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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Learn What Contains The POWERHOUSE Towards A Life of BLISS!


Rocky Balboa: What's crazy about standing toe to toe and saying "I am"? 

In the movie 'Kiss Kiss Bang Bang' starring Robert Downey Jr. (Harry) there is a funny and quite insightful scene set in a Los Angeles bar. After another completely superficial conversation with a young actress/model, Harry becomes befuddled with the lack of authentic connections to be made in the Land Where Dreams Come True. (kinda, sorta-really depends on how many lottery tickets you can afford lol)  After asking the bartender for another round of libations, he grabs a menu off the bar table and with more than a hint of sarcasm begins this short rant........... 

Harry: [continuing] I mean, it's literally like someone took America by the East Coast and *shook* it, and all the normal girls managed to hang on.

And it sparked an 'inside' joke that my buddies and I used to say after many of our dates that goes something like this.  

BUDDY:  So how'd the date go last night?!?
ME:  She was absolutely gorgeous.  Drop dead dude.......
BUDDY:  Really?!?  But....  You don't seem all that jazzed ..
ME:  Yeah, well let's just say she was all in on herself!
BUDDY:  Oh NO!  --- So fifteen minutes all about her....
ME: Yup!!  And then finally stopping to say "That's enough about ME!  SO tell me,
         what do YOU think about me?!?"    

AND SCENE..... LOL  ( According to my many LA girlfriends, the same holds truth for them)

Now don't get me wrong.  I absolutely love Los Angeles and my decade of cascading through every inch of its various artistic and very open minded inhabitants!  And you'd actually be surprised at how many Truth Seekers are rooted within its not always grounded fabric. However, I'd be more than remiss to not acknowledge the fact that -Harry- and his brash declaration about many of LA's residents was more than movie moxie.  It was an astute observation of a consciousness (both male and female) that reflects our ME SOCIETY.

Unfortunately, this obsession with 'ME' is much more far reaching than La LA Land.  It's insidious grasp has taken hold of this country's genetic makeup.  And it shows no signs of stopping.  While technology is certainly contributing to this malady (selfies, Facebook posting, Instagram posing, Twitter- I love ya but I don't need to know all you inner monologues LOL)  this issue has caused a crack in our communal connections. Our desires are becoming more and more egocentric.  We are chasing false idols like fame and materialistic STUFF that give us quick hits of pleasure. But, not unlike any addict, this causes a 'Chasing the Dragon' mind-set.  Always looking for the NEXT BEST THING to fill the emptiness within our hearts and souls.   

Those of you who have been consistently reading my blog have certainly realized by now that YOU ARE ALL SUPERHEROES!!   And that means you have awoken from your slumber and have heard your unique Call to Adventure!!  You've mustered up the COURAGE to follow this path completely -Made To Order- by your personal WISDOM WAITER!  And as Joseph Campbell said, "The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are."  For your Superhero's Journey is unlike anyone else's!  And the Magical Transformation awaiting you will BE the foundation upon which your Legacy will be built to be shared with US ALL!!  

But therein lies the paradox that is a serious threat to our collective PURPOSE.  We have become so blinded by a consumer based mentality.  I often joke that we go to the mall to buy stuff that we think will make us feel MORE THAN the next time we go the mall to buy MORE STUFF.  And RINSE AND REPEAT!   LOL  

As a reminder, WE ALL SHARE THE SAME PURPOSE!!  And that is to BE in Loving service to ALL!  And that includes BEING of service to yourSELF first and foremost.  For we can only give away that which we already have. Tending to our own passions and desires is the first step toward the process of expanding our Super Heroic Higher Selves which serves not only the preverbal- ME- but also the collective WE! It's a Gi-normous WIN - WIN!!  Plus, being a martyr leaves most bloody and alone.  NO THANKS, RIGHT!  

But the last time I checked, unconscious zombies have absolutely NO interest in anything but themselves! Let's face it my New Age Nerds, we are all seeking a life filled with daily bursts of bliss. Which is the term for unadorned peace, joy and love!  YES, PLEASE!  And there continues to be mounting scientific evidence that true, long lasting happiness comes rooted of being in Loving service to ourselves and one another. 

In the new book 'How of Happiness' , professor Sonja Lyubomirsky, PhD has compiled some juicy and telling data about what exactly injects us with the huge helping of Happiness we all seek.  Because of our adaptation toward a hedonistic nature, only 10% of our Happiness depends on us getting the STUFF we desire.  JUST 10% my peeps!!  It provides us with a temporary high that dissipates very quickly.   That means the other 90% must be derived from other sources.  WINK!!

But us awakened SUPERHEROES already know what the remedy to this very vital issue is.  For every master who has ever set foot in this world has spread the same not so SECRET recipe toward the answer to our inner salvation.  From Jesus the Christ to Martin Luther King, Jr.  And lest us not forget Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and the Buddha.  Their message was to BE A LOVING SERVANT!!  

As one of my greatest Heroes Napoleon Hill said, "Success in life depends upon happiness, and happiness is found in NO other way than Service that is rendered in a spirit of LOVE."

Advanced neuroscience studies are proving that by caring for the needs of others actually causes tremendous advances in our own transformations into greater versions of the Super Heroic Higher Selves that reside within! In the book, 'The Happy Hero', author Solitaire Townsend has studied these modern scientific studies and argues that the most powerful and longest lasting path to a happy and fulfilling life is to dedicate ourselves to serving others.  The same studies show that serving others improves our own health and well being as well as life longevity!  Pretty groovy stuff, huh!   

I believe that as SUPERHEROES, it is our responsibility to assist in awakening the souls on this planet who have been programmed that the path to happiness is ALL ABOUT ME. As with any disruptive cause, the first step starts with YOU!!  For starters, I would like to invite you all to begin a new habit of spreading a gesture of LOVE to at least one person each and every day.  Before you get all- C'mon Jeff- that's asking an awful lot- let me assure you that it's often the smallest of gestures that can awaken someone from their unconscious slumber.  TRUST!!  To make things a little easier, here are some suggestions you can try for starters:

Lending a non judgemental ear...

Telling someone how much they matter...

Making someone laugh...

Sharing YOUR story with someone who could benefit from your Wisdom

Be someone's calm during their storm....

Tell someone that you BELIEVE in them...Until they BELIEVE too...

Send someone a kind text 'JUST BECAUSE".....

Inspire someone with your unique SUPER POWERS .....

Tell someone ......I LOVE YOU.....

I assure you that by practicing these small gestures, you will slowly start to chip away the MUCK that has overtaken and blocked these misled SOULS from remembering who they really are and why they are here.   Did you know it's been proven that the 'LOVE HORMONEoxytocin increases dramatically during acts of KINDNESS toward ourSELVES and others?  What amazing proof of that which we give away comes back to us in spades!  Plus, through these gestures, you automatically become a member of the Super Hero group known as THE LEGION OF LOVE!!  Your T-shirt and pin are in the mail!!   ;0)

Just as we all share the same PURPOSE, it is in our unique CALLING that the fun really begins! For just as our PURPOSE is the BEINGNESS of our Hero's Journey, our CALLING is the DOINGNESS!!  Our CALLING is the manner in which we leave our comfort zones and stretch ourselves. Thus transforming us into Super Humans capable of -  well, absolutely anything we can imagine! With the gift of free will, the world becomes our playground where we can experiment and FOLLOW OUR BLISS!!  

And this is where the real MIRACLES begin!  Because as you fulfill your Calling, the byproduct is the bounty of gifts it shares with US ALL!  That business you started that solves a problem many of us are in desperate need of! Writing that book which inspires "oh so many " to face their fears and transform their lives back towards LOVE!  Becoming the teacher that changes the trajectory of a new generation! Even starting the family you so yearned for and shaping your children to become beacons of light for others! What starts out as you fulfilling your desired destiny, ultimately morphs into a new Paradigm of ME=WE!!  And you thought any notion of being a part of changing the World was pure fodder...   As if!!!  ;0)

So whaddya say my fellow New Age Nerds......   Will you help yourSELF and others in starting a new disruptive Super Heroic Mass Movement?!?    The #ME=WE message!

As I said earlier, I invite and challenge you to begin with just ONE small gesture a day.
Who is with me......       ;0)



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

How To LEVERAGE The Power Of KNOWLEDGE To Fulfill Your Dreams!


The power of inspiration, on the other hand, comes from Knowledge. It cannot be influenced. It is immune to this kind of persuasion. Even a Greater Community set of skills used against an individual strong with Knowledge would not be effective in changing their perception, their understanding or their experience. The influence would be felt, but it would be recognized as a perpetration from the outside.

Marshall Vian Summers

Back in 1998 I moved to Los Angeles, CA. I began attending Wednesday night services at a non-denominational dojo of pure dynamite known as AGAPE.  Agape is Greek for "unconditional love."  And boy was LOVE dispersed there like cotton candy at a local town fair!  This harmonious haven is led by Dr. Michael Beckwith from the movie The Secret.  They truly smashed the proverbial bowl when The Grand Creator went and blew him off a cloud in heaven.  He has some of the most infectious energy I have ever been around.  And when he really starts channeling "spirit" he starts to sound just like Chris Rock.  Wanna see for yourSELF?  Go check out one of his many videos on YouTube.  I am quite sure you will be super glad you did!  

One particular evening while I was studying with a group of like minded friends and him at this temple, a young woman in the small crowd raised her hand. Dr. Beckwith was in the middle of a sermon on how to manifest more in your life.  With great zealous enthusiasm she jumped up out of her seat and asked the following question, "So what do you do if you really, really like fresh squeezed orange juice?"  (Small giggle from the rest of us)  To which Dr. Beckwith responded, "Well then you go buy the fresh squeezed orange juice."  She bounced back with, "But the fresh squeezed orange juice is three times more expensive than the non squeezed.  And I am on a tight budget being an actress in training."  Dr. Beckwith's reply has been like a gymnast, totally "sticking the landing" within me ever since!  With a wild and wicked declaration said, "Well then, you better KNOW, that you KNOW, what you KNOW!"  (Bursts of laughter from the crowd)

It actually took me a few years to completely understand exactly what he meant. He was casting out to us the importance of understanding that KNOWINGNESS is the most important part of our collective creative prowess. It's the state of unwavering GRATITUDE that comes from truly believing that whatever it is we have "asked for" is on its way!  And so learning to be thankful for it even before you can SEE it.  For seeing is NOT believing.  LOL  Believing FIRST is the key to unlocking the bounty of blessings that are our very birthright.  See the difference..  ;0)  In that very moment, he was trying to enlighten this woman to the idea it would be in her best interest to KNOW that more money was coming before buying that orange juice.  As long as she completely believed that fact, than why not go ahead and get the best orange juice out there?!

And just as mastering the art of KNOWINGNESS is crucial in our growth process, so is the attainment of KNOW_LEDGE.  As the old saying goes, true power comes from our repertoire of all which we KNOW. And that's why the typical millionaire reads two to three books each and every month.  Yes, even after they've seemingly "done it all."  ESPECIALLY after they have! For they understand what got them to that state of abundance in all its forms.  It was their KNOW-LEDGE. And then putting that knowledge into daily action with complete knowingness.  For the answers to all that you seek to manifest into your earthly experience lies within that simple formula!  Always has been that way, and it will NEVER change.  Trust!   ;0)

That's why I tell all of my clients the process I will coach them through is actually quite simple. Deep. But simple. The work we do on the "inside" is very similar in vein to the work we do on the outside.  With our physical bodies.  It's learning to shift the energy within you from CATABOLIC (destructive) to ANABOLIC (Empowering and expansive) in nature.  Presto, chango!  Ta da!  I'll be here till Thursday.  Don't forget to tip your waitresses! LOL

Unfortunately our education system is set up in such a manner that the great majority of our "learning" happens by the time we finish college.  Such a travesty, isn't it?!  The secret sauce between those who thrive in life and those who simply eek out a meager survival is their KNOW-LEDGE base. You may be thinking, "Aw come on now Jeffrey!  Some people were just born with a silver spoon in their mouth.  That's why the rich just keep on getting richer and the poor poorer."  But the reality is that during and after "The Great Depression," the true pioneers of our time were mostly self made men who acquired and developed the KNOW-LEDGE others did not. Then the few who actually put that KNOW-LEDGE into well thought out plans and daily action steps became the iconoclasts of our time!  Napoleon Hill's entire life's work proved this to be true. Please read his amazing book, Think and Grow Rich, to get inspired to this truth!


Here are some of my favorite quotes on the importance of KNOW-LEDGE:

Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.” 
― Albert Einstein

To attain knowledge, add things everyday. To attain wisdom, remove things every day.” 
― Lao Tse

"Read in the name of your Lord Who created. He created man from a clot. Read and your Lord is Most Honorable, Who taught (to write) with the pen. Taught man what he knew not.” 
― Anonymous, Qurʾan / القرآن الكريم

Never regard study as a duty but as an enviable opportunity to learn to know the liberating influence of beauty in the realm of the spirit for your own personal joy and to the profit of the community to which your later works belong."

~Albert Einstein

"The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge."

- Napoleon Hill

So what exactly is KNOW-LEDGE?!  Let's break up the word into two halves. The first segment being KNOW.  To "know" is to be of absolute certainty.  No doubts. BOOM!  But are you aware that the meaning of LEDGE is to extend? So, by very definition, KNOW-LEGDE means to "extend KNOWINGNESS" out into the Universe!  The greater your personal KNOW-LEDGE, the more powerful your vibrational energetic offerings.  The more you KNOW, the more the Universe will GROW.  Hey, I made a little rhyme there. Catchy, huh?! LOL And by knowing YOU and the Universe are indeed ONE, that means as the Universe expands, so does your personal energetic essence.  It's the most perfect symbiotic relationship imaginable.  And we all know how much we are possible of imagining! But you can only extend that which you already have within you. So, doesn't it make simple sense to try and acquire as much KNOW-LEDGE as possible each and every day?  I'd sure as hell say so! 

Here are some supreme suggestions on how to further expand your own KNOW-LEDGE:

1. Start creating a book list. Perhaps begin by asking people who have had an inspirational influence upon you what books they would recommend.  Re-member success leaves a trail.  Become a hound dog and sniff those trails out for yourSELF!

2. Join MentorBox. For just 10 bucks month, you can join one of the leading online book clubs in the world. I joined two years ago and I LOVE IT! Their proprietary system allows you to fully customize the manner in which you digest all the material of the books they have in their massive collection. They even have the books broken down into video based segments done from the authors themselves. It's basically an electronic "cliff notes" for the too busy to read set. 

They are constantly adding new books into their collection too.
They even send you e-mails whenever they are having live Master Classes with authors.
Super cool stuff!

3. Become aware of FB and Instagram advertisements produced by authors who are literally giving their new books away.  All you have to do is pay for shipping and handling. (typically 5-7 bucks) Yes, you may have to click through a "funnel system" as they incite you to add more products to your order, but you simply press NO to each request.  Easy peezy!

4. Look to join local book clubs.  My sister is in one here in Northern Virginia and adores her time spent there each month.  And she has made some terrific new friends ta boot!

5.  Check out MindValley.  They are an online "Global School" whose goal it is to transform the world through KNOW_LEDGE!  They offer a gi-normous amount of completely free master class trainings on every subject you can think of.  It's a great new place for you mind to call home. 

And since I am always asked about my own personal favorite selection of know-ledge filled tombs, I'd like to give you my top 25 list of the tomes that have made the biggest impact on my life.  I urge you to check out any that "jump out" at you!

So here is my list of the TOP 25 titles (all available on Amazon) that I believe would make excellent additions to any New Age Nerd's bookshelf:

1)  Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsh

2)  Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav

3)  Beyond the Secret by Dr. Lisa Love

4)  Callings by Gregg Levoy

5)  Pathway to Bliss  by Joseph Campbell

6)  The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield

7)  A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

8)  Power vs Force by David Hawkins

9)  The Four Desires by Rod Stryker

10)  Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankel

11) The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

12) The Secrets to the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker

13) God I AM by Peter O Erbe

14) Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

15) A Course in Miracles by The Foundation for Inner Pece

16) Bringers of the Dawn by Barbara Marciniak

17) The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell

18) Manifesting Change by Mike Dooley

19) The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz

20) The Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer

21) Soulshaping by Jeff Brown

22) The Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman

23) The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida

24) Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

25)  The Magic of Believing by Nido Qubein

Of course, Scripture is oh so very sacred.  I did not include this on my list because I feel its truths encapsulate all KNOW-LEDGE!  

I was watching an episode of Oprah's Super Soul Sunday Live from NY last evening.  And Melinda Gates (Bill Gate's wife) was a guest.  She said other than health care, the most important thing we lack in this world is equal opportunities of education.  She stressed how important KNOW-LEDGE is to creating a world in which everyone is treated as equal.  PREACH,  Mrs. Gates!

So what are you waiting for?  That boob tube can be used as a powerful tool for further education, but what would it feel like to know that you are expanding both yourSELF and the Universe as a whole by searching out vessels for your own advancement in all things KNOW-LEDGE? I strongly urge you to not only drink a gallon of water a day for your body.  But please do not forget to "water your mind" everyday by stretching your capacity to learn!  Gotta scoot.  Tons of books are calling my name.....................



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

For more information on my 1 on 1 Signature Coaching Programs,
please email me:  Jeffmartinez@thesuperheroscoach.com

Monday, July 19, 2021

Tips For Turning Your Burdens Into BLESSINGS!


~~  Gandalf    (THE LORD OF THE RINGS)

~~ Alfred    (BATMAN BEGINS)


Yesterday morning, I was incredibly INSPIRED by a speech given by Joel Osteen.  I must profess I do not watch his show religiously, but as I was switching channels this day, the moment I turned to his program, he was espousing the importance of looking for the blessings that come with most of our daily burdens.  And of course being The New Age Nerd that I AM, I was hooked!  So much of what he was saying resonated at a deeply profound level for me.  Much of it because of how it correlated very closely with the core vibration of this site, that being The Hero's/Heroine's Journey.  And the fact that NO THING that comes into your experience is a coincidence.  Be it illness, loss, betrayal, as well as the many wonderful and amazing things that we co-create each and everyday.  It is all a part of the DIVINE'S way of supporting us on our true path. It does not mean that these experiences and emotions are easy. In fact, some of them can feel downright painful, and cause us to question what the hell is going on in our lives. Some of us get hit so hard, and in so many ways (often all at once), that we start to lose our faith. That is why his message was such a powerful infusion of Re-membrance for me and I am sure many others. 

Mr. Osteen told some powerful and humorous stories about his own life. And the manner in which some quite challenging personal events forced him to face his biggest fears. Many of them becoming the most magnificent BLESSINGS he has yet to experience.  For instance, his father was a pastor who actually started the church with his family.  Joel was much younger then and was quite introverted and shy.  He much preferred to stay behind the scenes and help his family by serving the church away from the pulpit's spotlight. Until his father suddenly passed away.  And in the middle of his heavy grief, he had a huge decision to make.  In order for the church to continue, he knew he would have to take the lead and become the church's head pastor.  Something that scared the ‘HELL’ out of him.   But he decided to put his entire faith in Spirit. And so the following Sunday, he gathered (was given by Spirit) the courage and strength to grab the microphone for the very fist time, and get on the pulpit to carry forth the work that his father had started so many years before.  And as we all now know, Joel is now one of the most beloved spiritual teachers currently on this planet!  He has inspired millions of people to live the Greatest Version of the Grandest Vision ever held of themselves.  Now that is a transcendent example of turing a burden into a blessing.  Not only for himself, but for the world!

It also brought to mind a powerful story from the life of Napoleon Hill, who is one of the founding fathers of modern day self actualization work.  Of all of the magnificent stories he has shared through his many books, none is near as powerful as the story of his second son in his seminal tomb ‘Think And Grow Rich.’  You see, Napoleon Blair Hill was born without any physical signs of ears.  From birth, all his doctors proclaimed that due to his physical deformities, he would live a life being both deaf and mute. A devastating declaration for any parent! However, Napoleon Hill was a true Bringer of the Light.  He made a vow the very day those doctors told them their opinion, that his son would indeed learn to hear and speak!  He has said his steely determination came from a famous quote attributed to transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson, who profoundly stated, “The whole course of things goes to teach us faith. We need only obey.  There is guidance for each of us, and by lowly listening, we shall hear the right words.”

To help demonstrate the power of DESIRE, in the second chapter of his book, he outlined his plan to assist his son toward his goal:

Napoleon's plan included:
  • renewing his own daily pledge for Blair's wholeness;
  • imparting his burning desire to Blair;
  • not teaching sign language to Blair;
  • mainstreaming Blair's education instead of sending him to a school for the deaf;
  • creating bedtime stories for Blair with themes "designed to develop in him self-reliance, imagination, and a keen desire to hear and to be normal" as well as to establish the belief that"his affliction was not a liability, but an asset of great value"
Through the use of several techniques, Napoleon started gaining some progress, as Blair slowly began to hear vibrations and even music if played loud enough.  Hill was able to incorporate his own famous declaration that “every adversity brings with it the equal seed of opportunity,” through the example of teaching his own son how to hear.  

Blair not only made it through a basic education, but later excelled at the University of West Virginia.  After graduation, he reluctantly traveled to New York to meet with a company who had heard about his story. They had been developing a hearing aid device inspired by Blair's own deep desire to help himself and others with auditory disabilities.  But so many former attempts of introducing such devices into this market had never found their mark.  But little did he know his own Hero's Journey was beginning anew!

This new device actually worked tremendously and allowed Blair to hear clearly for the first time in his life.  So excited and now doggedly determined to use his father's philosophy of  turning burdens into blessings, he asked the company that designed the device if he could work on its marketing plan.  His goal was to “render useful service.... to bring hope and practical relief to thousands of deafened people who, without his help, would have been doomed forever to deaf mutism.”

Blair spent a great portion of the remaining of his life on his mission.  And DID INDEED help millions of hearing impaired individuals all around the world to live new lives through the use of this magical hearing aide device! 

Blair Hill's faith, coupled with the unshakable belief and LOVE of his father, turned misfortunate into a MIRACLE! One that has magically improved the lives of millions of people. It is such an inspirational testament to the power God places within our pain. For while our suffering may at times appear to be arbitrary, this story proves that is far from the truth. Pain is simply a part of the "HEAVENLY HERO MAKING MACHINE" that our Grand Creator has put into place to forge miracles for us and through us. NEVER to us! Please always re-member that distinction. 

And the next time you feel less than, unlovable, unworthy, or simply are lost in you own darkness, re-member that you are a Superhero. Just being here is proof positive of that. Because not everyone who was asked to come here said YES. In fact, the majority said NO
Not because any of them are less than in there own making, but because this earthly experience is very dense for the soul. And at times can be quite painful. Some would even say BRUTAL! Growth and expansion at this speed often requires strokes of pain as the catalyst for the birthing process of miracles to occur within this realm.  So please be super proud of the fact that when confronted with the choice to make a lasting difference in a world that is in desperate need of superheroes, you did not back down from the challenge! And that in itself makes you a Legend in Training!

Through the moon lit night....
A single Path is now shown...
Dare I step onto its glowful glare...
For the destination is unknown...

I ask Spirit for Guidance and Strength...
As I take my first move into the Night...
Heavy are the thoughts of my mind...
An internal struggle to hide my Fright...

It is then that I Re-member...
That when our Journey is at its end....
We all forge a path and must go alone....
To those before me, much Love do I send.....

Night swept Fog now blinds my way....
A silent whisper like none before....
Asks for my utter Belief and Trust...
As I traverse this foreign shore..

My sight still betrays me...
Tho I surrender to this special voice...
And brave this dreamlike vision...
For I've learned the power of choice ...

We have many gifts to light our darkness..
Yet still so many lose their will...
Giving way to all their lifelong pain...
Shouting to heaven a powerful shrill....

Perhaps this night's Journey....
Will show me that our pain is power...
Perhaps forgotten along the way...
Inspiring others with this night's swept shower...

Is this the Purpose for my dreamlike state...
To assist in my Re-membering of why I came...
A Steward of conscious spiritual Light...
Teaching others that our Path we can reframe....

As I start the process of Knowingness...
The path ahead begins to clear....
My Hero's Journey illuminates this path...
And leaves me No Thing to Fear.....

Written by Jeffrey Louis Martinez

May these words offer you solace in the darkest of your nights. So you may re-member that all of your burdens are no thing less than BLESSINGS in disguise!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Life Is NOT a Test !



Perhaps one of the most challenging aspects of having the persistent COURAGE to take a path toward Self Realization is the cacophony of times you may have to ‘Fall off The Horse’ of your HEART as a natural part of the transformational process.  And has anyone reading actually ever fallen off of a real horse?   I have and let me tell ya, my tushie still smarts from the thought of it!  NO FUN!  It hurts like hell and is ALMOST equally embarrassing.  Luckily for me, my high jinx while horsin' around were way before cell phones were in everyone's pockets, just waiting to capture such precious memories!!  LOL  So you will just have to use your imaginations.............

I use this metaphor as a way of introducing you to a very common phenomenon that invariably occurs as soon as you make a clear and conscious DECLARATION to the Universe of who you now CHOOSE TO BE!  And it usually unfolds something along these literal lines.  You do an amazing amount of meditating, reading, workshops, seminars, coaching and come to that magical AH HA moment of realization in which blocks and/or limiting beliefs are seen for the ego illusions that they actually are meant to be.  And your body tingles with GODBUMPS!! You know the feeling I am talking about if you are on this path!  And suddenly, its party time!  Yeaaaaaa for me!  I am growing, learning, and raising my personal level of consciousness.  All is good in the world and the horizon seems unlimited in its potential of future manifestations.  Is any of this resonating so far?!  For many of you, I am sure it is hitting a chord of commiseration.  

And then, out of the blue, your world becomes flooded with the EXACT OPPOSITE people, experiences, and circumstances from the new vibrational declaration you have fought so valiantly toward.  Toxic ex boyfriends and/or  girlfriends start showing up out of the blue.  Events that once triggered you into egoic and low energetic vibrations start manifesting no matter what way you turn.  And you begin to believe one of two things; either you are slowly going looney tunes, or all this self transformational work is complete and total bullshit!!  Trust me, I've been there on several occasions. In fact, at one point, this phenomenon caused me to grab a black ink magic marker to start ‘HIGHLIGHTING’ some of my favorite passages from the pastiche of transformative books in my collection.   Well, (Marking through a paragraph in all black ink) never have to read that passage again!  Don't believe me, I have the blackened passages to prove it!  Just sayin......    ;0)

All this changed when a past mentor sat me down to set me straight.  And I will now share his wisdom with you!  The moment that you make this declaration of WHO YOU NOW CHOOSE TO BE, everything unlike it will flood into your existence.  BUT IT IS NOT A TEST.  I repeat, this is NOT about the Universe trying to test your essence.  It isn't set up that way.  Life isn't a game, nor is your experience of it.  It's serious spiritual stuff transpiring here!  Now what is occurring is SOURCE energy allowing you the most precious of OPPORTUNITIES.  In this realm we traverse through 7 different levels of energy at any given time, and this is simply the Universe's way of double checking that this new YOU is truly what you DESIRE and where you Now Vibrationally Resonate.  And please learn to accept and be in complete gratitude of this often incredibly challenging process.  Think about it for a minute.  Given our society's prevalent ADHD and oscillation in our decision making process, aren't you thankful that this system gives you time to make sure our impetuousness is not clouding our new TRUTH?!?   I know I sure am!  I can't fathom what my life would look like if the transformation of my Superhero's Journey shifted on every emotional whim that crossed through my complex internal processing Paradigm.   While it might make for a terrific episode of E! True Hollywood Stories it certainly wouldn't support my highest vision!  And that is just plain old keepin' it real!!  Who is with me?!?

So how do we measure our progress through these moments of opportunistic deluges?  The answer is fairly simple!  We GAUGE the time we spend in allowance of these disruptions to distract us from our new TRUTH!  In fact, I will share with you exactly what I mean with a recent experience of my own when I temporarily fell of my horse for a young lady I recent met.  As I have disclosed in many previous posts, given my traumatic childhood, I had a long standing pattern of chasing after women who were emotionally unavailable, and/or treated me in a manner that was much less than I deserved.  I ignored red flags the same way so many of us ignore the stoplight as it turns yellow to mean GO FASTER!!  LOL   Seriously!  For many years, LOVE to me equalled struggle, chaos, and having to prove that I was worthy of someone's care and attention.  As pathetic as it sounds, it was something conditioned and imprinted into my psyche from a very early age when my father abandonded the family when I was a mere three years old.  That led to many years of various mental, sexual, and physical abuse at the hands of my caretakers that had a lasting impact on my conditioning about what relationships should look like.  

After years of self realization work, I know I have made significant progress toward healing these dysfunctional patterns and my own level of self worth has skyrocketed in the process.  Thank you God!!  Well the past couple of weeks, I have been communicating with a lovely young lady who seemed spiritual and kind and incredibly conscious.  THEN, some red flags started to rear their nasty head, all cumulating in a very painful, caustic, extremely judgmental interaction last evening that lasted into the wee hours of the night.  Now five years ago,  I would have stayed up all night writing her an email to try and make amends with our night's painful co-creation!  But NOT THIS NIGHT!!  No way Jose!  
I decided to be a true Lightworker and shine my new found level of self worth into her darkness.  I did not allow her to dim my light!!  Five years ago, I would have woken up this morning as a basket case.  Full of self judgment and self loathing.  And spending an inordinate amount of time trying to make amends from last nights escapades.  But NOT on this day. I have not responded back to her caustic texts and actually hold her in a place of absolute reverence.  But FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROOM!  I am still LOVING her, but it is perfectly OK to love someone from the other side of the room!!  And just think of the birthday and Christmas card money I am going to save this year!!  LOL

The ultimate point I wish to convey in this post is that the path toward self mastery is a never-ending process.  And just when we think we have graduated from a lesson in our pattern, it often has a funny way of resurfacing just when we are ready to bask in the light of our accomplishments!  And the real truth of the matter is that there is no Right or Wrong with whatever way you decide to go.  Either fall back with the crows, or lift off and fly with the Eagles!  It all comes down to who you truly choose to be and manifest next in life!  

One last thing I would like to impart in tonight's post is that LIFE IS NOT A TEST! 


Please do not misunderstand me! I am not trying to condone or make light of the plethora of tragedy, loss, pain, and suffering we all endure at various points in our lives.  Life can be BRUTAL.  Even soul crushing at times.  We often lose our faith in any form of a higher power.   But rather than looking at them as TESTS, what would it look like for us to transcend our challenges as opportunities for MIRACLES to surround and support us.  And for US to BE THOSE MIRACLES for others. In the form of love, compassion, kindness, generosity of spirit, and understanding.  THAT is why we are here and without these OPPORTUNITIES,  we would not be able to experience the glorious feelings they afford us.  


Everyone will be challenged and endure times of struggle and strife on their unique Hero's Journey.  But the Universe wastes absolutely NOTHING!  Everything you experience is happening THROUGH YOU and FOR YOU, not TO YOU!!  Big difference!

Thinking things happen TO YOU is a mindset of Victim Consciousness.  And You Are Not a Victim! PERIOD and Mic Drop!!  And re-member that we are built for pain.  In fact, you will never find a better teacher than the Pain Professor.  It would serve you well to let Pain in, rather than resisting it.  Allow it to stay until you have learned what it came to teach.  For those lessons will prove to be the most valuable on your Hero's Journey!  


There is no such thing as FAILURE! (Unless you never try!)  Failure is simply Constructive Feedback from the Universe! It is always instructional in nature.  These are opportunities to grow and learn from.  The Universe does not work on a Pass/Fail basis!    Unlike the game of baseball, you get as many swings as you desire!  The Universe will give you Do Over after Do Over, but NOT to test you.  Please believe that 'Life is Rigged Completely In Your Favor!'  The Universe sent you here for a reason.  And it supports you in your Mission Possible!!  Do Overs are just the Universe's way of allowing you to get the lesson and wisdom you need to complete the next step on your Hero's Journey!  Ask and it shall be given, for the power and glory are all yours!  You are Never alone on your quest.  In fact, if you knew who walks beside you at all times, you would never experience Fear ever again.........


It's not as if God cast you out of Heaven and then makes you pass a series of TESTS to 'Get Back In.'  We are Divine creations, perfect in every way.  Each of us is priceless.  Never devalue your sense of SELF!  In doing so you are devaluing God Herself!  

Our collective MISSION has been Divinely Devised.  You each have a unique CALLING.  And it can only be fulfilled BY YOU !! The byproduct of its completion is nothing less than the rapture of a gateway towards Beams of Bliss flowing into our Collective Consciousness.  Expanding and infusing the energetic radiance of LOVE AND LIGHT, Peace and Wisdom, Compassion and Kindness back into the World!  And the stout KNOWINGNESS that as you spread these gifts of Blissful Boosts to others, so will this BLISS be brought back unto you!  For that which you do for others, you do for yourself!  The illusion of Separation will dissolve into nothingness.  Forevermore, You and I, will BE ONE!!


As Pastor Steve Simons says:

God is not measuring you.  God is leading you.

God is not judging you.  God is instructing you.  

God is not condemning you.  God is picking you up.  Dusting you off, and saying, "You'll get it better next time."

God is not testing you.  God is loving you, providing for you, blessing you, and giving you life.

Where you see failure, God sees opportunity.

Where you may see obstacles, God sees potential.

Where you see defeat, God sees impending victory.

So close your eyes and take a deep breathe!  And then Let It Go!  Learn to RELAX!!  Always do your best, because your best will ALWAYS DO!!   After all,  LIFE IS NOT A TEST.........



Jeffrey Louis Martinez