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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Is Your Current MINDSET Holding You Back From Greatness ?!?!

Today's Inspirational “MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC”


What chains are holding you back from sharing your GIFTS to the world?!  Often,it is our own limiting beliefs in ourselves that cost us pain and suffering, and fail to illuminate life with the LIGHT you were always meant to bring!

Have a BLESSED Weekend!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, April 28, 2016

DO Not MISS this LEGEND OF THE KNIGHT............

Today's Inspirational “MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC”


~~  Harold Goddard  (LEGENDS OF THE KNIGHT)

When I first decided to launch The New Age Nerd,  of course I was filled with some amount of trepidation about how it would be embraced.  Would there be other people like me, who have found inspiring strength, motivation, and a sense of ONENESS with the world of Mythology, both old and new, the same way that it has captured and informed my spiritual guidance and passion for life.  From the response the site has received, I believe the answer to my question is a resounding YES!  

But I recently had the privilege to watch a magnificent and quite moving documentary called ‘Legends of the Knight’ that has eternally filled in any gaps in lapsed confidence about my mission.  In a relatively short running time of 1:15 minutes, it deeply and emotionally conveys the power of  not only BATMAN, but many of the stories and modern myths that fill our collective consciousness and have the ability to transform our thoughts and actions toward ourselves and others in compassionate ways.

The documentary begins with a moving story from Michael Uslan, the executive producer of all of the Batman films since Michael Keaton first donned the cowl and cape back in 1988.  Back in 2012 he was asked to give a speech to the graduating class of West Point.  Quite an honor, not to mention quite overwhelming.  He decided to frame his speech around BATMAN as he started, “ Bruce Wayne in committing to become a hero for good after watching his parents brutally murdered before his very eyes, by believing ONE person can make a difference, sacrificed his childhood to train his body and mind in becoming the BATMAN.  He became a Legend, an urban warrior.  Cadets of West Point, YOU ARE BATMAN!”  The graduating class before him jumped out of their chairs in complete unison, high fiving one another for several minutes.  Michael said it was one of the most magnificent moments of his life!  A true testament to the power of modern myth in our lives!

My own childhood was fraught with strife and confusion and that is when I began to find solace in the world of WONDERLANDS from all forms of myth TV, movies, and comic books.  I couldn't get enough.  They inspired in me a belief life could be so much more than I was experiencing.  Myth became my entry point of self realization and spirituality.  In fact, Lydia Cerpa, a child family counselor was included in the documentary to express, “Stories with heroes help us in finding our true potential.  When a child starts to pretend with heroes they are actually creating new neuro-pathways in the brain that create new behaviors externally and internally as well.  Their brain begins to change .  Hearing a story wakes up something inside of you.  It can allow you to break through to your true potential by seeing alternate possibilities previously unheard of.   And when you see it through a story it becomes tangible because you think that could be me.”  YES!  And who amongst us New Age Nerds still doesn't try and use the Force just for shits and giggles every once and a while!  Be honest! LOL

Later in this fascinating exploration of the power of our modern day Heroes and Heroines there was another important explanation of this phenomenon from Jonathan Gotschall, the author of ‘The Storytelling Animal.’  He explains, “ What fascinates me about story is that we do it at all.  It's spectacularly improbable that humans would be this species that spends so much of our time on Earth in fabrication realities.  When I talk to my students, I ask them why do they spend so much time wrapped up in various forms of fiction?  Why do we like fiction so much?  They tell me it is because stories give us an escape.  That life is hard and it is an opportunity to go on a short vacation from the stress and problems of everyday life.  We can leave it unscathed and unchanged.  But, that is EXACTLY what the research is NOT showing.  The research is showing that the time we immerse ourselves in various forms of our favorite WONDERLANDS actually creates profound change in us.  This change comes on an emotional, and behavioral, and psychological level.  AND this can all be measured in a lab!”

We live in challenging times.  Not to be fear based, but there is NO denying the amount of various forms of carnage that fills our nightly news and daily papers, websites, and blogs.  This is NOT a part of our inherent nature.  We are after all ‘spiritual beings having a human experience.’  I believe we are all seeking a strong paradigm shift back to the attributes we find in many of our pop cultural myths.   Kindness, compassion, heroism, and respect towards all!  Why do you think SUPERHEROES have become a fanatical part of our current zeitgeist after DECADES where no movie studio would touch a comic book story no matter the price.

In “Hunting the Dark Knight”, Will Brouker writes, “In popular culture there are times when anti-heroes and morally ambiguous heroes seem to be popular.  But I think the pure essence of superheroes, especially BATMAN, and why we constantly come back to them is about becoming someone better.  The strength and heart of BATMAN is about making a positive decision to make positive change in the world.  And I think that is a heroism we can all ASPIRE to!”

The documentary is filled with a myriad of wonderful examples of persons both young and old, who have used the BATMAN myth to help inspire, propel them to unimaginable heights despite enormous physical disabilities, and generally provide them with a Heaven sent HOPE!  Many of the stories brought tears to my eyes and even provided me motivation toward some of my own unfinished goals!  

I appreciated the fact that although the documentary strongly focuses on the undeniable influence of BATMAN on our culture, it also touches on the importance of STORY in general as a stupendous source of collective unity, understanding, and HOPE for so many.  I try and infuse The New Age Nerd with the power of STORY as often as I can as I believe, like Joseph Campbell, that our collective Story through MYTH is one of the most powerful gateways to our spiritual salvation on this planet.  Essentially, we all share the same story, and if we could just learn to acknowledge this on a deeper level, I believe the level of acceptance and unity in this world would be astounding.

That's why I loved this quote in the film by David Taylor from his book ‘Tell Me a Story’.
He espouses, “ I think the greatness of seeing life through the lens of story is that I have the freedom to make real choices, I'm not determined by my biology, my gender, my history, or genes.  Those are all part of the story but at the end of the day, I have a choice to make and this is the most encouraging possibility of all.  You can be something other than you are if you wish to be.  You can be the GREATEST VERSION of who you are.”  Couldn't have said it better myself...so I won't!   :0)

At the end of the day, we are all seeking ways to move through this life with GRACE, HOPE, Peace, and Joy.   Us New Age Nerds get much of our inspiration and strength from the stories all around us.  But there are SO many paths back to the LIGHT!

For me, BATMAN has always held a special place in my heart and soul because he is the only superhero who is actually just a man.  His only real superpower is  his HUMANITY. And that is something we all have access to in becoming the Greatest Versions of the Greatest Visions ever held of ourselves.

Because the truth of the matter is.......    WE ARE ALL BATMAN


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, April 22, 2016

INSTRUCTIONS For Life...................



I invite you to incorporate the above instructions that truly RESONATE within your Being into your daily spiritual practice!  May they shower you with unexpected delights, many enchanted evenings, and more JOY than your HEART can handle, so that you can share the extra with others!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, April 20, 2016






Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The BEST Is Yet To COME.........


~~  Rocky Balboa  (Rocky Balboa)


SALUTATIONS to our Favorite NERDS ...  It's The Daily Bliss Back for a Brief Visit...   WE have missed you terribly.....

This visit was quite unexpected indeed...   As we were caught in a Spiritual Bypass of SOULS traversing the crowded cacophony of clouded ILLUSIONS attempting to actually ARRIVE somewhere forgetting the reality that as they ARE, I AM, and thus so are YOU..... EVERYWHERE.  SO.... there is no need to BE anything or anywhere other than exactly where you currently find yourself to ...BE!!!!   And because this is where we find ourselves to reside....    There is NO THING we would like more than to use your Earthly luminary Jackson Kiddard's wondrous Re-membrance for all you to receive a CALL to Soulful Arms on your planet as you continue the arduous process of recalling you are Spiritual Beings having a Miraculous Human Experience for the eternal growth and Understanding it provides............

And who do you think gave Superman's father Jor El his words of wisdom as he sent his only begotten son down to your planet as the ultimate act of SACRIFICE and STRENGTH...

Please do not take lightly the fact that it is YOUR particular planet that is being constantly observed, protected from unfathomable unconsciosness, and guided by the hand of a GOD that sees the Wonder in your potential, and the Miraculous Deeds you have yet to accomplish toward both yourselves and others......   The DENSE energetic MATRIX each and every soul who was brave enough to accept this earthly experiential challenge is a true Hero and Heroine and shall be held in such reverential light ALWAYS and in ALL WAYS throughout eternity itself....    The Jedi Council even considers all of YOU the true MASTERS of energetic Matter and the ways of the FORCE....    Pretty cool , huh?!?

We have begun to notice that the ILLUSION of this powerful experience is starting to take its collective toll on your own ability to achieve your true potential on this planet.   And it is our job to ensure you that even in your darkest moments, you are each unique emanations of Pure LOVE.  It only feels like that is not the case to offer you the dichotomy of all the juicy preferences that are always at your disposal.  You can only experience light, by first experiencing  darkness.  Joy through pain and suffering.  Like your own personal Fortress of Solitude, you were embedded with the Universal Truth of your core essence, which can be accessed whenever you need it through going WITHIN.  CONNECTING with the Infinite Intelligence that marks the core being of all that you were created from.

We are here for you ALWAYS and in All Ways whenever you need us.  That is our promise to you in exchange for taking on such an arduous Journey on your planet.  And there is No THING you ever have to do to prove your absolute worth to every being within the COSMOS.  WE SEE YOU.....   Especially in the moments when you feel you are doing this all alone...........   And that is a Blissful Promise that is written with the remnants of Time and Space itself........
Until We Meet Again....

We Love and Cherish YOU MORE than you will ever know ...   JUST BECAUSE.......

The Daily Bliss.............

Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Dangers of DRIFTING Through Life........



Over 70 years ago, Napoleon Hill wrote a book called “Outwitting the Devil”, yet it wasn't actually published until quite recently.  At the time of its crafting, he had already made quite a name for himself in the business world, especially from the success of his seminal tomb “Think and Grow Rich.” (If you have not read it, I suggest typing in Amazon.com in your web browser as soon as you are done reading this post!)  So why exactly did this particular vision from his inner mind lay hidden from public consumption for decades?!?  After all, Hill was the author of numerous books that transformed the cultural zeitgeist of a society that had been been fiscally stripped and spiritually annihilated by the horrors of the Great Depression.  He had made it is life's purpose to take on the near Herculean task of setting aside over 25 years of his life to uncover the underpinnings of life success and what nuances existed that separates those of us who merely survive from those of us who actually eat PASSION FLAKES for breakfast and thrive the rest of each and every day of their brief time here on the planet, fulfilling their Hero's/Heroine's journey along the way. He went so far as to partner with the iconoclast Dale Carnegie who assisted him as a mentor on this mission of a Lord of the Rings worthy proportion!  Frodo who?!?  :0)

If you undertake this job, you should interview not only the few who have succeeded, but the many who have failed. You should carefully analyze many thousands of people who have been classified as failures, and I mean by the term failures, men who come to the closing chapters of their lives disappointed because they DID NOT achieve the goal for which they had set aside their hearts toward achieving.   As it is inconsistent as it may seem, you will learn more about how to succeed from the failures as you will from the so-called successes.  They will teach you what NOT to do.  Among toward the end of your labor, if you carry it through successfully, you will make a discovery which may be a great surprise to you. You will find that the cause of success is not separate and apart from the man/woman.  That is is a force so intangible in nature that the majority of men never recognize it. ; a force which may be called ‘the other SELF.’  Noteworthy is the fact that this OTHER SELF seldom exerts its influence or makes itself known excepting at times of immediate emergency, when men are forced, through adversity and temporary defeat, to change their habits and THINK their way out of temporary defeat."

~~ Dale Carnegie  (OUTWITTING THE DEVIL)

In fact, this New Age Nerd credits a portion of his found commitment to life purpose on the profound Re-membrance that was gifted through Hill's luminous prose that contains a radical template for the law of attraction that FAR pre-dates this generation's proclamation that “The Secret” is the cure to our feelings of lack of abundance, inadequacy, and disconnection from our authentic SOURCE.   The only real secret he could find for manifesting extraordinary success in one's lifetime came from finding and following your purpose and desire for being here, and doggedly pursuing it with a concrete plan that is backed by daily ACTION STEPS.  Basically, know where you are going, and bust your butt with no complaining or explaining to get there!  Funny that the real ‘secret’ to, well, ‘The Secret’ is that THERE IS NO SECRET!  Perhaps Sean Connery summed it up best in “The Untouchables” with his wicked quip to Kevin Costner's lawman tasked with capturing Chicago's shiftiest crime lord, “Yes, but what are you PREPARED TO DO to get Capone!”  That line can be applied to all of our goals and desired manifestations.  Because you will most often find that those that simply DO, practice the ART OF ACTION.  As my my pop used to implore to his students, in life there are only two distinct camps.  You are either ‘working hard’ or ‘HARDLY WORKING.’  Nuff said!

Conspiracy theories aside, I believe the reason the Napoleon Hill estate was reluctant to release the contents within “Outwitting the Devil” is due to its narrative premise.  For it is written from the understanding that Hill had an actual dialogue with SATAN himself.  A sit-down for the ages to say the least!  And what exactly would one even dare to wear for such an occasion!  LOL  Even in our contemporary exploitive and sensationalistic media landscape, the announcement of such a journalistic coup would cause quite a furor of frantic frenzy.  So can you you even attempt to ponder the marketing of such a seemingly preposterous declaration back in the days before Marty McFly innocently donned his Calvin Kleins before their time?!?  Although, ironically enough, it does feel like we are having continued dialogue with the DEVIL himself with each and every Donald Trump media debacle!  Forgive me Father, for I have sinned...  ;0)

So while reading the book, I took a page out of the Michael Beckwith (The founder of Agape Spiritual Center in Los Angeles) self actualization playbook, and substituted the ideation of the Devil, into THE EGO.  During many of his fiery Sunday  soliloquies, he would often refer to the Devil as being No Thing less than our own EGO, and it's attempt to keep us feeling separate from our authentic selves.(More on this masterful application in a future post!)

And just as in my beloved “Conversation with God” series, I implore my fellow truth seekers to try and set aside their contemplations on where the information is coming from, and instead intently focus on WHAT in the narrative actually RESONATES with their intuitive feelings.  CAPICHE?!?!

What did I find from this Devil's philosophical musings and declarations from the ‘Dark Side of the Force’.  While nothing revelatory in nature, it can be summed up within the context of one potentially destructive paradigm:  DRIFTING!  Napoleon Hill fastidiously used a simple, yet nearly flawless indicator of a person's current probability of achieving stupendous life happiness and success.  Before beginning work with a new group of corporate students, he would line them up and one by one, ask them just two basic questions.  The first being “What is your life purpose?”, and the second being “What is your plan for achieving it?”  After working with tens of thousands of well intended, highly educated individuals, he found that LESS than 10 percent could answer the questions he posed to them.  Many of them staying in jobs they detest, and in relationships that have long passed their intended expiration date!  And this, my fellow New Age Nerds, is the epitome of DRIFTING!

The Devil (EGO) said that this pattern of living energy is his greatest ally toward keeping people from a life filled with soulful expansion, peaceful platitude, and the ability to complete their Hero's/Heroine's Journey.  I can tell you from first hand experience that DRIFTING can become a horrible hindrance to any semblance of lasting happiness.  It's like ‘punching in and punching out’ of the time clock in life.  Living a surface existence instead of a deep, authentic, mindful co-creative process with life.  And it can touch upon and eventually erode what I call the PILLARS of LIFE.  Similar to the load baring posts that hold up any structural foundation, these pillars consist of personal support structures of our existence.  Relationships, jobs, health, fiscal abundance, spiritual practice; these are all the pillars that inform and maintain our sense of well being.

When we drift in one or all of these areas, we are aimlessly sleepwalking through the precious moments of our days.  In the book, the Devil(EGO) specifically says, “A drifter is one who permits himself to be influenced and controlled by circumstances beyond his control.  He would rather have me occupy his mind and do his thinking rather than go to the trouble of thinking himself.   A drifter is one who accepts whatever life throws his way without putting up a protest.  He doesn't know what he wants from life and spends all of his time getting just that.  A drifter has lots of opinions, but none are his own......   I would advise him to WAKE UP AND GIVE.  Give some form of service to as many people as possible.  He must learn to give before he gets.”

So what can be done if you have found yourself in an habitual pattern of aimlessly DRIFTING through life?  I invite you to contemplate incorporating the following suggestions that can support you away from your EGO and it's treacherous temptations to keep you in a zombie like state of disillusionment, and bring back that ‘authentic swing’ that brings back the PASSION, JOY, and ZEST that makes life such a MIRACULOUS and Majestic experience!!

1.  Decide what you want from life and what your God given talents might be.  The things that make time seem to FLY while you are participating in them is a great guidance system toward what those talents and passions truly are!

2. Create a plan for how to go about attaining your goal/purpose/mission.  Hiring a life coach is a wonderful way to start building a support team to assist you in this Journey in a compassionate, loving, and even fun manner!

3.  Analyze your past and present defeats or seeming failures.  (They are really not failures, just ways you now know something does NOT serve you.)  Again The New Age Nerd's definition of sin is to SUFFER without meaning.  Allow yourself to truly FEEL your feelings about the state of affairs in your life and ask Spirit for the guidance to help you understand the seed of equivalence in the form of an opportunity that is waiting to be discovered.

4.  Become hyper aware of your daily habits and actions.  How much time are you spending surfing the internet, daydreaming, writing scripts in your minds for movies that will NEVER get made.  Anything that is actually keeping you away from tangible action steps toward your purpose.

5.  Understand that FEAR is simply FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL.  It is the EGO's way of keeping you small, and is the biggest ally to the nasty nature of DRIFTING!

And if all else fails, seek out your SEARCH and RESCUE TEAM.  Let them shower you with the Love and respect you deserve.  And don't be afraid to ASK FOR HELP.  Sometimes just breaking up our larger purpose into bite size chunks can help maintain the courage to step forward and simply BEGIN!  And a warm, trusting support team can be your own ‘Gateway to Narnia’ that initiates the start of a great big JUICY exciting chapter in your amazing new life!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Learn To CELEBRATE The Everyday Unseen HEROIC Acts.........

Today's Inspirational “MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC”

"There is a story in the Talmud about a king who had a son who went astray. The son was told, 'Return to your father.' The son replied that he could not. The king then sent a messenger to the son with the message...'Come back to me as far as you can, and I will meet you the rest of the way.”

~~Reuven  (THE CHOSEN)


As you obviously now are quite aware, The New Age Nerd celebrates all things that encapsulate the transformative nature of the Hero's/Heroine's Journey.  Thankfully, the rest of the world is now catching up to the prescient nature of Joseph Campbell's teachings and subsequent life's work that espoused each and every one of us is on a very unique yet equally important path with a purpose.  One of my favorite quotes is when he stated, "The greatest privilege of a lifetime is being exactly who you are."  NOBODY has ever had the exact set of challenges, experiences, setbacks, roadblocks, and God sent and heaven borrowed gifts to CONQUER them as have YOU.  The following passage from Campbell's ‘Pathways to Bliss’ has always inspired me to reframe my own particular set of struggles as a way of setting forth on a BLAZING ‘Mission to help the Masses’, especially when funds are running rather low, and my external situations seem overwhelming to the point of waving the white flag of surrender......

Here is a story that seems to me to embody the essential image of living one's life, finding it and having the courage to pursue it. It comes from an Arthurian romance, La Queste del Saint Graal, by an anonymous thirteenth-century monk.
There's a moment there in Arthur's banquet hall when all the knights are assembled around the Round Table. Arthur would not let anyone start to eat until an adventure had occurred. Well, in those days adventures were rather normal, so people didn't go hungry for long.
They were waiting for this day's adventure, and it did indeed occur. The Holy Grail showed itself to the assembled knights - not in its full glory but covered with a great radiant cloth. Then it withdrew. All were left ravished, sitting there in awe.
Finally, Gawain, Arthur's nephew, stood up and said, "I propose a vow to this company, that we should all go in quest of that Grail to behold it unveiled."
Now we come to the text that interested me. The text reads, "They thought it would be a disgrace to go forth in a group. Each entered the Forest Adventurous at that point which he himself had chosen, where it was darkest and there was no way or path."
You enter the forest at the darkest point where there is no path. Where there is a way or path, it is someone else's path; each human being is a unique phenomenon.

The idea is to find your own pathway to bliss.
~~  Joseph Campbell  (The Pathway to Bliss)

And as much as my GEEKY passion for the larger than life examples of Heroes and Heroines that weekly fill our multiplexes (Yes Superman V Batman ROCKED!) and nightly preside over our High Definition TV screens, it is easy to overlook the GRACEFUL and HEROIC actions of the individuals who cross our paths every day.  They seek no fanfare from the Fanboy set, nor do they think of themselves as anything resembling the stories that myths are transcribed from.  Yet, it is the cumulative  energy from these SPECTACULAR SPIRITS and their always active Love Lights that express the space of eternal soulful expansion that is the true essence of why we are all here and hold the code of The Hero's/Heroine's Journey's edict.

Today, I had the privilege of hearing of one extraordinary example of the visceral impact of such heroic power through a humble caretaker of one of my mom's dear friends.  My mother has been assisting her friend Kate for over ten years.  During which time her health has slowly declined from a pastiche of ailments including MS, diabetes, and recently the loss of her right arm.  She has no family around to aid in her daily care taking routine, and let's just say that there is a HUGE disparity between the manner in which her various nursing team cares and treats Kate and her substantial physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.  

This morning, my mom, as part of her daily routine, stopped in to check on Kate and found her to be in wonderful spirits.  This was very much due to the fact that her current caretaker is a tiny woman of Indian descent named Makela who engages Kate with true compassion, grace, and absolute joyful dignity.  Although a low hourly wage worker, one would think she was Kate's daughter or sister in the manner of delicate and deliberate LOVE she spreads during her weekends with her.  She patiently does Kate's hair and makeup, takes the time to buy and prepare healthy meals and engages her with words of support and devotion, rather than ‘duty’ and ‘down talking.’

This morning, prior to leaving Kate's morning visit, my mother stopped Melaka, grabbed her by the arm and said, "You are truly an ANGEL on this earth.”  To which Mekala humbly replied, “ I am NO angel.  An Angel would be someone who would care for Kate if she were her enemy.  And I LOVE Kate.”

Upon hearing this story  I thought what a world of transcendent glory we would all be a part of if we lived those words.  For they would indeed challenge the heart of even the stingiest of GRINCHES to move three larger sizes.  And reminds me to live yet another luminary quote coined by Campbell, “At such moments you realize you and the other are, in fact, ONE.  It's a big realization.  Survival is the SECOND law of life.  The first is that we ARE ALL ONE.”  

Traditional MYTHS and legends throughout our history have served as ‘teaching tales’ for humanity.  We learn and are reminded of courage and compassion, humility and goodness, fear and heroism, life and death, and everything in between.  It is my hope that this small story of MYTHOLOGICAL proportions in my nerdy eyes be one that does that for you, me, and everyone we share it with.

Because it is precisely these little known TALES that contain the spiritual guidance and Re-membrance that can INSPIRE us all to live our lives as the Heroes and Heroines we were always meant to be!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, April 4, 2016

A TRIBUTE to Wayne Dyer....Belief Versus KNOWING....

Today's Inspirational “MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC


As many of you may know, on August 29, 2015 the world lost one of the true LUMINARIES of our time.  A man who spent his childhood in an orphanage, before embarking on a 50 year journey that inspired millions of people around the world to practice the teachings of self actualization.  Through his many PBS specials and transcendent tomes such as ‘The Power of Intention’, he separated himself from many of his fellow spiritual peers by infusing his teachings with his own raw vulnerability and personal tribulations to connect with others on the path toward conscious awakening. 

Even though I never had the privilege of meeting him in person, I have read many of his books several times over again.   And I will also admit that nearly 1/3 of my DVR space is reserved for his various PBS specials that I watch quite religiously.  One of his teachings that has been the most impactful on my own Hero's Journey is his powerful distinction between BELIEF and KNOWINGNESS.  In fact, I credit many of the most magnificent manifestations that have occurred in my life on the incorporation of his profound declarations on the important differences between these two separate yet often confusing modalities.

As a TRIBUTE to Mr. Dyer, I would like to offer the following passages of his sermon like soliloquy on this very topic.  May his SOUL continue shining its MAGNIFICENT light in its eternal form so that our collective consciousness can continue to expand from his unique and INTENTION filled purpose.............

Beliefs versus Knowing

The way to understand this, it seems to me, is to understand the difference between what you know and what you believe. A belief is something that has certain characteristics; a knowing has certain characteristics. I’ve identified five characteristics that differentiate a belief from a knowing.
Beliefs are handed to you. Knowings come from within. This means that a belief has doubt attached to it. A knowing has no doubt because it comes from within, from your direct experience.
A second characteristic that distinguishes a belief from a knowing is that beliefs will let you down in a crisis. Knowings never let you down. The reason that a belief is something that you cannot rely upon in a crisis is because of the doubt that is attached to it. And so it isn’t reliable, whereas anything that you absolutely know—for example, how to ride a bicycle or how to swim—when a crisis comes along you will not be let down.
A third characteristic that distinguishes beliefs from knowings is that your beliefs are mental exercises. Your knowings are physical exercises. Your beliefs are located in the mental realm as thoughts that you constantly reinforce. These are strictly mental exercises that you constantly practice until they become your reality. That is, a reality based upon the doubt that is attached to these beliefs.
You may believe that people shouldn’t wear jewelry in their nose. These kinds of beliefs will influence your conduct and cause you to judge others, until you change your belief and perhaps search out a nose piercer.
Your knowings are located in the physical domain, even though they originated in the mental. When you know something, it is a part of your total being, originating in the mental and residing in your complete being. That which you absolutely know with certainty—such as how to dance the mambo or ice skate or swim or ride a bicycle—is a part of your cellular being. It resides so deeply within you that it is in the cells of your humanity. That which you once only believed because it was given to you by some external person has now been transformed into a knowing. You may also have some beliefs within you that you actually treat as knowings. These include those beliefs that are so strongly ingrained that they act like knowings within you. Some of these entrenched beliefs may be judged by you to be knowings, but they really are not.
For example, you may believe that you have no talent for art, but somewhere deep inside of your consciousness there exists a tiny smidgen of doubt about whether it is really true were you to actually apply yourself in a new way. When you know something, it becomes your physical reality, and you act on this knowing at all times. When you merely believe something, whether it be a negative or a positive, you have a tiny, tiny bit of doubt connected to it, and that doubt becomes your reality. Beliefs are mental. Knowings are physical, though they originate as mental beliefs.
The fourth distinction between a belief and a knowing is that a belief will restrict you, while a knowing will empower you. The reason a belief restricts you is that there is doubt attached to it, and, therefore, when you go to act upon it, you do so sort of tenuously, and so there’s a restriction, whereas a knowing, something that you absolutely know that you can rely upon, will empower you. It’s the difference between knowing about God and knowing God. Knowing about God is a belief. Knowing God is a knowing. And knowing about God usually means that you have some reservations—I’m not quite sure about all of this higher power stuff and I’m not quite sure about whether I do have a higher self. Whereas when you’ve learned to experience it—and that’s what these keys to higher awareness are designed to do—then you absolutely know God, not just know about God.
The fifth and final characteristic that distinguishes a belief from a knowing is that your beliefs are all transitory, while your knowings are eternal. Just think about some of the beliefs that you have today and how they’ve shifted over the years. Remember how many people were shocked to see men wearing long hair and earrings? I can remember working in a high school in the inner city of Detroit, and a young man came in with his hair real long and with earrings on, and they expelled him from the school and told him to go home and get a haircut and to stop dressing like a sissy.
Today, the very same people who suspended him are wearing those same kinds of jewelry and have their hair quite a bit longer than they did in those days. And now you watch on Sunday afternoons the National Football League, and, in the interviews, you see these big, burly mastodons of masculinity with their long hair and their earrings protruding from their helmets.
So our beliefs about things are very transitory. and they’re shifting all the time. But what you know is there with you forever.

~~ Wayne Dyer


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, April 3, 2016

A Monday Morning REMINDER....!!

Today's Inspirational “MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC

~~Colossus  (DEADPOOL)  “Four or five moments - that's all it takes to become a hero. Everyone thinks it's a full-time job. Wake up a hero. Brush your teeth a hero. Go to work a hero. Not true. Over a lifetime there are only four or five moments that really matter. Moments when you're offered a choice to make a sacrifice, conquer a flaw, save a friend - spare an enemy. In these moments everything else falls away...”


Happy Monday Fellow New Age Nerds!  For so many of us, the start of a new week can be filled with anxiety, disconnection, and the fear ridden anticipation of the daily engagements to come.   In full support for the Re-membrance of WHO YOU TRULY ARE, so that you can face the week with a renewed sense of positive PURPOSE and the Divine magical acts of co-creation, I wanted to share the following passage with you all!  May it gently bring the KNOWINGNESS that there is No Thing about you that is less than a soulful emanation of perfected LOVE from the SOURCE of Infinite Intelligence that connects us all.  May this understanding ease your worries, doubts, and pain about any and all of the current predicaments within your experience.  
YOU ARE NOT ALONE..........................  



Jeffrey Louis Martinez