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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


                             'The INVITATION"

I'm not interested in the accolades you have accumulated in the presence of others...
I want to know what you do in the solitude of your darkest nights..
When one's true integrity is discovered...
Do you shrivel before the RESISTANCE of your ego..
Or carve through the Veil of Illusion even as your own tears cloud your vision...
With unbreakable FAITH that a Miracle will be birthed on the other side..

I could care less how many times you go to church...
to be 'FED' by the word of God........
INVITE you to tell me how many hours you've spent feeding others through acts of CHARITY....

It doesn't impress me that you ALWAYS remember Birthdays and Anniversaries..
I'm curious how many times you've done something special for another...'JUST BECAUSE'....

I'll NEVER remember how many Facebook friends you have amassed.....
But I will NEVER forget the times you were a true friend by loving me in times of SORROW.....

I won't treat you any different based on how many degrees you have plastered on your walls....
But I will study how well you've learned by your previous missteps...

I may never know how many musical instruments you have mastered...
But can you make my SOUL SMILE through the song your heart plays in my presence....

I'm not interested in your favorite bedtime stories from a childhood past....
I want to know what STORIES you tell yourself about your
own purpose for 'BEING'....

I could care less about your current net worth....
No.....What I want to understand, is in what ways are you
WORTHY of your own SUFFERINGS....

I won't notice how fancy your 'dance moves' may be...
I want to know if you are courageous enough to 'Dance to the Beat of Your Own Drummer' even if it means being laughed at for being 'DIFFERENT'

And PLEASE do not bore me with how technologically savvy you fancy yourself to be....
Rather...I want to comprehend why you'd rather TEXT ....Then
pick up the phone and hear my VOICE say.."I MISS YOU..TONS!!"..

I'm not interested in how many 'Thank You' notes you've sent for all the amazing gifts you may have received...
I want you to tell me how many times you've said "THANK YOU"..for still being your friend...Even AFTER your words may have 'cut to the bone'...

I will never be impressed by how much money you've earned, or even given away.....
I want to know how often you've shared your ABUNDANCE of FEARS and FAILURES with others.....So that they know they are NOT alone when confronted with theirs

And I will not be offended by how many times you forget my Birthday...
For the only thing I DESIRE you to remember...Is how utterly PERFECT...  You already are.......


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Learn The True SECRET To SUCCESS..!!!!



When I first began my Journey on the path of self realization, there was a TON of information in the form of books, lectures, videos, etc., on the importance of how ‘Thoughts Become Things.’  And how everything we think drastically affects what we experience in our lives.  “If you THINK it, it will come,” seemed to be the ‘go to’ catch phrase that consumed the minds of so many of us in the Self Consciousness community.  Then the book ‘THE SECRET’ appeared in the mid 2000's and suddenly, well, everyone thought it contained ‘The Secret’ to manifesting all of your wildest dreams and delectable desires.  It talked about creating vision boards and repeating affirmations that would bring about all the things you thought your life needed in order to be happy.  It shared deep insights into this powerful and transformative process called ‘The Law of Attraction.’  The author was even on Oprah and the next thing ya know, weekend dinner parties transformed into ‘Law of Attraction’ events where everyone gathered to create gorgeous vision boards that essentially became wish lists to the Universe. And YES, I threw such a party myself.  And my vision board was smokin'!!  Every single inch of the thing was covered with anything and everything my heart truly desired to manifest into my life.  And ALL my friends had vision boards too!  Just like ‘The Secret’ told us to do.  We all practiced our affirmations several times a day, and made sure to monitor our thoughts, for as the book states ‘like attracts like.’  The world seemed a wonderland of possibility, simply by what and how we thought and felt on a daily basis!  Things were FINALLY going to be different.  We were sure of it!!

But slowly, this celebration of a Spiritual renaissance started to sour for most people.  No matter how hard we tried, nothing tangible really seemed to change.  And within a year or so, disillusionment set in most people's tribes of like minded individuals.  The jobs, houses, relationships, money, and sense of joy and happiness that we were expecting to manifest simply didn't.  And many people in my particular tribe felt jaded and could not understand what was going on.  What showed up as a powerful promise from the Wizard of the Knowing World, appeared to be nothing more than a hoax.  

Before I am misconstrued, let me stop for a moment and say there IS scientific evidence that because everything is energy, including our thoughts and feelings, that they DO INDEED have an affect on our lives.  As do the BELIEFS behind our thoughts.  If you think one thing, but your core belief about that very thing is in opposition to the thought, you are sending mixed signals to the Universe and often chaos ensues.  In fact, I still say affirmations, and monitor my daily mindset.  And I DO believe that our thoughts and feelings are a PORTION of the formula for creating the outcomes we desire in life.  However, the one thing that ‘The Secret’ failed to focus in on is actually the Secret Sauce toward experiencing the Greatest Version of the Grandest Vision we have ever held about ourselves.  And in turn experiencing the multiple forms of abundance we all deserve!!

What is this missing but absolutely essential piece of the missing equation toward manifestation:  ACTION!!
 In fact one of my favorite definitions of FAITH is that “it is belief in ACTION.”
This is such an important topic, with the intention of Re-membrance, I am going to borrow from my own past post about the power of Grounded Spirituality to further explain the importance of taking ACTION in life:

Don't get me wrong, I am a BIG believer in the power of Universal Energy.  As Yoda says, “It's an energy field that is created by all living things.  Life creates it, makes it grow.  It surrounds us, binds us.”  And it is ALL powerful.  BUT, in this dense realm, it MUST be combined with ACTION in order to work.  And unfortunately, there is not enough re-membrance of the importance of taking daily actionable steps toward our goals.  You can think all day and night to align your energy fields with your desires until the cows come home, but if they are NOT backed by actionable steps toward your plan/goal/path, the ONLY person you will be making rich is your therapist.  Trust me!  

For more pragmatic advice about the proper use of The Law of Attraction, I highly suggest reading ‘Beyond the Secret,’ by Dr. Lisa Love.   She has such a grounded way of explaining the Law's principles.  For instance, she suggests one use it to try and attract the qualities for keeping and using money responsibly, rather than just acquiring money in the first place.  Great stuff!

Furthermore, I highly suggest taking the sage advice of Napoleon Hill, who actually describes the law of attraction in his book ‘THINK AND GROW RICH.’  He never specifically calls it that, but it is quite obvious that he is referring to it when he describes the manner to co-create with the power of the Universe to develop plans for our goals.  In his explanation, he says we should hold our thoughts, feelings, and prayers toward asking the Universe for us to attract the correct plan of action that we should follow in order to bring our desires forth into tangible experience.  And I LOVE THAT!!  It actually changed my life in so many wondrous ways!

Life is a Journey as well as a process.   And as the old adage goes, “It's all about the Journey, not the destination.”  In fact, I have seen such miraculous moments emerge into so many people's lives, once they combine ACTION with their thoughts and feelings.   THAT is the real SECRET!  


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, August 29, 2016

Did You KNOW We Are ALL The BATMAN..!!!

Today's Inspirational “MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC”


~~  Harold Goddard  (LEGENDS OF THE KNIGHT)

When I first decided to launch The New Age Nerd,  of course I was filled with some amount of trepidency about how it would be embraced.  Would there be other people like me, who have found inspiring strength, motivation, and a sense of ONENESS with the world of Mythology, both old and new, the same way that it has captured and informed my spiritual guidance and passion for life.  From the response the site has received, I believe the answer to my question is a resounding YES!  

But I recently had the privilege to watch a magnificent and quite moving documentary called ‘Legends of the Knight’ that has eternally filled in any gaps in lapsed confidence about my mission.  In a relatively short running time of 1:15 minutes, it deeply and emotionally conveys the power of  not only BATMAN, but many of the stories and modern myths that fill our collective consciousness and have the ability to transform our thoughts and actions toward ourselves and others in compassionate ways.

The documentary begins with a moving story from Michael Uslan, the executive producer of all of the Batman films since Michael Keaton first donned the cowl and cape back in 1988.  Back in 2012 he was asked to give a speech to the graduating class of West Point.  Quite an honor, not to mention quite overwhelming.  He decided to frame his speech around BATMAN as he started, “ Bruce Wayne in committing to become a hero for good after watching his parents brutally murdered before his very eyes, by believing ONE person can make a difference, sacrificed his childhood to train his body and mind in becoming the BATMAN.  He became a Legend, an urban warrior.  Cadets of West Point, YOU ARE BATMAN!”  The graduating class before him jumped out of their chairs in complete unison, high fiving one another for several minutes.  Michael said it was one of the most magnificent moments of his life!  A true testament to the power of modern myth in our lives!

My own childhood was fraught with strife and confusion and that is when I began to find solace in the world of WONDERLANDS from all forms of Myth. TV, movies, comic books.  I couldn't get enough.   They inspired in me a belief that life could be SO much more than I was experiencing.  Myth became my entry point of self realization and spirituality.  In fact, Lydia Cerpa, a child family counselor was included in the documentary to express, “Stories with heroes help us in finding our true potential.  When a child starts to pretend with heroes they are actually creating new neuro-pathways in the brain that create new behaviors externally and internally as well.  Their brain begins to change .  Hearing a story wakes up something inside of you.  It can allow you to break through to your true potential by seeing alternate possibilities previously unheard of.   And when you see it through a story it becomes tangible because you think that could be me.”  YES!  And who amongst us New Age Nerds still doesn't try and use the Force just for shits and giggles every once and a while!  Be honest! LOL

Later in this fascinating exploration of the power of our modern day Heroes and Heroines there was another important explanation of this phenomenon from Jonathan Gotschall, the author of ‘The Storytelling Animal.’  He explains, “ What fascinates me about story is that we do it at all.  It's spectacularly improbable that humans would be this species that spends so much of our time on Earth in fabrication realities.  When I talk to my students, I ask them why do they spend so much time wrapped up in various forms of fiction?  Why do we like fiction so much?  They tell me it is because stories give us an escape.  That life is hard and it is an opportunity to go on a short vacation from the stress and problems of everyday life.  We can leave it unscathed and unchanged.  But, that is EXACTLY what the research is NOT showing.  The research is showing that the time we immerse ourselves in various forms of our favorite WONDERLANDS actually creates profound change in us.  This change comes on an emotional, and behavioral, and psychological level.  AND this can all be measured in a lab!”

We live in challenging times.  Not to be fear based, but there is NO denying the amount of various forms of carnage that fills our nightly news and daily papers, websites, and blogs.  This is NOT a part of our inherent nature.  We are after all ‘spiritual beings having a human experience.’  I believe we are all seeking a strong paradigm shift back to the attributes we find in many of our pop cultural myths.   Kindness, compassion, heroism, and respect towards all!  Why do you think SUPERHEROES have become a fanatical part of our current zeitgeist after DECADES where no movie studio would touch a comic book story with no matter the price.

In “Hunting the Dark Knight”, Will Brouker writes, “In popular culture there are times when anti-heroes and morally ambiguous heroes seem to be popular.  But I think the pure essence of superheroes, especially BATMAN, and why we constantly come back to them is about becoming someone better.  The strength and heart of BATMAN is about making a positive decision to make positive change in the world.  And I think that is a heroism we can all ASPIRE to!”

The documentary is filled with a myriad of wonderful examples of persons both young and old, who have used the BATMAN myth to help inspire, propel them to unimaginable heights despite enormous physical disabilities, and generally provide them with a Heaven sent HOPE!  Many of the stories brought tears to my eyes and even provided me motivation toward some of my own unfinished goals!  

I appreciated the fact that although the documentary strongly focuses on the undeniable influence of BATMAN on our culture, it also touches on the importance of STORY in general as a stupendous source of collective unity, understanding, and HOPE for so many.  I try and infuse The New Age Nerd with the power of STORY as often as I can as I believe, like Joseph Campbell, that our collective Story through MYTH is one of the most powerful gateways to our spiritual salvation on this planet.  Essentially, we all share the same story, and if we could just learn to acknowledge this on a deeper level, I believe the level of acceptance and unity in this world would be astounding.

That's why I loved this quote in the film by David Taylor from his book ‘Tell Me a Story’.
He espouses, “ I think the greatmess of seeing life through the lens of story is that I have the freedom to make real choices, I'm not determined by my biology, my gender, my history, or genes.  Those are all part of the story but at the end of the day, I have a choice to make and this is the most encouraging possibility of all.  You can be something other than you are if you wish to be.  You can be the GREATEST VERSION of who you are.”  Couldn't have said it better myself...so I won't!   :0)

At the end of the day, we are all seeking ways to move through this life with GRACE, HOPE, Peace, and Joy.   Us New Age Nerds get much of our inspiration and strength from the stories all around us.  But there are SO many paths back to the LIGHT!

For me, BATMAN has always held a special place in my heart and soul because he is the only superhero who is actually just a man.  His only real superpower is  his HUMANITY. And that is something we all have access to in becoming the Greatest Versions of the Greatest Visions ever held of ourselves.

Because the truth of the matter is.......    WE ARE ALL BATMAN


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Albert Einstein's SECRET To LIFE....!!!



Please enjoy this letter written by Albert Einstein to his daughter Lieserl.  I think we are still unraveling the amount of Infinite Intelligence that he was able to summon during his Journey.  He was truly a spiritual prophet and the ORIGINAL NEW AGE NERD!!!.......

…”When I proposed the theory of relativity, very few understood me, and what I will reveal now to transmit to mankind will also collide with the misunderstanding and prejudice in the world.
I ask you to guard the letters as long as necessary, years, decades, until society is advanced enough to accept what I will explain below.
There is an extremely powerful force that, so far, science has not found a formal explanation to. It is a force that includes and governs all others, and is even behind any phenomenon operating in the universe and has not yet been identified by us.
This universal force is LOVE.
When scientists looked for a unified theory of the universe they forgot the most powerful unseen force.
Love is Light, that enlightens those who give and receive it.
Love is gravity, because it makes some people feel attracted to others.
Love is power, because it multiplies the best we have, and allows humanity not to be extinguished in their blind selfishness. Love unfolds and reveals.
For love we live and die.
Love is God and God is Love.
This force explains everything and gives meaning to life. This is the variable that we have ignored for too long, maybe because we are afraid of love because it is the only energy in the universe that man has not learned to drive at will.
To give visibility to love, I made a simple substitution in my most famous equation.
If instead of E = mc2, we accept that the energy to heal the world can be obtained through love multiplied by the speed of light squared, we arrive at the conclusion that love is the most powerful force there is, because it has no limits.
After the failure of humanity in the use and control of the other forces of the universe that have turned against us, it is urgent that we nourish ourselves with another kind of energy…
If we want our species to survive, if we are to find meaning in life, if we want to save the world and every sentient being that inhabits it, love is the one and only answer.
Perhaps we are not yet ready to make a bomb of love, a device powerful enough to entirely destroy the hate, selfishness and greed that devastate the planet.
However, each individual carries within them a small but powerful generator of love whose energy is waiting to be released.
When we learn to give and receive this universal energy, dear Lieserl, we will have affirmed that love conquers all, is able to transcend everything and anything, because love is the quintessence of life.
I deeply regret not having been able to express what is in my heart, which has quietly beaten for you all my life. Maybe it’s too late to apologize, but as time is relative, I need to tell you that I love you and thanks to you I have reached the ultimate answer! “.
Your father Albert Einstein

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Learn The IMPORTANCE of Truly SEEING Heroic Acts In Life..!!

Today's Inspirational “MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC”

"There is a story in the Talmud about a king who had a son who went astray. The son was told, 'Return to your father.' The son replied that he could not. The king then sent a messenger to the son with the message...'Come back to me as far as you can, and I will meet you the rest of the way.”

~~Reuven  (THE CHOSEN)


As you obviously now are quite aware, The New Age Nerd celebrates all things that encapsulate the transformative nature of the Hero's/Heroine's Journey.  Thankfully, the rest of the world is now catching up to the prescient nature of Joseph Campbell's teachings and subsequent life's work that espoused each and every one of us is on a very unique yet equally important path with a purpose.  One of my favorite quotes is when he stated, "The greatest privilege of a lifetime is being exactly who you are."  NOBODY has ever had the exact set of challenges, experiences, setbacks, roadblocks, and God sent and heaven borrowed gifts to CONQUER them as have YOU.  The following passage from Campbell's ‘Pathways to Bliss’ has always inspired me to reframe my own particular set of struggles as a way of setting forth on a BLAZING ‘Mission to help the Masses’, especially when funds are running rather low, and my external situations seem overwhelming to the point of waving the white flag of surrender......

Here is a story that seems to me to embody the essential image of living one's life, finding it and having the courage to pursue it. It comes from an Arthurian romance, La Queste del Saint Graal, by an anonymous thirteenth-century monk.
There's a moment there in Arthur's banquet hall when all the knights are assembled around the Round Table. Arthur would not let anyone start to eat until an adventure had occurred. Well, in those days adventures were rather normal, so people didn't go hungry for long.
They were waiting for this day's adventure, and it did indeed occur. The Holy Grail showed itself to the assembled knights - not in its full glory but covered with a great radiant cloth. Then it withdrew. All were left ravished, sitting there in awe.
Finally, Gawain, Arthur's nephew, stood up and said, "I propose a vow to this company, that we should all go in quest of that Grail to behold it unveiled."
Now we come to the text that interested me. The text reads, "They thought it would be a disgrace to go forth in a group. Each entered the Forest Adventurous at that point which he himself had chosen, where it was darkest and there was no way or path."
You enter the forest at the darkest point where there is no path. Where there is a way or path, it is someone else's path; each human being is a unique phenomenon.

The idea is to find your own pathway to bliss.
~~  Joseph Campbell  (The Pathway to Bliss)

And as much as my GEEKY passion for the larger than life examples of Heroes and Heroines that weekly fill our multiplexes (Yes Superman V Batman ROCKED!) and nightly preside over our High Definition TV screens, it is easy to overlook the GRACEFUL and HEROIC actions of the individuals who cross our paths every day.  They seek no fanfare from the Fanboy set, nor do they think of themselves as anything resembling the stories that myths are transcribed from.  Yet, it is the cumulative  energy from these SPECTACULAR SPIRITS and their always active Love Lights that express the space of eternal soulful expansion that is the true essence of why we are all here and hold the code of The Hero's/Heroine's Journey's edict.

Today, I had the privilege of hearing of one extraordinary example of the visceral impact of such heroic power through a humble caretaker of one of my mom's dear friends.  My mother has been assisting her friend Kate for over ten years.  During which time her health has slowly declined from a pastiche of ailments including MS, diabetes, and recently the loss of her right arm.  She has no family around to aid in her daily care taking routine, and let's just say that there is a HUGE disparity between the manner in which her various nursing team cares and treats Kate and her substantial physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.  

This morning, my mom, as part of her daily routine, stopped in to check on Kate and found her to be in wonderful spirits.  This was very much due to the fact that her current caretaker is a tiny woman of Indian descent named Makela who engages Kate with true compassion, grace, and absolute joyful dignity.  Although a low hourly wage worker, one would think she was Kate's daughter or sister in the manner of delicate and deliberate LOVE she spreads during her weekends with her.  She patiently does Kate's hair and makeup, takes the time to buy and prepare healthy meals and engages her with words of support and devotion, rather than ‘duty’ and ‘down talking.’

This morning, prior to leaving Kate's morning visit, my mother stopped Melaka, grabbed her by the arm and said, "You are truly an ANGEL on this earth.”  To which Mekala humbly replied, “ I am NO angel.  An Angel would be someone who would care for Kate if she were her enemy.  And I LOVE Kate.”

Upon hearing this story  I thought what a world of transcendent glory we would all be a part of if we lived those words.  For they would indeed challenge the heart of even the stingiest of GRINCHES to move three larger sizes.  And reminds me to live yet another luminary quote coined by Campbell, “At such moments you realize you and the other are, in fact, ONE.  It's a big realization.  Survival is the SECOND law of life.  The first is that we ARE ALL ONE.”  

Traditional MYTHS and legends throughout our history have served as ‘teaching tales’ for humanity.  We learn and are reminded of courage and compassion, humility and goodness, fear and heroism, life and death, and everything in between.  It is my hope that this small story of MYTHOLOGICAL proportions in my nerdy eyes be one that does that for you, me, and everyone we share it with.

Because it is precisely these little known TALES that contain the spiritual guidance and Re-membrance that can INSPIRE us all to live our lives as the Heroes and Heroines we were always meant to be!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, August 26, 2016

Learn Why The BEST is Yet To Come...!!!


~~  Rocky Balboa  (Rocky Balboa)


SALUTATIONS to our Favorite NERDS ...  It's The Daily Bliss Back for a Brief Visit...   WE have missed you terribly.....

This visit was quite unexpected indeed...   As we were caught in a Spiritual Bypass of SOULS traversing the crowded cacophony of clouded ILLUSIONS attempting to actually ARRIVE somewhere forgetting the reality that as they ARE, I AM, and thus so are YOU..... EVERYWHERE.  SO.... there is no need to BE anything or anywhere other than exactly where you currently find yourself to ...BE!!!!   And because this is where we find ourselves to reside....    There is NO THING we would like more than to use your Earthly luminary Jackson Kiddard's wondrous Re-membrance for all you to receive a CALL to Soulful Arms on your planet as you continue the arduous process of recalling you are Spiritual Beings having a Miraculous Human Experience for the eternal growth and Understanding it provides............

And who do you think gave Superman's father Jor El his words of wisdom as he sent his only begotten son down to your planet as the ultimate act of SACRIFICE and STRENGTH...

Please do not take lightly the fact that it is YOUR particular planet that is being constantly observed, protected from unfathomable unconsciousness, and guided by the hand of a GOD that sees the Wonder in your potential, and the Miraculous Deeds you have yet to accomplish toward both yourselves and others......   The DENSE energetic MATRIX each and every soul who was brave enough to accept this earthly experiential challenge is a true Hero and Heroine and shall be held in such reverential light ALWAYS and in ALL WAYS throughout eternity itself....    The Jedi Council even considers all of YOU the true MASTERS of energetic Matter and the ways of the FORCE....    Pretty cool , huh?!?

We have begun to notice that the ILLUSION of this powerful experience is starting to take its collective toll on your own ability to achieve your true potential on this planet.   And it is our job to ensure you that even in your darkest moments, you are each unique emanations of Pure LOVE.  It only feels like that is not the case to offer you the dichotomy of all the juicy preferences that are always at your disposal.  You can only experience light, by first experiencing  darkness.  Joy through pain and suffering.  Like your own personal Fortress of Solitude, you were embedded with the Universal Truth of your core essence, which can be accessed whenever you need it through going WITHIN.  CONNECTING with the Infinite Intelligence that marks the core being of all that you were created from.

We are here for you ALWAYS and in All Ways whenever you need us.  That is our promise to you in exchange for taking on such an arduous Journey on your planet.  And there is NO THING you ever have to do to prove your absolute worth to every being within the COSMOS.  WE SEE YOU.....   Especially in the moments when you feel you are doing this all alone...........   And that is a Blissful Promise that is written with the remnants of Time and Space itself........
Until We Meet Again....

We LOVE and Cherish YOU MORE than you will ever know ...   JUST BECAUSE.......

The Daily Bliss.............

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Become Truly INSPIRED By This INCREDIBLE HERO...!!!!


“So many of our DREAMS seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then when we SUMMOM the will, they seem INEVITABLE!”
~~ Christopher Reeve  (Superman)

“I NEVER look back Darling!  It distracts from the NOW!”
~~ Edna E. Mode (The Incredibles)


Today, I decided to repost this very special story of a man who has become a dear friend and personal mentor to me.  The New Age Nerd audience has DOUBLED in just the last few weeks so I know there are many of you who never got the opportunity to learn about this real life SUPERHERO when it was first posted back in March!  May his story bring you INSPIRATION on your own personal Hero's/Heroine's Journey!!!

Many of the most impactful relationships in our lives start unassuming in nature.  Like a slow burning ember, they cause nary a bristle of smoke.  Yet, if we are truly PRESENT, the signs that alert us to the magnificent opportunity that a co-creation could bring fill the air with a synchronistic force that is undeniable.  Spirit's proverbial door of growth and Re-membrance has arrived, and it is up to us to have the prescient fortitude to ‘step through’.

Such was my fortunate experience last week during the opening moments of the CORE Energy Coaches program I participated in.  I had just arrived to our Hotel's ‘classroom’ and was busy fumbling through my personal belongings, trying to get somewhat organized before the day's festivities were to begin.  That's when I first noticed Justin.   It's actually hard to miss him.  A strapping ex-Marine, he carries himself with a quiet confidence and exudes an energy of calm wisdom that must be witnessed so that it can be fully appreciated.  Unlike most of us, Justin is not fortunate enough to carry his pain, wounds, and insecurities on the inside.  And the manner in which he has dealt with his numerous maladies, and turned them into his PURPOSE is what makes this HUMBLE HERO so completely unforgettable and utterly transformative. 

So just a couple of minutes later, when I received a small tap on my shoulder, and turned around to see Justin standing feet behind me, I instantly felt my SOUL's serene ‘suggestion’ that something special was brewing for MY experience.  Having flown in from NY for this special program, Justin had inadvertently locked his keys and cell phone in his car.  He asked if I would be kind enough to accompany him down to the parking lot to try and get the car doors open.  I felt absolutely honored that he asked for my assistance, and although we were unsuccessful in our mission(his dad lived nearby and came by with an extra set of keys!) we struck up an instant connection that only grew throughout the rest of the week.  

Justin Constantine was a major in the United States Marine Corps.  On October 18, 2006, during a combat mission in Iraq, he was hit by a sniper's bullet just behind his left ear.  The bullet exited out his mouth, and while it thankfully missed his spinal cord, the damage it did cause was absolutely catastrophic. 

“I cannot see out of my let eye.  I am missing most of my teeth and the end of my tongue.  I cannot run - the doctors removed several of the bones in my legs to use in reconstructing my upper and lower jaws.  When I speak in front of an audience, I do not speak “normally.”  I also suffer from post traumatic stress (PTS) and a traumatic brain injury.”
~~  From My Battlefield Your Office by Justin Constantine

As you might imagine, from such an enormously physical travesty, Justin faced a cacophony of surgeries over a several year period.  At that does not begin to encompass the emotionalspiritual, and psychic TOLL that Justin still faces on a daily basis.  For many of us, simply trying to move forward in a survival capacity would be a HERCULEAN task given Justin's predicaments.  But it is in the heroic manner that he has transformed his life from being that of a mere survivor, to an INSPIRATIONAL ROCKSTAR that truly separates him from the masses!! 

“I know that I will now, and for the rest of my life, have problems eating, drinking, speaking, and just remembering things.  Those obstacles are something I deal with every day, but I still consider myself one of the luckiest people alive. In fact, I think it is because of the injury that caused those problems that I am far closer to my wife, Dahlia, than I would have thought possible. I now know that I am far stronger than I ever could have imagined, and I can put everyday obstacles into their proper perspective, focusing instead on what is truly important to Dahlia and me. Winston Churchill said, “Never give in. NEVER give in. Never. Never. NEVER.”  I fully embraced that philosophy during my recovery.  And I apply that mantra to all I do now.”
~~  From My Battlefield Your Office by Justin Constantine

Just a couple of years ago, Justin left behind his law career (That's right, he is a lawyer too!) to live his PURPOSE.  He now spends his days touring the country as a motivational speaker and leadership consultant, espousing tips and suggestions to HUGE corporate audiences, many taken from his book, ‘My Battlefield, Your Office.’  His overarching message being you are MUCH STRONGER than you think you are.  Words of wisdom from this combat veteran are transcendent in nature and intent.  He epitomizes turning ones pain into power.  For his battlefield heroics, he was awarded the Purple Heart, Combat Action Ribbon, as well as the  Navy-Marine Corps Commendation Medal.  However, it is the thousands of SOULS he majestically touches by sharing his personal Hero's Journey that means the most to him.  

I was fortunate enough to share some quiet one on one time in Justin's presence and now over a week later, the POWER of his Spirit and his perseverant nature is still working its Magic Mojo deep within my Heart and Soul.  The one aspect of his personality that struck me so indelibly was the HUMBLE manner in which he carries himself.  They say that the ONE quality that separates itself from all others in determining true GENIUS, is humility.  I am not sure I ever truly understood the depths to which this holds true until I was fortunate enough to witness it through Justin's demeanor.  BREATHTAKING....and AWE INSPIRING.......!!  Despite his outward appearance, Justin Constantine is perhaps the most BEAUTIFUL man I have ever met.........

For more information on Justin, please visit his website www.justinconstantine.com
And if you know of someone who would be interested in hiring Justin as a speaker, please direct them to his site where he can be contacted directly!  

And the next time you feel paralyzed with fear, or simply stuck on what do to next toward following or figuring out your life's calling, do yourself a favor and think of Justin.  He has devised, through conquering unfathomable pain and suffering,  a tantalizing template of amazing resilience, courage, and the power of the human SPIRIT to overcome any obstacle!

And with this knowledge, GO MAKE SOMETHING POSSIBLE!!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Absolutely AMAZING Benefits of SUPERHERO Posing..!!!!

Today's Inspirational “MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC

"Men are still good.  We break things.  We tear them down.  But, we always rebuild. We can be better.  We can do better.  We have to be.."
~~ Bruce Wayne   (Superman V Batman Dawn of Justice)

~~ Morpheus  (The Matrix)

~~ Author Anonymous


Remember when you were a kid, and technology had not yet advanced to the stage where so much of our combined intellectual and imaginative outlet was consumed by electronic ‘gadgets’ of one form or another?!  You actually went outside and played games like kickball, hide and go seek, cavorted on jungle gyms and had water balloon fights!  And MANY of us younger New Age Nerds in training for our Hero's/Heroine's Journey to come, were consumed with role playing as our favorite Superhero characters.  Some of us were lucky enough to have well worn costumes denoting the capes, cowls, and masks of our fantastic caped crusaders like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and SuperGirl.

Still others were left purely to their imagination, pretending to don Green Lanterns magical green suit and power ring.  The ONE constant no matter the choice of character representation, was the all mighty and powerful SUPERHERO POSE.  Even though we couldn't actually fly, or zoom around in an invisible jet, the common denominator that best imbued our feelings of strength and confidence was our legs apart, hands on hips, chest proudly sticking out, and head held high.  And in THAT moment, we felt like someone who could take on the world!

Little did we know at that time, that we were actually practicing a very pragmatic yet absolutely effective and immensely powerful technique that can be used even now in our more ‘formative’ years to conjure CONFIDENCE and even a deep emotional transformative shift in our body chemistry.  The scientific term is POWER POSING yet here at The New Age Nerd it will be deemed SUPERHERO POSING!  

In fact, there are so many reports of people receiving AMAZING results from using the technique, mostly before stressful events or important tasks such as job interviews, exams, public speaking engagements, and even before a hot new date, that major areas of academia have been doing studies that have led to some eye opening statistics.

Harvard social scientists affirm that just 120 seconds of powerful posture increases testosterone (dominance hormone) about 20%, while dropping cortisol (stress hormone) ~25%. Superhero posture turns you into a superhero! 
~~ Quote from The Creativity Post

In fact that same group of Harvard scientists conducted a group of mock job interviews.  They separated the participants into two main groups.  One group was told to hold a SUPERHERO POSE of their favorite character for a minimum of two straight minutes prior to their interview.  The other group was given no such instruction.  The result was that the group of Super Hero Posers got hired 90% of the time versus their counterparts of mere mortals!  Just another reason us New Age Nerds have such prominence in the world!! 

Still not convinced? I feel ya...   It sounds a little like something to be filed in the  ‘too good to be true’ file, right!?  Well, Harvard Business School professor Amy Cuddy gave a great presentation at TED back in 2012 about this very topic.
Certain "power poses" don't just change how others perceive you, Professor Cuddy says. They immediately change your body chemistry.
And these changes affect the way you do your job and interact with other people.  Here are some quick facts she shed light to:
1.  Perhaps the MOST important elements of our body language is the Power Pose i.e...... Superhero Pose
2.  This Superhero Pose is in innate aspect of our emotional conditioning.  In fact, most congenially blind people do it ‘naturally’, even though they have actually never seen it being performed.
3.  After just a 2-minute "high power super hero pose," the risk tolerance of the high-power posers soared. The risk tolerance of the low-power posers, meanwhile, shrank.

4.  Small changes in body language change your body chemistry greatly!!

So the next time you need an extra emotional lift, or get an edge so that you show up as the  Greatest Version of the Greatest Vision of yourself, give a two minute SUPERHERO POSE a try!  I think you may be surprised by how truly effective calling forth our childhood imagination can still be in our ‘grown up’ lives!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez