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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, March 31, 2023



One of the most common issues I am confronted with by my clients is the manner in which they are BEING treated by others.  Be it their spouse, co-workers, family members, or friends, it certainly seems to be an EPIC problem.  And it's completely understandable.  We all would like to be treated with respect, kindness, and love.  As Oprah has stated over and over again; the ONE common trait she has found on her Journey meeting with people from all over the world is their DESIRE to be seen and heard with dignity and respect.

But before we jump into the discussion of how others are treating you, it is absolutely vital to acknowledge how YOU are treating YOU.  When was the last time you spent quality time checking in with yourSELF?  On such important topics such as your core values, beliefs, and feelings; especially with regards to how you are using these emotions as they relate toward your own sense of SELF worth.  Would you agree that it is quite challenging to ask others to treat you in a manner that you don't even treat yourSELF?   I would say HECK YES!    

Here are a few important questions you can ask yourself.  What is your Code of Conduct system?  Do you even have one?  What is your ideal vision for a true Co-Creational relationship?   What are your boundaries regarding the way you desire to be treated?  Do you have a defined value system for yourSELF?  What does respect mean to you? 

I know all to well from my own personal experiences how damaging "NOT" having answers to these questions can be for our interpersonal relationships.  The reason being is "WE TEACH OTHERS HOW WE WANT TO BE TREATED."  Re-read that last sentence.  It will be one of the most important tenets to your happiness and success in your lifetime!  

My birth father abandoned our family when I was just 3 years of age.  And the long lasting affect it had on my psyche was devastating.  I consequently grew up being absolutely terrified that if I stood up for myself in situations that I knew were not being respectful of my feelings, the person might leave.  So by my actions of NOT saying anything, I was actually teaching people it was A-OK to treat me in such hurtful and disrespectful manners.  And it took me a long time to gain the sense of self LOVE to re-teach others how I desired to be treated.  Lemme say it was FAR from easy to do so.  Once people get accustomed to treating you in a certain manner, trying to undue this behavior can cause some friction to say the least!  It can actually send a shock to their system as the "mask" they are accustomed to engaging has suddenly morphed into a higher vibrational state. 

In fact, it took me into my 30's to truly redefine my own sense of "Core Conduct" and develop a deep rooted and ultra degree of SELF LOVE.  The type that compassionately sets the tone with others.  And what a difference did it make!  I now make it very clear to my personal Tribe members what I desire in our co-creations and make DAMN sure I do my part in returning the same sense of love, respect, and kindness I seek for myself!

Plus, by way of the Universal Law of Attraction, we actually attract people who are going to treat us EXACTLY how we treat ourSELVES.  Haven't you been witness to many a friend who continues to attract the same "wolf in sheep's clothing" in their personal relationships?!  It's because like attracts like. I love the saying “Likes tend to last!”  And they DO. No doubt about it!

And here is something else that is so vital to remember when you DO attract "emotional vampires" into your life.  They are actually providing you with a wonderful gift. They are shining a light on the areas within YOU that still need LOVE and attention. That's right!  They are showing you where healing still needs to be done.  That doesn't mean we need to keep them in our life forever. But instead of reacting outwardly toward them in a non compassionate manner, thank them internally for the gift they came to give you. Then realize it is perfectly OK to love them from the other side of the room if their behavior does not harmonize with your preferential forms of treatment. 

Another important thing to remember is that people are not mind readers.  One tweak that has created miracles in my personal relationships is actually sharing with others how I need them show up for me in certain situations.  Most individuals tend to go into ‘fix it mode’ when we come to them with our problems.  When very often, all we need is for them to listen.  But we rarely share this information with them.  So I urge you to start implementing this technique into your relationships and see the MIRACLES that start to manifest!

The last suggestion I will impart on this topic has to do with conflict resolution skills.  Sophia Nelson, a writer for the Huffington Post said it brilliantly, “This is critical — you must surround yourself with people again who have a similar code. I like to TALK things out. I think it is essential to talk before you walk. No matter how uncomfortable, or challenging, at some point mature adults have to talk about their differences and seek to resolve them peaceably in ways that make us better, wiser people. I detest (and I mean detest) people who do wrong things and cannot own their mistakes, apologize and grow up. I do not suffer people lightly who cause drama, then exit out, leaving others to clean up their mess or to have other left holding the emotional baggage of the wounds they have caused. Find out how people resolve conflicts before you get attached to them or in business dealings with them.”


While I was studying Spiritual Psychology at the University of Santa Monica, our professors were fervent in their declaration that at a core spiritual level ‘nobody can DO anything to you.’ (They were referencing your emotional disposition)  If you become triggered by the way someone engages you, they are actually showing you an area in your own heart that still needs to be tended to; an area where LOVE, care, and compassion can be applied to assist in healing a prior wound/trauma.  The fact that you were painfully triggered is proof positive that there is still work to do around that pain point. And to a certain extent, I think there is a great deal of value in transcending certain painful engagements using this paradigm. So I have learned to be hyper vigilant when being emotionally triggered as a guidepost for my self actualization "TO DO" list!

However, since us New Age Nerds practice "GROUNDED SPIRITUALITY", one of our tenets is NOT to vibrate in states that are absolute. And so why I accept the understanding that others toxic behavior can often assist us in uncovering areas of growth that still need attention, I also believe that there are times when we must constructively engage this energy and the individuals in our lives who deliver it.  ESPECIALLY for those of us who are teachers, healers, coaches, and artists.  Our greatest strength and gifts come imbued within our extreme sensitivity and we must be especially vigilant in our own well being and self preservation.  

So here are some TIPS for how to handle the people who challenge our emotional sensibilities with their vibrational offerings. All so that we can continue on our Hero's/Heroine's Journey with more peaceful grace:


Believe it or not, we actually teach people how we want to be treated with each and every interaction with them.  In fairness to them, until we compassionately communicate how their "antics" affect our emotional well being, they may have NO idea.  So the very FIRST time that someone behaves in a manner that makes you shrink, feel less than, or is hurtful in some way, it is so important to tell them how you feel.  I know, I know!  Easier said than done. I get it! But what is the more productive manner.  To have that potentially sticky and awkward conversation, or to say nothing and have to deal with these hurtful behaviors over and over again.  


We often allow certain toxic relationships in our life to continue because we have become conditioned that the dynamic of co-creation with them is commonplace.  The negative space created becomes our ‘NORM.’  This is why it is Gi-normously important to take stock of how we FEEL after spending time with the people in our lives.  And I am not referring to 
"ONE OFFS."  Life is messy and complex, and we all have certain times where, well, shit just happens.  Having a couple of  co-creational experiences with someone where we feel emotionally drained or challenged afterwards is natural and an organic part of human interaction. But, if you discern that most of the time having a co-creation with someone results in you feeling unheard, less than, manipulated, or just plain tired, it may be time to do something about it. Just sayin' and prayin'.  ;0)


After taking inventory of the people in our lives, we are often left with a SELF empowering decision.  Are there some people who you have compassionately and with great understanding decided to remove from your life.  Not because you were placing judgement of ANY kind upon them.  But rather because the cumulative affect they were having on your emotional well being was just too catabolic.  Perhaps they didn't hold you in the same reverential light that you hold yourself.  Or they were trying to keep you playing small, so they wouldn't feel as bad about not playing LARGE themselves.  

What would it look like to start loving them "from the other side of the room?’" Did you notice I said LOVE them from the other side of the room?!  That's the secret sauce in this action of self LOVE.

You are not banishing them to the "Phantom Zone."  And you are still holding them in a complete space of reverence and care.  You have just decided that having their direct energy in your life is not serving you anymore.  Hopefully, this KNOWINGNESS will help remove any sense of guilt you may have by your decision.  

Loss can be a scary and oh so very lonely place to be. There will be a time when you have left your place among the crows (eagles in training) to fly with the eagles.  And during that flight, there will be moments in which you can see nothing but the clouds. Please DO NOT give up faith during this critical time.  Lean on whatever support system you may have.  It can become quite natural to want to turn back to what is familiar.  As the proverbial saying goes, "the devil you know feels safer than the devil that you don't." We are familiar and quite comfortable with what currently IS.  But life truly begins at the end of your comfort zone.  SO I SUGGEST YOU DO NOT DO THAT!  The Universe abhors a vacuum and it is part of its natural law to eventually flood your existence to FILL IN the space you created by letting go of the people in your life who are no longer serving your highest good. Have deep FAITH that your new Tribe members are already on their way!  

I hope this information will help you move forward in all your relationships with a higher co-created space of mutual understanding, common respect, compassion, and fellowship.  The kind this world desperately needs!




Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, March 30, 2023



Do you have any idea how uniquely magnificent YOU TRULY ARE...?
How much this World currently DESIRES the Super Powers bestowed upon only you..?
The lives that will NEVER be the same, simply because they were touched by your LOVE....?

As GOD created this magnificent Matrix of Energetic Bliss, he went to the edge of Heaven, sliced a tiny piece off and then He gently blew. And that precious piece, so softly fell from its adorned place, and as it reached Earth, it transformed ever so perfectly as the Miracle that is YOU!

Time for all of us to remember we share the same PURPOSE! To LOVE one another as we would choose to LOVE ourSELVES! 

Oh what a World this can still BE! IF we all shared our Super Powers unconditionally!

Why is it we all strive for something we weren't meant to BE...
Slaving through work that has no real meaning ...
Yet day after day, we act like obedient slaves...
Hoping one day our slog will reveal our reason for Being.... 

So often the path seems so tough to navigate......

Not knowing if we are on our True Path....
But are we asking questions leading to our Fate..
Or are we afraid the answers will fill us with wrath....

Confusion sets in as the clock continues to move...

Time races by oh so fast in this illusion...
Yet we ignore its constant beating....
Afraid testing our mettle will cause us much confusion...

Depression, anxiety, and suffering for some ensues...

As we think of the many days now gone by...
New directions never taken, afraid we may always lose...
But the yearning deep inside causes our SOUL to cry....

Magnificent beings... we came here to shine...

To spread magic upon this world for all to see...
Yet we hide our wings and live life as if by crime..
Fearful of the opinions of others who judge us sans decree........

We see the world as a concert with no refrain....

But rather as Who we truly are deep within....
So unless we carve away our pain...
This experience will appear only as a whimsical sin...

Fractured relationships fill our lives....

When both sides seek only pure LOVE and affection ....
So why do we turn a compassionate eye...
And suffer needlessly,  rather than spread a loving confection

For our experience here is a fleeting cosmic ride....

A place to Re-member we are not living a Test...
And by gently offering the gifts that lie deep inside...
We can reclaim our birth right and give our mind a rest...

The truth of the matter is that we are all enough...

No need to BE something you are truly not..
For Spirit granted you to BE everything at once...
So be brave enough to give it all a proper shot....

For this illusion of separation DOES NOT exist...

You and I are but FOREVER ONE...
So let competition completely fall away...
Because just by coming we Both have already WON.....

Be never afraid to extend a loving, helping hand...

To your brothers and sisters in need..
Too many lives and an hourglass losing all its sand..
So many SOULS who lives we need to feed...

For this world is at a desperate peril...

One that cannot be ignored...
But there is ALWAYS enough time..
For each and every valley to be restored.....

So make a declaration to share your gifts of loving service...
For it's the smallest of gestures that keep the darkness at bay....
Throw away your self doubt, fear and any facet of being nervous...
Because our benevolent Universe will ALWAYS light your way...

written by Jeffrey Louis Martinez



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, March 29, 2023



Man is not destroyed by suffering; he is destroyed by suffering without meaning

Victor Frankl

One of the more challenging aspects of being a coach/teacher is helping my clients navigate the choppy waters that confront them when they are in the midst of making a transformational breakthrough.  Because this type of life altering event is usually preceded by a form of facing a continued series of 'greatest hits' of their ultimate bouts of pain and suffering.  And let's keep it real, most people avoid pain and suffering like the plague!  And that's understandable. Especially if we are too narrowly focused on the pain itself, rather than engulfing the BIGGER picture. The narrow perspective looks something akin to this.........

Life is hard enough. I just want to be happy. I see SO much pain and suffering all around me already. I thought people who have done a lot of spiritual based self work learn to live in a state of Peace and Joy...even BLISS! I'd rather not face my TRUTH because I am afraid of what I may find. OR.....   I'm too busy to deal with my own shit!  I'd rather stay in this state of unfulfillment than commit to the painful, scary and uncomfortable changes I may have to make......

Sound familiar?

BUT...  Being in acceptance of the BIGGER picture, completely changes the palette you are working with and for. Your focus is not on the pain itself, but rather WHAT the pain came to bring you.  Our most powerful spiritual breakthroughs come when we give ourselves permission to DEEPLY AND UTTERLY FEEL OUR EMOTIONS.  For our feelings are the guideposts to our very own SOUL!  In fact, when we fail to completely inhale our emotions, we miss out on the spiritual lessons they contain!  

Sometimes we must allow ourselves to FEEL THE DEEP BURN within us......

Sit in the Fire of your Own Truth...  And be in Allowance of the Flames to burn you to ashes..   Having Faith in the Universe ..  That it will rush in with a gust of LOVE so uplifting..  That your Soul will be rebirthed as a Phoenix of Hope and Inspiration. And Purpose!  Jeffrey L Martinez

Our suffering is often our Spirit calling for a lifeline into the Soul's version of 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.'  It's a powerful, albeit often excruciatingly painful sign a miracle is looking to be birthed through you. Often contained through visiting a lesson of remembrance wrapped in a new found understanding filled with wonderful wisdom. In order for the amazing, stupendous, disruptive calling you came here to manifest, there needs to be a larger gateway for SOURCE to work through. You need to be rebirthed into the ‘The Greatest Vision of the Grandest Version’ of yourself!  And as all moms know, the birthing process is an arduous one. It forces us to stretch and grow.  Often without having a single idea what might be waiting for us on the other side. Tough stuff!  No doubt!  (Moms inner monologue..“YOU...have NO idea!!”  lol)

And as Joseph Campbell declared, “We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”  But that can be a Journey that sounds scary, overwhelming, and many of us refuse the calling. Once we start down this path, life will never be the same again. And somehow, we know it. Letting go and having the courage to transform from the caterpillar into the beautiful butterfly takes a lot of faith and persistence, not to mention the absolute willingness to allow the rebirthing process to occur.  And do you know what happens, if someone assists the newly formed butterfly, as it fiercely fights to break free from its cocoon?  It fails to gain the strength its wings need to fly, and it dies.  It actually MUST suffer in order to thrive!  Not unlike the Superhero's Journey that awaits every one of us.

Our most profound Life Lessons often leave us with a series of scars.  But aren't scars the signs of a wound that has been healed? In fact, many of the most conscious Spirits on this planet bare the most vicious scars. For they gained the hard fought and earned Courage and Fortitude to stretch their Soul and LEAN INTO THEIR LESSONS!  And in return, they have gained the gifts of remembrance ensconced in the meaning of their pain and suffering. Including the heaven created vision of their  earthly calling and the wondrous talents they came here to wield. All to be used IN THE SERVICE OF OTHERS!  

The secret to our Salvation lies WITHIN.  All the answers we seek, the LOVE we crave, the Wisdom we wish for, the Peace we desire, the unimaginable POWER we have been granted and the utter knowing that WE ARE ALL ONE.......  

So I invite everyone in The New Age Nerd community to begin a practice of LEANING INTO YOUR LESSONS.  It's OK to be scared when entering uncharted territory.  But within the depths of your COURAGE lies the keys to your greatest awakenings! And in your times of trepidation and fear, re-member THAT YOU ARE NOT ALONE....   

I would like to leave you with one of my favorite tales of such wondrous TRUTH. May it bring you the PEACE to carry you through the trails and tribulations that often cause us to forgo our own self actualization....

A Native American myth recounts that the Creator gathered all of creation and said,
"I want to hide something from humans until they are ready for it.  It is the realization that they can create their own life and their own reality." 

The eagle said, "Give it to me; I'll take it to the moon and hide it there."  

But the Creator said, "No, one day they will go there and will find it."  

Then the salmon said, "Give it to me; I'll hide it in the bottom of the sea."

 "No," said the Creator, "they'll get there too." 

Well, the buffalo came and said, "Give it to me; I'll bury it in the plains."  

The Creator said, "No, they will get there. They will cut into the skin of the earth, and they will find it even there."

But then Grand Mother mole came, the one who has no physical eyes to see on the outside but has spiritual eyes and the capacity to see on the inside, and she said, "Put it inside them; they'll never find it there."  And the Creator said, "It is done."

by Unpublished



Jeffrey Louis Martinez



Megan: I think you’re ready now to hear a little story about a girl…girl named Megan. Girl named Megan that didn’t have a very good time in high school. I’m referring to myself. When I say Megan, it’s me Megan.
Annie: Yeah, I got it.
Megan: I know you look at me now and think, boy she must have breezed through high school. Not the case, Annie.
[pointing to herself]
Megan: No, this was not easy going up and down the halls. Okay? They used to try to blow me up. They threw fire crackers at my head. Fire crackers. I mean literally. I’m not saying that figuratively. I got fire crackers thrown at my head. They called me a freak. Do you think I let that break me? Think I went home to my mommy crying; ‘Oh, I don’t have any friends. Oh, Megan doesn’t have any friends.’ No, I did not. You know what I did? I pulled myself up. I studied really hard. I read every book in the library and now I work for the government. I have the highest possible security clearance. Don’t repeat that!
Megan: You lost Lillian. You got another best friend sittin’ right in front of you, if you’d notice! Huh? You can stop feeling sorry for yourself, okay? Cause I do not associate with people that blame the world for their problems. Cause you’re your problem, Annie. And you’re also your solution. Right? I mean that’s…you get that?


A long time friend and former boss of mine recently sent me a story about the life of an EAGLE.  At first glance, I thought to engage the information later, thinking perhaps its content was of a National Geographic Nature.  For those of you living in the greater DC area, you will recall the ‘Eagle Cam’ that ran non-stop on our local airwaves just a few weeks ago.  A camera was fixated (as were thousands of us) on an Eagle who was nesting waiting for her two eggs to hatch.  This did NOT always make for reviting TV viewing, but once the baby birds finally hatched, it was quite magical to get a secret peek into the inner lives of these majestic animals!

But I got another one of those ‘Silent Whispers’ from Spirit to watch the video she sent, right then and  there.  And so I pushed the play button and became completely transfixed on what this five minute feature shared about our National bird symbol.  In fact, I actually teared up watching and listening to how this proud and courageous animal must painfully transform itself in order to survive!

An Eagle lives on average of  70 years.  But during its 40th year, it is faced with a decision that will determine its ultimate fate.    After 40 years of using its powerful beak, strong talons, and majestic wings for its survival, they all start to wear down.  In fact, all three begin to break down to a level in which they are no longer of use to the bird to capture its prey to eat, nor fly in a proficient enough manner to survive the harsh elements in which it lives.  It is at this time the Eagle knows it has but two decision to choose from.  It can either fly to the top of a rocky mountaintop and bang its beak and talons across the sharp and rugged rock terrain long and hard enough until they break off.  The bird is internally aware that its beak and talons will grow back much stronger, but the process involved in tearing off parts of its own body is a horrifyingly painful experience.  And if that isn't enough to cause you to pause and think about this bird's courage, once its beak grows back, it must pluck out its worn out feathers so that new, stronger ones can take their place.  If the Eagle makes the decision to put itself through this jarring and excruciating experience, it will typically live for another 30 years!   It is literally REBIRTHED into a greater version of itself!  If it chooses NOT to go through this challenging transformation, it will soon die.

I thought about how an Eagle's life is such a perfect metaphor for human existence and survival.  How often we are given an opportunity to either change our mindset, belief system, or completely let go of someone we love, all for our better good.  And with it comes the transformation we so often desperately seek.  

And more importantly, how Nature gives us signs, and PROFOUND examples of how to live our lives.   I often hear from friends and my clients that they wish that they were given a guidebook on how to live a prosperous life.  And see how much fear they face, all understandable, when facing the painful choice of change.  Not to mention how challenging it can be to remain FAITHFUL when we are in the middle of a Life Storm.  And sometimes cannot fathom why they/we need to experience such pain and suffering, both physically and emotionally.  That's why I say SUFFERING is really Summoning our Ultimate Fear & Frailty Encouraging Rebirth!  Just like we are taught by the miraculous story of the EAGLE!

It is my hope and intention in sharing this story, that it will bring you a sense of inspiration and KNOWINGNESS that at the other end of whatever level of trials and tribulations, pain and suffering you may be going through, that it is because a miracle is looking to be birthed through you!  The Universe needs you to transform and let go of toxic energy and mindsets and belief systems that no longer serve you.  All so that you, like the EAGLE can be resurrected and reconnect to your Purpose as you travel along your Hero's/Heroine's Journey!!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez


“I used to say I lived my life a quarter mile at a time 
Now…I think that’s why we were brothers…
Because you did too!”

“No matter where you are….whether its a quarter mile away, or half way across the world…You will always be with me….and you will always be my brother…….”
~~  Dominic Toretto       (THE FUROUS 7)

 [letter to Stark]  “Tony, I'm glad you're back at the compound. I don't like the idea of you rattling around a mansion by yourself. We all need family. The Avengers are yours, maybe more so than mine. I've been on my own since I was 18. I never really fit in anywhere, even in the army. My faith's in people, I guess. Individuals. And I'm happy to say that, for the most part, they haven't let me down. Which is why I can't let them down either. Locks can be replaced, but maybe they shouldn't. I know I hurt you, Tony. I guess I thought by not telling you about your parents I was sparing you, but I can see now that I was really sparing myself, and I'm sorry. Hopefully one day you can understand. I wish we agreed on the Accords, I really do. I know you're doing what you believe in, and that's all any of us can do. That's all any of us should... So no matter what, I promise you, if you need us - if you need me - I'll be there.”
[Tony looks at a flip phone Steve sent him]
~~  Steve Rogers AKA Captain America                (CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR)

 We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for. To quote from Whitman, "O me! O life!... of the questions of these recurring; of the endless trains of the faithless... of cities filled with the foolish; what good amid these, O me, O life?" Answer. That you are here - that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. That the powerful play *goes on* and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?”
~~  John Keating           (THE DEAD POETS SOCIETY)


When I was just starting out living through my teenage years, I had a small group of friends that all lived in my community and it was perhaps the first time I understood the importance of having a tribe.  Looking back in retrospect, it's quite amazing how many powerful spiritual lessons were engrained within me during this often awkward and precarious time of life. Events that were perhaps the initial birthing place of my passion for self growth and transformation. Fond memories that have now become stories I still share with myself and others that have lasting life lessons.

Growing up on the East Coast, the winter snow was always a welcomed relief from the daily stress of school.  And since both of my parents were teachers, we were the first to get phoned the night before of school closings the next day.  SNOW DAYS were the ‘Holy Grail’ of childhood blessings and brought with them an unending opportunity for fun and freedom.  Our group was perhaps the first incarnation of TV's current ‘BIG BANG THEORY’.  We were, for the most part, a cadre of nerds who shared our intense passions for video games, movies, mythology, and especially board games.

We were all competitive as hell and took losing relatively tough.  Then again we were still pups in the relative scope of our emotional development.  And on one particular snowy afternoon those many years ago, we all got together for an afternoon of winner takes all MONOPOLY!  Little did I realize then, what a powerful metaphor for life was about to be displayed during that day's battle royal with the dice..........

One friend in our group we referred to as ‘Alex P. Keaton’,  after the character Michael J. Fox perfected on the TV show  ‘FAMILY TIES.’  Like the character Alex, he was obsessed with Wall Street, money, was small in nature, and had a relatively sharp temper.  All games played with him were intense, but he played Monopoly with a fervor that was unmatched by anyone else I had ever met.  He was wickedly smart and he certainly won his fair share of games.  But not on this day!

An hour or so into the game, I found myself on a Vegas worthy lucky streak and started collecting  houses and hotels all around the Monopoly board!  As I looked around the table, I noticed ‘Alex’ was just about out of money.  One more unlucky roll of the dice, causing him to land on one of my stockpiled board spaces, and he was done!  And he knew it.  His brows began to furrow and his lips were parsed.  I handed him the dice which he grabbed from my hands in obvious disgust.  He shook the dice for an unusually long time and then threw them down across the board.  He counted out the steps with his game piece and landed right SMACK in the middle of the Boardwalk space I owned.........

In what seemed like an instant, he grabbed the board game from each side, and flipped it high into the air. Sending pieces of plastic and fake paper money flying all over the room in what felt like perpetually slow motion!  Not to mention ruining the game for the those of us who were still participating. The group sat in awkward silence for what felt like an eternity.  Unfortunately, the game was obviously over and the rest of us began collecting the various game pieces that had been flung in every other direction with ‘Alex's’ display of utter dismay.

Of course we were furious, but at that point in our lives, we were not comfortable with heated confrontations, so not much was said until days later. And looking back, I'm glad I handled the situation in the manner that I did. Because whether we knew it or not at the time, ‘Alex’ had just taught us a Gi-normous life lesson that I still share to this day. Rather than simply playing the game for the joy, laughter, and fun it can provide, he allowed the ILLUSION of the game to become HIS REALITY.

Admittedly, this tremendously powerful metaphor didn't solidify itself for me until many years later. But do you see how we all do this very same thing in our own lives. We allow the ILLUSION of this world to become our REALITY.   Just as ‘Alex’ did!  And when we do, we become disconnected from SPIRIT and the calling we came here to accomplish.  And that's very often when depression, anxiety, loneliness, and separation from SOURCE sits in and stays for a while.  Or unfortunately for some, never leaves.

We live in a Matrix of energy that was designed as a creative space for our souls to experience the Greatest Version of the Grandest Vision we have ever held of ourselves.  So much of what we see and experience is an ILLUSION to give us the very opportunities we desire to feel.  I know it can seem SO completely real at times, and it was set up that way. How else could we have such transcendent experiences unless the GAME we were playing felt so tangibly realistic. I like to believe that the masters on this planet have slowly learned to “tip their toe” in the universal life-force that surrounds us. Just enough to enjoy the game and experience it for what it was meant to be, but never “jumping in” completely, thus allowing the ILLUSION to become their REALITY.

As Eckert Tolle says in ‘A New Earth’, “ All we can perceive, experience, think about, is the surface layer of reality.  Less than the tip of an iceberg.  Underneath the surface appearance, everything is not only connected to everything else, but also with the SOURCE of all life from which it came.”  Essentially we are all ONE.  The illusion is that we are all separate.  But we could not have all the juicy, delectable experiences we desire, if we did not have the illusion of separation.

My intention for you today, is to Re-member this story the next time you feel yourself allowing the ILLUSION of life to become your REALITY.  And even better than that, share this Re-membrance with others who may have lost their way.  We all do at some point.  That's why, as they say, “It takes a Village!”



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, March 28, 2023



New Amsterdam is the name of the oldest remaining, full public service Hospital in the United States. Meaning NO patient is turned away for lack of funds/insurance. Dr. Max Goodwin is the brand new Hospital Director; despite the fact he has just been diagnosed with late stage throat cancer. In just a few short weeks on the job, he gains the deep respect, admiration, support, and LOVE of his fellow staff and patients. His catchphrase to all being, "How can I help?"

No longer being able to hide his cancer diagnosis from his staff, he confronts them with compassionate honesty and is showered back with unconditional LOVE!

We enter on Dr. Max Goodwin and his pregnant wife, Georgia. Max is resting comfortably in his hospital room after surviving a near death scare; a complication from him ignoring his cancer treatments. His hospital chief of staff members enter the room and surround his bed.

MAX: (struggling to talk) I should'a told everybody from the beginning. (about his cancer diagnosis) I've been wrong before. Sharpe (oncology chief of staff), I want to start chemo. No clinical drugs. No risks. (lovingly looks at his pregnant wife) I don't want to risk losing you, again. That's my priority. Which means.....

SHARPE: (interrupting him) No! No, you are not resigning.

MAX: I have no choice.

FLOYD: (chief of heart surgery) You will if we help you. If you're willing to delegate, we'll all have your back.

VIJAY: Like you had ours.

IGGY: (Chief Psychiatrist) Yeah. Yeah, count me in!

BLOOM: (ER director): Me too! I don't mind putting in extra time if that means keeping you around.

MAX: Guys, you're not hearing me. (Dean Fulton, COO of New Amsterdam enters the room)

DEAN: I think they are hearing you just fine Max. These are your people. This is your hospital. For better or worse, there is no going back Max.

MAX: (glaring up at his wife) Georgia, help me out!

GEORGIA: Max is about to start the most intense fight of his life. And above everything, he has to take care of himself. Which is why he is not quitting! This job, this job is who you are. And in some ways, it's who you've always been. I honestly believe that by staying here, and working, it will keep you alive. 


Perhaps the single biggest attribute in the "Collective WE" creating Heaven on this Earth has to do with us finding and fulfilling our personal CALLING! We are all Superheroes, on a Superhero's Journey toward self realization. Here to Follow Our Bliss. To have both the courage and ferocious fortitude to traverse the darkness of our own personal versions of HELL. Where we are forged, through the fires of our pain and suffering, into Men and Woman of Steel. We are all SUPER BEINGS! The "Greatest Group of Super Friends" ever assembled in all the multiverses! SNAP! SHAZAM! How does that make you feel?! ;0)

We all agreed to convene here at this very moment of NOW to punch a "Hole in the Sky!"
So more LOVE can come flowing freely into our collective consciousness. Thus ever expanding the Universe into 5th Dimensional Dynamics and leaving a DYNASTY worthy of a SUPER HEROIC LEGEND! Yeah, that's how we're all gonna roll! Once we are ALL on board with fulfilling the personal spiritual calling that will literally "ROCK THIS WORLD" to a new, much higher vibrational offering!


But the ride will NOT always be easy. In fact, the "ass kickings" will never stop! But us Superheroes don't run away from the most formidable challenges. NO! We run TOWARDS them!

We are built for pain. And the wisest amongst us will let that hellish pain in and allow it to stay until it has taught us what we still need to re-member. Cause that's just how learning gets done round these here parts! Got it! Great! For there will be many periods in which your life will feel like "Groundhog Day." Rinse and repeat! Rinse and repeat! My suggestion is to practice the Super Heroic Habit of blessing these knockdowns as "KNOWING OPPORTUNITIES!" Because that is exactly what they are. Opportunities for you to transcend your beliefs in yourSELF and the way the Universe works; from BELIEF to KNOWING! Big difference. Wouldn't you agree?! 

For in time, you will come to see the gifts in every single person, place, and experience that has ever graced your life. No matter the pain, strife, and struggle they left in their wake. In fact, the bigger the "MESS" the more it was brought for you to be "BLESSED!"

And then you will KNOW. You will KNOW that the Universe has life 100% rigged in your favor! And that's when you will no longer be in allowance of being a "victim" of your life circumstances. No, you will transcend those beliefs into pure KNOWINGNESS that you are "Victoriously Heroic" because of all the battles you have survived. Not in spite of them!
Mind Blown! So never stop going into daily battle! Attacking your life's CALLING with a fervent and ferocious gusto!

As you go about finding and fulfilling your personal CALLING, I urge you to find a friend, mentor, or coach who can assist in holding you accountable in the daily or weekly steps that scare you, but you are still willing to tackle with ferocity.  This practice is a true game changer!  Because each time you commit to an action step and see it to its fruitful completion, you will slowly start to build the sense of Self Confidence that has always been within you, but hidden behind the masks of Frankie Fear! And the scripts that you write in your mind that contain all the scary, dramatic beats of what might happen if you put yourSELF out there. They will be shown to be nothing but parts of a movie that will NEVER be put into production! Just sayin'. ;0)

And, yes, "I do KNOW that of which I speak!" In fact, many of you probably aren't aware, but I have a PHD. It's from "Pure Hell Divinity!" LOL I have visited HELL so many times; now whenever the Devil hears my name whispered, he sheepishly declares, "Oh hell no! He's NOT coming back again is he?!" A HA HA

So in times when the winds of your internal storms seem overwhelming, please re-member, that just like Dr. Max Goodwin discovered, YOU NEVER WALK ALONE!  And that your Wounds are no thing more than the Wisdom that is looking to be activated through the seeds pre-planted within your Soul!  And they will forever whisper the sounds of serenity that keeps your HEART SONG in tune. And when it seems as if the pain is just too much for you to bare- PLEASE- PLEASE re-member there are "A Thousand Loving Angels at Your Side." And that I AM one of them.............



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, March 27, 2023



Jessica Jones is a hard charging, and even heavier drinking Private Investigator who was confiscated as a child.  During her time under the "care" of her abductors, she was given a managerie of "Super Powers" and upon escape, reluctantly summons them only when in desperate need of additional aide in detective duties under her umbrella company "Alias Investigations."

Jessica Jones:  "They say everyone’s born a hero. But if you let it, life will push you over the line until you’re the villain. Problem is, you don’t always know that you’ve crossed that line. Maybe it’s enough that the world thinks I’m a hero. Maybe if I work long and hard, maybe I can fool myself."

From Marvel TV and ABC Studios :   JESSICA JONES


Life isn't some form of spiritual crap shoot. But it is messy. Like a pair of rugged jeans we hold onto one sartorial season longer then necessary. All because their ripped and shorn aesthetics match the feelings that silently mask inner emotions we use bare witness to the masses as a sign of inner confidence.  We may be torn and shredded externally as a defensive form of confidence, but our internal emotional equivalence is causing us daily havoc on so many levels. Seismic components that are seizing the very life we came here ordained to create!

The problem lies not in the visual representation of our personal style. How could it?! We are spiritual beings having a human experience.  NOT the other way around.  So please continue to rock those denim denizens that cause you to feel like a rock-star still in the making! And while you are in the mood, continue shaping that shaggy hair into concoctions the world has yet to behold! YES PLEASE!!!  Trust me ladies, guys DIG IT!!  LOL

The issue at hand is that this world needs more SUPERHEROES!  NOW!! And focused energy towards our life's MISSION is the cosmic level sized problem with our current state of being

There is absolutely nothing quelling you from the desire to rock a daily wardrobe that matches an inner confidence that ignites the "Super Forces" that are part of your own Hidden Hero. So long as that image truly matches the 'feeling' that burns deep within your SOUL! A feeling that conjures the very CALLING that brought you into this very existence. Because anything other than serving that CALLING will NEVER bring you the type of inner peace and solitude that we all so desperately seek! Short lived shivers of "shiny things," absolutely! If you so choose, that will lead you to short lived bursts of personal salvation. But the long lasting boosts of BLISS that are the cornerstones of our SOUL'S desires can only be quenched by the intense focused intention that flows directly from Spirit filled Soul's,  that manifest through our individual "Heart Songs."

The WORLD is in desperate desire of true authenticity. The type that the arch-hero Jessica Jones exhibits. She still dresses like an 80's superhero version of Joan Jett, but her actions are flamed by a soul that is ALL-STAR HEROIC! She takes absolutely "No Shit" from anyone, yet has a heart that is always open and vulnerable to care for those disenchfrachised souls that have become a beacon of the needs of our current socio-economic climate. Bottom line, it's NEVER about taking money from a potential client, but rather taking care of her cadre of client's personal needs and personal care that informs her professional decisions. 

One of my points is that while our external meanderings have a demonstrative manner in our sense of self, not to mention self confidence, it is our fervent commitment to this personal MISSION that can only be fulfilled by our individual and internal fortitude for the greater good that will sustain inner contentment! And our eternal mind-set can be set on euphoric only when and IF we commit to fulfilling this Universal Calling!

My fellow New Age Nerds, the collective Universal Time Clock is ticking down. We were each given a SOUL-guided mission to fulfill upon arriving on this planet. Yet, too many of us have been mis-guided by the blinding lights of   the false promises and declarations of heartfelt happiness that are the very purpose of our own EGO

I don't ask for much. But I am asking that everyone who reads this blog takes a deep, long look at the state of their dear brothers and sisters right outside their very own doorsteps. I know just a few miles from my own homestead there is a homeless shelter that I have been helping to serve the past six months. Soul brothers and sisters that have absolutely NOTHING! No home, family, food, or HOPE for a better future in their own mindset. Typing the words is one thing, experiencing it in person is........    HEARTBREAKING........

As Jessica Jones professed, "Maybe it's enough that the world thinks I'm a hero. If I work long and hard, maybe I can fool myself." And I believe that her verbal convictions truly capture our own feelings about the state of WHO WE TRULY ARE and WHAT WE CAME HERE TO DO AND BE!!! We greatly downplay our own importance; our own power and purpose for being!!  

Be honest with me and yourSELVES!  How often do you re-member you are truly a SUPERHERO that came here to make seismic shifts in the lives of the collective whole?! That only by being authentically YOU can this World change and shift from its current perilous state, into one in which BILLIONS can enjoy its ethereal shores for thousands of years to come!  THAT....is our collective MISSION my New Age Nerds!

What would it look like for all of us to reconnect daily with the very purpose filled CALLING that brought us to manifest into this Earthly experience?!  From my perspective, there is still so much for us to DO and BE! For ourselves and each other! Rather than awaking each morning in a vibration of lack, wishing for "oh so much more" than we currently have in our earthly possessions, that we offer our own form of gratitude for the multitude of blessings that reign down on our daily experiences and offer up our own sufferings for those who can only dream of the riches that have been bestown upon us so lucky to have them! And then finding ways to pass along the stewardship that we enjoy to those in our community who cannot even fathom enjoying the basics of life that we take for granted!

Because THAT is what being a SUPERHERO is all about!!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez