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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

How to Have MORE Life BALANCE..!!

It seems as though we are currently in a precarious time in our society.  And it has me and my friends discussing the situation ad nauseum as of late.  For the most part, there seems to be two distinct camps most of us find ourselves in.  One camp has plenty of financial means and security, but it has come at a dear price.  They spend the majority of their free time working in a job many of them dislike, with a commute that only adds to their dilemma.  Bottom line;  they have the means but NOT the time to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Then there is the second camp.  They have plenty of free time on their hands but the constant stress of not knowing how they are going to pay their bills or take care of their health insurance payments takes most of the fun away from their situation.  In some ways, I feel hypocritical even discussing this topic because for most of us in both camps, we are soooo much more fortunate than the majority of the world.  For instance, did you know that over 60% of the people in this beautiful world of ours wake up each and every morning having NO IDEA how they are going to eat for the day!  STAGGERING and oh so sad!! Yet, for those us in more developed areas, our dilemmas seem challenging in their own right.  --Please do not think I am downplaying the plight of the poor............Like many of you I am sure, I do what I can to assist them in many different areas of my life.  

So for those of us caught up in this dilemma of living one side of a two sided coin, what can we do?!?!  Does balance truly exist?  And if it does, how does one go about achieving it?!  The truth of the matter is that I am not sure of the answer.  What I do know is that each and every one of us is here for a reason.  A PURPOSE larger than we often give ourselves credit for.  A calling of magnificent proportions.  And I think therein lies the problem.  It would be so much easier if we didn't have constant whispers from our Soul about why we are here.  It would make living the status quo oh so easy.  BUT THAT JUST ISN'T THE CASE!!  In fact, for most of us, it is just the opposite.  We bang away in office cubicles day after day, year after year just KNOWING we are here for something more.  And since I don't believe in blanket sentiments, I know there are many of you who find your purpose in these jobs and life situations.   And I honor that part within you that recognizes that.  But for the rest of us, the daily slog of not fulfilling our purpose is an act in soul withering agony!

And please do not think I am advocating walking into your bosses office tomorrow and waxing all poetic about how you have a journey and life purpose beyond the walls of his office and you need to spread your peverbial wings and fly with the eagles.  Because the only thing action will bring you is dinner with the crows.  TRUST!!  LOL  

My life coaching business is all about assisting people in finding their Hero's Journey and to live their purpose by doing so.  But I will be the first to admit that is much easier said that done.  Feel me?!?  As you might have ascertained, I have spent many years thinking about this stuff.  Just sayin!  And here is what I have come up as KNOWINGNESS so far!

We all have the exact same PURPOSE. An that is to spread Love and Inspiration to each and every person who we meet along our own Yellow Brick Road.  It is up for us to determine the manner in which we spread that Love and Inspiration.  And before I go any further let me state something.  This manner DOES NOT HAVE TO BE SOMETHING THAT WILL MAKE YOU RICH AND FAMOUS!!  Now it could bring you such accoutrements, but we live in  a society that has being famous as the creme de la creme of achievements.  Aye dios mio!  

It is also much more important what we are BEING with our life than what we are DOING with our life.  Meaning, you could be a Dr. who has an arrogant aire about him and treats others as though he is above them in many ways.  Or you could be a teacher who treats everyone as though WE ARE ALL ONE.  You tell me; which of the two do you think is being the better servant to mankind?!?  Yeah, easy to discern, huh!

I believe we are all WAY to caught up in what a given situation can GIVE TO US, rather than realizing that we are put into situations to give to them what we feel like is missing!!  Novel idea isn't it.  If we are in a job for instance where there is a lack of compassion, BE the source of more compassion in every interaction you come across during your work day.  Now let me say, I KNOW this is easier said than done.  However,  the grass is rarely greener on the other side.  Until we become content in some way with our current situation, we will NEVER be happy in the next.  BOOM!  That is TRUTH my friends!!

I also think most of us are WAY to hard on ourselves.  We are all doing the very best we know how to do given our current circumstances.  Re-member one of the rules to being a New Age Nerd, which is that YOU CANNOT MAKE A MISTAKE.  Now you will make plenty of missteps in your life, but never a mistake!  AND that truth should be liberating enough to never be afraid to try something out of our comfort zone ever again!!  Right!?!?

So if you are stuck in a job or situation that is less than ideal toward your sensibilities, make a plan.   We have these things called nights and weekends in which we have time to work on changing our situation.  I know it can be tough to use our free time on improving our situation, but trust me, in the long run it will be worth it.  As the old saying goes, ‘Opportunity knocked at the door, and when I answered hard work was on the other side!’  And that is just the way it goes.  The ONLY difference between successful people and their sidekicks is that successful people are willing to do what others are not!!

And if you have tons of free time but limited funds, perhaps start by getting a part time job. It will bring you some daily structure and contacts as well as line your pockets with some much needed dough to help pay the bills!!  Desperation leads to inspiration and that will lead to your salvation in realizing your purpose!! Again, neigh path is right ir wrong and with of them are NOT EASY PEEZY!  Life isn't meant to be easy, it's meant to be meaningful and filled with daily lessons to help us Re-member Who We Truly Are! 

One thing I do know is that once you truly commit to a path in life, your angels will swoop in to assist you in every manner possible.  if you have ever truly committed to something, you know exactly that of which I speak!!

I will end this post with one of my favorite quotes that has gotten me through many sleepless nights by Henry David Thoreau........

“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.”


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Learn WHERE Your DESTINY Comes FROM..!!

At times LIFE can seem arduous and unfair.  Challenging and incredibly painful.  There are even times when we feel like giving up on our dreams and the way we envisioned our life to BE!  Hell, some days just finding the strength to get out of bed seems like a miracle within itself.  So let me ask you a question?  WHY DO WE DO IT?!?!?  Why do we endure the emotionally, physical, and spiritual pain and continue to move forward in our daily lives?  Do you want to know my answer?  I hoped so!!  LOL

I fervently BELIEVE it all comes down to our DESTINY.  I have a KNOWINGNESS that when each and everyone one of us manifested into the human condition, we were imprinted with a special purpose that ONLY WE CAN ACCOMPLISH.   In our own special, indelible manner!  Thats why frequent readers of The New Age Nerd know I am a GI-normous proponent of The Hero's Journey.  I truly and enthusiastically know that we are all here to follow our TRUE PATH that like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz will lead us to our earthly salvation.  And I know that it is easy for me to sit here in my underwear (did I say that out loud?)and type these musings while there is real suffering out in the streets.  Hell, even in my own circle of friends and family.  I have several members of my TRIBE who are currently in the hospital suffering from a malady of illnesses.  God bless them!  

But our wounds and pain lead us to our power.  And then once we realize just how powerful we truly are we can use that power to fuel our PURPOSE.  That is what the Hero's Journey is all about.  And it isn't until we realize this fact that life takes on whole new meaning.  We no longer look at life as a daily slog through a job we can't stand and relationships that do not serve us.  We start to realize that NOTHING IN OUR LIFE HAS EVER BEEN WASTED!!  All the loss, strife, missteps, and suffering has been to help us Re-member who we are and then transform into the superpowers to assist us on our Hero's Journey!  Pretty rad stuff, huh?!?

One thing that comes up pretty frequently with my clients is the fear that things have passed them by. That they had their chance(or plenty of chances) and blew them all.  THOSE ARE NO THING LESS THAN LIMITED BELIEFS!  TRUST....  ;0)  The Universe is absolutely UNLIMITED in its abundance and life is not a carnival that gives out limited amount of tickets to use along the way.   NO!  In fact, it is quite the opposite.  We have our own personal printing machine that allows us as many chances as we need to finish our quest.  And I LOVE THAT!! Two for the ferris wheel please!  :0)

In fact, here is a little something you may choose to incorporate into your daily morning practice starting tomorrow morning.  As you awake, and slowly shake off the night's cobwebs of consciousness, try sitting up in bed.  Take a few deep breaths and inhale GRATITUDE for being alive.  And then offer a prayer of THANKS for having woke this particular morning.  Why you ask?!?  Because it is a miraculous sign.  It is a tap on the shoulder from your spirit guides that your purpose has not yet been fulfilled.  And the proof in that preverbal pudding is because you came back from your night's slumber.  Your destiny has not yet been completely tended to.  It is a sign written in the sun's bright light that YOU STILL HAVE MUCH TO DO!! And if THAT isn't enough to keep you moving through the individual challenges of your life, I don't know what can!!

And for those in your TRIBE who are having a particular challenging time right now, please help them Re-member the words you read today!  It may just give them enough HOPE to continue on their Hero's/Heroine's Journey and fulfill the wondrous DESTINY and PURPOSE they came here to accomplish!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, March 27, 2017

Here Is One Of the Most IMPORTANT Laws In The UNIVERSE..!!



Did you know that you were born rich?!  And that ABUNDANCE is not a privledge for a lucky few, but rather your birth right!  And if you DO NOT BELIEVE what I just stated, that is the first energetic frequency I would suggest you work towards.  But in order to receive the unending amounts of abundant energy  in all its forms, be it LOVE, money, health, or fulfilling relationships, there is something even MORE important than Belief that must be achieved as part of your inner alignment.  And that is the highest form of vibrational energy as it pertains to manifesting our most heartfelt DESIRES.    And that my fellow New Age Nerds is KNOWINGNESS.

See if this example resonates with any of you.  You have a friend who desperately desires to be in a loving, fulfilling relationship.  Yet weeks, turn into months, which pass by through many years of her/him desiring the same thing, yet their story NEVER changes.  Five years later, you seem that person at an end of year Holiday party, only to  hear the EXACT same story of how they were hoping that that ‘this was the year’ it was going to happen.  That they really WANTED to meet that special someone.  Raise your virtual hand if you have had or know at least one person with a similar ‘Story.’  I know my hand is raised high as can be!!  LOL

The Universe is made up of NO THING but pure energy.  And that energy is at our disposal whenever and however we Desire!  But in order for that statement to become a reality in your experience, you have to KNOW it to be true.  And no, wanting, wishing, or hoping JUST WON"T CUT IT!  It absolutely essential that we realign our thoughts and beliefs into a state of pure KNOWINGNESS to access the abundance that surrounds us.  It is the ‘Key to Miracles’ in this dimension.  Abundance is not something we ascertain or acquire, bit rather something that we tune into through changing our vibration into a state of ALLOWANCE THROUGH KNOWINGNESS.

I absolutely love Huffington Post writer Nathan Dern's explanation of this Paradigm when he writes, “An authentic life is one of making distinctions about the nature of reality. Many people think that what they believe about reality and what they know about reality is the same thing, but unfortunately its not. There is a fundamental difference between believing something to be true, having faith that something is true and knowing something to be true. Believing means that you have accepted a truth, faith means that it may be true, but knowing means that you are certain about that truth. These distinctions need to be made if we wish to invite sublime possibilities into our lives. When you say ‘I believe that angels exist,’ what are you really saying? What you are implying with this belief is that you don’t know about angels because it is not within the realm of your experience. Do you believe in angels because they are appealing or because you have arrived at this truth through personal experience? Do you have faith that angels are among us or do you know for certain that they are? Or you may say ‘I am Divine’ but again what are you implying? You believe that you are divine, you apply faith to this belief but do you know for certain that you are? Is your belief based on knowing or based on an outside source?”  

Knowingness has been the single biggest factor in my most profound life changes.  In fact, it wasn't until I truly started incorporating the practice of true KNOWINGNESS into my inner vibrational realignment that my life TRULY started taking off in the direction I had yearned for what seemed like ages!   In simple terms, it is like the difference between wanting something and committing to having that very thing in your life.  One is passive and rests at a very low energetic vibrational  resonance.  The other is a Kick Ass proclamation that you are prepared to do whatever is necessary to get the job done!  Does that make sense?!

As many of you are now aware, the late Wayne Dyer is the mentor I never meant, and he does perhaps the most effective job of laying out the true power of KNOWINGNESS I have yet to come across.  In fact, it was through him that I was first introduced to the amazing shifts that occur when KNOWINGNESS is a constant inner vibration within ourselves.  It absolutely has the ability to allow anyone to experience ‘Heaven on Earth.’

Here is his most potent explanation of KNOWINGNESS that I know of:

“The way to understand this, it seems to me, is to understand the difference between what you know and what you believe. A belief is something that has certain characteristics; a knowing has certain characteristics. I’ve identified five characteristics that differentiate a belief from a knowing.
Beliefs are handed to you. Knowings come from within. This means that a belief has doubt attached to it. A knowing has no doubt because it comes from within, from your direct experience.
A second characteristic that distinguishes a belief from a knowing is that beliefs will let you down in a crisis. Knowings never let you down. The reason that a belief is something that you cannot rely upon in a crisis is because of the doubt that is attached to it. And so it isn’t reliable, whereas anything that you absolutely know—for example, how to ride a bicycle or how to swim—when a crisis comes along you will not be let down.
A third characteristic that distinguishes beliefs from knowings is that your beliefs are mental exercises. Your knowings are physical exercises. Your beliefs are located in the mental realm as thoughts that you constantly reinforce. These are strictly mental exercises that you constantly practice until they become your reality. That is, a reality based upon the doubt that is attached to these beliefs.
You may believe that people shouldn’t wear jewelry in their nose. These kinds of beliefs will influence your conduct and cause you to judge others, until you change your belief and perhaps search out a nose piercer.
Your knowings are located in the physical domain, even though they originated in the mental. When you know something, it is a part of your total being, originating in the mental and residing in your complete being. That which you absolutely know with certainty—such as how to dance the mambo or ice skate or swim or ride a bicycle—is a part of your cellular being. It resides so deeply within you that it is in the cells of your humanity. That which you once only believed because it was given to you by some external person has now been transformed into a knowing. You may also have some beliefs within you that you actually treat as knowings. These include those beliefs that are so strongly ingrained that they act like knowings within you. Some of these entrenched beliefs may be judged by you to be knowings, but they really are not.
For example, you may believe that you have no talent for art, but somewhere deep inside of your consciousness there exists a tiny smidgen of doubt about whether it is really true were you to actually apply yourself in a new way. When you know something, it becomes your physical reality, and you act on this knowing at all times. When you merely believe something, whether it be a negative or a positive, you have a tiny, tiny bit of doubt connected to it, and that doubt becomes your reality. Beliefs are mental. Knowings are physical, though they originate as mental beliefs.
The fourth distinction between a belief and a knowing is that a belief will restrict you, while a knowing will empower you. The reason a belief restricts you is that there is doubt attached to it, and, therefore, when you go to act upon it, you do so sort of tenuously, and so there’s a restriction, whereas a knowing, something that you absolutely know that you can rely upon, will empower you. It’s the difference between knowing about God and knowing God. Knowing about God is a belief. Knowing God is a knowing. And knowing about God usually means that you have some reservations—I’m not quite sure about all of this higher power stuff and I’m not quite sure about whether I do have a higher self. Whereas when you’ve learned to experience it—and that’s what these keys to higher awareness are designed to do—then you absolutely know God, not just know about God.
The fifth and final characteristic that distinguishes a belief from a knowing is that your beliefs are all transitory, while your knowings are eternal. Just think about some of the beliefs that you have today and how they’ve shifted over the years. Remember how many people were shocked to see men wearing long hair and earrings? I can remember working in a high school in the inner city of Detroit, and a young man came in with his hair real long and with earrings on, and they expelled him from the school and told him to go home and get a haircut and to stop dressing like a sissy.
Today, the very same people who suspended him are wearing those same kinds of jewelry and have their hair quite a bit longer than they did in those days. And now you watch on Sunday afternoons the National Football League, and, in the interviews, you see these big, burly mastodons of masculinity with their long hair and their earrings protruding from their helmets.
So our beliefs about things are very transitory. and they’re shifting all the time. But what you know is there with you forever.”

I know that was a length excerpt, but I have such a fervent passion for this topic, and have experienced first hand in its transformation power, that I felt compelled to share it in its entirety with you!   

And guess what, I KNOW without a doubt that after reading this post, all of you will start to incorporate the power of this concept into your daily spiritual practice.  Like any other spiritual principle of value, be patient with yourself.  It takes time to shift long held beliefs and patterns that we have been carrying around with us for in some cases decades.  But I promise you that by working on shifting your inner beliefs into KNOWINGNESS, your life will profoundly shift in ways previously thought unimaginable!!  And you know what, there is not one person reading this that does NOT absolutely deserve to live the life of their most heartfelt dreams.  Let me tell ya, it feels AMAZING!  And my desire, is that one day, you too shall be creating daily miracles for yourself and others using this incredible Paradigm shift!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Learn Why IT IS NEVER TOO LATE To Become A HERO..!!



A friend I met in Los Angles and now an UBER successful life coach named Christine Hassler has carved out quite a niche for herself as the ‘Expectation Hangover’ expert!  What is an expectation hangover you ask?!?   I thought you might!  LOL   Have you ever woken up in the morning, and once the dream webs from your current night's slumber start to release their hold from your consciousness, you feel a sudden anxious, almost dreadful feeling of the day to come?  And as you begin your daily routine of getting ready for work, your inner monologue bellows with thoughts something akin to :  “This is NOT the life I had envisioned for myself!”   THAT, my dear friends is an EXPECTATION HANGOVER!  For those of you so called to do so, please check out Christine and her podcast (I highly suggest buying her books as well!)

What I would like to focus on is the fact that no matter what our current life situation may look like, it is NEVER TOO LATE TO BECOME WHO YOU WERE ALWAYS MEANT TO BE!  We each signed a Universal contract upon declaring ourselves ready to enter this dense realm of pure illusion!  This contract was a promise written in the stars that we would use this Earthly experience to   bring forth kindness, compassion, and joy through an eternal LOVE LIGHT that shines through our darkest nights!  And as far as our calling is concerned please Re-memeber these holy words:

Please be patient with me....
As my CALLING has been patient...

And your calling with each of you...
Always and in all ways...

Eternally obedient...
A contract written with remnant tears...
From the times they were first imagined then birthed...

Through JOY'S LOVE and Laughter...

They are pure INTUITION made your tangible guide...

Sealed with God's Knowing Nod...

And so it is.....

by Jeffrey Louis Martinez

To help further clarify the fact that many of our greatest Hero's and Heroine's have created their greatest earthly success in the ‘Golden Years’, how many of you know the story of the chicken king himself, Colonel Sanders?!?!  At age 5 his father died. At age 16 he quit school. At age 17 he had already lost four jobs. At age 18 he got married. He joined the army and after a few short years knew that the military life wasn't meant for him and left. At age 20 his wife left him and took their baby. He became a cook in a small cafe and convinced his wife to return home. At age 65 he retired. He felt like a failure & decided to commit suicide. He sat writing his will, but instead, he wrote what he would have accomplished with his life & thought about how good of a cook he was. So he borrowed $87, fried up some chicken using his recipe, and went door to door to sell. At age 88 Colonel Sanders, founder of the Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) Empire was a billionaire!!!

And one of my all-time personal Hero's, Abraham Lincoln faced a similar life's path.  He fought severe boughts of depression his entire existence.  And this, mind you, was way before we had the mental health compassion and tools that we do now. (Although we still have a ways to go in the compassion department!)  At age 9 he lost his mother to a horrible illness called milk sickness.  He later lost his beloved sister during childbirth.  Mostly self educated, Lincoln was often labeled as lazy and disillusioned because of his tendency to spend hours at a time scribbling thoughts and ideas in an old torn notebook.  

Lincoln was even tested several times by life through his dating life. In fact, his first true love passed away at age 23 from typhoid fever leaving him completely distraught.  While he did eventually marry a woman named Mary Todd, two of their four children passed away before the age of ten!  Lincoln and his wife were both so soulfully crushed from cumulative losses, that they both entered a long period of severe clinical depression, from which Mary was at one point institutionalized from.  

Even Abraham Lincoln's political career was far from an easy path.  He actually left politics for a period of 12 years to pursue a law career.  But Lincoln was finally persuaded by his fellow colleagues to re-enter the political fray and of course, as they say, ‘the rest is now grand history.’

I look at my own Hero's Journey as I am about to turn 47 in October and feel as though I am just now firmly stepping into my true Path!  And ya know what?!  I wouldn't have it any other way!!  I promise you that!  I needed to go through much of the suffering, pain, loss, trials and tribulations to access the abilities I use in my daily coaching practice and as well as  with The New Age Nerd!  

So while reading these words today, PLEASE do not be concerned with where you currently find yourself to be on your own Hero's/Heroine's Journey!  The SOUL has NO WRINKLES.....   And IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO BECOME WHO YOU WERE ALWAYS MEANT TO BE!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, March 25, 2017

One Of My GREATEST Life LESSONS...!!!!


“I used to say I lived my life a quarter mile at a time 
Now…I think that’s why we were brothers…
Because you did too!”

“No matter where you are….whether its a quarter mile away, or half way across the world…You will always be with me….and you will always be my brother…….”
~~  Dominic Toretto       (THE FUROUS 7)

 [letter to Stark]  “Tony, I'm glad you're back at the compound. I don't like the idea of you rattling around a mansion by yourself. We all need family. The Avengers are yours, maybe more so than mine. I've been on my own since I was 18. I never really fit in anywhere, even in the army. My faith's in people, I guess. Individuals. And I'm happy to say that, for the most part, they haven't let me down. Which is why I can't let them down either. Locks can be replaced, but maybe they shouldn't. I know I hurt you, Tony. I guess I thought by not telling you about your parents I was sparing you, but I can see now that I was really sparing myself, and I'm sorry. Hopefully one day you can understand. I wish we agreed on the Accords, I really do. I know you're doing what you believe in, and that's all any of us can do. That's all any of us should... So no matter what, I promise you, if you need us - if you need me - I'll be there.”
[Tony looks at a flip phone Steve sent him]
~~  Steve Rogers AKA Captain America                (CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR)

 We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for. To quote from Whitman, "O me! O life!... of the questions of these recurring; of the endless trains of the faithless... of cities filled with the foolish; what good amid these, O me, O life?" Answer. That you are here - that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. That the powerful play *goes on* and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?”
~~  John Keating           (THE DEAD POETS SOCIETY)


When I was just starting out my teenage years, I had a small group of friends that all lived in my community and it was perhaps the first time I understood the importance of having a tribe.  Looking back in retrospect, it's quite amazing how many powerful spiritual lessons were engrained within me during this often awkward and precarious time of life.  Events that were perhaps the initial birthing place of my passion for self growth and transformation.  Fond memories that have now become stories I still share with myself and others that have lasting life lessons.

Growing up on the East Coast, the winter snow was always a welcomed relief from the daily stress of school.  And since both of my parents were teachers, we were the first to get phoned the night before if schools were closing the next day.  SNOW DAYS were the ‘Holy Grail’ of childhood blessings and brought with them an unending opportunity for fun and freedom.  Our group was perhaps the first incarnation of TV's current ‘BIG BANG THEORY’.  We were for the most part a cadre of nerds who shared our intense passions for video games, movies, mythology, and especially board games.
We were all competitive as hell and took losing relatively tough.  Then again we were still pups in the relative scope of our emotional development.  And on one particular snowy afternoon those many years ago, we all got together for an afternoon of winner takes all MONOPOLY!  Little did I realize then, what a powerful metaphor for life was about to be displayed during that day's battle royal with the dice..........

One friend in our group we referred to as ‘Alex P. Keaton’,  after the character Michael J. Fox perfected on the TV show  ‘FAMILY TIES.’  Like the character Alex, he was obsessed with Wall Street, money, was small in nature, and had a relatively sharp temper.  All games played with him were intense, but he played Monopoly with a fervor that was unmatched by anyone else I had ever met.  He was wickedly smart and he certainly won his fair share of games.  But not on this day!

An hour or so into the game, I found myself on a Vegas worthy lucky streak and started collecting  houses and hotels all around the Monopoly board!  As I looked around the table, I noticed ‘Alex’ was just about out of money.  One more unlucky roll of the dice, causing him to land on one of my stockpiled board spaces, and he was done!  And he knew it.  His brows began to furrow and his lips were parsed.  I handed him the dice which he grabbed from my hands in obvious disgust.  He shook the dice for an unusually long time and then threw them down across the board.  He counted out the steps with his game piece and landed right SMACK in the middle of my Boardwalk.........

In what seemed like an instant, he grabbed the board game from each side, and flipped it high into the air.  Sending pieces of plastic and fake paper money flying all over the room in what felt like perpetual slow motion!  Not to mention ruining the game for the those of us who were still participating.  The group sat in awkward silence for what felt like an eternity.  Unfortunately, the game was obviously over and the rest of us began collecting the various game pieces that had been flung in every other direction with ‘Alex's’ display of utter dismay.

Of course we were furious, but at that point in our lives, we were not comfortable with heated confrontations, so not much was said until days later.  And looking back, I'm glad I handled the situation in the manner that I did.  Because whether we knew it or not at the time, ‘Alex’ had just taught us a Gi-normous life lesson that I still share to this day.  Rather than simply playing the game for the joy, laughter, and fun it can provide, he allowed the ILLUSION of the game to become HIS REALITY.

Admittedly, this tremendously powerful metaphor didn't solidify itself for me until many years later.  But do you see how we all do this very same thing in our own lives.  We allow the ILLUSION of this world to become our REALITY.   Just as ‘Alex’ did!  And when we do, we become disconnected from Spirit and the purpose that we came here to accomplish.  And that's very often when depression, anxiety, loneliness, and separation from SOURCE sits in and stays for a while.  Or unfortunately for some, never leaves.

We live in a Matrix of energy that was designed as a creative space for our souls to experience the Greatest Version of the Grandest Vision we have ever held of ourselves.  SO much of what we see and experience is an ILLUSION to give us the very opportunities we desire to feel.  I know it can seem SO completely real at times, and it was set up that way.  How else could we have such transcendent experiences unless the GAME we were playing felt so tangibly realistic.  I like to believe that the masters on this planet, have slowly learned to “tip their toe” in the universal life-force that surrounds us.  Just enough to enjoy the game and experience it for what it was meant to be, but never “jumping in” completely, thus allowing the ILLUSION to become their REALITY.

As Eckert Tolle says in ‘A New Earth’, “ All we can perceive, experience, think about, is the surface layer of reality.  Less than the tip of an iceberg.  Underneath the surface appearance, everything is not only connected to everything else, but also with the SOURCE of all life from which it came.”  Essentially we are all ONE.  The illusion is that we are all separate.  But we could not have all the juicy, delectable experiences we desire, if we did not have the illusion of separation.

My intention for you today, is to Re-member this story the next time you feel yourself allowing the ILLUSION of life to become your REALITY.  And even better than that, share this Re-membrance with others who may have lost their way.   We all do at some point.  That's why, as they say, “It takes a Village!”


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, March 24, 2017

Tips For Moving PAST Previous Life TRAUMAS..!!

Today's Inspirational “MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC”

~~ Emmet   (THE LEGO MOVIE)


I recently received the first post communication from a previous relationship that ended during the Holidays.  Despite my perspective that I had moved forward from its emotional residue left within my being, I was super surprised at the extent to which I was triggered by this engagement.  Had I REALLY been moving on with my life the past four months, or was I mired in the past, reliving the impactful moments in my head over and over again pressing a perpetual rewind button in my mind?!
As is typically the case, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.  What is for absolute certain was the realization that it is time to apply some serious attention to truly MOVING ON!!  So like a Prime Directive from Captain Kirk, I have been compassionately applying some terrific techniques to assist a shift in energy toward ANABOLIC energetic progression of new BEGINNINGS and magnificent manifestations!  Since all New Age Nerds understand that everything is comprised of energy, the reason we feel so much more powerful when we are in the act of expanding that essence, is because it is our natural state.  When we become stuck in pertinent areas of our life, our connection to SOURCE energy becomes stagnant or even CATABOLIC in nature.  That's why it is commonly said  “Either get busy living or get busy dying!”  In fact, Bruce Lee used to implore to his students that “Life is never about stagnation. It is constant movement as we we constantly change.  Things change only by moving forward which always causes strength as it goes.”

I think we can all relate to feeling stuck, stagnant, or even complacent in our lives.  Especially in the areas of past traumas (relationships, job loss, break-ups) and the daunting difficulty in moving forward.  Not to mention the self destructive behaviors that accompany reliving the same painful moments again and again, conjuring realities of what ‘could have been’ or even writing different versions and endings of these past stories in the script processor of our minds.  I don't know about you, but I Thank God from time to time that there are no hidden camera recorders in MY mind!!  LOL

If there is ONE thing I have come to understand as Universal Law, it is that you can fool yourself and others by trying to ‘fake it to make it’ in regards to your efforts in forward progression in life, but you CANNOT pull the spiritual veil over the Universe with the reality of your core movement.  And let's face it, since our most powerfully ally is the connection to SOURCE energy that is always at our disposal, why not ‘work with the mystical medication, NOT against it!’  :0)

I invite you to think about incorporating some of the following suggestions that have done wonders in supporting my own efforts in MOVING ON in areas of my life that were keeping me from being the Greatest Version of the Grandest Vision of who I came here to BE:

“In my experience, I have found that the solutions to all of life's intractable problems are NOT found in any form of intellect or cleverness.  They are solved by simply MOVING ON.”
~~  Carl Jung

There are several stages to healing from and moving forward from the various painful traumas we all experience during our lifetime.  I believe ACCEPTANCE of now what ‘IS’ can be the most profound part of this process.  Eckhart Tolle, in one of my favorite books said, “In fact, the moment the judgement stops through acceptance of what is, you are free of the mind.  You have made space for love, for joy, for peace.  That immediately takes you beyond ego.”  Are you aware that the majority of suffering in the human condition comes from the resistance of that which is.  So Re-member, what you RESIST PERSISTS, and what you look at, eventually melt away.

Last year, on an episode of Super Soul Sunday, I was introduced to the life affirming story of Madonna Badger.  A former big time NY magazine editor who seemingly had created a storybook worthy empire for herself and three small daughters, lost it all one Christmas morning in 2011.  On that fateful Christmas Eve, a house fire took the lives of all three of her children, as well as her parents who had come to visit for the holidays.  While Madonna was able to escape the burning blaze herself, she lost her entire family literally overnight.  UNTHINKABLE LOSS.  Tears streamed down as I watched her relive the two year journey that followed this horrifying event.  As you can imagine, she suffered suicidal depression for over a year, and found herself transferred to several ‘mental rehab’ centers, all in an attempt to transform her back to a semblance of her former self.  But do you know what she said was the miracle medicine and healing balm to her Soul that helped pull her out of her deep doldrums?!  It was the moment she stopped trying to THINK hew way out of the emotional malaise.  Getting out of her head where she found herself reliving the painful past, feeling guilt and shame about what she could have done differently that frosty, fateful night.

She decided to leave the trappings of the mental facilities she had been cooped up in for two years, and went to live with close friends in Arkansas.  She started occupying her mind with action steps and set goals, albeit understandably small at first.  Eventually, she traveled to Thailand to visit a child orphanage and gave the underserved children all the toys that her own children cherished prior to their passing.  Soon, she said she no longer felt herself stuck in the past, and found that life started filling in the new space with HOPE, joy, PEACE, and of course, ACCEPTANCE of her new reality and life.  It didn't happen overnight, but she said she made more progress in 6 months living with her friends than over two years at the various rehab centers. 

Finally, I will leave you with this little parable that strongly resonates with me and it is my desire that its essence finds its way into your ability to MOVE FORWARD in in any area of your life that is causing you pain or confusion, so that you can continue your Hero's Journey in the most productive manner!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Interested in a FREE COACHING SESSION..?!?!


We had such a MASSIVE request for free initial Coaching sessions with Me I have decided to open up a new opportunity starting in April for those of you who missed out on the first go around! If you or anyone you know who has been following me on my post THE NEW AGE NERD would be interested in learning more about how transformationalist coaching can help you clear your blocks so that you can find your PURPOSE in life and create a lasting legacy, all while creating the greatest version of WHO YOU ARE, Please let me know!! Once we have a guide to assist us back to our own True path, there are no barriers in life!!
The first 45 minute session is completely complimentary with absolutely no obligations!! This is a $150 dollar value absolutely FREE!!
I have 10 spots left and yours can be solidified by reaching out to me at 202-258-6965. Or by email at jeffmartinez@me.com
If you would be interested in experiencing how my purposeful coaching techniques and guidance can support you in removing any limited beliefs, blocks or hurdles toward living the life YOU WERE ALWAYS MEANT TO LIVE, please don't hesitate in reaching out for this life changing experience!
I look forward to connecting with many of you soon!
Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to allow our work together to transform your life into a lasting LEGACY!
Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Are YOU Prepared For Your End of Life REVIEW..!!




I want you to think back to a time in your life, in which there was such irreconcilable differences between you and another individual who you cared for DEEPLY!  Do you ever recall thinking, “I wish he/she knew how this is making me feel right now.  And what the truthful beating of my heart truly FEELS like in this very moment!”  I know I sure have had that thought too many times to recall.  Well....not according to my therapist, he has them all written down.  :0)  LOL

Well today I am going to share with you that wishes do indeed come TRUE!  For those of you who had a chance to read my post ‘The Making of a New Age Nerd Part 3’ I retold the story of being deathy ill and being visited twice by an amalgam of SOURCE energy called The Elders.  Before continuing reading today's entry, I highly suggest going back to read that post before continuing with what I have to say today.  (The post can be found under the July archives)  

Ok, for the rest of you, let's continue!  Hopefully you will recall that during my visits with The Elders, they communicated with me strictly through FEELINGS.  One by one, the three of them approached my bedside and touched me with a knowing hand.  And then, something too magical for even an 80's Spielberg film occurred.  They began to transmit their feelings and thoughts through me from their energetic essence, straight into my mind's eye.  And as much as I absolutely adore words, I must admit that this form of communication was so clear, intense, and devoid of any subtext or misconception that I felt my body literally vibrating at a much higher level than I ever have since those experiences those many years ago.  There was no them and I, only ONE in the room.  If that makes sense.  I felt completely bathed in LOVE and supported with a knowingness that I AM NEVER ALONE!  EVER!  And neither are you!!

However, one thing I never described in my previous post was their explanation of what happens when you transition from this human form, back into the Source energy from which we all came.  It started when I discovered that I could communicate back to them through my innate feelings.  So I asked them if I was in Heaven.  And they instantly calmed my fears by assuring me that it was not yet my time.  And I will know when it is because after making the transition, I like every other soul, will go through an intensive LIFE REVIEW.  I would ‘relive’ my life from beginning to end, but in every co-creation I ever encountered, I would EXPERIENCE IT FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE OTHER.  So I would be given the opportunity to know EXACTLY how anyone and everyone who ever came into my life felt at any given point in time during their moments in my presence.  I was informed that the process was NOT a tool used to hurt, punish, or bring vengeance, but rather as the ultimate teaching practice the Universe has to offer.  

The next morning when I awoke, I couldn't stop thinking about what The Elders had shared with me. Part of me was scared shitless!  Thinking back to times when I know I lashed out in anger and said things that I didn't really mean, and how it will feel to know the pain and anguish that it must have made so many people in my life experience.  But the more I thought about it, the more it made complete sense.  Can you think of a better way of teaching and learning about how your actions and words effect the vibrations of the world?!?!  I have been pondering that question for nearly 20 years and still can't think of anything that even comes close!  If you can, PLEASE let me know!  

I can completely understand if many of you reading this are skeptical of its nature and truth.  And I don't blame you one bit.  However, I ask you this.  If there is just a 10% chance that what I was told that night 20 years ago is true, how might it impact the way you live your life from this point forward.  Will you work harder at shifting your perspective toward others from judgement, fear, and any form of prejudice or hate into compassion and LOVE?!?  Or  in a moment of temporary egoic rage tearing down another's beliefs for the quick fix of ‘being right.’  Or will you Re-member that you can choose to be loving, or you can choose to be right.  But rarely can you choose to be BOTH.

I know what my answer to the above questions are, and I challenge all New Age Nerds to ponder what changes they will choose to make in their lives when they awake from their slumber tomorrow morning to each and every Soul they encounter during their Hero's Journey............


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

This DAILY REFRAMING Practice Will Change Your Life!!

Today's Inspirational “MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC”

I thought this city would be a perfect place where everyone got along and anyone could be anything. Turns out, life's a little bit more complicated than a slogan on a bumper sticker. Real life is messy. We all have limitations. We all make mistakes. Which means, hey, glass half full, we all have a lot in common. And the more we try to understand one another, the more exceptional each of us will be. But we have to try. So no matter what kind of person you are, I implore you: Try. Try to make the world a better place. Look inside yourself and recognize that change starts with you.
~~ Judy Hopps  (Zootopia)

To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life.


What would today feel like if you found yourself in the envious position of not having to do any of the things you didn't want to do?!?!  Think about it.  What if you didn't have to go to work. And the trash from last evening, you don't have to take it out!  And since it is pouring down rain outside, you DO NOT HAVE to take the dog outside for their walk. No Sir-ree!!  

OK, I know what you may be thinking, and before your mind starts running amok thinking the Ole Flu Bug has caused this New Age Nerd to lose his mind, let me explain.........

A little reframing trick that truly has transformed my way of engaging many of life's daily action steps and tasks is to simply change your Have To's into Get To's!!  For instance, now that Spring has Sprung, it's almost time for me to uncover the dreaded lawnmower for weekly afternoon dates with the 1/2 acre of grass that will need tending to.  NOT exactly my favorite endeavor, to say the least!  But instead of waking up next Saturday and thinking, “UUUGGHH, I HAVE to mow the lawn!”, I will think of all the people who are physically unable to mow their lawn and would literally give anything to mow mine.  And then, I will say a quick prayer of gratitude and reframe the chore into a declaration of “I am so grateful that today I GET TO mow the lawn!”

As simple as this little tip may seem, I invite you to give it a try.  It has completely changed my energy around SO many of the challenging, mundane, and previously disliked chores and activities that fill the day.  With practice, you will find that most of the HAVE TO tasks in life suddenly feel like incredible opportunities! 

Another great example of how this has caused such a miraculous shift within me comes from my puppy buddy Nacho. (may he rest in peace)  At the age of seven, he was diagnosed with diabetes and when the vet quickly showed me the process of twice daily insulin shots, I almost passed out in his office.  I don't like needles, much less having to STICK my beloved pup to keep him alive after every meal!  For about a week, I would become terrified with anxiety about an hour before I knew I would have to draw a needle and perform this ‘dreaded deed’.  But then, a couple of my friends lost their own dogs and I knew they would absolutely trade almost anything to HAVE my problem.  So, I started being thankful that Nacho was still alive and reframed the shot into something I GET TO DO!  And guess what, the fear and anxiety melted back into the ether from which they came, and I started to see ‘shot time’ as a way of expressing my unconditional LOVE for Nacho!  Amazing how something seemingly SO simple can make such a transformative change......

So today, what would it look like to engage the next thing that you may HAVE TO DO, with a quick reframing into it being something you GET TO DO!  


Jeffrey Louis Martinez