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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Myth MAGIC Blissful BOOST: The Good Doctor!

The Good Doctor is a medical drama about a team of doctors performing their daily super heroics at a hospital in San Jose, California. They are known for taking on unusual cases and their team of surgeons use ground breaking technology to take medicine care to the "next level."

In this scene, a Pastor with spinal cancer and his wife are awaiting diagnostic tests before finalizing plans for surgery. He is in full acceptance of his massive pain but he feels as though God is punishing him. An emotionally troubled member of his congregation that he had been counseling, recently committed suicide. He feels 100% responsible for the tragedy and his Faith is telling him the painful cancer is his spiritual comeuppance. 

The team of doctors assigned to his care have no idea they are about to witness a true MIRACLE!

DR. REZNICK: (studying the patient's recent test results) The lymph nodes have shrunk too. This was the CAT scan from two weeks ago; enlarged and cancerous. Today, they've all regressed! (group is awe struck) 

DR. BROWN: Spontaneous regression has been reported in melanomas, renal cell carcinomas, neural blastomas, and some types of blood cancers.

DR. MELENDEZ: In a carcinoma that's metastisized?

DR. BROWN: No, but if it happened in those others, than why not!

DR. MELENDEZ: Because none of them make sense. When I read about disappearing cancers, I always think some doctor missed something, forgot something, screwed up something.

DR. BROWN:  The theory is that the body somehow triggers an immune response against the cancer. Something somehow led to fuse.

DR. REZNICK: The theory says the fuses live by an infection. His lab work proves he hasn't had one. At this point, (beat) the most credible explanation is......

DR. BROWN: (interrupting) Are you going to use the M (miracle) word? 

DR. REZNICK: You seriously can't say it.

DR. BROWN:  Only when referencing the 1980 US hockey team!

DR. MELENDEZ: Keep testing! Anything you can think of. Molecular markers. T-cells. PDL-1.

DR. REZNICK: We'll need permission from the patient. Which raises another issue. What are we gonna do next medically. He was supposed to start chemo next week.

DR. MELENDEZ: No, that will wipe out his immune system. Which could be what is actually killing his cancer. 

DR. REZNICK: So, we do nothing. Just trust GOD to fix him?!

DR. MELENDEZ: We trust whatever is currently fixing him to continue fixing him.


The medical team enters the Pastor's room to flesh out his prognosis.

PASTOR: What'e going on? What are you not telling us?

DR. REZNICK: Nothing! The fact is the surgery went better than we had hoped. Your cancer seems to be going away on its own. 

DR. REZNICK: Your immunoglobulins are normal. Everything is normal. We can't find a scientific explanation. 

PASTOR'S WIFE: Our prayers. It's a MIRACLE!

PASTOR: Do more tests. There has got to be an explanation. Re-do your tests! Find new tests!

DR. REZNICK: (defiant) Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you! 

PASTOR: Ephesians 4:31. I didn't take you for a believer.

DR. BROWN: I'm not; anymore. And I'm not sure you are either. People get cancer all the time. Often that results in pain. Those things are not unique. What is unique is having an aggressive metastatic cancer start to disappear without any rational explanation. The issue isn't GOD. You have to for-give yourself! (for the shame he carries because of the member of his congregation who committed suicide)

PASTOR'S WIFE: Clarence, your pain. (heartfelt beat) Your pain does no one any good!

PASTOR: I'm scared. I keep thinking, what if I disobeyed GOD. 

DR. BROWN: You have to have faith!

PASTOR: But you lost yours.

DR. BROWN: I didn't have a MIRACLE to help me through the dark times!

Two weeks ago I was forced to let go of my very best friend. We first met when I was in fourth grade. Never having had a brother of my own, the last 35 years, he had become like a family member. A brother from another mother, if you will. But all that changed during one phone call. 

He is a practicing psychiatrist and had been by my side during a couple serious bouts of my former depression. So, to be fair, he has a history of dealing with me and mental illness. So when I "came out" to everyone regarding my Christ Conscious Vision of this past Christmas Eve, I wasn't surprised at his reticence toward BELIEF. Belief that all the excruciating pain I had been enduring from a pastiche of medical maladies the last ten years had been completely vanquished from my being. And I mean all of it! 

Before my vision, I had been searching for a surgeon to remove the 12 inch piece of mesh that had been used to "repair" the massive, emergency triple hernia surgery I had performed in November of 2017. Over a year post surgery, still in such agonizing pain, I was throwing up several times a day from the suffering. The surgery was very risky. A 50% chance of successfully removing the mesh. A 50% chance that doing so would cause me permanent disability. But I was OK with the risk. I was truly willing to do anything to relieve my grinding gastro gnawing pain! 

But all that changed on the eve of December 24th, 2019! (please refer back to the Myth Magic Blissful post on Pete's Dragon for the full recap) I was further blessed with a wonderful WISDOM from pealing back the illusion of time and space, and receiving a glimmering glimpse of how things work "on the other side." All I will say right now is, "Words cannot describe the MAGIC you sense and feel, with a deep KNOWINGNESS of TRUE PERCEPTION." I still get the God Bumps whenever thinking about it! Awe and astonishment!

Since that day, I have learned how to clear my body of pain. I'm not saying that I still don't get sick (I'm currently recovering from the flu) or feel pain. I most certainly do. This flu bug is the pits. Just sayin! But, I understand that our sub-conscious mind can bend matter through our deep held thoughts and emotions. And since everything is mattered energy, that INCLUDES OUR BODY! Meaning we all have the capability of healing our body through the power of our minds! If pain now arises, I have learned how to clear it. Call me crazy if you will.  In fact, I'd prefer that you DO! Cause being outta' your mind (conscious mind, have you) is the best space in which you can be! Let THAT sink in for a minute or ten!  LOL

Just like the team of cancer surgeons in The Good Doctor discovered, "What You Believe Is What You Shall Receive." Always! All through the magnificent power that resides within your subconscious mind! It is 1,000,000 times more powerful than your conscious mind. It is where your SOUL resides and connects to everything that is and everything that has ever been. Your spiritual electric cord that keeps you 100% connected to Universal SOURCE energy at all times. Even when you have forgotten Who You Really Are, your subconscious mind keeps reminding you. Because you aren't traveling this arduous Journey alone. Please re-member that! 

Unfortunately, through the harsh discourses of medical school, my dear friend has forgotten his TRUTH. And that is OK. Upon learning of my vision and the resulting healing of my entire body, he wanted to have me institutionalized! He believes I am in some sort of delusionary state. And that I am in need of serious medical attention before I do damage to mySELF. 

And yet, I have never felt better in my entire life. I have a clarity of mind.  And a centered core space that holds a much higher energetic vibration of my super powers.  As well as a knowingness that .....   ALL IS WELL! Oh, and 99.9 precent of all the physical pain I had been enduring for the better part of a decade is now gone! HALLELUJAH..........   ;0)

My job is not to convince anyone of anything. No. It's to share my path with those who are interested in listening. Perhaps my TRUTH will resonate with you. Perhaps not! Either way, I ask only that YOU KEEP AN OPEN MIND. Because the one thing I am quite sure of is that we all have a subconscious mind and being open to it is smartest thing you can ever do!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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