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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, December 30, 2017


I want to shed some light on the type of philosophy that the New Age Nerd adheres to with regard to all self actualization work- GROUNDED SPIRITUALITY.  Perhaps in a future incarnation,  I might come back with Pure Consciousness in tow, shedding all fear and disconnection.  But right now, I still have my moments.  Through the daily practice of grounded spirituality, I have become much more attuned to the nuances of being both Here and There.  And by that, I mean being connected to Spirit as often as possible, yet still allowing for the resonation of earthly illusions in my experience.  And that is why we are all here, right?!    To slay the proverbial ‘dragons’ along our path toward finding the Holy Grail of our Hero's/Heroine's Journey!  Kinda tough to do that when we refuse to acknowledge that ‘dragons’ even exist.   
Perhaps John Lennon said it best, "I believe in everything until its disproved.  So I believe in fairies..The myths..Dragons.  It ALL exists, even if only in your mind.  Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the HERE and NOW!"  Amen!

During my life, I have attended numerous churches of various denominations.  You name it, chances are I have investigated whether it was for me.  I have studied at a plethora of organizations from the East Coast to the West.  All searching for something that made sense, resonated deeply with my heart and soul, and that when put into practice, worked on a consistent basis.  In doing so, I think I was trying to create something that could help me better navigate this thing called life.  And guess what, on my journey I found out I wasn't the only who had come up with the term Grounded Spirituality.  There are several I am quite sure.    In fact, in a book I absolutely adore, and highly suggest anyone of this ilk read, called Soulshaping by Jeff Brown, he says, “...my philosophy of grounded spirituality started to concretize.  I call it Ascending with Both Feet on the Ground.  It is the idea that our ascension to heightened consciousness can ONLY be sustained it if is an embodied unfolding from the the ground up.”  What a terrific definition.  I believe we are meant to courageously engage the pain, emotions, challenges, as well as the joy, laughter, and LOVE we encounter in this Earthly Matrix of experience. 

He goes on to give more details of his journey and how he had a great lesson about spirituality from one of his mentors, the wonderful teacher Ram Dass.   After years of neglecting his body on his spiritual journey, he suffered a horrible stroke.  Pre-stroke, he preached that ‘we are not our body’.  A very common pronouncement in the realm of spiritualists.  His post-stroke experience, which he called FIERCE GRACE, shattered that notion.  This self named -stroke of good luckgrounded him as he later stated, “I came to appreciate, that as wonderful it is as a practice, ‘I am not of this body’ is only half the truth. The stroke brought me squarely in touch with the fact that, although I am certainly more than my body, I also am this body.”  Boy can I relate to that.  During my time with a colostomy bag, cleaning my own intestine several times a day, had anyone told me,  ‘You are not your body’, I would've flung poop at them like a chimp at the zoo!  I'm KIDDING....kinda!

So here are some of the basic tenets of how Grounded Spirituality has come to serve me and many other truth seekers I know.  But please always remember, that as a Course in Miracles states,  “There are many paths to God.”

1-  Feel Your FEELINGS and Emotions
When I first started to passionately engage this world of self actualization, it seemed as though there was this taboo like energy towards many common emotions like anger, and sadness.  Some of the practices I was learning about started feeling robotic in their teachings.  Not to mention unrealistic in trying to sustain a Zen like stature 100% of the time.  I started to feel guilty to express or admit when profound vibrations of any emotion outside of LOVE would bubble up inside me.  Worse still, I began to try and force others through their times of emotions by reframing, or spouting a newly learned spiritual epithet.  There is a funny story behind what got me to finally change my ways.  

There is a wonderful place called Agape in Los Angeles, which was attended by me and most of my like minded friends every Sunday for years.  Agape in Greek stands for unconditional love, and it is a true non-denominational Sanctuary of commiseration for those of us on this path toward Self.  During a weekend trip to Napa Valley, one of the friends in our group was going through the initial stages of divorce, and definitely having a boat filled size explosion of various emotions(Thank God for wine! lol)  Rather than allowing her to truly feel her grief, I started in with a reframing soliloquy that was sternly met with,  “I swear to God, Jeff, don't you dare try and F&ckin Agape me right now."  I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.   Although that line became a long lasting re-membrance in our group about giving each other the respect of our own emotional process, it also taught me a PROFOUND lesson.  I started to acknowledge the power of our feelings, and that NOT being in ALLOWANCE of them is doing yourself and others a great disservice.  

And ya know what?!   When I  started allowing myself to fully enter into my own emotions, for a given period of time, I usually came out the other side with a new perspective, or plan for moving forward.  I began to understand that feelings are one of the most powerful tools we have to assist us in navigating our unique path.  They are truly the ‘guide posts to the Soul’.   So rather than ‘Apape'ing’ myself or others, now I remember that repressed emotions are actually unrealized spiritual lessons.   Just DO NOT make a Broadway Show out of them.  Cause nobody wants to buy a ticket to an event that has outstayed its welcome!  

2-Honor Your Body
Yes, we all know that this body is temporal.  It is ours for a finite time.  But is is also a precious gift.  That's why it is called the Body Temple.  It is sacred in that in houses our Soul while we are here.  As the book God I Am declares, “There were billions of other Souls around the Universe vying for the ‘ticket to ride’ that was given to you!”  That's right, YOU are that Unique and Special.  Everyone here already won the lottery!  So while you are here, be grounded enough to care for the body which brought ya!

3- Don't Take Yourself Too Seriously
By this, more than anything else, I mean learn to laugh at yourself.  This field is filled with people who take themselves so seriously.  Lighten up!  We all make mistakes, are infallible, and poop in our pants. (Or is that just me ?!  lol)  I have found that you will actually relate to more people with your story and message, when you can learn to laugh at yourself.  In fact, it is a proven fact that laughter has cured more illness than all the medication in the world combined!

4-  ACTION is Always Necessary
When the Secret first came on the scene with its teachings of The Law of Attraction, there was this huge ‘Wishful Thinking’ movement in the self realization world.  People actually started believing that they could simply sit on the sofa and think about money, and that checks would suddenly start appearing in their mailbox.  I believe it truly started doing damage to the real understanding of the Law of Attraction (The Law of Attraction is but one of several Universal principals by the way) and in my experience, caused a ton of frustration and disillusioned spirits in our community.  

Don't get me wrong, I am a BIG believer in the power of Universal Energy.  As Yoda says, “It's an energy field that is created by all living things.  Life creates it, makes it grow.  It surrounds us, binds us.”  And it is ALL powerful.  BUT, in this dense realm, it MUST be combined with ACTION in order to work.  And unfortunately, there is not enough re-membrance of the importance of taking daily actionable steps toward our goals.  You can think all day and night to align your energy fields with your desires until the cows come home, but if they are NOT backed by actionable steps toward your plan/goal/path, the ONLY person you will be making rich is your therapist.  Trust me!  

For more pragmatic advice about the proper use of The Law of Attraction, I highly suggest reading Beyond the Secret, by Dr. Lisa Love.   She has such a grounded way of explaining the Law's principles.  For instance, she suggests one use it to try and attract the qualities for keeping and using money responsibly, rather than just acquiring money in the first place.  Great stuff!

5-  Stop with The Shame Game

This is perhaps the 'secret sauce' toward maintaining a lasting vibration in the healthy use of Grounded Spirituality.  There is a large component of people I have encountered along my path who insist that EVERYTHING that finds its way into your personal experience, including illness, is a byproduct of something you did to create it.  Talk about a shame game.  Aye Dios Mio!!

Yes, a great deal of our experiences are indeed brought about through a combination of our thoughts, beliefs, AND actions, but WE DO NOT LIVE IN A VACUUM.  We each share this planet with billions of other souls.  Don't ya think that sometimes, we just happen to be in someone else's path, and in the process receive their byproducts?  And the truth is, we can never really know what the exact cause of everything that happens in our life happens to be.  And I personally think we have much better things to do with our time than try and figure it all out anyway.  

My point is that in grounded spirituality, the shame game DOES NOT exist.  Rather than spend time on WHY something happened, we focus on HOW to show up to meet the challenge once it occurs.  We are not so much responsible FOR everything that happens to us, but WE ARE responsible TO IT.

For instance, rather than blaming myself for the Crohn's disease I was diagnosed with, I try to listen to my body, and care for it with compassion, proper food, exercise, and rest.  Further, in meditation, I ask for the Wisdom to understand how I can draw any benefits from the illness that was brought into my experience.  

I hope this gave you a richer understanding of GROUNDED SPIRITUALITY and how it can be used to assist you on your Hero's/Heroine's Journey!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, December 24, 2017


Wow!!!   It has indeed been quite a while since WE have paid a visit to you NEW AGE NERDS!!  So for those of you who may have forgotten.....We call ourselves-KISS(Keep It Spiritually Simple)- a compendium of Universal Energy traversing the Cosmos always and in ALL WAYS on the look out for planets that are on a convergent path with pure CONSCIOUSNESS.  And although it may not always FEEL as though the SOULS on this planet are working their way back toward the TRUTH that YOU ARE ALL ONE.....TRUST us....Outward appearances very often, but DO NOT always reflect INNER REALITY...  :0)

On the EVE of this very special night that celebrates the dawn of the day most of you call Christmas, WE thought it was the perfect time to give you our own GIFT of Re-membrance!!  And in doing so, it is our INTENTION that you continue to practice the tenets of your inherent nature.  That of course, BEING Love, Compassion, Joy, Happiness, Service, and Fearlessness!!!

And while we acknowledge each and every SOULS individual understanding and way of celebrating this most special of Holidays on your planet, for there are many paths back to LOVE, we would like to offer you one path that has served oh so many MASTERS that have walked along side of you as guides back to the Love Light that burns brightly for eternity and is waiting for your return!!

The master you call Jesus the Christ was chosen by GOD amongst BILLIONS OF SOULS to become made in human form for the very first Hero's Journey on your planet!!  He knew that the majority of SPIRITS who had also taken human form before him were completely out of alignment and had allowed the ILLUSION of this world to become their reality.   This was causing an immense amount of pain, suffering, and chaos on your earthly plane.   Rather than having to search for his earthly CALLING, he was born with an inner awareness that never left his side.  Through the two thousand years since his presence on your planet, the true nature of his CALLING has been twisted and contorted to serve the EGO of many who have wished to control the masses for purposes of GREED and FEAR!

So as our Christmas gift to all of you, WE would like to offer up our understanding of the true meaning of this most revered Holiday on your planet so that you may always Re-member its true nature.........

Jesus the Christ was chosen to enter into the dense realm of your planet to leave a path of Re-membrance back to your true nature.   His teachings and so called miracles all ended with the same declaration, "This and so much more, one day, you too will do!"  A portion of HIS Calling was to remind you that each and every one of you precious beings are unique emanations of GOD.  Made in his image and thus able to accomplish the exact same earthly miracles that HE demonstrated during his short time here amongst you!!!  He also was well aware that often the path toward your salvation was through temporary SUFFERING.  And to assist your Re-membrance of this Universal Truth, he always BROKE BREAD amongst the masses before performing a so called earthly miracle.  A BEING of ultimate intention, his very purpose for this action was so that we understood that in this realm, we must often be broken just before birthing a MIRACLE!!

Out of FEAR, so many of your so called Teachers have tried their best to turn his preachings into something that they were NEVER meant to BE.  That being that he declared there was ONLY ONE WAY BACK TO GOD.  And that way was to follow HIM!!  Yet our gift to you this Christmas is to let you know that THAT WAS NEVER A PART OF HIS TEACHINGS.  In fact, he preached that THERE ARE MANY PATHS BACK TO GOD.  For HIS level of understanding rose way above EGOIC tactics that offered any thought that only through HIM could you commune back with YOUR CREATOR.

Many of you may question our presentation of the true teachings of Jesus the Christ, and THAT IS A GREAT THING.!!  For the only way that there are no more Gi-normous misunderstandings of this nature is for you to question EVERYTHING.  Listen to your feelings.   For they are the guideposts to your SOUL.  And when used with reverent intention , will always guide you back to TRUTH!!  Practice what others teach.  See what serves you.   And let the rest go!!

As you and your most beloved TRIBE members celebrate this HOLY DAY, we ask that you Re-member that the core CALLING of Jesus the Christ was to show you the power of BELIEF.  And that is the exact same purpose for our brief visit with you special SPIRITS on this EVE of CHRIST.
This Holy Day is meant for the purpose of Re-membering the POWER OF BELIEF. Why else do you think that the magical idea of Santa Clause has engulfed the imagination of billions of children the last two thousand years?!?  It is so they can practice the power and understanding of what you can accomplish if .....YOU SIMPLY BELIEVE!!

As much as we would LOVE to stay a little longer.....it is time for US to continue our own JOURNEY to spread the true message of this season to all those who have forgotten what this celebration is all about......    For it is THAT SPECIAL!!!!

Until We meet again...   Please Re-member that we are only one THOUGHT away...........



Learn Why GRATITUDE Is The KEY To ACCESS The POWER of The Universe..!



With The Holiday Season now upon us, I feel it is the perfect time to reflect on how truly fortunate we are in this country.  Things aren't perfect, and we have a LONG way to go toward coming together in UNITY.  But there have been a number of individuals who have crossed my path lately, including a few clients, who are not originally from the United States.  I have been blessed to hear their personal stories of the strife, struggle, loss, and unfathomable challenges they have overcome to transition their lives to this country.  It really puts things into perspective of how lucky we are to live here.

The ONE thing I have observed that each and EVERY one of these survivors shares is an ATTITUDE  FILLED WITH GRATITUDE.  Most of them were forced to leave their families behind, many of them do not own cars, and work multiple jobs just to survive.  Yet, they share a common sense of kindness and appreciation for the smallest of things.  Their smiles are expressions of Soulful Bliss and they expend their energy not on complaining, but in reverence for the opportunity they feel this country has afforded them.  They carry the three attributes of a master; a kind heart, words filled with compassion, and a willingness to be of service. 

I once watched an interview with Oprah Winfrey in which she explained the massive transformation that started in her life 16 years ago when she started a daily ‘Gratitude Journal.’  Every night without fail, she would write down at least 5 things that she was grateful for that had occurred during the day.
When you allow yourself to feel gratitude in the present moment, in the NOW, what I promise you is that the spiritual dimension of your life begins to change.  It opens up and expands and you start to grow with it.  That is the truth, if I have ever spoken the truth in my entire life.  If you want to change your entire state of being, start to be grateful. ” Oprah has spread this message in many of her speeches across the globe.

The very act of gratitude opens up a channel for Joy to shine through.  It might start off as a small pinhole, but with practice and focused intention, it will grow into a window wide as you ALLOW it to be!  Admittedly, it is so easy to get fixated on everything that isn't going well in our lives.  Jobs we dislike, money problems, and toxic relationships.  Remember, Energy Flows Where Your Attention Goes!

And life has a way of surrounding us with tangible examples to shake us out of our lethargy and back into a state of appreciation and gratitude.  My mom and I have been caring for a delightful woman who lives down the street from us.  She has no family to speak of, suffers from multiple sclerosis, sever diabetes and has no left arm.  Three days ago,  her best friend, a cat named Logan, passed away.  And yet, she may be one of the most grateful Souls I have ever encountered.  Never ONCE have I heard her complain.  She surrounds her house with mementos and joyful memories that are imbued with the passion, and joy of a life well lived.  And it is absolutely humbling to be in her presence.  It has a way of snapping my own problems into things of fodder. 

Iyanla Vanzant has described the word PAIN to mean Pay Attention Inward Now.  She believes that the path toward enlightenment is to pay attention to each stop along the way of your Journey.  One stop may be an illness, another a job loss, another an amazing new relationship.  And she believes that within each and every one of these stops, is a lesson for us to express Gratitude!

One of my favorite spiritual teachers, Tony Robbins explains Gratitude this way, “It is the reset button and the cleanser of the soul. When you are in a state of gratitude it is no longer about ME.  It becomes about giving thanks.  And when you are giving thanks you disappear.  And when you disappear, I believe you reconnect to the Divine.”  Amen! 

Hopefully, you are understanding the Re-membrance that Gratitude is is the most direct line of connection back to SOURCE.  Back to the Divine from which we came and which surrounds us always to be in service to our desires.  As Bishop T.D. Jakes says , “Appreciation leads to duplication.”  When we focus our energy and attention on what we are in appreciation of in our lives, it activates a system that brings even more of that very thing into our experience!  Yet, most of us spend out time focused on all the things that we don't like in our lives and experience....well....even more of THAT!  And I don't know about you, but I think we could all use more experiences that bring us love and inner joy!  And evaporates feelings of depression and anxiety and transforms them into lasting inner PEACE.

So what would it look like, if we all started to incorporate the practice of GRATITUDE  in our lies starting today.  Keeping our attention on the things we are truly grateful for and perhaps even starting our own Gratitude Journal to write down at least 5 things we have appreciation for from the current day's experiences?!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, December 23, 2017

TIPS To Become FREE Of What Others THINK About YOU..!!

Today's Inspirational “MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC”

“When we say things like ‘people don't change’ it drives scientists crazy. Because change is literally the only constant in all of science. Energy, matter, it's always changing....morphing, merging, growing, dying.  It's the way people try not to change that's unnatural. The way we cling to what things were rather than letting them be what they are. The way we cling to old memories instead of making new ones. The way we insist on believing, despite every scientific indication, that anything in this lifetime is permanent.  Change is constant.  How we experience change, that's up to us. It can feel like death, or it can feel like a second chance at life. If we open our fingers, loosen our grips, go with it, it can feel like pure adrenaline. Like at any moment, we can have another chance at life. Like at any moment, we can be born all over again.”
~~  Meredith (Grey's Anatomy)

“You're MAD, bonkers....off your head.  But I will tell you a secret.  All The Best People Are.”
~~ Charles Kingsleigh (Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland)


There seems to be an epidemic of GI-normous proportions that threatens to eradicate much of the  beauty, growth, and unlimited potential amongst us.  Climate change you ask?!  Damn straight, but that's for another, much longer post! ;0)  No, what I am referring to is the potent grip and searing strangle hold other people's THOUGHTS and OPINIONS seem to have over our own lives.  I am seeing it cause real pain and confusion.  Not to mention depression and anxiety. WAY too many of us playing small fearing the judgement of others.  Dreams and aspirations being crushed BEFORE they had a chance to flourish.  And in this wake, risk taking has become a foreign language taught in a classroom of unknown origins! 

Since I have absolutely NO desire to live in a house of glass, let me say I have not been immune to this toxic torrent.  In fact, I once became so affected by the aggregate thoughts of the masses following a gut wrenching experience,  that I left a graduate program that I was DEEPLY passionate about.  Yuperoo!  I think that's why I decided to dedicate today's post toward the subject.  Take it from me, the consequences of not addressing this issue and the manner it is playing out in YOUR life can be quite substantial.  And it isn't like things are going to get any easier to manage down the road.  Hello, social media!! Let's face the TRUTH, this brave new world brought on by technology and it's infusion in our daily lives has made it imperative to incorporate the practice of blocking out the negative ‘CHATTER’ from the unconsciousness that surrounds us! 

This topic brings to mind a wonderful exchange of dialogue I once witnessed on an old episode of Oprah's ‘Super Soul Sunday’.  She was talking with her guest when the topic of ‘worrying about what others think’ popped up.  Oprah shot up in her chair and espoused, “If you care about what other people are thinking about you, they end up OWNING you.  And slavery done ended 150 years ago!” True dat! 

In many ways, we must not forget to offer ourselves compassion for this malady that affects us all at some point.  Re-member, our primal ancestors were absolutely dependent on their tribes for survival and a poor ‘likability score’ often meant the difference between life and death.  Five days with no shelter and brontosaurus burgers saved for the ‘In Crowd’ caused a need and desire to be deeply liked.  So your genes still have whispers of an ancestral core where status was essential and fitting in was a requirement for your well being! Why else would Barney put up with so much from Fred?!!? lol

Thankfully, we have come a LONG way since the days of T-Rex and his cohorts.  While our current times are still challenging, our desires for survival and reproduction are no longer fraught with nearly the same type of daily struggle.  Which means there is NO reason for us to continue being in allowance of the pressure to meld with the masses in the never-ending attempt of expending endless amounts of time and energy on valuing WHAT OTHERS THINK ABOUT US.

So here are a few suggestions of things that can help free up your precious effort and energy toward things that really matter.  Endeavors that give us more SELF worth and LOVE, courage, and the inner fortitude to face our PURPOSE with verve and gusto!  

1 -  Don't Make Assumptions
2 -  Don't Take Anything Personally

I am borrowing the first two suggestions from my brother in TRUTH, Don Miguel Ruiz and his brilliant book ‘The Four Agreements’.  Further fleshing out rule number one, past the making an ‘ASS’ out of you and me template, Ruiz explains, “Find the courage to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstanding, sadness, and drama.”  Nobody is a mind reader, so it is super important that we let others know what we are thinking.  And co-creating a space for others to feel safe to communicate their TRUTH back to us.  I constantly assure my friends when I feel they are writing a script in their head for a movie that is NEVER going to be ‘greenlit’ for production. Misunderstanding is one of the biggest issues we humans face.  Heck, they made a WHOLE show out of it in ‘Three's Company’.  And I doubt the Regal Beagle is still around to drink away your pain and sorrow from worrying about something that probably isn't TRUTH anyway!  

As for not taking anything personally, I believe this is perhaps the most POWERFUL tip in protecting  yourself from the needless suffering that often accompanies our obsessive habit of allowing the words of others to affect us in negative ways.  As Ruiz also states, “Nothing others do is because of YOU.  What others say and do is a projection of THEIR own reality, their dream.”  Amen!  Nuff said!

3-  Start small if need be.  Don't not care at all, just care LESS.

Again, I will be the first to admit that freeing yourself from the oppressive nature of external opinions is not easy.  Like so many other Spiritual principles, it is a process and takes practice.  Letting go of a long entrenched behavior is not going to happen overnight.  I am a huge believer in setting yourself up for success, not failure.  So start small.  Set bite size goals to achieve.  And reward yourself when you see momentum forward toward even individual moments when you staved off the vitriol or judgments of others.  

4-  Practice BEING Self Confident

Unfortunately, there are many folks clouded with their own unconsciousness, and they feed off of making themselves feel BIG by making you feel SMALL.  Don't let these emotional vampires sink their teeth into ANY part of you!  Get into the habit of doing things that allow the feeling of confidence to bubble up deep within your core ESSENCE.  Super hero posing, recalling past proud accomplishments, or listening to music that ‘PUMPS you up’ are all things you might try.  Anything that makes you rock those pearly whites and stand taller will work wonders!  Start walking with the motto, ‘Things in life DON'T happen to me.  I HAPPEN to things!’  Even subtle shifts in core energy can do wonders in how others treat you!  TRUST.....!

May these suggestions bring you closer to a life FREE of the imprisonment of your mind, and the needless anxiety, pain, and suffering that comes from the opinions of others! Life is so short, please do not waste precious moments on worrying about what anyone else thinks about you.  At the end of the day, it is NONE of your business anyway!  Cause that NOISE is all about THEM!  ;0)


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, December 22, 2017


With just three days left until Christmas, I know that most of you are busy crossing off a Holiday sized To Do list to ensure that this special time of the year is sure to be filled with an abundance of Joy and Happiness, and plenty of Love and Laughter!!  And please know that I will be holding a continued SPACE of that very vibration for all the NEW AGE NERDS, as well as their friends and family who all truly DESERVE that very experience!  

And while we are all too well aware that each year the Holiday Season starts earlier and earlier, mostly due to the over commercialized nature that has nearly stripped this Holiest of traditional calendar time of it's true meaning, I would like to guide you all back towards the Re-membrance of how we can once again consciously reunite our soulful DESIRES with our actions of intent. 

The Hero's Journey teaches us that a life of BLISS is what each and every one of us ultimately seeks.  And in order to find and live within that vibration of unadorned happiness and joy-and teach others how to do the same, we must have the courage to accept the nature of our life's CALLING, and that is the individual manner in which we fulfill the Universal Purpose of all souls on this planet;  to be in service of others through acts of LOVE and COMPASSION.  (Please refer back to an earlier post on December 15th for more on the topic of the difference between our Calling and our Purpose)

Through much trial and error, missteps and misunderstands, as well as years of practical application of a variety of different principles, I have devised a guidance system to assist you as you navigate your individual Hero's Journey called THE FIVE PILLARS that I would love to share with you today!  And I even recently shared these proven principles with Santa and his ebullient elves, and now The North Pole is frickin rocking out day and night with a renewed Re-membrance of truthful ruminations!!  Blissful Baddasses...... Just sayin'!!   ;0)

So what exactly is this Grounded Spiritual System I am referring to?!  Let me break it down for you!

THE FIVE PILLARS are the individual entry points that when properly navigated, become the individual building blocks that will form the FOUNDATION of earthly BLISS that comes from following our individual Hero's Journey!

Here are THE FIVE PILLARS broken down individually:

2.  LIVELIHOOD/WEALTH -  And by Wealth I am talking about financial abundance~

Ok- raise your hand if you are in agreement with me that these five attributes are the FOUNDATION that helps us create a life filled with the Heaven sent feeling of BLISS.....   I know my arm is getting tired from holding my hand up...LOL  

As we step into our Hero's Journey through daily action steps, Infinite Intelligence assists us through sending trials and tribulations that we must confront and overcome to obtain our own answers to create the foundation of BLISS that lay within THE FIVE PILLARS.  Like Luke Skywalker battling through his fears and obstacles to become an enlightened Jedi Knight and discover his personal BLISS which gave him the tools to show others how to do the same thing; and that's what The Hero's Journey IS ALL ABOUT!!!  And if we have already fully fleshed out THE FIVE PILLARS ahead of time, they become the END RESULT we can turn to as a form of self mentoring and guidance along our chosen calling/path when we lose our way! 

To help give you a better understanding of how to flesh out THE FIVE PILLARS in your own life, I am going to peal back my own personal veil to reveal what I seek to manifest using this principle...  Sound good?!?  I hope so.......Here goes......

1. MY CALLING:  Using my spiritual based coaching/teaching creativity, I am INSPIRING millions of people around the world by helping them Re-member Who They Truly Are through the process of sharing the principles within The Hero's Journey to guide them toward their Life's CALLING bringing me and them a life of Bountiful BLISS......

2. LIVELIHOOD/WEALTH:  An Unlimited stream of Abundant Financial Wealth is flooding my daily experience allowing me the freedom to live the life of my DREAMS and allowing me to give back to all others in need....

3. HEALTH:  I am experiencing Self Love and Compassion that together with exercise and proper nutrition are bringing my body and soul into perfectly aligned HEALTH...all so that I may have the ability to fulfill my life's Calling....

4. RELATIONSHIPS:  A new TRIBE of spiritually like minded, caring, authentic, compassionate, and fun loving plutonic and romantic relationships are constantly entering into my experience....so that I have constant companionship and a super support system...

5.  PERSONAL APPEARANCE:  My Mind, Body, and Soul are aligning in perfect vibrational harmony keeping my personal aesthetic in a state of angelic beauty.......Inspiring others to do the same ......

If you will notice, I worded each of these in the PRESENT TENSE!  And that is the first ingredient to the SECRET SAUCE at the core of this principle........The Second ingredient is that you may have noticed that I included a WHY into each of my fleshed out PILLARS. And I urge you to do the same.  By letting the Universe know and understand exactly WHY you desire what you do, it will flood the HOWS(plans) of obtaining these things into your consciousness.  Usually through signs, synchronistic meetings, etc.  Basically, it is delegating the Heavy Lifting to God!!  Does that make sense?!

I spend five to ten minutes, twice a day, repeating these Five Pillars with my eyes closed.  And since we know that our feelings/emotions are the fuel that turbocharge our Thoughts into becoming Things, I actually picture myself already in possession of the fleshed out DESIRES contained within each PILLAR WITH A DEEP AND FERVENT FEELING OF GRATITUDE, HAPPINESS, AND UTTER JOY .   In fact, I am often quite thankful that there are no cameras on me during this twice daily exercise, because I often become SO entrenched in my imagination of already being in possession of my FIVE PILLARS, that I often dance, holler, and scream with joy!!  Really!  LOL  And ya know what?  I suggest you do the same.  NEVER underestimate the power of your emotions. Used correctly, they become our most powerful ally!  Yoda REALLY did know what he was talking about....  ;0)

To summarize my intention in teaching today's post, it is crucial to re-member that THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS.  NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!!  Yet the majority of us live life from the polar opposite way of thinking.   We constantly overthink about our current challenging, painful, or confusing situation, wondering HOW in the world it is going to change! And Guess What!!  As long as we keep our focus on what currently IS, the situation will not only never change, chances are, it will actually get worse!!  Yeah...   No joke!!  And absolutely NO FUN!  ;0)  

However, by using THE FIVE PILLARS in our daily manifestation practices, we keep our emotionalized thoughts on the things we desire, as though they were already in our possession.  And although this post may fall too far into the Woo-woo category for some of you, which I can appreciate, it has worked MIRACLES for both me and many of my clients when practiced on an everyday basis!!  Sometimes in the form of the actual materialized abundance directly manifesting, and other times, the plans of action to obtain the desires showing up in all sorts of magical Universal signs and whispers of Divine Intelligence!!!  

Now this process can be taken into a more specific direction, broken down into individual goals, which will be the topic of my next post!!  But for now, using the first stage of THE FIVE PILLARS, which is a more generalized version of this practical paradigm is the perfect way to get ready for what comes next......  Sound groove-o-matic?!!?    TERRIFIC!!  

I'm super excited to hear feedback from any of you who try this paradigm by fleshing out the answers to your own FIVE PILLARS!!    I'd also LOVE to hear about any additional practices you NEW AGE NERDS have used to great result in your own bucket of bristling ideas......


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

This Is My FAVORITE STORY About The MEANING Of Life..!!!


~~~  George Bailey   (IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE)


Back in 1996, I was caught in the middle of an incredibly vitriolic and spiteful business relationship that nearly cost me my life.  I had only been out of college for a couple of years and still finding my way in the wild and at the time wonderful world of television broadcasting.  After a two year stint working for WRC-TV (NBC-Washington, DC) as a sports producer for the ‘George Michael Sports Machine’, I decided that 80 hour work weeks and Holidays spent behind closed doors editing video tapes of college football games while chowing down on what I THINK was cold turkey and stuffing was not the things my dreams were made of!  

So I landed a job for a local TV production company in the suburbs of DC.  They produced a local half hour business program(that I shall refrain from naming for legal purposes) that promoted up and coming tech companies in the DMV area.  The first year was a total BLAST!  Here I was 24 years old, holding meetings with the likes of Steve Case of AOL, and Larry Ellison of Oracle.   This is when the technology revolution was in its infant stage, and simply being around the icons who were prescient enough to see the future was mind blowing!  And in the process I definitely got my MBA at the University of MIH- MAKE IT HAPPEN!  LOL  

During the second year of employment, my boss and then close friend asked me to relocate to San Francisco to start a West Coast version of the show in Silicon Valley, where most of the most influential tech companies were setting up shop.  I had been itching to to get back to the West Coast (I was born in LA) for years and jumped at the opportunity.  And for the first four months, I woke up every morning thinking I was in some sort of duplicate Universe where dreams ALWAYS come true. It was the Land of OZ for the tech set!   I had daily meetings with the CEO's of companies like Sun Microsystems, Yahoo, and Oracle.  Although I sometimes felt out of my league, I NEVER let em see me sweat.  And they accepted me as one of their own.  Meetings by day and parties at night, all in one of the most beautiful and eclectic cities in the world!  I was truly a STARGAZER collecting information and memories of a lifetime.  

And then, one October morning in 1996, I got an email from one of the companies I had met with the previous week.  They were calling me a fraud because I had told them that the sponsors of the show which was to air on the local ABC affiliate were The Wall Street Journal and Dunn and Bradstreet.  The company had connections at both companies and they claimed they were in no way affiliated with the show.  While reading the email, my heart began to pound arrhytmically!  I started having a minor panic attack.  They were threatening to send a letter to every tech company in San Francisco telling them that I was running a scam and to not accept meetings with me.  

I immediately called my boss back in Virginia to try and straighten out this unbelievable mess!  After all, he was the one who told me that those two entities were the sponsors of the show.  I was only repeating the information given to me by him and our company.  After an explicit tirade he fired me on the spot and told me I had 24 hours to vacate the apartment he had set up for me and the rest of the crew.  Needless to say, I was shell shocked.  What the HELL was going on, I thought.  

After having no other choice than to hire a lawyer, the TRUTH slowly unfolded like a guilty lover hiding his dalliances with the utmost discretion.  My boss had lied about the sponsors singing on to the show.  In his infinite wisdom, he believed he could get REAL sponsors signed onto the show before anyone found out.  In the meantime, I was the companies face man out on the West Coast.  The waiter serving food that had been screwed up by the cooks in the proverbial company kitchen.
To save his own ass, he blamed me for all the confusion and sent me to the awaiting wolves.

When I was fired I lost my health insurance and the massive amount of stress over the possibility that my reputation in the tech community was ruined, caused my Crohn's disease to spiral completely out of control.  By the time I was actually able to obtain decent health care, my doctors said my colon was so diseased that it was about to perforate.  Which meant, instant death.  I had lost an enormous amount of weight under the pressure of the previous few months and was actually too weak for the 12 hour surgery to have my colon removed.  But after a long chat with my doctor, I decided to take the risk of having the operation rather than waiting to regain enough weight and strength before going under the knife.  

The memories of the whole surgery and the almost 16 month recovery is still haunting to my soul.  It was excrutiating in ways human beings should never have to suffer.  And let's say that wearing a colostomy bag at age 27 is not exactly a hit with the ladies!  lol  Even though it was hidden underneath my t-shirts, every time I passed gas, the bag blew up like a balloon, scaring the shit out of anyone in arms distance of me.  Yeah, that's how I rolled!   :0)

While recovering from this nightmarish ordeal, you can only imagine the amount of anger and frustration I had toward my former friend and boss.  He went so far as to forbid ANYONE in the company to visit me while I was in the hospital.  There were days and nights in which I absolutely fantasized about ripping all the tubes from the hospital machines from my body and taking a taxi to his house to ummmmmmm...have a little chat!  With my fists acting as compassionate truth seekers!

I held onto that anger and pain of betrayal for quite a while.  In fact, at times it consumed my every thought.  Ironically enough, it was during this time that my current path of self realization started to take its core form.  While still in the hospital, a friend of mine gave me a book called ‘The Celestine Prophecy’, and I for the first time in my life I felt like I was home. A few weeks later i was finally released from the hospital and went straight to the nearest Barnes and Noble with that book firmly in hand.

I excitedly asked the nearest store clerk where this book could be found in the store.  And within a few yards, I was in a row that felt like Conscious Christmas land.  Books after books of like energy to   the one I had carried into the store.  I bought about twenty of them and stormed back to my car to get home as fast as I could to begin what I know now to be the start of my own Hero's Journey.

The first book I read is still today the most influential on my own personal resonance with the world of spiritual truth and Universal Law that felt like TRUTH to me.  The book's title was ‘Conversations with God’ by Neale Donald Walsh.  Page after page was filled with wisdom and knowledge that fed my soul and strengthened my faith!  This was as close to feeling Heaven on Earth as I had ever felt!

And then something that transformed my understanding of human interaction occurred when I got to the section where Mr. Walsh told the story of The Little Soul.  And that parable struck a cord so deep within my consciousness that it still informs my daily interactions nearly twenty years after reading it.  Here is the excerpt from the book itself:

There once was a little soul who knew itself to be the light.  This  was a new soul, and so, anxious for experience. "I am the light,"  it said. "I am the light." Yet all the knowing of it and all the saying of it could not substitute for the experience of it. And in the realm from which this soul emerged, there was nothing but the light.

 Every soul was grand, every soul was magnificent, and every soul shone with the brilliance of MY awesome light. And so the little soul in question was as a candle in the sun. In the midst of the grandest light- of which it was a part- it could not see itself, nor experience itself as Who and What it Really Is.

Now it came to pass, that the little soul yearned and yearned to know itself. And so great was its yearning that "I" one day said, "Do you know little one, what you must do to satisfy this yearning of yours?" "Oh what, God? what? I'll do anything!? The little soul said.

"You must separate yourself from the rest of us," I answered, "and then you must call upon yourself the darkness."

"You may choose to be any Part of God you wish to be," I said to the little soul.

"You are the Absolute Divinity, experiencing Itself. What Aspect of Divinity do you now wish to experience as you?"

"You mean I have a choice," asked the little soul.

I answered, "Yes." You may choose to experience any Aspect of Divinity in, as, and through you."

"Okay," said the little soul, then I choose forgiveness. I want to experience my Self as that Aspect of God called Complete Forgiveness."

Well, this created a little challenge, as you can imagine. 

There was no one to forgive. All I have created is Perfection and Love

"No one to forgive?" asked the Little Soul, somewhat incredulously.

"No one," I repeated. "Look around you. Do you see any souls less perfect, less wonderful than you?"

As the Little soul twirled around, and was surprised to see himself surrounded by all the souls in heaven. They came from far and wide throughout the Kingdom, because they had heard the little soul was having an extraordinary conversation with God.

"I see none less perfect than I," the Little Soul exclaimed." Who then, shall I have to forgive?"

Just then another soul stepped forward from the back of the crowd. "You may forgive me," said the Friendly Soul.

"For what?" the little soul asked.

"I will come onto your next physical lifetime and do something for you to forgive," replied the Friendly Soul.

"But what? What could you, a being of such Perfect Light, do to  make me forgive you?" the Little Soul wanted to know.

"Oh," smiled the Friendly Soul, I'm sure we can think of

"But why would you want to do this?" The Little Soul could not figure out why a being of such perfection would want to slow down its vibration so much that it could actually do something "bad."

"Simple," the Friendly Soul explained," I would do it because I love you. You want to experience your Self as Forgiving, don't you? Besides, you have done the same for me."

"I have?" asked the Little Soul.

"Of course. Don't you remember? We've been All Of It, you and I.

 We've been the Up and the Down of it, and the Left and Right of it.

 We've been the Here and Now of it, and the Now and Then of it.

 We've  been the Big and Small of it, the Male and Female of it, the Good and Bad of it. We've been the All of it.

"And we've done it by agreement, so that each of us might experience ourselves as The Grandest Part of God. For we have understood that.....

"In the absence of that which You Are Not, that Which You Are, is NOT.

"In the absence of 'cold,' you cannot be 'warm.' In the absence of 'sad,' you cannot be 'happy,' without a thing called 'evil,' the experience you call 'good' cannot exist.

If you choose to be a thing, something or someone opposite to that has to show up somewhere in your universe to make that possible."

The Friendly Soul then explained that those people are God's Special Angels, and these conditions God's Gifts.

"I ask only one thing in return, " the Friendly Soul declared.

"Anything! Anything," the Little Soul cried. He was excited now to know that he could experience every Divine Aspect of God. He understood, now The Plan.

"In the moment that I strike you and smite you," said the Friendly Soul, " in the moment that I do the worst to you that you could ever  imagine---in that self-same moment....remember Who I Really Am. For I will have forgotten."

"Oh, I won't forget!" promised the Little Soul. "I will see you in the perfection with which I hold you now, and I will remember Who You Are, always."

~~~ from Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsh

And that is why Jesus the Christ, on the cross, looked to the prisoners also being crucified to his left and right and looked to the sky and said to SPIRIT, “Forgive them father, for they know Not what they do.”

That parable created a wave of conscious sensation that removed the veil of illusion from my shortsighted emotions toward my former friend and boss almost instantaneously.  He had given me an opportunity to learn the true and authentic power of FORGIVENESS.  And from that moment on, I decided to hold a space of LOVE and LIGHT for him for as long as I lived. 

In what way does this story touch your feelings about the possible intentions behind the actions and words of those who have hurt or wronged you on your path?  Could it be that there is someone in your past or even in your life currently who stepped up on YOUR behalf to allow you the exact experience you chose to have on your Journey?!  And more importantly, have you remembered WHO THEY TRULY ARE when they caused you that strife and pain, because they chose to forget themselves as the ultimate gesture of Love and Compassion? !  

It might be something worth pondering  as you continue on your path and purpose!  I know it has saved me an enormous amount of resentment, pain and suffering.  And my wish is that it does the same for you......


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, December 18, 2017

Learn Why If You Want To Make GOD LAUGH..Tell HIM About Your PLANS..!!

With only 13 days left until we enter the New Year of 2018 (Can you Believe It Already?!?) , many of you New Age Nerds are using your free time to make plans for all the GOALS you which to accomplish.  And for those of you are have started to flesh out your DREAMS and GOALS for the New Year....What the heck are you waiting for?!?  ;0)

Did you know that simply by actually writing down your GOALS, you are FIVE times  more likely to achieve them!!  Hopefully that statistic in and of itself is enough motivation to THINK about what your DESIRE to manifest into your experience during the next 12 months!!  During the last 20 years of my studying to become an Inspirational Life and Leadership Coach and Teacher, I have come across a plethora of of information about the “Right and Wrong" way to manifest your DESIRES.  Now everyone who follows the basic tenets of being a NEW AGE NERD understands that Right and Wrong don't actually exist.  Why you ask?  Terrific question.  It is because there would have to be a Universal judge to decide on what actions are in which camp.  And as we all understand, GOD DOES NOT JUDGE!  EVER! Do not misunderstand me; that does NOT mean that there are not repercussions in this Earthly plane for our actions.  Our actions carry with them an energy that vibrates with them a reverberation that ECHOS out through all SOULS on this planet.  And so they affect everyone as a collective whole.  But I teach a principle that states that so long as our DESIRES DO NOT hurt any other Soul, and truly serve our Highest Purpose, they are worthy of our attention.   For energy truly flows where our attention goes.  

Now that we have gotten that discourse out of the way, let's get back to the main course of this post; namely creating our GOALS for 2018!!  And here is THE SECRET SAUCE to creating your most heartfelt DESIRES in the New Year!!  Your subconscious mind CANNOT determine between what is real and what is IMAGINED in your mind's eye.    There is a Universal teaching called THE LAW OF AUTOSUGGESTION that states that THERE ARE NO LIMITATIONS TO THE MIND EXCEPT FOR THOSE WE ACKNOWLEDGE.  Basically, you can 'CONVINCE' your subconscious mind that you are already in possession of that which you desire!  How, exactly, can this seemingly Magic Trick of the Cosmos performed.  Well, it isn't nearly as complicated as you may think.  And Re-member that THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS!  PERIOD!!!!  Unfortunately, the majority of us turn this truth around and then become completely frustrated with what shows up in our life.  Meaning that most of us concentrate on what is currently going on in our lives(THE THINGS) and with wishful thinking believe that these THINGS will somehow become our THOUGHTS if we can somehow change them into being so!   

let me give you an example. Let's say you are in a job you cannot stand, and your heartfelt GOAL is to find a new job that will make you happy and give you the income your DESIRE.  Most of us will concentrate on our current situation with feelings of lack and want.  And because the Universe, through the power of AUTOSUGGESTION to our subconscious mind, will feed it with the energy of our focus, namely lack and want, we will continue to experience NO THING different than our current situation.  

HOWEVER, if we feed our subconscious mind, through our IMAGINATION, the NEWLY DESIRED goal we seek, our subconscious mind, unable to determine between what is real and what is IMAGINED, will convert that energetic focus into your reality. 

So when writing down your GOALS for 2018, take time out of each and every day(10-15 minutes ) to find a quite place, close your eyes, and IMAGINE that those GOALS have ALREADY MANIFESTED INTO YOUR LIFE.   In order to convince your subconscious mind that you are already in possession of your heartfelt Desired Goal, you MUST mix your thoughts of it already being in your possession with the POWER OF EMOTION, actually feeling the desired goal, through the VISUALIZATION of IMAGINATION .  For instance, if a new job is your GOAL, actually IMAGINE yourself in that new office, with that new boss, and how you want to feel while being in that new position that you so DESIRE.  And do not be afraid to let your Freak Flag fly during this habit.  As you imagine this new reality now in your precious possession, DO NOT be afraid to allow your deepest feelings and emotions shine through.  Pump your fist, jump up and down, as you feel the thrill of actually KNOWING that you have actually created this new reality for yourself!!!  

The last and final step is to take daily ACTION toward your desired GOALS.  That's right, the last part of the magic elixir that will help to manifest your GOALS is through the power of daily action steps.  By taking small steps toward your goal each and every day, eventually, the subconscious mind, having now been convinced through the power of AUTOSUGGESTION that it is already in your possession, will actually deliver into your CONSCIOUS mind the plans of action you should take in order to make your GOALS a reality.   You will actually start to have daily silent whispers and intentions of the actual steps you should take!   How absolutely MAGICAL is that truth?!?   Right?!?

I hope incorporating these suggestions into your Goal Making for 2018 will leave you BLESSED with all your heartfelt DESIRES manifesting into your life..................


Jeffrey Louis Martinez