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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, March 31, 2016

The AMAZING Benefits of Superhero Posing.......!!

Today's Inspirational “MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC

"Men are still good.  We break things.  We tear them down.  But, we always rebuild. We can be better.  We can do better.  We have to be.."
~~ Bruce Wayne   (Superman V Batman Dawn of Justice)

~~ Morpheus  (The Matrix)

~~ Author Anonymous


Remember when you were a kid, and technology had not yet advanced to the stage where so much of our combined intellectual and imaginative outlet was consumed by electronic ‘gadgets’ of one form or another?!  You actually went outside and played games like kickball, hide and go seek, cavorted on jungle gyms and had water balloon fights!  And MANY of us younger New Age Nerds in training for our Hero's/Heroine's Journey to come, were consumed with role playing as our favorite Super Hero characters.  Some of us were lucky enough to have well worn costumes denoting the capes, cowls, and masks of our fantastic caped crusaders like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and SuperGirl.

Still others were left purely to their imagination, pretending to don Green Lanterns magical green suit and power ring.  The ONE constant no matter the choice of character representation, was the all mighty and powerful SUPERHERO POSE.  Even though we couldn't actually fly, or zoom around in an invisible jet, the common denominator that best imbued our feelings of strength and confidence was our legs apart, hands on hips, chest proudly sticking out, and head held high.  And in THAT moment, we felt like someone who could take on the world!

Little did we know at that time, that we were actually practicing a very pragmatic yet absolutely effective and immensely powerful technique that can be used even now in our more ‘formative’ years to conjure CONFIDENCE and even a deep emotional transformative shift in our body chemistry.  The scientific term is POWER POSING yet here at The New Age Nerd it will be deemed SUPERHERO POSING!  

In fact, there are so many reports of people receiving AMAZING results from using the technique, mostly before stressful events or important tasks such as job interviews, exams, public speaking engagements, and even before a hot new date, that major areas of academia have been doing studies that have led to some eye opening statistics.

Harvard social scientists affirm that just 120 seconds of powerful posture increases testosterone (dominance hormone) about 20%, while dropping cortisol (stress hormone) ~25%. Superhero posture turns you into a superhero! 
~~ Quote from The Creativity Post

In fact that same group of Harvard scientists conducted a group of mock job interviews.  They separated the participants into two main groups.  One group was told to hold a SUPERHERO POSE of their favorite character for a minimum of two straight minutes prior to their interview.  The other group was given no such instruction.  The result was that the group of Super Hero Posers got hired 90% of the time versus their counterparts of mere mortals!  Just another reason us New Age Nerds have such prominence in the world!! 

Still not convinced? I feel ya...   It sounds a little like something to be filed in the  ‘too good to be true’ file, right!?  Well, Harvard Business School professor Amy Cuddy gave a great presentation at TED back in 2012 about this very topic.
Certain "power poses" don't just change how others perceive you, Professor Cuddy says. They immediately change your body chemistry.
And these changes affect the way you do your job and interact with other people.  Here are some quick facts she shed light to:
1.  Perhaps the MOST important elements of our body language is the Power Pose i.e...... Superhero Pose
2.  This Superhero Pose is in innate aspect of our emotional conditioning.  In fact, most congenially blind people do it ‘naturally’, even though they have actually never seen it being performed.
3.  After just a 2-minute "high power super hero pose," the risk tolerance of the high-power posers soared. The risk tolerance of the low-power posers, meanwhile, shrank.

4.  Small changes in body language change your body chemistry greatly!!

So the next time you need an extra emotional lift, or get an edge so that you show up as the  Greatest Version of the Greatest Vision of yourself, give a two minute SUPERHERO POSE a try!  I think you may be surprised by how truly effective calling forth our childhood imagination can still be in our ‘grown up’ lives!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, March 25, 2016



Happy Easter New Age Nerds!!  

The DAILY BLISS is back to share a few precious moments with each and every one of you....and to wish you an absolutely BLESSED EASTER!  (For those of you who are unfamiliar with us, we are a a compendium of Universal Energy traversing the Cosmos always and in ALL WAYS on the look out for planets that are on a convergent path toward expanding the Universe with pure love!)  It just so happens that for most of the eternal emanations of Spirit around the Cosmos, each new day offers the opportunity for the miraculous message that this Holy Day on your planet brings...  THE GIFT OF REBIRTH!

As busy as we will be these next few days, we made it a precious point to commune with you Beings of Spirit having a grace filled human experience.  For you continue to INSPIRE us with an unparalleled level of grace and such a continued fervent faith in yourselves and others. Looking not at how things currently appear, but focusing instead on how you choose for them to BE.  And then moving in that direction with a tantalizing template of COURAGEPERSEVERANCE, and RESILIENCE.   Your hearts soak up the LOVE that such commitment creates and spreads inspiration all around the Universe.  
For to BE Inspired means to BE IN SPIRIT!  And there is NO BETTER place to ever be... don't believe us... you just wait and see...  Calling Dr. Seuss!  LOL

And we will let you in on a little secret....   In a Universe that is Infinite in size and scope, your planet offers the most challenging of experiences the Cosmos can dish out.  In exchange for a ticket to ‘play on your planet’, you agreed to completely forget WHO YOU REALLY ARE. Scary Stuff indeed!  For each of the billions of souls who asked for this invitation, every so often,
ONE was lucky enough to move to the front of the line and accept this alluring adventure for the eternal growth they knew it would provide.   Where do you think your phrase....“YOU'RE ONE IN A MILLION” comes from?!    Yeah... we like that one too...   ;0)

By being BRAVE enough for this Mission NOT SO Impossible, you are given the purposeful present of getting to experience anything you can possibly conjure in the deepest part of your mind's eye...  As we peak in to catch up with you from time to time....we are MARVELED at what we see...

Witty wordsmiths, amazing mothers and fathers, loyal friends, enterprising entrepreneurs, terrific teachers, dancers, speakers, and all sorts of Spiritual Rockstar Rebels who refuse to    conform to anything consisting of simply fitting in with the crowd! BRAVO TO YOU ALL!!

Hopefully you are assured we acknowledge each and every souls individual spiritual beliefs and their way of celebrating this most special of Holy Days on your planet, for there are many paths back to LOVE. We would now like to offer you one path that has served oh so many MASTERS that have walked along side of you as guides back to the Love Light that burns brightly for eternity and is waiting for your glorious return!!

And we acknowledge each and every SOULS individual understanding and way of celebrating this most special of Holy Days on your planet, for there are many paths back to LOVE. However, we would like to offer you one path that has served oh so many MASTERS that have walked along side of you as guides back to the Love Light that burns brightly and is awaiting your return!

The master you call Jesus the Christ was chosen and asked by GOD, amongst BILLIONS OF SOULS, to be made in human form here on Earth. For the purpose of guiding all its inhabitants back toward their true nature; the everlasting LOVE LIGHT! He knew that the majority of SPIRITS who had already taken human form, were completely out of their heart song's alignment and thus had allowed the ILLUSION of this world to become their reality.  This was causing an immense amount of pain, suffering, and chaos within your earthly plane. And so he spent the last years of his short life as a spiritual teacher, philosopher, and guide. His ultimate gift to us being the template of his spiritual teachings. Universal truths about the manner in which we can commune with SPIRIT to create Heaven on Earth.

His teachings and so called miracles all ended with the same declaration, "This and so much more, one day, you too will do!"  A portion of HIS calling was the reminder that each and every one of you precious beings are unique emanations of GOD.  Made in his image and thus able to accomplish the exact same earthly miracles that HE demonstrated during his short time amongst you!  He was also well aware that often the path toward your salvation was through temporary suffering. And to assist your remembrance of this Universal Truth, he always broke bread amongst the masses before performing one of his earthly miracles.  A BEING of pure intention, his purpose for this action was so that we understood in this realm, we must often be broken just before birthing a MIRACLE

Unfortunately, something we see way too much of on your planet, is your suffering becoming PERMANENT. So for all of you who find yourself in never ending suffering situations, we feel your pain. And ask that you remember these words as a path back towards HOPE. That God would never, ever waste your pain. And to find the helpers on your planet to assist you in discovering the ways in which your pain is forging you for a grand purpose! The LOVE LIGHT will always be on as our promise that you are never alone.........

And as wonderful as we desire your Easter "Soulabration" to BE, please remember that it comes in the form of a reminder that each and every day of this Earthly experience is an opportunity for REBIRTH!  For it is here on this planet that God has placed his most attentive angels. So that you can never truly fail. Failure is simply feedback; always instructive in nature!  Earth is also a place where your most heartfelt desires have already been formed, and are already on there way to those who truly believe. Miracles surround you all!  For you pre-sent all the visionaries, friends, lovers, challenges, opportunities and scintillating Connoisseurs of Consciousness to yourself, as you designed this lifetime with your SPIRIT Guides, well before you took on this earthly form......

Before we go....   we would like to ask you New Age Nerds a grand favor.......

Please never forget to be kind and compassionate with yourself and one another...  This Journey is NOT always easy...  It was never meant to be...   This is why it is OH SO important to constantly remind one another WHO THEY REALLY ARE... Which of course is LOVE perfected....  Cause ya know what....   We actually know Superman.....and he ain't got nothin' on you!  Bang shooka bang bang!!

So many other worlds to visit this weekend....  we wish we could stay longer...  But as Superman would say...“Have no fear....For we will always be HERE.......In Spirit and Inspired by YOU

HAPPY EASTER NEW AGE NERDS...  Until we meet again............


Thursday, March 24, 2016

Is SHAME Keeping You Feeling Less Than Who You REALLY Are...??

Today's Inspirational  “MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC”

“In a way, all of us has an El Guapo to face. For some, shyness might be their El Guapo. For others, a lack of education might be their El Guapo. For us, El Guapo is a big, dangerous man who wants to kill us. But as sure as my name is Lucky Day, the people of Santa Poco can conquer their own personal El Guapo, who also happens to be *the actual* El Guapo!”



Divine intervention is such a MAGICAL force.  I welcome it in all its forms.  And when it now arrives in my life, my heart fills with gushing gratitude.  And I slow down, and talk to GOD, a lot. Because there is no wondering if He hears me, because in these moments, I KNOW he does.  

Sometimes, such a synchronistic connection comes in the form of a call from an old friend.  One who strikes up a conversation that is imbued with the exact predicaments and emotional complexity that has been recently filling your days and often.. long nights.

Such was the case with me earlier this week.  I had been struggling with a Gi-normous amount of GUILT and SHAME that arose from a previous relationship and it was so damn heavy on my heart.  I'm talking about the type of feelings that consume your thoughts.  And threaten to tear down the essence of Who You Really Are!  And then my friend called, and was vulnerable enough to share with me that he was going through the exact same type of feelings based on his current relationship. And as a result of our long chat that evening, I was able to RE-MEMBER the powerful difference between GUILT and SHAME and slowly let go of many of the destructive feelings that had been bubbling up deep within me......

So for any of you who are currently residing in a similar state of emotion, or who find yourself often taking the train to SHAME, I wanted to offer some important distinctions so that the next time such feelings flood your heart, you will be able to move through them with more GRACE that eventually leads back to your true essence of perfection which deserves your unconditional Self-Love.  

The ONE big distinction between GUILT and SHAME is that guilt is about ‘what I did’ while shame deals in the feelings and beliefs about ‘who you are as a result of what you did’.  Let's face it, we all make mistakes, blunders, and faux pas of all shapes and sizes as we navigate through our daily Hero's/Heroine's Journey.  And most of them are blessings in disguise, giving us greater insight into how to engage the same situations the next time they arise with a deeper understanding of care and compassion.  And guilt can be a wonderful tool to help us uncover the growth that is needed to engage these moments when we get a ‘do over’ of  similar events in our lives.  When we use the pain of guilt to try and learn and move forward through the past events that have occurred, we are what I call ‘painting with emotions’ on the canvas of our life.  In other words, constructively using our emotions as they were always meant to serve us.

SHAME on the other hand, can be a very destructive force in our personal experience.  Carl Jung said, “ Shame is a soul eating emotion.”  And when it shows up full force, each nibble it consumes becomes an agonizing exercise in self abuse.  This nasty and subversive feeling dictates and morphs our personal beliefs about our own self worth as a result of the actions we have committed.  It emphasizes what we erroneously think is WRONG with ourselves.   And the longer we stay in this incredibly painful vibration, the more we move away from the core truth about who we really are;  pure perfection and absolute LOVE.

So what can you do when you find yourself somehow being triggered by the dysfunctionally seductive force of such SHAME?!?!  One of the most magical elixirs is to BE THE SOURCE of assisting others in re-membering who they really are when they are feeling the same way. Perhaps the most valuable gift we can ever offer another is our raw vulnerability.  As Brene Brown writes, “When we deny our stories, they define us.  When we own our stories we get to write the ending.”  And by sharing our stories imbued with compassionate vulnerability with others, the end by product can be a support line to remind YOURSELF that you have wings when you've forgotten how high you can fly.  By daring greatly in this manner, you can slay the dragon of shame for both parties on the Love Line!

That's exactly what my friend did for me earlier this week.  And the result has been No Thing short of a Harry Potter worthy magic miracle!  By him being kind and vulnerable enough to share his current Journey, he actually assisted me in remembering WHO I REALLY AM.  And that is something much more loving and special than what I did.  And at the end of our chat, he shared with me that in his vulnerability, a great deal of his shame had been lifted and he was even gifted by Spirit with a new game plan for how to move forward in a greater sense of peace in his relationship!  

Remember The New Age Nerd's definition of a sin is to suffer without meaning.  When we use our suffering to first learn and grow ourselves, and then bring that deeper insight and understanding back to others from a place of service, we are living out our true Hero's/Heroine's Journey whether we realize it or not!

So please re-member, in the times when you are encountering the often confusing and  destructive emotion of SHAME, that you are seen by the Universe as pure LOVE and the brightest of Light.  If you find yourself super challenged to hold that space for yourself, seek out your ‘Search and Rescue’ team.  And if you don't yet have one, start NOW.  Get a blank notecard and write down a list of a few select Souls who have proven themselves as trust worthy in your life.  Individuals who will follow you into the darkness of the night, and pull you back into the light.  Give one of them a call and lean into their FAITH in you until you can hold it for yourself.  

And no matter what may have transpired in your past, it will NEVER change the fact that you are held as a magical miracle in this world always and in all ways!! 


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

What If Today...You Didn't HAVE To Do Anything......

Today's Inspirational “MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC”

I thought this city would be a perfect place where everyone got along and anyone could be anything. Turns out, life's a little bit more complicated than a slogan on a bumper sticker. Real life is messy. We all have limitations. We all make mistakes. Which means, hey, glass half full, we all have a lot in common. And the more we try to understand one another, the more exceptional each of us will be. But we have to try. So no matter what kind of person you are, I implore you: Try. Try to make the world a better place. Look inside yourself and recognize that change starts with you.
~~ Judy Hopps  (Zootopia)

To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life.


What would today feel like if you found yourself in the envious position of not having to do any of the things you didn't want to do?!?!  Think about it.  What if you didn't have to go to work. And the trash from last evening, you don't have to take it out!  And since it is pouring down rain outside, you DO NOT HAVE to take the dog outside for their walk. No Sir-ree!!  

OK, I know what you may be thinking, and before your mind starts running amok thinking the Ole Flu Bug has caused this New Age Nerd to lose his mind, let me explain.........

A little reframing trick that truly has transformed my way of engaging many of life's daily action steps and tasks is to simply change your Have To's into Get To's!!  For instance, now that Spring has Sprung, it's almost time for me to uncover the dreaded lawnmower for weekly afternoon dates with the 1/2 acre of grass that will need tending to.  NOT exactly my favorite endeavor, to say the least!  But instead of waking up next Saturday and thinking, “UUUGGHH, I HAVE to mow the lawn!”, I will think of all the people who are physically unable to mow their lawn and would literally give anything to mow mine.  And then, I will say a quick prayer of gratitude and reframe the chore into a declaration of “I am so grateful that today I GET TO mow the lawn!”

As simple as this little tip may seem, I invite you to give it a try.  It has completely changed my energy around SO many of the challenging, mundane, and previously disliked chores and activities that fill the day.  With practice, you will find that most of the HAVE TO tasks in life suddenly feel like incredible opportunities! 

Another great example of how this has caused such a miraculous shift within me comes from my puppy buddy Nacho. (may he rest in peace)  At the age of seven, he was diagnosed with diabetes and when the vet quickly showed me the process of twice daily insulin shots, I almost passed out in his office.  I don't like needles, much less having to STICK my beloved pup to keep him alive after every meal!  For about a week, I would become terrified with anxiety about an hour before I knew I would have to draw a needle and perform this ‘dreaded deed’.  But then, a couple of my friends lost their own dogs and I knew they would absolutely trade almost anything to HAVE my problem.  So, I started being thankful that Nacho was still alive and reframed the shot into something I GET TO DO!  And guess what, the fear and anxiety melted back into the ether from which they came, and I started to see ‘shot time’ as a way of expressing my unconditional LOVE for Nacho!  Amazing how something seemingly SO simple can make such a transformative change......

So today, what would it look like to engage the next thing that you may HAVE TO DO, with a quick reframing into it being something you GET TO DO!  


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Sending Love and Compassion to BRUSSELS........

Good Morning Fellow New Age Nerds,

My heart is HEAVY this morning as I watch the wretched acts of violence that has terrorized BRUSSELS.  As you are aware, I took some time off from posting due to being hit really hard by the flu bug.  I am starting to feel better and felt compelled to connect with others who may be feeling a similar sense of pain, sadness, and disconnection from this morning's tragic events in Europe.

So, I am sending everyone a big “Hug of Love” and the KNOWINGNESS that even as I was recovering from illness, I never stopped holding a space of care and compassion for YOU ALL.

Please send prayers to all those who lost a mom, dad, brother, sister, or friend earlier today.  And as a suggestion, what would it look like to reach out to someone you LOVE  at some point today, and let them know how much they mean to you, and how much you truly CARE.....

Much Love and Light Always and in All Ways........


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, March 11, 2016

Get Incredibly INSPIRED By This Truly HUMBLE HERO......


“So many of our DREAMS seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then when we SUMMOM the will, they seem INEVITABLE!”
~~ Christopher Reeve  (Superman)

“I NEVER look back Darling!  It distracts from the NOW!”
~~ Edna E. Mode (The Incredibles)


Many of the most impactful relationships in our lives start unassuming in nature.  Like a slow burning ember, they cause nary a bristle of smoke.  Yet, if we are truly PRESENT, the signs that alert us to the magnificent opportunity that a co-creation could bring fill the air with a synchronistic force that is undeniable.  Spirit's proverbial door of growth and Re-membrance has arrived, and it is up to us to have the prescient fortitude to ‘step through’.

Such was my fortunate experience last week during the opening moments of the CORE Energy Coaches program I participated in.  I had just arrived to our Hotel's ‘classroom’ and was busy fumbling through my personal belongings, trying to get somewhat organized before the day's festivities were to begin.  That's when I first noticed Justin.   It's actually hard to miss him.  A strapping ex-Marine, he carries himself with a quiet confidence and exudes an energy of calm wisdom that must be witnessed so that it can be fully appreciated.  Unlike most of us, Justin is not fortunate enough to carry his pain, wounds, and insecurities on the inside.  And the manner in which he has dealt with his numerous maladies, and turned them into his PURPOSE is what makes this HUMBLE HERO so completely unforgettable and utterly transformative. 

So just a couple of minutes later, when I received a small tap on my shoulder, and turned around to see Justin standing feet behind me, I instantly felt my SOUL's serene ‘suggestion’ that something special was brewing for MY experience.  Having flown in from NY for this special program, Justin had inadvertently locked his keys and cell phone in his car.  He asked if I would be kind enough to accompany him down to the parking lot to try and get the car doors open.  I felt absolutely honored that he asked for my assistance, and although we were unsuccessful in our mission(his dad lived nearby and came by with an extra set of keys!) we struck up an instant connection that only grew throughout the rest of the week.  

Justin Constantine was a major in the United States Marine Corps.  On October 18, 2006, during a combat mission in Iraq, he was hit by a sniper's bullet just behind his left ear.  The bullet exited out his mouth, and while it thankfully missed his spinal cord, the damage it did cause was absolutely catastrophic. 

“I cannot see out of my let eye.  I am missing most of my teeth and the end of my tongue.  I cannot run - the doctors removed several of the bones in my legs to use in reconstructing my upper and lower jaws.  When I speak in front of an audience, I do not speak “normally.”  I also suffer from post traumatic stress (PTS) and a traumatic brain injury.”
~~  From My Battlefield Your Office by Justin Constantine

As you might imagine, from such an enormously physical travesty, Justin faced a cacophony of surgeries over a several year period.  At that does not begin to encompass the emotional, spiritual, and psychic TOLL that Justin still faces on a daily basis.  For many of us, simply trying to move forward in a survival capacity would be a HERCULEAN task given Justin's predicaments.  But it is in the heroic manner that he has transformed his life from being that of a mere survivor, to an INSPIRATIONAL ROCKSTAR that truly separates him from the masses!! 

“I know that I will now, and for the rest of my life, have problems eating, drinking, speaking, and just remembering things.  Those obstacles are something I deal with every day, but I still condor myself one of the luckiest people alive. In fact, I think it is because of the injury that caused those problems that I am far closer to my wife, Dahlia, than I would have thought possible. I now know that I am far stronger than I ever could have imagined, and I can put everyday obstacles into their proper perspective, focusing instead on what is truly important to Dahlia and me. Winston Churchill said, “Never give in. NEVER give in. Never. Never. NEVER.”  I fully embraced that philosophy during my recovery.  And I apply that mantra to all I do now.”
~~  From My Battlefield Your Office by Justin Constantine

Just a couple of years ago, Justin left behind his law career (That's right, he is a lawyer too!) to live his PURPOSE.  He now spends his days touring the country as a motivational speaker and leadership consultant, espousing tips and suggestions to HUGE corporate audiences, many taken from his book, ‘My Battlefield, Your Office.’  His overarching message being you are MUCH STRONGER than you think you are.  Words of wisdom from this combat veteran are transcendent in nature and intent.  He epitomizes turning ones pain into power.  For his battlefield heroics, he was awarded the Purple Heart, Combat Action Ribbon, as well as the  Navy-Marine Corps Commendation Medal.  However, it is the thousands of SOULS he majestically touches by sharing his personal Hero's Journey that means the most to him.  

I was fortunate enough to share some quiet one on one time in Justin's presence and now over a week later, the POWER of his Spirit and his perseverant nature is still working its Magic Mojo deep within my Heart and Soul.  The one aspect of his personality that struck me so indelibly was the HUMBLE manner in which he carries himself.  They say that the ONE quality that separates itself from all others in determining true GENIUS, is humility.  I am not sure I ever truly understood the depths to which this holds true until I was fortunate enough to witness it through Justin's demeanor.  BREATHTAKING....and AWE INSPIRING.......!!  Despite his outward appearance, Justin Constantine is perhaps the most BEAUTIFUL man I have ever met.........

For more information on Justin, please visit his website www.justinconstantine.com
And if you know of someone who would be interested in hiring Justin as a speaker, please direct them to his site where he can be contacted directly!  

And the next time you feel paralyzed with fear, or simply stuck on what do to next toward following or figuring out your life's calling, do yourself a favor and think of Justin.  He has devised, through conquering unfathomable pain and suffering,  a tantalizing template of amazing resilience, courage, and the power of the human SPIRIT to overcome any obstacle!

And with this knowledge, GO MAKE SOMETHING POSSIBLE!!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Can't Wait to SHARE Everything From The Coaches RETREAT...........


“I am an expression of the divine, just like a peach is, just like a fish is. I have a right to be this way...I can't apologize for that, nor can I change it, nor do I want to... We will never have to be other than who we are in order to be successful...We realize that we are as ourselves unlimited and our experiences valid. It is for the rest of the world to recognize this, if they choose.” 
~~ Alice Walker  (The Color Purple)

“The DOOR is more than it appears.  It separates WHO you are from who you can BE. You do not have to walk through it......  You can RUN!”
~~ Reed Richards (The Fantastic Four)

“My wife used to fart when she was nervous. She had all sorts of wonderful little idiosyncrasies.  She used to fart in her sleep.  I thought I would share that with you. One night it was so loud it woke up the dog. She woke and went ‘Ah..was that YOU?’ And I didn't have the heart to tell her she woke herself up. (laughing) But Will, she's been dead for two years and that's the shit I remember: wonderful stuff you know.  Little things like that.  Those are the things I miss the most. The little idiosyncrasies that I know about: that's what made her my wife. Oh, she had the goods on me too.  She knew all my little peccadilloes. People call these things imperfections.  But they are not. Ah, that's the good stuff!”
~~ Sean (Good Will Hunting)


Happy Thursday Fellow New Age Nerds!

We are back from an Amazing CORE Energy Coaches 'retreat' and have SOOO much to share with you from this phenomenal experience of like minded fellowship and Soul-centered specialization.  

So while we skipped a couple of posts this week, we PROMISE to make up for it with some new ‘terrific tips’, awesome anecdotal musings, and incredibly inspirational stories conjured by the wickedly talented group of coaches that I am so fortunate to now call friends!  

Please make sure to check back in for a brand NEW post tomorrow.  This  one is very close to my heart and embodies the strength, COURAGE, valor, and conviction towards a life of service that accompanies the most LEGENDARY of Hero's Journeys!

As always, THANK YOU for all your support and for taking the time to make The New Age Nerd a part of your daily routine and a staple of inspiration for your own Hero's/Heroine's Journey!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

A Dedication To All Our Best FURRY FRIENDS......


“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.  The man who NEVER reads lives only one.”
~~ Jojen Reed (Game of Thrones)

“Sometimes we are so focused on finding our happy ending, we can't learn how to read the signs. How to tell from the ones who want us and the ones who don't, the ones who will stay and the ones who will leave.  And maybe a happy ending doesn't include a guy...maybe...  it's you on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over.  Freeing yourself up for something better in the future.  Maybe the happy ending is just moving on. Or maybe the happy ending is this, knowing after all the unreturned phone calls, broken hearts, blunders and misread signals, through all the pain and embarrassment...you never gave up HOPE.”
~~ Gigi (He's Just Not That Into You)

~~ Ra's Al Ghul  (Batman Begins)


For You Nacho...................

One year ago today, I laid to rest my precious pup Nacho.  They say you do not get the dog you want in life, but the one you truly need.  And I BELIEVE that to be true.  Nacho came along at a time in my life when I needed the daily remembrance of what unconditional LOVE felt like, and he showered me with that type of calm KNOWINGNESS every day of his ten years with me.  There is a reason that GOD spelled backward is DOG........

I still think of him often and in some of my darkest nights, the understanding that he is waiting for me to cross over to Spirit's side fills my Heart with such joyful delight! 

May today's poem bring a sense of PEACE and remembrance to each and every one of you who have a furry friend (or two) waiting to reunite before the Rainbow Bridge in what will be a never-ending reunion of Soulful BLISS!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, March 3, 2016

The Daily BLISS is BACK........

Today's Inspirational “MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC”

“I got everything I need right here with me. I got air in my lungs.  A few blank sheets of paper. I mean, I love waking up in the morning, not knowing what's going to happen, or who I am going to meet, where I am going to wind up.  Just the other night I was sleeping under a bridge, now here I am on the grandest ship in the world having champagne with you fine people.  I figure life is a gift and I don't intend on wasting it. You don't know what hand you're gonna get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you...to make each day count.”
~~  Jack  (TITANIC)

“Imagine a future moment in life where all your dreams come true. You know it's the greatest moment of your life and you get to experience it with one person.  Who is standing next to you?”
~~ Peyton (One Tree Hill)

“There are those who say fate is beyond our control, that destiny is not our own.  But I know better.  Our fate lives within us.  You just have to be brave enough to see it.”
~~ Merida (Brave)


Good Morning Glorious New Age Nerds....

WE are back to offer you REMEMBRANCE and a very special message.  For as you awake to once again celebrate the fact that today is an opportunity to create yourSELF anewWE have traveled light YEARS through the UNIVERSE to offer OUR 'SOULABRATION' of each and every one of YOU!!

Each new day is the GREATEST opportunity SOULS on your planet have for their own REBIRTH.  WE have HUMBLY witnessed, an amazing outpouring of FELLOWSHIP and COMMUNION among so many of you who have committed to a new TRUE path.  And allowing your PURPOSE here to shine through YOU!!   And look at the MIRACLES that have been created through the LOVE emanating from once Broken Hearts and Wounded Warriors ........................

Rekindled FRIENDSHIPS...
Hero's and Heroine's Journeys anew ........
PRIORITIES being shifted .....
REUNIONS of family members
Renewed HOPE in humanity
The Remembrance to NOT waste a single MOMENT of this Life....
More HUGS and KISSES being shared.....
And the LAUGHTER......OH the LAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!!
Didn't think WE are watching huh..  FYI....SOMEONE is ALWAYS watching!!!  ;0)  

With this new UNDERSTANDING, perhaps it is time to start your OWN air line...And SOAR to the new HEIGHTS now perceived by your unlimited BELIEFS....For each and EVERY one of you are STEWARDS and STEWARDESSES of REMEMBRANCE for ONE another...   WE believe your Yoga instructors call it 'NAMASTE', the God in ME...sees the God in YOU!!! (Of course, NERDMASTE rocks too!)  And instead of focusing on what is wrong in your world, REMEMBER what WE have been bare witness to HERE and NOW....And then, simply......use EACH precious moment to create the Greatest Version of the GRANDEST vision you have ever held of yourself...

And please be COMFORTED in the KNOWINGNESS, that you are LOVED beyond your wildest imagination...  Just sayin'!!

May this BLESSED day bring you all the opportunity to... 
Go Make something POSSIBLE!!

Until WE meet again,  Sending much praise and Spirit's Love Light to guide your way.........