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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, November 30, 2018

BLISSFUL BOOSTS for This Holiday Season!!


~~ Fortune      (RUDY)


For the great majority of us, we are in the midst of the Holiday Season that seems to come earlier and earlier every year.  While the hustle and bustle of this time of year can certainly bubble up tremendous feelings of heartfelt excitement, let us NOT forget its TRUE meaning.  Over commercialization has dampened such a powerful opportunity for all of us to Re-member that this Holiest of Holidays bring with them a time for introspective reflection of the past year with GRATITUDE!  In addition to ornately wrapped gifts for others, we can craft time for giving ourselves the most sacred of Holiday Presents;  BEING IN THE NOW!!  For there is no greater gift than letting go of "STORIES" from the past year that no longer serve us.  So that we can stay grounded in the present moment where we are in alignment to awaken our INNER HERO! And in doing so, Unleash the Divine Spark waiting to cause a disruptive shift within this Planet's collective consciousness!  Where our God Given Gifts forever ignite the World's LOVE LIGHT, illuminating the path toward Peace, Joy, and Harmony and miracles are made manifest in the most unexpected ways !  Now THAT is a Holy Season to get super jazzed and jolly about!!

For oh so many, this time of the year brings with it a downtrodden and angst filled sense of disconnection.  Trust me, because I've been there.  If life is smooth sailing, the Holidays can bring majestic emotions.  Yet if your life is fraught with painful conditions, this time of year can bring you feelings of being LESS THAN and joy seems to court others and leave us without a dance partner.    

Fortunately, a well timed  Refresher Course of simple Re-membrances  can offer a shift in our perspective and change our mindsets back toward a hopeful outlook on our life. As the late Wayne Dyer said, "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

And this being a time of year to find a deeper meaning in our life, one that truly reflects our Soulful Calling, I would like to invite you all into a daily commitment to fully step into your own unique Hero's/Heroine's Journey.  For I truly believe that stepping out of our stagnation and into FOLLOWING OUR BLISS is the most effective way to stay in a state of soulful fulfillment.  There is NO drug, alcohol, or materialistic item that will fill a void and longing in your heart like the BLISS that imbues our entire inner being when we spend our days following our true calling.  TRUST ME!   If you absolutely desire to experience the feeling of a miracle, realign your thoughts, beliefs , and your actions toward your particular path or calling and thank me later!  :0)

To assist you in this Re-membrance over the weeks leading up to the New Year, I would like to share  with you the following 23 lessons from none other than the BUDDHA.  It is my desire that they will support you and give you the comfort, inspiration, and support during your Hero's Holiday Journey!

1) Love heals all things

“Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.”

2) It’s not what you say but what you do that defines you

“A dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker.”

3) The secret of good health is to live fully in the NOW

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.”

4) Who looks inside awakens

“The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart.”

5) Words have the power to both hurt and heal

“Words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world.” ~ Buddha

6) Let it go and it will be yours forever

“You only lose what you cling to.”

7) No one can walk your path for you

“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.”

8) Happiness never decreases by being shared

“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”

9) Be kind to all

“Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant with the weak and wrong. Sometime in your life, you will have been all of these.”
“Have compassion for all beings, rich and poor alike; each has their suffering. Some suffer too much, others too little.”
“Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.”

10) Don’t believe everything you are told to believe

“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”

11) As you THINK so shall you be

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded on our thoughts and made up of our thoughts. If a man speak or act with an evil thought, suffering follows him as the wheel follows the hoof of the beast that draws the wagon…. If a man speak or act with a good thought, happiness follows him like a shadow that never leaves him.”

12) Let go of fear

“The whole secret of existence is to have no fear.   If you only knew who walks always by your side, you would NEVER be afraid!”

13) The truth has a way of always leaking out

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”

14) Control your mind or it will control you

“To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.”
“It is a man’s own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways.”

15) Doubt separates. Trust unites

“There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills.”

16) Nobody is more deserving of your love than you yourself are

“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”

17) Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment

“It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.”

18) Spirituality isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity

“Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life.”

19) Replace jealousy with admiration

“Do not be jealous of others’ good qualities, but out of admiration adopt them yourself.”

20) Look for peace within yourself

“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.”

21) Let go of attachment

“To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one’s own in the midst of abundance.”

22) Choose your friends wisely

“An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.”

23) There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way

Some Excerpts from Dailyhealthdose.net



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, November 16, 2018

AWAKEN to Life's Opportunity Toward a NEW EARTH...!!!

My friend and incredible transformational life and leadership coach Christine Hassler has a term for what many of us are currently feeling in this World of constant uncertainty.   It's called an ‘Expectation Hangover.’    It occurs when we hang our internal sense of peace and well being on external circumstances that do not unfold in the manner that WE BELIEVE they should. As they say, EXPECTATIONS are nothing more than premeditated resentment.  It is when we allow the swaying seas of emotion and circumstance to be the guideposts for our happiness.  When the fact of the matter is that TRUE serenity exists when we are able to calm our own inner and outer storms when being surrounded by trials and tribulations beyond our control.  If you are being completely honest with yourself, have you done the self work to be able to maintain that sense of tranquility while in the eye of life's current garage of stormy weather?!?  I know at times I still have a LONG way to go to master this crucial aspect of navigating a successful demeanor during times of complete discord within my own life and the conditions that are currently enveloping so much of our precious planet.   Yet perhaps NOW is a God Given opportunity to begin a daily spiritual practice to both see and BELIEVE in a World that is in alignment with our collective purpose; which is NO THING less than creating a harmonic vibration of  LOVE that supports and comforts US ALL INTO OUR FULL BEINGNESS......  

In this moment of NOW, we are angry, frustrated, disillusioned, and seek great change.  And BELIEVE it or not, that is progressive and elated news.  Why, you ask?!  Because throughout history, the greatest mechanisms of massive change and growth has occurred during the most desperate times of our world and within this nation in particular.  Desperation leads to INSPIRATION and to be INSPIRED is to be IN-SPIRIT.  And THAT is exactly where we all would benefit in being at this current moment in time.  As much as we may feel division amongst one another, the TRUTH is that we need BRINGERS of the LIGHT and Love Warriors now more than ever.  We must awake from our slumber and get more involved in protecting our civil rights, eradicating any and all sense of disenfranchisement, and protecting what is left of the health of this planet.  We have a responsibility to build a NEW EARTH.  In fact, I absolutely believe that is what all of our Hero's/Heroine's Journey's happen to be at this crucial moment in time.  

Each and every one of us was given a gift before agreeing to manifest into this World, that is so powerful that most of us are either afraid to wield it, or refuse to see it; afraid of the responsibility that it holds.  But we can wait NO LONGER.  We are the HEROES that we have been seeking.   Instead of looking to our elected officials for direction and intestinal fortitude, it would serve us to understand and realize that WE hold the power toward the true CHANGE that we all seek.  

And that CHANGE starts with the eradication of any and all sense of separation.  WE ARE ALL ONE!!!  Let me please repeat that.  WE ARE ALL ONE!!  Black , white, latino, asian.   Gay, straight, transgender, lesbian, and bi-sexual.  IT DOES NOT MATTER!  Separation is an ILLUSION.  It was created so that we could experience anything in our heart's desire.  We created this world of duality and preferences that are never-ending in nature.  Please let us Re-member this truth and not get lost in the illusion that our differences are the cause of our divisiveness.  That sort of thinking upends the very gifts that our differences were meant to bring. We are a woven tapestry of different colors, beliefs, ideas, emotions, looks, that are all meant to galvanize us and our passions.  Not create HATE and FEAR!!  

So I plead everyone reading this to look DEEP within themselves and the current state of their own lives.  And ask yourself some tough questions.  How do you feel most of the time?

Are you living your CALLING?  Do you feel fulfilled?  Or are you simply ‘going through the motions’ of life, waiting for a person or experience to come that will somehow magically shift your perspective and reality back toward the dreams you left on your heart's shelf years ago?

I do not want to be the Grinch, but that person or experience is NOT coming by itself.   All of life is a co-creation.  And there are way too many of us sitting on the bench waiting for a knock on the door with the answers to our angst.  When that call from the Heavens rings within the depths of your SOUL, will you be ready to pick up the phone?!?  Why you ask?!?    Because that is UP TO YOU!  The Universe has no problem meeting you halfway, but it is awaiting your assistance through waking up from your slumber of conscious complacency.  Because what you resist persists and what we face melts away.  Well guess what, the current state of this planet is the WAKE UP to step into your individual Greatness!!.  You have but two choices in life.  You can setback and let life HAPPEN TO YOU, or you can go out as the Hero/Heroine you were born to be, and HAPPEN TO LIFE.  It's up to you......

We have a magnificent opportunity to create the type of world we all seek.  Where Love TRUMPS Power, and Hope flows through the streets for all to bask in its healing balm.  The night is always darkest just before the dawn.    Our dawn is just about to come.  If we wake up and take rightful action towards LOVE.   And away from separation and FEAR.  So I ask you, what are YOU prepared to do to assist in creating a New Earth that has the ability to create UNITY and LIGHT that shines bright and helps to create and fulfill all of our dreams and Divine Destiny.............



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Live this NEW End of Year HABIT..And Change Your LIFE!!!

For the past decade, I have developed an end of year practice that truly brings a sense of solace to my own Soul. And it seems to offer a very similar BLISSFUL vibration to all those I continue to share it's offering of compassionate kindness as well as its innate gesture of the GIVING nature that is at the core meaning of this Season of Collective Consciousness!

It's beauty belies the ease and grace upon which its tenet is built upon; that simply being LOVE..........

Are you aware that one of the most powerfully disruptive declarations any Spirit on this blue spinning globe within the Cosmos can make is a CHANGE IN HABIT!! Sometimes it's the smallest of gestures that can cause the most powerful shifts in our own personal PARADIGMS! One of my favorite books is from the ultra spiritually luminated author Rod Stryker. In his absolutely terrific tome,"The Four Desires" he espouses, " If you don't consciously choose the direction of your life, your past will choose it for you. In other words, if you wish to change your life, you must change some of your habits, or else the momentum behind the habits, will more than likely, propel you to the same life that you have been leading up until now." PREACH!!!!

So during my own Hero's Journey, I have developed many NEW HABITS that have shifted the course of my own Path many times over! What I have discovered through many MISSTEPS and stubborn declarations of what I truly believed served my own highest good was that I was often trying to 'ARM WRESTLE GOD.' And so I ask you, how many times do you think I was presented the TROPHY of trials and tribulations during my many melees with the GRAND CREATOR...?!??!? YUP..... ZERO...ZIP...NADA.... Zilch..... LOL.... The message here is that GOD is your ANCHOR, your Mentor and the Greatest Guide you will ever encounter... So LET GO......and LET GOD!!!! You can Thank Me Later................I PROMISE!!!

Here is a wonderfully ebullient end of year practice I would like to share with my fellow NEW AGE NERDS! But before I do, I would like to share a very sobering TRUTH about the world's abundance. Did you know that less than 5% of all the SOULS on this planet own over 90% of the world's collective wealth?!?! THAT IS FACT!

And it is an absolutely crying shame. DISGUSTING in fact! Did you also know that if everyone, no matter how rich or poor, gave just 10% of their wealth and we distributed it fairly, ALL poverty in the world would be eradicated in an instant?!? ALSO A FACT!!

With those truths in mind, here is something we can all do that not only shares our own abundance with those who live in a vibration of LACK, but also fills our own experience with new BEGINNINGS of abundance to start the New Year...... In fact, I spent all day doing this very yearly HABIT......

There is a little known spiritual law that I would like to share with you! The UNIVERSE absolutely abhors a vacuum. What does this mean in layman terms?!?! Well, let me espouse further on this oh so very important UNIVERSAL LAW.....

When Source Energy experiences a reduction in ANY form, it floods that reduction with new energy that matches the EXACT form in which it was eradicated. Basically, Earthly energy can be neither created or destroyed. Only replaced!! Einstein approved 100%........

So at the end of each and every year, I go through my clothes, and all my other earthly possessions and give away any of them that no longer serve me. So any clothes I haven't worn in eons, or possessions that no longer enhance my reason for keeping them, I simply GIVE AWAY. Today, I gave away two GI-normous bags of my personal items to the United Lupus Foundation. And it felt absolutely AMAZING to know that so many of my fellow brothers and sisters who are in desperate need of basic material necessities will receive what no longer served me!

And while my INTENTION for this yearly habit is to share my own abundance with others in need, there is a MAGICAL repercussion in my actions of doing so that will also be replicated with anyone who practices this action of GRATITUDE. As stated earlier, the UNIVERSE absolutely abhors a vacuum. So when you give away your own abundance, Source Energy will tune into that frequency and flood your experience with new people, places, and things to replace that which you gave away! Pretty COOL huh?!?! Does that make any sense?!? I hope it does!

So I urge all my fellow TRIBE members to incorporate this Powerful end of year HABIT into their practice and watch the MAGICAL experiences that replaces anything and everything you gave away!! For as the SAGE saying espouses, that which you give away...... you become......!!!!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, November 9, 2018


During many of my coaching sessions, not to mention heartfelt conversations with friends and family, there is one topic that bubbles up with great consistency that I would like to address today.  It is the BELIEF that we literally have NO CONTROL over anything in our lives.  And that is SIMPLY NOT TRUE!!  Not only that, but the very aspect of our life that we have complete and TOTAL control over also happens to be the key ingredient to bringing you the success, happiness, peace, and abundance we all desire!  The answer is who we decide to let into our TRIBE. Thought leader Jim Rohn has declared as one of his basic mantras that, “We become the average of the five people we spend the most time with in our lives.”  And that includes our financial status, self growth progress, and every other pertinent part of the templates that together constitute who we are BEING and DOING with our lives!  Why else do you think the Avengers are so AMAZING!!   :0)

Think about that for a moment.  And figure out who those five people currently are in your life.  And please understand, this is in no way shape or form meant to be a judgment on anyone.  Including yourself!  It's just a sign of the ISNESS of where you currently are resonating in your life.  You picked those five people for a reason.  It's up to you to decide if you are ready to “up your game” and let go of anyone in your core circle who is toxic, or is not interested in self growth.  Whether you realize it or not, they may be holding YOU back from becoming ALL YOU CAME HERE TO BE!  That's right!  And I ain't joking!   This is serious stuff......

So if the people we choose to have in our life play such an intricate part of our happiness, why do we keep so many energy vampires and toxic filled Spirit's so close to us.  In my experience it is because we are more willing to deal with the Devils we already know than the Devil's we do not.  Meaning we would rather deal with that which we already know than to toss it away for something that is totally unfamiliar to us.  That seems to scary!  

There is also the factor of loneliness.  As Rev. Bernard Beckwith used to espouse at Agape church in Los Angeles, “When you decide to leave the crows and fly with the eagles, you must leave all that you know behind.  And on the way up above the clouds where these eagles soar, there will be many moments when you become fraught with loneliness and fear.”  Your first thought will always be to fly back down to the crows that you know will always be there.  DO NOT DO THAT!  One of the differences that separates those who accomplish MAGNIFICENT things in life from those that do not is that despite the fear and worry, they never stopped flying up to meet with the eagles!  Your Faith will be tested during this journey!  Trust me for this I know!!  For a while you will feel all alone and believe you have made a grave mistake.  This is nothing more than a cleansing process of everything that no longer serves you.  A ‘Spiritual Scrubbing Off’ so that a new foundation can be built that is big enough to now handle the grand new vision you are holding for yourself!!  All so you will be able to build and create that AMAZING MANSION of abundance, LOVE, Peace, Joy, creativity filled with the smells of fantastic friendships and many majestic memories that makes life worth living!!

So do yourself a favor and do a heartfelt gut check on your current Tribe members.  How do you FEEL after having co-creations with them?!  Do you feel more or less energized?!  Do they support the greatest vision you are holding for yourself?  Or do they desire to hold you back so they won't feel bad about not having the courage to step out of their own doubts and fears to build the life of their dreams?  Because you just may discover than you have to let some of them go.  And as awful as that may sound, please Re-member that it is completely OK to let others go!  All you are really doing is deciding to LOVE them from the other side of the room.  You are in NO judgement of them in any way, shape, or form.  But that does not mean you have to be a martyr by keeping people who have no business being in your life in your Tribe.  Even though it may not feel like it at first, there are an abundant amount of Spirits in this world who would be honored to call you friend, and support you in every manner you could possible conceive!  It's your job to be in ALLOWANCE of them into your life.......



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, November 8, 2018

A LESSON In Turing Your PAIN Into Your POWER!!




Today's post is both personal and extremely vulnerable for me to share.  However, I have dedicated my life as a WOUNDED HEALER.  And that involves being open and honest, with the faith that my tribe will respect my experiences and not judge them.  And more importantly, take some of the lessons and KNOWINGNESS gained from my own Journey to enrich theirs.  And as we all know by now, that is the paradigm of The Hero's/Heroine's Journey!  The biggest challenge is that like most Wounded Healers, my biggest strength can also be my kryptonite.  I am extremely sensitive and intuitively empathic.  And that combination makes some engagements with others quite challenging.  

Exactly one year ago, I found myself feeling like a pebble thrown along the shore of learned helplessness by the waves of the world's wisdom.  It was as if Spirit had tossed me ashore, and then said, “Go within.  Learn acceptance and Re-member why you came.  Collect the shards of your Purpose along the sand's tracks, by following the footsteps of your past.   For within each one there lies the gift from all your pain and suffering, trails and tribulations.  We waste nothing, and neither should you. Your tribe is waiting for you.  And so are we.”

There were moments when I felt like throwing in the towel.  I had to have emergency triple hernia surgery that crippled me for a few months.  My health insurance was from the Open Marketplace which pretty much means its catastrophic in nature. (That's a story for a different post!!)   At the same time the Crohn's Disease and Aynklosing Spondylitis I have started really flaring up.   When I tried to use my ATM card for some cash, the machine shouted back, “You're joking, right!"  My car was in desperate need of repairs and nearly undriveable.  The job I had taken to help support my  coaching business didn't workout and I was more broke than a ‘fritter on a frying pan.’  To say I was depressed was an understatement.  I felt alone, scared, and forgotten.  

So one night, soon after,  I had a ‘Come to Spirit’ session.  I had no choice in the matter.  I couldn't continue living life in this manner.   And I knew it deep down in my soulful core.  I went into my bedroom and sat on my bed to meditate and pray.  And I made a commitment to both myself and God/Spirit.  A co-creational pact and agreement if you will.  Right then and there, I promised that I would spend my waking days on No Thing other than my PURPOSE.  On being a constant vessel for Spirit to work through me and use my lessons from pain and suffering in service of others.  That EVERY decision I made from that point for the rest of my life, would have resonation with my Hero's Journey.  That meant keeping up with a daily spiritual practice.  Going back to the gym to keep my body in the type of shape needed to be a healthy vessel for Spirit to work through.  Writing every day.  Seeking out a mentor to assist building up my coaching and leadership business.  And find a job that would further serve my Purpose by providing me with knowledge, contacts, and experience for the additional components that I desire my business to be composed of.  (Yes, The New Age Nerd Podcast is coming soon!)

In return, I promised to have unbreakable FAITH in the SOURCE energy from Spirit to show me the  proper path to take and to guide me on it while I did the heavy lifting.  I LET GO AND LET GOD.

The next morning I awoke and headed to the gym.  And then spent the rest of my day doing EXACTLY as I had promised.  I had intense focus and made sure my thoughts and actions were congruent with my Purpose.  And I have woke up and done this EVERY morning since!  And ya know what, MIRACLES started showing up left and right!  Almost every day!

The New Age Nerd viewership is now at nearly 2,500 visits per day! (Up from about 400 two years ago)   I am honored and humbled to have Mr. Justin Constantine as my mentor as well as assisting in helping me launch my new website.  (also coming soon!)  I have put all the weight I lost from being so sick earlier in the year and am in the best shape of my life!

This experience has been one of the most profound and transformative moments in my life.  It has taught me that once we TRULY commit (And I mean TRULY) to using our own pain towards our Purpose, the Universe shows up in the most MIRACULOUS of ways!  And life seems full of MAGIC!

I urge anyone who is reading this and feels similar to the way I did, to understand no experience is wasted in this lifetime you were given.  It's up to you to use your pain to power your Purpose.  Wounds into Wisdom!!  And Re-member that you are NEVER alone!  Everything you need is already within you, waiting to be UNLEASHED and shared with the world.........



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, November 3, 2018

How The FIVE HOUR RULE Will Change your LIFE..!!

If you are anything like me, than you are constantly searching for how new ideas, concepts, paradigms, and thought patterns can be implemented into your daily regime to enhance and bring your life to new found heights.  Plus, I know that success leaves a trail, and so I try to sniff out the good ones whenever possible.  And I HIGHLY suggest you do the same...  Just SAYIN......   ;0)

On that note, I would like to share a new concept that I recently came across while reading an edition of Inc. magazine!  It's simply entitled  “The Five Hour Rule.”  While I was very much aware of Tim Ferriss' book “The Four Hour Workweek,” the Five Hour Rule was completely foreign to me.  And so of course I dove into the article with a fervent exuberance!  And what I found was both practical and given its use by such luminaries as Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey, something I was eager to start incorporating into my own life PRONTO TONTO!

The most fantastic part of this process is in its complete simplicity.  Basically, the writer of the article,  Michael Simmons of Impact, like so many of us, desired to understand and uncover some of the key patterns used by the iconoclasts and true luminaries in their perspective fields that has assisted in their phenomenal success.  Like I said earlier, success leads a trail, and those of us smart enough to follow its scent get to reap the rewards. According to Simmons, one trait he could find amongst the greatest leaders in their selective fields was  “Many of these leaders, despite being extremely busy, have set aside at least an hour a day (or five hours a week) over their entire career for activities that could be classified as deliberate practice or learning.”

And for the special and unique individuals he tracked, according to Simmons “the five-hour rule often fell into three buckets: reading, reflection, and experimentation.”

Again, while nothing earth shatteringly new or revolutionary, I've always believed in the power of KISS~ Keep It Spiritually Stupid.  It's always worked for me!  Now, I would like to quickly break down these three attributes, and in turn flesh them out in their practical application with a little more moxie.  Deal!  Awesome........


I am completely on board with this one.  In fact, I have a personal book collection that tops 400 and am constantly searching for new books that I can devour with a connoisseur's consciousness.  Don't get me wrong, I am in NO way a book snob.  But my philosophy is that if a book can introduce me to even ONE concept that I can implement into my enhance my life, it was well worth the time and investment!

And, obviously, I am not alone!  LOL  Here are some fascinating facts that Simmons discovered during his uncovering process:

  • Mark Cuban reads more than three hours every day.
  • Arthur Blank, co-founder of Home Depot, reads two hours a day.
  • Billionaire entrepreneur David Rubenstein reads six books a week.
  • Dan Gilbert, self-made billionaire and owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers, reads one to two hours a day.
And by far the most interesting fact Simmons uncovered was that Nike founder Phil Knight so reveres his library that in it you have to take off your shoes and bow.!!  For real!


I think many of us use a plethora of strategies for our own reflection.  Be it through meditation, journaling, or even taking long walks.  But read some of the ‘interesting’ ways Simmons found that the great minds amongst us use their personal reflection time:

AOL CEO Tim Armstrong makes his senior team spend four hours per week just thinking. Jack Dorsey is a serial wanderer. LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner schedules two hours of thinking time per day. Brian Scudamore, the founder of the $250 million company O2E Brands, spends 10 hours a week just thinking.
When Reid Hoffman needs help thinking through an idea, he calls one of his pals: Peter Thiel, Max Levchin, or Elon Musk. When billionaire Ray Dalio makes a mistake, he logs it into a system that is public to all employees at his company. Then, he schedules time with his team to find the root cause. Billionaire entrepreneur Sara Blakely is a long-time journaler. In one interview, she shared that she has more than 20 notebooks in which she logged the terrible things that happened to her and the gifts that have unfolded as a result.

3. Experiment
Napoleon Hill discovered that most self made men do not hit their true stride until they are in their mid to late 40's!  He summed up this phenomenon to the fact that these men never accepted the status quo.  They took great risks and and chances with their lives and business endeavors always pushing the preverbal envelope to discover the impossible.  

Simmons investigations found a similar pattern amongst today's greatest luminaries.  He writes, “Throughout his life, Ben Franklin set aside time for experimentation, masterminding with like-minded individuals, and tracking his virtues. Google famously allowed employees to experiment with new projects during 20 percent of their work time. Facebook encourages experimentation through Hack-a-Months.”

So what is the great TAKEAWAY from all this information?!  In my opinion it is that we all could carve out more time in our daily routines for learning and personal growth.  We spend SO much time taking care of our bodies through exercise, eating right, and reducing stress, yet our minds are left to their own accord for such nourishment.  

Simmons finishes his article by perfectly summing up his point of the importance of taking orderly learning and growth vitamins by saying,  “The long-term effects of not learning are just as insidious as the long-term effects of not having a healthy lifestyle. The CEO of AT&T makes this point loud and clear in an interview with The New York Times; he says that those who don't spend at least five to 10 hours a week learning online "will obsolete themselves with technology."



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, November 2, 2018


Boy, that's a big question to tackle you must be asking yourself!   And I don't blame you.  It is the one question that has been asked more times than any other since the dawn of existence of mankind as we know it.  I am not saying that I have the BE ALL answer that everyone has been searching for throughout the ages.   But what this New Age Nerd DOES HAVE is an answer that after much study and contemplating with mentors around the United States and through a slew of spiritual programs I have been privileged enough to attend the last 20 odd years, resonates most deeply within my Soul.  So I will share it with all of you, with the intention that at least parts of it will feel like a sliver of TRUTH within your inner knowingness as well.  Fair deal?!!  Fantastico!!

Of course by now we are all aware that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.  But why?!?  Why would we choose to leave the comforting confines of a Spiritual Realm that surrounds us with the constant knowingness that we are LOVE and that eradicates all FEAR?!  Some will say it is to manifest our Desires.  Ok, that makes some sense.  BUT, can't we do that instantaneously on the other side?!  I believe we can.  Still others think that it is to feel good and share that goodness with others.  I think there are nuggets of that ring true.  But it just doesn't feel like a full spiritual meal, does it?!  And of course there are MANY who ardently think we are here to prove our worth so that we can be ALLOWED back into God's Heavenly chambers for all eternity.  Yet, according to so many spiritual teachers, Heaven is not a place but a STATE OF BEING!  Not much left to go for up on the Jeopardy board of ‘Life's Biggest Questions.’  ;0)

So what if we allowed ourselves to come at this question from a completely different perspective.  One that is very HEART centered and completely LOVE based.  What if I told you that we are all here for the ‘Unfoldment of Our Soul?’  And by Unfoldment I mean being in alignment with only the LOVE that our Heart holds within all its makeup.  And ALLOWING that Love to unfold in any and every imaginable way that we can possibly conceive for the further expansion of the Universe!!  Let THAT sink in for a minute or two...........

Universal growth and expansion occurs when the very essence that created it allows itself to be greater today that it was yesterday.   And still greater the day after that.  Every time we share an expression of that LOVE within us, the Universe grows exponentially.  And that is EXACTLY what the Universe desires.  To become the Grandest Version of itself.  But it can ONLY do that through you, as me, for him, by her.   Does that make sense?!?  That is because we are ALL ONE!!  One of our greatest teachers of all time, Jesus the Christ, espoused that almost daily-  “That which you do to others, you do unto me.”  Can't get much clearer than that in my book!

And here is where things get completely and fabulously magical;  overtime YOU emit and unfold your heart and soul through acts of LOVE and kindness, your Spirit expands as well!!  And I think that's pretty damn cool!!  How and why does this happen you ask?  Because the very SOURCE that we all come from gave us the incredible power of free will.   And it can only channel through us to the extent that there is ROOM TO DO SO!  And everytime you stretch your heart song, you are opening up a larger portal for which SOURCE to work its miracles and magic through!  And you thought the magic in Harry Potter was all pomp and circumstance....LOL

Now just as the scientific principle of cause and effect is a very real phenomenon here on earth, so is the invert action when any of us CONSTRICT our heart song thus keeping the unfolding of our soul from taking place.  And that is EXACTLY what is occurring on our planet as I write this post.  Because the effect of this constricting nature causes Fear and angst to run supreme.  And SOURCE energy has very little it can do to remedy the situation. As we continue to live from a vibration of not LOVE, but greed, fear, jealousy, and disrespect, the very reason for our BEING here is jeopardized.  And guess what, it is currently affecting not only us, but planet Earth as well.  That is why we are seeing climate change start to wreck havoc on our shores all over the world.  It is a real occurrence that threatens to end life as we know it within the next 50-75 years folks!!  That thought alone should cause us all to think about our real reason for BEING.  Should it not?!!?

So I would like to offer  up the following suggestions.  One is to RELAX!  And take a walk, meditate, call a close friend, read a book or write.  Anything that calms your mind and centers you.  And then truly ponder the many ways in which you can begin to assist your soul in its inherent nature of unfoldment.  And Re-member, as Gandalf says, “It is the little acts of everyday kindness that I have found holds the darkness at bay.

And share this information(heck share this post with as many people as you know) with others.  So we can start a love chain reaction that grows our collective hear songs to unheard levels.  A spiritual American Idol of nothing but LOVE songs!!  And let your soul unfold back into the pureness and delicate nature of LOVE.  That is the answer we are waiting for and the only real call to action that can cause us to eradicate the tipping point that this planet and all the souls on it currently reside in..........



Jeffrey Louis Martinez