About Me

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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, April 30, 2022



As you might imagine, being a transformational life and leadership coach brings with it a great responsibility. I am constantly researching and investigating the latest findings and implementations of self realization work that is seemingly everywhere nowadays.  I try and put things into practice first, before spreading them to my clients or unleashing the information on The New Age Nerd.  Another criteria I use before sharing information in this area of my calling is to see how it resonates deep within my Being.  Basic stuff really.  Does it make sense and is it practical to most people who make up my audience and client base.  

One thing I do believe with all my heart is that two of the most common traits of the highly successful and iconoclastic individuals amongst us is laser like focus, and keeping small daily habits that others simply do not do for a myriad of reasons.  

I read several books a month and am always taking diligent notes on criteria and hard fought wisdom from today's masters in the self transformational world. All to see what they have discovered and are currently implementing in their own life and the lives of their clients.  Having said that, I would like to introduce you to the Top Ten action steps that will create a Super Successful life!  It is my hope that you will incorporate as many of them as you can into your own daily regime to assist you in achieving desired goals and in turn the happiness you desire in life!

So are you ready for the list?  Great, cause here we go!


Yes, we all know that this body is temporal. It is ours for a finite time. But is is also a precious gift.  That's why it is called the Body Temple.  It is sacred in that it houses our Soul while we are here. As the book God I Am declares, “There were billions of other Souls around the Universe vying for the ‘ticket to ride’ that was given to you!”  That's right, YOU are that Unique and Special.  Everyone here already won the lottery!  So while you are here, be grounded enough to care for the body which brought ya!

The foundation for your future happiness and blissful abundance in all its forms stems from having a mind-set for success.  Nothing of value happens overnight. So our mind-sets must be implemented for both the short and long term. The key to developing a Super Heroic Mind Set lies in shedding thoughts or feelings of self doubt, worthlessness, fear, anxiety, or the lack of self love. This means transcending any limiting beliefs about what is possible for you to create in your life. And feeding your SUBCONSCIOUS mind with expanded thinking that you are truly LIMITLESS! The sky is NOT your limit, but rather just the beginning! 

And please remember that we have two minds. Both the conscious and the SUBCONSCIOUS. The conscious mind controls and interprets our illusionary physical senses. It's master is the EGO! Its primary function is to keep us feeling small and less than. It creates the thoughts that keep us feeling separated from the ONE GOD MIND that is the loving source to Infinite Intelligence and our true essence.

The SUBCONSCIOUS mind is subordinate to you! It is the mind of your SOUL and works beyond time and space! It's the powerhouse of your Super Heroic Higher Self. And it is 1,000 times more powerful than our conscious mind. It is non verbal in nature. And responds only to our thoughts and emotions. Its arch nemesis is RESISTANCE! Meaning any thoughts, beliefs, or feelings of being less than your very spiritual essence (which is pure love). Those energetic offerings- beliefs - blocks the abundance from entering into your life experience. So it is our e-motions (energy in motion) and feelings that turbo charge the vibration (frequency) of our SUBCONSCIOUS mind. Which in turn transforms our core thoughts and beliefs into their physical equivalent. Essentially, you can "Bend Reality" into nearly anything your imagination can fathom. If you can convince your SUBCONSCIOUS mind to see it and believe it is already in your possession, its very nature is to create and deliver it into your life experience! Sometimes it will come in the form of the action steps and plans in order to "collect" it. Other times, it will appear in pure tangible form. So the next time you receive an intuitive hit for an action step, act fast! It is the SUBCONSCIOUS mind, through the power of spiritual intuition, sending you this information to put into action, pronto!

3. Create a Consistent Morning Routine
If you wish to see "Big Changes" in your life, you must be willing to change things in a BIG WAY. My very first suggestion is to make your bed the moment you wake up. It's been scientifically proven that the "state of your bed" is the state of your head! 

I develop individually tailored morning routines for all of my coaching clients. Most of our morning routines are engulfed in stress, anxiety, and non present behaviors that do not set you up for a day filled with success!  Just the opposite actually. The first key to an empowering morning routine is to start the day doing things that light up your SPIRIT. Listening  to inspirational music, or podcasts as an example.  Or perhaps taking ten or fifteen minutes to read from an inspiring book or blog (Hint, Hint)  LOL

My second suggestion is to incorporate daily morning affirmations into your routine. The Secret Sauce to daily affirmations is to say them in the present tense. And super charge them through your emotions. As though they are already happening in the NOW

Next, declare what you commit to BEING in the day to come. As an example, here is a list of my personal Morning Intentions:


Filled with gratitude
Alive with Ferocity in all that I do
Radiating BLISS for myself and all others
Living as LOVE
Boundless with Compassion and Kindness
Steadfast in the KNOWINGNESS that through my MAGIC
Extraordinary Things will be made manifest 
In Alignment and in Allowance of things That 
Serve the Highest Good of all concerned

Another wonderful Morning Mindset habit is to read aloud your "Pillars of Super Success." There are Six Pillars that will generally make up the foundation for everlasting BLISS in your life. They are the following:

Your Calling
Financial Abundance
Your Health
Personal Relationships
Physical Appearance
Source of Income

I highly suggest you write these pillars down and develop each of them in written form.
Again, here are mine for reference points:

Using the Transformational Guidance through my brands under MARTINEZ CONSCIOUS MEDIA, I am assisting millions to uncover their hidden Super Heroic Higher Self. Thus unleashing their unique set of Super Powers into the world. Creating BLISS in all areas of their life as they find and fulfill their personal CALLING.  The byproduct being helping to change/save this world by loving it back into the light of Spirit!

An unlimited stream of wealth is flooding into my daily experience.
Allowing me the freedom to live life on my terms. And have the discretionary income 
to give financial well being back to all those who need it.

I am experiencing pain free living from a mental, physical, and spiritual standpoint.
My body stays dis-ease free forevermore.

A new Tribe of spiritually like minded, caring, supportive, authentic, and fun loving friendships and personal relationships are always a part of my sacred circle.

My physical body is always becoming a grander version of itself.  That,  in conjunction with a joy filled heart keeps me healthy, happy, and with a continued youthful appearance. 

Through MARTINEZ CONSCIOUS MEDIA, massive financial abundance floods into my life. In return, I pledge daily loving service to others through Coaching/Teaching/Blogging/Podcasting/Books/and Public Speaking

My last suggestion is to develop a daily morning visioning routine. Take just ten minutes every morning to do visioning exercises in which you close your eyes in a quiet environment. Then put your imagination to use. And do not put any limits on what you allow yourself to imagine in your mind's eye. Actually paint a mental picture of what your  Super Heroic Ideal Life would look like. But make sure to actually SEE YOURSELF in the mental picture. Smell, feel, see, and taste the picture as though it was literally already right in front of you. And then super charge the picture through the use of your e-motions. And please do not be afraid to let your freak flag fly during this process. For as I stated earlier, the SUBCONSCIOUS mind cannot determine between what is real and what is imagined. So the greater the e-motion you put behind this vision, the faster the SUBCONSCIOUS mind will get to work to make it become manifest in physical form!

Then, after the ten minute time period, open your eyes and "pull that e-motion" out of your visioning process. And try and hold that energetic vibration the rest of your day. Don't be surprised how quickly the very thing you envisioned, or the plans to manifest it come flooding into your experience! Trust the process and remember that most things of value in this life must be earned through hard work!  I can attest that it really works! Promise!  ;0)

4.  Start to delegate as many of your tasks as possible.
Time is the one thing that you cannot get back in this realm. So make sure you free up every possible minute when possible!

5.  Take decisive and immediate action.
So listen up you procrastinators.  The uber successful know that constant action changes things dramatically!  And I suggest you learn this as well......  ;0)

6.   Focus on being productive, not being just busy.

In his book, The 4-Hour Workweek, Tim Ferris says, “Slow down and remember this: Most things make no difference. Being busy is often a form of mental laziness – lazy thinking and indiscriminate action.” This is Ferris’ way of saying “work smarter, not harder,” which happens to be one of the most prevalent modern day personal development clichés. But like most clichés, there’s a great deal of truth to it, and few people actually adhere to it. Just take a quick look around. The busy outnumber the productive by a wide margin.        

7. Seek progress and not perfection
Seeking perfection will only cause you to freeze in your new "Nike Kicks." Seek progress instead of perfection. It will always serve your Highest Good!                                                          

8.  Work out of your comfort zone as often as possible!                                                  
Do at least one thing every week that truly scares you. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. Trust me!

9.  Learn from your missteps.  
Many of us are handicapped from taking action steps because we are paralyzed from fearing thoughts that we may make a mistake and feel judged or embarrassed by our actions. Not to mention the albatross of pondering what others may think of us as a byproduct.  Sound familiar?!?  That's why I invite you to transcend your MISTAKES into MISSTEPS.  The decisions we make stem from our mind, our hearts, or both!  Everyone makes choices based on their past experiences, their belief systems, and their own personal values.  Re-member, we always choose what we believe is the best possible choice in any given situation.  The key is to direct our energy away from self judgment and back towards empowering declarations such as "What is the lesson?  How can I use this experience for my greater good?" And perhaps most importantly, what is the Universe trying to teach me in this moment of NOW?"  As Richard Bach said, "The events we bring upon ourselves and the manner in which we tackle them are necessary for us to learn.  Whatever steps we take, they are necessary to reach the places we've chosen to go." And as the great Joseph Campbell often espoused, "When ANY experience enters your personal experience, bless it! For it is EXACTLY what you need in that moment!"  Let that last sentence settle into your consciousness.  For I promise you that it will serve your highest good throughout your life experience!                      

10.  Start hanging out with people who support and inspire you and your dreams.  
It has been scientifically proven that you will be the exact aggregate of the five people who you spend the most time with. And that goes for every area of your life. So the one thing we have the most control over  is who we choose to keep in our inner circle. Based on that fact, I suggest you choose very wisely!
I believe this is a wonderful list of easily implementable action steps we can all put into place in our daily routines!  I would love to hear your thoughts on other habits you have found to be productive in your own life!  

Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, April 28, 2022

INTERESTED IN Being A PART Of Creating A NEW, More LOVING EARTH..... Please READ...!


Back in 2009, I contracted the super virus/bug MRSA (a deadly resistant form of staph infection) within my left leg. What started as an innocuous boil on my left buttocks, quickly turned into a horrific and utterly protracted six weeks of pure HELL

After having the unimaginatively painful to the touch boil lanced at Sibley Memorial Hospital in downtown Washington, D.C. on three different occasions, I repeatedly returned home with nothing more than a short supply of percocet. Before sunrise one following morning, I abruptly awoke from a dream filled with the feeling that my body was completely on fire; something no words can deem worthy of accurately describing. Overnight, the entirety of my left leg had completely succumbed to the insidious effects of this harrowing infection; leaving it at least twice the size of normal! And the colors. Oh my goodness gracious; the palette of plastered colors now 'painted' across every inch of my leg were a mix of dark purple and explosive red patches. All tied together with black and blue smatterings from the blood circling just under my skin. I tried to move the leg ever so slightly. And while I've had more than my share of pain, this was more akin to pure torture! Unadulterated burning and nerves seemingly 'hell bent' on breaking my very sense of physical and mental sanity! 

With what air I could still force through my lungs, I yelled out to my parents. (I was staying with them given this precarious situation) Like a momma bear running to her baby cub, my mother was the first to rush into my bedroom. And her steely stare immediately fixated on this badly battered and bruised extremity lying limp on my king sized bed. 

"Mom, I.....I can't move my leg," I anxiously uttered.

"Peck! (my dad's nickname) Jeff needs to be rushed to the ER!" my mom screamed up the stairs. 

Instantly, I heard the loud poundings of my dad's robust strides as they rushed down our double leveled staircase. I knew it was an even more ghastly vision than it appeared from my staid perspective upon one glance at my pop's widened glare! 

Within seconds, I was quickly whisked up by my dad's thick, Popeye like forearms as we both flew like 'birds of a feather' into the sturdy back seat of the SUV parked in our two car garage. I had previously been staying with my girlfriend in the District of Columbia. (I had just returned to the right coast after a decade living in LA LA land) Beginning this very arduous and seemingly never ending journey over 25 miles away from the comforting confines of my current bed. Yes, the very hospital that services the health of each President of The United States (Sibley Memorial) had repeatedly botched my diagnosis with simple ER procedures leaving me more than just a little dazed and confused. 

However, this time there was NO denying the fact something much more invasive and dangerous was wrecking havoc within my susceptible (I have a compromised immune system making me a prime 'target' for these type of viruses) body. In what seemed an eternity, this team of 'Three Amigos,' finally finished the 45 minute drive ending at the main entrance to Sibley Memorial Hospital's emergency rooms front door. 

My mom was the first to tear through the double doors that led to the ER's check in desk. In way too much agony to notice, two emergency room attendees had already accessed my situation and sent me flying toward an isolation unit at the back of the hospital. Thankfully, they were prescient enough to acknowledge my condition was the thing PANDEMICS are formed from! And thus this nationally awarded hospital had FINALLY recognized that what first appeared as a simple 'butt boil,' was actually one of the most universally feared (at the time, 13 years ago) super bugs, Methicillin-Resistant Staph Aureus. In laymen terms, it's the strongest form of staph infection that is RESISTANT to most every biologic agent on the planet other than vancomycin. 

The pain being incomprehensible, I was immediately pricked with an IV line and loaded with the powerful pain killer dilaudid. Within minutes, my face felt as hot as the surface of the sun. I could suddenly feel each and every heartbeat; like a conductor using the blood supply shooting through my limp body to keep perfect tempo. With each passing second, I knew there was something very wrong flooding through my body. I screamed out to one of the ER techs!

"Help! Please help me! I'm in trouble! I'm.... I'm on fire!" I screamed.

Unbeknowest to me, I was highly allergic to the pain agent dilaudid. And my entire face started swelling! My ears felt as large as Dumbo's! My forehead started aching. The swelling was so severe, I could see the visage of my own eyebrows expanding into my straightforward vision. 

Unrelenting in the desire to not leave my side, my mom was forced to run screaming past the infectious disease doors! All in a desperate attempt to alert the ER department of my second by second horrifying condition! Thanks to her super heroic efforts, one life saving emergency room tech raced through the long hallway towards the rooms filled with patients so severe they required complete isolation. And immediately filled my IV line with the anti- agent to stop the poisonous effects of the dialaudid that was coursing through my veins. 

Albeit rather slowly, minute by minute, I felt the calming effects of the anti-agent coursing throughout my body. Through the herculean efforts of my Super Heroic Mother, as well as the fast acting efforts of this hospital technician, my life was literally saved! 

Now, despite the courageous and heroic acts of my all my caretakers, I still ended up staying in the isolation ward of Sibley Hospital for the next 19 days. Never one to shy away from the truth, I asked the entire care staff within the isolation unit to be completely and utterly transparent with me. I knew that this journey was FAR from over! 

"Just tell it to me straight up, Doc!" I told the lead professional on the infectious disease ward; which I was unceremoniously now a staid part of. 

"Jeff, we are going to test your blood every two hours. The second it appears the MRSA has entered into your main bloodline, we will be forced to take you into immediate surgery to remove your left leg. Or else, you will most probably die," my infectious disease doctor resolutely declared. Followed by his sly placement of a document I needed to sign in order to allow my medical team to do 'whatever necessary to save my life." 

"Exqueeze me! A baking powder! Um; we may have to run this by my personal Spiritual Advisor and Life-force agent. Maybe you've heard of her?! Ya know....   THE FRICKINUNIVERSE!" I half jokingly shot out.

Now while I have always believed in the power of spiritual serenity, trust me when I say there is no thing that prepares you for such a profound proclamation! During the next three weeks I spent day after day, contemplating life on so many different level; reliving some of the 'greatest hits' of my life. No punches pulled. As much as I would've liked to believe I had made the most out of the many opportunities life had tossed my way, like a baseball straight down the middle of the plate. 

To be fair, I had been fortunate enough to accomplish many of my heartfelt desires. I was one of 18 fellows selected out of over 50,000 submissions by the International Radio and Television Society straight out of college. Which later led me to become one of the youngest senior writers/producers for NBC National News and Sports in its entire history. I covered Super Bowls, World Series, and was able to meet more of my sports SUPERHEROES than I could count. I even did some sports anchoring in Maryland. 

I later helped launch a television show called 'Building America' on CBS in the Washington D.C. market. I was eventually sent out to San Francisco to launch a West Coast version of this ultra progressive program that highlighted many of the CEO's of the high tech companies (Yahoo, AOL, Oracle, Sun Microsytems) that paved the way for the emergence of our current technological age. I like to say I got my business MBA at the University of MIH (just Make It Happen) by interviewing many of the now iconoclastic brains of the past 100 years!  

I even moved from Washington, D.C. to the land of angels. And did both stand up and improv comedy. And later ended up working in the 'BIZ' through the likes of companies such as The Hollywood Reporter and Comcast Networks.  Attending too many Hollywood 'Congratulatory' events (Emmys, ALMAS, Women In Hollywood...etc.) to count. I was even blessed enough to sit down on several occasions with many of my favorite actors over a few 'dark and stormy's.' Including Al Pacino and Robert Duvall! 

And yet, I also touched the truth of how often my actions equated staring down the barrel of many missed opportunities. In fact, too many to comprehend! As a 39 year old, I knew that like the matrix of the collective consciousness encompassing our shared experience, I had yet to push 'FULL THROTTLE" on the greatest adventure of a lifetime. An experience offered to just a precious few throughout the entire COSMOS!

Starting with memories of a more youthful version of my 'human being,' in which the coach of the Loudoun County cross country running team made many a personal visit to my household. Knowing that I had been blessed with a heaven sent gift to run at full speed for as long as I deemed necessary! He was intent on selling me on being the star member of his well acknowledged and decorated team. Yet, time after time, I turned his more than generous offers down. I was intent on being the next 'Eddie Murray,' the first baseman of my beloved Baltimore Orioles. And baseball happened to share sports time with the cross country running team's season. 

Truth be told, I spent tons of hours studying Mr. Murray's unorthodoxed batting stance. Even though he was a switch hitter and my batting prowess was limited to battling pitchers from one single side of the plate. I just KNEW that one day, after Eddie said a long and prosperous goodbye, I would inherit his place on the Memorial Stadium grounds covering the right side of its sacred infield! Funny how life's greatest wishes turn into whispers of dreams long gone bye!

I ruminated on all the things I had put off because 'life had gotten in the way.' The places I still wanted to visit all around the world. All the Special Spirits on the planet I still desired to serve; assisting them in awakening to their true essence- the Super Heroic Higher Self that is the conscious connective source helping us to re-member WE ARE ALL ONE! As well as the family I had yet to create. Even though my constant personal insecurities often belied my deep relishing desire to share a simple stare with a woman who saw past the 'shadows of my imperfections.'  Dreaming nightly of becoming the couple others aspired to become as INSPIRATIONAL guidance of what loving relationships have the possibility of being.  As well as the look on my future wife's face as she coddled our newly, first born baby for the very first time. 

As Robin William's character said to Matt Damon in the seminal film 'Good Will Hunting,' "people call these things imperfections, but they're not, that's the good stuff. And then we get to choose who we let into our weird little worlds. You're not perfect sport. And let me save you the suspense. This girl you met, she isn't perfect either. But the real question is: whether or not you are perfect for each other. That's the whole deal. That's what its's all about." Pure, utter guidance from a true Wisdom Waiter

I also became relegated toward overthinking about all the foundations I wanted to build to assist those suffering from Crohn's dis-ease, Anyklosing Spondylitis, mental illness, heart dis-ease, autism and cancer. The very maladies that had informed a great portion of the 39 years I had been perusing this energetic , blue spinning ball within the constructs of the cosmos we call Earth. 

Funny how facing your own mortality with such intimacy gives you a life perspective no teacher, book, guru, movie, friend or family member can come close to manifesting. Truly!

But as they say, "the youth is always wasted on the young." 

"Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh never mind; you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded. 
But trust me, in 20 years you'll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked... 
You're not as fat as you Imagine. 

Don't worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. 
The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind. 
The kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday. 

Do one thing everyday that scares you. 


Don't be reckless with other people's hearts, don't put up with people who are reckless with yours. 


Don't waste your time on jealousy; 
Sometimes you're ahead, 
Sometimes You're behind. 
The race is long, and in the end, it's only with yourself. 

Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; 
If you Succeed in doing this, tell me how. 

Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements. 


Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your 
The most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know still don't. 

Get plenty of calcium. 

Be kind to your knees, you'll miss them when they're gone. 

Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't, maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't, maybe you'll divorce at 40, maybe you'll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary. 
Whatever you do, don't Congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself either. 
Your choices are half chance, so are everybody else's. 
Enjoy your body, Use it every way you can... Don't be afraid of it, or what other people Think of it, 
It's the greatest instrument you'll ever own... 

Dance... even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room. 

Read the directions, even if you don't follow them. 

Do NOT read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly. 

Brother and sister together we'll make it through 
Someday your spirit will take you and guide you there 
I know you've been hurting, but I've been waiting to be there 
For you."

 And sunscreen.  Trust me on the sunscreen.  We'll see how many of you fellow nerds get that pop cultural reference!  ;0)

Watch what you wish for my New Age Nerds!  Because in my personal experience,  through over 50 years traversing this planet, you will absolutely receive that and so much more of not only what you wished for, but what your soul understands you need in order for its continued growth. And to fulfill your life's personal CALLING! The most pragmatic question to ask in SPIRITS name is...   "Am I ready to receive that which I asked for?" Because asking, and being ready to be a STEWARD of an earthly desire are two VERY DIFFERENT VIBRATIONAL OFFERINGS from our soul! 

Quite often, the DESIRE we so often crave is a recipe in which we have not yet assembled all the proper ingredients. And so the Universe, acting as your SGS (Spiritual Guidance System) delays its offering into your very experience; understanding it is most prudent to not release it into your life until you are ready to care for it with a sound spiritual stewardship. In the same manner that Billy Peltzer was ill prepared to properly care for the lovable Gizmo in the extraordinary 1984 film Gremlins! The result being major chaos and mayhem! Art most often mirrors our reality folks! Just sayin.....!   

Please re-member this; just as the magnanimous Albert Einstein declared, "I think the most important question facing humanity is......Is the Universe a friendly place? This is the first and most basic question all people must answer for themselves....   If we decide that the Universe is a friendly place, then we will use our technology, our scientific discoveries and our natural resources to create tools and models for understanding the Universe."  

This may be the most personal and important question you will ever entertain. And while I believe your personal musings may be the most righteous ponderings of your very lifetime, there is absolutely NO RIGHT OR WRONG in its conclusion. At least not judged by the ONE GRAND CREATOR! For GOD NEVER JUDGES! And why should she? For your very essence is the entire Universe created by the One GOD Mind ensconced in one magical, spiritual drop of pure magic! 

I will share my own answer to Mr. Einstein's question without any hesitation. HELL YES! OUR UNIVERSE IS A LOVING, NONJUDGEMENTAL PLACE FOR FREEDOM OF PERSONAL EXPRESSION! A matrix of exponential energy set up like a Universal 'Slam Dunk' of both the allowance and acceptance to manifest the most deep-felt and heartfelt desires that can only be experienced this deeply in this dense expression of MAGIC and MIRACLES we call Earth! 

And in matching spiritual frequency to my own personal belief system, I was eventually released from the Sibley Hospital infectious disease's ward after nearly 3 weeks of daily uncertainty. However, the very day I was released from the not so comforting confines of the hospital's infectious disease ward, I had a meeting with the head of CDC (Center of Disease Control) for all of metropolitan Washington, DC! 

His words still ruminating within my mind as fresh as they were given to me 11 years ago. 

"Jeff, I know what you've been through the past month has been pretty horrific! And you have every right to feel that way. But.....   I.......   would like to share something with you. You've earned it! While MRSA is quite a horrific ordeal, the potential PANDEMICS that are still in front of us are.........    unprecedented. Nightmares that nobody could dream up in their wildest dreams. The CDC (Center for Disease Control) does not share them with the general public because they would cause mass hysteria! I can only share with you my own advice. Do not shake hands with anyone if at all possible. Never share the same glasses of liquids with anyone. Refrain from gathering in groups of more than 20 people at a time. And NEVEREVER touch your face before you have thoroughly disinfected your hands. One day, you will be way ahead of the curve from the coming PANDEMICS that will forever change the World as we now know it!" Sound familiar?  His words still cause quiverings within my own spirit! Especially given how prescient his bedside musings have now come to be with the now 2 year old arrival of the world shattering Coronavirus! 

I would love to say I strictly adhered to his hard earned wisdom over a decade ago. But, I have not! In fact, as more time away from that horrific month has passed, I continued to sway far away from his warnings. Often giving little causation to protect myself and others from the coming virus PANDEMICS I was given such foresightful insights towards. 

No excuses, my lack of actions are strictly on me! I won't refuse to take a stand. As Eminem raps, "I guess I had to go to THAT place, to get to this one. I'm not afraid to take a stand. Everybody, come take a stand, we'll walk this world together. Whatever weather, you're not alone. Holla if you feel you've been down the same road!"

For down a very similar road of those currently effected by the Coronavirus have I followed!

And is for that very reason it is my wish others will follow the following words!


And down the same tarnished yellow brick road is the path that now stands before us all.  For this Coronavirus carries with it more than just fear and disconnection. We already have those emotions permeating our entire society. We simply cannot keep living the way that has become a mainstay of a Collective Consciousness that has a declaration that #ME is more important than #WE!

"As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind.  To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again.  To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives..........

Henry David Thoreau

Unfortunately, this obsession with 'ME' is now a far reaching epoch that supersedes any aspect of communal LOVE!  Its insidious grasp has taken hold of this world's genetic makeup.  And it shows no signs of stopping.  For the dark fate now upon us has been a planet rejecting our very presence among its shorelines for eons. Mother Gaia has been telling us "to shape up, or shape out for decades." While technology is certainly contributing to this infectious spiritual malady of polarization, (selfies, Facebook posting, Instagram posing, Twitter, and texts rather than actually using your phones to TALK!)  this issue has caused a crack in our communal connections. Our desires are becoming more and more egocentric. We are chasing false idols like fame and materialistic STUFF that give us quick hits of pleasure. In a recent study, over 90% of middle school aged children said their only life goal was to become famous! Aye dios mio! 

But, not unlike any addict, this causes a 'Chasing the Dragon' mind-set.  Always looking for the NEXT BEST THING to fill the emptiness within our hearts and souls. And a growing, deep knowingness that you (we) are here for a much greater purpose than simply collecting things nor becoming famous for accomplishing little to nothing before gaining such recognition! Or even worse, treating one another as mere objects with a diminishing favor of love and affection. 

I truly believe that not only our country, but this entire World is at a crucial precipice of "Cracked Consciousness." And given this current, still horrific pandemic from the coronavirus, I know I am far from alone in this belief. As I have stated before, the Universe is currently desiring a grandiose form of expansion! Which requires all of us SUPERHEROES to BE and DO our part in this Mission Possible! It's an arduous task, but also one that will give all of us the great challenges we so crave and live for. If you're here, NOW, it's because you were "TAGGED IT" by the The One God Mind! Many were asked, and yet very few were willing to answer this Galactic Beacon Call! But all of us currently traversing the planet said "HELL TO THE YES! I AM -  SO IN!" And so it is, as it ever shall BE!

I desire NOT to begin a political discourse with this post entry. No! I only declare to call forth the TRUTH of our planet's current predicament. I believe (actually KNOW) that just as in every other 'End of Days' crisis to face our planet the past 500 plus years, there has always been great opportunity underlying the grave and dire circumstances placed before us.  Between the Covid-19 pandemic that is altering the constructs of our day to day lives, we also face the oncoming perils of global climate change. Which is just as real and horrific as the daily threats that currently fill our 'screens' with pandemic palpitations. Unfortunately, the collective consciousness on this planet has never truly acted as a SINGLE ONE that can use our focused attention to see the forest through all the terrible thickest and thorniest trees before us, until we are forced to do so. Wouldn't you agree?! 

Instead, we await some explosive act/acts that creates the severe cracks of "shock and awe"  to awaken us from our deep state of unconsciousness.  As J.K Rowling, the imagination behind the Harry Potter franchise teaches, "Rock bottom is the place upon which to build an (entire new world)!" And so it is Mrs. Rowling. Tell Harry's owl I said, "Hoot Hoot HOOTie and the Blowfish!" lol

Because rock bottom have we now hit. And it's way beyond time to have a global awakening of truly epic proportions! I believe that the answers to solve the majority of our planet's ills are lying deep within each and every one of our Super Heroic Higher Selves!  THAT'S EXACTLY WHY EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US OUR TRAVERSING THIS PLANET, HERE AND NOW!

The Universe, in all its prescient glory, knew of this coming global catastrophe way before our collective consciousness! And for that very reason, it has called upon many of the multi-verses greatest teams of SUPERHEROES to mend an Earth crying out for more LOVE!
In fact, I do not so much think this planet needs to be saved, as much as it needs to be LOVED BACK INTO THE LUMINOSITY OF PURE SOURCE ENERGY. Just as Superman reversed the spinning of the Earth's natural flow to change its fortunes, we have been blessed with the same ability to stop every plague that WE HAVE CREATED from destroying the perfect playground we have been so blessed to experience. They are lying within your Super Heroic Higher Self! Placed there, within your consciousness before you agreed to grace us with your magnificent presence.  And a ginormous 'THANK YOU' for answering this call towards an adventure that while incredulous by nature, also offers us all the opportunity to be Cosmic Legends! The chance to actually change the fortunes of a once brightly filled planet that must be relit by the light of our own SOULS!

The very reason our Planet is slowly dying has to do with the manner in which we are not only treating each other, but the horrendous acts of disrespect that are ensconced with our daily co-creations with Earth! We have all been blessed with an energetic playground that when given the opportunity, imbues our collective consciousness with deep impressions of nature's direct blessings of awe and astonishment. Yet we treat Mother Earth as though she is a second rate citizen. Shunning her from our LOVE and Conservation. As if she can take our daily brutal beatings forever! Do you not understand that this planet and its precarious state is nothing less than a direct reflection of who and what WE ARE BEING! Which is oh so sad....   Don't you think?!   

So the next time you hear someone utter the  words "Stop and Smell the Roses," it just may be the exact healing balm that your SOUL is requiring to continue its path of blossoming into the 'Greatest Version of It's own Potentiality!' As well as a call toward supporting a new conscious effort to respect all beings (especially the very planet WE LIVE ON) with the upmost sense of dignity and LOVE! For there are NO coincidences in this realm. ONLY OPPORTUNITIES FOR GROWTH! 

Deep ridden political discourse, the resistance toward breaking down barriers of understanding, and the insidious connotations that stem from an "IF I WIN THEY LOSE" mentality are slowly chipping away at the very fabric that our forefathers wrought and for which many laid down their lives for. It takes more than just a great deal of courage and intestinal fortitude to forge through a "mass hysteria" that still buys into a world ensconced from a base belief of SEPARATION! How can we possibly come together in UNITY when we continue to act as if we are in any way, shape, or form superior to our fellow brothers and sisters! Blood lines are not simply "thicker than water," they are the very essence that connects every single living entity on this planet! 

We are currently being called to become something greater; something that can encompass the unlimited levels of service, joy, compassion, and LOVE that are a very part of our birthright. Despite the various versions of outer experiences that are unescapable to our current life visions, we were born to be ONE UNIFIED EXPRESSION OF LOVE! Nothing less......nothing more.........   

There is a wonderfully transformative book by Steve Taylor called ‘OUT OF THE DARKNESS’.  He covers the topic of acceptance in such a beautiful manner, such as in this passage, “I discovered a similar phenomenon when I wrote my book which examines how difficult and dramatic events can sometimes have a positive and transformative effect.  Some of the people in the book underwent transformation after being diagnosed with cancer, bereavement, losing everything to alcoholism, being disabled or suffering from severe depression, and so on.  They found a new spiritual strength inside themselves, felt a new connection to the world, and to other people. A new sense of purpose and meaning.”  But he discovered these transformations ONLY occurred after each individual completely and utterly made peace with the events in their life and ACCEPTED ‘that which now is’.
By letting go and surrendering to the present moment, and accepting it as being exactly where you are NOW supposed to be, can be one of the most powerful practices anyone can incorporate into their spiritual life.

But it is so important to be kind, compassionate, and patient with ourselves through this critical process.  It is not easy. It certainly was not for me.  And it takes time. And often assistance from our TRIBE, friends and relatives who can hold a space of love and healing for us, until we are strong enough to do it for ourselves.  This is what continues to propel me forward through the many maladies that threaten daily to admonish me off the track towards my life's passion and purpose.  And saying the Serenity Prayer, daily.  ‘God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.’

And so I have started a mass planetary movement called  :





I believe this can be the perfect recipe to ignite the eternal flames of LOVE and LIGHT back into a world that is crying out for respect, tenderness, and kindness. We got ourselves into this mess, and we have the SUPER HEROIC ability to quell the onslaught of pain, suffering, and fear that currently imbues every crack of consciousness on our precious planet! And here are some simple suggestions that prove BEING SUPER HEROIC isn't nearly as daunting as many of you may think.

Lending a non judgemental ear...

Telling someone how much they matter...

Making someone laugh...

Sharing YOUR story with someone who could benefit from your Wisdom

Be someone's calm during their storm....

Tell someone that you BELIEVE in them...Until they BELIEVE too...

Send someone a kind text 'JUST BECAUSE".....

Inspire someone with your unique SUPER POWERS .....

Tell someone ......I LOVE YOU.....

Volunteer at any number of various outreach programs that are in desperate need of assistance........

I assure you that by practicing these small gestures, you will slowly start to chip away the MUCK that has overtaken and blocked these misled SOULS from remembering who they really are and why they are here!   

Did you know it's been scientifically proven that the 'LOVE HORMONEoxytocin increases dramatically during acts of kindness towards ourselves and others?  What amazing proof of that which we give away comes back to us in spades!  Plus, through these gestures, you automatically become a member of the SuperHero group known as THE LEGION OF LOVE!  Your T-shirt and pin are in the mail!   ;0)

So I lovingly urge all of you New Age Nerds to grasp the TRUE PERCEPTION that is right before your energetic eyes! Time is a precious gift in this realm. And "time it is a ticking for us all." So there is now NO TIME to waste. Our wings are ready. It is time for us to soar to heights previously unimagined and thus not held in a space of our own allowance. The sky is NOT the limit; it's just the beginning!   

So now go and spread the 'Great Word' to all ready to receive it. And start to gently and lovingly nudge those who are not yet awakened. Trust me, they will eventually re-member who they really are and LOVE YOU FOR THE JOLT! I promise! ;0) 

Go deep within and trust what you FEEL! For feelings are truly the guideposts to the SOUL!

And pray (a prayer is an energetic thank you note to the Universe) for the KNOWINGNESS of this great adventure! And YOUR part in it! Warm up them vocal chords and start to belt out your own unique "Heart Song!" Remember, you incarnated with a Soul Pod. And many of them are still searching for you. And you for them! So please DO NOT allow anyone to tame your freak flag. As Freddie Mercury from Queen taught us, becoming a LEGEND requires you to BE unapologetically you. Be weird, unique, and especially NERDY! (wink) Your Soul Tribe will NEVER miss you that way. 

RELAX and KNOW that we are already well on our way to this "New Earth." We are currently being called to become something greater; something that can encompass the unlimited levels of service, joy, compassion, and LOVE that are a very part of our birthright. Despite the various versions of outer experiences that are unescapable to our current life visions, we were born to be ONE UNIFIED EXPRESSION OF LOVE! Nothing less......nothing more.........   

For despite the horrors we are now facing on a daily basis, as one of the greatest minds to ever traverse our planet, Stephen Hawking declared, "Where there is life, there is always hope!" And just as the 'S' on Superman's chest stands for HOPE, please never, ever stop believing in the love and beauty within each and every soul on this planet. We are so much greater than we currently believe! And only the collective we have the ability to wake each other up to that understanding.........

So my suggestion is to stop being afraid.  Re-member as I've written in many previous posts, your best friend is Frankie FEAR! You simply CANNOT fail within this realm. Failure is just constructive FEEDBACK from the Universe. The world is completely rigged in your favor! ALWAYS! And Frankie is just a loud mouthed bestie who is showing you all the places to go so that you can become a fully self actualized version of your Super Heroic Higher Self! It's that simple! So no more "One Dayer" mentality. Your day is NOW! Everything has been put into its magnificent imperfectly perfect place. All so you can joyfully play in this matrix of energy that can be bent and twisted beyond the reaches of time and space to create ANY REALITY YOU SO DESIRE! So let's start accepting our current challenging circumstances, and begin to look for the unlimited opportunities that such moments present! As one of my personal SUPERHEROES, Napoleon Hill, famously declared, "Every adversity contains, at the same time, a seed of equal opportunity."

And I know this very sliver in space and time carries with it an unlimited amount of opportunity to BE THE CHANGE WE WISH TO SEE IN THE WORLD. That's the magnificent opportunity that lies before every single one of us! 

We are all "Legends in the Making." It's our very birthright to be Iconoclastic Innovators! And as Superheroes, we have the super powers to be forcefully disruptive in a world that desires to be awoken from its deep slumber. Showering each day with LOVE BOMBS of spiritual "shock and awe" is our collective purpose on this planet! We knew the nominal norm was no longer serving our highest good. So we are here to LOVE this world back into the LIGHT

So whaddya' say my fellow New Age Nerds......?   Will you help yourself and others in starting a new disruptive Super Heroic Mass Movement?    


As I said earlier, I invite and challenge you to begin with just ONE small gesture a day.

Who is with me......       ;0)

As Marriane Williamson teaches, Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and prejudices and the acceptance of love back in our hearts. Love is the essential reality and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life. Meaning does not lie in things. Meaning lies in us.



Jeffrey Louis Martinez