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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Are Your Inner BELIEFS Causing HAVOC In Your Life..?!?


J.R. Tolkein        (The Lord of The Rings) ___________________________________________________

I was recently working with a client who was, to say the least, completely frustrated and utterly confused.   She was doing what she THOUGHT were all the ‘right’ things to try and improve certain areas of her life.  Yet it seemed that instead of experiencing the changes she desired, she was manifesting complete CHAOS.  After several minutes attempting to calm her down back into a space of peaceful alignment so that our session could continue in a productive manner, I decided this was a job for the my inner SuperHero ‘The Connoisseur of Consciousness’.  You see, the true skill of coaching is in the subtle art of figuring out where the TRUE block of the client resides.  Sometimes, this comes after one session and becomes quite obvious with divine, heartfelt listening.  Now on other occasions, it's kinda like being a crime detective worthy of a Sherlock Holmes type prowess. 
And after only 15 minutes, I knew this was going to be much more like the latter!  lol

Some clients can be quite tricky and mercurial to try and coach, because they have a way of being very persuasive with their vernacular.  They come across as quite confident and self aware with pat statements that they THINK  display that they have things under control and that it is the cursed people, places, and things OUT THERE that are the cause of all their pain and suffering.  Refusal of self responsibility for any of their current life ‘predicaments’ is one sure sign that they are out of alignment in some foundational manner.  Of course, trying to break through their level of self refusal takes patience, compassion, with a huge helping side of intuitive knowhow.  And trust me, sometimes you just don't KNOW HOW you are going to find out where this misalignment reside.  ;0)

Most of us spend our energy living ‘within the shadows.’  Caught up in the drama of the darkness rather than moving toward the direction of the actual obstacle that is BLOCKING THE LIGHT in the first place.  For those of you who just can't grasp the true value of having a life coach, hopefully this helps explain the miracles that a co-creation with the right qualified coach can bring.  We help our clients in finding that obstacle to “let the Sunshine in, and face it with a grin!” (For your Flintstones fans! ) ;0)

During our third session, I noticed something quite contradictory in nature.  My client would say what she desired with a fervent passion.  Only to back up the statement with something that COMPLETELY contradicted what she wanted!  For instance, after saying she really wanted to find a new career, it was quickly followed with something like “Most companies are greedy and don't care about their people so I am being extra picky!”  And she wonders why the numerous resumes she has been sending out have been met with two results.  One being that she hears nothing back from them.  Or even worse, she lands an interview, and sure enough, the experience turns out to be caustic and off putting.  Same thing with her diatribes about relationships.  For each declaration of “I would love to find someone to settle down with, and be a true partner”,  it was soon followed by “But most men can't be trusted and lie and cheat!”  AYE DIOS MIO!!  Can you imagine how stressed out her spirit guides must be!  No doubt they have perhaps requested a reassignment from time to time.   LOL

I bring this up NOT to place any sense of judgment on the client, only to use it as a TEXTBOOK example of how what we BELIEVE actually creates a much more POWERFUL energetic vibration than what we think or even say.  Just as the conscious mind is the source of thought, the subconscious mind is the SOURCE of our true POWER of manifestation.  It is deeply and profoundly rooted in instinct, and it is aware of the most basic and extraordinary desires within us all.  It is a POWERHOUSE through which the most incredible amount of SOURCE can be connected with.  And it is within our SUBCONSCIOUS that we store our actual BELIEFS!

Basically, we can think one thing, and do another that matches that thought, BUT if our BELIEFS about what we are saying and doing contradict the intended outcome, well, that's the space in which CHAOS rules.  I love this quote from the sensational book ‘The Power of Believing’ by Nido Qubein, when he states, “Therefore visualize the exact thing(job, relationship, home etc) you desire and use daily affirmations until BELIEF in your goal becomes a vital part of you and your body.  See yourself actually doing the things or experiencing the people you desire, because every thought, backed by an equal BELIEF in that thought sooner or later materializes it into your life.

It's really all about BEING in alignment.  I have a suspecting intuition that if you truly start to check in within yourself several times a day, many of you will realize that what you think, say, do and BELIEVE are not in alignment with one another.  One, two, or more of these things are not congruent with the WHOLE!  And all that gets you is a whole lotta frustration, chaos and disappointment.  

So I urge you to think about the principles I have explained in today's post, and be honest with yourself.  RE-member, your outer experiences are a direct reflection of you inner reality.  Basically speaking, you cannot lie to the UNIVERSE.  It knows what you truly think and what you BELIEVE and will deliver to you the exact order you are putting in to the Wisdom Waiter always at your side!

So before you scream, “EXCUSE ME GOD, BUT I DID NOT ORDER THAT!”, Re-member that based on your Beliefs, Thoughts, and Actions there is a good chance you actually did!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

How To Use FAITH As a Tool To CHANGE Your Life..!!

As many of my TRIBE members are fully aware, I try to be completely transparent about my own Hero's Journey. It was a heartfelt promise I made to myself when I started on this PATH and commitment to being a Wounded Healer and a servant of LOVE! 

