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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, April 27, 2018

PLEASE Do Not FALL For BEING Less Than The TWO Percenters CHOOSE..!!!!

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.Barack Obama

As most of my Fellow New Age Nerds are far too aware, I have had my share of what I like to term 'OPPORTUNITIES FOR GROWTH' over the past few years.   And please DO NOT take what I am about to say as anything other than a proclamation for the uncovering of the CHANGE THAT WE ALL HAVE THE CHOICE TO BECOME!  Because a change is a commin'!  Not because we want it to, but rather because IT HAS TO!!  And if you don't believe me, take it from my alter EGO, The Batman!!  Who fights for Justice, Equality, and the common man's ability to live his/her life in a manner of fellow service to the greater good!  This is becoming increasingly challenging for even The Batman to actualize in his daily daliances!  

Every morning I arise with the pure intent of making other peoples lives better.  And much of that entails giving them HOPE and a placed to rest their heartfelt DREAMS!!  As of late, that has become trying to make a dent in the bureaucratic system that is slowly snuffing out the American Dream.  Because the compassionate TRUTH is that the hopeful dreams that have been handed down from one generation to the next the past 100 years is now under serious siege, if not already a complete Illusion !  And anyone who actually knows me will also understand that I DO NOT USE THOSE WORDS LIGHTLY!!  For I am as old fashioned as they make and abhor the use of ABSOLUTES!!  Nor do I care to dwell within the confines of any whisps of energy that does not contain HOPE!!  And I wish to share my personal experiences in the hopes that they resonate with those who have no real VOICE!  

As many of you may know, I had a massive surgery last November that has caused me complications severe enough to pursue a second such attempt at fully allowing my body to heal in a fashion that will allow me to have a full and complete life.  Unfortunately, like millions of other of my fellow brothers and sisters, I am self employed and thus find myself at the whims of the Affordable Care Act.  Which is such a joke because there is absolutely NOTHING AFFORDABLE ABOUT IT!  I am paying a monthly premium of $400.00 and yet my yearly deductible is $7,500.00  I'm not a number cruncher, but the bottom line is that if I want to have the second surgery I need, I will have to pay for it COMPLETELY OUT OF POCKET!!  Now YOU tell ME, does that make ANY sense?!?  I'm still trying to wrap my own noggin around my own sitcho!!  Part of me wonders why in the HELL I am paying healthcare premiums at all if I still have to pay the first $7,500 to any doctor/hospital/pharmacist for services rendered?!?  It's completely absurd........  

I have gone so far as to have a personal meeting with my local Congresswoman over the issue with the intention of making her aware of what several million of us in the US with serious health maladies currently face and even worse, what may lie ahead for those of us with pre-existing conditions, or are self employed, ETC.!!

Perhaps what makes me so frustrated with the current state of affairs here in the US is the fact that if just the TOP 2 PERCENT of our population were to give just 10 PERCENT of their wealth away, do you know that NOBODY in this country would ever have to go without food, shelter, or healthcare ever again?!?!  And YES, I understand that a program in doing so would be easier said than done, but IT IS POSSIBLE!!!  And I don't know about you, but I BELEIVE IN POSSIBILITY!!

Listen, we have gone WAY beyond political discourse in these discussions.  It is no longer about Democrat vs Republican.  Conservative vs Liberal.  This is about pure SURVIVAL for BILLIONS of people around the planet.  And yes, I do know that from which I speak.  And NOT even from a personal perspective.  One of my family's dear friends passed away last year simply because she could not afford the basic medications she needed to keep her Multiple Sclerosis at bay.  My mother and I had the task of watching this absolutely DIVINE soul who cared only about others, die a slow and painful death, all because of GREED.   And trust me, after having to stand by and watch such a travesty take place, the SUPER HERO in you takes charge and vows NEVER AGAIN....NOT ON MY WATCH!!!!

Basic necessities such as food, water, and healthcare have absolutely NO PLACE being privileges in this day and age.  THEY ARE GOD GIVEN RIGHTS!  And for those of you reading today's post who have never had to succumb to such plight and lack, my words are not meant to scold, but rather ENLIGHTEN!!  Because the hard, cold, truth is that each and every one of us is on average, just two and 1/2 paychecks away from living on the street!!!  Yea...that's right.  And there is just too much abundance to go around that nobody should be faced with those humbling odds!  

Even with the seemingly dire state of fiscal affairs we now find ourselves in, I refuse to see NOTHING BUT OPPORTUNITY!  As Napoleon Hill teaches, within every obstacle lies an equal seed of opportunity!!  We've needed a 'Wake Up' call and ...KNOCK...KNOCK....KNOCK....   It's time for a mass movement.  A Grand Awakening from our collective slumber.  We have the power to BE the HEROES the world so desperately needs!!  It's way past time for as Gandhi said....BE THE CHANGE we wish to see in the world!  A Mass Movement toward stepping into our Hero's Journey and following our Calling.  Transform this world into a place where abundance is stewarded by the Conscious Souls that are at the core of the Super Heroic Versions of our Higher Selves!!!

Before I leave you to ponder the words from my post this evening, I would like to leave you with one last sobering fact to ruminate on:

Between 2013 and 2015, the wealthiest 14 people saw their wealth increase by $157 BILLION.  This is just their wealth increase, got it!  Not what they are worth. Increase!  That $157 Billion is worth more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of the American people.  One family, the Walton family, owns more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of the entire American population!!

Bernie Sanders

Allow that to sink in this evening before you go to bed ...................


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Learn Why Our EMOTIONS are Heaven Sent Guideposts From The SOUL..!! NO EMOTIONAL SHAMING ZONE!!!!

As I was just heading into the realm of being a teenager and thus, a head on experience with the world of(at the time) dreaded Middle School, all of us students were not given a choice regarding being a participant in the school's band.  It was more akin to WHAT instrument would you like to play rather than if you choose to play an instrument at all!!  

My favorite television show at the time was Happy Days(Yes, I'm THAT old!!  lol)  and as a result I was absolutely fascinated with the saxophone played by the show's main protagonist Richie Cunningham!  Looking back, perhaps my choice de joire had something to do with the fact that on the show it appeared all the ladies 'appreciated' its melodious miracles!!  LOL

Well, in the 'real' world, as I was soon to discover, there are pragmatic aspects to consider that all involve the all mighty dollar!!  And while my heart strings panged for the golden buttons of the saxophone, my parents budget was more in line for the much less glamorous curved lines of the clarinet!  ;0)

As is usually the case in this magical realm called Earth, I soon found out that the clarinet is the ONLY instrument that has THREE different versions!  Better than any decoder ring from the bottom of my favorite breakfast cereal, I was quickly able to ascend the pecking order of forced chosen instrument to eventually become the proud owner of a BASS CLARINET!!  This behemoth of a noise maker provided the deep resonating timing that was at the core being of every song our band belted out!   And at its epicenter was yours truly!!  Richie Cunningham eat your heart out!!  

During the following three years as a proud member of my middle school's band, I discovered something that resonates with me to this day.  And I believe it is a lesson that we can ALL heed.  While it is nothing overly revelatory, it none the less caries with it a vibration of a soulful truth that would do us all a justice in Re-membering!  

You see, as much as my Ego desired to belt out sounds that would stand out amongst the crowd of the other 50 odd other members of our band, it was the steely and steady pangs of such instruments of the bass clarinet that provided the foundation that allowed the more 'luxurious' instruments to intertwine with, and in doing so, created the melodious magic that leaned into the KNOWINGNESS of the reliable beats provided by myself and the other Keepers of the Light!  

It would take me over two decades later to truly be able to digest the analogy that being a member of a small Middle School band would have on the deep understanding of my overall life's experience.  For it was during this part of my life that I began to try become a student of the importance of human EMOTIONS!  And the critical part they play in how we navigate through this experience called Life!

As I slowly began my own Consciousness AWAKENING process, it did not take long for me to appreciate the fact that life itself can be looked upon through the lens of a well orchestrated band.  For it is here that we can first truly come to understand that EMOTIONS are the guideposts to the Soul.  Like perfectly presented notes on a page played out by polished instruments, they help softly guide us back to our Heartstrings.  For it is here that we each have been given a Heavenly sent gift to allow our Soul's to glowingly send out a unique message that is truly ours and ours alone!  And I Believe that this is where our Earthly power resides.  For if we have the Courage, and Strength to follow our own chosen path with the internal KNOWINGNESS that it will be lit by our own Heartstring's glow, that "all the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true!"

Unfortunately, for way too many of us, our feelings and emotions are not treasured and appreciated in the manner that they were meant to when we came into this existence.  And as a cruel result, our experiences become much less fruitful than what we came here to find.  
It's one of the most tragic tenets of the world I see on a day to day basis as both a spiritual teacher and a member of this planet.  

In fact, I have seen things get to the point where many precious spirit's are exposed to what I call Emotional Shaming!  Similar in vein to body shaming, this involves members of our Spirit community being shunned, verbally or even physically slammed for having the Emotions that are emanating so peacefully from their soul!  Gifts such as vulnerability, sensitivity, true tolerance, a lack of prejudice, and non-judgement are too often treated as some form of modern leprosy.  And as a result, our society is slowly becoming even more and more unconscious by the day.  The dark clouds left in this wake are dimming the magical emotions of Hope, Courage, Strength, and Joy that we came here to spread!  To wield as our own form of Super Powers.........

I am quite often presented with the question from my coaching client's that they wish that Life came with a guidebook.  And my answer back to them is now always the same.  "But we are all given a gorgeous guidebook!"  It's called our feelings and emotions.  But we must TRULY listen if they are to assist us in the manner that was always intended.  For they contain the vibrations that manifest into the tangible plans and places that we are to go, and the people we are to see!  And most importantly, we must commit to our own feelings regardless of what others think!  Nobody holds the roadmap to your happiness and success.  Much less your TRUE PURPOSE for manifesting here on Earth.  

So in the moments in which you may be confronted either externally from others or internally from the nasty GREMLINS of our Egoic Mind, please Re-member this quote from the Heaven sent teacher Marianne Williamson:  

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.


Jeffery Louis Martinez

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Here Is The PATH Toward Living A LIFE OF BLISS!!


Colossus:  Four or five moments - that's all it takes to become a hero. Everyone thinks it's a full-time job. Wake up a hero. Brush your teeth a hero. Go to work a hero. Not true. Over a lifetime there are only four or five moments that really matter. Moments when you're offered a choice to make a sacrifice, conquer a flaw, save a friend - spare an enemy. In these moments everything else falls away...

We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.......

Joseph Campbell

I know I have shared my understanding of the great Joseph Campbell's life work and his paradigm of The Hero's Journey as a core tenet of this blog the past three years.  And there is a deep reason for this Re-minder, for his teachings share the truth that WE ARE ALL HEROES!!  Our personal stories share the same tenets of transformation of the mythological figures that have inspired the world for eons,  such as Frodo from LORD OF THE RINGS, Dorthy from the Wizard of Oz, to the travels of Luke Skywalker as he left the comfortable combines of his home planet of Tatoine to destroy the Galactic Empire in Star Wars!  

And I could mention at least a  hundred more examples of The Hero's Journey with the exact same patterns of the arduous paths of trails and tribulations that ignite the spiritual transformation that is at the HEART of our individual Journey's toward self actualization!   

Starting off with the very basics, every HERO possesses a set of SUPERPOWERS or SUPER TALENTS if you prefer, bestown upon them and laced with Inspiration, Compassion, Kindness, Understanding, Non Judgement, and Unconditional LOVE for ALL!!   But that is just the Beginning.  In fact, Declaring One's Superpowers is a vital step in the Hero's  Journey.   Yours may include a wicked sense of Humor, the power to wield captivating stories, extreme emotional Intelligence, being a good listener, or having a creative prowess in a myriad of arenas!! 

 The Hero/Heroine's are the courageous souls who hear the soulful whispers from the UNIVERSE and have the understanding that by answering this Call To Adventure, they must begin the process of stepping out of their "ordinary world",  filled with security and familiarity and commit to following their unique Journey which contains the condiments of their life's CALLING!!  Yet by answering this call they know not what they may face on the Path that lies before them. As Will Craig writes in his book 'Living The Hero's Journey', "The leap of faith is where most people chicken out on the Hero's Journey.  The leap requires resolute courage and lands those who attempt it squarely outside their comfort zone.  Resistance to change runs high.  Refusing the call is easy.  That is, it was easy until you became aware.  The awareness stage of the journey has a way of shedding light on the immutable truth.  You come to a point in your inner life where what you thought was of prime importance (your looks, your career, your possessions) somehow slip down the rankings.  Letting it go means losing a significant part of your identity.  Keeping it stunts your growth. Life might be better. Or not. Finding out requires a LEAP OF FAITH."  

Once you awaken from your slumber, there is absolutely NO going back!   The lure of your Soul calling you to transform into the Greatest Version of yourself is just to enticing to ignore any longer!  Embarking on your Hero's Journey is no longer fraught with the same sense of Fear.   As soon as you take the first step forward into the unknown,  you are instantly introduced to your Inner Hero.  And your prior state of stagnation and despondence becomes transformed into feelings of vitality and the Knowingness that your life is infinite with a potent potential; even disruptive in nature.  You realize you have the ability to Change the World!!  A thrilling prospect that trumps the security and comfort of a life once lived in quiet desperation!  And as Helen Keller said, "Life is either a grand adventure or nothing at all."   And now you are signed up for the Adventure of a Lifetime! In fact, the very idea of returning to your old way of living, literally 'punching in and out' day in and day out seems absolutely HORRIFYING!!    For you are now on a Journey of Spiritual Transformation that will make you more powerful than you could have ever Imagined.......  And right NOW this World is desperately awaiting for all of us to BECOME THE HEROES WE WERE ALWAYS MEANT TO BE!!!  Wouldn't you agree?!?  

Much too often these very CONSCIOUS Souls make a commitment to be of Loving Service to the World and are confronted with a myriad of confrontations in the forms of torture, spite, loathing, betrayal, and soul breaking rebuttal of their teachings.  But they have the internal fortitude to go through pure HELL and bend , but NEVER BREAK!  Think about Nelson Mendela, Martin Luther King, Jr., Gandhi, Mother Teresa, not to mention the disciples of Jesus The Christ.  Most of whom were all met with hatred, fear and pain beyond most of our comprehension because of their beliefs that tempted to disrupt the zeitgeist of a world that wished to stay in a vibration of control and hatred.   Yet through Faith alone they refused to allow their life's calling to be compromised.  And in doing so left a template for all the Hero's yet to arrive.  

My point is that most Hero's are the authentic and brave souls who are willing to be broken into pieces so that they have the opportunity to use their connection to SOURCE energy to learn how to be brought BACK TO THE LIGHT! And by doing so, they are able to bring back the understanding to assist others who are still stuck in their own DARKNESS!  For that is the true Circle of Life!  True Hero's know that very often it takes small whispers of kindness and compassion to make a real difference in the world in which they reside.  And that these tiny gestures of good will are what keep the world's darkness at bay.  Yet they are also cunningly aware and willing to offer the ultimate sacrifices if need be to make sure that those who are unable to protect themselves from ill will have protectors in their greatest times of need.  And in doing so help show the world a greater path.  One that embodies a goodwill that serves all of humanity with the LOVE that it needs and deserves now more than ever!  

Please understand me that their derring do's are NEVER in vain!  Quite the opposite in fact!  For those special Soul's who have the Courage to go down their individual path's are met with Miracles and Magic!  A communal conciousness that creates the Greatest Version of The Greatest Version ever held of themselves.  In return for their heroic actions, they are given gifts, such as new found wisdom, the ability to teach others how to heal themselves, or the ability to spread a form of Inspiration that galvanizes their Tribe!  And they freely share these gifts with the Collective Whole!  

Becoming the Hero of your own story involves letting go of any victim mentality!  Heroes understand that No Thing is ever wasted.  Everything that occurs on their daily path, no matter how painful, can eventually be used on their own Journey and actually is a precious gift.  And if you think that I do not know that of which I speak, PLEASE think again.

I have been through the abandonment of my own father(I never met him), five major surgeries from severe Crohn's disease (including wearing a colostomy bag), sexual and physical abuse, ankylosing spondylitis(the most serious form of arthritis), triple hernia surgery,  as well as debilitating depression. And ya know what my fellow New Age Nerds, I am in full GRATITUDE for every single one of those experiences.   For they carved within me the ability to be a Wounded Healer and Spiritual teacher!  And many Heroes share a similar path leading them to their Calling.  As the saying goes, in order to Heal It, you must first Feel It!!   And I have been through the Buffet Line of Life and had a taste of its full bounty!   LOL  But therein lies my true POWER!  Turning our Wounds into Wisdom is one manner toward uncovering where your Calling resides.....  


According to the Gallup Health-ways Global Well Being Index, there are only 9% of the global population that feel they are thriving in their lives.  Just 9%!!!  My friends, the Hero's Journey is LIFE ITSELF!!! We all decided to manifest into the human condition as spiritual beings to Follow and Live our BLISS!!  I ardently believe that the current Collective Consciousness of this planet is withering.     We are Grand Creators given the opportunity to create Magic and Miracles. To expand and transform into our Higher Selves.  Yet so may of us have bought into the Illusion that we are separate from SOURCE/SPIRIT!   Rather than honoring our Earthly contract to UNLEASH OUR SUPERPOWERS to share with World!   

The Universe has absolutely No Boundaries.  And NEITHER DO WE!!  The clock is ticking away precious moments that you can never get back.  I urge you all in the New Age Nerd community to life a rapturous life!  It is way past time for us all to Awaken Our Inner Super Hero!!

You are more than you think you are. There are dimensions of your being and a potential for realization and consciousness that are not included in your concept of yourself. Your life is much deeper and broader than you conceive it to be here. What you are living is but a fractional inkling of what is really within you, what gives you life, breadth, and depth.

Joseph Campbell



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


One of the things that often comes up in my coaching sessions is the confusion that arises when the topic of emotions bubbles up.   Unfortunately, we have a near epidemic challenge that needs to be addressed regarding the issue of EMOTIONAL SHAMING!!  It is by far NOT a topic that is foreign to me and my 20 year Journey of self actualization.  And that is a crying shame!!  

When I am asked why we are left alone to our own personal devices to navigate this ILLUSIONARY existence called LIFE, my answer is always the same.  WE ARE NEVER LEFT ALONE!!  Why can I be so confident in this declaration?  The answer, ironically enough resides in our Emotions/Feelings!  They are the guideposts to our SOULS!!  They were inherently placed deep within our intuitive nature that can be accessed as a Super Power whenever we are in a place of confusion, disconnection, or whenever we lose the internal compass of which path in the magical fork in the road would be for our highest good!  

Unfortunately, the collective consciousness on our planet deems any emotions that does resemble Strength, Confidence, and Ultimate Understanding as a state of weakness.  And so way too many of us live in a vibration of Fear, Confusion, and Loneliness.  Too ashamed to admit that they are in a temporary vibration of disconnection just when they they need your Support, Empathy, and Understanding more than ever.  

I want to use today's post to help my fellow New Age Nerds understand that our EMOTIONS are the very connection to SOURCE energy.  The very energy that connects us all.  Just as Yoda told Luke Skywalker on the Degobah system during his training as a JEDI! The true travesty is that we not only Emotionally Shame ourselves, but we do the same thing to our children.  

Susan Davis gave an absolutely Paradigm shifting TedX talk regarding this very topic.  During her illuminary speech she espoused the fact that we shame not only ourselves, but everyone in our lives for having the very emotions that assist us in connecting to the thread that allows each and every one of us in tuning into the  collective consciousness that assists us in Re-membering how our emotions are the very guiding force that allows us to to not get swept up in the ILLUSION of this experience that we are all having in this very moment in time and space!!

The TRUTH is that when we DENY our FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS we are pushing aside the capacity to deal with the world as IT IS!!  NOT AS WE WISH IT WOULD BE!!!  As Susan Davis also expressed in her TEDX speech, "Discomfort is the price of admission to a meaningful life!"

So my wish is that we all support one another when we are dealing with the myriad of both Magical and deeply painful experiences that are part of this thing called LIFE!!  Repressed EMOTIONS are unactualized Spiritual Lessons!!  Please Re-member that our last misstep is our greatest teacher!!  

So Emotional Shaming must become a relic of a common past.  In fact, those precious souls who have the courage to fully express there palette of emotions are the Spiritual Teachers and Visionaries that should be exhaulted for their COURAGE to lead the Daring Dance of expressing the EMOTIONS that connect us all back to the very place that LIFE itself resides throughout the COSMOS!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez