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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Interested In THE SECRET To Living As A GENIUS..?!

One of the most frequent questions I am asked is, “How in the hell do you come up with all the ideas for your daily blog?”  Many of my fellow coaching friends deeply DESIRE to make blogging a part of their life and leadership practice, yet few rarely actually do!  Why?  Mostly because of the limiting beliefs in their own ability to be a true CREATOR.  Some are even vibrating within a space of utter SELF DOUBT  they don't believe they possess the writing chops to devise columns that would actually be of value.  And the thought of attracting a huge audience is just as unfathomable.  And THAT IS A SPIRITUAL SHAME!! Because such a mind-set blocks them from the joyous wisdom and wonder that they are ALL capable of creating.  So, in today's post, I am going to let everyone in on the KEY COMPONENT to becoming and mastering the Art of being a "conscious creator."  Better known as a true GENIUS!

Rule Numero Uno is the realization that YOU ARE NOT DOING THIS ALONE!   There is something called Infinite Intelligence that is a powerful and unlimited energy source that is available to us ALWAYS and in ALL WAYS!   And as soon as you understand you DO NOT have to be alone in any creative endeavor, a true Paradigm shift occurs deep within your sub-conscious.   Of course, the most important action step toward being able to commune  with SOURCE  is relinquishing your EGO from this co-creative  process.  In fact, it has been scientifically proven there is only ONE common trait amongst those rare individuals we call GENIUSES.  Wanna take a gander as to what the answer to this trait happens to BE ?!  I'll give you ten seconds to use your noggin and see what your instinctual essence tells you......NO GOOGLE!  ;0)

Ok, time's up!  It is....   HUMILITY!!   That's right!  Humility means loss of ego.  Because that is what MUST occur in order to tap into Infinite Intelligence.  Those we deem as geniuses in their field and craft, are keenly aware they are NOT DOING THEIR CREATIVE EFFORTS ALONE!  In fact, they actually surrender their Ego over to Acceptance and Gratitude.  And welcome the opportunity for the wondrous wisdom and enlightenment that embodies being in allowance of Infinite Intelligence to flow with them in all conscious co-creations!  

In one of my top 10 favorite books, Power vs. Force,  by David Hawkins PH.D, it specifically states through scientific study, “Genius is by definition a style of consciousness characterized by the ability to access high attractor patterns.  It isn't a personality characteristic, nor is it something somebody “has” or “is”.  A universal characteristic of Genius is HUMILITY; after all, those in whom we recognize genius commonly disclaim it, as they've always attributed their insights to some higher influence.  For example, great musicians throughout history have stated that they didn't plan their music, but simply wrote down what they heard within their own minds.  Recognized geniuses may be rare, but genius resides IN ALL OF US!  There is no such thing as accident or coincidence in this Cosmos; and not only is EVERYTHING connected, we are all members.  Consciousness, like physicality, is a Universal quality; because genius is a product of CONSCIOUSNESS, genius is also Universal. It follows that that which is Universal is available to EACH AND EVERY PERSON!”  Love it, learn it, live it!  ;0)

And for all you leaders in the New Age Nerd community, HUMILITY is just as crucial an ingredient to all your endeavors.  Author David White, a consultant to the Fortune Top 50, says,  Contrary to popular folklore, it’s important to note that nice guys & gals don’t finish last. Leaders who display authentic humility have broader spheres of influence, attract better talent, engender more confidence, and earn more loyalty and respect than do those leaders who rely solely upon their chutzpa and their ability to brandish their bravado. If what you’re seeking is lasting relationships, long-term success, and a better quality of life (in and out of the workplace) then you’ll be well served to forgo the pompous acts of the arrogant, and substitute the humility and quiet confidence displayed by true leaders.”

Believe it or not, I DO NOT prepare any of my posts ahead of time.  I wake up early in the morning and do a 10 minute meditation, asking SOURCE energy to work with me and align my vibration with the "Spirit of Infinite Intelligence."  And during the meditation, the topic for each day's post comes to me!  And the FEELING that I receive from consciously communing with this heavenly energy is the most magical experience of most of my days!  But please don't misconstrue my words.  I am FULLY present during this co-creation.  I am also in full ALLOWANCE of Infinite Intelligence to flow through and as me while I write.  And it has become a partnership that I value like none other!  What was once a "two step" with SPIRIT, has transformed into more of a "Wonder filled Waltz!"  Nobody leads the dance, for we are true partners in crimes of the conscious variety!  Toes never get stepped on.  And neither of us seeks any adulation for our efforts.  Just the resolute KNOWINGNESS that what was co-created will be in service to all who it touches!

If you decide that you would like to try and replicate this potent practice, please start slow and be very patient with yourself.  It's like everything else in life.  It takes time and subtle nuance to slowly learn how to shed your egoistic need for control.   Like the process of learning anything new,  it may feel clumsy and uncomfortable at first.  And there will be some days in which you just can't connect.  Very similar to the struggles many of us incur when first learning to meditate.  It is tough to master the art of quieting our minds and surrendering to the present moment.  But, I promise you, it is worth the time and effort!  Just please do not become frustrated to the point you give up trying to partner up with this AMAZING source of intelligent abundance.  There is SO much wisdom and understanding SPIRIT wishes to be shared with us all.  And because you are a HERO, you were made for the job!


Last evening I was having a wonderful and quite deep conversation with a fellow coach.  We started our dialogue by discussing the particular type of teaching/coaching we were most passionate about.   Hopefully, my answer should not be a surprise to any of my fellow New Age Nerds; that of being "The Hero's Coach."   By teaching/coaching others, through transformational and instructional guidance, toward their Hero's Journey.  Where their own unique CALLING still awaits.   Assisting them in creating a new "Heroic Origin Story" that discovers and transcends the blocks and limiting beliefs that have kept them living in a state of victim consciousness.   All so they can shift into more dynamic and empowering behaviors by uncovering and UNLEASHING their Super Heroic Higher Selves!  Super powers and all!  To be of "Supreme Service" to themselves and others in the name of LOVE.  The byproduct of which is bliss filled abundance in all areas of life!  How does THAT sound?!

I now know that much of this obsession stems from my greatest HERO, my father!  He was a teacher for nearly 30 years who touched and transformed the lives of thousands of students.  And it is through their businesses, endeavors, families, and conscious "DEEDS of DELIGHT" that his Legacy continues to live on.  In fact, at his retirement, at least ONE student from every year he taught, showed up to show their respects.   All for this one of a kind HERO who had forever left an imprint of a life well lived in the name of loving service to the World!  I really miss you Pops. TONS!     

My coaching buddy then began inquiring about the various things I have been implementing to grow the New Age Nerd into something that can help as many people as possible.  Thanks to you fellow NERDS, daily readership of this blog has risen more than 40 fold since I started it in January of 2016!  AND IT IS ALL THANKS TOO YOU!   And I wish I could  share the heartfelt feelings of joy and humble happiness I feel with each and every one of you.  This community of New Age Nerds have become my HEROES!  

So during my friend's continuing line of questioning about my business, he asked me how am I able to write so many blog entries with all the other things I am juggling, usually concurrently.  LOL.    And do you know what I said?!  “It's not all me.  Much of it is coming straight from Infinite Intelligence.  Or what many (like myself) call SOURCE energy.  SPIRIT.   Do you think I could do all this by myself ?” I said.

“What do you mean exactly, Infinite Intelligence,” he shot back with more than a twinge of curiosity.  

"I am simply the vessel and allow SPIRIT to work through me.  Now since I AM part of SOURCE/SPIRIT (as we ALL are) it's NOT that I am uninvolved in the process.  Quite the contrary!   It's just that I AM a unique emanation of the WHOLE and thus have learned to BE IN ALLOWANCE of the Infinite Intelligence that wishes to work with and through me." 

Completely fascinated, he asked me, “How do you this?”  To which I offered a slight giggle.  That is like asking how to be in a relationship with GOD.  It is personal for each of us.  I would say that meditation is a great first step on the Journey,” I advised him.

He happens to be a fantastic guitar player and so I asked him how it felt the first few months of learning to play that instrument.  “It was pretty rough and painful, ” he said without hesitation.  When I inquired how long it took him to really start to get into a ZONE, a flow while playing, he said it took quite a while; but once it started, it felt like magic.  

There is no difference between learning to play the guitar, and learning to tap into SOURCE.  It's getting out of your own way, and putting your own EGO aside.  And just surrendering to that very moment of NOW.  Where you can simply BE.  Which is much more difficult  for most people than it sounds.  But OH is it worth it.  It's 'Heaven on Earth' from experiencing the act of being the GRAND CREATOR.  Simply BLISSFUL.”

Once again, here is the SECRET SAUCE to tapping into this unending and bountiful slice of Infinite Intelligence that many call "ENERGETIC GENIUS."   In fact, most famous writers, poets, dancers, singers, or masters of many professions who have experienced this magical sensation eventually learn that the key to its access is........HUMILITY.  As they say, Steven Spielberg never walks into a room and claims he is Steven Spielberg.  Watch the interviews he and George Lucas do. They are constantly deflected their power of genius.  And it is so refreshing and infectious!  

And hopefully you understand in humility, I am referring to the understanding that we are true co-creators always and in ALL WAYS.  To tap into the highest forms of truth and spiritual beauty in any endeavor, discard the ego and be in collaboration with SPIRIT!  You will be amazed at the work that will start to manifest before your eyes!  And after enough practice, you will be living as though you have brought "Heaven on Earth" in all your daily experiences.  And from THAT space is born the makings of a LEGEND!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, January 30, 2019


After college, I was blessed enough to earn a media fellowship from the International Radio and Television Society.  Every year, this New York City based organization picks 15 "fellows" from a pool of thousands of submissions sent by college seniors around the world.  And this slightly "Manic Hispanic" was one of the 15 finalists for the IRTS class of 1993! 

For me, this was more than a dream come true.  It was a sure sign that my inclinations towards a career in the magical world of mass media was the start of my Hero's Journey.  And what a helluva first step!  The entire lot of this group of media maniacs ascended upon Greenwich Village in the heart of New York City for three months of pure BLISS.  Each of us was granted an internship somewhere within the vast media landscape that NY affords.  My fellowship was with Ann Liguori, a former fellow and well known sports broadcaster at the time.   The other fellows were placed everywhere from The Today Show to Late Night with David Letterman.  Zipadeedo!  Right?!  Not to mention, we were all given the number to the "bat phone."  If we wanted Yankee's tickets, done deal.  Four seats to the Lion King, just come to the box office.  We were treated like media kings and queens.  BLESSINGS!

Most of us had never been to the Big Apple prior to this experience.  So everything seemed jaw dropping in scope.  If things are always bigger in Texas, than New York demolished that mold and built its very own.  In fact, the first week there, many of us had to be told of the dangers in constantly looking up at the gi-normous cityscape vistas that engulfed all our senses.  Doing so made you an easy target for pickpocketers.   Yet, "Jaw Drop Walking" as we came to term it, still imbued most of us during our daily jaunts around the city.  

The student housing condo units where we stayed became our very own version of MTV's Real World.  Thankfully, this particular group of fellows was filled with fun loving, genuinely thoughtful and caring people.  The media world is often full of ultra competitive and hard charging folks.  But we were ultra supportive toward one another and slowly built up friendships that still last to this very day.  What a blessing had been bestown upon all of us lucky enough to be included in this particular IRTS class.  

After putting in our full days at the office, we often spent our nights out on the town.  Who wants to cook when you are in the middle of the cuisine capital of the world.  No way, Jose!  The group was pretty much evenly split between men and women.  And while some of the other guys had to be prodded by the ladies, I was always up for dinner and a dance at the various hot spots around the city. 

I've loved to dance since I was old enough to walk.  My mantra has always been "first one on and last one off" any dance floor.  My mom often had to pull me off the stage while "cutting a rug" at weddings for fear of dehydration.  I'm a sweaty dancer, as much as a lover.  Just sayin!  Dancing always puts me in direct touch with my Super Heroic Higher Self.  Anytime I am feeling disconnected from SPIRIT, one surefire way to reconnect with the TRUE me is through cranking up the stereo and shaking my tooshie!  It's never let me down one time.

One particular evening, we came upon a club where it happened to be karaoke night.  While some in the group were quite trepidatious at the notion of singing on stage in front of a group of strangers, I was ALL IN!  Before I had a chance to buy a drink, that night's DJ called out my name.  And so I hopped up on stage in front of a few hundred patrons and began to belt out Billy and The Beaters "What Do You Think I Would Give At This Moment."  Always a "showman," I perused into the audience and grabbed a gorgeous young lady and brought her back on stage with me.  I sat her down in a chair and began to dance around her while continuing with my crooning.  

I got the entire crowd to join in on the fun, as they began to sway back and forth in the aisles.  Their energy further fueled my own.  The triple threat of music, singing and dancing transported me to a space filled with complete conscious clarity.  Where you don't so much feel pure LOVE, but literally "live within it!" And dwelling in that space, any notion of separation was expelled into an endless summer recess.  Each face in the crowd became a mirrored reflection of BLISS.  And the waving arms became wings of fulfilled intentions.  All forms of abundance was manifest into the ONE DREAM of DESIRE we all share. Dorothy, we were NOT in Kansas any longer!  But rather the realm where the "Kingdom of Knowingness" reigns supreme.   And dear Lord, if living this way is wrong, I DON'T WANNA BE RIGHT.  ;0)

It was the very first time that I understood the concept of creating "Heaven on Earth." After hitting the last note of the song, I was embraced with a standing ovation from the audience.  Instantly, I understood the appeal of constantly performing in front of a live crowd.  It really is an indescribable rush of emotions.  There is nothing quite like it.  It's interesting that near the top of human fears is any form of public performing.  From that moment I knew why.  Yes, of course on an innate level there is the worry of what others will think about you.  But from a more micro construct, it is the fear of showing true vulnerability.  Of letting go of the familiar you; the comfort zone created in the hopes of never having to share your authentic self with the world. All to step into your Super Heroic Higher Self.   "Am I good enough?" you ask yourself.  Followed by, "What will be expected of me then?  Can I handle the tasks that come with the Cape of my CALLING?"  But as Marianne Willlaimson says, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.  We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?'  Actually, who are you not to be?  You are a child of God.  Your playing small does not serve the world. "  AMEN.

About fifteen minutes later, I got a tap on my shoulder.  It was the general manager of the club.  He asked me if I was a professional performer.  "Only in the shower," I shot back. LOL!  He said he would be interested in talking to me about running their karaoke nights.  HOLY SMOKES!  Of course I had no desire to be the next "Karaoke King" of New York, but what an amazing acknowledgment.  BLUSH.  The rest of the fellows razzed me for weeks thereafter.  All in good fun.

That long, bliss filled, once in a lifetime summer experience still resides deep within my core beingness.  And it always will!  It's a powerful part of the "many lessons" I've learned along the way.  And I am still in contact with many of my former fellows.  Most of whom have created stellar careers and continue carving out the lineage of their personal Legacies.


Part of my job is writing.  And I LOVE TO WRITE!  Thank heavens, right?!  It's a core part of my coaching business.  I'm often at my computer for many hours on end pounding the keystrokes along with my dancing partner, SPIRIT.  Our daily "waltzes" create the divine connections that manifest all my writing content.  THANK YOU SPIRIT!  Love ya so much.  

But in addition to my daily dalliances with SPIRIT, I also make sure to take at least one real "dance break" every single day.  And I highly suggest that you do too!  The dynamic duo of music and dancing is incredibly powerful.  It is one of the top ten fastest ways in which to "speed up" your personal energetic vibration.  The higher your vibrational offering to the Universe, the greater your connection to SPIRIT.  The great I AM.  Where you have instant access to Infinite Intelligence.  Which not only revs up your creative juices, but also strengthens the flow of abundance in ALL its forms into your experience.  

Dancing is a tangible form of "letting go and letting God."  It assists in freeing you from restrictions that have been solidified as blocks within your mindset.  As you move in complete freedom of expression, you loosen up and stop forcing your FAITH.  Similar in fashion to meditation, dancing centers you fully in the NOW.  And you stop overthinking and begin to go with the flow of the music and life.

In the book Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill, he states the top 10 mind stimuli. 
"The human mind responds to stimuli through which it may be 'keyed up' to 
high rates of vibration, known as enthusiasm, creative imagination, intense desire, etc.  
The stimulate to which the mind responds most freely are:"

1.  The desire for sex expression
2.  Love
3.  A burning desire for fame, power, financial gain, money
5.  Friendship between either those of the same or opposite sex
6.  A Master Mind alliance based upon the harmony of two or more people
7.  Mutual suffering, such as that experienced by people who are persecuted
8.  Autosuggestion
9.  Fear
10. Narcotics and alcohol

BOOM!  Music is the 4th post powerful mind stimuli.  And when paired up with the physical act of dancing, they become a Miracle Makin Mind Machine.  When you are in the moment through dance, your vibration grants you access to the space of CREATIVE GENIUS!  Part of your "sixth sense."   What I call "The Silent Whisper" becomes your new dance partner.  And as it whisks you around the dance floor, it whispers hunches, plans, and strong senses of intuitive knowingness into your understanding.  All to be used for your higher good.  To find and follow your personal CALLING on your Hero's Journey.  And it feels OH so good.  Yummy in your tummy........................

So even if you were blessed with "two left feet," there is nothing stopping you from starting small with a little head nodding and toe tapping to one of your favorite songs.  Before you know it, the feelings you begin to generate will empower your movements to transcend any thoughts of limitations.  Even on the dance floor.  My suggestion is that you take daily dance breaks wherever you are.  And please don't worry what others may think!  Heck, many times I've invited folks into my dance sessions so they can see what all the fuss is about.  I have a hunch it will quickly become your next HEROIC HABIT!

For a dance a day, keeps the negative thoughts at bay........................



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Back in December of 2005, Sosoliso Airlines flight 1145, headed from Abuja to Port Harcourt, South Africa, crashed upon landing and killed 107 of the 109 passengers on board.  One of the two survivors is named Kechi Onwuchi.  The Nigerian-American was just 16 years young at the time of the horrific accident.  In what is no thing less than a Miracle of Cosmic proportions, Kechi was severely burned on over 65% of her body and lost part of her vision.  Her doctors gave her less than a 30% chance of survival.  But Kechi is a more than just a "survivor."  She is the definition of a SUPER HERO!

Out of the 60 students that were on board the doomed disaster, she was the lone survivor.  She describes the horrifying ordeal like this:

Fifteen minutes to the end of the flight, the pilot announced that we were soon to land at the Port Harcourt airport. I remember I was sitting in an aisle seat, and my close friend Toke was on the aisle seat to my right. The ensuing turbulence was getting very frequent, but I didn’t think too much of it until someone from the back shouted ‘Is this plane trying to land?’ I couldn’t see out the window from my seat, but now I think about it that was probably for the best. Everything was so surreal in that moment. I turned to Toke, and we held hands, and I was like ‘Maybe we should pray?’ Before we could even start, there was this sudden shrill sound ringing in my ears, and next thing I knew, I was waking up in Milpark Hospital, South Africa. To this day I don’t remember the actual impact of the crash.

In 2007, Kechi and her family moved to Texas so she could receive treatment at Shriner's Hospital for Children.  She had to endure over 100 surgeries to manage the extreme trauma her body had been exposed to.  Over 100 surgeries!  Unfathomable, isn't it?  "I lost muscle mass and surface skin on my legs, arms, head, and upper body," she told Health magazine.  "Doctors harvested skin from my torso for skin grafts, so I wouldn't be prone to infections and sepsis."  She was in a medically induced coma for over 5 weeks.  

And yet, she not only persevered through nightmarish pain and suffering, she found her CALLING in music.   "Lying down in the hospital bed with bandages from head to foot, music was my escape, and that's why it means so much to me." Her supportive mother would often spend nights singing to her while she recovered.  

Back in 2017, then a still extremely shy and confidence deprived 28 year old, Kechi auditioned for the NBC sensation America's Got Talent.  This Princess Warrior was brave enough to show her scars to the world while belting out a transcendent version of Ed Sheeran's "Thinking Out Loud."  To no one's surprise, she got a much appreciated and well deserved standing ovation.  She made it into the group of Top Ten finalists but finished in the bottom five.  Still an amazing accomplishment on all fronts. " America's Got Talent  gave me a platform to share my story and voice, and inspire others with my journey as a burn survivor.  I was exposed to burn communities I didn't know existed.  And I reached children who were struggling with what I went through.  I was able to give them hope, and let them see that it is possible to have any life you want after the burns."  WOW!   Talk about a ball of bliss filled INSPIRATION.

Last night, I was channel surfing and stopped dead in my 'remote control' upon seeing Kechi sitting on a sofa just before her second chance on this Winter's America's Got Talent's Champion's Edition.   Immediately I became mesmerized by this woman's presence that bled through my flatscreen television's vista.  Instantly, the remote control was dropped on my lap as I became fixated on this Living Miracle's story. 

The producers did an enthralling piece on Kechi that had tears following down my cheeks within minutes.  What a beautiful, magnificent SOUL!  And yet, I had NO IDEA what was in store when she graced her presence on stage.  Dressed in a brilliant sequined outfit, this soon to be world wide sensation took her precious time before hitting the very first note of her audition.  The voice that soon burst from the lungs of this "Dynamic Diva" hit my heart oh so very hard.  It was a moment I will never forget.  And neither will the millions of viewers who were fortunate enough to tune into that evening's program.  

She belted out a deeply heartfelt and emotionally charged version of Calum Scott's "You Are The Reason."  Here are the lyrics:

You Are the Reason

There goes my heart beating
'Cause you are the reason
I'm losing my sleep
Please come back now
There goes my mind racing
And you are the reason
That I'm still breathing
I'm hopeless now
I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
Oh, 'cause I need you to see
That you are the reason
There goes my hand shaking
And you are the reason
My heart keeps bleeding
I need you now
If I could turn back the clock
I'd make sure the light defeated the dark
I'd spend every hour, of every day
Keeping you safe
And I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
Oh, 'cause I need you to see
That you are the reason, oh
(I don't wanna fight no more)
(I don't wanna hurt no more)
(I don't wanna cry no more)
(Come back, I need you to hold me closer now)
You are the reason, oh
(Just a little closer now)
(Come a little closer now)
(I need you to hold me tonight)
I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
'Cause I need you to see
That you are the reason

And when the light's faded to black, I felt like I had just witnessed the face of GOD!  Tears wept down my face as I sat silent, basking in the feelings of theONENESS we all share.  Talk about transformational, this was pure transcendence.  The audience gave her a tear stained standing ovation which understandably overwhelmed this gorgeous woman.

Curmudgeonly judge Simon Cowell surprised a stunned audience by telling her he didn't really "like" her rendition of "You Are The Reason."  Only to pause before bursting out, "I LOVED IT!"  He then preceded to hit the 'golden buzzer' that sent Kechi straight into the show's finals.  What a moment to re-member for all of us who were blessed enough to witness this real life 'Wonder Woman.' 

I have since learned that Kechi is not just a singing sensation.  Her brilliant mind has earned her numerous high school awards and she finished her undergraduate degree from the University of St. Thomas.  She is currently enrolled as a graduate student there earning her MBA in Economics.   When not deep in studying mode, Kechi performs for audiences all over the United States.  


Kechi Onwuchi is a powerful example to never let any of your life's "situations" define you.  She is a shining star who shows what can be achieved once you allow yourself to live from the space of your Super Heroic Higher Self!  Skies NOT the limit.  For you have NO limits.  You are SO much stronger than anything life will throw at you.  Being a victim to your circumstances is an insult to GOD!  Truly.  It's akin to sending back all your gifts to the North Pole.  Rather than GRATITUDE, your vibrational offering becomes a grievance. Re-member that the next time you start to feel sorry for yourself.  Please!  For that aching pain that settles into your core beingness when you do so is actually your SOUL weeping.  For your Inner Hero LOVES YOU; silly quirks and all.  And your Spirit never wants to experience any form of disconnection from the Grand Creator.  You know that feeling you get when saying 'goodbye' to someone you adore?  Well that's what your SOUL experiences when you forget WHO YOU REALLY ARE.  Get me?  

You are only as strong as your greatest adversity.  For it helped forge you into a Miracle Makin' Machine.  The bigger your mess, the more you've been blessed.   Holla!  Everything that's ever come your way has been no thing short of an opulent opportunity to learn and grow.   A gift from the GOD MIND.  The quicker you can learn to process your "situation" through ACCEPTANCE the better.  For what you resist, always persists.  And what you are brave enough to accept will melt away and be rebirthed as blessings.  I promise you!  

So the next time a hardship lands on your doorstep, it would do you just to re-member the story of Kechi Onwuchi.  For she is a mentor to us all.  She threw away the word IMPOSSIBLE years ago.  She understands it spells out I'M POSSIBLE.  Because every Hero's favorite space to play is within the "Playground of Possibility."
If she can do anything, why can't YOU?  



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, January 28, 2019

It's NOT Just WHAT You Do, But WHEN You Do It!!

Ten years ago, I was still living in Los Angeles.  After a decade long stint living in LA LA Land, it had become the place I called home.  And leaving the Left Coast was nowhere on my radar screen of desires.  I was blessed to have a cadre of friends, the beautiful beaches in my backyard, and a space where freedom of expression in all its forms was not only embraced, but welcomed.  

Then came the recession of 2008.  Which did not spare Los Angeles from it's fiscal wrath. I had just left a very high paying media sales gig which no longer served my core sensibilities.  Never, ever did I think landing another well paying job would be so challenging.  After all, I had over 15 years of corporate sales experience and tons of contacts in the media landscape of Southern California.  Through waves and waves of resume blasting, I received barely a nod of acknowledgment that any of them were even received.  "REALLY?" I thought!  Of course I was not alone.  Most companies were moving through periods of massive layoffs and senior level executives were thought 'too expensive' for any real consideration.  After nearly one year without a paycheck, my bank account was in sickly shape.  My monthly nut was close to $3,500 and after 53 weeks of no dough, I was quickly running out of time.  YIKES!

One night I went to the local ATM to make a withdrawal and the computerized voice barked back at me.  Instead of money, it spurted out "You're joking, right?!"  And then reality smacked me in the face.  It was time to call my family back in the greater Washington, D.C. area to tell them I was being forced to leave LA.  And I was devastated on every level.  Acceptance is a process, and this one was going to take some time.  Most def!

However, I became completely resolute that my move would be very short lived.  So I subleased my fully furnished apartment right off the famed Sunset Strip and headed back to my family on the East Coast in my sports car.

After a five day drive across the country, I was just pulling into my folks driveway when my cell phone rang.  On the other end was a fraud protection agent from Wells Fargo bank.   It seemed the $5,000 check my new lessee had given me not only bounced, but was also a counterfeit!  No joke.   And NOT funny.  The first call I made was to this individual's cell phone, and of course it went straight to voicemail.  Needless to say, the message I left was more than a little terse.  

I had just driven across the entire country and left behind the majority of my earthly possessions to a young lady who was a thief!  You can't make this stuff up, right?!  I ended up taking a red eye back to LA and she had already vacated the premises.  But the horrors I found inside!  Holy smokes!  How in the hell could someone make such a mess in just a matter of days.  UNBELIEVABLE

My neighbors told me she had been running a child care and doggy day camp out of my apartment.  And all the evidence left behind cemented what they shared with me.  I'll spare you those details.  Let's just say it's the stuff that nightmares are made from!  

With very little money, I decided to call my friends and tell them I was giving away everything in my apartment.  I figured I would rather my earthly treasures find a new home than be tossed out like trash.  The following day I informed my landlord that I was moving out, and would need to terminate my month to month lease.  What a challenging time that turned out to be.

In what I had constructed to be a maximum one year stint back in D.C. turned into a decade.  And what a ten years it has become!  As the saying goes, "If you really want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans!"  God thinks I am Jim Carrey apparently!  LOL!  

Hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20, and now looking back to connect all the dots, there is a powerful and very clear path that was leading me straight toward my Hero's Journey!  Not one single experience that has manifested into my life the last decade has been in vein.  NOT ONE!  All the illness, pain, and suffering.  The loss of my father to brain cancer.  Then my two dogs transitioning back to SPIRIT.  The complete familial fracture that was left in the wake of his passing for over two years.  The three major surgeries filled with massive complications.  Almost losing my leg to MRSA. The onset of depression.  And the loss of several jobs.  It all makes perfect sense.  

My CALLING is that of a spiritual teacher and coach.  I've known it for as long as I can re-member. But in order for me to be "The Hero's Coach," I first needed to learn how to  become one for myself.  Everything that has come my way was preparing me for this MISSION.  Exactly what I asked for!  And what an absolute privilege it has been to have these very challenges.  Each, in their own magical manner, has strengthened a part of me.  All the physical, mental, and spiritual attributes that would be needed in order to fulfill my potential were given opportunities to develop in SUPER HEROIC fashion!  And I wouldn't trade one single moment of any of it.  I truly mean that.  It's all made me exactly who I AM.

And now, in 2019, it's MY TIME.  FINALLY!  And my dreams are BIG!  I have made a declaration to create a mass movement of individuals who commit to living from the space of their SUPER HEROIC HIGHER SELF.  To discover and fulfill their own CALLING while traveling the path of their individual Hero's Journey.  And in the process unleash all their unique Super Powers to be of Supreme Service to themselves and all others on this planet!  Some BLISS for you, and some for you over there, too.  OH WHAT A FEELING IT WILL BE!  And NOT just for the few, but for US ALL!  As it was always meant to be........


Over the past 10 years, many in my tribe have questioned some of the decisions I have made.  All with loving intentions.  Most of them are super supportive and have had the knowingness of my life's CALLING for sometime.  And they carry the fervent belief in me to be a Light Worker in a world that currently needs more teachers and healers.  But I have learned that it's not just about WHAT you do, but WHEN you decide to do it!  Re-member the powerful saying from Scripture, "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven."  And I believe that to be completely accurate and true.  

I knew in my heart that the timing was not quite right for me to blow up my coaching business to the masses until NOW.  Don't get me wrong, I have been writing, reading, and coaching clients for many years.  Continuing to grow as a teacher, coach and HERO.  But every time I tried to blast my business toward the stratosphere of "Super Service," the Universe sent me a new challenge to overcome.  The recent past was still a time for me to "dream, and scheme."  And I have made sure not to waste a minute of it.  

I have learned that life's greatest gifts often come wrapped in packaging that does not resemble anything you had planned for.  And so very often we miss the blessing that the gift came to bare.  That's why it is so crucial to live in the NOW.  For it contains the heaven sent PRESENT devised and designed just for you.  For your continued growth and understanding.  To allow you to develop the skill sets that will be needed in order to fulfill your own CALLING.  Too often, we stay stuck reliving the past.  Or projecting out toward the future.  And then all the gifts pass us right on by.  Please do not do that!  Your TRIBE is still waiting for you.  You came here to be THEIR HERO.  And I know you don't want to let yourself or any of them down, right?!  ;0)

Just this morning I was watching an interview with the famous crooner Michael Bolton.  He said he got his first record deal at age 16.  Yet he did not cut his first record until 10 years later!  As tough as that time period in his life came to be, he passionately espoused how much those challenges gave him the time to find his unique singing voice.  And toughened within him all the areas that would be required to stay relevant in such a competitive industry for over 50 years.

 Please do not sell yourself short through the dis-ease of EXCUSITIS.  Your path may not being going exactly as you had planned.  But never lose faith in yourself or your CALLING.  The Universe has things completely rigged in your favor.  ALWAYS!  As David J. Schwartz wrote in his book The Magic of Thinking Big, "You will discover that excusitis explains the difference between the person who is going places and the fellow who is barely holding his own.  You will find that the more successful the individual, the less inclined he is to make excuses.  But the fellow who has gone nowhere and has no plans for getting anywhere always has a bookful of reason to explain why.  Persons with mediocre accomplishments are quick to explain why they haven't, why they won't, why they can't, and why they aren't."

Some of your desires will manifest themselves into your experience immediately after you declare them.  Others will take more time.  Don't try and "arm wrestle God."  You will lose every single time!  The path may be arduous or even treacherous at times.  But always re-member.  Everything happens through you and for you, not to you!  Gi-normous difference, right?!  So practice enjoying each step along the way of your Hero's Journey.  That's how to create daily joy and happiness.  And always honor the dignity of your own process.  Remain loving and patient with yourself.   It's not always about the destination.  Often times it's the magical moments on the way that we remember most...............



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Time To TRANSFORM By Tapping Into Your INNER INNOCENCE...!

Today I would like to introduce all you New Age Nerds to a conceptual construct that has truly transformed not only my coaching practice, but also all my personal relationships.   This tool has permanently shifted my life's perspective back toward SELF LOVE.  It has also deepened my connection and understanding of true forgiveness towards the entire population on this planet!  I call this concept Tapping Into Inner Innocence

My own childhood was fraught with fear, confusion, and an overwhelming sense of self judgement.  After my birthfather abandoned our family in Southern California when I was 3, my mother was left without money or the support system of her large family.  So she moved us across the country to the greater Washington, D.C. area.  The entire ordeal took quite a terrible toll on her own young (she was just 24) emotional psyche.  And so my sister and I were often left in the care of some individuals who abused us on oh so many levels.  It got to the extreme of being told that my father's leaving was all 'my fault,' and my mother would leave the family too if we ever told anyone of their dastardly deeds.  As you might imagine, the brunt force of these experiences carved a deep, traumatic wound within my entire being.  

I became an extreme introvert, (hard to believe that now!) and kept all my emotions hidden better than a 'Where's Waldo' book.  My sense of SELF was very low indeed.  And I ate daily sandwiches of extreme self judgement and loathing.  Pretty much the perfect recipe for dysfunctional behavioral patterns in all areas of my life.  Especially in the dating department.  If she NEEDS me, she'll never LEAVE me was my mantra.  Ask how that worked for me.....?   Not so much!  ;0)

It's no wonder the second I got the opportunity, I moved back to Los Angeles.  There was something in my inner knowingness from that very young age solidifying my desire to return to the "scene of the crimes."   To heal your wounds you must first face them.  And my Super Power of emotional intelligence informed me of this truth ever since I can recall.  Thank you Universe for granting me the stewardship of this form of energy in action.   It's been a soulful life saver!

My ten year jaunt in LA was where my spiritual transformation really took off.  Nearly 25 years ago, the Left Coast was more progressive in its acceptance of spiritual modalities than the DC area.  And I took full advantage of its welcoming spiritual nature.  And during my healing Hero's Journey there, I came across the understanding of the radical power of the true meaning of FORGIVENESS.  My life has never been the same since.  

The long held, standard practice of teaching FORGIVENESS, relies on the principality of  separation.  As though YOU and I are two separate beings.  When in truth, separation is a fallacy.  FOR WE ARE ALL ONE!  Any experience of separation is simply our EGO in play.  It's very job is to keep us feeling separate and disconnected from one another.  Even more damaging, holding us back from experiencing our ONENESS with the Universe.  Thus we are often taught that forgiveness is a form of pardoning ourselves or another for a perceived 'wrong doing.'  It's the ultimate form of judgement if used under that pretense.  

For once you relinquish the EGO's hold over the dominion of your beingness, you become realigned with the power and understanding of TRUE PERCEPTION.   The re-membrance that all of life is part of the ONE MIND.  You see yourself in all others.  The SELF becomes fully realized as the great I AM.  You begin to live from the space of your Super Heroic Higher Self.  And once again, you become your brother's and sister's keeper.  Suddenly, the manner in which you wield the power of FORGIVENESS is transformed.

As it so eloquently states in the book God I Am, "This is what is meant by remembering God, or the truth, for one's brother.  He gives his brother's separation away, therefore he forgives!  This is the true and only meaning of forgiveness.  Forgiveness, as it is commonly seen, first establishes guilt and then pardons it.  Again, perverted truth, twisted by the Ego's Law of Reversal.  Now true perception has the exact same effect, although it is still a step away from Oneness.  It is still cognizant of separation, but is no more part of it.  It stands apart from the dream. It recognizes separation for what it is: only error, NOT sin - therefore it cannot see guilt whatsoever.  Not seeing guilt, it only sees innocence.  This is True Perception's way of giving away, of forgiving separation.   This is where the miracle comes in to heal."

And what a powerfully disruptive healing process the true nature of forgiveness becomes in our lives.  It is the most effective manner of tapping into your INNER INNOCENCE.  A realm where judgement in any form vanquishes back behind its illusionary veil.  And we stay steadfast in the moment of NOW.  A state of spiritual enlightenment.  Fully connected to SOURCE. And in our brother we see a reflection of our SELF.  And all of our co-creations become joy filled opportunities for-giving him/her back to themselves.   Assisting them in awakening from their slumber so they re-member who they truly are.  Their authentic SELVES.  What a wonderful world..........................

Our INNER INNOCENCE knows not any form of condemnation.  It seeks only to reunite. To see ourselves and others in pure divinity.  It showers us in LOVE BUCKETS.  It sees nothing but pure potentiality with 20/20 vision.  What the EGO hoards, it gives away freely and without expectation.  It assists us in understanding the gifts behind our former false beliefs.  By showing what we assume are wrong doings, actually light a path toward the places within us where healing LOVE and LIGHT can still be applied.

The most deep seeded form of healing comes through the use of our INNER INNOCENCE.  For it allows us to be freed from any misconceptions of separation.  Instead of staying in victim consciousness, we begin to build a solid foundation of courage and confidence.  Rather than living in fear of what LIFE MIGHT DO TO YOU, this- now SELF realized you- starts to happen to life!  

And I now use this tool every single day.  It has shown me the true path toward forgiveness.  Any individuals and their 'wrong doings' toward me have been shifted back from anger and judgement toward LOVE.  Through this revelatory paradigm, many of my wounds have healed.  I receive all my fellow brothers and sisters through the eyes of ONENESS.  And am once again free to inhale their individual brilliance in all its forms.  I seek only to unite.  And awaken others to the same TRUTH..............


Start incorporating the process of tapping into your INNER INNOCENCE immediately!
Like everything else it is a process that must be nurtured.  One terrific place to start is by re-membering that you cannot make a MISTAKE!  Life is not a test.  Everything in your experience is an opportunity to learn and grow.  You are something akin to a Spirit based scientist and life is the palette from which you experiment.  If something doesn't 'work out' simply learn the lesson and try again.  Transcend the catabolic energy that infuses the term "mistake" with that of a MISSTEP.  Which is "totally innocent" in nature.  BIG DIFFERENCE!  A Misstep has the same vibrational resonance as Guilt.  And guilt is a terrific teacher.  It's job is to show us the feeling attached to making a misstep.  And so we become much more eager to readjust and realign our actions the next go around.  A MISTAKE holds the same energetic offering of SHAME.  When we feel that WE ARE whatever it is that we have done.  Shame is incredibly nasty and becoming an epidemic on this planet.  The habit of shaming builds on fear, hate, and self loathing.  No way, Jose.   Homey don't play that! LOL

Another suggestion is to practice the art of receiving others in the NOW.  Without any preconceived notions based on their past behavior.  Practice seeing them as being innocent in nature.  Doing the very best they know how.  You will be amazed with the transformation in all your relationships when you stop holding people in "the box" of their former selves.  

Please stop with the notion that "people don't change."  When you choose to see only the magnificence in a Spirit, you are creating a loving space in which for them to continue to grow and learn.  And more often than not, this co-creative process will birth the greatest version of who they really are.  Right before your very eyes.  Try it.  You'll LOVE it!  I promise!

INNER INNOCENCE has the ability to transcend limitations without fear of judgment. It gives you the tenacity to tackle bigger goals and manifest MAGIC.  It holds your space in every NOW moment.   Where abundance in the form of creativity, courage, and confidence flows freely like an 'All You Can Drink' station.  So pony on up and order a few of its Cosmic Cocktails.  Happy hour is on the Universe!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, January 26, 2019

TIPS To Create DAY to DAY Success and HAPPINESS..!

Goals! Goals! Goals!  Ole!  LOL  We have become a goal gettin' set of groupies.  And thankfully so.  We have a built in GPS (Grounded Purpose of Spirit) system that must be instructed with the directions of our desired destination.  Our "END RESULT."  And goals are an intricate aspect toward us manifesting our heartfelt desires.  But since all of life is a Hero's Journey, doesn't it make sense to blissfully enjoy every step along the way?  As the saying goes, it's all about the Journey, NOT the destination.

Yet, so many of us have created a personal paradigm of delaying true gratification until our goals have been met.  Choosing to sweat out the daily to do lists, so much more concerned with their completion than actually ENJOYING THE PROCESS!  Too much of that leads straight down the rabbit hole to the wonderless land of worry, overwhelm and burnout.  And even more damaging, the pattern of giving up on our desires, time and time again, before they have had a chance to be birthed into our reality.   And instead of enriching our life through the growth of completing our desired "End Results," our learning process becomes stunted.  And as Rudy from the Fat Albert gang would say, "Man, you're like school during the summer. NO CLASS!"  LOL

We all know how quickly this "human experience" passes us by.  And time stops for no one.  So why delay any form of happiness for a future moment of NOW?  Don't get caught up in the 'IF, THEN,' mentality.  As in "IF" this manifests, "THEN" I will be happy.  In my experience, if you aren't happy before something happens , you won't be happy afterward either.  At least not for very long.

In former NFL player Tim Tebow's book This Is The Day, he proclaims the importance of avoiding the "ONE DAYER" syndrome.  "Life isn't about one day.  It's about this day!" he writes.  And I couldn't agree more.  As all the great masters have taught, the time of "Heaven on Earth" is right now.  Not "one day", but in this very moment, all the wealth, health and HAPPINESS is available for the taking!  So choose no more to delay your birthright of BLISS.  For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory is truly all yours!  NOW......................


1.  My first tip is from a previous post, but I feel it bares repeating.

The State of Your Bed Is The State of Your Head!

There have been several scientific studies that suggest that people who make their bed first thing in the morning are much happier and even more productive during the day.  

Naval Admiral William McRaven even used making your bed as the cornerstone of his commencement speech given at the University of Texas back in 2014:

"If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day.  It will give you a small sense of pride and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another.  By the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed.  Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that little things in life matter."

The HEROIC HABIT of making your bed first thing every morning also gives you time to shake off the cobwebs from the night's slumber and start focusing on your new "MINDSET."  I highly suggest that you play inspirational music or even better, motivational audio files while you wrestle with your sheets.  


Make a new "HEROIC HABIT" of taking the time to stop and pat yourself on the back.
In the long run, it will be all the smaller steps that create the strong foundation upon which your long term success will be built upon.  So be your own cheerleader.  Allow yourself to be authentically proud for a job well done.  And DO something for YOU.  Treat yourself to something that makes you HAPPY.  Not only will this new habit bring you more daily joy and happiness, but it will also create more confidence within you.


You already know that you came here with a CALLING.  And it's tied to a BLISSFUL field that is  uniquely yours.  Every time you take another step toward its fulfillment, a feeling of unadorned happiness and joy is ignited within you.  Until the day, when you find yourself "living your bliss" in all that you do.  For as Joseph Campbell believed, "The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature."  And every time you take an action step that is in alignment with your CALLING, your heart begins to beat with the flow of SPIRIT.


Anytime you are blessed with financial abundance through your efforts, take 5-10% of it and spend it on YOURSELF.  Not only do you deserve it, but it sends a message out to the Universe that you KNOW where that came from, more is soon coming.  It's the ultimate vibrational offering of ABUNDANCE, not LACK.  It's a double whammy of winning, and winning BIG!  


"When you find yourself in the position to help someone, feel Happy and Blessed because God is answering that person's prayer through you.  REMEMBER:  Our purpose on Earth is NOT to get lost in the Dark, but to be a LIGHT to others, so that they might find a way through us! " 

It's a proven fact that "HEROES ARE HAPPIER!"   And being of service to ourselves and others is the core tenet of being a HERO.  Doing good for others has a host of positive benefits.  Not only does it prove your personal value, it greatly boosts your own sense of self LOVE.   Need more proof?  Advanced neuroscience studies are proving the act of caring for others causes tremendous advances in our own personal transformations. Including the release of the LOVE HORMONE oxytocin into our brains.  A natural, good for the body high.

In the book, 'The Happy Hero', author Solitaire Townsend has studied these modern scientific studies and argues the the most powerful and longest lasting path to a happy and fulfilling life is to dedicate ourselves to serving others.  The same studies show that serving others improves your own health and well being as well as life longevity.    

Superheroes not only save others, but in doing so serve themselves!

May these suggestions bring you much long lasting success and daily infusions of unadorned Joy and HAPPINESS!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez