Want To Be TREATED..!



One of the most common issues I am confronted with by my clients is the manner in which they are BEING treated by others.  Be it their spouse, co-workers, family members, or friends, it certainly seems to be an EPIC problem.  And it's completely understandable.  We all would like to be treated with respect, kindness, and love.  As Oprah has stated over and over again, the ONE common trait she has found on her Journey meeting with people from all over the world is their DESIRE to be seen and heard with respect.

But before we jump into the discussion of how others are treating you, it is absolutely vital to acknowledge how YOU are treating YOU.  When was the last time you spent quality time checking in with yourSELF on such important topics such as what are your core values, beliefs, and feelings; especially with regards to how you are using these emotions and thoughts and how they relate toward your own sense of SELF worth.  Would you agree that it is quite challenging to ask others to treat you in a manner that you don't even treat YOURSELF?   I would say HECK YES!    

Here are a few important questions you can ask yourself.  What is your Code of Conduct system?  Do you even have one?  What is your ideal vision for a true CO-Creational relationship?   What are your boundaries regarding the way you desire to be treated?  Do you have a defined value system for yourSELF?  What does respect mean to you? 

I know all to well from my own personal experience how damaging NOT having answers to these questions can be for our interpersonal relationships.  The reason being is THAT WE TEACH OTHERS HOW WE WANT TO BE TREATED.   Re-read that last sentence.  It will be one of the most important tenets to your happiness and success in your lifetime!  

My birth father abandoned our family when I was just 3 years of age.  And the long lasting affect it had on my psyche was devastating.  I consequently grew up being absolutely terrified that if I stood up for myself in situations that I knew were not being respectful of my feelings, the person would leave.  So by MY actions of NOT saying anything, I was actually teaching people it was A-OK to treat me in such a hurtful and disrespectful manner.  And it took me a LONG time to gain the sense of self LOVE to in a sense re-teach others how I desired to be treated.  And it was FAR from easy to do so.  Once people get accostomed to to treating you in a familiar manner, trying to undue this behavior can cause some friction, to say the least!  

In fact, it took me into my 30's to truly redefine my own sense of Core Conduct and develop a deep rooted and overwhelming degree of SELF LOVE.  The type that compassionately sets the tone with others.  And what a difference did it make!  I now make it very clear to my personal Tribe members what I expect in our co-creations and make DAMN sure I do my part in returning the sense of love, respect, and kindness I seek for myself!

Plus, with way of the Universal Law of Attraction, we actually attract people who are going to treat us EXACTLY how we treat ourselves.  Haven't you been witness to many a friend who continues to attract the same ‘wolf in sheep's clothing ’ in their personal relationships?!?  It's because like attracts like.  I love the saying “Likes tend to last!”  And they DO!  No doubt about it!

And here is something else that is so vital to remember when we DO attract people into our life who cause us emotional pain and discomfort.  They are actually providing us with a wonderful gift.   They are shining a light on the areas within YOU that still need LOVE and attention.  That's right!  They are showing you where healing still needs to be done.  That doesn't mean we need to keep them in our life forever, but instead of reacting outwardly toward them in a non compassionate manner, thank them internally for the gift they came to give you and then realize it is perfectly OK to love them from the other side of the room if their behavior continues.  

Another important thing to remember is that people are not mind readers.  One tweak that has created miracles in my personal relationships is actually sharing with others how I need them show up for me in certain situations.  Most individuals tend to go into ‘fix it mode’ when we come to them with our problems.  When very often, all we need is for them to listen.  But we rarely share this information with them.  So  I urge you to start implementing this technique into your relationships and see the MIRACLES that start to manifest!

The last suggestion I will impart on this topic has to do with conflict resolution skills.  Sophia Nelson, a writer for the Huffington Post said it brilliantly, “This is critical — you must surround yourself with people again who have a similar code. I like to TALK things out. I think it is essential to talk before you walk. No matter how uncomfortable, or challenging, at some point mature adults have to talk about their differences and seek to resolve them peaceably in ways that make us better, wiser people. I detest (and I mean detest) people who do wrong things and cannot own their mistakes, apologize and grow up. I do not suffer people lightly who cause drama, then exit out, leaving others to clean up their mess or to have other left holding the emotional baggage of the wounds they have caused. Find out how people resolve conflicts before you get attached to them or in business dealings with them.”

I hope this information will help you move forward in all your relationships with a better mutually understanding of common respect, compassion, and fellowship.  The kind this world desperately needs!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, January 29, 2018

Learn Just How POWERFUL Your BELIEFS Are..!!


J.R. Tolkein        (The Lord of The Rings) ___________________________________________________

I was recently working with a client who was, to say the least, completely frustrated and utterly confused.   She was doing what she THOUGHT were all the ‘right’ things to try and improve certain areas of her life.  Yet it seemed that instead of experiencing the changes she desired, she was manifesting complete CHAOS.  After several minutes attempting to calm her down back into a space of peaceful alignment so that our session could continue in a productive manner, I decided this was a job for the my inner SuperHero ‘The Connoisseur of Consciousness’.  You see, the true skill of coaching is in the subtle art of figuring out where the TRUE block of the client resides.  Sometimes, this comes after one session and becomes quite obvious with divine, heartfelt listening.  Now on other occasions, it's kinda like being a crime detective worthy of a Sherlock Holmes type prowess. 
And after only 15 minutes, I knew this was going to be much more like the latter!  lol

Some clients can be quite tricky and mercurial to try and coach, because they have a way of being very persuasive with their vernacular.  They come across as quite confident and self aware with pat statements that they THINK  display that they have things under control and that it is the cursed people, places, and things OUT THERE that are the cause of all their pain and suffering.  Refusal of self responsibility for any of their current life ‘predicaments’ is one sure sign that they are out of alignment in some foundational manner.  Of course, trying to break through their level of self refusal takes patience, compassion, with a huge helping side of intuitive knowhow.  And trust me, sometimes you just don't KNOW HOW you are going to find out where this misalignment reside.  ;0)

Most of us spend our energy living ‘within the shadows.’  Caught up in the drama of the darkness rather than moving toward the direction of the actual obstacle that is BLOCKING THE LIGHT in the first place.  For those of you who just can't grasp the true value of having a life coach, hopefully this helps explain the miracles that a co-creation with the right qualified coach can bring.  We help our clients in finding that obstacle to “let the Sunshine in, and face it with a grin!” (For your Flintstones fans! ) ;0)

During our third session, I noticed something quite contradictory in nature.  My client would say what she desired with a fervent passion.  Only to back up the statement with something that COMPLETELY contradicted what she wanted!  For instance, after saying she really wanted to find a new career, it was quickly followed with something like “Most companies are greedy and don't care about their people so I am being extra picky!”  And she wonders why the numerous resumes she has been sending out have been met with two results.  One being that she hears nothing back from them.  Or even worse, she lands an interview, and sure enough, the experience turns out to be caustic and off putting.  Same thing with her diatribes about relationships.  For each declaration of “I would love to find someone to settle down with, and be a true partner”,  it was soon followed by “But most men can't be trusted and lie and cheat!”  AYE DIOS MIO!!  Can you imagine how stressed out her spirit guides must be!  No doubt they have perhaps requested a reassignment from time to time.   LOL

I bring this up NOT to place any sense of judgment on the client, only to use it as a TEXTBOOK example of how what we BELIEVE actually creates a much more POWERFUL energetic vibration than what we think or even say.  Just as the conscious mind is the source of thought, the subconscious mind is the SOURCE of our true POWER of manifestation.  It is deeply and profoundly rooted in instinct, and it is aware of the most basic and extraordinary desires within us all.  It is a POWERHOUSE through which the most incredible amount of SOURCE can be connected with.  And it is within our SUBCONSCIOUS that we store our actual BELIEFS!

Basically, we can think one thing, and do another that matches that thought, BUT if our BELIEFS about what we are saying and doing contradict the intended outcome, well, that's the space in which CHAOS rules.  I love this quote from the sensational book ‘The Power of Believing’ by Nido Qubein, when he states, “Therefore visualize the exact thing(job, relationship, home etc) you desire and use daily affirmations until BELIEF in your goal becomes a vital part of you and your body.  See yourself actually doing the things or experiencing the people you desire, because every thought, backed by an equal BELIEF in that thought sooner or later materializes it into your life.

It's really all about BEING in alignment.  I have a suspecting intuition that if you truly start to check in within yourself several times a day, many of you will realize that what you think, say, do and BELIEVE are not in alignment with one another.  One, two, or more of these things are not congruent with the WHOLE!  And all that gets you is a whole lotta frustration, chaos and disappointment.  

So I urge you to think about the principles I have explained in today's post, and be honest with yourself.  RE-member, your outer experiences are a direct reflection of you inner reality.  Basically speaking, you cannot lie to the UNIVERSE.  It knows what you truly think and what you BELIEVE and will deliver to you the exact order you are putting in to the Wisdom Waiter always at your side!

So before you scream, “EXCUSE ME GOD, BUT I DID NOT ORDER THAT!”, Re-member that based on your BELIEFS, you actually did!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Why Your STORY Truly MATTERS..!!



I am often asked how is that I am able to allow my true vulnerability to be paraded through the daily posts on my blog, as well as with all my daily clients.  And it DOES NOT stop there!  My vulnerability is as equally on constant display with my friends and family members as well.  Keeping with this notion, I will be vulnerable and completely transparent to share with the New Age Nerd community that this has NOT always been the case.  In fact, far from it!  I used to be incredibly withdrawn and shy.  I remember one story during High School in which my sister (One year my junior) came home one day and asked if she could have a chat .  She said that she had been confronted from several of her cute girlfriends who did not not know what to think of me.  They would invariably approach me during breaks between classes, to which I would politely say “Hi!” and then promptly walk away!  This was in no way an indication of my core BEING.  I have always been kind, compassionate, and extremely sensitive!  Now what it demonstrated  was a telltale sign of  my lack of self worth and self love that any girl would want anything to do with me at that point in my life.  I say that not to sound pathetic, but rather to be transparent in my own process toward self realization.  And while I did go back to each and every one of these young ladies to apologize for my behavior, I DO NOT regret one moment of the experience these co-creations afforded me.  Why?!?   Because they have now become a pantheon in my personal BOOK of My Hero's Journey toward my purpose and path.  And I have accepted them all for the gifts they have brought me and that I now use to share with others who are still searching through their own darkness, looking for the light of their salvation.  

Please do not UNDERESTIMATE the POWER of your own Story!  Some coaches and spiritual teachers preach that WE ARE NOT OUR STORY!  I believe that there is no true right or wrong, and that there are many paths back to the Light.  However, through my Journey I have come to understand that our spiritual essence is comprised of MORE than just our Story, but while we are in this human body, our Story is indeed a grand part of us as well as our collective consciousness on the planet!   And sharing your pain, challenges, and Soulful Struggles are perhaps the most potent gift we can offer one another. as we raise the vibrational energy here on Earth!  One of my favorite quotes comes from Harold Goddard who declared with such mythological wisdom, “The destiny of the world is less determined from the battles lost and won than by the stories it loves and believes in.”  Amen to that!  In fact, that is why I begin every post with “Mythological Magic.”   As Joseph Campbell learned through several decades of study, stories and myths contain the spiritual guideposts to our own TRUTH!  It is not a coincidence that we all flock to movies like Star Wars, Lord of The Rings, and the latest comic book movie at our local cineplex.  Whether we realize it or not, these stories touch our subconscious with an inspirational zest we take away from the theatre and incorporate into our own Hero's/Heroine's Journey!!

Somebody once told me with firm conviction that the five most important words you can share with someone are:   LET ME TELL YOU A STORY!!  Not to make a co-creation all about you however.  Quite the opposite actually.  It is the most authentic manner of showing others our VULNERABILITY.  Bene Brown, a vulnerability expert did an entire Ted talk about this very subject.  In her speech, she says that it is not just the fear of failure and shame that causes people to feel vulnerable, making them risk averse and paralyzing them into inaction. Brown says that you must believe in yourself and “have the courage to be imperfect” and accept vulnerability. Brown says that you must “believe you are enough”, which will allow you to accept vulnerability, take risks, and reap the rewards.   And I will add to that that it is in the process of sharing our own vulnerability with others that emits a Shining and Soulful Light to let others know that not only are they never alone in their pain and suffering, but there is a LOVE Light at the end of the tunnel waiting to embrace them like a marathon runner who has finished their treacherous  race!!  But this race has no ending.  It is just the ending of one process toward transformation and Re-membrance, as we head to the next chapter!

As a Life and Leadership Master Coach, I cannot tell you how many times my vulnerable sharing of lessons learned along my path have created true AH HA moments of transcendence for my clients!   Whether you are a coach or not, we ALL have the same capability of giving  to others parts of our personal stories when appropriate.  May I just ask you to Re-member as a strong suggestion to ALWAYS ask permission before giving out unsolicited advice.  For doing so can be a very disrespectful and painful action step toward another Soul's precious process and unique Journey!  But as long as there is a mutual consensus to do so, you may be delightfully amazed at the power of true change and new transformative creation your stories contain for the world to hear...........


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Do You KNOW Who You Are DYING To Be..?!!?



In 2002, Anita Moorjani, born of Hindu descent was diagnosed with cancer.  For the following 4 years, her body valiantly fought this insidious dis-ease that was slowly shutting down her bodily organs one by one.  Until February 2, 2006, the day she claims, “I died. Although in a coma, I was acutely aware of everything that was happening around me, including the sense of  urgency and emotional frenzy of my family as they rushed me to the hospital."  When her family arrived, the moment the oncologist saw me, her face filled with shock.  “Your wife's heart may still be beating,” she told my husband Danny, “but she's not really in there.  It's too late to save her.

By Anita's account in her transformational and highly profound personal memoir DYING TO BE ME, although she was in a complete coma, she was able to hear and see everything that was happening around her body.  She was having an NDE. (Near Death Experience)  But unlike many of the other narratives I have consumed on this phenomenon, this one was less grandiose and usurped any sense of the traditional tropes usually found in such accountings. There are no ‘white lights’ or personal meetings with Messianic energies.  In place of these experiences, Moorjani's retelling of her NDE is filled with Re-membrance and HOPE.  And an incredibly powerful message for those of us still finding our way on this remarkable Journey called life!

Know I have said it before, but it bears repeating: I now live my life from JOY instead of FEAR.  This is the one simple difference between who I was before my NDE and who I am today.    Before, without even realizing it, everything I did was to avoid pain or to please other people.  I was caught up in doing, pursuing,searching, and achieving; and I was the last person I ever took into consideration.  My life was driven by FEAR- of displeasing others, of failing, of being selfish, and of not being good enough.  In my own head, I always fell short,” recalls Moorjani.  

I don't know about you, but I can relate in many ways to her recollection of her life before her NDE.  And I have MORE than an intuitive feeling that many of you reading this share many of her exact thoughts and feelings right NOW....  And as I have stated oh so often in many of my previous posts, EVERYTHING that happens in our experience is for our greater good.  And I do mean EVERYTHING!!  No Thing is ever wasted in this Universe.  Because everything is made up of pure and perfect energy and we are all a part of this ONENESS.  As Albert Einstein said, “The only thing you have to decide is whether we live in a compassionate Universe.”   I don't know about you, but my answer is straight to the proverbial point.  HELLS YES! I have the complete KNOWINGNESS the Universe is all loving, non judgmental, compassionate, and "always has our back."   The rest is just pure folly!! As Anita found out during her near death journey!

My heightened awareness in that expanded realm was indescribable, despite my best efforts to explain it.  The clarity was amazing.  The Universe makes sense!  I realized.  I finally understand-I know why I have cancer!  I was too caught up in in the wonder of that moment to dwell on the cause, although I would soon examine it more closely.  I also seemed to comprehend why I'd come into this life in the first place- I knew my true purpose.  Why do I suddenly understand all this?  I wanted to know.  Who is giving me this information? Is it God? Krishna? Buddha? Jesus? And then I was overwhelmed by the realization that God isn't a BEING, but a state of being....  and I was now that state of being!  Every single encounter was woven together to create the fabric that was the sum of my life up to this point.   I may only have been one thread, yet I was an integral part to the overall finished picture.”

And GUESS WHAT, so are each and every one of you.!! You are all a perfectly crafted concoction that encompasses all the beauty in the Universe.  And you DESERVE to be loved, cherished and adored beyond any measure previously fathomable within yourSELVES; simply because you exist.  Because we are all connected at every level.  Your every action has an effect on both YOU as well as the collective whole.  And it is this very Re-membrance that Anita Moorjani brought back with her to share with the world during her Heroine's Journey during her NDE!

I became aware that we are all connected.  This was not only every person and living creature, but the interwoven unification felt as though it were expanding outward to include everything in the universe.  I realized that the entire universe is alive and infused with consciousness, encompassing all life and nature.  We're all facets of that UNITY-we're all ONE......” writes Moorjani.  

I also understood that the cancer was not some punishment for anything I had done wrong, nor was I experiencing negative karma as a result of any of my actions, as I'd previously believed.  It was as though every moment held infinite possibilities, and where I was at this point in time was a culmination of every decision, every choice, and every thought of my entire life.  My many fears and great power had manifested as this disease.”

Moorjani's book is so full of such subtle insight and beautiful prose that I won't spoil any more of her Journey for those of you who may be interested in buying a copy for yourself.  I think you will be incredibly glad if you choose to do so!!  

So I ask you; are you living life or slowly ‘Dying to BE?!' Because there is simply no reason to do that.  We must simply BE STILL and search our thoughts and feelings for the answers to our greatest dilemmas and for the reason we came.  Please stop wasting any earthly "time" of your BEINGNESS.  TIME is one of the most precious gifts we have and musn't be wasted or it will be worn into the shards of time.

As Moorjani espouses, “I believe that the greatest truths of the Universe don't lie outside, in the study of the stars and the planets.  They lie deep within us, in the magnificence of our heart, mind, and soul.  Until we understand what is within, we can't understand what is without.” 



I had my own NDE that I promise to fully flesh out in a future moment of NOW; so stay tuned!  The wonderful aspect of this earthly experience is you obviously DO NOT have to have an NDE to awaken and activate your SUPER HEROIC HIGHER SELF.  As Mrs. Moorjani did.  There are many paths to shed any false belief that you are anything but "Spiritual Being Having an Earthly Experience."   And NOT the other way around!

I teach my clients a very pragmatic, but "Highly Transformative" process to assist them in Re-membering who they really are; and why they incarnated in human form at this very moment of NOW.  Gently guiding them in creating a new "Heroic Origin Story" that discovers and transcends the blocks and limiting beliefs that have kept them living in a state of victim consciousness through living within an EGOIC BASED STORY that has become your truth.   All so they can shift into more dynamic and empowering behaviors by uncovering and UNLEASHING their Super Heroic Higher Selves!  Super powers and all!  To be of "Supreme Service" to themselves and others in the name of LOVE.  The byproduct of which is bliss filled abundance in all areas of their lives! (I have a couple of slots currently open for anyone who would like to "EXPERIENCE" this process I have honed and perfected over the past 13 years.  I offer one FREE coaching session to any New Age Nerd with absolutely no obligations.  If you feel called toward the idea of transforming your life and expanding your mind-set toward the reality YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO LIMITS, simply e-mail me: Jeffmartinez@me.com.  And include New Age Nerd Offer in the subject line!)  

Please re-member that you are NOT a victim of your life's experiences and circumstances.  Quite the opposite in fact!  The Universe works its magic THROUGH you and ALWAYS for you.  NEVER "TO" YOU!  Big, big difference.  

Every one of you is a HERO!  And I mean everyone; NO exceptions.  The origin of the word HERO comes from the greek word HEROS.  Meaning two.  As in what I do for you, I do for mySELF  And what I do for mySELF, I do for you.  It was later changed to HERO.  Meaning to BE of loving service to yourSELF and all others.  BOOM!  

I often have clarification conversations with my friends, family members, and clients regarding their resistance toward thinking of themSELVES as HEROES.  And I get it!
Truly.  It may seem for some that calling and accepting yourSELF as a HERO is narcissistic or EGOIC in nature.  When no thing could be farther from the truth!  Want some powerful proof?!  Here is a passage straight from Scripture:

Healing and victory are yours.
In the mind of the Father
you're a HERO.
You're a conqueror.
Whoever is born of God
overcomes the world 
and its many troubles.  
Take what's yours today
and live!

Isaiah 53:5, Romans 8:37, John 10:10

I don't believe you can get any more clear than that!  ;0)

Being a HERO is just as much about what you are BEING as what you are DOING.
Anytime you are BEING in service to yourSELF or another, you are BEING a HERO.  
Here are just a few examples of what BEING a HERO looks and feels like:

Lending a bended ear to someone who desires their voice to be heard.
Feeding the homeless or those less fortunate.
Raising a child.
Giving a kind word of inspiration or appreciation.
Building a business that solves a problem.
Anytime you LOVE yourSELF.

As the great Gandalf from The Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit says:

And who wants to argue with Gandalf the Grey?!  Right ?!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, January 26, 2018

INTERESTED In Blasting THROUGH Into A New BLISS Filled Life..... Please Read....!

I want to shed some light on the framework of philosophy that forms the foundation of The New Age Nerd; GROUNDED SPIRITUALITY.  Perhaps in a future incarnation, I might come back with pure consciousness in tow, shedding all fear and disconnection.  But right now, I still have my moments.  Through the daily practice of grounded spirituality, I have become much more attuned to the nuances of being both Here and There.  And by that, I mean being connected to Spirit as often as possible, yet still allowing for the resonation of earthly illusions into my daily experiences.  And that is why we are all here, right?  To slay the proverbial ‘dragons’ along our path toward finding the Holy Grail of our Superhero's Journey!  Kinda tough to do that when we refuse to acknowledge that ‘dragons’ even exist.   

Perhaps John Lennon said it best, "I believe in everything until it's disproved.  So I believe in fairies..the myths..dragons.  It ALL exists, even if only in your mind.  Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the HERE and NOW!"  Amen!

During my life, I have attended numerous churches of various denominations.  You name it, chances are I have investigated whether it was for me.  I have studied at a plethora of organizations from the East Coast to the West.  All searching for something that made sense, resonated deeply within my heart and soul, and that when put into practice, worked on a consistent basis.  In doing so, I think I was trying to create something that could help me better navigate this thing called life.  And guess what? On my journey, I found out I was far from alone within a growing community looking for a new form of DOGMA. One that defused the confusion of man made rules, cloaked around and under the veil of inception from The One God Mind.  I have always espoused I am fully behind any form of religion/spirituality that serves one's highest good, and does no harm to others. But the spiritual philosopher and truth seeker that comprises the majority of my earthly presence, has always continued to search for a philosophy that consistently rang true within the pangs of my SOUL. And after over 25 years on this path, I now know I am far from alone.  In fact, in a book I absolutely adore, and highly suggest anyone of this ilk to read, called Soulshaping, by Jeff Brown, he says, “...my philosophy of grounded spirituality started to concretize.  I call it Ascending with Both Feet on the Ground.  It is the idea that our ascension to heightened spiritual consciousness can ONLY be sustained if it is an embodied unfolding from the the ground up.”  What a terrific definition.  I believe we are meant to courageously engage the pain, emotions, challenges, as well as the joy, laughter, and LOVE we encounter in this Earthly Matrix of experience. 

He goes on to give more details of his journey and how he had a great lesson about spirituality from one of his mentors, the luminary spiritual teacher Ram Dass.  After years of neglecting his body on his spiritual journey, he suffered a horrible stroke.  Pre-stroke, he preached that ‘we are not our body’.  A very common pronouncement in the realm of spiritualists.  His post-stroke experience, which he called FIERCE GRACE, shattered that notion.  This self named -stroke of good luckgrounded him as he later stated, “I came to appreciate, that as wonderful it is as a practice, ‘I am not of this body’ is only half the truth. The stroke brought me squarely in touch with the fact that, although I am certainly more than my body, I also am this body.”  Boy can I relate to that.  During my time with a colostomy bag, cleaning my own intestine several times a day, had anyone told me,  ‘You are not your body’, I would've flung poop at them like a chimp at the zoo!  I'm KIDDING....kinda!

So here are some of the basic tenets of how Grounded Spirituality has come to serve me and many other truth seekers I know.  But please always remember, that as a Course in Miracles states,  “There are many paths to God.” In addition, I would like to suggest that as long as your path begins and ends in LOVE, you will always be headed in the 'right' direction!

1-  Feel Your FEELINGS and Emotions
When I first started to passionately engage this world of self actualization, it seemed as though there was this taboo like energy towards many common emotions like anger, and sadness.  Some of the practices I was soaking up during my early journey transitioned into robotic in nature. Not to mention unrealistic in trying to sustain a Zen like stature 100% of the time.  I started to feel guilty to express or admit when profound vibrations of any emotion outside of LOVE would bubble up within me.  Worse still, I began to try and hastily force others through their own sacred process by reframing, or spouting a newly learned spiritual epithet.  There is a funny story behind what got me to finally change my ways.  

There is a wonderful spiritual temple called Agape in Los Angeles, which was attended by me and most of my like minded friends every Sunday for years.  Agape in Greek stands for unconditional love, and it is a true, non-denominational sanctuary of commiseration for those of us on this path back towards our authentic Selves.  During a weekend trip to Napa Valley, one of the friends in our group was going through the initial stages of divorce, and definitely having a cacophony of deeply profound and painful  emotions of various ilk. (Thank God for wine! lol) Rather than allowing her to truly feel that grief, I started in with a reframing soliloquy that was sternly met with,  “I swear to God, Jeff, don't you dare try and F&ckin Agape me right now."  I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.  Although that line became a long lasting retelling, once defused of her anger,  in our group about giving each other the respect of allowing our individual emotional process play out, it also taught me a PROFOUND lesson.  I started to acknowledge the power of our feelings, and that NOT being in ALLOWANCE of them is doing yourself and others a great disservice.  

And ya know what?!  When I started allowing myself to fully enter into my own emotions, for a given period of time, I usually came out the other side with a new perspective, or plan for moving forward.  I began to understand that feelings are one of the most powerful tools we have to assist us in navigating our unique path.  They are truly the ‘guide posts to the Soul’.   So rather than ‘Apape'ing’ myself or others, now I remember that repressed emotions are actually unrealized spiritual lessons.   Just DO NOT make a Broadway Show out of them.  Cause nobody wants to buy a ticket to an event that has outstayed its welcome!  

2-Honor Your Body

Yes, we all know that this body is temporal.  It is ours for a finite time.  But is is also a precious gift.  That's why it is called the Body Temple.  It is sacred in that in houses our Soul while we are here.  As the book God I Am declares, “There were billions of other Souls around the Universe vying for the ‘ticket to ride’ that was given to you!”  That's right, YOU are that unique and special.  Everyone here already won the lottery!  So while you are here, be grounded enough to care for the body which brought ya!

3- Don't Take Yourself Too Seriously

By this, more than anything else, I mean learn to laugh at yourself.  This field is filled with people who take themselves so seriously.  Lighten up!  We all make mistakes, are infallible, and poop in our pants. (Or is that just me ?!  lol)  I have found that you will actually relate to more people with your story and message, when you can learn to laugh at yourself.  In fact, it is a scientifically proven fact of the transcendent power laughter can have over event he most insidious of illness!  So never miss a chance to show off those choppers whenever the situation presents itself!

4-  ACTION is Always Necessary

When the documentary The Secret first came on the scene with its teachings of The Law of Attraction, there was this huge ‘Wishful Thinking’ movement within the world of metaphysical teaching.  People actually started believing that they could simply sit on the sofa and think about money, and that checks would suddenly start appearing in their mailbox.  I believe it truly started doing massive damage to the real understanding of this Universal Law/Principle (The Law of Attraction is but one of several Universal principals by the way) and in my experience, caused a ton of frustration and disillusioned spirits in our community of truth seekers.  

Don't get me wrong, I am a fervent believer in the power of Universal Energy.  As Yoda says, “It's an energy field that is created by all living things.  Life creates it, makes it grow.  It surrounds us, binds us.”  And it is ALL powerful.  BUT, in this dense realm, it MUST be combined with ACTION in order to work.  And unfortunately, there is not enough inclusion of this crucial step toward manifesting your dreams/desires/goals within the earthly realm.  You can think all day and night to align your energy fields with your desires until the cows come home, but if they are NOT backed by actionable steps toward your plan/goal/path, the ONLY person you will be making rich is your therapist.  Trust me!  

For more pragmatic advice about the proper use of The Law of Attraction, I highly suggest reading Beyond the Secret, by Dr. Lisa Love.   She has such a grounded way of explaining the Law's principles.  For instance, she suggests one use it to try and attract the qualities for keeping and using money responsibly, rather than just acquiring money in the first place.  Great stuff!

5-  Stop with The Shame Game

This is perhaps the 'secret sauce' toward maintaining a lasting vibration in the healthy use of Grounded Spirituality.  There is a large component of people I have encountered along my path who insist that EVERYTHING that finds its way into your personal experience, including illness, is a byproduct of something you did to create it.  Talk about a shame game.  Aye Dios Mio!!

Yes, a great deal of our experiences are indeed brought about through a combination of our thoughts, beliefs, AND actions, but WE DO NOT LIVE IN A VACUUM.  We each share this planet with billions of other souls.  Don't ya think that sometimes, we just happen to be in someone else's path, and in the process receive their byproducts?  And the truth is, we can never really know what the exact cause of everything that happens in our life happens to be.  And I personally think we have much better things to do with our time than try and figure it all out anyway.  

My point is that in grounded spirituality, the shame game DOES NOT exist.  Rather than spend time on WHY something happened, we focus on HOW to show up to meet the challenge once it occurs.  We are not so much responsible FOR everything that happens to us, but WE ARE responsible TO IT.

For instance, rather than blaming myself for the Crohn's disease and/or Ankylosing Spondylitis I was diagnosed with, I try to listen to my body, and care for it with compassion, proper food, exercise, and rest.  Further, in meditation, I ask for the WISDOM to understand how I can draw any benefits from the illness that was brought into my experience.  Especially any form of understanding that would aid others suffering from similar maladies.

I hope today's post gave you a richer understanding of GROUNDED SPIRITUALITY and how it can be used to assist you on your own Superhero's Journey!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

I Still Remember YOU............

It seemed like oh so many years ago....
That we thought things would never end...
Yet time has changed all that...
And I guess now we'll always just be friends....

I MISS our laughs and I Miss our tears...
Plans and promises we'll never keep...
Two SOULS once shared a reflection as one..
I pray one day again we  shall meet....

It may seem that NO longer do I care...
Yet my heart still calls your name...
Hoping your safe with DREAMS still in tow...
Still grateful that for a while I still came....

Life just flashes by, without you I often did cry..
But we were both young to bare our souls...
I wasn't perfect as you know.....
When LIFE was still a party to be told....

My DREAMS still hold your memory ....
As I toss and turn around a life passin by...
People have come and so many then do go...
Yet so often thinking about you.. do I sigh...

I've heard rumors about your new life.....
And I think maybe that could have been me...
To shower you with Light and Love...
Yet in the end I still set you FREE.....

Maybe I should have waited just a little more...
Because you gave me your heart and SOUL...
Before my tears flooded my bedroom floor...
Did I know of the loss and its taken toll....

With you Life was often a party for more than one....
Deep down though I think I always knew...
That although my future would be BRIGHT...
It would not be one,  I would have with you...

Yet I still often think of you...
When I drum up my DREAMS....
And together we held such LIGHT....
So many years ago does that seem....

So before I let you go...
There is something I need you to know...
And that is my heart still holds a place...
A harbor in which you can always come or go.....


Jeffrey Louis Martinez