For Wounded Healers/Teachers are not born, nor are they made.  They create themselves through conquering their own pain and suffering.  The great philosopher Carl Jung said the most effective teachers/healers are those who have overcome the greatest forms of transformation through learning to rise above their own massive adversity and then sharing their knowledge with the World.   And so it is always my intention to share my authentic Journey so that it may shed Light for others still stuck in the Darkness!!

Everyone on this planet is so precious and has their own unique and powerful story! I also know all too well that life often leads vapid vapors of vitriolic Pain and Suffering in our path leaving behind a wake of disillusionment and ultimately, our Faith is tested! This process is at the core of our collective Hero's Journey. It is during these troubled times that we learn to make friends with Faith. For Faith sees the invisible, Believes in the Incredible, and receives the Impossible!! Faith is GRATITUDE in action!! And haste not if your Faith is tested many times during your Journey. This simply means you are ready to grow in massive proportions! The pain you feel is your Heart and Soul being stretched to allow more space for Spirit to unfold it's gifts into your earthly experience.  And your steadfast Faith will be rewarded from before unimagined MIRACLES that will happen through you and for you!! I'm NOT saying this Source Stretched process is easy.... For it can often require the heart of a Warrior Princess, the courage of a Champion, and the perseverance of a true HERO! In just the past few weeks, my own Faith has been tested to its far reaching limits once again. I was supposed to undergo a second surgery to repair some nerve damage from my hernia surgery of late last year. But I developed some other serious health complications that caused me to postpone my surgery.  Thank goodness they are being tended to!!  BUT let me tell you, I went into my own secret garden of Gethsemane to shall we say, have a little tete a tete with the Universe...LOL   And what I learned is that Belief leads to Faith...and Faith leads to Knowingness...and Knowingness leads to Gratitude and Gratitude leads to Blissful Joy.... So for all of those currently in a predicament in which Faith is hard to muster ...Please KNOW that you are not alone.... and that one day...your pain will be unmasked .... with Understanding and Wonder....... 

Remember, YOU matter more than you will ever know!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Are You CHASING After LOVE...?!??

The past few weeks have been somewhat challenging for me and some of my hard fought personal boundaries.  Sometimes, individuals who have devoted their life to one of selfless service can attract Souls who are still awakening to their own consciousness.  And this can wreck havoc on LIGHTWORKERS who are incredibly sensitive, open and vulnerable, and oh so giving of their very Soulful essence.  These emotional vampires are attracted to these Servants to Source like pigs in a blanket!  And I know this from way too many personal experiences...  Aye yae yae....  I've sometimes wished there was such a thing as a SOURCE filled IV to replenish what I allowed them to drain from me.....   (There actually is such a thing.  It's called meditation and mindfulness!) But that's for another post..  ;0)

And what I have witnessed as of late is a Gi-normous decrease in what I call Co-Creational Relationships.  Because ALL relationships are completely Co-Creational in their inherent nature. My definition of this type of relationship is one in which both involved individuals choose to respect their sacred connection with mutual care, support, and kindness!   For a myriad of reasons, our collective consciousness has lost Spirit filled connection with one another on even the most basic levels.  Since I truly believe you are either part of the problem, or part of the solution, I actually made a New Year's declaration that I would stop texting so much and start actually picking up this device called a TELEPHONE and actually have more meaningful conversations that just cannot be duplicated through electronic communication.  ;0)  Well, unless you are R2-D2 and C-3PO from Star Wars lore!  LOL

Needless to say, I have found it beyond challenging to get most of my TRIBE to 'get on board' with my attempt in shifting the manner in which we connect with one another.  While I refrain from judging their choices, it doesn't mean that reaching out to close friends and relatives and not hearing back from them for days and even weeks at a time is not both hurtful and challenging to my own hard fought boundaries for the types of Co- Creational relationships I DESIRE to have in my life.  After all, it is a proven fact that the most important determinant of your success and happiness in life are the individuals we choose to belong in our inner circle.  In fact, did you know that you will end up being the median of the five closest cohorts in your TRIBE!  As the old saying goes...'Birds of a feather flock together.'  You can either choose to fly with the crows or soar with the Eagles!! (Crows are simply Eagles in training!)   I ask you, WHICH DO YOU CHOOSE!!

But after much rumination and also allowing my emotional core to simmer in a way to engage this issue impacting so many(myself included), my Soul continued whispering to me that while there are times in which we will choose to 'Love someone from the other side of the room', perhaps there is another, more conscious resolution to try implementing before making that decision.  And it ALL has to do with sharing our LOVE with those in our life.  LOVING them back Into The Light just may be an act that will help them shift their own consciousness!

So I have put together some suggestions and tips that I invite you to implement in your own relationships.  I already have done so and the results have created some MIRACLES and new deep rooted connections!!   I will be holding a Space of Connection and Understanding for you all so that we may all Re-member that WE ARE ALL ONE!!


Last time I checked, the great majority of us are NOT mind readers.  And if YOU happen to have this highly coveted ability, please call me.  Let's chat!!  Seriously...LOL

For the rest of us, we must settle on the subtle art of asking our friends, lovers, relatives, and co-workers what they need from us.  Unfortunately, most of us miss the mark like a very unexperienced  arrow shooter when it comes to this form of communication.  And as simple and innocuous as it may seem, it actually can wreak havoc in ALL of our relationships!

In fact, it is a scientific fact that the majority of our deeply held wounds, the type that keep our inner emotions hostage to dysfunctional behaviors are a direct result of us NOT receiving the LOVE in the form of praise, gratitude,  APPRECIATION and ACKNOWLEDGEMENT that most of us seek whether we admit it to ourselves or not.  

So here are some tips you may decide to include in your daily communication that I have seen work wonders with my clients and friends once they practice them enough so that they seem authentic and truly heartfelt.

1.  Since chances are you are NOT a mindreader, what would it look like to actually ask someone you value in your life HOW THEY WOULD LIKE YOU TO SHOW UP FOR THEM IN THE MOMENT??  Earth shattering thought, I know...  LOL   But I think of all the tips and suggestions I have tried in trying to build stronger relationships in my life, this offering of kindness has by far been met with the most enthusiasm and gratitude.  For many people, the first time they hear me ask them this, it is like they are speaking to an alien form from another planet.  I don't believe they have ever or rarely had the opportunity for someone to completely eradicate THEIR agenda so they can truly concentrate on what is going on in their world. Let's keep it real here!!  This is ALL ABOUT NOT MAKING IT ABOUT YOU!!  Feel Me!!  I KNOW you do!  And listen, before I throw any stones, I have been guilty of turning someone's else's story into what I am going through enough times to build my own glass house.  Just sayin.....

2.  There are many of us that have rarely been given the confidence in our lives to help assist us in our goals and lively endeavors.  It may seem ludicrous to think about, but I have come across enough friends, clients and relatives to KNOW IT TO BE TRUE!!  So another powerful suggestion that I implement with my clients is to tell them how much I BELIEVE IN THEM!!!  Very often their first retort is usually something to the effect of , “That's easy for you to say, or I wish I could believe what you are saying.”  And ya know what?!  I absolutely LOVE it when they come back at me with such volition!  Why?!   Because it allows me to pull out my verbal magic wand, the one I keep hidden for just such occasions.  I simply lower my voice, and look them straight in the eye, or pretend I am doing so over the phone, and tell them, “No problem.  I will hold a space that you are MORE than capable of whatever you put your mind to until YOU can hold that space for yourself!  I BELIEVE IN YOU and I will always and in all ways!!  I promise, I will stand by your side at all times.”  And then I stop before I start to sound too much like a James Taylor song...LOL

3.  Be somebody's personal cheerleader!  Celebrate small victories for and with them.  Nobody can do it alone and all Journey's start having the conviction of taking the very first few steps!!  Right?!  DAMN STRAIGHT!!  And the difference between those of us who make our dreams come true and those who don't, usually stem from those who are BRAVE enough to take the first few steps.  So I urge you to make a GI-normous(well, not too GI-normous) deal about the small victories in your friends lives.  They will appreciate it more than you could ever know!! Trust me......   ;0)  Send them an actual letter in the mail.  Drop by unexpectedly with a bottle of wine or just to give them a big fat juicy hug and tell them how AMAZING they are!!  Most of us who decided to take on our own Hero's/Heroine's Journey often feel like we are on an island by ourselves.  And it can be pretty scary and even more lonely.  So just letting someone know you are thinking about them can sometimes make all the difference in the world!!

4.  I call this the JUST BECAUSE.  And it is a pretty simple thing to incorporate into your life and the lives of those you treasure.  Learn to do things for others JUST BECAUSE.  Send someone a vase of wildflowers.  Or leave a small note on their car windshield just to tell them you care and see them for who they truly are! Pick up the phone and if they aren't there, leave them  message telling them how much they mean to you !!  Treat them to lunch and give them a card expressing the Superhero you think they are in your life!   This, I believe my New Age Nerd friends, has the power to CHANGE THIS WORLD

The funny thing is that to many of us this world seems incredible messed up and there does not seem to be a way back to the light.  But I truly believe with ALL MY HEART that is it just NOT as difficult as we are making it to be.   As Gandalf said in The Hobbit, “I have found it is the small things, random acts of kindness that keeps the darkness of this world at bay.”


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Feeling All Alone.... How To Share YOUR SIGNIFICANCE!!!!

A few years ago I attended a funeral of a still fairly young man, who had suffered for the majority of his shortened life with a disease that completely ravishes a Spirit's earthly body with the type of pain that most of us cannot even begin to truly fathom.  The illness is called HEMOPHILIA.  Essentially, those affected with it have bodies that cannot form blood clotting on their own.  And the list of horrifying side effects this insidious malady puts on the body are everything from EXTREME arthritis to the point where eventually most of those affected eventually become wheelchair bound, not including extreme bruising and bleeding under the skin simply through a thoughtful touch.  Just unimaginable suffering!!

However, this completely COURAGEOUS individual requested of his relatives that he NOT have a traditional funeral ceremony.  No, what he desired was to have his most cherished friends and life long companions to get up and tell funny or insightful stories about HIS STORY!!    

And so on the day of his funeral, those of us in the procession were gifted to a myriad of absolutely hilarious, personal, intimate, and meaningful tales that truly fleshed out who he was and more importantly, HOW HE CHOSE TO LIVE!!  While he did not live a long life, he lived a life full of Soulful SIGNIFICANCE!!  And my Fellow New Age Nerds, that is an everlasting message to all of us about the manner in which we are to spend our precious time on this precious Earth.......

But what EXACTLY does that mean; a life of SIGNIFICANCE?!?!  Like SUCCESS, it can mean a lot of different things to different people.  And that is completely OK!!  However, I would like to take the time to flesh out what it means to me........

Our world, especially here in the UNITED STATES, has slowly become a breeding ground for those who live to work, rather than WORK TO LIVE!  Gi-normous difference!  And as wonderful as some of the technological advances that have become such an intricate part of our life experience may be, they have also taken a strangle hold over what precious free time that we used to have in such abundance.  Let's be honest, most of us are never REALLY disconnected from work.  And how can we be when our bosses know they can text, IM, Facebook message, or reach us through a pure cell phone call wherever we are in the World?!?  Back when I first started my career (when we still had to ride to work on horseback...LOL) the moment we left our desks for the day, we were done, through, capooey,  adios amigo, until 9:00 the next workday!  Those were truly magical times before home computers and cell phones even existed................

You see that very freedom allowed me and my fellow GEEKS to still have time each night to get together for a game of touch football, or play a quick game of Dungeons and Dragons. (HEY, why do you think one of the reasons this blog is called THE NEW AGE NERD!!  Get it, got it,  good!!  ;0)  

It was a time when our parents could still get home from work in time to either cheer from the stands or actually coach our soccer, baseball, basketball, or football teams!  Although I'm sure my step-dad(although the ONLY Dad I ever knew) may have tried to reign my mom in a little ( they were co-coaches of my baseball teams) as she had a rule that anyone who hit a home run would get a free hotdog!!  Needlessly to say, when any of my fellow teammates would even hit a ball more than 10 feet they wouldn't stop running the bases until they were either thrown out or rounded the bases to collect on their promised Nathan's Ballpark with extra mustard!!   LOL  Oh, those were truly the times of my life!!  Why, BECAUSE THEY WERE TRULY SIGNIFICANT!!  

And unfortunately, I am currently witnessing such magical moments becoming relics of a past that always left an indelible imprint on my own Soul!   Because when we take our very last breathe on this planet, there will be a plethora of things that we will ALL be remembered for!!  And I personally feel that right now, we are spending way too much energy headed in a direction that in NO way encompasses the true meaning of WHY WE ARE HERE and what we will be remembered for! Our SIGNIFICANCE!!!

One of my greatest HEROES is Martin Luther King, Jr. who wrote, in my opinion, one of the greatest speeches of all time called 'The Drum Major Instinct.'   As we all know, the God given talent he had for using parables as a way of teaching his message were unmatched and very evident in this speech that still sends chills up my spine every time I hear or read it!  It truly speaks to the topic of living a life of SIGNIFICANCE and LOVE.....  Here is just a tiny excerpt that I hope INSPIRES all who read it......

But now the problem is, it is the drum major instinct. And you know, you see people over and over again with the drum major instinct taking them over. And they just live their lives trying to outdo the Joneses. (Amen) They got to get this coat because this particular coat is a little better and a little better-looking than Mary’s coat. And I got to drive this car because it’s something about this car that makes my car a little better than my neighbor’s car. (Amen) I know a man who used to live in a thirty-five-thousand-dollar house. And other people started building thirty-five-thousand-dollar houses, so he built a seventy-five-thousand-dollar house. And then somebody else built a seventy-five-thousand-dollar house, and he built a hundred-thousand-dollar house. And I don’t know where he’s going to end up if he’s going to live his life trying to keep up with the Joneses. LOL

There comes a time that the drum major instinct can become destructive. (Make it plain) And that’s where I want to move now. I want to move to the point of saying that if this instinct is not harnessed, it becomes a very dangerous, pernicious instinct. For instance, if it isn’t harnessed, it causes one’s personality to become distorted. I guess that’s the most damaging aspect of it: what it does to the personality. If it isn’t harnessed, you will end up day in and day out trying to deal with your ego problem by boasting. Have you ever heard people that—you know, and I’m sure you’ve met them—that really become sickening because they just sit up all the time talking about themselves. (Amen) And they just boast and boast and boast, and that’s the person who has not harnessed the drum major instinct.
And then it does other things to the personality. It causes you to lie about who you know sometimes. (Amen, Make it plain) There are some people who are influence peddlers. And in their attempt to deal with the drum major instinct, they have to try to identify with the so-called big-name people. (Yeah, Make it plain) And if you’re not careful, they will make you think they know somebody that they don’t really know. (Amen) They know them well, they sip tea with them, and they this-and-that. That happens to people.
And the other thing is that it causes one to engage ultimately in activities that are merely used to get attention. Criminologists tell us that some people are driven to crime because of this drum major instinct. They don’t feel that they are getting enough attention through the normal channels of social behavior, and so they turn to anti-social behavior in order to get attention, in order to feel important. (Yeah) And so they get that gun, and before they know it they robbed a bank in a quest for recognition, in a quest for importance.
And then the final great tragedy of the distorted personality is the fact that when one fails to harness this instinct, (Glory to God) he ends up trying to push others down in order to push himself up. (Amen) And whenever you do that, you engage in some of the most vicious activities. You will spread evil, vicious, lying gossip on people, because you are trying to pull them down in order to push yourself up. (Make it plain) And the great issue of life is to harness the drum major instinct.
But let me rush on to my conclusion, because I want you to see what Jesus was really saying. What was the answer that Jesus gave these men? It’s very interesting. One would have thought that Jesus would have condemned them. One would have thought that Jesus would have said, “You are out of your place. You are selfish. Why would you raise such a question?”
But that isn’t what Jesus did; he did something altogether different. He said in substance, “Oh, I see, you want to be first. You want to be great. You want to be important. You want to be significant. Well, you ought to be. If you’re going to be my disciple, you must be.” But he reordered priorities. And he said, “Yes, don’t give up this instinct. It’s a good instinct if you use it right. (Yes) It’s a good instinct if you don’t distort it and pervert it. Don’t give it up. Keep feeling the need for being important. Keep feeling the need for being first. But I want you to be first in love. (Amen) I want you to be first in moral excellence. I want you to be first in generosity. That is what I want you to do.”
And he transformed the situation by giving a new definition of greatness. And you know how he said it? He said, “Now brethren, I can’t give you greatness. And really, I can’t make you first.” This is what Jesus said to James and John. “You must earn it. True greatness comes not by favoritism, but by fitness. And the right hand and the left are not mine to give, they belong to those who are prepared.” (Amen)
And so Jesus gave us a new norm of greatness. If you want to be important—wonderful. If you want to be recognized—wonderful. If you want to be great—wonderful. But recognize that he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. (Amen) That’s a new definition of greatness.
And this morning, the thing that I like about it: by giving that definition of greatness, it means that everybody can be great, (Everybody) because everybody can serve. (Amen) You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. (All right) You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You don’t have to know about Plato and Aristotle to serve. You don’t have to know Einstein’s theory of relativity to serve. You don’t have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. (Amen) You only need a heart full of grace, (Yes, sir, Amen) a soul generated by love. (Yes) And you can be that servant............
Martin Luther King, Jr.

And a precious two days later, Martin Luther King, Jr. was murdered in cold blood.  Yet I truly believe he had lived his CALLING and spread the Gospel he came here to deliver!!

Now, I know many of you have variant ideas regarding organized religion, and I respect that more than you could ever know!   And I am NOT asking you to have your own personal beliefs regarding anything mentioned in this speech to be challenged or changed.  For that has nothing to do with why I included it in this post.  No, I used certain excerpts today to simply challenge your own perceptions about what SIGNIFICANCE and GREATNESS means to YOU?!? 
Because my compadres, I am hearing from too many friends, and relatives, and coaching clients,  all with a common thread of current emotional discord regarding sympathetic connection.  They feel as though their actions are not being met with a sense of Soulful Significance!  Many of them are trying their damned best to usurp what little time they have been given to reach out to others who are sick, alone, living in extreme lack, or spiritual silence.  And while they are doing it to express their own level of care and concern, they are being met back with a complete lack of GRATITUDE and  Reciprocity!  And while I don't wish to mix my messages, the intent with what I wish to express is that SIGNIFICANCE IS MOST POWERFUL WHEN IT IS A TWO WAY STREET!  For what we share, SPIRIT circulates in the form of LOVE AND CARE!!  For as Martin Luther King, Jr. tells us, we can ALL be Great and Important!  But in order to be SIGNIFICANT in the eyes of this great UNIVERSE, we must be a servant for ONE ANOTHER!!  
Right now, we are all too often building walls of isolation to protect us from the painful expressions that manifest with the lack of mutual care and compassion we are showing one another.  And, yes, to rise above the actions of THE OTHER is a spiritual practice that would serve all of us, but would it not be more loving and SIGNIFICANT for us to be able to forgo such soulful tasks, especially in our times of emotional, physical, and spiritual needs if we rose above our own EGOIC necessities to Re-member those who have stood before US in our own time of need to let them know that we share our hearts in KINDNESS AND GRATITUDE as servants of LOVE!!  Because if there is ONE THING this world could use it is more LOVE!!!    

As a HERO's TIP, here are a few things that may assist you in sharing your precious free time and transform it into a form of SIGNIFICANCE that has the ability to truly change the world:

1- Success adds value to oneself.  Significance adds value to others.

A perfect example of this is my friend Jennifer Ohlson.  We met in college where she was awarded a full sports scholarship.   Here is just a sampling of some of her extraordinary personal achievements:
~~  Most lettered athlete in Colorado sports history
~~  USA Today Colorado Athlete of the Year
~~  ECAC Heptathlon Champion her senior year

The list goes on, but she has turned her MASSIVE personal success into a thriving business called Interactive Health Technologies!  She and her team have created a cloud based technology program to revolutionize the physical education system.   IHT is "dedicated to helping unlock the full potential inside every individual, empowering them from kindergarten through graduation day to take personal responsibility for their health and well-being."  Jen literally took her greatest passion and personal success, and has turned it into something that is adding TREMENDOUS value to the WORLD!  GO Jen!

2-  Success has limited influence.  Significance has UNLIMITED influence. 
"When you influence a child, you influence a life.  When you influence a father, you influence a family.  When you influence a  leader, you influence ALL who turn to him/her for leadership."
Quote by Anonymous

3-  Turning Success into Significance is one of the best ways to find our CALLING.
I think we have all experienced the fleeting feeling that various success brings into our life.  But to go beyond ourself, and meld what our true talents to the world may be, with a burning desire to be of service to others, creates a gateway into our personal calling. 

4-  Pursuing success only brings joy to but a few, but pursuing significance brings joy to many.  And isn't that what the Hero's Journey, at its core, is truly all about.  Bringing back the knowledge we have learned on our personal quest of challenges, to be of service to others who are still attempting to get through theirs?!  As Martin Luther King Jr. often espoused, “Life's most persistent and urgent question is: What are we doing for others?”

So I would like to remind each and every one of you, in what ways can you be a servant in your own lives?!?  Especially to those who have always been a servant of care and compassion in your own life?!?  Not because we need to feel that our actions mattered, but because GRATITUDE is the greatest THANK YOU NOTE we could ever send to one another!! Because, the hard cold truth is that one day, the Spirits who cared for us the most will no longer be there!  And wouldn't it be more than worthwhile to be one of the individuals that was able to stand up at their own funeral procession and have stories to share?!  Stories that are truly SIGNIFICANT?!?


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, May 5, 2018

What We Can Learn From The New AVENGERS :Infinity War Film..!!

Ok!!  This is my New Age Nerd version of SPOILER ALERT!!  I am about to discuss in full detail the intricacies of the new Avengers: Infinity Stones film!!  And if you haven't seen it yet, WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!  ;0)

Nowadays, there are SO many event films that are meant to capture our imaginations as well as our hard earned dollars to spin the turnstiles to turn box office magic into pure Hollywood delight!
And Believe you me, I have absolutely no problemo in trading my own hard fought money for an experience that expands on my own concept of what a modern telling of the Hero's Journey may still BE!  

Mind you,  I truly try and remain completely open minded when the most recent attempt of delivering a truly fresh and exceptionally revelatory take on a variant of what the Hero's Journey imprint on the current social Zeitgeist may take to move our collective consciousness to a higher level!  Because I still believe with all my heart that at the core of every story Hollywood's attempt to share is meant to not only mint money,  but to also touch the very Soul of everyone who takes the chance to leave the precious confines of their homes and venture out to experience the POWER OF STORY in the modern religious confines of a movie theatre! After all, there is absolutely no thing new about gathering in a social space to have a communal experience of pure storytelling to assist in our own level of spiritual growth!  We have proof that this has been a proven exercise in sharing a tribal communal experience for over the past two thousand years!!  

Why you ask?!  Because human beings have yet to invent a proven mechanism that is more powerful and influential than the impact of sharing communal STORIES!!  It simply doesn't exist!!  That is why the story of Jesus the Christ still captivates and motivates over a several billion of this planet's population more than 2,000 years after his supposed passing!  If that isn't enough proof of the power of STORY nothing ever will!

But I digress!  For this special post is about a story that has been over a decade in the making.  And that is AVENGERS: INFINITY WARS!!  Chances are if you follow this blog, you have already seen the film once, if not many times!  I know I will be seeing it for the third time tomorrow!  It's THAT GOOD!  

And yes, the action beats between the 20 strong and growing group of Avengers are an absolute MARVEL(no pun intended), the real powerhouse that makes the film transcend any superhero film before it is the motion captured performance of the big baddie THANOS, played with a complex and  emotionally nuanced performance by actor Josh Brolin.  I am already sending in ballots to the Hollywood Foreign Press to get him an acting nod for Best Supporting Actor.  The fist time such an honor would be given to an actor in a virtual captured performance.  And more than well deserved!!

In this film, Brolin captures a villain that is in equal parts BRUTAL, Compassionate, Human, and oh so complex!!  He has his eyes designed on capturing the power of six Infinity Stones that give whomever captures them the power of the God given Universe!  

What makes THANOS so mesmerizing is that his intentions are not in the usual vein of common comic book fodder!  He has absolutely NO intentions of ruling the Galaxy.  Instead, he has spent his life wandering the Universe.  And has seen the struggle and strife that the issue of over population  and a lack of resources to care for the children of the known Universe entails.  And thus wishes to gain control of the six Infinity Stones that will allow him to wipe out half of the population in the known COSMOS all in the effort to more evenly redistribute the known abundance to ensure that those still alive never have to suffer in lack ever again.  As Mis-guided as his efforts may be, they truly confront the current situation that engages  this world's population!!  And that makes for a character of such complex means that it transcends the current corps of cardboard cutout villains that fill out the requisite means of dramatic conflict that fleshes out most of our current superheroes narratives!!

And it makes for such a refreshing and original take on the many aspects of what encompasses true villainy that it actually single handedly transcends the film to something akin to No Thing we have ever seen before!  After all, life is not always Black and White.  In fact, it is more often filled with various hues of grey!! And this is where THANOS thrives!! 

Believe it or not, Avengers: Infinity Wars is the culmination of over 18 Marvel based films starting with the brilliant efforts of an at the time down trodden Robert Downey Jr. as the star of the stunning IRON MAN in 2008!!  And some 17 films later, MARVEL was prescient enough to hire the brilliant minds of the dynamic duo of the Russo Brothers to direct this desperate film that has tasked them with the challenge  of juggling over 20 different superheroes, all with a similar opponent and task, yet still introducing them to one another in a fresh, funny , and unexpected manner that in my humble opinion has never been matched in cinema history!! What they have accomplished is absolutely jaw dropping!!  

In fact , the final 20 minutes of this film are as emotionally devastating as anything I have ever witnessed.  At least half of the major characters are left for dead leaving those still with us  wondering how they can possibly move forward..............

And this is perhaps the film's most powerfully prescient modality.  Because it expresses an emotion that is all too common for most of us sitting in our theatre seats!  As the credits start to roll, we are emotionally drained, stunned, and equally reminded of the losses we have faced in our own lives and the manner in which we are still dealing with their aftermaths!

This is a film that trades laughs and latitude with unexpected shots straight to the gut.  All in an effort to confront our own belief systems on the state of this planet's complexities and modalities with trying to deal with how to best redistribute our resources while Billions are suffering on a daily basis!  Now when was the last time you could tell me a Summer Blockbuster dealt with such pressing issues while still dosing out the potential answers in such an entertaining fashion?!!?  How about NEVER...   LOL

After already seeing this film several times (You Know I Am THE New Age Nerd...LOL) , I could easily doll out many of the specific action beats that befall both your/and my favorite Heroes and Heroines.  But I feel that experiencing this film knowing as little as possible is by far and away the most impactful way to experience what MARVEL and the RUSSO brothers have concocted is the only way to go!!  So I will do you the favor of spoiling as little as possible!!  YOU CAN THANK ME AFTER THE FINAL CREDITS!!  (PLEASE STAY UNTIL THE FINAL CREDITS ROLL!!!)

It's literally been decades since I laughed, cried, pondered, shouted, and emotionally expended my individual Spirit and left the theater completely spent to the degree that AVENGERS:THE INFINITY WARS made me feel!  And I know you will have a very similar experience if you have emotionally invested yourself in any of these characters over the past decade as so many of us New Age Nerds have!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, May 4, 2018

Learn The ONE Thing That Can ADD 10 YEARS To Your Life.....!!

Whenever a particular topic or issue continues to show up in my life through the variant magical manners in which the Universe communicates with us, it often becomes the basis for one of my new posts.  And the last few weeks, Spirit has doused me with an overabundance of silent whispers regarding an issue that like so many others is often overlooked and or simply ignored.  Unfortunately, our current level of global consciousness is still at a level that...... could greatly benefit from a good kick in the tush of TRUTH!!  Not because we are LESS THAN in any way, because I know my Tribe is well aware that that is simply not the case.  But the illusionary pull of our current existence tends to sway toward EGOIC habits and patterns that simply DO NOT serve us any longer if we are to continue to use them to avoid the real 'TOUGH STUFF' facing a planet full of a population of almost 8 Billion strong!!

As I consider myself to be both a STUDENT and a TEACHER, like a spiritual special ops on steroids, I am constantly searching, reading, and exploring the greatest messages this planet's minds currently have to offer!  After over 20 years of self actualization work, I have a wonderful BS detector that protects me from the various charlatans who appear from time to time, simply to prey on those who are in desperate need of a quick fix to their life's hardships.  Fool me once, shame on you!  Fool me twice, shame on ME!!  Or at least that is what my therapist tells me.....    ;0)

Hopefully, over the past two and a half years of posting,  I have built up enough trust that I no longer need to profess my personal passions when it concerns the LIGHT that I feel should be shone upon a situation that is becoming an epidemic upon our common shores.  And one such issue that continues to be brought to my attention is the SINGLE GREATEST PROBLEM  facing our planet.  I'm sure many of you prescient New Age Nerds are thinking you are one step ahead of me.  Climate change, water and food droughts, over population; while they are certainly issues that need to be addressed and PRONTO, the global malady I am discussing in this post is....  LONELINESS ...!!!!  For according to many of this world's leading doctors, researchers, and scientists, LONELINESS will be the leading cause of new health issues, not to mention a level of spiritual, mental and physical pain and suffering unlike anything our planet has ever seen!!  HAVE I GOT YOUR ATTENTION NOW?!??!  ;0)   Stupendous!!

One of my favorite spiritual teachers is Dr. Lissa Rankin.  I have been following her blogs, books, and TEDX speeches for nearly a decade.  She is truly a Goodness Goddess and has a special message that usually completely captivates those who encounter her precious prose!  Amongst her many crusades, LONELINESS continues to be a topic she uses her hard fought platform to confront with the ferocity of a true Wounded Healer.  

"Loneliness predisposes us, not just to disconnection, depression, anxiety, and addiction, but also to chronic disease and early death. We are tribal beings... and when we feel lonely, our nervous systems sense a threat and activate a stress response that increases the likelihood of illness. When we come together in authentic, loving "soul tribe" community, our nervous systems relax and we connect to the life force — activating the body's self-healing mechanisms and allowing us to heal, body, mind, and soul."

Lissa Rankin, MD

In fact,  do you know what the top 2 determining factors of a life of longevity have proven to be by most of the top doctors and health professionals around the globe.  Alcohol and smoking....NOPE!
Lack of good health care...GOOD GUESS!  Regular exercise and eating healthy...   Sorry..Try Again!   

The answer is having both a strong love/life partner, and a social community that you engage with on a regular basis!!!  Those two factors can lengthen your life a good 10 years longer than ANYTHING ELSE ON EARTH!!  Mind Blown...   Gotcha!  But isn't something to truly ponder about your own social circle... ?!??

In one of Miss Rankin's blog posts, she further fleshes out the rationale for the importance of living a life of CONNECTION!!

The Effects of Loneliness On The Body

What his researchers found is that the tight knit community living in multi-generational homes and enjoying communal dinners and frequent festivities provided solace from the loneliness so many people feel. The love and support of others in the close knit community alleviated the stress and overwhelm many lonely people feel. Researchers posit that the stress lonely people feel, which increases cortisol levels and activates the sympathetic nervous system, raising heart rate, elevating blood pressure, incapacitating the immune system, and increasing the risk of heart disease, is responsible for much of the illness lonely people experience.
Because the people of Roseto never felt alone, they rarely died of heart disease – most died of “old age”- even though they smoked, ate poorly, and drank.  As it turns out, alleviation of loneliness is preventative medicine, and the scientific data suggests that loneliness is a stronger risk factor for illness than smoking or failure to exercise.

So after processing the information presented in today's post, I am really curious!  In what ways do you feel it might benefit you to become less entangled in the web of life's way of tempting us to KEEP BUSY, and look for more ways to SOULFULLY connect with the world around us?!?  
Because I see a truly symbiotic relationship with healing the WORLD through healing the myriad of intimate ways in which we are currently connecting with and through it..........  Make sense...?!?

What would it look like to have Boys, Girl's and or Nerd's nights off from engaging with ANY technology?!?  And instead use the time to call, or even better, make plans to actually have face to face engagements with our TRIBE of true friends and family members!!  Call me old fashioned, but some of my favorite memories were the times when me and my old gang of geeky buddies would get together on a Saturday night and play board games until the sun came up!  OK, that's how I used to roll...LOL   But I'm more than willing to bet that many of you reading this have similar special memories!!

And if you are currently feeling yourself in a state of unbearable LONELINESS  is there anyone that you would feel comfortable reaching out to?!?  You may be surprised by how many others have felt the very same thing you are currently suffering through!  And even more importantly, are much more compassionate than you may be giving them credit for and would be MORE than happy to simply sit and share more than a smidgeon of their time with you!!  

After all, your very LIFE'S  longevity may depend on your willingness to become more connected to the world around you....   And even more importantly, PLEASE do not forget the gifts of understanding, strength, and wisdom that you still have within you to share with those who have yet to HEAR YOUR STORY!!!


Jeffery Louis Martinez

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Is It You I've Been Waiting For......

DESIRE....  Our restless compass meant to show us the way...
Created in Heaven's womb in which a contract was made...
Yet..  it was a declaration signed before I came...
An Earthly experience with so many dreams to wake..

Expectations I had been warned, would be a case for concern....
So my actions tempered such temptations of the flesh...
And instead I planted situations to allow My Soul to learn....
For deep heartfelt connections would allow fellow HEARTS to mesh...

For once in human form we forget oh so much....
Attempting to find our true path in time...
As I watch lovers pass on by,  through a simple touch....
Someone waiting for me, who would be so kind....

Instead I sit alone and watch so many lovers pass on by....
As I've saved all of my Soul's love songs all of my life...
For I came here to sing someone my favorite lullaby's ..
Never thinking so much time would cause such strife....

So many love songs nobody has heard before...
I'll sing them only once I know they're for you...
Sitting on the sand as they remain dreamful lore...
The lyrics straight from my heart and oh so true....

Life is here and gone in a blink of an eye...
I've made mistakes just tryin' to get by...
But in front of you, all I can do is SIGH..
Please don't go, my feelings don't lie....

In the recent past, I know I've been scared..
So many Dreams I've wanted to make...
But soulful feelings are often layered...
And our past memories are hard to shake...

So please tell me if these DREAMS are meant for you...
Maybe all we need is a little more time...
Because my feelings seem OH so TRUE..
A LOVE that may be meant to truly Shine...

And if my feelings are way offline..
At least I'll search for a new place...
Where I can find a HEART divinely MINE...
And in her care.. I know I'll be truly safe...

A Romantic deep within my Body and Soul...
Such Feelings I have never shared before...
Wondering what meaning might take a Toll...
Because they come from deep within my CORE...

I've been saving all my daily Breaths..
Waiting for the One who is certain to be True..
Celebrating those who can make it Fresh..
Despite their issues.. they still make it through...

If promises before space and time did I make...
Never were they made in Vain..
Although still hard for me to shake...
I hope you won't hold me in a place of Shame..

For my heart and soul are still searching for YOU...
So many quiet emotions never heard before...
Feelings felt by only a precious FEW...
On an empty and desolate Spiritual  Shore...


Jeffrey Louis Martinez