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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, September 27, 2018


You're an interesting species. An interesting mix. You're capable of such beautiful dreams, and such horrible nightmares. You feel so lost, so cut off, so alone, only you're not. See, in all our searching, the only thing we've found that makes the emptiness bearable, is each other.

From Contact starring Jodie Foster


In what all the New Age Nerds who follow my blog readily know by now, my favorite book of all time is THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill.  For the uninitiated, the book was written just after the Great Depression.  And it came about all because of two great visionaries. One, of course, was Napoleon Hill. The other was Dale Carnegie. Napoleon Hill had a burning desire to understand the secrets of self actualization.  He had seen many self made men profit, even during the worst economic times this world has even seen.  He also saw many men take their own life after they fell into financial ruin.  So after seeking sage advice from one of the greatest self made men in history, Mr. Dale Carnegie, they decided to team up like a modern day Batman and Robin. And use their combined resources to try and discover the FORMULA for becoming successful in life! 

Mr. Carnegie, with unlimited financial resources and personal connections to many of the worlds greatest self made men, actually paid Napoleon Hill. He desired Hill to make it his life's mission to interview such luminaries as Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, etc. to see if he could find a common denominator to what  it takes to create an abundance of whatever you DESIRE in this lifetime. 

And from this dynamic duo's decades long endeavor came many books, the most famous being THINK AND GROW RICH. And if you have never read it, stop reading this post IMMEDIATELY and go pick yourself up a copy.  Seriously....   I'm a patient fellow....I'll wait...  ;0)

Throughout the book, Hill references THE SECRET that every self made man has used without fail as the blueprint to becoming successful and obtaining anything they DESIRED in life. He promises to NEVER mention this secret outright anywhere in the book.  For he believes it is much more powerful if it is discovered by each reader.  As you might imagine, the exact answer to what this SECRET may be has caused many of the world's brightest minds to come to a finite answer!

And as you may imagine, there are a myriad of possible answers that have been debated over the past 70 years as to what this secret Napoleon Hill discusses in his book may be and goes so far as to say that it is purposely mentioned in EVERY CHAPTER OF THE BOOK!  I'm quite sure, though never his intention, it has driven more than one erudite mind many sleepless nights trying to uncover this hidden message within his tome. 

Here are just a few of the answers I have come across while trying to uncover this puzzle within an amalgam worthy of Indiana Jones himself:

1.  There is NO secret. 

2. The secret is that you have your own free will to choose whatever you want in life. Napoleon Hill focuses very strongly on this concept, especially in his other works. In his classic, “Outwitting The Devil”, he explains that most men are drifters, and never firmly decide what they want out of life. I like this explanation, but I believe the real secret is a little more abstract than that… 

3.  This concept lies just below the surface of his books “The Law of Success” and “Think…” and in fact Napoleon Hill tells the reader that it will jump out at you. He describes to the reader that the moment it will jump out at you, one must stop and ponder the full effect. If you haven’t experienced this epiphany yet, than you haven’t experienced “the secret”. The concept takes a lot more thought than one might think, however. Here’s why…

The golden rule states to “do unto others as you would wish upon yourself”. If you extrapolate upon every avenue that this statement suggests in the book, you will become rich in all forms and ventures in life, including but not limited to wealth, happiness, peace, love (sex) and richness of life.
4.To quote Napoleon Hill:
"There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is DEFINITENESS OF PURPOSE, the knowledge of what one wants, and a BURNING DESIRE to possess it.
The method by which DESIRE for riches can be transmuted into its financial equivalent, consists of SIX DEFINITE, PRACTICAL STEPS: 
First. Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. It is not sufficient merely to say "I want plenty of money." Be definite as to the amount. (There is a psychological reason for definiteness which will be described in a subsequent chapter).
Second. Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire. (There is no such reality as "something for nothing.)
Third. Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire.
Fourth. Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action.
Fifth. Write out a clear, concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire, name the time limit for its acquisition, state what you intend to give in return for the money, and describe clearly the plan through which you intend to accumulate it.
Sixth. Read your written statement aloud, twice daily, once just before retiring at night, and once after arising in the morning. AS YOU READ-SEE AND FEEL AND BELIEVE YOURSELF ALREADY IN POSSESSION OF THE MONEY.
"It is important that you follow the instructions described in these six steps. It is especially important that you observe, and follow the instructions in the sixth paragraph. You may complain that it is impossible for you to "see yourself in possession of money" before you actually have it. Here is where a BURNING DESIRE will come to your aid. If you truly DESIRE money so keenly that your desire is an obsession, you will have no difficulty in convincing yourself that you will acquire it. The object is to want money, and to become so determined to have it that you CONVINCE yourself you will have it."

The list goes on and on and on.....and on....LOL......
And one of the greatest aspects that I believe with all my soul that was so brilliant of Napoleon Hill was to NOT out and out give us the answer to THIS SO CALLED SECRET!
Before you call me crazy (Which would be just fine with me...because BEING outta your mind is one of the BEST places you can BE) let me explain. I choose to believe that there are many paths back to the LIGHT from which we came.  The transformative book A COURSE IN MIRACLES says so much!  And that book was channeled from the words and thoughts of Jesus the Christ himself!  So to my humble understanding, it makes perfect sense that there would NOT be ONE singular SECRET!! Doesn't it?     
I think that the Secret Napoleon Hill was referencing actually has more to do with accessing and harnessing the Power of the You-niverse.  And why would that NOT make sense. We are all a unique emanation of Infinite Intelligence!  Yet, we are each but a drop in makeup of the ocean in all its greatness!  
So after reading and re-reading this book many times, the answer to this SECRET is the following.  ACTION.  ACTION.  ACTION!!  Did I mention ACTION?!?!   LOL
The SECRET is that we are delivered the plans and points of proper direction that we must take once we commit to manifesting any burning DESIRE only once we show the YOU-niverse that we are willing to commit to having it!  
The YOU-niverse is NOT our own personal wishing well. It is a well oiled mechanism that is more than willing (in fact it derives joy) from seeing us putting our DREAMS INTO ACTION!! It even makes our life easier once we decide to stop drifting and make tangible action plans toward our DESIRES!!!  
The hidden secret in Think and grow rich is “YOU BECOME WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT MOST OF THE TIME or “Thoughts become things, because everything we create first in our minds. If you decide about a goal and begin thinking about it it all the time, you will plant your goal in your subconscious mind, when the goal is planted in your subconscious mind, you will start to believe that you can achieve your goal, when you believe in your subconscious mind, your subconscious mind will give you plans on how to reach your goal!!  I can't even begin to describe how many times in my life I have just started moving in the direction of what I am trying to achieve and I begin to become deluged with signs, hunches, ideas, and alternate plans that seem to come from all areas!  And I have a distinct feeling that many of you have had very similar experiences!!  Am I right?!?   ;0)
 I have witnessed this way too many times to not believe with all my heart and soul that while this may NOT BE THE ONLY SECRET, it is at least ONE of the many ways toward bringing a wealth of health, joy, peace, happiness, and love into our lives!!  
So if there is something that you truly desire to manifest into your earthly experience, just start moving toward that goal with the smallest of steps, and let the YOU-niverse to show you the rest of the way...........
Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, September 24, 2018




I find it ‘Interesting’ how conflicted so many of us are about the energy surrounding MONEY.  We get uncomfortable talking about it, or mentioning it.  Especially when we are in a group of others we do not know.  Many of us are even in a constant vibrational state of FEAR about not having enough of it, or worrying about losing what we do have.  My own father refused to talk about his personal finances with the family when he knew he was about to pass.  And it caused a great deal of tension and stress for my mother, who had to deal with the financial estate with little information to lean on after he transitioned.  And I'm not judging him for his reticence to discuss his financial matters.  Because it was all a part of his FINANCIAL BLUEPRINT.  We all have one, whether we are aware of it or not.   And NOT coming to terms with what your personal FINANCIAL BLUEPRINT is could be the biggest misstep you make in life.  

So what exactly is a FINANCIAL BLUEPRINT you ask?!?  It is your core vibrational inner belief system about abundance.  And for most of us, it is first conceived in our childhood.   How many of your parents would repeat statements such as “Close the door.  The air is on and money doesn't grow on trees ya know!!”   A great majority of us were brought up with the notion that money was scarce, hard to come by, and even harder to keep.  And we didn't even realize it!!  And there started our own personal energetic relationship with money and abundance.  

In T. Harv Eker's book ‘Secrets of The Millionaire Mind’ he says “It's simple, it's law, and you are NOT going to circumvent it.  It all comes down to this: if your subconscious “Financial Blueprint’  is not set for success, nothing you learn, nothing you know, and nothing you do will make much of a difference.”  He goes on to explain how he learned about his own relationship with money , “I examined my true beliefs and saw that even though I said I wanted to be rich, I had some deep rooted worries about it.  Mostly, I was afraid.  Afraid that I might fail, or worse, succeed and then lose it all.

So Eker spent several years searching and investigating the true MINDSET of the rich.  And not just rich in terms of money, but in abundance in ALL its forms.  Health, love, money, and happiness.  And do you know what he discovered; that THERE IS A SIMILAR ENERGETIC MINDSET THAT IS SHARED BY EVERYONE WHO LIVES A LIFE OF ABUNDANCE!

He eventually opened his own business and challenged his daily thoughts whenever they were not in complete alignment with abundance.  He had learned that it was his mind and the beliefs about abundance that had been his biggest obstacle toward obtaining and experiencing it.  And you know what, if you are not living the life of abundance you desire, than chances are a great deal of if it has to do with the EXACT same thing.  Your FINANCIAL BLUEPRINT isn't set for success.  

So how can you shift your inner beliefs toward and around abundance in all its shapes and forms.  The first thing I would suggest is getting real with your mindset and the thoughts that are currently circulating within your noggin about abundance.   And I mean compassionately honest with yourself. What are your feelings about your own self worth and value.? Do you BELIEVE you are worthy of ‘having it all?’  Do you fear talking about or dealing with bills?!  Are you afraid to ask your job for a salary that you are truly worth?  Is your belief system strong enough to leave your current job from the KNOWINGNESS that there is another opportunity out there that will pay you what you are truly worth and value you the way you deserve ?  

Stuart Wilde had an uber supercharged FINANICAL BLUEPRINT!  As is shown is his famous quote, “The key to success to is to raise your own energy.  ; when you do, people will naturally be attracted to you.  And when they show up, bill em!”  LOL

In fact, it has been scientifically proven that it is actually your ‘inner workings’ about abundance that determines your financial state.  Did you you know, for instance, that study after study has proven that 90% of lottery winners are either broke or dead within five years of winning their lot.  And it is because most of them did not work on their inner beliefs and knowingness about abundance before their winning hand was dealt.  And so they were NOT ready to receive it.  

We all have a built in abundance ‘Thermostat’ that regulates our energetic frequency toward abundance.  And if yours is set to low, there is NO THING you can ever do that will allow you the prosperity you deserve!  And research has shown that over 80% of people will NEVER be financially free in the way they would truly desire, and that same 80% will never truly live a life of JOY.  

One principle I want to share from Eker's book is the ‘Law of Both.’  He explains that poor people always think ‘either/or’ while those who live abundantly ALWAYS think BOTH.  Meaning they find a way to not have to choose just one thing over another.  If they want to start a new business, they don't come at it from just the perspective of having to quit their current place of employment to begin a new adventure.  They find a way to keep money flowing through the door WHILE they build their new business.  They know there is a way to have BOTH in any circumstance!!

I also love and have myself applied  his principle of ‘The Roots Create the Fruits.’

In it he explains, “Imagine a tree.  Let's suppose this tree represents the tree of life.  On this tree there are fruits.  In life our fruits are called our results.  So we look at the fruits (results) and we don't like them.  There aren't enough of them, they are too small, or they don't taste good.  So what do we tend to do.  Most of us put even more attention on the fruits, or our results.  But what is it that actually creates those fruits; it's the SEEDS and the roots that create the fruits.  It's what's under the ground that creates what's above the ground. It's what's invisible, that creates the visible.  So what does that mean?  It means if you want to change the fruits(results) you have to change the roots! If you want to change the visible you must first change the INVISIBLE.”

The roots he is referring to of course is our inner world.  Our beliefs.  Our core energy about abundance and they way we truly FEEL about it.  One powerful suggestion in making a sizable shift in our inner beliefs is through filling our affirmations with declarations.  As us New Age Nerds are aware, an affirmation is a statement that something we desire is actually happening.  And they can be amazing game changers when repeated often with conviction and emotion.  However, if you REALLY want to up your FINANCIAL BLUEPRINT's core vibration, mix your affirmations with the energy of a declaration.  A declaration is a commitment toward ACTION!  As the saying goes, ‘Faith is belief mixed with action!’  And trust me, it is a potent universal combination!!  Give it a try.......

In closing, I want to reiterate that this post is NOT about just financial abundance.  There is enough GREED in this world that it is causing us all some major league problems.  The wonderful thing about your FINANCIAL BLUEPRINT is that it works on ALL forms of abundance.  Health, wealth, knowledge, wisdom, and happiness.  It is the same formula for manifesting more of all of these magnificent and JOYOUS experiences we came here to have!  May at least some of today's words assist you in living a life of true abundance in all its magnificent forms!!!  And even better, the more abundance we have, the more we have TO GIVE!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Do You KNOW Just How AWESOME You REALLY Are..!!

One of the most challenging aspects of manifesting into the Human Condition is the Understanding that every single precious Spirit that has made the commitment in spreading their wings in this Earthly experience is flawed. I mean, C'mon, there is absolutely NO ONE who desires to be anything but completely WHOLE and COMPLETE when they make the decision to allow their SOULS to become the DENSE matter that must be transformed from their otherworldly experience so that the may truly become a part of this magnificent experience called LIFE!! For although our inherent nature is one of BEING absolutely whole and perfect in every coherent and conceivable manner, the ONLY manner in which we can experience the complete experience that the MATRIX that this world affords us is to succumb to the Universal Laws that are only available to us IN THIS EARTHLY realm!!  

And as I have said in previous posts, there are absolutely BILLIONS of SOULS who stand in line,  all to have the magnificent experience that this individual incarnation affords, so that they may transcend any limitations that have been placed in their PATH prior to the ardent experience THAT ONLY THIS PLANET CAN AFFORD!!  Ponder this TRUTH for just one moment.  Being here is  like winning a lottery of unimaginable proportions, simply to have the once in a Soulful lifetime of experiences that can only be felt in THIS MAGICAL REALM!!!  For each and every Soul who transcends time and space to forego the transformations that this planet has the ability to provide understands the precious gift that is afforded them from the Soulful Growth and Understanding that is Only available through this specific Miraculous experience.......

For as Kurt Vonnegut so wisely espoused, "This amazing experience allows us to practice any form of art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poverty , fiction, essays, reportage, no matter howell of badly, NOT to get money or fame, but rather to experience the MIRACLE of the experiencing of becoming, to find out what's inside of you, that makes your soul GROW."

And perhaps the single most  powerful blockage of our collective conscious in hiding our true power is the misunderstand that we are not perfect in every way, shape, and form!  That's right. One of the most transcendent TRUTHS we can comprehend is that in this realm, WE CANNOT MAKE A MISTAKE!! A Misstep, absolutely!  But this earthly realm is for one Purpose and one Purpose only....and that is for the continued Grand Expansion of the Universe!  And that occurs through   US!  As we learn and grow through the act of our own Earthly creations, that energy assists the Universe to do the same. (And you thought your job here was boring...LOL)     It's like being in the most profound SCIENCE CLASS that has ever been created so that we may feel the true freedom of perfecting the creation of Heavenly Miracles with no repercussions!!

We can forego the fear of Being FLAWESOME!! Because by just having the Collective Courage  of coming down to Earth and traversing it's often challenging experiences is cause for No Thing less than an absolute CELEBRATION!!  For it is a gift that transcends the wondrous Belief of the Spiritual Santa Clause that still captures the imagination of children both young and old !   Capiche...?!?  I truly hope so!!  Because this realm is mostly dependent on the BELIEF that the Miracles of Magic still exist.......And ya know what....  THEY TRULY DO!!  Humbugs be Damned.......   LOL  :0)

You see, this is a realm that welcomes your imperfections.  In fact, they are actually celebrated.  Because there is no understanding of FAILURE in this realm.    For Failure is only acknowledged if ONE DOES NOT TRY!!   In fact, my definition of Failure is ...  FEEDBACK.  It's basically the Universe giving you constructive feedback for the purpose of your continued growth! And through the simple act of expressing your talents, you will NEVER be deemed a failure!  You may be deemed as being Flawesome...But that simply means that you had the courage to embrace your illusionary flaws and know YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY AWESOME REGARDLESS OF ANY OUTCOME!!

So my humble suggestion is to use this realm as your personal spiritual playground!!  Raise your Freak Flag.  Don't succumb to being Normal!!  Just be YOURSELF.  For as the great Dr. Seuss said, 'Those that matter won't mind, and those that mind DON'T MATTER..'

For you are absolutely PERFECT Just The Way You Are.............  You simply just have to BELIEVE.........  For Belief is the first step toward FAITH, and FAITH is a balm that breathes air beneath your wings when you have forgotten how high you can fly.........


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Learn the ONE Character Trait That Can Lift You To NEW HEIGHTS..!!

Yesterday, I was watching an episode of Super Soul Sunday and a horrifying fact was presented that stopped me in my spiritual tracks.  It had to do with a recent Harvard University study that asked 10,000 high school students the following question.   If your parents were asked what mattered to them more, good grades or being nice and kind to others, what would they say?  And do you know that 80% said that their parents would say grades without hesitation.  Are you KIDDING me?!?  I literally became sick to my stomach while watching this part of the episode.  Not to mention extremely saddened by what I was hearing.  Mind you, in many ways I wasn't surprised, as we have become such a hyper competitive society where the “Best of the Best”  are rewarded and given the royal treatment and the key to many of their dreams while the rest of us search for the left over morsels and scraps.  

The episode profiled David Brooks and his book ‘The Road to Character.’  His humble demeanor and obvious self awareness won me over instantly.  “I wrote this book to save my own soul. I was born with a natural disposition toward shallowness.  I now work as a pundit and columnist and blowheart, to volley my opinions, ....I have to work harder than most people to avoid a life of smug superficiality,” he writes.  

He recalls an experience he had in Frederick , MD where he met with a group of women in their 50's and 60's who all taught immigrants English.  Over taken by their compassion and kindness, and the manner in which they accepted him with love and joyful openness had a deep effect on his Soul.  And this began a transformative change in his life.  His inner being was shown glimpses of the LIGHT that surrounds us all but is taken in and shared by few.  

According to BrooksFame is the new definition of character.  Which is in and of itself a declaration of our society at its basic level in our current times.  That same Harvard study asked how many people thought they were  going to be famous and the answer was 80%.  Compared to just 10% back in the 1950's when the same same survey was done.  The times they are a changin!! And much of it stems from our lack of true integrity and CHARACTER!  

So what are the basic tenets that make up a Character that we can all strive towards in our daily lives. While some of Brooks answers to this question are quite basic, they are pragmatic and useful as well. For instance, he says one commonality he sees in people of great character is “consistency over time. Despite lust, greed, or hunger,  the things that lead one's character are long term like honesty and courage.  They can be counted on over time.”  

Accurate self awareness from a distance is yet another tenet Brooks thinks is missing from our current generational makeup.  We are all in competition for fame and noticeability.  Hello KARDASHIANS!!  “The noise of fast and shallow communications makes it harder to hear the quiet sounds that emanate from the depths.   We live in a culture that teaches us to promote and advertise ourselves and master the skills required for success , but that gives little encouragement for humility, sympathy and honest self confrontation which are necessary for building character,” he declares in his book.

Even our vernacular has changed dramatically over the last 50 years.  A study done has shown that words like kindness, humbleness, gratitude, and honor have dropped over 60% in our daily usage.  SCARY!!  Yet economic terms have risen by over 80%.  

The episode also highlighted individuals who helped build this country on the backs of their moral character.  People like Doris Day, who dedicated her entire life toward helping those in need.  Paying herself no salary throughout her entire life.  Don't get me wrong, there are indeed sweet souls on our planet who use their every ounce of BEINGNESS in the name of service.  But like chivalry, it is slowly becoming a relic for our history books rather than a new generation of individuals who we can write stories about in our current tales of moral character and integrity.  

“What suffering does is it takes us below the everydayness of life and reminds us we are not who we think we are. It carves beneath what is the basement of our soul, carves through the floor and reveals the cavity below.  It introduces us to ourselves.”

New Age Nerd readers know that this principle is something I espouse in most of my daily blogs.  That is through our suffering that we gain our selves.  That our pain leads to our power, our wounds heal to reveal our wisdom.  And in my humble option , this is the beginning stages of true CHARACTER.  To have the strength to face our own demons having NO idea what lies on the other side.  But having the FAITH to travel to these dark and morose places anyway, with the KNOWINGNESS that our purpose is seeded within the darkness.  Those with the greatest CHARACTER have the ability to face these shadows knowing that the end result will be their ability to help and assist others to do the same.  

Let's stop playing the Fame game.  The Shame game.  The Fear Game.   And start building back the type of individual CHARACTER that can be one of the saving graces of our current times.  What do ya think?!?  Can you think of ways that you can improve your character in ways large and or small and be an INSPIRATION for others.  If I may suggest one thing, it would be to put our priorities in order.  The POWER of Love must TRUMP the Love of Power.  Are you following your passion?  How much time are you spending toward actions of service toward Re-minding others who they truly are and what they truly have the ability to be.  Stop trading time for a paycheck from work that does not serve you.  Or others in any real meaningful way.  And be an example of the type of CHARACTER that allowed this world to flourish during times when there was much less money and technology than we have today..........


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

What We Can ALL Learn From ONE ANOTHER....On This Father's Day!

There are MANY paths... May You Choose the ones that begin and end in LOVE...

Jeffrey Louis Martinez

This past weekend, I was invited to a friends birthday party.  And while the food was Oh So YUMMY in my Tummy, little did I know that my dessert was going to be true FOOD FOR THE SOUL!  But as is most often the case, this God given gift did not come wrapped in the manner I would have originally envisioned!  Over time, this understanding has been very instrumental in me NOT missing out on the many treasures life brings into your daily experiences!!  

During dinner, a middle aged man filled his plate with the delightful offerings our gracious guests had prepared for the party minglers.  The only empty chair was beside me and so it is there that he took his place at the table.  Small talk quickly ensued and it soon veered into the territory of our current Health Care system here in the US.  Immediately, I ascertained that we had ----ummmm- diametrically opposed viewpoints on the topic.  (And I will humbly admit that given my own recent run ins with the process of obtaining affordable health care as a self employed person has given me a rather STRONG viewpoint on this situation)  

The clouds of a clash were drifting over the table, at which point I decided to use my tenet that...IT IS BETTER TO BE LOVING THAN TO BE RIGHT!!  So I took a few minutes to allow my slightly charged emotions to settle by delving into my plate of still warm and incredibly tasty delights.  

After both of our plates had been cleared by our gracious hosts, I got an INUITIVE HIT that there was a reason for us to be seated next to one another.  I consider my self both a teacher and a student and know that if given the chance, everyone that comes into my experience has something to share with me!  And this night would be yet another example of this understanding.   

For we began to strike up another conversation, but this time it was filled with mutual respect and a sincere willingness to connect with one another.  It's AMAZING how a simple shift in perspective toward non-judgement can create MIRACLES!   

Superhero's TIP:  Most conflict, resentment, and disconnection between two individuals and/or parties result from a much smaller varying viewpoint than you might imagine!  It's actually quite unfortunate to think of all the pain and suffering we inflict on one another over such a small variance in our BELIEFS!  The next time a possible nasty fight or powerfully charged disagreement is about to break out in your presence, PLEASE REMEMBER this fact. Trying your best to meet people HALFWAY is such a transformational practice!  Try it out and see for yourself.....   ;0)   Here's to killing 'em with KINDNESS......    ;0)

Ok....back to our Original Lineup of Programming for the post..........

As we peppered each other with questions about one another, I preceded to share with him my passioned belief that everyone is a SUPERHERO and that our Highest Calling was to BE of service to one another.   I KNOW that doesn't surprise anyone in The New Age Nerd tribe..Right?!?  At last I sure hope not....   :0)

I could see the sharing of my own TRUTH opened up a doorway to something of a similar resonation that meant a great deal to his being.   He began to tell me a story about his father.  And his energy began to unfold and soften; more like a soothing nature actually.  You see his father had graduated from West Point.  And he had stayed in very close touch with one of his classmates throughout the many years since their time together at the military academy.  He said their bond was as close as being brothers from another mother!  

The years quickly passed by, yet their friendship always remained a constant and treasured gift in each of their lives.  But his father's buddy became diagnosed with the insidious disease of Alzheimers.  Yet his father stayed a constant and steadfast friend and companion.  Even after the disease had ravaged his friend's brain to the point at which he no longer recognized his father. But ya know what?!  His father continued his weekly visits.  In fact, he never let more than a week go by without stopping in to spend treasured time with his brother in arms!  

My new found friend continued that after several years, his father's dedication toward this CALLING began to be questioned from many people in his circle of friends.  "Why do you continue to visit your friend?!  He has absolutely NO IDEA who you even are anymore," many would question.

The answer his father would always give sent a Spirit filled shiver through my Being.  "But I KNOW who he is!"  I sat there for more than a few beats, my eyes completely locked with his. He had shared a piece of his SOUL with me.   And it was a MAGNIFICENT MOMENT; sacred and transcendent!  Because it is the accumulation of moments such as these that translates into life's greatest treasures.  TRULY PROFOUND CONNECTION!!  Something that is so badly missing from our current collective of daily interactions.  

And I'm still not completely sure who benefited more from the sharing of this tale?!  Not that it evens matter.  Because the lesson that was imprinted with me on this night is that like all of the greatest teachers who have walked this Earth, one of the greatest gifts we can give is to LOVE EVERYONE as through they are INNOCENT- SANS JUDGEMENT!  It would have been so easy for me to forgo striking up another conversation with this gentleman after our first attempt ended in a small divide.   Yet.....I cannot fathom missing out on the gift we shared that magical evening by remembering 




Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Learn How To LIVE a Life of FEARLESSNESS..!!!


"17 Years...think about it...we've been hiding for 17 years......We used to make things....17 years ago!!!  That all stopped!  What happened?!  When you are hiding, your safe!  Because people can't see you.  But the funny thing about hiding......   YOU'RE EVEN HIDDEN FROM YOURSELF!!

From the Movie JOY starring Jennifer Lawrence ~~~

As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind.  To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again.  To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives..........

Henry David Thoreau

Ok, my fellow New Age Nerds, it's Trivia Time!  Are you game?!  Awesome!!  What is the biggest thief you will ever encounter during your lifetime??  And NO, the answer is not your ex husband or wife!  LOL  ;0)  The answer is actually quite simple.  It's FEAR!!!  That's right, not only is it the antithesis to LOVE, but it has stolen more hopes, dreams, possible life long love affairs, and miraculous manifestations than all the other pastiche of thievery in existence!  And FEAR is attached to the Ego.  And these two terrible, horribles can crush a life meant for monumental feats of MAGIC!!

In fact, as many of you know, one of the most profound teachers of our lifetime, Marianne Williamson explains a MIRACLE as being a shift in perspective from Fear to Love.  So simple on paper, yet quite arduous to always put into practice without well.....lots of PRACTICE!!

I'm sure you can take out a piece of paper and write down many of the daily fears that stop your powers of manifestation dead in their tracks.  For example:

1.  The fear of not being good enough.

 2.  Fearing what others think about you.
3.  Fear of rejection from your tribe.
4.  Fear of not feeling lovable.
5.  Fear of stepping outside your limited boundaries and beliefs.

I'm quite sure I have not even begun to stretch the service of the havoc Fear brings to our daily lives.  I will step right up to the microphone and say I have not been immune to such fear based limitations. And let me tell ya, if your experience has mimicked mine in any meaningful manner, it can stop you from moving forward on your Hero's Journey all to sit  back in the comfort of your own safe place of Not Doing!  We tend to keep our dreams and aspirations in our noggin, where they are never put to the test and can remain safely tucked away in our own imagination.   If we never put them out into the Universe, then we can NEVER Fail!!  But my personal belief is that there is No Such thing as Failure;  just Feedback from the Universe that helps us learn and grow!    Well, so long as you try.....   Let me tell you from my personal Journey, that not trying is a life of just surviving and NOT THRIVING!!  And I don't know about you, but life is too short not to Thrive!  Can I get a Hell Yes from the congregation!!    AMEN!!

Now fear in and of itself is a built in aspect of our inherent DNA.  It is actually very useful in certain circumstances.  Our ancestors used it to protect themselves from perceived dangers in their environment.  Hello Mr. T-Rex!!  LOL  I actually love Robert Downey Jr's definition of fear.  He says that he strays not from fear in and of itself, but rather FEAR BASED RITUALS!  Meaning not allowing fear to hold him back from situations or actions that are in no way threatening to his well being and alternatively cutting him off from miraculous opportunities no matter how scary they may stretch his current sensibilities!!  Go Iron Man!!!

In a previous post I wrote about the wonderful book “Dying to be Me” by Anita Moorjani.  In this profound tomb, she fleshes out her Near Death Experience with cancer and the hard-fought lessons she learned during the whole ordeal.  The one mantra she got from her experience that she has shared with millions of fellow Truth Seekers around the world is “Live Fearlessly!”   In fact, she credits the reason that cancer began to ravage her body was because rather than simply ALLOWING her life to unfold, she used FEAR as a constant protection mechanism in most areas of her life.  In time, she believes that FEAR solidified as cancer.  Not to say that any of us should feel responsible for our maladies, BUT we are absolutely responsible TO THEM!

“ Fear is very subtle, and it can creep up gradually without our even noticing it.  Looking back, I see that most of us are taught from a very young age to be afraid, although I don't believe we are born this way.  One of the things I believe is that we are what we spend our lives trying to attain, but we just don't realize it!  We come into this life knowing our magnificence.  I don't know why, but the world seems to erode it as we start to grow up.

I want to say, too, that after my NDE, things got a whole lot easier.  I no longer feared death, cancer, accidents or any of the myriad things that used to concern me...except for expanding out into the greater world!  I've learned to trust the wisdom of my infinite self.  I know that I- along with everyone else- am a powerful, magnificent , unconditionally loved , and loving force.  

This energy flows through me, surrounds me, and is indistinguishable from me.  It is, in fact, who and what I truly am; trusting in it is simply trusting myself.  Allowing it to guide me, protect me,and give me all that's needed for my ultimate happiness and well being happens simply by being myself.  I need only to be the magnificent love that I am and allow events and circumstances in my life to play out in the way that I know is always in my best long-term interest.” writes Moorjani.

Fear based rituals are actually diametrically opposed to our natural state of being.  To experience the life we came here to treasure, we must learn to be in a state of ALLOWANCE.  Fear closes the door on the abundance that is waiting to shower us with joy and happiness.  Only staying in a vibrational energy of LOVE can keep us attuned to Source energy that carries with it our birthright of indescribable BLISS!

Do you know the One Thing that causes FEAR to shake, shiver and shrivel?!  Let me ask Vanna White to turn over the letters,  Wheel of Fortune style  --------- A-C-T-I-O-N !!!!!  And we win the Showcase Showdown..  OOPS....wrong game show...LOL  

"All confidence is acquired, developed.  No one is born with confidence.  Those people you know who radiate confidence, who have conquered worry, have acquired their confidence, every bit of it."  
David Schwartz~~~    Author of The Power of Thinking Big

But seriously, I would like to take a moment to acknowledge everyone in The New Age Nerd community for the manner in which you have already faced your FEARS in whatever manner it has shown up in your daily life!  TRULY!  Because facing and overcoming our FEARS is perhaps the most Courageous thing we will ever attempt in our lifetime!  For it is The Force that is always at the disposal of the EGO.  And hear me when I say (more like SHOUT!) it unleashes this Lethal Weapon on us all!  The Ego wields FEAR as its most instrumental manner in keeping us all playing oh SO SMALL!   For in order for the Ego to survive as a four star general and captain of the ship (Your Mind-Set) it must keep us in a perpetual state of illusionary isolation from our True Magnificence!   But here is one HERO'S TIP to handle FEAR in your life:  The stronger FEAR is causing a stranglehold keeping you in a perpetual state of NEUTRAL, the more certain we can be assured that we are not 'awake' at the wheel.  Disconnection from our Highest Selves is the root cause of our Feelings of Fearfulness!  And if we can slowly start a practice of seeing this Truth, Fear will slowly melt away like the Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard of Oz.........  

It is my experience that FEAR is just not something that we can 'will' out of our existence.  It is just too powerful.  But to get back on track of the One Thing that can counteract its searing nature is ACTION.  Like most things that are so critical to successfully navigate this Matrix we call Life, IT IS A PROCESS!

 As  Marriane Williamson teaches, Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and prejudices and the acceptance of love back in our hearts. Love is the essential reality and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life. Meaning does not lie in things. Meaning lies in us.”  Marianne ROCKS! --Sidenote ~~  If you live in LA.....do yourself a favor and go to one of her free communal gatherings.   She is a true Force of Nature!!

Here are my suggestions on how to use ACTION as a tool to banish Fear back to the abyss in which it came-------

1.  The End Result that we are seeking to combat Fear is a steely sense of SELF        CONFIDENCE and the eradication of Self Doubt!  Wouldn't you agree?!?  And developing an extraordinary sense of Self Confidence is ---  A Journey!!  And as the old proverb declares, every Journey STARTS WITH ONE SMALL STEP!!  So I urge you to find a friend, mentor, or coach who can assist in holding you accountable in the daily or weekly steps that scare you, but you are still willing in Committing to.  This practice is a true game changer!!  Because each time you commit to an action step and see it to its fruitful completion, you will slowly start to build  the sense of Self Confidence that has always been within you but hidden behind the masks of Fear!   And the scripts that we all write in our mind that contain all the dramatic beats of what might happen if we put 'our neck on the line' are nothing but parts of a movie that will NEVER be put into production!
I love this tell tale truth....    Fear knocked at the door...Courage went to answer....Opened the door....AND NOBODY WAS THERE!!  

2.  "Named must your fear be before banish it you can."   Master Yoda

We often never take the most important action step of identifying what our actual Fear is and where it came from!  Because nearly ALL our Fears are nothing less than the areas within us that still need to be healed.  Ever think that's why we avoid them like The Walking Dead plague?!?  It means being courageous and vulnerable enough to look ourselves in the mirror and confront the images we would rather not see.   Because THIS is where our Fear hides itself.  It's the ultimate coward!  

Yet, how can we overcome that which we cannot name and own because of FEAR?!?  Well, the answer for most of us is that We Can't!!  
The good news is that once we become more adept at using the tips in Step One above, the easier it will be to confront our wounds and trauma and then turn the tables on Fear!    Because we will reinterpret Fear as simply a gift that illuminates the areas within us where LOVE and Compassion still need to be applied!   Once we can change FEAR in our Mind-Set as a gift rather than our arch enemy, we can snatch it away from our Ego and actually Use It to Our Advantage!!  Ain't that pretty frickin awesome!!  Damn straight.............   ;0)

The Course in Miracles teaches us that "If you knew who walks beside you on this path that you have chosen, fear would be Impossible."  So DEEP, yet so simple!  Right?!?

To help nail this point home into your KNOWINGNESS, I'd like to share with you my own vulnerable and heartfelt Journey in launching my company, The New Age Nerd!  For YEARS, I was fucking scared to death of truly putting my full naked SELF out there!  So I hemmed and hawed.  Made up every possible excuse to my family and friends who just knew I was meant to assist others on their Earthly Journey.  And I got awfully DAMN good at it.  I'm talkin' bout Major League level my friends!  I could justify my way out of pretty much anything that was thrown at me!!  Seriously!  I was a PRO!!  And ya know what started happening.  One by one, my cheerleaders stopped championing my TRUTH......  Which left me still naked, yet still searching for a deeper meaning in my life, but also painfully all ALONE!!!  Cue the Maudlin Violins...     LOL

My great traumatic wound was two fold.  Both the abandonment of my father at the tender age of three, but also the mental, physical, and sexual abuse at the hands of the Spirits I trusted in his absence caused me to create a Mind-Set programmed with a sense of lack,feelings of less than and the innate emotions that I was utterly un-lovable.  And I avoided these traumatic issues for over two decades!!  I allowed FEAR to engulf my entire BEINGNESS!!  And the net End Result was .......CHAOS.......!!   Relationships that were worthy of a day time Soap Opera....  Jobs that actually made me ill!!   And a TRIBE of friendships that caused me feeling that 'if they need me, they won't leave me."  And so I ask you.....How did that work for me.....   Ummmmmm     Not So Much..... LOL

Even though I had already been through SO MUCH, it really didn't matter.  Life is an ECHO!    We get back what we are putting out!!   And I was putting out some serious vibrations of worry, self-doubt and a complete lack of SELF-worth.  And my Compadres, that is an Absolute recipe for CHAOS!!  And for any of you who wish to challenge me on this...   Give it a try...  (Of course I'm joshin' with ya....Part of sharing my honest truth is to help others circumvent many of the painful events I have had to endure by learning the lessons from my MISSTEPS!!)  Send all Thank You notes to The Universe..!!!   ;0)

But my life completely changed on December 31, 2015.  For on that night, I fell down on my knees and had what I call a BREAK OPEN!!   I hit absolute ROCK BOTTOM!!  My heart was broken open!   And when this occurs for us Light Workers, unadorned LOVE is the residual energy that is left in its wake!!   My heart was finally ready to answer the Universal Calling of my Soul!!  And on that very evening, I started this very BLOG!!  I LOOKED FEAR STRAIGHT IN THE EYE AND SAID......."YOU HIT LIKE A BEYATCH!"  

AND HAVING ABSOLUTELY NO FRICKIN IDEA WHAT I WAS DOING...I built the template of this blog and just started writing!!  Each and every single day for the first six months.   My goal wasn't the destination, but rather the Journey!  I created a daily intention as well as a spiritual practice that pushed me past the FEARS that had been blocking my Authentic path for over 20 years!!  And then daily synchronicities started to appear everywhere I turned.   And money appeared right when I needed it most!  Don't get me wrong, I made a myriad of false steps, and setbacks still occur to this very day.  But I rest in the knowingness that I am in no way co-creating anything from standing still.    

And I slowly began to experience that EVERYTHING WE DESIRE TO EXPERIENCE IS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF FEAR!!!   And that has been the most expansive revelation of my life!!!

Fast forward two and a half years and over 2,500 pages of blog entries later and my business is not just surviving, but THRIVING!!!   As my brother in common arms Joseph Campbell stated, "You must be willing to let go of the life that you were planning, to have the life that has always been waiting for you." 

In times where the winds of your internal storms seem overwhelming, please remember that   YOU NEVER WALK ALONE!   And that your Wounds are No Thing more than the Wisdom that is looking to be activated through the seeds planted within your Soul!  And that they will forever whisper the sounds of serenity that keeps your HEART SONG afloat..  And when there seems like there is no way out of your life circumstances.......PLEASE----- PLEASE remember that there are A Thousand Angels at Your Side...  and that your eternal Tribe is still awaiting your return!

Our world, with its fascination with perfection on social media platforms seems to have no room or patience for PROGRESS.  Yet, I'm willing to bet that the majority of you would rather hedge your bets on people of continued PROGRESS than those seeking Perfection!! 

To Living a BLISSED Out Life  ~~~~


Jeffrey Louis Martinez