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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, April 30, 2020

PART TWO of TEN: Circling Your LIFE's CALLING.....!

The year is 1966. For the first time in its illustrious history, the Ford Motor Company is experiencing a deep decline in its automobile sales. Despite its previous firm hold on the entire car market, the current consumer has changed their ideal buying habits to coincide with a growing mass market that tinkers away from pragmatic idealism; shifting towards a lifestyle of sexy status that first ignited the 'keeping up with the joneses' mentality in our country. 

This zeitgeist shift is led by the fiery flames shed behind the exhaust of the famed Italian car maker Ferrari. Now completely dominating the international race car circuit, they feel little threat when Ford Motor decides to shed its old weary ways by pouring millions into building a race car team from scratch. All to compete with this 'outside the box thinking,' wanna be goliath looking to crush any competition standing in the way of its deep desire to be the new leader in a new, burgeoning automobile marketplace.

Ford decides to kick off its new international race car team with a huge event that coincides with the release of its new 1966 Mustang. Despite several behind the scene fisticuff's among its many VP's, Ford decides to make famed car designer and former Le Mans champion Carroll Shelby the lead architect in its new ambition. 

Shelby approaches the grandstand to speak to the huge crowd of race car enthusiasts.

Carroll Shelby: (to the crowd) Thank you! If my daddy was here today, he would tell me to sit on down and leave the yaking to the college boys. So, just like my cars, I'll make this fast. (perusing the growing crowd)

When I was ten years old, pop said to me, 'Son, it's a truly lucky man who knows what he wants to do in this world. 'Cause that man will never work a day in his life.'

But there are a few. A precious few. And hell, I don't know if they are lucky or not. But there are a few people who find something they have to do! Something that obsesses them. Something that, if they can't do it- it will drive them clean outta their mind. 

I'm that guy. And I know one another man who feels exactly the same. His name...(beat)..  is Henry Ford!  And together, we are gonna build the fastest automobiles in the world! And we are gonna make history too; at Le Mans. 

My name is Carroll Shelby, and I build race cars................

From 20th Century Fox:  FORD V FERRARI 

Once life jolts you awake from a many years (or decades long) conscious slumber, often through one (or a series) of traumatic events, we are often left with a 'What now?' internal dialogue. The only certainty is the entrenched feeling that going back into a world devoid of a true path with purpose is no longer an option.  Chasing false idols of short term materialistic pleasure seems redundant and meaningless. Cravings of a soul filled path to quench the thirst of a CALLING still looking to express itSELF as and through you, becomes top of mind and thought. 


At this juncture on your Superhero's Journey of spiritual awakening, you may find yourSELF slowly circling back toward your precious CALLING by re-visiting many of your pre-awakening passions. For some the list will be small but intense, yet others may find that they have collected a mountain of interests that will now serve as a blueprint toward uncovering the once in a delicious Cosmic Cornucopia of Calling's only YOU HAVE THE ABILTY TO FULFILL!  Yep! That's how important you are. Yes....   YOU!! 

Your unique mission on blue 'planet possible' is as divine as anything you may have previously allowed yourSELF to believe. Or admit. After all, being blown out of the earthly womb of creation, to once again accept your earthly CALLING can initially be unfathomably uncomfortable. Let's keep it real for a just a moment; you have been living a life utterly entrenched under the illusion of egoic SEPARATION. Feeling as though you are doing it all alone. A life that has left you weak and tired. Meandering just to eek out the ability to keep most of your bills paid on time.  Scratching each and every day, just to keep your head above the choppy waters of wisdom-less daily experience. Ultimately, leaving you feeling as a victim to your life's circumstances. Would'a, could'a, should'a starts every other one of your verbal tantrums. Both internal and external monologues of pleasure-less diatribes.  Pushing you further and further away from the TRUTH! The re-membrance that you are a tride and true SUPERHERO! A unique emanation of GOD! A heavenly slice of Universal mojo with access to super powers that would make Superman himSELF wince; in complete AWE and wonderment of your strength, tenacity, and most importantly, LOVE!

This years long constant struggle of trying to 'arm wrestle God' has undoubtedly left you bereft of strength. And yet, now, you feel re-energized. All the veils of illusion have finally been brushed away from your no longer barren brows. And chances are you have been blessed with a new, innate sense of synchronicity. As the saying goes, 'When the student is ready, the teacher shall appear.' And suddenly each movie, book, and song you come across seems to hum a similar tune. Not to mention the new found burst of opportunities that suddenly arise from folks who desire to teach, mentor, and/or coach you. 
Your once Yoda-less life becomes inundated with like minded friends and cohorts who desire no thing less than to assist you on your Superhero's Journey. 

And the life you have now left behind, in retrospect, becomes a 'scratch and sniff' outline toward the path that now stands before you. You come to understand that every single thing you have experienced happened FOR YOU AND NOT TO YOU! Please read that last sentence again. For its understanding will unlock within you a new sense of connection to inner truth. And slowly, you will begin to connect the dots of divinity. And that frown will start to turn upside down. lol As you realize that nothing in your previous unconscious life was pure happenstance. No! In fact, it was all providing you with the wisdom, and spiritual based skill sets that shall assist you in finding and fulfilling this mystifying CALLING you are still trying to completely uncover. 

You were never flailing about or drifting through this earthly experience after all. You were just CIRCLING YOUR CALLING. No harm, no foul! That divorce, taught you how to stand up for yourSELF! And understand that by loving YOU first and foremost will always serve everyone else in the picture, just as it served you. And that illness, that brought you to your knees, taught you how to lean into your faith, until you were comfortable and trusting enough to allow your beliefs to belie any previous fear of falling- or failing. (Failure is simply an illusion. Once again, you are a divine spark of energy cut from the same spread of the One God Mind. And would you not agree, that God cannot fail. And so neither can you! Failure is simply Universal feedback. Instructive in its nature. So you can begin again; this time with much more knowledge than before.  Hoo-hah!!) We do not succeed in spite of our greatest challenges, bur rather because of them...........

Just as Mr. Glen Holland reminds us in the phenomenal film Mr. Holland's Opus: 

Glenn Holland[playing Beethoven's Seventh Symphony for his class] He couldn't hear. Of all people. Not a thing. And because Beethoven couldn't hear, the thought of him conducting, let alone composing, was pathetic to most people. And so to answer them, he composed and conducted the seventh symphony. Just try to imagine; Beethoven standing on that podium, holding his baton, his hands waving gracefully through the air. The orchestra in his mind is playing perfectly, and the orchestra in front of him, trying desperately just to keep up. There is a story, that in order to write his music, Beethoven literally sawed the legs off of his piano, so that the body would lay flat on the floor. And he would lie down next the piano with his ear pressed to the floor, and he would hit the keys with his fingers in order to hear his music through the vibrations of the floor.

That's right! One of the greatest musical minds of all time was DEAF! And yet, what he lacked in auditory precision, he more than made up for in his stubborn perseverance and KNOWINGNESS that the Universe always purrs the same message.......
Relax, for all is well......  And I bring you nothing but angels!  


When working with coaching clients, my favorite teaching module has to do with assisting them in both finding and fulfilling their personal CALLING! After all, upon close to 30 years of reading, studying, and coaching mentorship, if there is but ONE THING I KNOW, it's the following:

The most precious path toward a life of eternal JOY is finding and fulfilling our personal CALLING. It's the very reason that you decided to incarnate into the human condition. And in a world currently on the precipice of pure chaos, I know that just as Luke Skywalker had but one shot at destroying the Death Star, we have but this one shot at saving our planet from Universal destruction! All the ills (Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, the deep disparity between the have and have-nots) of this world already have the answers meant to solve them. AND THEY RESIDE WITHIN EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US! 

No pressure, but this is not a dress rehearsal. We can no longer afford to sleep our lives 
away. We are each much too precious to do so, as  are our collective CALLINGS! If you are currently reading this, chances are you have already awoken from the Matrix-esque illusions that first envelops each of our conscious minds upon entry into this earthly playground now under attack on many fronts!

So as a suggestion, if you are still trying to decipher what your own 'once in an eternity' CALLING happens to be, start with your passions. List them out on a piece of paper. You may be surprised with how long the list may be. And the longer that list, the more you've been blissed ( blessed actually, but bliss just sounds Mo Betta, right! lol) 

After some serious reflection on your earthly passions, circle back and put a star before any of them that have become an obsession. (if you are still in the process of discovering those truths, fear not! It's one of the most juicy experiences life throws our way. For passion is truly God's way of saying Hi!) And by obsession, I mean which of your passions would make life unlivable if taken away from you? As Carroll Shelby said in Ford V Ferrari, 

"It's a truly lucky man who knows what he wants to do in this world. 'Cause that man will never work a day in his life.

But there are a few. A precious few. And hell, I don't know if they are lucky or not. But there are a few people who find something they have to do! Something that obsesses them. Something that, if they can't do it- it will drive them clean outta their mind."  

Once you have your own list culled, try and connect the dots. Which of them fit together to form some aspect of a whole? For instance, perhaps writing and music are your personal jams! (my top two are spiritual self realization and modern myth) And if so, what problems (or what I call pain points) could you potentially solve through these obsessions. 

For when you can find a common pain point to solve for others, I promise that you will never go a day without a client and money in your pocket. And the byproduct to finding and fulfilling your CALLING will be unleashing the answers to solve all the 'Pain Points' now facing the entire world! BOOM!




Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, April 24, 2020

A CURE For The Coronavirus PANDEMIC....

Like many of you New Age Nerds, I have been using some of this "National Lockdown" time to binge watch some Super Heroic television shows and movies. Three nights ago, I started to devour the ten episodes of the 'Swamp Thing' series from DC Universe's streaming service. 


I have been a ginormous fan of this much maligned and misunderstood comic book superhero since the 1982 cult classic film of the same name. Perhaps I relate to his Superhero's Journey of finally forging the courage to strip down his former SELF in order to become something greater. Something innately connected to the core essence of this very planet. (He is a super scientist studying the seemingly otherworldly effects of a regenerative accelerant/virus quickly spreading amongst the township of a small Louisiana town, sparking a visit from a CDC 'Center of Disease Control' doctor named Abbey Arcane; sound overtly familiar to our current state of virus outbreak 'shock and awe?' )

In the first truly pivotal scene from the series, Abbey confronts her former friend, now super conscious creature connected to the eternal vibrations of this planet's core essence:

Abbey:  Why is this virus fighting against us? (to the Swamp Thing)

Swamp Thing: Not fighting. Fighting BACK!

While watching this scene fully play out in the comforting confines of my man cave, nerd tears started to pour from the ducts of my deepening, heartfelt eyes. It's truly a transcendent feeling to experience the magical elixir whenever art mirrors the reawakening of our collective consciousness!

Because this not so slyly prescient mass media exchange contains the very pragmatic understanding leading us to the basic answer toward the insidious PANDEMIC facing every single soul currently traversing this planet. This beyond horrendous infectious disease, still staring us all down within the deep recesses of our soul is actually a grand spiritual wake up call! 

One that enlightens us to the fact that we have been leading unconscious lives for way too long. In which the semi-collective battle cry is imbued with a subtext that favors the privileged. Did you know that just 2 percent of our current population controls 90 percent of the world's wealth?! Which leaves the remaining 98 percent of the world's population desperately trying to survive on mere scraps! "Let them eat cake," is a subversive war cry  Such massive disparity is simply NOT SUSTAINABLE!  And egregious in any effort to balance a population screaming out for any semblance of equality.  I hope at least part of what I just wrote resonates with you.....   
For just as in the Swamp Thing's retort to Abbey's solicited inquiry, this planet is truly starting to FIGHT BACK! We have been polluting not only our oceans, but the once fertile grounds meant to sustain an abundance of nourishing nutrients to feed a global population now nearing 8 billion Super Heroic Spirits

We have been blessed with the most amazing opportunity to live, learn, and expand our own individual soul filled consciousness. On the only blue spinning energetic matrix of playful experience within this very galaxy! Pretty cool, wouldn't you agree?! 

And yet, we continue to take this once in a lifetime soulful incarnation for granted. Let's just call a spade, a spade. It's so much easier to continue to cruise down the middle lane of life's offerings. Outta sight, outta mind! RIGHT?! The very reason that every single plea toward easing the plight of our planet's most needing SOULS, eventually find themselves combined to the steel lined cages of shelters meant to simply keep some semblance of hope alive! I recently watched the current episode of the hard hitting journalistic stalwart 'VICE' and was beyond horrified by the images it uncovered. Mostly those of the 'illegal immigrants' current being held just beyond the WALL currently being constructed by our federal government on the precipice of Mexico and the US. 

One can only consume so many images of babies and toddlers being kept in concrete cages. I bet very few of us would succumb to these not so comforting confines for even our furry friends! A true, twisted horror show of human cruelty at its most bereft! If only I had access to the Bat-copter! My mind became ensconced with images of covert operations toward a release and reform tactical mission to free these innocent members of our society who have been caught between the lesser of many evils. Too many to name! 

How sickening to even contemplate that the lives of human beings who are being kept alive in unforgiving chains of barren blessings, reside less than yards away from our embracing borders. All because we refuse to fight for the downtrodden; the disenfranchised, and forgotten..... 

Especially when each and every one of our greatest spiritual teachers have espoused the exact same message:


"Now that’s a fact. That the poor white has been put into this position, where through blindness and prejudice, (Make it plain) he is forced to support his oppressors. And the only thing he has going for him is the false feeling that he’s superior because his skin is white—and can’t hardly eat and make his ends meet week in and week out. (Amen)
And not only does this thing go into the racial struggle, it goes into the struggle between nations. And I would submit to you this morning that what is wrong in the world today is that the nations of the world are engaged in a bitter, colossal contest for supremacy. And if something doesn’t happen to stop this trend, I’m sorely afraid that we won’t be here to talk about Jesus Christ and about God and about brotherhood too many more years. (Yeah) If somebody doesn’t bring an end to this suicidal thrust that we see in the world today, none of us are going to be around, because somebody’s going to make the mistake through our senseless blunderings of dropping a nuclear bomb somewhere. And then another one is going to drop. And don’t let anybody fool you, this can happen within a matter of seconds. (Amen) They have twenty-megaton bombs in Russia right now that can destroy a city as big as New York in three seconds, with everybody wiped away, and every building. And we can do the same thing to Russia and China.
But this is why we are drifting. And we are drifting there because nations are caught up with the drum major instinct. “I must be first.” “I must be supreme.” “Our nation must rule the world.” (Preach it) And I am sad to say that the nation in which we live is the supreme culprit. And I’m going to continue to say it to America, because I love this country too much to see the drift that it has taken.
God didn’t call America to do what she’s doing in the world now. (Preach it, preach it) God didn’t call America to engage in a senseless, unjust war as the war in Vietnam. And we are criminals in that war. We’ve committed more war crimes almost than any nation in the world, and I’m going to continue to say it. And we won’t stop it because of our pride and our arrogance as a nation.
But God has a way of even putting nations in their place. (Amen) The God that I worship has a way of saying, “Don’t play with me.” (Yes) He has a way of saying, as the God of the Old Testament used to say to the Hebrews, “Don’t play with me, Israel. Don’t play with me, Babylon. (Yes) Be still and know that I’m God. And if you don’t stop your reckless course, I’ll rise up and break the backbone of your power.” (Yes) And that can happen to America. (Yes) Every now and then I go back and read Gibbons’ Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. And when I come and look at America, I say to myself, the parallels are frightening. And we have perverted the drum major instinct.
But let me rush on to my conclusion, because I want you to see what Jesus was really saying. What was the answer that Jesus gave these men? It’s very interesting. One would have thought that Jesus would have condemned them. One would have thought that Jesus would have said, “You are out of your place. You are selfish. Why would you raise such a question?”
But that isn’t what Jesus did; he did something altogether different. He said in substance, “Oh, I see, you want to be first. You want to be great. You want to be important. You want to be significant. Well, you ought to be. If you’re going to be my disciple, you must be.” But he reordered priorities. And he said, “Yes, don’t give up this instinct. It’s a good instinct if you use it right. (Yes) It’s a good instinct if you don’t distort it and pervert it. Don’t give it up. Keep feeling the need for being important. Keep feeling the need for being first. But I want you to be first in love. (Amen) I want you to be first in moral excellence. I want you to be first in generosity. That is what I want you to do.”
And he transformed the situation by giving a new definition of greatness. And you know how he said it? He said, “Now brethren, I can’t give you greatness. And really, I can’t make you first.” This is what Jesus said to James and John. “You must earn it. True greatness comes not by favoritism, but by fitness. And the right hand and the left are not mine to give, they belong to those who are prepared.” (Amen)
And so Jesus gave us a new norm of greatness. If you want to be important—wonderful. If you want to be recognized—wonderful. If you want to be great—wonderful. But recognize that he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. (Amen) That’s a new definition of greatness.

And this morning, the thing that I like about it: by giving that definition of greatness, it means that everybody can be great, (Everybody) because everybody can serve. (Amen) You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. (All right) You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You don’t have to know about Plato and Aristotle to serve. You don’t have to know Einstein’s theory of relativity to serve. You don’t have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. (Amen) You only need a heart full of grace, (Yes, sir, Amen) a soul generated by love. (Yes) And you can be that servant."

And verbose panderings aside, the great Martin Luther King, Jr, in his very last speech, cut our selective consciousness to the very bone of eternal blessings. 


LOVE....................  It's truly as simply as that............   


Now please don't misinterpret my verbal musings. Changing the 'status quo' has been an everlasting endeavor that has confounded every great spiritual master to traverse this planet! And believe you me, watching such a soulless travesty has brought me down to my very own knees on several occasions. 

Most of you in the New Age Nerd community know that my spiritual totem is The Batman.  I often get questioned as to this very personal choice in superhero based slavish idolization. 

"You seem to be more of a Captain America or Superman kind of guy!" I quite often get thrown in my direction. And I get it! Truly! My retort? It goes something like this.....

'I Adore Captain America and Superman! But, I generally stick to this edict. Both the Captain andSuperman are more like religion. And The Batman is more akin to spirituality. And I believe that religion is for those who are AFRAID OF GOING TO HELL. And spirituality is for those of us WHO HAVE ALREADY BEEN THERE!' 

Please ponder that for a moment or three!  LOL  

Many moons ago, I decided to join a wagon train of like minded spiritual travelers. They professed that true wisdom in this realm is gained only through first facing our darkest demons, and then befriending them as part of our personal arsenal. Please read that last sentence again! Because the understanding of its premise, as well as incorporating it into your daily mind-set is one crucial aspect towards both finding and fulfilling your own personal calling! 

For our greatest fears are no-thing less than a grand opportunity of reacquainting ourSELVES with the dark shadows that are thrown from us having the courage to face the LIGHT!  It is ONLY then that we learn the blesson (blessing and lesson) the darkest of our nights share with us all.  Our once thought scary shadows contain all the insight and spiritual wisdom born from the hardships we have been courageous enough to face! And it's only once we make 'amends' with the darkest aspects of our own being, does the communion of EGO and SELF meld into a power that suffocates any further space of SHAME!  We no longer associate with feelings of being anything other than a unique emanation of spiritual TRUTH! We see our past misgivings as no-thing less than grand opportunities for spiritual growth and understanding. And rather than the harsh judgement of a collective whole, we are free to sit in our own experiences and bathe in the ethereal lessons they were brought to bare! Sans of any fear filled wrath from a never world only constructed within our earthly minds............

Everyone has an 'Unfair Advantage.' Something that sets them apart from any and everyone else. It's a part of their unique energetic imprint; never seen before and never to be experienced again in this dominion of Universal experience! I call mine the 'BUFFET LINE.' Because I have truly been down the 'buffet line of life!' What I once considered a curse, has now been transcended into my greatest gift of power; to be shared with the World! 

I have literally and figuratively experienced and bare witnessed to almost any kind of pain and suffering this earthly experience can dish out. And, I AM STILL STANDING!  
With much gratitude, my wounds have now turned into WISDOM! Garnering me with a WICKED SENSE of SPIRITUAL INSIGHT! And I have earned every single thread on the Super Heroic Cape that is now always a part of my sartorial essence. And as you have probably already ascertained, EACH OF YOU ALSO BARE AN UNFAIR ADVANTAGE THAT IS JUST AS POWERFUL!TRUST! Believe and you shall receive my reverent peeps! ;0)

And spending much of the 'down time' that currently befalls us all, a once in a lifetime opportunity to re-awaken to your Super Heroic Higher Self, may very well be the most precious use of 'TIME' you shall ever receive! So please waste not! I beg of you! The very planet we all use as a whisk of wonderment to cast our own 'spells' is about to expire! Way before its intentioned expiration date! So if you have a wayward life long calling, I urge you to put it upon a plate, and advise us all of its meaning! For it may very well be that the SPIRIT on your right, or left, hold the sacred key to access the blessing it holds for us all! 








HOW To Gain More KNOW-LEDGE During This PANDEMIC...!

The power of inspiration, on the other hand, comes from Knowledge. It cannot be influenced. It is immune to this kind of persuasion. Even a Greater Community set of skills used against an individual strong with Knowledge would not be effective in changing their perception, their understanding or their experience. The influence would be felt, but it would be recognized as a perpetration from the outside.

Marshall Vian Summers

A couple of years after I moved to Los Angeles, CA, I began attending Wednesday night services at a non-denominational dojo of pure dynamite known as AGAPE.  Agape is Greek for "unconditional love."  And boy was LOVE dispersed there like cotton candy at a local town fair!  This harmonious haven is led by Dr. Michael Beckwith from the movie The Secret.  They truly smashed the proverbial bowl when The Grand Creator went and blew him off a cloud in heaven.  He has some of the most infectious energy I have ever been around.  And when he really starts channeling "spirit" he starts to sound just like Chris Rock.  Wanna see for yourSELF?  Go check out one of his many videos on YouTube.  I am quite sure you will be super glad you did!  

One particular evening while I was studying with a group of like minded friends and him at this temple, a young woman in the small crowd raised her hand. Dr. Beckwith was in the middle of a sermon on how to manifest more in your life.  With great zealous enthusiasm she jumped up out of her seat and asked the following question, "So what do you do if you really, really like fresh squeezed orange juice?"  (Small giggle from the rest of us)  To which Dr. Beckwith responded, "Well then you go buy the fresh squeezed orange juice."  She bounced back with, "But the fresh squeezed orange juice is three times more expensive than the non squeezed.  And I am on a tight budget being an actress in training."  Dr. Beckwith's reply has been like a gymnast, totally "sticking the landing" within me ever since!  With a wild and wicked declaration said, "Well then, you better KNOW, that you KNOW, what you KNOW!"  (Bursts of laughter from the crowd)

It actually took me a few years to completely understand exactly what he meant. He was casting out to us the importance of understanding that KNOWINGNESS is the most important part of our collective creative prowess. It's the state of unwavering GRATITUDE that comes from truly believing that whatever it is we have "asked for" is on its way!  And so learning to be thankful for it even before you can SEE it.  For seeing is NOT believing.  LOL  Believing FIRST is the key to unlocking the bounty of blessings that are our very birthright.  See the difference..  ;0)  In that very moment, he was trying to enlighten this woman to the idea it would be in her best interest to KNOW that more money was coming before buying that orange juice.  As long as she completely believed that fact, than why not go ahead and get the best orange juice out there?!

And just as mastering the art of KNOWINGNESS is crucial in our growth process, so is the attainment of KNOW_LEDGE.  As the old saying goes, true power comes from our repertoire of all which we KNOW. And that's why the typical millionaire reads two to three books each and every month.  Yes, even after they've seemingly "done it all."  ESPECIALLY after they have! For they understand what got them to that state of abundance in all its forms.  It was their KNOW-LEDGE. And then putting that knowledge into daily action with complete knowingness.  For the answers to all that you seek to manifest into your earthly experience lies within that simple formula!  Always has been that way, and it will NEVER change.  Trust!   ;0)

That's why I tell all of my clients the process I will coach them through is actually quite simple. Deep. But simple. The work we do on the "inside" is very similar in vein to the work we do on the outside.  With our physical bodies.  It's learning to shift the energy within you from CATABOLIC (destructive) to ANABOLIC (Empowering and expansive) in nature.  Presto, chango!  Ta da!  I'll be here till Thursday.  Don't forget to tip your waitresses! LOL

Unfortunately our education system is set up in such a manner that the great majority of our "learning" happens by the time we finish college.  Such a travesty, isn't it?!  The secret sauce between those who thrive in life and those who simply eek out a meager survival is their KNOW-LEDGE base. You may be thinking, "Aw come on now Jeffrey!  Some people were just born with a silver spoon in their mouth.  That's why the rich just keep on getting richer and the poor poorer."  But the reality is that during and after "The Great Depression," the true pioneers of our time were mostly self made men who acquired and developed the KNOW-LEDGE others did not. Then the few who actually put that KNOW-LEDGE into well thought out plans and daily action steps became the iconoclasts of our time!  Napoleon Hill's entire life's work proved this to be true. Please read his amazing book, Think and Grow Rich, to get inspired to this truth!


Here are some of my favorite quotes on the importance of KNOW-LEDGE:

Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.” 
― Albert Einstein

To attain knowledge, add things everyday. To attain wisdom, remove things every day.” 
― Lao Tse

"Read in the name of your Lord Who created. He created man from a clot. Read and your Lord is Most Honorable, Who taught (to write) with the pen. Taught man what he knew not.” 
― Anonymous, Qurʾan / القرآن الكريم

Never regard study as a duty but as an enviable opportunity to learn to know the liberating influence of beauty in the realm of the spirit for your own personal joy and to the profit of the community to which your later works belong."

~Albert Einstein

"The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge."

- Napoleon Hill

So what exactly is KNOW-LEDGE?!  Let's break up the word into two halves. The first segment being KNOW.  To "know" is to be of absolute certainty.  No doubts. BOOM!  But are you aware that the meaning of LEDGE is to extend? So, by very definition, KNOW-LEGDE means to "extend KNOWINGNESS" out into the Universe!  The greater your personal KNOW-LEDGE, the more powerful your vibrational energetic offerings.  The more you KNOW, the more the Universe will GROW.  Hey, I made a little rhyme there. Catchy, huh?! LOL And by knowing YOU and the Universe are indeed ONE, that means as the Universe expands, so does your personal energetic essence.  It's the most perfect symbiotic relationship imaginable.  And we all know how much we are possible of imagining! But you can only extend that which you already have within you. So, doesn't it make simple sense to try and acquire as much KNOW-LEDGE as possible each and every day?  I'd sure as hell say so! 

Here are some supreme suggestions on how to further expand your own KNOW-LEDGE:

1. Start creating a book list. Perhaps begin by asking people who have had an inspirational influence upon you what books they would recommend.  Re-member success leaves a trail.  Become a hound dog and sniff those trails out for yourSELF!

2. Join MentorBox. For just 10 bucks month, you can join one of the leading online book clubs in the world. I joined two years ago and I LOVE IT! Their proprietary system allows you to fully customize the manner in which you digest all the material of the books they have in their massive collection. They even have the books broken down into video based segments done from the authors themselves. It's basically an electronic "cliff notes" for the too busy to read set. 

They are constantly adding new books into their collection too.
They even send you e-mails whenever they are having live Master Classes with authors.
Super cool stuff!

3. Become aware of FB and Instagram advertisements produced by authors who are literally giving their new books away.  All you have to do is pay for shipping and handling. (typically 5-7 bucks) Yes, you may have to click through a "funnel system" as they incite you to add more products to your order, but you simply press NO to each request.  Easy peezy!

4. Look to join local book clubs.  My sister is in one here in Northern Virginia and adores her time spent there each month.  And she has made some terrific new friends ta boot!

5.  Check out MindValley.  They are an online "Global School" whose goal it is to transform the world through KNOW_LEDGE!  They offer a gi-normous amount of completely free master class trainings on every subject you can think of.  It's a great new place for you mind to call home. 

And since I am always asked about my own personal favorite selection of know-ledge filled tombs, I'd like to give you my top 25 list of the tomes that have made the biggest impact on my life.  I urge you to check out any that "jump out" at you!

So here is my list of the TOP 25 titles (all available on Amazon) that I believe would make excellent additions to any New Age Nerd's bookshelf:

1)  Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsh

2)  Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav

3)  Beyond the Secret by Dr. Lisa Love

4)  Callings by Gregg Levoy

5)  Pathway to Bliss  by Joseph Campbell

6)  The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield

7)  A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

8)  Power vs Force by David Hawkins

9)  The Four Desires by Rod Stryker

10)  Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankel

11) The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

12) The Secrets to the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker

13) God I AM by Peter O Erbe

14) Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

15) A Course in Miracles by The Foundation for Inner Pece

16) Bringers of the Dawn by Barbara Marciniak

17) The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell

18) Manifesting Change by Mike Dooley

19) The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz

20) The Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer

21) Soulshaping by Jeff Brown

22) The Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman

23) The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida

24) Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

25)  The Magic of Believing by Nido Qubein

Of course, Scripture is oh so very sacred.  I did not include this on my list because I feel its truths encapsulate all KNOW-LEDGE!  

I was watching an episode of Oprah's Super Soul Sunday Live from NY last evening.  And Melinda Gates (Bill Gate's wife) was a guest.  She said other than health care, the most important thing we lack in this world is equal opportunities of education.  She stressed how important KNOW-LEDGE is to creating a world in which everyone is treated as equal.  PREACH,  Mrs. Gates!

So what are you waiting for?  That boob tube can be used as a powerful tool for further education, but what would it feel like to know that you are expanding both yourSELF and the Universe as a whole by searching out vessels for your own advancement in all things KNOW-LEDGE? I strongly urge you to not only drink a gallon of water a day for your body.  But please do not forget to "water your mind" everyday by stretching your capacity to learn!  Gotta scoot.  Tons of books are calling my name.....................



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

For more information on my 1 on 1 Signature Coaching Programs,
please email me:  Jeffmartinez@thesuperheroscoach.com

Friday, April 17, 2020

How To TURN Your STRESS Into Being BLESSED....!

Especially here in the United States, for the majority of us, our lives have become so blurred with being busy that we have forgotten how to stop and 'smell the roses'.  Heck, we are fortunate if we remember our relatives names, birthdays, anniversaries, or the ability to stop long enough to make the true memories that are so vital to giving meaning and Purpose to this thing called Life!  One of my own New Year Resolutions last year was to stop so much texting and actually have at least ONE phone call or face to face meeting with my close relatives and friends once a week.  A quarter through the year, wanna ask me how that went ......   ?!?!  Take a frickin guess?!?!   LOL

And even worse, we are modeling this behavior for our own children, who are already being programmed to live in a world built upon technological advances so that there is no need for actual meaningful face to face connection.  Is this the world that we are now choosing to accept as the nominal norm?!?   

Before I continue, please know that I am in NO way immune to the delicacy of quick shots of communication through my own fancy dancy technological devices.  I love sending and receiving  texts full of nuanced retorts and FULL of emojis!! Call me old school, HOWEVER I still find the time to send out actual letters with full addresses and stamps and cards that contain written notes curtailed to the individual recipient.   Cards, stamps, and written notes, OH MY!!  :0)

Here is a Superhero's Tip!   You will be completely AMAZED how much this relic version of communication truly touches the Heart of the person who receives it!! I have several relatives currently fighting for their very own lives and whenever they receive either an actual phone call, personal visit, or the courtesy of a hand sent card, they let me know how much it truly touches their SOUL and showers them with the strength to continue fighting their individual maladies!!  And my fellow New Age Nerds, that is EXACTLY why we are here!  To paraphrase the prayer of St. Francis, "Lord, make me an instrument of your PEACE.  Where there is Hatred, let me SOW Love.  Where there is injury, Pardon.  Where there is Doubt, Faith. Where there is Despair,  HOPE.  Where there is Darkness,  Light.  And where there is sadness,  JOY."

Yet, tell me, "How can we allow ourselves to be these instruments intended to ease the suffering of those who may have lost their way.  Or are ensconced with the Dis-ease of loneliness and have no other SOURCE to remind and comfort them with the Re-membrance that even in their Darkest Hours, they can still be a powerful beacon of Light for so many others of their fellow brothers and sisters if we never stop our near addiction to stress and in turn constantly whispering to our egoic mind that,  'I'll get to that next week'?"  For we are TRULY our brothers Keepers and here to be of service to those who may have forgotten their Calling or need our assistance to share their individual stories with the Collective Whole so that we ALL may benefit from the hard fought Wisdom ensconced within their tales of overcoming the trials and tribulations encountered along the yellow brick road of their own Hero's Journey!  And in doing so ensuring that NOT ONE PERSON'S Story shall ever be ignored, forgotten, or unrecognized for the power it has flowing through its owner's personal pages!!  My suggestion is to Re-member and apply the following words in the way that you see fit with the intention of making sure that anyone's path you touch is filled with the loving acknowledgement of how bravely they have been worthy of their many Earthly sufferings......

"When you find yourself in the position to help someone, feel Happy and Blessed because God is answering that person's prayer through you.  REMEMBER:  Our purpose on Earth is NOT to get lost in the Dark, but to be a LIGHT to others, so that they might find a way through us! " 

Fellow Nerds, I don't have to share with you the fact that every incarnation we embellish upon is just a quick blink in the eyes of God's Source Energy!  And from that understanding, we must acknowledge the fact that each and every moment that we experience is not only PRECIOUS, but will NEVER be replicated in such pure form ever again!  And that's why every opportunity we have is called a MIRACLE!  For a Miracle is the choice to turn our FEAR into LOVE!   But it becomes increasingly challenging to make this shift when we are too busy being STRESSED by overloading our experiences with external pleasures we think will make us feel whole. Rather than realizing each moment in our lives is a moment to feel BLESSED!!  And filled with GRATITUDE and Grace!!  For as God has stated, I BRING YOU NOTHING BUT ANGELS!!   And as Bishop TD Jakes has espoused, "Appreciation leads to duplication."   

I would invite everyone reading today's post to ask yourself a few vital questions.   "Where exactly are you headed in life?  What is your CALLING?  What is the true LEGACY you would like to leave before this short Journey on earth ends?"  Because if we are too busy to answer these questions or have never slowed down enough to ponder these questions, isn't it time to finally allow ourselves the time to do so?! Aren't we truly worth this pontification....... Before it's to late to do so.....?!?!?  I don't think so, I KNOW SO!!  Just sayin....  LOL

There is an absolutely profound book called THE TOP 10 REGRETS OF THE DYING written by Bronnie Ware.    And I feel it perfectly encapsulates how important it is too live our lives with the STRESS level turned WAY DOWN!!  I would like to list the TOP 5 Regrets that she was so BLESSED to learn from those precious Souls who were brave enough to share their truths with her before they left this plane of existence.  And it is my wish that it will help my TRIBE to be a recipient of such WORLDY WISDOM that they can apply in their own lives.   Because there is still plenty of Time for it to make a lasting imprint for Soulful Course Correction on your own personal and unique Hero's Journey!


In the book, she said many of her patients had not honored even half of the dreams they wanted to fulfill, and this caused them to have major regrets before the end of their life. They wanted so badly to knock other things off their bucket list, but they had to die knowing they still had dreams. Don’t die with your dreams still in your heart. Don’t die knowing that you lived for someone else’s dreams and stuffed yours under the rug. Live life the way you want NOW, and don’t wait for anyone’s permission.


Ware said that this regret came in at number two, based on how often she heard people say this. We all work too hard in today’s world, but for what? We all want to reach some goal, some achievement, some number in our bank account. However, what will all this really mean? Sure, we may have security and pride knowing that we can afford certain things or have a specific title, but humans need more than that. We thrive on emotional connection and love, both of which require other people.
In the end, you won’t remember how much money you made or how far you got in your career; you’ll remember the people you made connections with, and how they impacted your life. You’ll think about the memories you made and all the laughs you had with those you loved. We have to work to survive, but don’t work so much that you forget to build relationships and a life outside of your job.


Coming in at third on Ware’s list, the dying patients also regretted holding back their feelings. They wanted to keep the peace and not rock the boat, so they settled for repressing their feelings. However, this leads to a limited and very resentful existence. You will come to resent those you keep feelings from, because you obviously have an issue with them but choose not to voice it. This results in bottled up feelings that can even lead to mental and physical illness.
Speak your truth, even if your voice shakes. Even if you lose friends or a relationship, say how you feel. You may lose someone, but no person on this Earth is worth holding back your feelings for. This will only haunt you in the end.


People at the end of their lives also regretted losing touch with friends. They missed their companionship, and wished they had put more effort into keeping in touch. We may take our friends for granted now, but remember, they won’t always be around. If you miss a friend, try to get back in touch with them via Facebook, email, text, or some other form of communication. They probably miss you too, and would love to hear from you sometime. Friends help us get through life, and stick with us through the ups and downs. Life may take you in different directions, but it doesn’t have to alienate you from them. Pick up the phone and chat with them for a bit; you will never regret reaching out.


We like to think that outside forces control our emotions, but the key to emotional control lies within us. We don’t choose what happens to us, but we can choose how we react to it. Life goes by so fast, so why spend it finding every little thing to complain about? Being happy costs nothing, keeps you healthier, makes life more fulfilling, attracts more positive relationships, and so on. So, unhappiness, then, actually costs MORE in the long run, and can even lead to serious illnesses. Our mental, emotional, and physical health relies on our perception, so if you want to start living a better life now, simply change how you look at things.
Listen, my own life has been BEYOND challenging the last 5 years.  And I can commiserate with many of you who feel in a similar fashion.  Life can be absolutely BRUTAL , and often PUNISHING!  Yet let us not forget that the challenges that come our way teach us how to shed the DARKNESS so that we may truly embrace the LIGHT!!  Because when we learn the tools to do it for ourselves, we are able to share our WISDOM with others!  And HEROES are NOT afraid to stare the UNKNOWN straight in the eyes with the Knowingness that they will be Rebirthed with a source of understanding that can heal the pain that comes from the trials and tribulations that confront all of our personal Journey's!

Because even though there are many moments in which we feel like braking under the pressure of the Stress that comes from this Heavenly experience, we must NEVER forget that we are all truly BLESSED simply to BE HERE NOW!!!!  

To that point, what would it look like for you to start a journal today in which you write down ALL THOSE THINGS THAT YOU ARE GRATEFUL FOR AND FEEL BLESSED TO HAVE IN YOUR LIFE EVERY NIGHT?!?   It's a wonderful way of forcing yourself to SLOW DOWN and simply Breathe in your BLESSINGS!!  Because life has a Magical way of duplicating anything you DESIRE when you feel Blessed rather than Stressed........



Jeffrey Louis Martinez