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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Are YOU Simply A Spiritual ENTERTAINER...OR A True Bringer Of The LIGHT..?!?



Since the mid 2000's, there has been a growing group of individuals who practice what I call ‘Spiritual Entertainment.’  These searchers of  the easy way toward Truth have become professional masters who can absolutely WOW you or a group of people with their spiritual vernacular and perfected practice of various quotes from books they have obviously read many times over.  And their talent in captivating a group is absolutely undeniable.  And the confidence in their seemingly innate ability to capture a group's attention with epithets of the rules to SUCCESS and Soulful Nirvana are things worthy of America's Got Talent!  But upon deeper investigation, you realize that their Spiritual Song and Dance Show is more surface based than they would have you believe.  While they may have perfected the vernacular that enthralls those seeking The Way, with just one singular peak behind the true Wisdom of Their Wizard's curtain, you realize that what they are actually peddling is all Egoistic in nature.  They wish to be liked, seen, heard, and validated by the rest of us.  They ‘talk the talk’ but when it comes to actually living what they are teaching, well,  their magical semantics become a hoax of well rehearsed riveting routines that falsely capture the hard work, dedication, and courage it takes to take the first steps toward your own Hero's/ Heroine's Journey.  

This form of ‘Spiritual Entertainment’ is hollow, superficial and leaves us feeling empty.  Not unlike any form of a quick fix we seek to fill any various forms of pain and disconnection that we all face when we become completely detached from our connection to SOURCE.  

This form of spiritual narcissism is captured perfect in the following Bible quote:“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.” - 1 John 4:1

As you can imagine, during my 20 year history on my own path of self realization, I have come across many of these Spirits who peddle a get spiritual rich quick program of one from or another.  And my goal here is NOT TO JUDGE THEM.  They are on their path and like the rest of us, deserve the dignity of their own individual process.  However, that DOES NOT mean that we must not choose to love them from the other side of the room!  Right?! Many of us on the path of righteousness are fragile and vulnerable.  Most of us are in pain and seeking a way toward's our own SOULS salvation.   So I thought I would share some tell tale signs that you may be dealing with a “Spiritual Narcissist” in order to support you in continuing your path of functional and soulful Purpose!

1.) They Constantly Reference their own Achievements
The Spiritual Narcissist loves to self-promote. For them, every conversation is an opportunity to share just how superior they are to the average believer. They typically go about this by listing off their own achievements. You’ll hear them talk incessantly about their upcoming book, their latest achievement, sermon series, missions work, or that time they led someone to the TRUTH.

2.) They Invade Conversations
The Spiritual Narcissist craves control, and their highest authority is always their own self-reference. As a result, it’s not uncommon for them to invade the personal or private conversations of others. They’ll often do this under the guise of “helping” or “correcting” fellow SEEKERS, but they have no real interest in two-way dialogue.  You can choose to be loving or be RIGHT, and these individuals tend toward the latter!!
3.) They Twist The Word Of God
Susan B. Anthony once said, “I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires”. In the same way, a Spiritual Narcissist uses scripture as a tool for their purpose instead of God’s. They approach the Bible/Koran/or any spiritual understanding with a closed mind, memorizing only a handful of useful verses that will justify their behavior. Anything else, particularly scripture that conflicts with their actions, gets ignored. 
The best defense TRUTH SEEKERS have against this kind of faulty theology is to simply read from the words of our world sacred spiritual teachers. The more familiar we become with God’s work, the more familiar we become with God.
4.) They Profess Love, but RARELY Show It 
Perhaps the easiest way to identify a Spiritual Narcissist is to see if their works match their words. Many will claim they have nothing but love and compassion in their hearts for those they rebuke, but their actions prove otherwise. God says we can judge a prophet by the fruit of his labors, “A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.” So, what kind of harvest do they bring to God’s table? Division? Disdain? Cruelty?
Love is more than words, love is actions. That’s what separates the true Seeker from the Spiritual Narcissist.

5.) They Talk, but They Don’t Listen
Listening can be a powerful tool. Listening builds trust, creates empathy, and fosters understanding among individuals.  The Spiritual Narcissist, by contrast, is quick to speak, quick to take offense, and incapable of listening. They enjoy being the loudest one in the room, and the idea of deferring to someone else galls them.
A true Spiritualist listens to others, even when they might not agree with them. Listening requires that we be selfless, which is the one thing a Spiritual Narcissist can never be.
Before I close this post, I want to reiterate that I am in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM judging any Spirit in the Cosmos.  I truly DO NOT believe in Right vs. Wrong.  And certainly do not adhere to any practice that would place judgment on ANY SOUL. I fervently believe that all SOULS are EXACTLY where they need to be in their own individual process of understanding and maturation.   But for those of us who have transcended certain levels of consciousness, it only impedes our continued growth to engage with these individuals who are still ‘finding their way.’
In time, I know we will all dance in one grand SOULABRATION of TRUTH and Re-membrance, and when that future moment of NOW occurs, I will be the very first one on the dance floor and the very last one off!!   And I welcome any and ALL dance partners on that Sacred Day!!!!  My dancing partner list is ready to be filled!!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, February 27, 2017

And THE KEY To Long Term HAPPINESS Is.......?!?!?!?!

A few months ago I wrote  a post that stemmed from a Ted Talk from Lissa Rankin, one of my Hero's in the world of self realization.  She had given her discussion on the greatest epidemic on the horizon facing the well being of the human race.  My post garnered a lot of attention so I when I was passed along a link to another Ted Talk on a similar topic, I decided to bring up this dis-ease of sorts so that healing light can be shed upon it before it ravishes our society in devastating manners!

Lissa Rankin's speech dealt with Loneliness, which as a Dr. herself, she considers to be the biggest epidemic that has the ability to harm our mental and physical well being in the next couple of decades.  Here is an excerpt from that former post I wrote for those who never got a chance to engage it:

Yet, if you were to be honest with yourself, do you feel more lonely NOW than you did five  years ago?  I have the feeling the answer may be a resounding YES.  The technology revolution, while providing us with an amazing array of advances in communication capabilities, has also caused us to become alienated to each other in true, authentic, SOUL connected ways.  How many of you are using texting as your major form of ‘communicating’ with each other?  And are substituting Facebook and Skype chats in lieu of actually going to visit someone IN PERSON.  Don't get me wrong, some of these advances have actually made great strides in connecting people who would otherwise never have even met.  I get that!  I've gone on dates from it! (Though it doesn't make dating any easier..TRUST!)  

As a nation, we are embracing the digital revolution and, ironically, we are becoming a lonelier population. While there are many benefits of being participants in possibly the most relationally connected age in human history, the social media revolution has not made us feel more connected, less lonely, or replete with friends,” reports David Kinnaman, president of the Barna Group.  In the same Barna report, they discovered that loneliness has doubled in the past decade.  

According to Ms. Rankin, people who are subjected to long periods of loneliness are MUCH more susceptible to a malady of illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, dementia, and chronic inflammatory disease.  Not to mention skyrocketing increases in both clinical depression and anxiety. Scary stuff, huh?!?!

Now here comes even more proof of the importance of real authentic human connection as a key to our well being and long term happiness in the coming decades.  The Mindvalley Academy Blog released a Harvard Study that followed over 700 men for 75 YEARS to try and uncover the key to long term HAPPINESS in the human condition.  These type of studies are quite rare given the fact that following a test group for 3/4 of a century is fraught with many potential problems as one might imagine.  Funding dries up, people drop out of the study, etc.  None the less, this study was actually able to complete its initial mission to completion!  Amazing!!  And do you know what they discovered??  That without a doubt, the key to long term well being and happiness is genuine human connection and  authentic relationships.  Very much in line with Lissa Rankin's beliefs, the study learned that even those in their retirement years that were the happiest had one large thing in common.  They replaced their work place relationships with post retirement playmates!  I LOVE IT!!

In addition, they found that having a significant other was another intricate part of a person's HAPPINESS.  Now I know that sounds like standard issued wisdom, but one fascinating aspect of this finding is that they found that it DID NOT MATTER  how much a couple fights.  All couples turn into the Bickersons from time to time after all, right?!  What WAS important was that even though they fought, that both partners felt the other was their true friend and authentically loved them despite their frustrations and differences in the relationship.  

So exactly what can all of us fellow New Age Nerds discern from these two similar Ted talks?!?

To answer this question, I will leave you with the ending to my previous post, as I believe it may offer some wonderful insight and suggestions toward ways we can re-learn to connect with one another in meaningful ways and manners!


This is where we all have an obligation to take responsibility for this epidemic and its potential CURE!  AS the saying goes, “How can there be so many lonely people, in a world FILLED with lonely people.”  I suggest us all incorporating the Universal Law of BE THE SOURCE into our daily practice.  Essentially, this means to simply be the source of what you are seeking for others.  So for instance, the next time you are feeling lonely, think of someone in your life who may be going through a rough patch of their own and reach out to them.  And I DO NOT mean shooting them a text or writing them a Facebook post.  I mean picking up the phone and truly connecting with them.  Invite them out for coffee, or over to your place for a meaningful conversation, face to face!  You will be amazed at how much better and less isolated you will feel by taking these action steps in your life.  Not to mention spreading the same sense of connection with others!
Hopefully, we can all agree that life's greatest JOYS come from sharing laughter, memories, love, and happiness with others.  In fact, I would like to offer everyone reading this post a challenge.  What would it look like to pick up the phone over the weekend, and call an old friend or relative that you have not spoken to in over a year, and catch up on old times?!I believe your heart and theirs will be filled with GRATITUDE by making such a gesture!  I can attest to its transformative power by the many times I have done this myself!  By using the tool of BEING THE SOURCE, you call Spirit into your experience and with that comes the magic of miracles.  And right now, our planet needs the miracle of reconnection to help UNITE fractured relationships and disconnected souls in desperate need of the KNOWINGNESS that not only are they not alone, but that someone cares...........

Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, February 26, 2017

How To Be A WARRIOR of The LIGHT .. YOU Are Needed!!

Last night, a very close friend of mine asked me what my thoughts about the current political climate happen to be.  I'm not big on using The New Age Nerd to discuss my views on politics, but given the inordinate amount of confusion, panic, anxiety, and plain ole fear I am sensing out amongst the masses I thought I would address his question in today's post.  

My biggest suggestion to help quell some of our fear is to stop waiting for approval from your family, peers, or significant others for a call to action.  No thing stops anxiety and fear in its tracks that ACTION does!!  We do not acquire the knowledge and new directional pathways by sitting back and waiting for something to be acted upon.  That wisdom ALWAYS comes after we act.  So my biggest suggestion is to get involved.  We are all being called to be Warriors of the Light and assist our fellow brothers in sisters in their time of need.

It has never been in our best interest to wait to be given to.  NO, in fact, just the opposite happens to be true.  We are given back what we first give of ourselves.  And there is NO EXCUSE to declare you do not know where or what you can do.  And if that is your position, here are just a few examples:

1.  Write your Congressman and let them know your feelings about the current administration or any other aspects of concern you may have concerning anything from healthcare to immigration changes.

2. Get involved in your local chapters of political advocacy groups.  I promise you with just a little digging, you will be able to find a local group of like minded individuals who regular meet to discuss their fears and how they can get further involved in the change we wish to see!

3. Sign up to become a volunteer.  There is such a need for your political party on every level you can possible imagine.  Be it registering new voters to educating the public on the current climate and how they can get involved to voice their desire for real change.

Great men and woman see adversity as a seed for growth.  They change their belief systems to see past the reality of a current situation with hard work and persistent action, and they are aware they can bend the situation into the type of experiences they desire to manifest in the world.

In fact, the greatest times of sustained prosterity in this country have come during the toughest periods we have been forced to endure.  Think about the great depression and the two World Wars.  Even the current devastating recession of 2008-2012.  More wealth and growth in the business sector has been created during these timeframes than any other periods in this country's history!

As the saying goes, the darkest time of night arrives just before the dawn!  All men and woman of great internal integrity and wisdom Re-member this mantra and see times of perceived darkness as nothing less than opportunity.  As Napoleon Hill said, “Every problem carries within it an equal seed of opportunity.”

Many people in our current administration are using fear as a manipulative tool to control the masses.  It is a paradigm as old as time.  And it stops working as soon as we realize that to live a life of self worth, WE MUST CHOOSE TO LIVE FEARLESSLY!  That ability combined with a shift of thinking from what can I be given to what can I give is the way to create sustainable change.  

It's time to let our voices be heard.  If you don't like what you see in our current political climate, BE THE CHANGE you wish to see and shout that change to our current leaders.  The truth always finds a way to combat the inaccuracies and lies in time.  Albert Einstein said that energy can be neither created nor destroyed.  That is what KARMA happens to be.  Energy must be replaced in the exact same manner it was taken and used.  And that is a scientific proven principle!  Have faith in that magnificent truth!  

As the former First Lady used as her recent campaign battle cry, “When they go low, we go high!”  

And faith that taking action from a place of LOVE and Righteousness will eventually lead to our right to fair livelihood and salvation is a right that we all deserve!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Here Is The ONE Thing You Have COMPLETE CONTROL Of..That Has The BIGGEST LIFE Impact!!!

During many of my coaching sessions, not to mention heartfelt conversations with friends and family, there is one topic that bubbles up with great consistency that I would like to address today.  It is the BELIEF that we literally have NO CONTROL over anything in our lives.  And that is SIMPLY NOT TRUE!!  Not only that, but the very aspect of our life that we have complete and TOTAL control over also happens to be the key ingredient to bringing you the success, happiness, peace, and abundance we all desire!  The answer is who we decide to let into our TRIBE. Thought leader Jim Rohn has declared as one of his basic mantras that, “We become the average of the five people we spend the most time with in our lives.”  And that includes our financial status, self growth progress, and every other pertinent part of the templates that together constitute who we are BEING and DOING with our lives!  Why else do you think the Avengers are so AMAZING!!   :0)

Think about that for a moment.  And figure out who those five people currently are in your life.  And please understand, this is in no way shape or form meant to be a judgment on anyone.  Including yourself!  It's just a sign of the ISNESS of where you currently are resonating in your life.  You picked those five people for a reason.  It's up to you to decide if you are ready to “up your game” and let go of anyone in your core circle who is toxic, or is not interested in self growth.  Whether you realize it or not, they may be holding YOU back from becoming ALL YOU CAME HERE TO BE!  That's right!  And I ain't joking!   This is serious stuff......

So if the people we choose to have in our life play such an intricate part of our happiness, why do we keep so many energy vampires and toxic filled Spirit's so close to us.  In my experience it is because we are more willing to deal with the Devils we already know than the Devil's we do not.  Meaning we would rather deal with that which we already know than to toss it away for something that is totally unfamiliar to us.  That seems to scary!  

There is also the factor of loneliness.  As Rev. Bernard Beckwith used to espouse at Agape church in Los Angeles, “When you decide to leave the crows and fly with the eagles, you must leave all that you know behind.  And on the way up above the clouds where these eagles soar, there will be many moments when you become fraught with loneliness and fear.”  Your first thought will always be to fly back down to the crows that you know will always be there.  DO NOT DO THAT!  One of the differences that separates those who accomplish MAGNIFICENT things in life from those that do not is that despite the fear and worry, they never stopped flying up to meet with the eagles!  Your Faith will be tested during this journey!  Trust me for this I know!!  For a while you will feel all alone and believe you have made a grave mistake.  This is nothing more than a cleansing process of everything that no longer serves you.  A ‘Spiritual Scrubbing Off’ so that a new foundation can be built that is big enough to now handle the grand new vision you are holding for yourself!!  All so you will be able to build and create that AMAZING MANSION of abundance, LOVE, Peace, Joy, creativity filled with the smells of fantastic friendships and many majestic memories that makes life worth living!!

So do yourself a favor and do a heartfelt gut check on your current Tribe members.  How do you FEEL after having co-creations with them?!  Do you feel more or less energized?!  Do they support the greatest vision you are holding for yourself?  Or do they desire to hold you back so they won't feel bad about not having the courage to step out of their own doubts and fears to build the life of their dreams?  Because you just may discover than you have to let some of them go.  And as awful as that may sound, please Re-member that it is completely OK to let others go!  All you are really doing is deciding to LOVE them from the other side of the room.  You are in NO judgement of them in any way, shape, or form.  But that does not mean you have to be a martyr by keeping people who have no business being in your life in your Tribe.  Even though it may not feel like it at first, there are an abundant amount of Spirits in this world who would be honored to call you friend, and support you in every manner you could possible conceive!  It's your job to be in ALLOWANCE of them into your life.......


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Learn HOW To Make Your DREAMS Come TRUE.. This REALLY Works!!



Are you currently feeling like your dreams will never come true?  That you are DOING literally everything you can think of to manifest a life that envisions your most heartfelt desires, yet it often FEELS like you are moving in the opposite direction?  It may be time to take your dreams and desires to the ER!  STAT!  

And NOI AM not referring to the Emergency Room.  I mean it may be time to start reversing the manifestation process you are currently using, by STARTING at the END RESULT! (ER)  You see, most of us are not aware that our experiences, dreams, and desires come to us in a process that is exactly the REVERSE order shown to us by our physical senses.  I was first introduced to this version of the Universal Law by Mike Dooley in his life changing book ‘Manifesting Change.’  Many of you reading this may already be aware of Mike from his ‘Notes To The Universe’ e-mails and books.  And if you are not on his e-mail list to receive daily writings, I highly suggest you go to his website, www.tut.com, and sign up!  I'll wait while you go do it!  LOL

After reading and then implementing many of the techniques he outlines in his book, my life began to change in the most miraculous of ways.   And QUICKLY!  It's no coincidence that when I get disconnected from SOURCE and forget to implement these Universal Laws, well, life goes to Hell In a Handbasket.  Nooooo fun!! 

This passage from his book perfectly illustrates how things actually manifest in this energy matrix we are all living within.  Mike writes, “The Universe didn't think small and then bigger and bigger and bigger.   The Universe didn't sit down and say, “Oh my gosh, science!  Almost forgot science.  We're going to need biology, chemistry, physics, quantum physics- OH- and math.  We're going to need a lot of math for reality!”  No, the Universe wasn't assembled on a timeline!  Though that's how we typically assess ANY creation- using our physical senses alone, thinking in terms of beginnings, middles, and ends.  Completely forgetting that time is an illusionInstead, the Universe simply began with the END RESULT: the spectacular beauty, the impossible perfection, and the infinite vastness. And in that instant all of the mathematics, all of the sciences,  everything necessary to support life as we now know it in time in space, fell into place. In an instant! The starting point of all creation, and certainly with any change we wish to manifest, is WITH THE DESIRED END RESULT IN MIND.”

Yet how many of you can honestly say your manifestation process begins with the End Result in mind.? And I am not talking about a vague mental image of what you want to accomplish or create!  I mean a complete blueprint that is powerful enough within your Being that you can even FEEL, SMELL, and SENSE what that desire looks like!  

To help assist you along this new path and for many of you a new Paradigm of thinking about how to create the life you always dreamed of, I am going to give you these suggestions as a process you can begin implementing TODAY!

1)  Start by creating a mental image of what the END RESULT of that which you desire looks like.  Make it as vivid, colorful, and as rich in details as you can.  Until you can literally feel your body tremble with anticipation as though it already exists!  

2)  TAKE ACTION!  The second step involves moving in the general direction of your dreams and desires.  Sorry to break it to ya, but having a vision board and loafing around on a sofa waiting for your dreams to manifest just ain't gonna happen.  EVER!  It's perfectly OK to start with small steps to strengthen your belief in the process.  But  you must make that call, write that e-mail, start that blog, send out those resumes.  Just move in the general direction toward what your desire.

3)  This is where the Universe comes into play to assist you in the most profound of ways.  For as soon as you finish the first two steps, the Universe creates as Mike writes, “A brand new NOW.  This can be a bit jarring because we don't expect the process to culminate in a brand new now.  Usually, we think the Journey begins NOW and finishes later.  The starting point of ALL physical change is in thought, which is the ONLY place the power of NOW exists.”

4) VISUALIZATION!  As you go about with tangible action steps each and every day, take five to ten minutes to stop and visualize the END RESULT you seek to manifest.  I find a quiet place, and do a quick meditation.  And then mentally paint the picture that contains the new and desired END RESULT in my mind's eye AS IF I AM LIVING IT NOW.  I then inject real emotion into the mental image, allowing myself to FEEL what it's like to live in this vision of NOW.  

Mike describes the process this way, “Your vision then begins attracting itself to you as life's MAGIC, programmed by your chosen END RESULTS.  Put the right people in the right place at the right time on your path.  You just need to be physically out there in the real world (step 2) showing up where you can be reached.  The Universe will always do the hard part of figuring out (forcing) the HOWS, which is the virtual incalculable part.  All we have to do is define whatever it is we want or the changes we wish to experience in terms of the end result. Define them as if they were already there (visualize) and then simply begin moving in the general direction of your dreams, knocking on doors, and turning over stones.”   I REPEAT, nothing in your life will change without persistent ACTION STEPS!

Now, before any of you stop reading, thinking all this to be a little too Woo-Woo for your sensibility, I will finish with a recent story that perfectly illustrates how this all really does work!  Just a few short weeks ago, I had made a decision to manifest a job that would allow me to work from home, back in the podcasting world I love so much, making a great deal of money, yet still leaving enough time for me to continue growing my coaching business.  One night I sat down and followed the EXACT steps from above.  I started with the END RESULT in my mind's eye.  I allowed myself to feel how this job would change my life.  The emotions I would experience getting up everyday to start the day.  The kindness and support of a boss and team members that would co-create blissful moments of work well done!  I then began the process of perusing the internet for jobs that fit the bill.  Here is where the magic happened.  Three nights later, I jumped on LinkedIn and saw that just three minutes earlier, a former colleague of mine had posted a blog about her new gig working for a new podcast advertising network!  I immediately reached out to her to congratulate her for her accomplishment on the new job.  It was for a company that had just started the process of entering the US marketplace, so I decided that evening to craft a cover letter and arbitrarily e-mailed it to the company's Director of Sales.  And guess what?!!?   In two short weeks, I was offered a job with the company covering the Mid-Atlantic, and NY territory!!  And I get to work from home!   And my team members are some of the smartest, authentic, and kind people I have yet to meet in corporate America.  If that isn't proof enough that this process is part of a tangible Universal Law of manifestation, then I have no idea what could............

I hope many of you incorporate this process into your own lives.  In fact, start today!  There is no time like the NOW!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, February 23, 2017

A Hero's Journey Through Grief and Pain........

The chill of Winter came and left....
And with it my frozen Heart and Soul thawed...
From the pain of days long gone by...
And feelings that were often never called....

Spirit Guides sometimes seemed miles from me....
Doubting my ability to find my way...
Each step felt so alone and tenuous...
So to others my demeanor often was feigned...

Going back to Spirit's school,  yet no snow days left...
A PHD in Pain and Suffering was my daily class...
No days ever skipped....
Although some mornings I whispered to Spirit for a pass..

Trauma has a way of surfacing in unexpected times....
When life's seas are calm and serene...
At least that's been my experience...
I think others know exactly what I mean.....

Guilt and shame can consume a kind man's Soul...
Not through weakness of any kind....
But because he feels compassion for all..
So meaning in his pain are His to find...

Just one day to feel like myself once again....
Prayers seemed like a waning art....
So I wore my suffering as my daily armor..
All to protect my broken heart....

Isolation became a gift from others stare.....
Afraid to let them see heroes often fail...
Yet still daily sending my Love and Prayers..
With the wish it would leave them with a lasting trail....

Then one day...all my wishes came true....
And the real me once again shined through..
My Journey now day by day ..for healing never stops...
And this now I teach to those I can reach out to......

Learn To Live YOUR Life FEARLESSLY..!!

Ok, my fellow New Age Nerds, it's Trivia Time!  Are you game?!  Awesome!!  What is the biggest thief you will ever encounter during your lifetime??  And NO, the answer is not your ex husband or wife!  LOL  ;0)  The answer is actually quite simple.  It's FEAR!!!  That's right, not only is it the antithesis to LOVE, but it has stolen more hopes, dreams, possible life long love affairs, and miraculous manifestations than all the other pastiche of thievery in existence!  And FEAR is attached to the Ego.  And these two terrible horribles can crush a life meant for monumental feats of MAGIC!!

In fact, as many of you know, now of the most profound teachers of our lifetime, Marianne Williamson explains a MIRACLE as being a shift in perspective from Fear to Love.  So simple on paper, yet quite arduous to always put into practice without well.....lots of PRACTICE!!

I'm sure you can take out a piece of paper and write down many of the daily fears that stop your powers of manifestation dead in their tracks.  For example:

1.  The fear of not being good enough.
 2.  Fearing what others think about you.
3.  Fear of rejection from our tribe.
4.  Fear of not feeling lovable.
5.  Fear of stepping outside your limited boundaries and beliefs.

I'm quite sure I have not even begun to stretch the service of the havoc Fear brings to our daily lives.  I will step right up to the microphone and say I have not been immune to such fear based limitations. And let me tell ya, if your experience has mimicked mine in any meaningful manner, it can stop you from moving forward on your Hero's Journey all to sit  back in the comfort of your own safe place of Not Doing!  We tend to keep our dreams and aspirations in our noggin, where they are never put to the test and can remain safely tucked away in our own imagination.  Let me tell you from my personal Journey, that is a life of just surviving and NOT THRIVING!!  And I don't know about you, but life is too challenging not to Thrive!  Can I get a Hell Yes from the congregation!!    AMEN!!

  Now fear in and of itself is a built in aspect of our inherent DNA.  It is actually very useful in certain circumstances.  Our ancestors used it to protect themselves from perceived dangers in their environment.  Hello Mr. T-Rex!!  LOL  I actually love Robert Downey Jr's definition of fear.  He says that he strays not from fear in and of itself, but rather FEAR BASED RITUALS!  Meaning not allowing fear to hold him back from situations or actions that are in no way threatening to his well being and alternatively cutting him off from miraculous opportunities no matter how scary they may stretch his current sensibilities!!  Go Iron Man!!!

In a previous post I wrote about the wonderful book “Dying to be Me” by Anita Moorjani.  In this profound tomb, she fleshes out her Near Death Experience with cancer and the hard-fought lessons she learned during the whole ordeal.  The one mantra she got from her experience that she has shared with millions of fellow Truth Seekers around the world is “Live Fearlessly!”   In fact, she credits the reason that cancer began to ravage her body was because rather than simply ALLOWING her life to unfold, she used FEAR as a constant protection mechanism in most areas of her life.  In time, she believes that FEAR solidified as cancer.  Not to say that any of us should feel responsible for our maladies, BUT we are absolutely responsible TO THEM!

“ Fear is very subtle, and it can creep up gradually without our even noticing it.  Looking back, I see that most of us are taught from a very young age to be afraid,although I don't believe we are born this way.  One of the things I believe is that we are what we spend our lives trying attain, but we just don't realize it!  We come into this life knowing our magnificence.  I don't know why, but the world seems to erode it as we start to grow up.

I want to say, too, that after my NDE, things got a whole lot easier.  I no longer feared death, cancer, accidents or any of the myriad things that used to concern me...except for expanding out into the greater world!  I've learned to trust the wisdom of my infinite self.  I know that I- along with everyone else- am a powerful, magnificent , unconditionally loved , and loving force.  

T his energy flows through me, surrounds me, and is indistinguishable from me.  It is, in fact, who and what I truly am; trusting in it is simply trusting myself.  Allowing it to guide me, protect me,and give me all that's needed for my ultimate happiness and well being happens simply by being myself.  I need only to be the magnificent love that I am and allow events and circumstances in my life to play out in the way that I know is always in my best long-term interest.” writes Moorjani.

Fear based rituals are actually diametrically opposed to our natural state of being.  To experience the life we came here to treasure, we must learn to be in a state of ALLOWANCE.  Fear closes the door on the abundance that is waiting to shower us with joy and happiness.  Only staying in a vibrational energy of LOVE can keep us attuned to Source energy that carries with it our birthright of indescribable BLISS!

The biggest suggestion I can offer you on assisting a shift in vibrational frequency from Fear to Love is in  the dichotomy of Being Versus Doing.  The act of Doing is inherently based with an energy of Fear.  Because we feel we are incomplete without something and that by our doinginess, we will be complete and whole by obtaining something.  While when we pay attention to what we are BEING at all times, our energy is flooded with LOVE and Abundance.  Why?!   Because in this state you are in a vibration of complete allowance.  While we are in busy in our Doingness, we Re-member to BE kind, joyful, and grateful in the process.

I am NOT trying to say that working hard toward our goals is an ineffective way of reaching them.  For that is simply NOT the case.  It is just in our best interest to make sure in our Doingness that we are constantly monitoring what we are Being and that we are in allowance during the process.  In other words, GO WITH THE FLOW OF LIFE!  I promise you it will make your goals so much easier to attain to incorporate this paradigm into your way of manifesting your goals, dreams, and desires!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Are YOU Living An HEROIC Life..?!?

Anyone who has been consistently reading The New Age Nerd knows that one of the principle foundations that it espouses is that of the Hero's Journey.  Believe it or not, this paradigm that was constructed through the tireless efforts of Joseph Campbell actually helped save my life during an incredibly ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ several years ago.  I wrote about that experience in a previous post, so I will save you the details in this post.(Anyone interested in reading that post, it is called A Dark Knight of The Soul and can be found in the blog archives.)  

This concept  has become my own version of The Force!!  Why?!  Because at its core it declares that WE ARE ALL ON A HERO'S/HEROINE'S JOURNEY!  How frickin' cool is that?!  And even more important to understand, everything, and I mean EVERYTHING that we experience on our path is all for the use of our Soul's Journey in the human condition.  No thing is ever wasted.  Every single person, place, and event that comes our way is to give us the tools (wisdom, compassion, peace, courage, love, and patience to name a few) that will eventually be put to proper use in perfect timing of our Journey as long was we are in allowance of our PURPOSE to unfold.  That's because WE ARE ALL ONE and ARE ALL CONNECTED!

I wanted to write this post because sometimes my clients, friends, etc. become disillusioned with this whole Hero's Journey paradigm I'm always spouting on about. :0)  So I wanted to try and quell any misunderstanding that I may have caused.  First and foremost, not all of us have some major quest that will bring us fame and fortune in the eyes of society.  One of the first understandings of the Hero's Journey is to simply FOLLOW YOUR BLISS!!  Meaning we are to follow our heart's passions to help us understand what our Journey toward our life's purpose is meant to be.  But here is the secret sauce about this guideline;  we ALL have the same purpose!!  Let me say that again-WE ALL HAVE THE SAME PURPOSE.  That is to spread Love, Peace, Re-membrance and Joy to ourselves and one another.  The MANNER in which we decide to do this is what the Hero's Journey is all about.  

One way to uncover the MANNER I speak of is to turn our life's PAIN INTO POWER!!  And then transform that Power into our Purpose.  I'll use my own life's path to further explain what I am trying to convey.  Not to play into victim consciousness, but I have endured my fair share of pain, loss, and struggle during my life.  I like to joke about it and say I have gone down the ‘Buffet Line’ of life several times!  Pretty much had a taste of whatever life can throw at you.  And in order to help me deal with the pain, trials, and tribulations of my Journey, two decades ago I threw myself into the world of Self Realization.  I wanted to understand what lied under the surface of my pain and suffering.  And from transforming that pain into my power, I discovered my PURPOSE of being a life and leadership transformation coach!  That is the MANNER in which I spread Re-membrance and Love to others.

I can share other stories with you in a similar vein such as a dear friend of mine who decided to become a Dr. in his mid 30's after watching both his parents suffer with ill health for the majority of his life.  That inspired him to turn his pain into power and that, in turn, flamed into his purpose.

Don't get me wrong, not everyone is going to have such dramatic experiences along their path.  Some of the greatest life purposes manifest in miraculous experiences such as being a loving parent, or a terrific teacher!  In fact, both my parents had the special gift of being teachers and were able to shed an AMAZING amount of Love and Re-membrance to thousands of children over their 60 years combined of teaching!  

Life becomes so much more enjoyable when we transform our understanding of the events that show up on our doorstep from time to time.  ESPECIALLY the painful ones that test our very faith.  And Lord knows like many of you, I have gotten more than my share of PHD's in Pain and Suffering!  LOL  But when we Re-member that they have come disguised as Angels to help us on our Hero's/Heroine's Journey our life experiences start to make more sense and become less chaotic.  And that my fellow New Age Nerds brings a sense of internal PEACE that is priceless.  

One last thing before I go for the day.  PLEASE help those currently suffering with the Re-membrance that their pain is NOT IN VEIN.  Our world is currently in a state of complete confusion and filled with anxiety and depression.  Too many people are lost and losing faith by the day.  But I strongly believe there is an opportunity here for us to reunite with one another RIGHT HERE- RIGHT NOW!!!!  In fact, perhaps THAT VERY ACT is what many of our purposes are truly meant to BE!  


Jeffrey Louis Martinez




Last evening I was having a wonderful and quite deep conversation with a fellow coach.  We started our dialogue by discussing the particular type of life coaching we were most interested in.  And for me, the answer should hopefully not be a surprise to my fellow New Age Nerds; that being LIFE PURPOSE.  Helping others discover, and then follow their BLISS toward the very reason they decided to manifest into the human condition from the world of SPIRIT is obviously a huge passion for me.  It's why I started this company and why I write this BLOG.  To help others with the INSPIRATION and support they may need to live their LEGACY.  

I now know that much of this obsession stems from my greatest HERO, my father!  He was a teacher for nearly 30 years who touched the lives of thousands of students.  And it is through their businesses, endeavors, families, and conscious deeds of DELIGHT that his Legacy continues to live on.  In fact, at his retirement, at least ONE student from every year he taught showed up to show their respects for this man who had forever left an imprint of a life well lived.  

My coaching buddy was inquiring about the various things I have been implementing to grow the New Age Nerd into something that can help as many people as possible.  Thanks to you fellow NERDS daily readership of this blog has risen more than 40 fold since I started it in January of last year!!!  AND IT IS ALL THANKS TOO YOU!   And I wish I could simply share the heartfelt feelings of joy and happiness I feel with each and every one of you personally!!  

So during my friend's line of questioning about my business, he asked me how am I able to write so many blog entries with all the other things I am juggling, usually concurrently?!  LOL.    And do you know what I said?  “It's not all me, most of it is coming straight from Infinite Intelligence.  Or what many (like myself) call SOURCE energy. Do you think I could do all this by myself?”, I said.

“What do you mean exactly, Infinite Intelligence,” he retorted back with more than a twinge of curiosity.  

I am simply the vessel and allow SOURCE to work through me.  Now since I AM part of SOURCE (As we ALL are) it's NOT that I am uninvolved in the process.  It's just that I AM a small emanation of the WHOLE and thus have learned to BE IN ALLOWANCE of the greater part of Infinite Intelligence that wishes to work through me.  

Completely fascinated, he asked me, “How do you this?”  To which I offered a slight giggle.
“That is like asking how to be in relationship with GOD.  It is personal for each of us.  I would say that meditation is a great first step on the Journey,” I advised him.

He happens to be a fantastic guitar player and so I asked him how it felt the first few months of learning too play that instrument.  “It was pretty rough and painful, ” he said without hesitation.  When I inquired how long it took him to really start to get into a ZONE, a flow while playing, he said it took quite a while, but once it started, it felt like magic.  

“There is no difference between learning to play the guitar, and learning to tap into SOURCE.  It's getting out of your own way, and putting your own EGO aside.  And just BE.  Which is much more difficult at first for most people than it sounds.  But OH is it worth it.  It's Heaven on Earth and experiencing the act of being CREATOR.  Simply BLISSFUL.”

Now here is the SECRET SAUCE to tapping into this unending and bountiful slice of Infinite Intelligence that many call GENIUS.   In fact, most famous writers, poets, dancers, singers, or masters of many professions who have experienced this magical sensation eventually learn that the key to its access is........HUMILITY.  

In a book titled ‘Power vs Force’, by David R. Hawkins, there is a chapter that in great detail explains the scientific findings of what allows us to tap into our own GENIUS.  “Human history is the record of man's struggle to comprehend truths which to those of genius seem obvious.  Genius is by definition a style of consciousness characterized by the ability to access high energy attractor patterns.  It is NOT a personality characteristic.  It is NOT something that a person ‘HAS’, or even something someone ‘IS.’  Those in whom we characterize genius commonly disclaim it.  A UNIVERSAL characteristic of genius is HUMILITY. ”  As they say, Steven Spielberg never walks into a room and claims he is Steven Spielberg.  Watch the interviews he and George Lucas do. They are constantly deflected their power of genius.  And it is so refreshing and infectious!  

And hopefully you understand in humility, I am referring to the understanding that we are true co-creators always and in ALL WAYS.  To tap into the highest forms of truth and spiritual beauty in any endeavor, discard the ego and be in collaboration with SPIRIT!  You will be amazed at the work that will start to manifest before your eyes!!  And after enough practice, you will be living as though you have brought Heaven to Earth as your daily experience.  And THAT, is pure BLISS and a Hero's/Heroine's Journey for the ages!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Do You KNOW The True PURPOSE of DESIRE..?!?!?

During nearly twenty years on my own Hero's Journey toward self realization, the term DESIRE has become a corner stone on which to build the foundational aspects of everything of value in life.  It shows up constantly in most of the books, mentoring programs, and teachings on the path to truly living your Soul's purpose.  But what exactly is it?  Why is it SO important?  And how can we use it to assist and guide us toward living a life that is filled with tantalizing joy and happiness, as well as pure intent?   

One of its most radical proponents is the sizzling spiritual SOULdier of truth Danielle Laporte.  In her tremendously powerful book, ‘The Desire Map’, she says. “knowing how you want to feel is the most important clarity you can have.  Generating those feelings is the most important thing you can do in your life."  So DESIRE is about our feelings.  Makes sense- feelings are the guideposts to the Soul, right?!  But if we based everything on our feelings, at all times, couldn't life become a constant roller coaster of nausea inducing ‘loop de loop's’ and frightening free falls!  And as far as DESIRE goes, do feelings alone encompass the entire story?

The teachings of Abraham, (a compendium of Universal energy channeled by Esther Hicks) spells out in their tomb, ‘The Law of Attraction’,  that manifesting our DESIRES is the reason for our Being.  Essentially, each Soul decides to manifest into the human condition in order to joyfully create their most heartfelt DESIRES.  While most of us can attest to the downright blissful rumination that bubble from our heart and soul when a deep, hard fought Desire is made manifest in our reality, we are also grounded enough to realize the pragmatic challenges we must face in between such moments of heavenly creation.  And does this mean that in the moments when I am NOT in continuous Manifest Mode, that I am doing something wrong.

Thank goodness I finally came across the ancient teachings of the VEDAS.  Consisting of a large series of texts, the VEDAS are the oldest Hindu proclamations on recording that have all been transcribed from Sanskrit.  According to their teachings, the Soul has FOUR distinct DESIRES.
The first is dharma, the DESIRE to become who you were meant to be.  It is that internal guidance system that helps us remember our ultimate destiny here on earth.  In New Age Nerd terms, it is THE HERO'S JOURNEY!

The second is artha, or the DESIRE for the means to accomplish your destiny.  Let's be honest, being more broke than a 'fritter on a fryin' pan' makes it pretty tough to start that business, or quit that job in order to ‘don the cape’ and join the Universal Team of Spiritual Superhero's!

The third DESIRE is kama, the longing for pleasure in any and all forms.  This is where our feelings really come into play.  And, NO, it doesn't mean a spiritual life in alignment with your true purpose should be constantly filled with scratching your hedonistic pleasures whenever you FEEL like it.  
(“Damn, Smithers, and just when things were getting....interesting!”  LOL)  Rather, it is the understanding that our feelings are an internal guidance system that help us navigate our authentic path.  They are one of the most powerful elements in the construction of our true DESIRE.  With a few exceptions, our feelings are what I call the GROUNDED PURPOSE of SPIRIT (GPS) for the Soul!  Got it!  Good!  :0)

The fourth and final DESIRE is moksha.  This is the want of spiritual realization and freedom.  Have you ever felt like you wanted or even needed to disconnect from the world, and get off the grid?!  As if your Soul was begging to forget about everything mundane, and commune with Source to get recharged back into the BLISS from which it came.  This is moksha in action!

The VEDAS teachings further espouse that these FOUR DESIRES are inherent to your soul and absolutely essential to assisting you on the completion of your Hero's Journey.    These teachings have become one of the core foundational aspects of my understanding of how DESIRE can be used to both discover our purpose and help us block out the barrage of distractions we all engage along the way!  

For instance, the teachings declare not all DESIRES should be pursued, and that the majority of the pain and suffering in our lives comes from the attachment we carry toward our DESIRES.  In fact, the VEDAS go as far in explaining that most DESIRES which are NOT in alignment with our purpose, result in frustration, depression, and much of the anxiety on this planet.  

If anything from above resonates with you, I HIGHLY suggest you do yourself a GI-normous favor and get your hands on a copy of ‘The Four Desires’ by Rod Stryker.  This book absolutely changed my life and is a constant companion on the nightstand nearly five years after my first engagement with its enlightened prose.  We tend to engage all four of these DESIRES on a daily basis, and Stryker helps us navigate between them with Grace and Patience.   I also love that it eschews any explanation in terms of the absolute (Right vs. wrong, good vs bad etc.), and leaves plenty of room for the understanding that spiritual principles DO NOT have to be mutually exclusive.   It further fleshes out how to use our DESIRES for our own greatest good, and in the process, not only fulfill our destiny, but bring greater Joy and Happiness into our life in the process!  

DESIRE is NOT just a feeling.  It is a daily process!  And like anything of real value, it takes  dedicated time and effort to master.   When we stop framing the Universe as our own personal wish fulfilling mechanism, and step into the true purpose of Desire- a tool to help us fulfill our destiny- life becomes much more easy to navigate and TEN times more enriching!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez