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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, July 31, 2016

How Do You KNOW That You Are Having A SPIRITUAL AWAKENING...?!?!?!


BOY:   “I want to be a Superhero!”
GIRL:  “ What's your name, Spiderman, Ironman?”
Boy:  “YOUR MAN.”


We are currently living in very precarious times.  People are living in FEAR, unsure of what their future may hold.   Our TV screens filled almost daily with images of violence, separation, vitriol, and anger.  Yet, I am more HOPEFUL than ever before!  Why, you ask?  Because I am experiencing an enormous amount of individuals who are using this time to try and learn, grow, and change.  I get SO many personal messages from readers of The New Age Nerd who share their stories with me.   And I feel incredibly honored and privileged that they entrust me with their deep heartfelt longing and pain. Not too mention their sincere DESIRE to experience a more spiritually awakened life.  One that encompasses the reason why we are ALL here.  And that is simply to give and receive LOVE.

For many of us, the first sign of a Spiritual Awakening is having what I call a ‘BREAK OPEN.’  This occurs when we are at our own razor's edge.  And life seems to be slowly breaking us down in every way imaginable.  Many people call it hitting ‘rock bottom.’  And it's more than just emotionally painful.  It causes us to question the very fabric of our foundational BELIEFS.  And for those of you currently reading this who are in this state, I want to say CONGRATULATIONS!  Because this is a sign that you are about to have a Spiritual Awakening.  You are being broken down so that you can ‘Break Open.’   And in doing so, unleash the gifts and talents you were blessed with for the purpose of sharing them with the world.!!  I am NOT implying that this stage is easy.  FOR IT IS NOT!  I know from recent personal experience how scary, painful, and absolutely terrifying it can be.  This stage often includes the letting go of things that no longer serve us;  friends, jobs, even family members.  As Marianne Williamson calls it ‘The Day of The Wrecking Ball.’  Because our very foundation must be pulled up and out to allow the space for the new one to be built in its place.  And that my friends, is NO FUN!  Yet it is also a crucial part of the process.  Just like any building, it is ONLY as strong as its foundation, right?  Many of the elements of our past foundation were manifested into our experience when we were not yet ready to Break Open.  And now that we are, some things are going to have to change.  

My personal HERO, the late Wayne Dyer, explained this stage like this, “The experience of a crisis immobilizes us for a long period of time. Our mind is focused on the disaster aspects of the situation, and we are unable to function effectively. We are unable to sleep or eat, and do not know how we are going to get past the terrible set of circumstances. We use our minds to focus on what is wrong, how painful it is, and how terrible it is going to be in the future. Advice from friends and relatives seems unrelated to our problem and usually results in anger and frustration. We cannot see any way out of our misery.

This is a typical response for all of us who are traveling our life paths in the belief that the external signposts are all there is to our reality. We cannot imagine that there is a valuable lesson in the trauma. We reject any suggestions that someday we will recall this experience as a necessary step in our development. We simply want to wallow in our hurt, believing that someone or something outside of us is creating this pain, and wishing that those externals would change.”

This stage often includes a period of depression and extreme anxiety, or both.  Please know that there is NO THING wrong with you.  You are NOT broken.  What you are doing is getting prepared to birth miracles.  And the birthing process (as you ladies know) is an arduous one.  Not for the faint of heart.  Part of the depression stems from the longing of the things we are letting go of.  Some of it is because we are just beginning the experience of having a deep KNOWINGNESS that we are not currently following our Hero's/Heroine's Journey, the very purpose that we came to BE.

Stage TWO of a Spiritual Awakening is where we begin the slow process of having complete GRATITUDE for our sufferings.  Because we start feeling that our pain and suffering is not in vein.  We begin to have KNOWINGNESS that there is an important reason behind it.  Things start making sense.  Wayne Dyer explains it like this, “This is an important step in the enlightenment process, and helps us to see how synchronized the onesong really is. Certainly we still experience the pain and suffering, but we simultaneously know that there is something magnificent in this as well. We are able to be gentle and accepting with ourselves, and to honor and love even the part that is creating the crisis. We probably will not cognitively understand why this pain is occurring right now, but we will have an underlying knowingness and belief in the value of it.”

Stage THREE of this awakening is ALL ABOUT SYNCHRONICITY.  There comes a moment in which the pain of NOT committing to our awakening and purpose becomes more painful that the thought of taking that leap of faith.  So through pure force of will, we TAKE THE JUMP.  Having Faith that Spirit will provide and protect us on the Journey.  And guess what, Spirit does.  Always and in all ways.  It is a Universal Law  (A promise from source if you will) that once you TRULY commit to this Divine Awakening, Spirit will flood your experience with everything you need to fulfill your destiny.  It may not happen all at once.  So PLEASE, be patient during this stage.  Miracles take time in this dimension.  But by staying in this new state of ALLOWANCE, you will begin to experience SYNCHRONICITY almost daily. People start showing up out of the blue to offer guidance.  Financial opportunities present themselves to help support your vision.  You begin to attract a new TRIBE of like minded friends and a support team.     And let me tell you, it's when you first start experiencing the sensation of Heaven on Earth!!  And it is blissful, and magical.  You cannot imagine living in any other way, ever again!  

For those of you who may be skeptical of this process, I can understand.  ESPECIALLY if you are currently in the middle of Stage ONE.  I know, because I was there just six months ago.  I was so depressed I could barely get out of bed.  My mind caught in a constant replay of my past.  Unable to let go of the constriction these perceived failings were having over my entire psyche.  I had no money, no job, and had dropped almost 25 pounds because I simply had no desire to eat. In fact, I had little desire to do anything,  From the bed, I would make it to the living room sofa and sarcastically say to myself, “Watch out world, there is NO stopping me now!”  LOL

But as I made a commitment toward my path, the fog slowly lifted, and my life took off like a rocket of Re-membrance!  Now, just five months later, I have a burgeoning business as a life and leadership coach with The New Age Nerd!!  I am working as an advertising consultant for the largest podcast advertising network in the world, and they are actually launching my podcast next month!!  I have put 30 pounds back on and am in the best shape of my life.  And it feels GLORIOUS!!  Where I could barely get out of bed just a few short months ago, I now leap out of bed every morning, super stoked to experience the wonders of the coming day!   Can I get an AMEN in this congregation?!?! :0) 

Even if it doesn't feel like it right now, LIFE IS A BLESSING!  And please do not beat yourself up for whatever state you currently find yourself in.  You are EXACTLY where you need to be on your Journey.  No Thing you have experienced will be wasted. Each and every one of them has been to give you the wisdom, understanding and re-membrance of knowledge you will need moving forward!  And once you reach the place where you are in complete alignment of allowance, and living your PURPOSE, fully awakened to your calling, LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, July 30, 2016





The streets are filled and lined each day....
So many SOULS experiencing life...
How often do we stop and truly listen...
To their stories of struggle and strife....

For each person carries within them....
A STORY so special and unique..
Something that is stored within their heart...
With lessons that their PAIN came to teach...

So why is that loneliness is consuming this world...
When there are so many to engage...
Simply by reaching out to lend a hand...
Just a matter of choosing in so many ways...

Too worried and consumed with there not being enough..
We look the other way and pretend not to see...
That while our DOINGNESS is important....
It's only pure LOVE, that we came here to BE....

We've forgotten the Truth of our Journey...
For there is truly but ONE...
To be of service to each other..
Shining our LIGHT as bright as the sun.....

To awaken to our PURPOSE....
Yet something as gone amiss..
For how many of us can truly say..
Each day we FOLLOW OUR BLISS...

For on that path our gifts are still waiting..
The ones that belong only to us...
That were promised for our Journey...
Meant to be shared with our gentle touch....

Close your eyes and vision a planet...
In which our collective consciousness rose to the occasion..
Threw our fear and caution to the wind 
And by following our Path, bought UNITY to each Nation...

This isn't a fantasy, nor a lucid dream...
Spirit surrounds us still
Waiting for us to change....
With a shift in our will..

Thank God He is patient..
For it has been more than a while...
Since his gift of life in these bodies ..
Made his most precious angels truly smile....

Tipping points be damned...
Yet we have not one more moment to waste..
Bringing Heaven to Earth...
The Universe still is making its case...

Each day is a bright new beginning...
A chance to shift our FEAR to LOVE and compassion...
And truly be of service to the needs of others ...
In  an authentic kind of joyful fashion.....


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Not Sure What Your PURPOSE IS.... Read THIS........



By far, the biggest question I get confronted with as a coach is “I don't know what my purpose is!
So if this same quandary consumes parts (or even most) of your mental energy, do not worry, for YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  For yours truly was NO different.  Have a pen and paper.  Cause here is my list of variant careers I tried on, like a rented tuxedo for a friend's wedding.  READY:

1.  Television Sports Producer/Writer
2.  Television Sports Anchor
3. Co- producer of a local technology business show
4. Actor
5. Stand Up/Improv Comic
6. Print Media Sales
7. TV Media Sales
8. Mobile Media Sales
9. Podcast Media Sales
10.  Life and Leadership Coach.....   My Company  THE NEW AGE NERD

It took over 20 years of dreaming and scheming, trial and error, MISSTEPS and Fumbling through life to FINALLY find my calling and true PURPOSE!  And ya know what?  I wouldn't have it ANY OTHER WAY! I've come to understand that there is NO THING that we experience on our Hero's/Heroine's Journey that does not carry within it some form of meaning and purpose, understanding and knowledge, courage and wisdom for our PATH!  In fact, I cannot think of ONE coaching call yet in which I haven't called upon some aspect of my past Journey.  And as Victor Frankel, author of ‘Man's Search for Meaning’ so eloquently said, once we discover that our pain and suffering has meaning, life is NEVER the same!  Here, here!!  Perhaps no truer words ever spoken in my book!

Now I would be remiss to say that the Universe didn't put some pretty UNIQUE signs along my various paths all in the attempt to help me Re-Member what I came here for.  There is one particular story I will share with you that stays with me to this day.  As a constant reminder of my path and PURPOSE.

Back in 2005, when the housing market was hot as hell, a good friend of mine and I decided to learn about buying and flipping houses.  We were making great money in our ad sales jobs, and figured it was a better bet than playing Russian roulette in the stock market!  So we both signed up for one of those weekend seminars in Long Beach, CA that was supposed to tell you everything you needed to know in order to become a house flipping auteur.

During the first day, they broke us up into pairs of four as we broke for lunch.  Our group consisted of my buddy and myself, and two other seminar participants that we did not know.  One was a portly man in his late 40's, and the other was a very regal looking lady of Persian persuasion who was probably close to 50.

Given the sparse options at our epicurean disposal, we went ahead and settled on good 'ole Chili's!  No expense spared for this desperate group.!  In order to get to know one another in such a short window of time, I decided to ask the group if they would be open to sharing a story about themselves to the group.  Thankfully everyone agreed, and so one by one, we divulged our story of choice.  When it came time for our new Persian friend to espouse her particular tale, I noticed her staring very intently at me.  She spoke in a heavy Persian accent as she began to elaborate on her story.

She told us that when she was in her late teen's, she was afflicted with a disorder that no doctor could connect the dots to find its primary origin within her.  It seems she would periodically pass out with NO prior warning.  It happened several times, including while she was driving a car.  Until one day, as she was walking down her home's stairs, she passed out and fell all the way to the bottom of the basement flooring.   She weaved a tale that was absolutely riveting and had us all at the edge of our seats.  She continued on by saying she left her body and could she her father hovering over her limp body, crying.  And then, without warning, she was whisked ‘into the light.’  And it was there that she claims she saw Jesus the Christ.  His presence alone calmed her fears as he began to speak.  He told her it was not yet her time to come back HOME, and that she would soon be going back to her body.  But the previous issues of passing out would be eradicated.  And she was also to be given a special GIFT!  Jesus told her that she would have the ability to see if someone was NOT ON THEIR CHOSEN PATH.  And it was her responsibility, upon coming across such a person , to help them Re-member their TRUTH!  What a story, RIGHT!!

We were just about finished with our lunch and after paying the tab, started to leave.  When this incredible woman asked me if I could stay behind for a moment.  I told my buddy to go back to the seminar, and I would catch up with him in a few minutes.

She slowly moved in close to my body's proximity and grabbed my hands.  “Jeff, you KNOW why you are here, don't you?”, she gently inquired.  “Absolutely, ” I said, “to learn how to buy and sell real estate!”  LOL

She leaned in even closer and in almost a whisper said, “Jeff, you are here to be a spiritual teacher.  Not for the hundreds, or even thousands of people.  But for millions.”  A few tears started to well up, because deep down, I knew she was right.

So why do you not do this Jeff.  I KNOW you know your purpose.” she said.
I took a beat or two before responding back.  “I don't know if I can do it.” I said.  Tears now streaming down my cheeks.

Jeff, you have a very special Journey here.  And before I let you leave, you have to promise me  something, ” she declared.  I shook my head yes.  “You must promise me, that you will fulfill your purpose.  Do you promise me this?”

Trying to hold my emotional composure, I gave her a hug and whispered ‘YES’ into her ear.

And it took me another 10 years to FINALLY fulfill that promise.  But I regret nothing.  I wasn't ready.  There was still information I needed to collect and experiences I needed to have before I was ready to MAKE THE JUMP!  But I am now doing it.  Every day.  By writing this blog, and coaching clients.  And I am launching a weekly podcast, THE NEW AGE NERD PODCAST next month!!  And on the largest podcast network in the world, and one in which I am a Key Media Advertising Consultant for while working remotely!

My point in fleshing out this story is to remind all of you that right NOW, you are EXACTLY where you need to be on your Journey.   If you still haven't found your path and purpose, that is OK!  Just make sure that you are ALWAYS listening.   Because the Universe is always guiding you with signs and gestures of where to go.  It could come from the lyrics of the next song you hear, or in a chapter from a book you are currently reading.  But you must be ready at all times to listen for the cues!  They will come!  In a timing that is perfect for YOU!  Your job is to FOLLOW YOUR BLISS, your passions, in things you seek out.  And your purpose will eventually reveal itself to you; just PLEASE be listening!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Could It Be TIME To ADJUST Your BELIEFS About FATE and FREE WILL.....?!?



This Friday, Matt Damon is back reprising his role as Jason Bourne and I will be first in line to see it!!  Like a lot of us, I am a HUGE Damon fan and his bevy of terrific films.  Interestingly enough, it is one of his lesser know films that has been popping up in true synchronistic fashion the last week.  The movie is called ‘The Adjustment Bureau’ and is an absolute thought provoking joy!!  In fact,  it is actually one of my favorite films he has ever done!  So as is usually the case when Spirit intervenes with such a confection of conscious serendipity, I PAY ATTENTION!!

Without giving away any SPOILERS for those who have yet to experience the film, Damon plays David Norris, a fast rising Congressman with a magnificent political future ahead of him.  He is all set to win the Senate race he is running in, when FATE apparently intervenes with a chance meeting of a beautiful and regal young lady he meets by happenstance in the men's bathroom while rehearsing his upcoming speech.  In the scene, the film completely captures the MAGIC of the KNOWINGNESS that rarely occurs between two souls who have no doubt they are meant for one another in an instant.  But Norris (Damon) soon comes into contact with members from The Adjustment Bureau, a team of Spirit sent forces whose job it is to ‘fix’ glitches in the scheme of FATE  when they go awry.   Norris was NEVER supposed to meet this woman who he believes to be the love of his life.  AND in doing so, he has the chance of changing the course and outcome of his political career and pre-determined DESTINY.  This quandary propels the narrative forward into a marvelous and truly thought provoking quandary about  not only the meaning of FATE versus Free Will, but how much of each plays a part in our actual lives!  Great stuff to ponder for any New Age Nerd!!

Based on a Philip K. Dick short story, in some ways I am amazed a film with such esoteric themes was greenlit by a major Hollywood production company.  And equally pleased that is was!   It's the EXACT type of conscious entertainment that powers the importance and influence of our modern mythology!  Hopefully I have given you enough of the story to entice you to seek it our for yourself!  

So my intention for bringing up this film in today's post has to do with the all age question of, ‘ Is life a Journey of pure Fate and Destiny, over which we have little choice.? Or is it a path filled with FREE WILL at every turn?  OR, perhaps, could it be a combination of BOTH!!

I think we have all spent numerous hours if not weeks at various moments in time pondering this very question for ourselves.  Does this sound familiar?!  You had the opportunity to go up to speak to someone at a party and couldn't muster the courage to do so.  Or, you had a chance to move out of state for a new job opportunity, but didn't ‘take the jump.’    And spent the next few weeks, months, hell,  even years rehashing your decisions in your own inner monologue wondering “What if?”   I know my hand is raised high in the sky with such experiences!

And truth be told , there is NO PROOF of either Paradigm being ‘correct.’  In my travels, I have met about an equal amount of folks who believe life is all about FATE and another faction that are adamant that we are all given absolute FREE WILL over our path on this Journey.

However, there is an all time favorite book of mine called ‘The Four Desires.’  And it truly enlightened me to the possibility that indeed our life experience consists of BOTH DESTINY and FREE WILL.  We are perhaps still too early in our development to have all encompassing free will over EVERY aspect of our lives.   Think what could happen if we were suddenly given all the answers to the vast amounts of power in the entire Universe for instance.  Given the current state of our world, can you see this causing some serious problems in power struggles, violence, greed, etc.  I sure can!

In the book, by Rod Stryker, he says, “The President of the United States, his holiness the Dali Lama, and Bill Gates are not above the earthly forces that are beyond their control, and neither are you.  There will always be someone or something to answer to.  Whether it is a group, or political party, or even God himself. Something holds at least some of the cards that determine your fate!”

He goes on to say that according to the ancient teachings of the VEDAS, this experience is a combination of FATE and FREE WILL.  Meaning we all have a pre determined Destiny, that we can accomplish through following our Hero's/ Heroine's Journey.  However, there is NO THING that will ever FORCE you to follow that predetermined path. That is still completely up to you.  And that truly resonates within the deepest part of my KNOWINGNESS.  It is also why I think it is so important for us to each awaken ourselves first, and then share that state with others.  Always and in ALL WAYS.  We can do this through assisting others in Re-membering who they are and help them to follow their calling.  To me, it's not so matter a matter of how FATE and FREE WILL play out in our lives, but rather fulfilling our purpose for manifesting into the human condition in the first place.  I do believe both play a part, but their purpose is to work TOGETHER to help keep us on our true path!

I would love to know your own opinions on this extraordinary topic.  For there is no right or wrong, just our own interpretation and personal beliefs.  And perhaps by having more of these types of dialogues, we can help illuminate one another to the TRUTH!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, July 25, 2016

Do You KNOW We TEACH People HOW We Want To Be TREATED........



One of the most common issues I am confronted with by my clients is the manner in which they are BEING treated by others.  Be it their spouse, co-workers, family members, or friends, it certainly seems to be an EPIC problem.  And it's completely understandable.  We all would like to be treated with respect, kindness, and love.  As Oprah has stated over and over again, the ONE common trait she has found on her Journey meeting with people from all over the world is their DESIRE to be seen and heard with respect.

But before we jump into the discussion of how others are treating you, it is absolutely vital to acknowledge how YOU are treating YOU.  When was the last time you spent quality time checking in with yourSELF on such important topics such as what are your core values, beliefs, and feelings; especially with regards to how you are using these emotions and thoughts and how they relate toward your own sense of SELF worth.  Would you agree that it is quite challenging to ask others to treat you in a manner that you don't even treat YOURSELF?   I would say HECK YES!    

Here are a few important questions you can ask yourself.  What is your Code of Conduct system?  Do you even have one?  What is your ideal vision for a true CO-Creational relationship?   What are your boundaries regarding the way you desire to be treated?  Do you have a defined value system for yourSELF?  What does respect mean to you? 

I know all to well from my own personal experience how damaging NOT having answers to these questions can be for our interpersonal relationships.  The reason being is THAT WE TEACH OTHERS HOW WE WANT TO BE TREATED.   Re-read that last sentence.  It will be one of the most important tenets to your happiness and success in your lifetime!  

My birth father abandoned our family when I was just 3 years of age.  And the long lasting affect it had on my psyche was devastating.  I consequently grew up being absolutely terrified that if I stood up for myself in situations that I knew were not being respectful of my feelings, the person would leave.  So by MY actions of NOT saying anything, I was actually teaching people it was A-OK to treat me in such a hurtful and disrespectful manner.  And it took me a LONG time to gain the sense of self LOVE to in a sense re-teach others how I desired to be treated.  And it was FAR from easy to do so.  Once people get accostomed to to treating you in a familiar manner, trying to undue this behavior can cause some friction, to say the least!  

In fact, it took me into my 30's to truly redefine my own sense of Core Conduct and develop a deep rooted and overwhelming degree of SELF LOVE.  The type that compassionately sets the tone with others.  And what a difference did it make!  I now make it very clear to my personal Tribe members what I expect in our co-creations and make DAMN sure I do my part in returning the sense of love, respect, and kindness I seek for myself!

Plus, with way of the Universal Law of Attraction, we actually attract people who are going to treat us EXACTLY how we treat ourselves.  Haven't you been witness to many a friend who continues to attract the same ‘wolf in sheep's clothing ’ in their personal relationships?!?  It's because like attracts like.  I love the saying “Likes tend to last!”  And they DO!  No doubt about it!

And here is something else that is so vital to remember when we DO attract people into our life who cause us emotional pain and discomfort.  They are actually providing us with a wonderful gift.   They are shining a light on the areas within YOU that still need LOVE and attention.  That's right!  They are showing you where healing still needs to be done.  That doesn't mean we need to keep them in our life forever, but instead of reacting outwardly toward them in a non compassionate manner, thank them internally for the gift they came to give you and then realize it is perfectly OK to love them from the other side of the room if their behavior continues.  

Another important thing to remember is that people are not mind readers.  One tweak that has created miracles in my personal relationships is actually sharing with others how I need them show up for me in certain situations.  Most individuals tend to go into ‘fix it mode’ when we come to them with our problems.  When very often, all we need is for them to listen.  But we rarely share this information with them.  So  I urge you to start implementing this technique into your relationships and see the MIRACLES that start to manifest!

The last suggestion I will impart on this topic has to do with conflict resolution skills.  Sophia Nelson, a writer for the Huffington Post said it brilliantly, “This is critical — you must surround yourself with people again who have a similar code. I like to TALK things out. I think it is essential to talk before you walk. No matter how uncomfortable, or challenging, at some point mature adults have to talk about their differences and seek to resolve them peaceably in ways that make us better, wiser people. I detest (and I mean detest) people who do wrong things and cannot own their mistakes, apologize and grow up. I do not suffer people lightly who cause drama, then exit out, leaving others to clean up their mess or to have other left holding the emotional baggage of the wounds they have caused. Find out how people resolve conflicts before you get attached to them or in business dealings with them.”

I hope this information will help you move forward in all your relationships with a better mutually understanding of common respect, compassion, and fellowship.  The kind this world desperately needs!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Discover The ONLY True DISABILITY And How To AVOID It.......



Back in 1988, I was still in High School and living in the greater Northern Virginia area.  Or the DMV as it is now known as.  The previous ten years our hometown NFL team, the Washington Redskins were a DYNASTY.   Perennial playoff contenders who had advanced to the Super Bowl for the third time in 7 years.  And I was obsessed with the team.  Their practice facility was just a few miles from my house and I often made the trek to the back fence of the complex just to get a glance of some of my gridiron HEROES!  

In fact, I was such a fan fanatic, I actually SKIPPED my mid-term exams to attend Super Bowl 22, in which my beloved Redskins trampled the helpless Denver Broncos 42-10!!  I was literally in ‘HOG’ Heaven!!  (You Skins fans will get that reference!)  I had made a deal with the High School principal that if he let me skip my exams, I would come back after the game and take all six of them in his office, one after another.  And ya know what, that's EXACTLY what I did!   And received 5 A's and one B+ ; thank you very much!  :0)  lol

So when I first watched the story of Matthew Jeffers, a fervent Baltimore Ravens fan who just a few years ago wrote an impassioned letter to the head coach of the team simply titled, ‘A Reason To Win,’ it left an indelible imprint on the deepest part of my heart.  That season, the Ravens had lost 3 games in a row and were about to be eliminated from the playoffs.  The entire team and their coaching staff were under intense scrutiny and many members of the team felt the energy within the entire organization start to crumble.  Just a few years earlier they had won the Super Bowl, and now they were a team under fire!

John Harbaugh, the team's head coach returned to his office from a long day of practice  one day and checked his e-mails.  His assistant had forwarded Jeffer's letter to him.  Harbaugh said, “This one(letter) stopped me.  Really it made me pause.  It came from a fan, and it got me.  I immediately decided to share it with the team and emailed it to them.”

Here is the email that he sent...........................................

"To Whom It May Concern,
"My name is Matthew Jeffers. I am a senior at Towson University majoring in acting, and I have been a die-hard Ravens fan since Baltimore welcomed you with open arms in 1996. As you, the Ravens, continue to battle through tough losses and heated criticism, allow me to share some thoughts with you. You are in uncharted territory. You (and us) have had the gift and pleasure of consistently winning for years, and frankly, you have spoiled us. You have maintained a level of professionalism and inspiring play for so long that we have lost touch with what it feels like to have our feet in the mud. And I'm sure it is an even worse feeling for you, the ones on the field, than it is for the ones in the stands.
"And let me let you in on a little secret. Life doesn't care about streaks. It does not care about three-game losing streaks, or four-game win streaks. It does not care if you WANT to win, if you NEED to win. At the end of the day, life is simply unfair. I am short-statured. I am 21 years old, but stand only at 4'2”. Over my lifetime I have endured 20 surgeries, some small, others life-threatening. I have had a tracheotomy, I have had blood transfusions, I have spent summers in a hip spica cast, and I've had to learn how to walk again. My last surgery was in 2003, and I acquired the naive mindset that I was free from the bondage of heartache. I had the mindset that I had ‘done my time.’ And then, in February of 2011, my mother was diagnosed with a stage IV brain tumor. As I write this, the doctors at JHU are determining whether or not the next step should be Hospice care. So you tell me, is life fair? When you give every ounce you have, and all you have to show for it is a loss in overtime, is that fair? When families in Newtown, CT go into their child's room, but have no child to kiss goodnight, is that fair?
"We live in a painful world, no doubt about it. But let me tell you this: The ONLY disability in life is a bad attitude. The ONLY disability in life............is a bad attitude. A positive attitude is the most powerful combatant to life's misfortune. The will to fight, to survive, to win. It is the secret weapon I use, and I think I'm turning out OK. When you play on Sunday, let it not be to win a division or to silence the critics or prove somebody wrong or end a losing skid. Let it be a dedication to that simple yet powerful notion that life can be conquered with the right outlook. And I promise you, I promise you that everything else will take care of itself. Go get 'em on Sunday. I wish you all the best on your journey to The Lombardi."
Posted by Kevin Byrne from www.baltimore ravens.com

The next day, the team felt completely INSPIRED and recharged.  Many of the players credit that letter with turning their entire season around!    In fact, the Ravens won their final game of the season to finish at 10-6 and found a place in that season's playoff run.  And what could only be written in a Hollywood script, actually went on to WIN THE SUPER BOWL!!  Beating the San Francisco 49ers 34-31!

We all face challenges of various degrees.  Some MUCH worse than others.  And I would NEVER want to trivialize any of the myriad of disabilities millions face with such bravery and courage very single day.  My intention for sharing this INCREDIBLE story is because I know from personal experience, that ANY obstacle, or disability can be overcome.  And I DO MEAN ANY!!  Through  the support of others and the deep BELIEF in ourselves, we can turn our PAIN INTO POWER!
It is the Hero's/Heroine's Journey lived to its fullest!  Having the KNOWINGNESS that everything that happens can be seen for our greater good and for the understanding of our path and PURPOSE!
Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, July 23, 2016



~~    Kirk:   “What are we going to do?  We are outmatched on every level.”
        Spock:  “We will do what we always do, Captain.  Find HOPE in the impossible.”


Now that Oprah Winfrey no longer has her daily TV show, there is ONE man who has picked up her mantle and actually produces some very valuable and incredibly INSPIRATIONAL programming.  Many of you know him because of his recent MISSTEP on the Miss Universe pageant.  But for those who never DVR his show, it might be a great time to start.   His name of course is Steve Harvey and is a powerhouse of positive POWER.  And he knows that of which he speaks.  He came from absolutely nothing, and was actually homeless for a period of his life.  But he did something that many of us DREAM about doing, yet a very precious few ever attempt.  He TOOK THE JUMP!!

Yesterday's repeat episode was incredible emotional as he consoled a guest whose life long dream was to open her own beauty shop, but like many of us, lacked the intestinal fortitude to leave her comfortable job and TAKE THE JUMP! He began the segment by espousing, “I meet so many people with big professional dreams, but something always holds them back. If you NEVER take the leap of faith or what I now call THE JUMP, you will never know if you can SOAR!”

I found out that he actually motivates his own crowd before every show.  One such motivational speech in front of his Family Feud audience went viral and they played it on yesterday's show.

Standing like a preacher of passion in front of this live studio audience, Steve began to preach by eloquently espousing, “I'm going to tell you something that EVERY single successful person has to do.  Including you.  EVERY SUCCESSFUL PERSON IN THIS WORLD HAS TAKEN THE JUMP.  You have to take that gift, which comes packed away on your back, you have to jump off that cliff and pull that chord.  That gift opens up and provides the SOAR.  And if you don't use it, you are going to continue to get up everyday and just go to work.   And if you continue getting up every day going to a job that you hate,  THATS NOT LIVING.”   Preach Steve, PREACH!  

Steve has of course done this himself, and understands the challenges that are a natural part of the process.   His point especially fleshed out when he says, “If you want to live your life in a comfort zone, it will become your FAILURE ZONE. In order to become successful, you are going to have to become uncomfortable.  Do not sit here in fear, and let fear control your fate.  Because you won't go ANYWHERE.  I'm going to tell you something about the JUMP you need to know.  Jumping is scary.  When you first jump, your parachute is NOT going to open up right away.  I would love to tell you that it would. That when you leave your job, the parashute is not going to open right away.  It's not going to happen that way.  You are going to get some skin torn off you on the rocks during the way down.  At times it is going to feel like an uncontrollable tumble.  But let me tell you this, if you NEVER jump, your parachute will never open.  YOU WILL NEVER SOAR.  You will be safe, with your parachute still on your back.  All your skills and talents still packed away and you will never get cut up.  But if you NEVER take that jump, YOU WILL NEVER SOAR.  If you don't jump, I am going to tell you something.  You will never know. You may be the best at what you do, but you will NEVER know.  You have to jump, everybody has to take the jump.”  And I could't agree more.  One of my definitions of a SIN, is unfulfilled potential.

Steve began to cry as he spoke, the obvious experience of his own pain and challenges, and the courage it took for him to take that jump , and the sense of fulfilled purpose it brought  him was so evident without him saying a single word. Simply crying on stage said it all.  

This segment resonated with me on SO many levels that I started to tear up myself.  It has taken me over 40 years to take the jump. And I have NEVER been happier, or more fulfilled than I currently do at this moment in my life.  I have no regrets, as each and every experience I was collecting along my Hero's Journey was preparing me for this moment!  

With the precarious state of the world, with mass shootings and acts of random violence and terrorism filling our airwaves on a nearly daily basis, I have a theory.    And it is why I am so PASSIONATE about what I do as a coach and inspirational thought leader.  I truly believe, the quickest way to change the world is to help people Re-member why they are here.  As a collective consciousness WE HAVE LOST OUR PURPOSE.  And to fill the void of not taking the jump to fulfill the DESTINY that is part of our essence, we are chasing false idols, and quite frankly, have become truly lost.  From my own experience, I have learned that the ONLY thing that will permanently fulfill the longing in our hearts and souls, the void of disconnection from Spirit, is following our Divine Purpose.  That is what this blog is all about.  Inspiring all New Age Nerds to awaken and truly live their LEGACY.  Doing so is a spiritual balm that helps heal the deepest wounds and fractures in our own BEING and amongst one another.  

I know only too intimately how much a comfortable life may seem appealing.  But after a while, it leaves you with a deep feeling of unfulfilled potential. And that is when depression, anxiety, drugs, alcohol, and other self sabotaging behavior slowly start to creep into our experience.  AND it can sneak up on you if you aren't careful.  Trust me!!!

Please do not misunderstand me.  I am NOT saying everyone should up and leave their current jobs to pursue their dreams and follow their PURPOSE.  It takes vision, and a sound plan put in place first.  But at some point, it will be so critical to step up to the Edge of Life and TAKE THE JUMP toward the very reason you came here to BE!  And that, my friends, is when MIRACLES become commonplace and LOVE abounds!!    And more importantly, the moment you truly commit to your purpose, the Universe will rush in and flood your experience with anything and everything you need to survive!   Now doesn't that sound like a life truly worth living?!?


Jeffrey Louis Martinez  

Friday, July 22, 2016




Last evening I was having a wonderful and quite deep conversation with a fellow coach.  We started our dialogue by discussing the particular type of life coaching we were most interested in.  And for me, the answer should hopefully not be a surprise to my fellow New Age Nerds; that being LIFE PURPOSE.  Helping others discover, and then follow their BLISS toward the very reason they decided to manifest into the human condition from the world of SPIRIT is obviously a huge passion for me.  It's why I started this company and why I write this BLOG.  To help others with the INSPIRATION and support they may need to live their LEGACY.  

I now know that much of this obsession stems from my greatest HERO, my father!  He was a teacher for nearly 30 years who touched the lives of thousands of students.  And it is through their businesses, endeavors, families, and conscious deeds of DELIGHT that his Legacy continues to live on.  In fact, at his retirement, at least ONE student from every year he taught showed up to show their respects for this man who had forever left an imprint of a life well lived.  

My coaching buddy was inquiring about the various things I have been implementing to grow the New Age Nerd into something that can help as many people as possible.  Thanks to you fellow NERDS daily readership of this blog has risen more than 20 fold since I started it in January of this year!!!  AND IT IS ALL THANKS TOO YOU!   And I wish I could simply share the heartfelt feelings of joy and happiness I feel with each and every one of you personally!!  

So during my friend's line of questioning about my business, he asked me how am I able to write so many blog entries with all the other things I am juggling, usually concurrently?!  LOL.    And do you know what I said?  “It's not all me, most of it is coming straight from Infinite Intelligence.  Or what many (like myself) call SOURCE energy. Do you think I could do all this by myself?”, I said.

“What do you mean exactly, Infinite Intelligence,” he retorted back with more than a twinge of curiosity.  

I am simply the vessel and allow SOURCE to work through me.  Now since I AM part of SOURCE (As we ALL are) it's NOT that I am uninvolved in the process.  It's just that I AM a small emanation of the WHOLE and thus have learned to BE IN ALLOWANCE of the greater part of Infinite Intelligence that wishes to work through me.  

Completely fascinated, he asked me, “How do you this?”  To which I offered a slight giggle.
“That is like asking how to be in relationship with GOD.  It is personal for each of us.  I would say that meditation is a great first step on the Journey,” I advised him.

He happens to be a fantastic guitar player and so I asked him how it felt the first few months of learning too play that instrument.  “It was pretty rough and painful, ” he said without hesitation.  When I inquired how long it took him to really start to get into a ZONE, a flow while playing, he said it took quite a while, but once it started, it felt like magic.  

“There is no difference between learning to play the guitar, and learning to tap into SOURCE.  It's getting out of your own way, and putting your own EGO aside.  And just BE.  Which is much more difficult at first for most people than it sounds.  But OH is it worth it.  It's Heaven on Earth and experiencing the act of being CREATOR.  Simply BLISSFUL.”

Now here is the SECRET SAUCE to tapping into this unending and bountiful slice of Infinite Intelligence that many call GENIUS.   In fact, most famous writers, poets, dancers, singers, or masters of many professions who have experienced this magical sensation eventually learn that the key to its access is........HUMILITY.  

In a book titled ‘Power vs Force’, by David R. Hawkins, there is a chapter that in great detail explains the scientific findings of what allows us to tap into our own GENIUS.  “Human history is the record of man's struggle to comprehend truths which to those of genius seem obvious.  Genius is by definition a style of consciousness characterized by the ability to access high energy attractor patterns.  It is NOT a personality characteristic.  It is NOT something that a person ‘HAS’, or even something someone ‘IS.’  Those in whom we characterize genius commonly disclaim it.  A UNIVERSAL characteristic of genius is HUMILITY. ”  As they say, Steven Spielberg never walks into a room and claims he is Steven Spielberg.  Watch the interviews he and George Lucas do. They are constantly deflected their power of genius.  And it is so refreshing and infectious!  

And hopefully you understand in humility, I am referring to the understanding that we are true co-creators always and in ALL WAYS.  To tap into the highest forms of truth and spiritual beauty in any endeavor, discard the ego and be in collaboration with SPIRIT!  You will be amazed at the work that will start to manifest before your eyes!!  And after enough practice, you will be living as though you have brought Heaven to Earth as your daily experience.  And THAT, is pure BLISS and a Hero's/Heroine's Journey for the ages!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez