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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, June 16, 2023




Some believe that angels are ordinary souls who come into your life to help you believe in MIRACLES again.  If this sentiment bares any truth, than I met my first ANGEL when I was a young lad of just 3 years of age.   My birth father had abandoned our family while we were living out in California, leaving my mom with two small children, little use of her right arm from a horrendous car accident, and absolutely no money.  But as Napoleon Hill always said, “Within every adversity, every failure, and every heartache there lies within it a seed of an equal or greater opportunity.”

Opportunity comes in many forms.  And often NOT wrapped in the way we would have ever imagined them to be.  Such was the case with Roger Lee Poston!  I first met this slice of Heaven when my mom moved my sister and I from California to Washington DC shortly after my birth father left our tribe.  He was a young man of 25 and was friends with my mom's sister, as they were both teachers just starting out on their career Journey's.  Although we were in many ways an unlikely dynamic duo, it was absolutely ‘Friends at First Sight.’  He was a good ole' country boy from the pan handle of Virginia; think “The Beverly Hillbillies” sans the ‘Beverly’ part. He had thick, curly hair and despite his very best efforts, a dialect that was laced with the Southern twang while growing up in a little town called Saltville, known as the ‘salt capital’ of the Confederacy during the Civil War.  His face was quite pale; in fact I always teased him that he had three colors: white, red, and redder!  LOL  Pop was short and stocky with forearms and calves that rivaled those of Popeye.  

His aesthetic contrasted greatly with mine.  I was super skinny with straight, jet black hair and olive skin.  I was also painfully shy and introverted (hard for anyone who knows me now to contemplate) and due to the harsh traumas from early childhood,  TRUST was an emotion that felt foreign to my sensibility.  I had been surrounded and raised by women until this extraordinary man appeared in my life.  Suddenly, I was being thrust into the world of ‘guy stuff’ on a daily basis. From comic books and Slurpees, to movies and batting cages, putt-putt golf and Spiderman early morning cartoons. The world suddenly exploded into a cacophony of glorious geekdom and more importantly LOVE!  

And it wasn't just me, as he showered my sister, mother, and the rest of the Lapham clan with the same sense of love and reverence.  So when my mom set my sister and I down to let us know he had asked her to marry him, for the first time in my young life, my heart felt a sense of PEACE, and security.  I finally felt......... SAFE.  

I still remember the very first time I was able to garner the courage to call him DAD.   He was getting ready for work, and I paced back and forth just outside his bedroom door;  practicing all the while the manner in which I was going to approach him about it.  I placed my ear up to the door and could hear him just about to emerge into the rec-room.  My palms were so sweaty and my heart was literally pounding out from my chest.  Until, the door opened and as he walked out of the bedroom, I tentatively stepped in front of him and looked him square in the eye.   

I have a question for you,” I said in a hushed voice.  It took all the intestinal fortitude I could muster, my bottom lip quivering just a bit, before finally garnering the courage to ask “Is it OK if I call you Dad?

He stayed silent for a few precious moments, which seemed like a lifetime. He placed his right hand on my shoulder and said “Jeff, I have been waiting for you to ask me that for several years.  And there is nothing in this world that would make me happier!”  He then pulled me in for one of his well known bear hugs and he started to cry.  And then tears started from my own relieved core.

But it is what he said next that has been permanently imprinted into my reverence and re-membrance of him. “Jeff, just promise me one thing,” he said.  “Although I will ALWAYS consider you to be my son, if the day comes where you choose to try and meet Danny (my birthfather) I will always support you.  He was part of the process that brought you to me, and for that I will always hold a space of GRATITUDE for Danny in my heart, and I will until the day I die.”  

Now it's one thing to utter such good intentions, but my Dad did something I consider to be one of the most powerful testaments of reverence I have EVER received. Despite many of the ugly acts that Danny brought about us in the years that followed, Dad NEVER once spoke even ONE word of judgement or ill-will towards him. I knew it was out of respect and still ponder in a complete vibration of AWE whenever I think about this act of unfathomable reverence for a man who caused my family so much pain.   

I contribute SO MUCH of who I AM to this man of undeniable STRENGTH and authenticity.  He taught me what it means to live life as a MAN.  Here is just a sampling of his teachings to me:

~~  Never be afraid of your emotions Jeff.  One of the greatest signs of inner strength and courage is  to not be afraid to cry.  In fact, I think as a whole, we shed more tears at the movies to fill an olympic sized swimming pool!

~~Women are the greatest gift to this world.  And should be treated as such.  If I ever find out you have mistreated  a young lady, I will ‘kick you through the goalposts of life.’   If you want to find out what that looks like, test me!   lol

~~ Don't EVER let anyone confuse your kindness for weakness.  They are NOT the same thing.  Buyer beware!

Looking back, my Dad was the very first Superhero I ever met.  Not only did he work two, sometimes three jobs to put food on the table, but HE NEVER CALLED IN SICK IN 40 YEARS. I never ONCE heard him complain even when I could see the toll of working 70 hour work weeks for over 30 years wearing him down to the bone. He was a true warrior who lived a life that was completely personified by hard work and being of SERVICE always and in all ways.   

This may be hard to believe, but I never saw him buy ANYTHING for himself.  He was much more concerned with making sure his students had anything they needed, and was quick to think of others in a quick trip to the mall.  “Hell fire Jeff.  The only thing I truly need is the love of your mother, you and Sandy,” (my sister) was his superhero catchphrase!   

Always a man of his word, he never let me down ONE time during our 40 year relationship.  And he didn't even need a Batsignal.  His Spidey-sense was always set to surprise and service.  Back in 1997 when I spent almost a year in the hospital battling Crohn's disease, he came for a visit EVERY SINGLE DAY.  All while working two jobs.  And I mean it, Dad never skipped one day! Always sneaking in a tasty treat or a comic book or one of my favorite films.  

So in 2013, when he was diagnosed with a rare and devastating form of cancer, I had no problem leaving my job and moving into my parent's basement to help with his massive amount of daily care taking.  Although he fought the dis-ease so valiantly, the cancer eventually spread to his brain.  And he passed away in December of the same year.  

I was fortunate enough to be alongside his bed while he passed away. In fact, my mom, sister, aunt Rena, and my girlfriend at the time were all there holding vigil over him. The manner in which he transitioned was as close to a MIRACLE as I have ever seen. With only the use of one eye, he was truly able to connect to everyone there.  He stared lovingly at each of us as we said our individual goodbyes.  But when he got to my side of the bed, his one eye intently glaring into mine without blinking, I felt .....  HEAVEN.   His soul was almost fully there and you could feel the utter BLISS, while a precious piece remained so we could say goodbye.  While I leaned in close to him, thanking him for all the LOVE, support and guidance he poured upon me, something magical happened.  I received a quick glimpse of a future period of NOW.  Without saying a word, he was communicating with me in a manner far more clear than using any type of vernacular.  The best way I can explain it is to think of a portal opening up.  It contained images of what my life was to become.  And the message was crystal clear.  It was time for me to start committing to my own PURPOSE and beginning the next stage of my Superhero's JourneyI felt a sense of peace in that moment of what I needed to do.  

Dad took three, slow, deep breathes, and then transitioned back into the LOVE of BLISS.  And although I was understandably sad, he had, in those final moments, given me the greatest gift of all! KNOWINGNESS.  It was time for me to use my pain and suffering to become a Wounded Healer.  And for once, I wasn't afraid to take that leap.  My dad showed me a glimpse of the support behind the ‘Curtain of Oz.’ I would receive. And partaking from the SOURCE energy his transition provided to me in my dad's final breathes, I just knew the complete shift I was being asked to take in my life!

So today I honor you Dad. I MISS you more than you can imagine.  And know you hear my daily prayers to you.  And I have the complete understanding that so much of the amazing miracles and magic that have filled up my life since your passing is being orchestrated by you! Because your Love knows NO BOUNDARIES!

And to all the Fathers in the world, may this Sunday bring you a sense of your unmeasurable worth to us all!  There is absolutely no measure to the strength, courage, beauty, leadership, and LOVE you shower up the Cosmos...................



Jeffrey Louis Martinez



You're an interesting species. An interesting mix. You're capable of such beautiful dreams, and such horrible nightmares. You feel so lost, so cut off, so alone, only you're not. See, in all our searching, the only thing we've found that makes the emptiness bearable, is each other.

From Contact starring Jodie Foster


In what all the New Age Nerds who follow my blog readily know by now, my favorite book of all time is THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill.  For the uninitiated, the book was written just after the Great Depression.  And it came about all because of two great visionaries. One, of course, was Napoleon Hill. The other was Dale Carnegie. Napoleon Hill had a burning desire to understand the secrets of self actualization.  He had seen many self made men profit, even during the worst economic times this world has even seen.  He also saw many men take their own life after they fell into financial ruin.  So after seeking sage advice from one of the greatest self made men in history, Mr. Dale Carnegie, they decided to team up like a modern day Batman and Robin. And use their combined resources to try and discover the FORMULA for becoming successful in life! 

Mr. Carnegie, with unlimited financial resources and personal connections to many of the worlds greatest self made men, actually paid Napoleon Hill. He desired Hill to make it his life's mission to interview such luminaries as Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, etc. to see if he could find a common denominator to what  it takes to create an abundance of whatever you DESIRE in this lifetime. 

And from this dynamic duo's decades long endeavor came many books, the most famous being THINK AND GROW RICH. And if you have never read it, stop reading this post IMMEDIATELY and go pick yourself up a copy.  Seriously....   I'm a patient fellow....I'll wait...  ;0)

Throughout the book, Hill references THE SECRET that every self made man has used without fail as the blueprint to becoming successful and obtaining anything they DESIRED in life. He promises to NEVER mention this secret outright anywhere in the book.  For he believes it is much more powerful if it is discovered by each reader.  As you might imagine, the exact answer to what this SECRET may be has caused many of the world's brightest minds to come to a finite answer!

And as you may imagine, there are a myriad of possible answers that have been debated over the past 70 years as to what this secret Napoleon Hill discusses in his book may be and goes so far as to say that it is purposely mentioned in EVERY CHAPTER OF THE BOOK!  I'm quite sure, though never his intention, it has driven more than one erudite mind many sleepless nights trying to uncover this hidden message within his tome. 

Here are just a few of the answers I have come across while trying to uncover this puzzle within an amalgam worthy of Indiana Jones himself:

1.  The SECRET must be discovered through action. 

2.  You have your own free will to choose whatever you want in life. Napoleon Hill focuses very strongly on this concept, especially in his other works. In his classic, 'Outwitting The Devil', he explains most men are drifters, and never firmly decide what they want out of life. I like this explanation, but I believe the real secret is a little more abstract than that… 

3.  This concept lies just below the surface of his books “The Law of Success” and “Think…” and in fact Napoleon Hill tells the reader that it will jump out at you. He describes to the reader that the moment it will jump out at you, one must stop and ponder the full effect. If you haven’t experienced this epiphany yet, than you haven’t experienced “the secret”. The concept takes a lot more thought than one might think. Here’s why…

The golden rule states to “do unto others as you would wish upon yourself”. If you extrapolate upon every avenue that this statement suggests in the book, you will become rich in all forms and ventures in life, including but not limited to wealth, happiness, peace, love (sex) and richness of life.
4.To quote Napoleon Hill:
"There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is DEFINITENESS OF PURPOSE, the knowledge of what one wants, and a BURNING DESIRE to possess it.
The method by which DESIRE for riches can be transmuted into its financial equivalent, consists of SIX DEFINITE, PRACTICAL STEPS: 
First. Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. It is not sufficient merely to say "I want plenty of money." Be definite as to the amount. (There is a psychological reason for definiteness which will be described in a subsequent chapter).
Second. Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire. (There is no such reality as something for nothing.)
Third. Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire.
Fourth. Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action.
Fifth. Write out a clear, concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire, name the time limit for its acquisition, state what you intend to give in return for the money, and describe clearly the plan through which you intend to accumulate it.
Sixth. Read your written statement aloud, twice daily, once just before retiring at night, and once after arising in the morning. AS YOU READ-SEE AND FEEL AND BELIEVE YOURSELF ALREADY IN POSSESSION OF THE MONEY.
"It is important that you follow the instructions described in these six steps. It is especially important that you observe, and follow the instructions in the sixth paragraph. You may complain that it is impossible for you to "see yourself in possession of money" before you actually have it. Here is where a BURNING DESIRE will come to your aid. If you truly DESIRE money so keenly that your desire is an obsession, you will have no difficulty in convincing yourself that you will acquire it. The object is to want money, and to become so determined to have it that you CONVINCE yourself you will have it."

The list goes on and on and on.....and on....LOL......
And one of the greatest aspects I believe was so brilliant of Napoleon Hill was to NOT out and out give us the answer to this so called SECRET!
Before you call me crazy (Which would be just fine with me...because BEING outta' your mind is one of the BEST places you can BE) let me explain. I choose to believe that there are many paths back to the LIGHT from which we came.  The transformative book A COURSE IN MIRACLES says so much!  And that book was channeled from the words and thoughts of Jesus the Christ himself!  So to my humble understanding, it makes perfect sense there would be many paths towards uncovering the SECRET on your own! Doesn't it?     
I think the Secret Napoleon Hill was referencing actually has more to do with accessing and harnessing the Power of the Universe.  And why would that NOT make sense. We are all a unique emanation of Infinite Intelligence!  Yet, we are each but a drop in makeup of the ocean in all its greatness!  
So after reading and re-reading this book many times, the biggest aspect towards discovering this SECRET is the following; ACTION. ACTION. ACTION!!  Did I mention ACTION?   LOL
The Universe is NOT our own personal wishing well. It is a well oiled mechanism that is more than willing (in fact it derives joy) from seeing us putting our DREAMS INTO ACTION! It even makes our life easier once we decide to stop drifting and make tangible action plans toward our DESIRES!  
The hidden SECRET in this book is YOU BECOME WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT MOST OF THE TIME. YOUR BELIEFS CREATE YOUR REALITY! Thoughts become things, because everything we create happens first in our minds. If you decide about a goal and begin thinking about it all the time, you will plant this goal in your subconscious mind. However, you MUST believe in the power of your subconscious mind first! For it is only then that your subconscious mind will give you plans on how to reach your goal! I can't even begin to describe how many times in my life, I have just started moving in the direction of what I am trying to achieve and I begin to become deluged with signs, hunches, ideas, and alternate plans that seem to come from all areas!  And I have a distinct feeling that many of you have had very similar experiences!  Am I right?!   ;0)
I have witnessed this too many times to not believe this may NOT BE THE ONLY SECRET, it is at least ONE of the many ways toward bringing a wealth of health, joy, peace, happiness, and love into our lives!  
So if there is something that you truly desire to manifest into your earthly experience, just start moving toward that goal with the smallest of steps, and let the Universe show you the rest of the way. As long as you BELIEVE IT IS ALREADY YOURS!
Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Transformational TOOLS To Create SUPER SUCCESSFUL Habits...!


As you might imagine, being a transformational life and leadership coach brings with it a great responsibility to research and investigate the latest findings and implementations of self realization work that is seemingly everywhere nowadays.  I try and put things into practice first before spreading them to my clients or unleashing the information on The New Age Nerd.  Another criteria I use before sharing information in this area of my calling is to see how it resonates deep within my Being.  Basic stuff really.  Does it make sense and is it practical to most people who make up my audience and client base.  

One thing I do believe with all my heart is that two of the most common traits of the highly successful and iconoclastic individuals amongst us is laser like focus, and keeping small daily habits that others simply do not do for a myriad of reasons.  

I read several books a month and am always taking diligent notes on criteria and hard fought wisdom from today's masters in the self transformational world. All to see what they have discovered and are currently implementing in their own life and the lives of their clients.  Having said that, I would like to introduce you to the Top Ten action steps that will create a Super Successful life!  It is my hope that you will incorporate as many of them as you can into your own daily regime to assist you in achieving desired goals and in turn the happiness you desire in life!

So are you ready for the list?  Great, cause here we go!


Yes, we all know that this body is temporal. It is ours for a finite time. But is is also a precious gift.  That's why it is called the Body Temple.  It is sacred in that it houses our Soul while we are here. As the book God I Am declares, “There were billions of other Souls around the Universe vying for the ‘ticket to ride’ that was given to you!”  That's right, YOU are that Unique and Special.  Everyone here already won the lottery!  So while you are here, be grounded enough to care for the body which brought ya!

The foundation for your future happiness and blissful abundance in all its forms stems from having a mind-set for success.  Nothing of value happens overnight. So our mind-sets must be implemented for both the short and long term. The key to developing a Super Heroic Mind Set lies in shedding thoughts or feelings of self doubt, worthlessness, fear, anxiety, or the lack of self love. This means transcending any limiting beliefs about what is possible for you to create in your life. And feeding your SUBCONSCIOUS mind with expanded thinking that you are truly LIMITLESS! The sky is NOT your limit, but rather just the beginning! 

And please re-member that we have two minds. Both the conscious and the SUBCONSCIOUS. The conscious mind controls and intreprets our illusionary physical senses. It's master is the EGO! Its primary function is to keep us feeling small and less than. It creates the thoughts that keep us feeling separated from the ONE GOD MIND that is the loving source to Infinite Intelligence and our true essence.

The SUBCONSCIOUS mind is subordinate to you! It is the mind of your SOUL and works beyond time and space! It's the powerhouse of your Super Heroic Higher Self. And it is 1,000 times more powerful than our conscious mind. It is non verbal in nature. And responds only to our thoughts and emotions. Its arch nemesis is RESISTANCE! Meaning any thoughts, beliefs, or feelings of being less than the utterly perfect being that is your very spiritual essence. Those energetic offerings block any abundance from entering into your life experience. So it is our e-motions (energy in motion) and feelings that turbo charge the  vibration (frequency) of our SUBCONSCIOUS mind. Which in turn transforms our core thoughts and beliefs into their physical equivalent. Essentially, you can "Bend Reality" into nearly anything your imagination can fathom. If you can convince your SUBCONSCIOUS mind to see it and believe it is already in your possession, its very nature is to create and deliver it into your life experience! Sometimes it will come in the form of the action steps and plans in order to "collect" it. Other times, it will appear in pure tangible form. So the next time you receive an intuitive hit for an action step, act fast! It is the SUBCONSCIOUS mind, through the power of spiritual intuition, sending you this information to put into action, pronto!

3. Create a Consistent Morning Routine
If you wish to see "Big Changes" in your life, you must be willing to change things in a BIG WAY. My very first suggestion is to make your bed the moment you wake up. It's been scientifically proven that the "state of your bed" is the state of your head! 

I develop individually tailored morning routines for all of my coaching clients. Most of our morning routines are engulfed in stress, anxiety, and non present behaviors that do not set you up for a day filled with success!  Just the opposite actually. The first key to an empowering morning routine is to start the day doing things that life your SPIRIT. Listening  to inspiration music, or podcasts as an example.  Or perhaps taking ten or fifteen minutes to read from an inspiring book or blog (Hint, Hint)  LOL

My second suggestion is to incorporate daily morning affirmations into your routine. The Secret Sauce to daily affirmations is to say them in the present tense. And super charge them through your emotions. As though they are already happening in the NOW

Next, declare what you commit to BEING in the day to come. As an example, here is a list of my personal Morning Intentions:


Filled with gratitude
Alive with Ferocity in all that I do
Radiating BLISS for myself and all others
Living as LOVE
Boundless with Compassion and Kindness
Steadfast in the KNOWINGNESS that through my MAGIC
Extraordinary Things will be made manifest 
In Alignment and in Allowance of all things That 
Serve the Highest Good of all concerned

Another wonderful Morning Mindset habit is to read aloud your "Pillars of Super Success." There are Six Pillars that will generally make up the foundation for lasting BLISS in your life. They are the following:

Your Calling
Financial Abundance
Your Health
Personal Relationships
Physical Appearance
Source of Income

I highly suggest you write these pillars down and develop each of them in written form.
Again, here are mine for reference points:

Using the Transformational Guidance through my brands under MARTINEZ CONSCIOUS MEDIA, I am assisting millions to uncover their hidden Super Heroic Higher Self. Thus unleashing their unique set of Super Powers into the world. Creating BLISS in all areas of their life as they find and fulfill their personal CALLING.  The byproduct being helping to change/save this world!

An unlimited stream of abundant wealth is flooding into my daily experience.
Allowing me the freedom to live life on my terms. And have the discretionary income 
to give financial well being back those who need it.

I am experiencing pain free living from a mental, physical, and spiritual standpoint.
My body stays dis-ease free forevermore.

A new Tribe of spiritually like minded, caring, supportive, authentic, and fun loving friendships and personal relationships are always a part of my sacred circle.

My physical body is always becoming a grander version of itself.  That together with a joy filled heart keeps me with a youthful appearance. 

Through NEW AGE NERD MEDIA, massive financial abundance floods into my life. In return, I pledge daily loving service to others through Coaching/Teaching/Blogging/Podcasting/Books/and Speaking

My last suggestion is to develop a daily morning visioning routine. Take just ten minutes every morning to do visioning exercises in which you close your eyes in a quiet environment. Then put your imagination to use. And do not put any limits on what you allow yourself to imagine in your mind's eye. Actually paint a mental picture of what your  Super Heroic Ideal Life would look like. But make sure to actually SEE YOURSELF in the mental picture. Smell, feel, see, and taste the picture as though it was literally already right in front of you. And then super charge the picture through the use of your e-motions. And please do not be afraid to let your freak flag fly during this process. For as I stated earlier, the SUBCONSCIOUS mind cannot determine between what is real and what is imagined. So the greater the e-motion you put behind this vision, the faster the SUBCONSCIOUS mind will get to work to make it become manifest in physical form!!

Then, after the ten minute time period, open your eyes and "pull that e-motion" out of your visioning process. And try and hold that energetic vibration the rest of your day. Don't be surprised how quickly the very thing you envisioned, or the plans to manifest it come flooding into your experience! Trust the process.  I can attest that it really works! Promise!  ;0)

4.  Start to delegate as many of your tasks as possible.
Time is the one thing that you cannot get back in this realm. So make sure you free up every possible minute when possible!

5.  Take decisive and immediate action.
So listen up you procrastinators.  The uber successful know that constant action changes things dramatically!  And I suggest you learn this as well......  ;0)

6.   Focus on being productive, not being just busy.

In his book, The 4-Hour Workweek, Tim Ferris says, “Slow down and remember this: Most things make no difference. Being busy is often a form of mental laziness – lazy thinking and indiscriminate action.” This is Ferris’ way of saying “work smarter, not harder,” which happens to be one of the most prevalent modern day personal development clichés. But like most clichés, there’s a great deal of truth to it, and few people actually adhere to it. Just take a quick look around. The busy outnumber the productive by a wide margin.        

7. Seek progress and not perfection
Seeking perfection will only cause you to freeze in your new "Nike Kicks." Seek progress instead of perfection. It will always serve your Highest Good!                                                          

8.  Work out of your comfort zone as often as possible!                                                  
Do at least one thing every week that truly scares you. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. Trust me!

9.  Learn from your missteps.  
Many of us are handicapped from taking action steps because we are paralyzed from fearing thoughts we may make a mistake and feel judged or embarrassed by our actions. Not to mention the albatross of pondering what others may think of us as a byproduct.  Sound familiar?  That's why I invite you to transcend your MISTAKES into MISSTEPS.  The decisions we make stem from our mind, our hearts, or both!  Everyone makes choices based on their past experiences, their belief systems, and their own personal values.  Re-member, we always choose what we believe is the best possible choice in any given situation.  The key is to direct our energy away from self judgment and back towards empowering declarations such as "What is the lesson?  How can I use this experience for my greater good?" And perhaps most importantly, what is the Universe trying to teach me in this moment of NOW?"  As Richard Bach said, "The events we bring upon ourselves and the manner in which we tackle them are necessary for us to learn.  Whatever steps we take, they are necessary to reach the places we've chosen to go." And as the great Joseph Campbell often espoused, "When ANY experience enters your personal experience, bless it! For it is EXACTLY what you need in that moment!"  Let that last sentence settle into your consciousness.  For I promise you that it will serve your highest good throughout your life experience!                      

10.  Start hanging out with people who support and inspire you and your dreams.  
It has been scientifically proven that you will be the exact aggregate of the five people who you spend the most time with. And that goes for every area of your life. So the one thing we have the most control over  is who we choose to keep in our inner circle. Based on that fact, I suggest you choose very wisely!
I believe this is a wonderful list of very easily implementable action steps we can all put into place in our daily routines!  I would love to hear your thoughts on other habits you have found to be productive in your own life!  


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, June 10, 2023



The band QUEEN is practicing for their 1985 Live Aid Performance:

FREDDIE: (Addressing his band members) Before you leave, can I have a second?

BRIAN: Yeah, what's up?

FREDDIE: I've got it.

JOHN: Got what?

FREDDIE: (softly) AIDS.

BRIAN: Fred, I'm so sorry.

FREDDIE: Don't! Right now it's between us. Just...us. So please, if any of you fuse about it or frown about it, or worst of all, if you bore me with your sympathy. It's just seconds wasted. Seconds that could be used making music. Which is all I want to do with the time I have left. I don't want to be their victim.  Their AIDS poster boy. Their cautionary tale. NO! I decide who I am! I'm going to be who I was born to be. A performer. Who gives the people what they want.   A touch of the heavens. 
I'm Freddie fucking Mercury!

ROGER: You're a legend Freddie!

FREDDIE:  You're bloody right I am! We are all Legends! 

Freddie Mercury left us such an outrageous and profoundly authentic template of what a Superhero's Journey can truly look like! By simply allowing yourSELF to BE courageously and unapologetically YOU

His life was NEVER easy.  He was born of Parsi Indian decent. With four extra incisors in his mouth which caused his upper jaw to jettison out from the front of his face. And, of course, he was gay. In a time period in which being labled as a gay man was akin to torturous persecution. His parents moved the entire family to London when Freddie was 18. Further complicating authentic ownership of his SELF image. London circa 1970 wasn't exactly a welcoming "heaven worthy haven" for outcasts.  Just sayin!

And, yet, Freddie Mercury persevered through all his challenges and turned himSELF into an iconoclast! A GOD amongst other rock 'n roll men and woman! His singular vision of the way music could transcend gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual preference, and sear LOVE through the hardest of hearts only grows 30 years after his passing from AIDS. 

He was a true New Age Nerd in every way imaginable! The loving musical Nerd in him saw and welcomed the nerd in all others. As fully fleshed out in this small scene from the film:

John Reid: So, tell me, what makes Queen different from all the other want to be rockstars I meet?
Freddie Mercury: Tell you what it is, Mr. Reid. Now we’re four misfits who don’t belong together. We’re playing for other misfits. They’re the outcasts right at the back of the room. We’re pretty sure they don’t belong either. We belong to them.

And forever more, we have all belonged to him! And his story! For the fate of this world will depend on the stories that we LOVE and believe in! The stories that we tell ourselves about who and what we believe WE ARE

So let me ask all you frickinfrantastic New Age Nerds. What are the stories that you are telling yourselves about who you are? And equally important, how you believe the world works. Are they resonating in a place of victim consciousness? Where you still believe that ‘you are what happened to you.’ Because your father wasn't ‘always there’ are you still playing out the need to feel lovable and worthy in all your adulthood relationships. Or the cancer that brought you and your family to its proverbial knees was just not fair.
Tell me how THAT story continues to serve you...............

Or, just like Freddie Mercury, have you transcended those stories and written a brand new Super Heroic Origin Story for yourself? Straight from the Mind Making Script Machine! Where we all create ‘The Best Selling Book of Our Lives.’ One that ascends victim consciousness into VICTORIOUSLY HEROIC consciousness.  And instead sees your suffering as no thing less than opportunities to grow, learn, and expand further into KNOWINGNESS! And LOVE! Cause nobody wants to read a script about someone who continues to live in self pity, wallow and shame. BOO! 

Freddie chose to see his challenges as his biggest strengths. His true ‘Unfair Advantage.’ (Please read the post on creating a powerful Unfair Advantage if you have yet to do so) He learned to LOVE and embrace his quirks and eccentricities as amazing advantages.  He saw Soulful Strength in every mountain before him. And was ferocious in what he demanded of himself and the Universe. That's what all Superheroes do! And as kindred Spirits in this SOUL filled world, we are all so much the better for it! 

So, could it be time for you to refill you own Mind Making Script Machine with a new ink jet cartridge and fresh willowed paper? And start to re-write your own best selling book. One that ends with you being a LEGEND! Just like Mr. Freddie Mercury.................


Jeffrey Louis Martinez



At the start of the Great Depression (circa 1930), Adele is trying to recover her family's lost fortune by holding a four-round, two-day exhibition match between Bobby Jones and Walter Hagen, the best golfers of the era, with a grand prize of $10,000, at a golf resort her father opened as the Depression struck. However, she needs a local participant to generate local interest. The young Greaves speaks up for his hero, Junuh, prompting Adele to ask her estranged lover to play.
Junuh is approached by a mysterious traveler carrying a suitcase, who appears while Junuh is trying to hit golf balls into the dark void of the night. The man identifies himself as Bagger Vance and says he will be Junuh's caddie. With Greaves as assistant caddie, Bagger helps Junuh come to grips with his personal demons and play golf again.
When the match starts, Jones and Hagen each play well in their distinctive ways, but the disengaged Junuh plays poorly and is far behind after the first round. With Bagger caddying for him and giving advice, Junuh rediscovers his "authentic swing." 

Bagger Vance: (to Rannulph Junuh) Put your eyes on Bobby Jones... Look at his practice swing, almost like he's searchin for something... Then he finds it... Watch how he settle hisself right into the middle of it, feel that focus... He got a lot of shots he could choose from... Duffs and tops and skulls, there's only ONE shot that's in perfect harmony with the field... One shot that's his authentic shot, and that shot is gonna choose him... There's a perfect shot out there tryin' to find each and every one of us... All we got to do is get ourselves out of its way, to let it choose us... Can't see that flag as some dragon you got to slay... You got to look with soft eyes... See the place where the tides and the seasons and the turnin' of the Earth, all come together... where everything that is, becomes one... You got to seek that place with your soul Junuh... Seek it with your hands don't think about it... Feel it... Your hands is wiser than your head ever gonna be... Now I can't take you there Junuh... Just hopes I can help you find a way... Just you... that ball... that flag... and all you are...
FROM DREAMWORKS PICTURES: The Legend of Bagger Vance

Much of life is all about re-membering our own "authentic swing." After all, each of us are spiritual beings having a human experience. And part of the agreement in order to secure one of the precious "Tickets to Ride" in this earthly extravaganza is temporary amnesia. That's right! We actually forget who we really are in order to have all the juicy experiences that can only come from the magical, miracle matrix of illusionary SEPARATION this world affords us. For instance, you can only have the transcendent experience of "making someone laugh," if there is The Other in your experience who is not laughing. This Illusion of Separation is actually a great gift. But once the illusion becomes your reality, the gift becomes your greatest nightmare! For you start to believe that everything in life happens TO YOU and not FOR YOU; which is the truth of the matter. ;0)

And that's exactly why all of you "SUPERHEROES" chose to incarnate into this dense realm; in this exact moment of space and time. A journey which is certainly NOT for the faint of heart. Think about it. Being told you will have to "forget who you really are," in order to take full advantage of what the power of illusionary separation extends to you is Ethan Hunt (Mission Impossible) level, master spy stuff. Right?! 
Cue the tapestry laden mini-recorder: "Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is as follows-  You will incarnate in the "Realm of Revelatory Wisdomon the 3D planet known as Earth. Upon entry, you will forget anything and everything you now know! Your job is to expand your own level of consciousness through expressions of loving service to yourSELF and all others. Through daily acts of random compassion and kindness. During this time you may be betrayed, abandoned, badly maligned; become disillusioned, lose 'everything', and be forced to both suffer and struggle. And the daily ass kickings, will NEVER stop. These jolts of "shock and awe" will greatly assist you in your re-awakening toward TRUE PERCEPTION; to your own "authentic swing." Your own unique Super Heroic Higher Self! 

All so that you can further strengthen the eternal areas within your subconscious still searching for experiences to learn, grow, and then eventually expand its ascended state back into the Universal Force of unlimited SOURCE ENERGY. Garnering a 'Welcome Home' party of ethereal proportions! For oh the 'Top Shelf' stories shall you be able to share with your fellow galactic travelers! So that they too, can expand themselves through and as you did on your time within this concrete jungle. For the original understanding of being a HERO came from the root word HEROS.  Meaning two. That which I do for you, I do for myself. And that which I do for myself, I do for you! For you shall eventually re-member...................... WE ARE ALL ONE

The battle cry of all conscious souls when facing dire straits. As shall be the case upon your arrival. Something is coming. We know you can feel it. As strongly as does your conscious concierge service. But we KNOW you have been preparing youSELF for this moment through many lifetimes. Wonder Woman and Batman got nothin' over you! Although they will be right by your side when the time comes to fight the coming nemesis threatening to destroy this planet. Which CANNOT HAPPEN

This planet is a sacred holding space of Intergalactic Knowledge. Long ago, the Universe deemed planet Earth as the place to garner its unending understanding of expansive energetic growth! Meant to encapsulate the TRUTH that we made ourSELVES in the image and likeness of of the Grand Creator herSELF! For each and every experience any Soul  garners on planet Earth has been recorded and permanently imprinted deep within the core of its Universal Understanding. The eternal encyclopedia Britannica for the Cosmos family.  A library filled with energetic KNOWLEDGE so profound, each and every page has been seared with soliloquies of pure LOVE and unfettered BLISS!  So failure is obviously NOT AN OPTION

And oh how much you will grow! For in this experience, the more you know, the more shall you grow. And eventually, you will remember all that you already knew. Which is a ton! Your powers will grow to levels that will eventually allow you to BE and DO anything in the entire set of multi-Verses! And it's all in your contract! Signed, sealed, and delivered by your own personal Wisdom Waiter
To assist you on your mission, you will be encoded with a 'Spiritual Guidance System.'
Your very energetic essence will be connected to it at all times! It is called a Sub-conscious Mind. It is 1 million times more powerful than the 'Conscious EGOIC Mind.' The one you will be tempted to use as your default system. And through this Sub-conscious Mind, we will be in constant communication with you. It is non-verbal in nature, so your words will have absolutely no power over it. It is activated through your thoughts (images), feelings and emotions. We will send you daily remembrances of 'Who You Really Are', through intuitive hunches, synchronicities, pre-conceived plans, and the insertion of people, places, and things in the exact perfect timing they are of necessity. You will not be doing any of this alone! This planet is in desperate need of cosmic SUPERHEROES. And pronto! In fact, its very existence depends on this group of Super Friends we will be organizing and called 
The Legion of Love

And for your efforts, you will all become Galactic Legends! For since the illusion of time and space were conceived, never has there been such an opportunity for greater loving expansion throughout this Universe! You will create a permanent state of HEAVEN ON THIS EARTH! For billions of other souls to bask and play in for eons to come! No pressure, 
but the entire fate of this planet now rests in the hands of the greatest team of SUPERHEROES to ever assemble anywhere in the cosmos!  You have exactly 30 seconds to accept this Mission Possible before this tape self destructs. What do you say?"

And I know all you New Age Nerds said, "Hell yes!" And so it is! And so it ever shall be!

So please re-member. Especially when funds are low and your bills are quite high. Life is completely rigged in your favor. The Universe has got your back. Just as Junuh had Bagger Vance, you have your own set of Spiritual Super Friends at your side, ALWAYS! To help guide you on your own Superhero's Journey. All to re-member the one of a kind CALLING you came here to fulfill, and forever change the entire Universe as a byproduct of its completion! Gotta run, my tee time is up next.  See you out there on the cosmic golf course. Never stop creating with that conscious club to find your own "authentic swing."
The entire fate of this planet now rests within your collective Loving Hands.........

Jeffrey Louis Martinez