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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, May 26, 2022

DISGUSTED By The STATE Of The WORLD...PLEASE Don't Give UP..Here's WHY....!


We are in the midst of one of the greatest spiritual opportunities of this time or any other point in time on this planet.  Our moral integrity and character are being shown that the ‘system’ we have created the past few hundred years no longer serves us. The brick wall we have been heading towards for decades is now upon us. And we now have a God given choice to make a change that has the ability to completely eradicate the hate, narcissism, greed, apathy, disrespect, fear, and selfishness that has been built into the very fabric of our society.  Just as the Blizzard of 2016 caused us to forge together as one and ‘DIG ’ ourselves out of the snow and ice that pelted half of our country, immobilizing millions of us for days if not weeks, it is now time for us to use that same gusto and fortitude to dig out the empty and shallow energy from the fabric of our INNER BEING. But here is the catch;  IT WON'T BE EASY!  Change never is. And that is why most of us would rather live the same day 10, 000 times in a row than face the unknown of what a new day of truth in perception and action may bring.  It can be frightening stuff indeed.  BUT WE CAN DO IT!  We have too! The cost of being complacent is just to great. 


How many daily storms consisting of mass shootings, torrential weather wiping entire cities off the map, family and friends creating walls of separation against one another, and collective 'blind eyes' towards our fellow brothers and sisters who are in obvious emotional strife and mental pain must we endure; before we turn our fear and frustration into ACTION! And have the courage and fortitude towards a rebirthing process of our body, mind, and spirit. For the highest good of all concerned. 

And ironically enough, our programmed biologic center actually transforms and rebirths our cells on a molecular level ever few years. In effect, you are NOT the same person on a cellular level that you were five to ten years ago.  Old cells that no longer served you were let go so that a new version, filled with the new information to create an anabolic energy within your system would be kept in tact.  It is time for us to take a page from our biological programming and start to strip away the old patterns, thoughts, beliefs, and actions that no longer serve us.  Racism, lack, fear, complacency, disrespect, and shallowness must become relics of the past.  Replaced with the LOVE, compassion, joy, wisdom, and kindness that was built into our true spiritual DNA!!  We must be brave and courageous enough to be REBIRTHED into the Greatest Version of the Grandest Vision ever held of ourselves.  
And there is NO TIME TO WAIT!

But be forewarned.  The birthing process is an arduous one.  We must be willing to let go of who we thought we were, so that we can become all that we were meant to BE.  And that means there will be a period of time during the transition in which our identify will feel new and awkward.  You may feel depressed or filled with anxiety as the old you(ego) is shed.  This process will no doubt be uncomfortable and even painful at times.   Excruciating so for some!  During this birthing process, we must be squeezed through pressure to get to the other side of our salvation.  And many will want to turn around and go back. The devil we know is often more comforting than the devil we don't.  But the time for excuses died along with chivalry and common sense and dignity.

For those of you currently completely disillusioned with your life, I want you to understand and know that you are NOT A MISTAKE!  This is not the 'Truman Show' and your life is not for the folly of the rest of us viewers.  You are an integral and important part of the process of soulful unfoldment on this planet. You matter.  MORE THAN YOU COULD POSSIBLE KNOW!! Despite the social imprinting that has clouded and covered up the magnificent wings that you carry at your side, whether it be from abuse, poverty, shaming, or any other form of pain and suffering, this does not eradicate the fact that the angel you came here to be is still waiting for you to fly.  To shed the dirt and grime from a lifetime of illusion so that you can remember who you truly are and share that KNOWINGNESS with the world.

So I invite you to be brave enough to stand right where you are and shout to the world that you are a miracle makin' machine!  That you came here to spread your GLORY in all its forms always and in all ways and will not stand for anything less.  As the luminary spiritual philosopher Victor Frankel said, "There are two times we are born in this life.  And the second time is the moment we understand the meaning of our suffering and the purpose it brings to complete our mission here on earth."

And for any of you New Age Nerds who find great inner discord within this grand growth process of the soul, remember, you are never alone! In fact, if you could allow yourself to reconnect (through meditation, prayer, communion with your tribe members, self growth media on any and all platforms) with all the angels and your own spirit guides that are always at your side, you may never feel alone ever again! 


We are currently living in very precarious times. People are living in FEAR, unsure of what their future may hold.  Our TV screens filled almost daily with images of violence, (A post to remember all those who lost their lives in the unbelievably horrific mass shootings in Texas is forthcoming.) separation, vitriol, and anger. A cacophony of never-ending  'Cosmic Chaos'.   Yet, in many ways, I am more hopeful than ever before!  Why, you ask? Because I am experiencing an enormous amount of individuals who are beyond sick and tired of 'being sick and tired.' And are choosing to use this time to try and learn, grow, and change - despite the plethora of pain from nearly every corner of our collective lives.  I get SO many personal messages from readers of The New Age Nerd sharing their personal stories of struggle and survival with me.   And I feel incredibly honored and privileged they entrust me with their deep heartfelt longing and pain. Not to mention their sincere desire to experience a more spiritually awakened life.  One that encompasses the reason why we are ALL here.  One filled with purpose and deeper meaning that juxtaposes materialistic binges filled with 'quick hits' of happiness for more long lasting inner BLISS!  And that is simply to give and receive MORE LOVE......... 

And for the majority of us, this shift in perspective and clarity occurs through spiritual awakenings.

For many of us, the first sign of a Spiritual Awakening is having what I call a ‘BREAK OPEN.’ This occurs when we are at our own razor's edge.  And life seems to be slowly breaking us down in every way imaginable.  Many people call it hitting ‘rock bottom.’  And it's more than just emotionally painful. It causes us to question the very fabric of our foundational beliefs.  And for those of you currently reading this who are in this state, I want to say CONGRATULATIONS! Because this is a sign that you may be at the precipice of having a Spiritual Awakening.  You are being broken down so that you can ‘Break Open.’   And in doing so, unleash the gifts and talents you were blessed with for the purpose of sharing them with the world!

I am NOT implying that this stage is easy.  FOR IT IS NOT!  I know from a cacophony of my own spiritual awakenings ( most of us will have several versions of spiritual awakenings within our lifetime) experience how scary, painful, and absolutely terrifying it can be.  This stage often includes the letting go of things that no longer serve us;  friends, jobs, even family members. As Marianne Williamson calls it ‘The Day of The Wrecking Ball.’  Because our very foundation must be pulled up and out to allow the space for the new one to be built in its place.  And that my friends, is NO FUN!  Yet it is also a crucial part of the process.  Just like any building, it is ONLY as strong as its foundation, right?  Many of the elements born from our past foundations were manifested into our experience when we were not yet ready to Break Open. And now that we are, some things are going to have to change.  And for a while all the loss, change, and pain may cause us the desire to run back to our old, past surroundings and emotional programming.  As the old saying goes, 'Better the Devil you know than the Devil you don't."

SUPERHERO'S TRAINING TIP:  Please do not do that.....You are preparing to soar with the Eagles rather than continue to cuss out life with the Crows....    ;0)

One of my own personal heroes, the late Wayne Dyer, explained this crucial life stage, “The experience of a crisis immobilizes us for a long period of time. Our mind is focused on the disaster aspects of the situation, and we are unable to function effectively. We are unable to sleep or eat, and do not know how we are going to get past the terrible set of circumstances. We use our minds to focus on what is wrong, how painful it is, and how terrible it is going to be in the future. Advice from friends and relatives seems unrelated to our problem and usually results in anger and frustration. We cannot see any way out of our misery.

This is a typical response for all of us who are traveling our life paths in the belief that the external signposts are all there is to our reality. We cannot imagine that there is a valuable lesson in the trauma. We reject any suggestions that someday we will recall this experience as a necessary step in our development. We simply want to wallow in our hurt, believing that someone or something outside of us is creating this pain, and wishing that those externals would change.”

This stage often includes a short period of malaise and anxiety, or both.  Please know that you are NOT broken- even though it will often feel that way!  What you are doing is getting prepared to birth miracles.  And the birthing process (as you ladies know) is an arduous one.  Not for the faint of heart.  Part of the sadness/anxiety stems from the longing of the things we are letting go of.  Some of it stems from the experience of having a keen awareness that we are not currently following our Superhero's Journey, the very purpose of our life  And leaving our old life behind so that we can accept the life that has been patiently awaiting us can be one of the most daunting endeavors we will ever undertake!  

Stage TWO of a Spiritual Awakening is where we begin the slow process of having complete gratitude for our sufferings.  Because we start feeling that our pain and suffering is not in vein. We begin to have connection with and for our pain because we sense there is an important reason behind it.  Things that once seemed chaotic start making sense.  Wayne Dyer explains it like this, “This is an important step in the enlightenment process, and helps us to see how synchronized the one song really is. Certainly we still experience the pain and suffering, but we simultaneously know that there is something magnificent in this as well. We are able to be gentle and accepting with ourselves, and to honor and love even the part that is creating the crisis. We probably will not cognitively understand why this pain is occurring right now, but we will have an underlying knowingness and belief in the value of it.”

Stage THREE of this awakening is ALL ABOUT SYNCHRONICITY.  There comes a moment in which the pain of NOT committing to our awakening and purpose becomes more painful that the thought of taking that leap of faith.  So through pure force of will, we 'TAKE THE JUMP.'  Having faith that Spirit will provide and protect us on this Journey.  And guess what, Spirit  does.  Always and in all ways.  It is a Universal Law  (A promise from SOURCE-THE ONE GOD MIND if you will) that once you truly commit to this Divine Awakening, Spirit will flood your experience with everything you need to fulfill your destiny.  It may not happen all at once. So please, be patient during this stage.  Miracles often take time in this dimension.  But by staying in this new state of allowance, you will begin to experience synchronicity almost daily. People start showing up out of the blue to offer guidance.  Financial opportunities present themselves to help support your vision.  You begin to attract a new TRIBE of like minded friends and a support team. And let me tell you, it's when many first start experiencing the sensation of creating Heaven on Earth!  And it is blissful, and magical.  You cannot imagine living in any other way, ever again!  

For those of you who may be skeptical of this process, I can understand.  ESPECIALLY if you are currently in the middle of Stage ONE.  I know, because I've been there.  BOY have I been there! There were many days in which after making it from my bed to the downstairs sofa I would softly declare, "Watch out world, there is NO stopping me now!!"  LOL

Even if it doesn't feel like it right now, LIFE IS A BLESSING!  And please do not beat yourself up for whatever state you currently find yourself in.  You are EXACTLY where you need to be on your Superhero's Journey.  Nothing you have experienced will be wasted. For the Universe wastes absolutely nothing!  And once you reach the place where you are in complete alignment of allowance, and living your PURPOSE, fully awakened to your calling, LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME!

And to assist every New Age Nerd in creating an ever growing sense of internal INSPIRATION, I'd like to leave you with the following transcendent musical lyrics:

ONE by India Arie...........

Billions live their lives
Now Muhammad, Krisha, or the Buddha are the way.
Still some believe it's right to say
In the name of Jesus when you pray.

We are a human kind of 7 billion
So many different races and religions
And it all comes down to one

Some say God's a him
Still many believe that He is a Her
Does God Live in our hearts?
Or is She somewhere out there in the universe.


How far will have to go before we learn the lesson?
Gandhi, was a Hindu
Martin Luther King, a Christian
Regardless of religion, they knew love was the mission
And it all comes down to one.

Is there no God at all?
Or a pantheon of gods up in the sky
We can heal our broken hearts
If we give up the desire to be right.

We are a human kind of seven billion
So many different races and religions
And we all want the same things
Health, Love, Prosperity and Peace
Tolerance is the seed
And the gift of pure acceptance is the tree


Whether you are red, brown, yellow, black, or white
Man with a husband, or a woman with a wife
We can debate until the end of time who is wrong or right
Or we can see ourselves as one
Cause it all comes down to love.




Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, May 25, 2022


Young Matt Murdock: So what kind of training is this?
Stick: You like ice cream?
Young Matt Murdock: Yeah.
Stick: Then shut up and eat it. I'll ask the questions. First thing you gotta understand is nobody feels sorry for you and nobody ever will. 'Cause when it comes to being born lucky you won the friggin' lottery.
Young Matt Murdock: I did?
Stick: [Smacks him with his cane] What did I say about questions?
Young Matt Murdock: "Shut up."
Stick: Good. How old were you when you got blinded?
Young Matt Murdock: Nine.
Stick: Nine? So you had nine whole years of looking at movies, blue skies, up girlies' skirts that I never had. I was born blind. You don't hear me whining about it, do you?
Young Matt Murdock: No.
Stick: So, you're nine years old, walking along, minding your own business and whammo! Get hit by a truck, killed dead on the spot.
Young Matt Murdock: I wasn't killed.
Stick: You lived? Praise God, it's a miracle. So you survive the truck and get this chemical shit in your eyes. What next?
Young Matt Murdock: I hear things.
Stick: What kind of things?
Young Matt Murdock: Everything. Coughs and fights and cats meowing. Sometimes blocks away. I can sense things. I know where things are and when they move. But I can't see.
Stick: You know what they call stuff like that? Gifts. The special kind. The kind that very few people have. Or deserve.
Young Matt Murdock: I never thought of it that way.
Stick: Well, that's because you're stupid.
Young Matt Murdock: I'm not stupid, I'm smart.
Stick: Because you taught yourself how to run your little fingers over the bumps and read Braille? Smart don't come out of books, kid. Smart is making the right decision at the right time. Like now. What's it gonna be, Matty? You gonna spend your life crying and rocking yourself to sleep at night? Or are you gonna dig deep and find out what it takes to reshuffle those cards life dealt you? Your call. [Matt looks at Stick] [chuckles] Good choice, kid.



Growing up in the 80's, Bill Murray was one of my comic heroes.  As I am quite sure he still is for many fans of comedy.  But there is one particular film of his that is much more profound for its inherent nature of sharing truths about the path to self improvement that it is often given credit for.  The film is called ‘Groundhog Day’ and if you have yet to see it, I highly suggest carving out some time in the near future to do so!  

The film is also a wonderful representation of one of life's greatest gifts, that being the delectable DO OVER.  And for those of us who use this magnificent opportunity when it presents itself in our lives, it is perhaps the most effective manner in which to be RE-BIRTHED into a Greater Version of The Greatest Vision of yourself!  

In the film, Bill Murray's character gets caught up in a ‘time loop’ that has him reliving the exact same day, Groundhog Day in fact, over and over.....and OVER again!  Each morning as he awakes, the day starts EXACTLY as it did the day before.  As he progresses through each day, he is confronted at the same time by the exact set of individuals and circumstances from the day before.  A virtual life glitch that has no ON/OFF button he can ascertain.  

Murray plays an obviously discontented meteorologist who believes the menial task of traveling to Punxsutawney, PA to cover the annual event of 'Groundhog Day' is way beneath his talent and career ambitions.  Like most films transcendent in nature, there are many lenses through which the manner in which the story unfolds can be interpreted.  For me, it is a superb metaphor for the way that the Universe, sensing a need, will essentially RECREATE a very similar set of circumstances in our lives from the past, giving us the opportunity to engage them with a new earned sense of understanding and change in perspective;  basically we are given the gift of a DO OVER!   And very often, if the prerequisite lessons are not learned, the Universe has absolutely NO problem setting up the circumstances once again, until we finally grasp the knowledge and wisdom that these events were provided for.  Some of us are perhaps slower learners than others, and that is OK!

The movie plays out such an example on DAY 3 of this perpetually never ending repeat of the day before.  Murray's character once again steps in the middle of a large muddy puddle, ruining his shoes and pants, still not having learned his lesson from the previous two days. Sound familiar?!  Filled with self judgement, he begins to despair his actions and choices in life.  Again, does that resonate with you?!  It sure does with me!  LOL  That night in a local bar, he decides to drown his sorrows with booze and says, “I was in the Virgin Islands once.  I met a girl.  We ate lobster and drank pina coladas.  At sunset we made love like sea otters. THAT was a pretty good day.  Why couldn't I get that day over and over again?”  Ah, but what lessons could be drawn from reliving a magnificent day such as that?  No, we receive FAR more wisdom from reliving situations that caused us despair, pain, and suffering.  At at its core, that is exactly what a DO OVER is all about!

In fact, I am currently in the middle of a DO OVER myself.  And I couldn't be more THRILLED!  I mean how often have you even prayed for a chance to go back in time and relive a set of experiences, already knowing how you would engage them with a higher sense of care, consideration, and intent?  Well guess what, the Universe has this paradigm built into its programming.  And when there are certain lessons and knowledge that are needed to complete your Superhero's Journey, the Universe, like a genie in a ‘life circumstantial’ bottle, will offer you the opportunity that you seek.  You will inevitably receive a DO OVER that mimics many of the same set of circumstances as something that has transpired before.  Just like MAGIC!  All in the hopes that THIS time, you will grasp the gift and opportunity at hand, and receive this present with reverence and awareness!  

Murray's character Phil, (slyly named after Punxsutawney Phil, THE very moniker of the much celebrated groundhog every February 2nd) after sensing there is nothing he can do but ACCEPT his situation of reliving each day over and over again, finally succumbs to his reticence about the situation and begins an arc of self improvement.  He begins practicing generosity, reading self growth books, taking piano lessons, and even learning French!   Admittedly, many of his actions are at first all in an attempt to impress his news producer and super crush Rita.  It isn't until Phil (Murray) begins to Let Go and Let God to allow the changes he has made in himself to be experienced and noticed by those around him in a truly authentic manner, that he FINALLY wakes up to February 3rd, the day AFTER Groundhog Day.  His lessons learned, his purpose now clear, he is allowed to continue on with his life!  (This film, still more transcendent that it is given credit for, presents its main protagonist as a metaphor for the duality of life itself; shadow versus the light! The physical plane juxtaposed with the astral plane of SPIRIT! And the manner in which one will always serve the other. As long as we are in ALLOWANCE of this majestic process to take place. For we eventually come to learn that it is only through traversing the darkness (our shadow self) created for and from the physical plane, that we see the true purpose for our pain and suffering. And come to embrace the 'DARK LIGHT' that leads us back towards the true perception of our very purpose for being! )

What I find quite fascinating, is that the film's late director and comic genius in his own right, Harold Ramis, has been quoted as saying that Phil (Murray) needed close to 30-40 years of reliving the same day to learn the lessons he needed to complete the core of his  Superhero's Journey.  And as harsh as that may sound, I know that it has taken me decades to finally come to the understanding and full comprehension of many of my own life lessons! There are many more I am still working on!  And, if you are truly honest with yourself, I am quite sure the same rings true for you!  Agreed?!  :0)

Life is a constant journey, that allows us many opportunities to learn from our past missteps; and is more than gracious in sending us as many DO OVERS as we may need. Until we are able to receive with deep reverence the knowledge and wisdom that we shall take with us in both this life, and the many lifetimes yet to come.  However, it is up to us to stay AWARE. We are often so consumed with LIFE, that we are not present enough to recognize that circumstances are lining up in such a transformative and miraculous manner to allow us to relive our own version of Groundhog Day.  So as a gentle suggestion, when we are fortunate enough to have the Universe bless us with such a gift, enter into it with verve, gusto, and no fear!  Become a SOULdier of Love, and a Steward of Remembrance to extract every juicy amount of wisdom the opportunity was brought to unfold into your experience! 

And BE AWARE, if you choose NOT to learn from these blessed gifts of DO OVERS, they WILL RETURN.  So it's your call!  Do the work NOW, or later.  Either way, eventually it must be done!   

And take it from me, the longer you wait, the harder it is and the more it HURTS!  
However, it is my intention that the words from this post will cause you to slow down, and ponder your current life circumstances with a sense of wonder! With a renewed sense of understanding that LIFE IS RIGGED IN YOUR FAVOR! 

So begin the process of letting go, and letting GOD show you the flow that will best serve the HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL CONCERNED in your life................ 




Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, May 21, 2022

MY SECRET Sauce To INSTANTLY Improve Your LIFE... Simply Open and READ....!


After college, I was blessed enough to earn a media fellowship from the International Radio and Television Society.  Every year, this New York City based organization picks 15 ‘fellows’ from a pool coming through tens of thousands submissions sent by college seniors around the world.  And this slightly ‘Manic Hispanic’ was one of the 15 finalists for the IRTS class of 1993! I used to tease that every Superhero Team needed a token Latino. But in today's ever so sensitive 'cancel culture,' not so much! lol

For me, this was more than a dream come true.  It was a sure sign that my inclinations towards a career in the magical world of mass media was indeed the start of my Superhero's Journey. And what a helluva first step! The entire lot of this group of media maniacs ascended upon Greenwich Village in the heart of New York City for three months of pure BLISS. Each of us was granted an internship somewhere within the vast media landscape that NY affords. My fellowship was with Ann Liguori, a former fellow and well known sports broadcaster at the time. The other fellows were placed everywhere from The Today Show to Late Night with David Letterman.  Zipadeedoodah! Right?! Not to mention, we were all given the infamous and much garnered, yet little known number to the world's media bat phone.  If we wanted Yankee's tickets, done deal. Four seats to the Lion King, just come to the box office. We were treated like media kings and queens.  And I was in my own version of Heaven on Earth!

Most of us had never been to the Big Apple prior to this experience. So everything seemed jaw dropping in scope.  If things are always bigger in Texas, than New York demolished that mold and built its very own. In fact, the first week there, many of us had to be told of the dangers in constantly looking up at the gi-normous cityscape vistas that engulfed all our senses.  Doing so made you an easy target for pickpockets. Yet, ‘Jaw Drop Walking’ as it was eventually termed, still imbued most of our daily jaunts around the city.  

The student housing condo units where we stayed became our very own version of MTV's Real World.  Thankfully, this particular group of fellows was filled with fun loving, genuinely thoughtful and caring people. The media world is often full of ultra competitive and hard charging folks.  But we were super supportive toward one another and slowly built up friendships that still last to this very day.  What a blessing had been bestowed upon all of us lucky enough to be included in this particular IRTS class.  

After putting in our full days at the office, we often spent our nights out on the town.  Who wants to cook when you are in the middle of the cuisine capital of the world. No way, Jose! The group was pretty much evenly split between men and women. And while some of the other guys had to be prodded by the ladies, I was always up for dinner and a dance at the various hot spots around the city. 

I've loved to dance since I was old enough to walk. My mantra has always been "first one on and last one off" any dance floor.  My mom often had to pull me off the stage while ‘cutting a rug’ at family weddings for fear of dehydration. I'm not just a sweater, but a lover to boot!  Just sayin! Dancing always puts me in direct touch with my Super Heroic Higher Self.  Anytime I am feeling disconnected from SPIRIT, one surefire way to reconnect with the TRUE me is through cranking up the stereo and shaking my little bootie!  It's never yet let me down one time.

One particular evening, we came upon a club where it happened to be karaoke night. While some in the group were quite trepidatious at the notion of singing on stage in front of a group of strangers, I was all in! Before I had a chance to buy a drink, that night's DJ called out my name. And so I hopped up on stage in front of a few hundred patrons and began to belt out Billy and The Beaters "What Do You Think I Would Give At This Moment."  Always a ‘showman,’ I sank myself offstage to peruse into the audience and grabbed a gorgeous young lady and brought her back on stage with me. I sat her down in a chair and began to dance around her while continuing with my own unique form of crouching and crooning. (I'm not so much a singer, as I am an impressionist. Rather than having my own signature singing voice, I have the God given knack of impersonating the voice of other singer/artists)

I got the entire crowd to join in on the fun, as they began to sway back and forth in the aisles. Their energy further fueled my own. The triple threat of music, singing and dancing transported me to a space filled with complete conscious clarity.  Where you don't so much feel pure LOVE, but literally ‘live within it!’ And dwelling in that space, any notion of separation was expelled into an endless summer recess. Each face in the crowd became a mirrored reflection of BLISS. And the waving arms became wings of fulfilled intentions.  All forms of abundance was manifest into the ONE DREAM of DESIRE we all share. Dorothy, we were NOT in Kansas any longer! But rather the realm where the "Kingdom of Knowingness" reigns supreme.  And dear Lord, if living this way is wrong, I DON'T WANNA BE RIGHT.  ;0)

It was perhaps the very first time that I understood the concept of creating Heaven on Earth. After hitting the last note of the song, I was embraced with a standing ovation from the audience. Instantly, I understood the appeal of constantly performing in front of a live crowd.  It really is an indescribable rush of emotions. There is nothing quite like it. It's interesting that near the top of human fears is any form of public performing.  From that moment I knew why.  Yes, of course on an innate level there is the worry of what others will think about you.  But from a more micro construct, it is the fear of showing true vulnerability. Of letting go of the familiar you; the comfort zone created in the hopes of never having to share your authentic self with the world. All to step into your Super Heroic Higher Self- full super suit in tow!   "Am I good enough?" you ask yourself.  Followed by, "What will be expected of me then? Can I handle the tasks that come with the Cape of my CALLING?"  But as long time spiritual professor and newly minted politician Marianne Williamson says, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.  We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?'  Actually, who are you not to be?  You are a child of God.  Your playing small does not serve the world. " AMEN.

About fifteen minutes later, I got a tap on my shoulder. It was the general manager of the club. He asked me if I was a professional performer.  "Only in the shower," I shot back. LOL!  He said he would be interested in talking to me about running their karaoke nights.  HOLY SMOKES! Of course I had no desire to be the next ‘Karaoke King’ of New York, but what an amazing acknowledgment. BLUSH. The rest of the fellows razzed me for weeks thereafter.  All in good fun.

That long, bliss filled, once in a lifetime summer experience still resides deep within my spiritual core. And it always will! It's a powerful part of the ‘many lessons’ I've learned along the way. And I am still in contact with many of my former fellows. Most of whom have created stellar careers and continue carving out the lineage of their personal Legacies.


Part of my job is writing. And I LOVE TO WRITE!  Thank heavens, right?! It's a core part of my coaching business. I'm often at my computer for many hours on end pounding the keystrokes along with my dancing partner, SPIRIT. Our daily "wisdom waltzes" create the divine connections that manifest all my writing content.  THANK YOU SPIRIT!  Love ya so much!  

But in addition to my daily dalliances with SPIRIT, I also make sure to take at least one real ‘dance break’ every single day. And I highly suggest that you do too! The dynamic duo of music and dancing is incredibly powerful.  Scientifically proven, it is one of the top ten fastest ways in which to ‘speed up" your personal energetic vibration.  The higher your vibrational offering to the Universe, the greater your connection to SPIRIT.  The great I AM.  Where you have instant access to Infinite Intelligence.  Which not only revs up your creative juices, but also strengthens the flow of abundance in ALL its forms into your experience.  

Dancing is a tangible form of ‘letting go and letting God.’ It assists in freeing you from restrictions that have been solidified as blocks within your mindset. As you move in complete freedom of expression, you loosen up and stop forcing your FAITH.  Similar in fashion to meditation, dancing centers you fully in the NOW.  And you stop overthinking and begin to go with the flow of the music and life.

In the book Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill, he states the top 10 mind stimuli. 
"The human mind responds to stimuli through which it may be 'keyed up' to 
high rates of vibration, known as enthusiasm, creative imagination, intense desire, etc.  
The stimulate to which the mind responds most freely are:"

1.  The desire for sex expression
2.  Love
3.  A burning desire for fame, power, financial gain, money
5.  Friendship between either those of the same or opposite sex
6.  A Master Mind alliance based upon the harmony of two or more people
7.  Mutual suffering, such as that experienced by people who are persecuted
8.  Autosuggestion
9.  Fear
10. Narcotics and alcohol

BOOM! Music is the 4th post powerful mind stimuli.  And when paired up with the physical act of dancing, they become a Miracle Makin' Mind Machine. When you are in the moment through dance, your vibration grants you access to that space of a CREATIVE GENIUS!  Part of your "sixth sense."  What I call "The Silent Whisper" becomes your new dance partner. And as it whisks you around the dance floor, it whispers hunches, plans, and strong senses of intuitive knowingness into your understanding.  All to be used for your higher good.  To find and follow your personal CALLING on your Superhero's Journey. And it feels OH so good.  Yummy, yummy in your spiritual tummy........................

So even if you were blessed with ‘two left feet,’ there is nothing stopping you from starting small with a little head nodding and toe tapping to one of your favorite songs.  Before you know it, the feelings you begin to generate will empower your movements to transcend any thoughts of limitations. Even on the dance floor. My suggestion is that you take daily dance breaks wherever you are. And please don't worry what others may think! Heck, many times I've invited folks into my dance sessions so they can see what all the fuss is about.  I have a hunch it will quickly become your next HEROIC HABIT!

For a dance a day, keeps the FEAR, DOUBT, and WORRY at bay........................



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, May 20, 2022

FEEL Like Life DEALT You A CRAPPY Hand Of CARDS.. BETTER Think Again.. HERE'S How....!!


I have never been the best player of card games.  I tend to wear my emotions on my sleeve, which means my ‘Poker Face’ is less mercurial and more merciful.  Thankfully, through tons of missteps and rebirths, I have learned to be a much better player with the cards I am dealt by life! THANK  YOU SPIRIT!

However, not everyone wakes up on a daily basis and looks at the cards that were dealt into their experience and thinks, “Heck yeah!  I can win with this hand!  Damn straight!”  More often their inner monologue sounds more like, “Oh boy!  Why me?  What the heck am I supposed to do with this pile of crap I've been dealt?!”  Sound familiar?  I know I've felt that way more than a few times.

I believe one of the biggest differences between success and failure within this realm is how you choose to play the hand of cards you have been dealt.  It's important to understand during our own Superhero's Journey that we succeed because of our challenges NOT despite them.  As Napoleon Hill famously stated, “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache brings with it an equal seed of benefit and opportunity.”

In fact, Joseph Campbell shared in his infinite wisdom, “The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.”  He taught the importance of seeing your EXACT set of circumstances as being the most precious gift ever given to each and every one of us.  Because in the history of this world, NOBODY has been besought with the same set of challenges as you have been given.  And guess what, your exact set of challenges will never be the same for ANYONE else ever again.  That is how absolutely and completely UNIQUE you were created to be.  Kinda helps shift your perspective and life's circumstances from your life's symphony back towards ‘opportunities for growth,’ doesn't it!  

In fact, Joseph Campbell shared in his infinite wisdom, “(FrederickNietzsche was the one who did the job for me.  At a certain moment in his life, the idea came to him of what he called "the love of your fate."  Whatever your fate is, whatever the hell happens, you say, "This is what I need." It may look like a wreck, but go at it as through it were an opportunity, a challenge.  If you bring love to that moment-not discouragement-you will find the strength is there.  Any disaster you can survive is an improvement in your character, your stature, and your life.  What a privilege! This is when the spontaneity of your own nature will have a chance to flow.  

He taught the importance of seeing your exact set of current circumstances as being the most precious gifts ever bestowed upon each and every one of us.  Because in the etches of time held within the history of this plane's existence, NOBODY has been besought with the same set of challenges as have you.  And guess what, your exact set of challenges will never be the same for anyone else ever again.  That is how absolutely and completely UNIQUE you were created to BE.  Kinda helps shift your previous perspective on your life's ‘opportunities for growth’ doesn't it!  

One of my favorite stories from Mr. Campbell has to do with the Knights of the Round Table. Before this group of Medieval Superheroes awaited their next quest, they would surround a table full of food and drink and wait for a sign of where they were to go next.  One particular such evening, the Holy Grail appeared above the table before them, burning with its light of majestic glory.  And then, without warning, its image vanquished back into the ether.  Each Knight stood up, ready to search for this relic of such magic and grandeur!  They grabbed their shields and swords and headed outside the castle and ran toward the massive forest surrounding them.  The most fascinating aspect of their quest was that they each tried to enter the forest at its most DENSE space.  In fact, the competition to find that space was filled with a fierce and combative fervor.  For these Knights knew that every great quest begins with the greatest of difficulty.  They actually chose to take on the toughest hand of cards that could be dealt to them.  For they were aware of the great wisdom that comes from pain and strife.  That's why my definition of 'to SUFFER' is :

Summoning our
Fears &

I was watching a story about the Saint Benedict's Preparatory School for boys last week in Newark, NJ.  The school has recently become a sanctuary for the lost and wayward.  The area surrounding this  citadel has a high school graduation rate of less than 30%.  Yet the graduation rate at St. Benedict's is 98%.  Even though the majority of the students are underprivileged, the tuition rate is $10K a year.  The majority of the students do not have the funds to cover their schooling costs, yet this spiritual institution somehow covers every students tuition in someway. Where there is a will there is truly a way!

There was a portion of the story that touched me so deeply that I have to share it.  There was a 16 year old young man whose parents were both drug addicts and horribly abusive to him in their household.  It was tumultuous enough that he decided to leave his house, and live on the street. A tough hand of cards for most of us to even fathom.  Yet this purposeful young man had BIG plans for his life.  Despite his numerous challenges, he decided he was going to play the cards he was dealt with a passion for success and a fervor for service and potential.  So he started sneaking into the pool which housed the school's water polo team after practices. For several weeks, nobody noticed that he wasn't a member of this prestigious academy.  However, one day, a coach approached him and asked him why he was sneaking into the school's sporting water polo facilities.  The young man said his parents were drug addicts and he had been living on the street for over three months.  He knew he didn't have the tuition money to attend the school, so he decided the best he could do was take advantage of the extracurricular activities.  When the young man asked the coach if he should leave, do you know what his response was to this brave individual.  “BE HERE MONDAY!”  And I thought, what a perfect mantra for our lives.  No matter what challenges we face, or what fear and pain stand in our way, the most courageous way to turn our pain into PURPOSE, is simply by committing to BE HERE MONDAY.  A wonderfully colorful metaphor for simply showing up each day to face your life's challenges!

What are the ways you can reframe the cards you have currently been dealt in life and turn them into a winning hand?  Because, you were dealt these cards for a reason.  And it is your job to figure out where there are opportunities for a deeper wisdom through facing your challenges head on!  All to assist you on your Superhero's Journey!  And in turn, eventually sharing this bevy of knowledge so that we may all eventually sip from this chalice of hard fought love!  Because that's a hand worth playing on anyone's poker table!!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, May 16, 2022

Are YOU Having A NOT So BUENO Time From MEXICAN CRABS..? Help Is HERE...!

"This is the most important and crucial times of your life. For what you do now, and what you decide to do at this age may very well determine which way your life will go. And the question is, whether you have a proper, and a sound blueprint. And I want to suggest some of the things that should be in your life's blueprint. Number one in your life's blueprint should be a deep belief in your own dignity, your own worth and your own somebodiness. Don't allow anybody to make you feel that you are nobody. Always feel that you count. Always feel that you have worth and always feel that your life has ultimate significance. Secondly, in your life's blueprint, you must have as a basic principle to achieve excellence in your various fields of endeavor. You are going to be deciding as the days and the years of your life unfolds what you will do in life, what your life's work will be. Once you discover what it will be, do it and do it well. Be a bush if you can't be a tree. If you can't be a highway, just be a trail. If you can't be the sun, be a star, for it isn't by size that you win or fail, be the best of whatever you are. Finally in your life's blueprint must be a commitment, to the eternal principals of beauty, love, and justice. Well life for none of us has been a crystal stair, but we must keep moving. If you can't fly, run. If your can't run walk. If you can't walk, crawl, but by all means keep moving." 
Martin Luther King Jr.

The path toward a life of full Self Actualization takes a heart filled with compassion, courage, and utter commitment.  The road is often paved with a myriad of obstacles, trials, and many tribulations.  You will be peppered daily with dastardly distractions; from material desires, to the allure of quick hits of egoistic pleasures that can set your ship's sails off course from your core objective of following your Hero's Journey and fulfilling your unique life's CALLING.

Most of us become fraught with a variant of FEARS that continue to creep back onto our path, hastening our progress time and time again.  These can include one or many of the following:

Fear of Not BEING enough
Fear of Failing
Fear of Success
Fear of making a Mistake
Fear of 'Being Found Out'
Fear of 'Being Too Old"
Fear of "Being Too Young"
Plain 'ole Self Doubt

While those are just a few of the most common fears we face from time to time, do you know what is the NUMBER ONE FEAR of the Human Race...?!??    The Fear of What Others Think 

Let Them Judge You.  Let them misunderstand you.  Let them gossip about you. Their opinions aren't your problem.  You stay KIND, committed to LOVE, and free in your authenticity.  No matter what they do or say, don't you dare doubt your worth or the beauty of your truth.  Just keep on shining like you do!

Scott Stabile

Out in the ocean, there are a menacing group of water loving gang members that are called Mexican Crabs.  These self imposed Shell Bullies travel in large groups.  Anytime one of the individual members chooses to leave its pack, curious of a life beyond the "CLAWS" of its confined state, all the other crabs literally attack it and pull it back into the middle of the clan!!  Once a member, always a member is their motto.  

My question to you New Age Nerds is :  Do you travel within your own pack of 'Mexican Crabs?!"
Do you find that your current Tribe keeps you playing small. Projecting their own insidious fears and lack of strength and courage unto you and your path?!?  Poo-poo'ing your dreams and desires with disrespectful dismisses of the verbal and emotional kind?!   So to circumvent their cruel judgement, time and time again you allow them to pull you back into the middle of the group.  Dimming your oh so bright light in the process. I see A LOT of hands up in the air....   

At the core of this behavior to have the fear of 'Not Fitting In' is a subset of Worrying About What Others Think About Us!  Again, it is second to none the most Soul crushing Fear in our Collective Consciousness.  Many of you may be starting to challenge me with retorts such as "My biggest fear is public speaking!"  But what exactly is the underlying foundational fear about public speaking.  By putting ourselves out there in a shining spotlight, we become Deeply Afraid of What Others Will Think About Us !!  I could use a plethora of other examples of how the root fear of something can be brought right back to The Fear of Others Opinions!  

More brilliant ideas that could have made a real, lasting impact in this world have been snuffed out of existence because of this cancerous form of FEAR!  I would like to share a story to better help illustrate my point.  In one of my coaching classes, the instructor had the group break up into pairs of two and stand in a straight line facing one another.  He asked that we simply look straight into the eyes of the person directly in front of us for two minutes (sounds easy, it ain't..lol)  Then, he went to the front of the line, and asked the first class member what they were thinking about during that two minutes of time.  And I'll have you know that 95% of the answers were exactly the same!!  So what was this often repeated thought;  Worrying in some way, shape, or form what the other person was thinking ABOUT THEM!!  LOL LOL   So people on either side of the line were essentially thinking the EXACT SAME THING about one another!! Really let that sink in!!  It was quite a Paradigm shifting moment for those of us in the class room that day.  In fact, that exercise alone was worth the price of the whole course curriculum.  And it still informs me to transcend any hint of worrying about the opinions of others to this day.............

So what is the most powerful pesticide to cure your case of The Mexican Crabs?!  BELIEF IN YOURSELF!!  Bar none.  Re-membering Who You Truly Are! Once you realize just how off the charts powerful you truly are, the very notion of  being fearful of ANYTHING will be, at most, an afterthought!   And the idea of playing with the Crabs will start to actually make you emotionally ill.  Birds of a feather truly do flock together and you will choose to seek out only the Eagles to fly alongside.  And have no FEAR;  the Universe abhors a vacuum.  When you gain the fortitude to break away from the Mexican Crabs in your life, your new VIBE will quickly attract a new TRIBE!!!   But this clan of more conscious Souls will support you in shining your Light.  They will cherish your Super Powers and shower you with kindness and mutual respect!   TRUST...............

This topic brings to mind a wonderful exchange of dialogue I once witnessed on an old episode of Oprah's ‘Super Soul Sunday’.  She was talking with her guest when the topic of ‘worrying about what others think’ popped up.  Oprah shot up in her chair and espoused, “If you care about what other people are thinking about you, they end up OWNING you.  And slavery done ended 150 years ago!” True dat!  And I will add that the best way to go clinically insane is to keep pouring time and energy into what others think about you.  Because as Dr. Seuss said, "Be who you are and say what you feel.  Because those who mind don't matter.  And those who matter don't mind!"  Go Seuss, Go Seuss....  ;0) 

So starting TODAY, make a pact with yourself.  Start the process of creating a new Mindset of Believing MORE and Worrying LESS using this tips! 

Superheroes in Training Tips:

1. Begin a morning and nightly habit of repeating positive affirmations about yourself.  You can find many wonderful examples of powerful affirmations online! I suggest you spend 10 minutes of affirmation work as soon as you wake up and right before going to bed.  Did you know what we feed our mind the last 30 minutes before going to sleep leaves the deepest imprint on our personal Belief system?!?  It's La Verdad!  The Truth!

2. Begin doing visioning exercises that puts yourself ALREADY IN POSSESSION of the new tribe members in your life. Use your Imagination.  It is a powerful tool and activates the subconscious mind, your spiritual tether to SOURCE energy! 

3.  Then start paying deep attention to how YOU FEEL when in the presence of others.  If you feel less than, judged or ridiculed, taken for granted, or plain out disrespected, it's time to take serious stock if those persons should still be a part of your life.  As I have said many times, IT IS COMPLETELY OK TO LOVE SOMEONE FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROOM!  You are still loving them, and certainly not judging them.  But sometimes we must leave behind the life we have,  for the one that is awaiting us!  

4. Start Lovin' You Some YOU!!  By far the greatest relationship you will ever have is the one you cultivate with your own BEING!  We can only give that which we already have, and so it is actually Selfish to not develop healthy habits of Self Love!  It's also one of the most indestructible components of self confidence!  Anytime you start having feelings of 'Not Enough', stop and take a deep breath.  Forgive yourself for having that thought again and again until you actually FEEL the forgiveness and the internal shift back from self judgment to self love.  Then keep a list of your accomplishments that you are super proud of and read them to yourself.  Bask in the feelings of heathy self pride, gratitude and remembrance  of a job well done!

5. Be TOO busy loving those tribe members who cherish and LOVE you to have any time worrying about those who don't!!  Anytime you feel judged, attacked, or any other form of disrespect, turn your loving attention and energy toward someone in your life who has proven themselves WORTHY of it! 

You've been playing small for MUCH too long!  You may even be using your co-creations with the Mexican Crabs as a way of hiding from your own brightness.  Although you feel stuck and stagnate within their group, you also feel safe.  Because you don't have to step out of your comfort zone and live an UNLEASHED LIFE!  But the Universe devised a plan for you, of which the byproducts the world desperately needs RIGHT NOW!! It is past time to erase all self doubt and worry about what THEY may think.  Because the truth is that what THEY think is absolutely NONE of your business.  That's all about THEM!!  

If you are reading this post, it is NOT by accident.  You are reading it because you are ready to receive the MESSAGE!  You can do this!  And Re-member, you are not doing any of this by yourself.  Everyone of you has a Super Heroic Version of your Higher Self.  It has 24/7 access to Infinite Intelligence and pure SOURCE energy.  You are a Miracle Makin' Machine!  At any given time, you have a thousand angels willing and waiting by your very side.  The Mexican Crabs don't stand a chance, unless YOU give it to them.  And we aren't playing in that sandbox anymore, RIGHT?!  

Hold on, I'll let you go!  I hear the phone ringing on the other line.  I think it's your SOULFUL CALLING.   Time to finally answer the call........    ;0)



Jeffrey Louis Martinez