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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, June 25, 2020

MODERN MYTH MESSAGES: The Empire Strikes Back....!

LUKE: Look, I'm sure its delicious. I just don't understand why we can't see Yoda now!

YODA: Patience! For the Jedi it is time to eat as well! Hmm! Good food! Eat! Eat! Hot! Ha ha ha!!

Luke dishes out a serving of Yoda's stew onto his plate with rancid disgust.

YODA: Good food, huh! Good! Hmm!

LUKE: How far away is Yoda? Will it take us long to get there?

YODA: Not far. Yoda not far. Ha ha! Patience! Soon you will be with him. 

YODA: Why must you become Jedi, hmm?

LUKE: Mostly because of my father I guess. 

YODA: Father, powerful Jedi was he. Ha ha! Powerful Jedi!

LUKE: (impatient) Oh come on. How could you know my father. You don't even know who I am!

YODA: (solemn) I cannot teach him. The boy has no patience.

BEN KENOBI : (Voice Over) He will learn patience. 

YODA: Much anger in him. Like his father.

BEN KENOBI : (Voice Over) Was I any different when you taught me?

YODA: No! He is not ready.

LUKE: (surprised) Yoda?! (soft beat) I am ready! Ben, I can be a Jedi. Ben, tell him .....

YODA: (interrupting) Ready are you?! What you know ready? For 800 years have I trained Jedi! My own council will I keep on who is to be trained! The Jedi must have the deepest commitment. The most serious mind. This one, a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was! On what he was doing! You are reckless!

BEN KENOBI: (Voice Over) So was I if you remember.

YODA: He is too old. Yes, too old to begin the training!

LUKE: But I've learned so much.  

YODA: Will he finish what he begins?

LUKE: I won't fail you. I'm not afraid!

YODA: You will be. You will be!

The Power of NOW! It was what master Yoda was trying to instill in his newest pupil, Luke Skywalker from the start of his training to become a Jedi. And yet so many of us choose to reject this space of being perfectly present in every moment. It can feel overwhelming and uncomfortable to face what currently IS! It's akin to sitting in the fire of our own compassionate truth and allowing the heat to burn off the ashes of everything that is not part of our authentic selves. Especially when this process is most effective when we truly allow ourselves to FEEL that burn; deep down to our own soulful core. Yet anything worth doing, is worth doing with us being ALL IN! Ask Yoda if you don't believe me. Tell you he will the truth! LOL And you wonder why Yoda told Luke he may become fearful. He he!!

Luke was challenged to find acceptance and gratitude with the life he was living on the barren planet of Tatooine. And so his mind was never focused on the LOVE and joy he had been given by his Aunt and Uncle before they were murdered. And he carried that trauma with him and eventually left his Jedi training with Yoda prematurely to rescue his friends who were captured by the evil Galactic Empire. What we do not repair, we are destined to REPEAT!!  Re-read that last sentence again. Please! Luke found that out the hard way. Hopefully, you won't have to......  ;0)

That's why it is so utterly important for us to use the healing and transformative power of ACCEPTANCE as a way to live in pure ALLOWANCE!!  For it is only here that we spend our days living in a Divine Dance with Spirit. And where we can sip from the well of TRUST that defines the Universe itself. And we come into the Universal understanding that No Thing happens To Us; but rather THROUGH us and FOR our Highest Good!!  

Later during Luke's training, Yoda teaches him the power of BELIEF! Luke is trying to raise his downed X-Wing fighter out from the swamp and can't quite muster the inner belief of his own Super Powers.

LUKE: We'll never get it out now. 

YODA: (disappointed in Luke) So certain are you. Always with you what cannot be done. Hear you nothing of I say?

LUKE: Master, moving stones around is one thing. This...this is totally different!

YODA: No! No different! Only different in your mind. You must unlearn what you have learned. 

LUKE: Alright, I'll give it a try.

YODA: No! Try not! Do! Or do not. There is no try!

Luke attempts to use the Force to lift his spaceship from its watery grave. But to no avail.

LUKE: (breathing heavy) I can't. It's too big.

YODA: Size maters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size do you. Hmmm. And where you should not!

LUKE: You want the impossible. 

Despite his diminutive size, Yoda summons the Force to lift the ship up and out of the swamp to dry land! Luke is in a complete state of astonishment.

LUKE: I...I don't believe it!

YODA:  That....is why you fail!

Here is a SUPERHERO'S TAKEAWAY.  Everything in life is a PROCESS!  Including acceptance of our life exactly the way it is!  And when we do experience pain, discord, angst, anxiety, or suffering in any form from an experience that has manifested into our experience, IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for ourSELVES and others to allow these emotions time to resonate within us. For repressed emotions are unactualized spiritual lessons. Just don't allow yourself to permanently move into these houses of perpetual pain and suffering. Instead, compassionately give yourself the gift to allow the emotion to flow through you. Just long enough for the lesson it was meant to bring forth into your life to be born. And then LET IT GO!!! 

Yoda taught Luke that fear leads to anger, and anger to hate. In the very same manner, Belief leads to Faith, Faith leads to Knowingness, Knowingness leads to Gratitude, and Gratitude leads to Bliss! BUT IT ALL STARTS WITH ACCEPTANCE OF THAT WHICH CURRENTLY IS! Learning the power that comes from living in the NOW. That is the path towards living life in "the flow."  It is the way of the Force. And the Force is alive and well; an all empowering SOURCE of all the Infinite Intelligence of the Universe. 

As Yoda would say, "Use the Force always. For a powerful ally it is. Powerful ally indeed.  Yes! Yes!" And so it is!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, June 22, 2020

MODERN MYTH MESSAGES: Cloak and Dagger...!


"So why exactly are we so mesmerized by our favorite Hero's stories?! 

It's because they aren't about them. They are about us.

Myth is a mirror.  One we hold up to see ourSELVES more clearly. 
That is the catch twenty two of the human condition. The inability to see ourSELVES for who we are.  We can often only do it through someone else's eyes. And when we do, we may not like what they see. So as we watch the rise and fall of our Heroes, the question we ask should not be; will they be greater, can they ascend?  No. When the rubber hits the road, when that tire blows, the question we should ask is; will WE be greater, can we ascend?"


One powerful manner in which to assist you in uncovering your personal mind-set paradigm is through the lens of "Modern Myth." That's right. All those movies and TV shows you binge watch on Netflix and Amazon Prime will direct you straight toward what you truly BELIEVE!  For MYTH holds the DNA of our collective consciousness. It's actually the stories that we love and believe in that tell us so much about ourSELVES.  Throughout history they always have.  The Greeks built their entire empire around the mythology they created; as did the Roman Empire and the Egyptians. And the history books will one day show that our culture was also constructed within the confines of the stories we consumed so voraciously. That's why I truly believe this period in time will be known as "The Heroic Age." That's why every other movie that has graced our local silver screens for the past 15 years has been so SUPER HEROIC in nature.  

The Universe is currently desiring grand expansion. And that happens only through and as US!  For WE are indeed the Universe expressing itself.  At its core, energy expands the fastest through the transcendent power of LOVE.  And believe it or not, at the core of EVERY Super Hero story is LOVE.  Think about it.  Super Man and Lois Lane. Iron Man and Pepper Pots.  The Hulk and the Black Widow. Batman and Rachel Dawes. Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor. Spiderman and Mary Jane. The list is endless!  

We watch these stories because they are our gateway into the realm of spiritual transformation. That's what The Hero's Journey is all about. Creating the grandest version you have ever held of yourSELF in your mind's eye. Deep down, we are slowly starting to awaken from our slumber. Our collective CALLINGS are ringing the doorbell; damn hard! The world is in need of its very own team of Avengers.  Wouldn't you agree?!  

I like to call this team "The Legion Of Love." Yeah, that ALWAYS rings so true! How does it sound to you?! Our own bodies are made up of loving sprites of sprinkling stardust. 
We came here filled with no thing but LOVE.  And then we learn FEAR. Boo! Part of the transformative process that occurs once we garner the courage to follow our own unique personal CALLING is re-membering who we really are. We transcend the illusionary veil of egoic filled victim consciousness to the understanding we all have a Super Heroic Higher Self! We recall all of our Super Powers!  And, BAMPOWCRUNCH! We learn to live within that space of pure powerful BLISS.  We begin to gain control over our emotions.(emotion is energy in motion) Rather than them controlling us. Big difference. We start to re-member that there is NO need to believe in magic. Because as Dorthy learned in the Wizard of Oz, all the magic lies within us. YOU ARE A MAGICAL MIRACLE MAKIN MACHINE! All you have to do is learn to BELIEVE in yourSELF. Nothin' up my sleeve; and then PRESTO.  A miracle is born. Right before your very own eyes. That's what all HEROES came here to do.  BE creators of LOVE.  Always and in always.  

Life is really quite simple my New Age Nerds.  Get up every day re-membering you are NOT victim of your current life situations. You are the grand creator of them. And your Super Heroic Higher Self is benefiting greatly from everything you have brought into your experience.  All the pain, struggle, and strife is forging parts of you that will be needed in order to fulfill your own unique personal CALLING. Once you begin the process of transcending any thoughts of victim consciousness through the power of ACCEPTANCE, you can begin to live life from the perspective of complete GRATITUDE!   

You will begin to see how all the dots of your life connect together to create a masterpiece.   Even if from up close it now feels quite the opposite. Take a deep breathe. And slowly begin to step back a few steps.  And you will start to see the perfection IN ALL OF IT! The cancer, divorce, fiscal troubles, painful losses; like the three wise men, they all come bearing great gifts. I PROMISE YOU THIS!  And I should know!  I was forged to become a Wounded Healer and spiritual teacher/coach through transcending: parental abandonment, abuse, Crohn's disease, Aynklosing Spondilits, deep depression, MRSA, complete materialistic loss, and COPD!  And while the path has been far from easy, it melted away all but the parts of me 
that form my Super Heroic Higher Self.  And I am now so grateful for all of it.  I wouldn't be here typing this very post were it NOT for each and every "opportunity for growth" that has manifested into my life.

I would like to leave you with the prescient verbal musings of the crowning KING of "The Power of Myth" himself, Joseph Campbell:

A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.”



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, June 20, 2020


IT'S TIME...........

I started to follow the Washington Redkins football team with a slavish intensity back in 1980. When I was still a young lad of 11 years of age. And over the past 39 years (and 3 Super Bowl Wins), I have NEVER missed even ONE SINGLE GAME. Biggest case in point; I even made sure the major surgery to save my life from severe Crohn's disease back in 1997 did not coincide with that week's 'Skins contest! For real! Call me CRAZY, (would be far from the fist time) but my fervent following of the Redskins carried me through many a dark patch in my life. As anyone who has truly endeared themselves to any sports franchise will earnestly inform you, (hello Red Sox fans!) that relationship is often just as beloved as any other in your life! Or....maybe its just me....... LOL

-- Another quick nerdish story. Once the Redksins cemented their opportunity to battle the Denver Broncos in the 1987 Superbowl out in San Diego, (or as Ron Burgendy claims... San DEYAGO.. lol) I walked straight into the Broad Run High School's main offices and demanded to speak with our school's principle. Now anyone within a stone's throw of the Spartan's (school nickname) hallowed halls were already privy to my obsessive nature when it came to anything Redskins. (I wore an officially liscened Redkins shirt, jersey, hoodie, or sweater each and every day of the football season. Yeah, I have absolutely NO IDEA how I stayed single throughout my high school journey... ;0)

So it became quite expected when I marched into the principle's office with the following demands. (Well, looking back with a more refined objectivity, perhaps it was closer to gathering up all the gumption my 'SKINS obsessed skinny ass could muster) And akin to little Ralphie from a Christmas Story spouting out to a 'could care less Santa', his hurried request for "an official Red Ryder carbine-action 200-shot range model air rifle! Awwwe!" (and just as Ralphie's infamous request became manifest, so my own 'fever dream' like wish was about to follow a similar Journey!)

ME: (to my Principle) "As you know, my Redskins will be playing the Denver Broncos in Super Bowl XXII out in San Diego!" (I had just begun my verbal set-up. He really never had a chance, but I wanted him to THINK quite the opposite.)

The Principle: "I'm.... quite aware, Jeff!"

ME: (Eyes locked into his.... straight up laser like Iron Man's missiles) "I've already made plans. I will be skipping all my Senior Exams; heading out to San Diego this Friday! I have relatives out there." ( Holy shit! Did I just say that.... outloud?!)

The Principle: "And..... you expect me to do ...what?!"

ME: (He's actually gonna hear me out on this...... WTF!!) Ummm... (still tryin' to keep my shit straight) I have a proposition! (Proposition??...... this wasn't the Wild Wild West....)

The Principle: "Let's hear it, Jeffrey."

ME: (Oh please, God... I'm cashing in on the 100 'Hail Mary's' I've been saying with my mom the last two years!) "If you let me skip all my exams, I would like to make you a promise."

The Principle: "Pretty big ask! And the promise is.......?"

ME: "I... promise to take all of my 6 'end of year' exams, one after another..... in your office. If...... you let me skip them to go to the Super Bowl!" (Future ME: You just earned some 'Top Shelf' cajones brother! Cause that shit.....is TIGHT! )

The Principle: " OK! You got yourself a deal!"

ME: "Umm... YEAH! It's all good! (All good?!... Where the hell did that come from...I'm not a hipster! At least not yet....)

The Principle: "When's the game.... January 31st?! (Sunday, January 31st.... 1988 to be exact)

ME: "Yup! My plane leaves on Friday!" (Boo ya! And that's how I rolled! At least.. for that quick, Marty McFly- Back to The Future- moment in time!)

The Principle: "I guess I'll be seeing you in my office on February 8TH! First thing in the morning......"

ME: (INNER MONOLOGUE: Maybe DREAMS really do come true!) "Yes sir!"

The Principle: "Hey, Jeffrey, before you go!..... Bring us home a Redskins trophy, ok?!"

ME: (Near incredulous!) "Yeah! Of course! Right on!" (Right on? Really?! Happy Days ended nearly a decade earlier!)

The Principle: "Safe travels, Jeffrey!"

And the rest, as they too often say is NFL History! Not only did my much beloved Redskins beat the Denver Broncos, 42-10; but that Superbowl marked a historic moment that has yet to be replicated! For that game's MVP happened to be Washington's QB, Doug Williams. THE FIRST BLACK QB TO WIN A SUPER BOWL!!! And almost 30 years later, Mr. Williams is still the only BLACK QB to win an NFL Super Bowl! RIGHT ON!!!

And yet, the time has finally come, for this historic NFL franchise, winner of 3 Super Bowls (and 5 Super Bowl appearances) to face a long coming reality! While they are imbued with a much storied history, that does not begin to belie a much deeper TRUTH!

For the team's historically honored name, (Redskins, formerly The Braves) must be changed. While I believe in the 'Power of Intention,' any form of racial prejudice, that acts as a portal stinging others in any way, shape, or form must be confronted! And the Redskins name is such a portal!

As any of my ardent followers hopefully understand, I am far from perfect! And I will be the very first to admit any lack of sensitivity that my own actions have displayed during the last 40 years. While there is absolutely NO EXCUSE to these transgressions, it is within my own deep seeded KNOWINGNESS that just as I CAN ALWAYS BE BETTER, so can WE ALL raise our own individual consciousness; to be aligned with the LOVE and COMPASSION always awaiting the individual actions we choose to enlighten and brighten up the never ending days of a future moment in 'Time and Space.'

While I have never been one finding himself succumbing to any notions of a deep seated CURSE, I will admit to having spent many of my recent moments pondering such a potent potentiality. While the past Redskin teams of the late 70's-80's were a stalwart of NFL elitism, that same Washington franchise has been a scourge of instability with a dearth of capability for over two decades!

Nickname's aside, it's beyond time for a fresh start! Not just to coincide with the recent re-awakening of collective consciousness this planet is currently attuned to, but also in galvanizing the Universal power looking for vessels to express itSELF as a portal of expansion! Because, that's THE VERY PURPOSE of each and every soul on this planet! To become a beacon in which the power of pure LOVE can unleash the re-membrance that WE ARE ALL ONE!

So that, in time, we attune once again, to ONE UNIVERSAL TRUTH! A template in which we will all be servants and loving stewards of each another. Starting a powerful process; in which we begin to ingratiate ourSELVES into the lives of others who feel less than, disenfranchised, downtrodden, and unlovable!

After all, this is 'The Super Heroic Age!' And if you are here, now, it's because the Universe tagged you as being IT! For your very essence is that of a SUPERHERO! Literally trillions throughout the cosmos were asked; however, it's the very few of us (relatively speaking of course.. lol) that said "Damn Straight!"

Because each of us on this planet are collective members of the Super Heroic team I call "The Legion of Love!"

Our Unified Mission:

To raise the Collective Consciousness of this beautiful space called 'Earth,' way beyond any former pre-concieved notion. One that is concerned with only one singular task:

Re-member, it's very often the smallest of Earthly gestures that carry the deepest of meaning! Just as Gandalf the Grey, from the LORD OF THE RINGS offered us in his unfettered wisdom, "I've found it's the very smallest of kind gestures that keep the darkness at bay." And after all, who amongst you wants to debate the 'heart and soul' of a sage carrying such revelatory wisdom all the way from Middle Earth?!

And speaking of small gestures, reconnecting to the initial intention of this post, re-naming the Washington Redskins franchise, I have a few ideas I'd love to share with the New Age Nerd community:

The Washington Renegades

The Washington Redtails

The Washington Bravehearts

If anyone of you happen to have another idea in your New Age Nerd Noggin of how we can both keep the spirit of the Redskins storied franchise alive, while concurrently moving forward with a new name, please let me know! One that celebrates the strength and nobility of the American Indians to the forefront of NFL fandom , please let me know

And in closing.....

I was fortunate enough to 'SCORE' a ticket to Super Bowl 22 out in San Diego for 250.00! I bought it from a scalper, mere minutes from the start of the game. As the 'Football Gods' were surrounding me that day, the ticket ending up being just a few rows from the end zone in which the Redskins scored a STILL RECORD 5 touchdowns in just One Quarter!! And I was right there to celebrate each and every one of those scores, on the way to perhaps the biggest single blowout in Super Bowl history! 

Oh....., and as for those six exams I still needed to take in the Broad Run High School's principle's office; I took each one, back to back to back.... and got 5 A's and 1 B!

Proof in the preverbal pudding that 'Dreams Do Come True!" If you can just believe!!



Jeffery Louis Martinez

Thursday, June 18, 2020

TRANSCENDENT Words of 'SPIRITUAL NOBILTY' from the ICONOCLAST Cornell West...... !!

On the evening of May 29th, CNN's Anderson Cooper had a rather revelatory and spirited conversation with one of my own personal HEROES, Cornell West. Mr. West's iconoclastic mind is so revered, the creators of the famed MATRIX films (The Wachowski Brothers) drew much of their inspiration to create their fantastical world from his famed teachings!

Given the current state of the World we all find ourselves trying to navigate, I decided to transcribe their entire conversation. All in the hopes that it might spur some form of productive inspiration within the entire New Age Nerd community...........

Anderson Cooper: (Primetime CNN Anchor...  Addressing his guest, Dr. Cornell West) Our next guest practices Public Philosophy at Harvard University and Professor Emeritus at Princeton University: Dr. West, umm....I'm glad we are talking tonight. (from the May 29th protests stemming from George Floyd's horrendous murder at the hands of Minnesota's police department) What are your thoughts watching these images tonight around the country ... people in the streets..and the... the 
horrific images we saw of George Floyd and what is happening.....?

Dr. West: I just want to begin by extending my condolences to the... umm.. Floyd family. They exemplify spiritual nobility and that is very important. Long history of 400 years of black people having to come to terms, with these kinds of vicious murders and assassinations and attacks! 
(now referencing Mr Cooper, with his partner, the adoption of their newborn baby) 

Dr. West: (to Anderson Cooper) Now I know I haven't seen you Anderson since little brother Wyatt Morgan made his appearance. (referencing Anderson Cooper's new son Wyatt) In the midst of all this ugly greed, and hatred and corruption, it is also very important to celebrate birth and reverence here. But I think what we are really experiencing here brother, and I say all this in deep honesty and deep sadness. Because you know I have been trying to bare witness for over 53 years in telling the truth and trying to say something about the least of these...   but I think we are witnessing America as a failed social experiment. And what I mean by that is that the history of black people for over 200 some years in America has been looking at America's failure. It's capitalist economy, could not generate and deliver in such a way in which people could live lives of decency. The nation state, its criminal justice system, its legal system could NOT generate protection of rights and liberties. 

And now our culture, of course. It's so market driven; anybody for sale, everything for sale. It can't deliver.....the kind...the kind of really real nourishment for SOUL....for meaning....for purpose. And so when you get this perfect storm of all of these multiple failures... at these different levels of the American Empire..... and Martin King already told us about that! When I saw all those pictures there in Atlanta...I could see Martin right there in Atlanta........Saying, "I told you about militarism! I told you about poverty! I told you about materialism! I told you about racism in all of its forms. Whatever forms it takes! I told you about xenophobia!"

And what we are seeing in America now is these chickens coming home to roost! You are reaping what you sow! And in this instant, you have brother George, (George Floyd, whose despicable death has set forth a new generation of protest toward a new paradigm in Social Justice) where it is so clear, it is a lynching.... at the highest level. Nobody can deny it! And I thank God that we have people in the streets. Can you imagine this kind of lynching taking place, and people are indifferent? And people don't care! People are callous! You have just a few people out there with signs up! 

I recall those moments in which during the Reagan years..... there was just a few of us out there! 
In the 60's, you had masses out there. Now you got a younger generation of all these different colors and genders and sexual orientations! Saying, "We won't take it any longer!"

But you know what is sad about it tho brother..... at the deepest level?! It looks as if the system cannot reform itself!

We have tried black faces in high places! Too often our black politicians, professional class, middle class, become too accommodated to the capitalist economy. Too accommodated to the militarized nations state! Too accommodated to the market driven culture; tied with celebrity status, power, and fame..... all of that superficial stuff that means so much to so many fellow citizens! And so what happens?! What happens is...we got a neo-fascist gangster in the White House; who really doesn't care for the most part! 

You got a neo-liberal wing in the Democratic party that is now in the driver's seat with the collapse of brother Bernie (Bernie Sanders).....and they don't really know what to do.....because all they want is....show more black faces...show more black faces ....! But so often times these black faces are losing legitimacey too! Because the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement emerged under a black President, a black Attorney General, and a black Homeland Security and they couldn't deliver! You see!

So that when you talk about the masses of black people, the precious poor, and working class black people; poor and working class brown and red, yellow! Whatever color!  They are the ones who are left out! And they feel so thoroughly powerless, helpless, hopeless, and then you get rebellion! 

And we've reached the point now of a choice between non-violent revolution....
and by revolution what I mean is....  the Democratic sharing of power, resources, wealth, and respect!

And if we don't get that kind of sharing, you are going to get more violent explosions!
Now the sad thing is in this neo-fascist moment in the White House, you got some neo-fascist brothers and sisters out there, who are already armed! They show up at the US Capitol! They don't get arrested. They don't get put down! The President praises them.....

Anderson Cooper: (Interrupting) That's the extraordinary thing. You have these white weekend warriors showing up. As if they are former special forces ops; which they're not! Busting' into the State House, and the President praises those people. And yet, everybody else is a thug to the President. 

He quotes a white sheriff from the South in...I don't know....in '67 or maybe '68....I mean... that's...if you wrote that in a movie.....people would say, there is NO WAY that the President of the United States would quote a Southern sheriff on the night that a great city (Minneapolis)  in this country is seeing people in the streets!

Cornell West: (Cutting Back In) That's exactly right! But keep in mind, he is being true to himself! He is saying what he really feels in his SOUL! You see what I mean. 

Because we have to recognize to...... cause just like Tupac Shakur, I got some THUG in me! I know I got some gangster in me! And as a Christian I got to fight that everyday! What does that mean?! That means we got to call out people for who they are.... a neo-fascist THUG in the White House calls my brothers and sisters in the streets ....THUGS...!  So the question becomes, 'How do we keep alive moral, spiritual standards. Keep alive being in contact with the humanity of all of us across the boards. But recognizing we are living in a moment of massive economic capitalization. A nations state that has failed us.A  criminal judgment system that has failed us to be fair. And the only response we have is from Samuel Beckett.
"Try again, fail again, fail better! Try again, fail again, fail better!" 

But the question is we must fight! Even in the moment in which we have a failed social experiment, we must fight!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

This World NEEDS YOUR WIERD...!!



It's the very moment people STOP calling you CRAZY, Manic, Koo-Koo, Outta Yo Mind, Weird, Nerdy, Unrealistic, Radical, Disruptive, Ferocious, a Freak, Relentless, too 'Spiritual,' a Menace, Unrelatable, a Joker and Geek, Out of Touch, and a Dreamer that you need to start worrying!!
Some Cases in point:
The Wright Brothers
Thomas Edison
Albert Einstein
Martin Luther King Jr.
Jesus The Christ
Joseph Campbell
Abraham Lincoln
Stan Lee
Benjamin Franklin
Freddie Mercury
Michael Jackson
Muhammed Ali
Charles Darwin
Charlie Chaplin
Jackie Robinson
Elon Musk
Oprah Winfrey
I think I've made my point........ LOL
My intention is to assist those who are still on the brink of truly AWAKENING to their own personal GENIUS! Trust me when I say that during this process, many layers will be shed off of your existential skin. AND THAT IS A-OK!
For what I call your SUPER HEROIC HIGHER SELF is seeking ANY opportunity to be re-born; through and as YOU! And it is your duty and a part of the very promise you chose to accept upon manifesting into this 'Human Condition."
And in those moments in which you feel compelled to RETREAT; all so that you can 'Fit In," the entire WORLD is begging you. PLEASE STEP FORWARD, and NOT back into the Darkness! The Universe needs its greatest SUPERHEROES now more than ever! I think that is (hopefully) one thing we can all agree upon !!
I truly believe that all the horrendous ills currently pressing upon this planet can be solved by the answers that are lying within EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!
No pressure, right!? lol
So to assist you on your own Superhero's Journey, please read the attached post from my daily coaching/inspirational blog, The New Age Nerd......
The world is awaiting all the magnificent, one of a kind, tremendous talents that ONLY YOU CAN PROVIDE!
And as for all the naysayers, or people who may remove themselves from your life, once you choose to Awaken to Who You Really Are; I urge you to lovingly LET THEM GO!
Those who are really meant to Super Support you in reaching your true potential, will never Mind all your CRAZY nor all the amazing Uniqueness that you came here to unleash upon the World! All to assist in the process of loving this planet back into the LIGHT!
Jeffrey Louis Martinez