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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, December 30, 2019

Here Is The END OF YEAR BLUEPRINT Towards A New Decade of DREAMS!!


"This is the most important and crucial times of your life. For what you do now, and what you decide to do at this age may very well determine which way your life will go. And the question is, whether you have a proper, and a sound blueprint. And I want to suggest some of the things that should be in your life's blueprint. Number one in your life's blueprint should be a deep belief in your own dignity, your own worth and your own somebodiness. Don't allow anybody to make you feel that you are nobody. Always feel that you count. Always feel that you have worth and always feel that your life has ultimate significance. Secondly, in your life's blueprint, you must have as a basic principle to achieve excellence in your various fields of endeavor. You are going to be deciding as the days and the years of your life unfolds what you will do in life, what your life's work will be. Once you discover what it will be, do it and do it well. Be a bush if you can't be a tree. If you can't be a highway, just be a trail. If you can't be the sun, be a star, for it isn't by size that you win or fail, be the best of whatever you are. Finally in your life's blueprint must be a commitment, to the eternal principals of beauty, love, and justice. Well life for none of us has been a crystal stair, but we must keep moving. If you can't fly, run. If your can't run walk. If you can't walk, crawl, but by all means keep moving." 
Martin Luther King Jr.

Can you believe we are just two weeks away from the NEW YEAR!!  Yuperoo! And I bet I'm not the only NEW AGE NERD who thinks that we are at a Tipping Point on this planet.  Especially given the tumultuous events that haunted us during the previous 10 years. From a billionaire reality star actually being sworn in as our President, to horrific weather events of every size, shape, and from causing absolute HAVOC because of Climate Disruption!   A worldwide pandemic that stole the lives of millions and still haunts our hearts each and every day. Needless wars on several shores. Too many tragedies of unfathomable proportions to even mention. And raise your hand if you are one of the growing members of the TV audience that no longer checks in with the evening news?  Just like I thought! All but a couple arms are raised high to the sky!!  I ...ummm..   have to put mine back down to continue writing today's post.  🙏🏼

Before you presume to think that today's musings are going to be a real downer, please hang in there with me!  Because the fact is my INTENTION for writing today's post is quite the opposite. When I first decided to become a spiritual teacher/coach (and still a student), I had ONE MISSION.

And that hasn't changed one iota since beginning this Journey over a decade ago!  With every ounce of my BEING, I feel that the fastest and most effective manner to change the vibration of this planet is if every one of us starts the process- with all the Courage and Strength you can muster- to firmly and passionately step into the path that is your CALLING!  

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Marianne Williamson from A Return To Love

This SOURCE sent quote from one of my favorite spiritual guides, Marianne Williamson, is perhaps my favorite of all time.  And for those who follow my Facebook page, you KNOW that is some high praise! Why you ask? Because it encapsulates my own CALLING more than any other bit of prose I have ever come across.  And it's time for us all to take heed to it's message......NOW!!

Not in the Spring or Summer, or even worse, next year....but THIS VERY MOMENT!! The world needs more superheroes, and it needs them immediately! Pronto! Immediamente!! Bright and early tomorrow morning!! Ok, I'll stop........   ;0)

So what exactly is holding us all back from ditching that soul sucking 9-5 and finally start DOING what we came here to do and BE?!? I can hear the collective sigh from the back of the bleacher seats saying money...dinero...cheddah baby!  And I hear you. I truly do! We all have fiscal considerations as well as real pragmatic responsibilities to attend to. I've said it before and I will say it again. I would NEVER advise anyone to up and quit their job tomorrow or on a complete whim start a new business with no concrete plan in place on either accord.  BUT, that doesn't get anyone a free hall pass to constantly use that as an excuse to keep doing what they are doing if it is not in complete ALIGNMENT with their life's CALLING! That's what playing SMALL is all about.  And nobody came here to play SMALL!  That's a coward's way of playing this game of life.  And I know that there aren't any NEW AGE NERDS who came here to hide their unique talents and special gifts from the rest of us.  Quite frankly, doing so isn't fair to the rest of us.  And if that sounds a bit harsh, so be it!  Look all around you!  Do you like what you see? Can you already imagine room for improvement? I sure can!

Before I start throwing stones at glass houses, I will admit that I DO UNDERSTAND how much strength, courage, and support it takes to step into the LIGHT and answer your Soul's calling! In fact, as I have stated many times before, it took me over two decades!  But, as just one of your many mentor's on your Superhero's Journey, I plead with those of you still waiting in the darkness; although the first steps are beyond petrifying, they will lead you to an adventure that is the greatest FEELING in the world!  Please trust me, there isn't time to waste! This planet needs the gifts that are still lying dormant inside of you.....

My ultimate goal is to start a REVOLUTION!!  In which ONE by ONE, as a community of NEW AGE NERDS, we encourage, INSPIRE, and support each other to take the first action steps toward our life's CALLING!  Write that business plan, start that family, write the first check toward a new class, start a Mastermind group, hire a life coach, walk into a TOASTMASTERS seminar, start a new lifestyle to lose that extra weight, shine your light everywhere you go as you may be the ONLY bible, torah etc. that the next person you meet may ever read.......   
The possibilities are truly endless....   SO THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSES.......

Self doubt is so insidious that it not only renders us stuck in our own lives, but it actually weekens our ability to dream about what living unleashed would look like.  And here's the thing:  the mere act of a dream is a vitalizing, dreaming affirming endeavor.  

Danielle Laporte:  The Fire Starter Sessions

I BELIEVE in each and everyone of you.  And I will continue to hold a Space of Love and Light for those of you who don't believe in yourselves until you have the courage to do so....



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, December 26, 2019


Wow!!!   It has indeed been quite a while since WE have paid a visit to you NEW AGE NERDS!!  So for those of you who may have forgotten.....We call ourselves-BLISS(Bringing LOVE in Support of Spirit)- a compendium of Universal Energy traversing the Cosmos always and in ALL WAYS on the look out for planets that are on a convergent path with pure CONSCIOUSNESS.  And although it may not always FEEL as though the SOULS on this planet are working their way back toward the TRUTH that YOU ARE ALL ONE.....TRUST us....Outward appearances very often, but DO NOT always reflect INNER REALITY...  :0)

On the EVE of this very special night that celebrates the dawn of the day most of you call Christmas, WE thought it was the perfect time to give you our own GIFT of Re-membrance!!  And in doing so, it is our INTENTION that you continue to practice the tenets of your inherent nature.  That of course, BEING Love, Compassion, Joy, Happiness, Service, and Fearlessness!!!

And while we acknowledge each and every SOULS individual understanding and way of celebrating this most special of Holidays on your planet, for there are many paths back to LOVE, we would like to offer you one path that has served oh so many MASTERS that have walked along side of you as guides back to the Love Light that burns brightly for eternity and is waiting for your return!!

The master you call Jesus the Christ was chosen by GOD amongst BILLIONS OF SOULS to become made in human form for the very first Hero's Journey on your planet!!  He knew that the majority of SPIRITS who had also taken human form before him were completely out of alignment and had allowed the ILLUSION of this world to become their reality.   This was causing an immense amount of pain, suffering, and chaos on your earthly plane.   Rather than having to search for his earthly CALLING, he was born with an inner awareness that never left his side.  Through the two thousand years since his presence on your planet, the true nature of his CALLING has been twisted and contorted to serve the EGO of many who have wished to control the masses for purposes of GREED and FEAR

So as our Christmas gift to all of you, WE would like to offer up our understanding of the true meaning of this most revered Holiday on your planet so that you may always Re-member its true nature.........

Jesus the Christ was chosen to enter into the dense realm of your planet to leave a path of Re-membrance back to your true nature.   His teachings and so called miracles all ended with the same declaration, "This and so much more, one day, you too will do!"  A portion of HIS Calling was to remind you that each and every one of you precious beings are unique emanations of GOD.  Made in his image and thus able to accomplish the exact same earthly miracles that HE demonstrated during his short time here amongst you!!!  He also was well aware that often the path toward your salvation was through temporary SUFFERING.  And to assist your Re-membrance of this Universal Truth, he always BROKE BREAD amongst the masses before performing a so called earthly miracle.  A BEING of ultimate intention, his very purpose for this action was so that we understood that in this realm, we must often be broken just before birthing a MIRACLE!! 

Out of FEAR, so many of your so called Teachers have tried their best to turn his preachings into something that they were NEVER meant to BE.  That being that he declared there was ONLY ONE WAY BACK TO GOD.  And that way was to follow HIM!!  Yet our gift to you this Christmas is to let you know that THAT WAS NEVER A PART OF HIS TEACHINGS.  In fact, he preached that THERE ARE MANY PATHS BACK TO GOD.  For HIS level of understanding rose way above EGOIC tactics that offered any thought that only through HIM could you commune back with YOUR CREATOR

Many of you may question our presentation of the true teachings of Jesus the Christ, and THAT IS A GREAT THING.!!  For the only way that there are no more Gi-normous misunderstandings of this nature is for you to question EVERYTHING.  Listen to your feelings.   For they are the guideposts to your SOUL.  And when used with reverent intention , will always guide you back to TRUTH!!  Practice what others teach.  See what serves you.   And let the rest go!! 

As you and your most beloved TRIBE members celebrate this HOLY DAY, we ask that you Re-member that the core CALLING of Jesus the Christ was to show you the power of BELIEF.  And that is the exact same purpose for our brief visit with you special SPIRITS on this EVE of CHRIST.
This Holy Day is meant for the purpose of Re-membering the POWER OF BELIEF. Why else do you think that the magical idea of Santa Clause has engulfed the imagination of billions of children the last two thousand years?!?  It is so they can practice the power and understanding of what you can accomplish if .....YOU SIMPLY BELIEVE!! 

As much as we would LOVE to stay a little longer.....it is time for US to continue our own JOURNEY to spread the true message of this season to all those who have forgotten what this celebration is all about......    For it is THAT SPECIAL!!!!

Until We meet again...   Please Re-member that we are only one THOUGHT away...........



Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Why KNOW-LEDGE Is One KEY To a Super Heroic Life....!

The power of inspiration, on the other hand, comes from Knowledge. It cannot be influenced. It is immune to this kind of persuasion. Even a Greater Community set of skills used against an individual strong with Knowledge would not be effective in changing their perception, their understanding or their experience. The influence would be felt, but it would be recognized as a perpetration from the outside.

Marshall Vian Summers

A couple of years after I moved to Los Angeles, CA, I began attending Wednesday night services at a non-denominational dojo of pure dynamite known as AGAPE.  Agape is Greek for "unconditional love."  And boy was LOVE dispersed there like cotton candy at a local town fair!  This harmonious haven is led by Dr. Michael Beckwith from the movie The Secret.  They truly smashed the proverbial bowl when The Grand Creator went and blew him off a cloud in heaven.  He has some of the most infectious energy I have ever been around.  And when he really starts channeling "spirit" he starts to sound just like Chris Rock.  Wanna see for yourSELF?  Go check out one of his many videos on YouTube.  I am quite sure you will be super glad you did!  

One particular evening while I was studying with a group of like minded friends and him at this temple, a young woman in the small crowd raised her hand. Dr. Beckwith was in the middle of a sermon on how to manifest more in your life.  With great zealous enthusiasm she jumped up out of her seat and asked the following question, "So what do you do if you really, really like fresh squeezed orange juice?"  (Small giggle from the rest of us)  To which Dr. Beckwith responded, "Well then you go buy the fresh squeezed orange juice."  She bounced back with, "But the fresh squeezed orange juice is three times more expensive than the non squeezed.  And I am on a tight budget being an actress in training."  Dr. Beckwith's reply has been like a gymnast, totally "sticking the landing" within me ever since!  With a wild and wicked declaration said, "Well then, you better KNOW, that you KNOW, what you KNOW!"  (Bursts of laughter from the crowd)

It actually took me a few years to completely understand exactly what he meant. He was casting out to us the importance of understanding that KNOWINGNESS is the most important part of our collective creative prowess. It's the state of unwavering GRATITUDE that comes from truly believing that whatever it is we have "asked for" is on its way!  And so learning to be thankful for it even before you can SEE it.  For seeing is NOT believing.  LOL  Believing FIRST is the key to unlocking the bounty of blessings that are our very birthright.  See the difference..  ;0)  In that very moment, he was trying to enlighten this woman to the idea it would be in her best interest to KNOW that more money was coming before buying that orange juice.  As long as she completely believed that fact, than why not go ahead and get the best orange juice out there?!

And just as mastering the art of KNOWINGNESS is crucial in our growth process, so is the attainment of KNOW_LEDGE.  As the old saying goes, true power comes from our repertoire of all which we KNOW. And that's why the typical millionaire reads two to three books each and every month.  Yes, even after they've seemingly "done it all."  ESPECIALLY after they have! For they understand what got them to that state of abundance in all its forms.  It was their KNOW-LEDGE. And then putting that knowledge into daily action with complete knowingness.  For the answers to all that you seek to manifest into your earthly experience lies within that simple formula!  Always has been that way, and it will NEVER change.  Trust!   ;0)

That's why I tell all of my clients the process I will coach them through is actually quite simple. Deep. But simple. The work we do on the "inside" is very similar in vein to the work we do on the outside.  With our physical bodies.  It's learning to shift the energy within you from CATABOLIC (destructive) to ANABOLIC (Empowering and expansive) in nature.  Presto, chango!  Ta da!  I'll be here till Thursday.  Don't forget to tip your waitresses! LOL

Unfortunately our education system is set up in such a manner that the great majority of our "learning" happens by the time we finish college.  Such a travesty, isn't it?!  The secret sauce between those who thrive in life and those who simply eek out a meager survival is their KNOW-LEDGE base. You may be thinking, "Aw come on now Jeffrey!  Some people were just born with a silver spoon in their mouth.  That's why the rich just keep on getting richer and the poor poorer."  But the reality is that during and after "The Great Depression," the true pioneers of our time were mostly self made men who acquired and developed the KNOW-LEDGE others did not. Then the few who actually put that KNOW-LEDGE into well thought out plans and daily action steps became the iconoclasts of our time!  Napoleon Hill's entire life's work proved this to be true. Please read his amazing book, Think and Grow Rich, to get inspired to this truth!


Here are some of my favorite quotes on the importance of KNOW-LEDGE:

Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.” 
― Albert Einstein

To attain knowledge, add things everyday. To attain wisdom, remove things every day.” 
― Lao Tse

"Read in the name of your Lord Who created. He created man from a clot. Read and your Lord is Most Honorable, Who taught (to write) with the pen. Taught man what he knew not.” 
― Anonymous, Qurʾan / القرآن الكريم

Never regard study as a duty but as an enviable opportunity to learn to know the liberating influence of beauty in the realm of the spirit for your own personal joy and to the profit of the community to which your later works belong."

~Albert Einstein

"The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge."

- Napoleon Hill

So what exactly is KNOW-LEDGE?!  Let's break up the word into two halves. The first segment being KNOW.  To "know" is to be of absolute certainty.  No doubts. BOOM!  But are you aware that the meaning of LEDGE is to extend? So, by very definition, KNOW-LEGDE means to "extend KNOWINGNESS" out into the Universe!  The greater your personal KNOW-LEDGE, the more powerful your vibrational energetic offerings.  The more you KNOW, the more the Universe will GROW.  Hey, I made a little rhyme there. Catchy, huh?! LOL And by knowing YOU and the Universe are indeed ONE, that means as the Universe expands, so does your personal energetic essence.  It's the most perfect symbiotic relationship imaginable.  And we all know how much we are possible of imagining! But you can only extend that which you already have within you. So, doesn't it make simple sense to try and acquire as much KNOW-LEDGE as possible each and every day?  I'd sure as hell say so! 

Here are some supreme suggestions on how to further expand your own KNOW-LEDGE:

1. Start creating a book list. Perhaps begin by asking people who have had an inspirational influence upon you what books they would recommend.  Re-member success leaves a trail.  Become a hound dog and sniff those trails out for yourSELF!

2. Join MentorBox. For just 10 bucks month, you can join one of the leading online book clubs in the world. I joined two years ago and I LOVE IT! Their proprietary system allows you to fully customize the manner in which you digest all the material of the books they have in their massive collection. They even have the books broken down into video based segments done from the authors themselves. It's basically an electronic "cliff notes" for the too busy to read set. 

They are constantly adding new books into their collection too.
They even send you e-mails whenever they are having live Master Classes with authors.
Super cool stuff!

3. Become aware of FB and Instagram advertisements produced by authors who are literally giving their new books away.  All you have to do is pay for shipping and handling. (typically 5-7 bucks) Yes, you may have to click through a "funnel system" as they incite you to add more products to your order, but you simply press NO to each request.  Easy peezy!

4. Look to join local book clubs.  My sister is in one here in Northern Virginia and adores her time spent there each month.  And she has made some terrific new friends ta boot!

5.  Check out MindValley.  They are an online "Global School" whose goal it is to transform the world through KNOW_LEDGE!  They offer a gi-normous amount of completely free master class trainings on every subject you can think of.  It's a great new place for you mind to call home. 

And since I am always asked about my own personal favorite selection of know-ledge filled tombs, I'd like to give you my top 25 list of the tomes that have made the biggest impact on my life.  I urge you to check out any that "jump out" at you!

So here is my list of the TOP 25 titles (all available on Amazon) that I believe would make excellent additions to any New Age Nerd's bookshelf:

1)  Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsh

2)  Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav

3)  Beyond the Secret by Dr. Lisa Love

4)  Callings by Gregg Levoy

5)  Pathway to Bliss  by Joseph Campbell

6)  The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield

7)  A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

8)  Power vs Force by David Hawkins

9)  The Four Desires by Rod Stryker

10)  Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankel

11) The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

12) The Secrets to the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker

13) God I AM by Peter O Erbe

14) Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

15) A Course in Miracles by The Foundation for Inner Pece

16) Bringers of the Dawn by Barbara Marciniak

17) The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell

18) Manifesting Change by Mike Dooley

19) The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz

20) The Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer

21) Soulshaping by Jeff Brown

22) The Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman

23) The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida

24) Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

25)  The Magic of Believing by Nido Qubein

Of course, Scripture is oh so very sacred.  I did not include this on my list because I feel its truths encapsulate all KNOW-LEDGE!  

I was watching an episode of Oprah's Super Soul Sunday Live from NY last evening.  And Melinda Gates (Bill Gate's wife) was a guest.  She said other than health care, the most important thing we lack in this world is equal opportunities of education.  She stressed how important KNOW-LEDGE is to creating a world in which everyone is treated as equal.  PREACH,  Mrs. Gates!

So what are you waiting for?  That boob tube can be used as a powerful tool for further education, but what would it feel like to know that you are expanding both yourSELF and the Universe as a whole by searching out vessels for your own advancement in all things KNOW-LEDGE? I strongly urge you to not only drink a gallon of water a day for your body.  But please do not forget to "water your mind" everyday by stretching your capacity to learn!  Gotta scoot.  Tons of books are calling my name.....................



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

For more information on my 1 on 1 Signature Coaching Programs,
please email me:  Jeffmartinez@thesuperheroscoach.com

MYTH MAGIC BLISSFUL BOOST: The Legend of Bagger Vance....!

At the start of the Great Depression (circa 1930), Adele is trying to recover her family's lost fortune by holding a four-round, two-day exhibition match between Bobby Jones and Walter Hagen, the best golfers of the era, with a grand prize of $10,000, at a golf resort her father opened as the Depression struck. However, she needs a local participant to generate local interest. The young Greaves speaks up for his hero, Junuh, prompting Adele to ask her estranged lover to play.
Junuh is approached by a mysterious traveler carrying a suitcase, who appears while Junuh is trying to hit golf balls into the dark void of the night. The man identifies himself as Bagger Vance and says he will be Junuh's caddie. With Greaves as assistant caddie, Bagger helps Junuh come to grips with his personal demons and play golf again.
When the match starts, Jones and Hagen each play well in their distinctive ways, but the disengaged Junuh plays poorly and is far behind after the first round. With Bagger caddying for him and giving advice, Junuh rediscovers his "authentic swing." 

Bagger Vance: (to Rannulph Junuh) Put your eyes on Bobby Jones... Look at his practice swing, almost like he's searchin for something... Then he finds it... Watch how he settle hisself right into the middle of it, feel that focus... He got a lot of shots he could choose from... Duffs and tops and skulls, there's only ONE shot that's in perfect harmony with the field... One shot that's his authentic shot, and that shot is gonna choose him... There's a perfect shot out there tryin' to find each and every one of us... All we got to do is get ourselves out of its way, to let it choose us... Can't see that flag as some dragon you got to slay... You got to look with soft eyes... See the place where the tides and the seasons and the turnin' of the Earth, all come together... where everything that is, becomes one... You got to seek that place with your soul Junuh... Seek it with your hands don't think about it... Feel it... Your hands is wiser than your head ever gonna be... Now I can't take you there Junuh... Just hopes I can help you find a way... Just you... that ball... that flag... and all you are...
FROM DREAMWORKS PICTURES: The Legend of Bagger Vance

Much of life is all about re-membering our own "authentic swing." After all, each of us are spiritual beings having a human experience. And part of the agreement in order to secure one of the precious "Tickets to Ride" in this earthly extravaganza is temporary amnesia. That's right! We actually forget who we really are in order to have all the juicy experiences that can only come from the magical, miracle matrix of illusionary SEPARATION this world affords us. For instance, you can only have the transcendent experience of "making someone laugh," if there is The Other in your experience who is not laughing. This Illusion of Separation is actually a great gift. But once the illusion becomes your reality, the gift becomes your greatest nightmare! For you start to believe that everything in life happens TO YOU and not FOR YOU; which is the truth of the matter. ;0)

And that's exactly why all of you "SUPERHEROES" chose to incarnate into this dense realm; in this exact moment of space and time. A journey which is certainly NOT for the faint of heart. Think about it. Being told you will have to "forget who you really are," in order to take full advantage of what the power of illusionary separation extends to you is Ethan Hunt (Mission Impossible) level, master spy stuff. Right?! 
Cue the tapestry laden mini-recorder: "Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is as follows-  You will incarnate in the "Realm of Revelatory Wisdom" on the 3D planet known as Earth. Upon entry, you will forget anything and everything you now know! Your job is to expand your own level of consciousness through expressions of loving service to yourSELF and all others. Through daily acts of random compassion and kindness. During this time you may be betrayed, abandoned, badly maligned; become disillusioned, lose 'everything', and be forced to both suffer and struggle. And the daily ass kickings, will NEVER stop. These jolts of "shock and awe" will greatly assist you in your re-awakening toward TRUE PERCEPTION; to your own "authentic swing." Your own unique Super Heroic Higher Self! 

All so that you can further strengthen the eternal areas within your subconscious still searching for experiences to learn, grow, and then eventually expand its ascended state back into the Universal Force of unlimited SOURCE ENERGY. Garnering a 'Welcome Home' party of ethereal proportions! For oh the 'Top Shelf' stories shall you be able to share with your fellow galactic travelers! So that they too, can expand themselves through and as you did on your time within this concrete jungle. For the original understanding of being a HERO came from the root word HEROS.  Meaning two. That which I do for you, I do for myself. And that which I do for myself, I do for you! For you shall eventually re-member...................... WE ARE ALL ONE

The battle cry of all conscious souls when facing dire straits. As shall be the case upon your arrival. Something is coming. We know you can feel it. As strongly as does your conscious concierge service. But we KNOW you have been preparing youSELF for this moment through many lifetimes. Wonder Woman and Batman got noithin' over you! Although they will be right by your side when the time comes to fight the coming nemesis threatening to destroy this planet. Which CANNOT HAPPEN

This planet is a sacred holding space of Intergalactic Knowledge. Long ago, the Universe deemed planet Earth as the place to garner its unending understanding of expansive energetic growth! Meant to encapsulate the TRUTH that we made ourSELVES in the image and likeness of of the Grand Creator herSELF! For each and every experience any Soul  garners on planet Earth has been recorded and permanently imprinted deep within the core of its Universal Understanding. The eternal encyclopedia Britannica for the Cosmos family.  A library filled with energetic KNOWLEDGE so profound, each and every page has been seared with soliloquies of pure LOVE and unfettered BLISS!  So failure is obviously NOT AN OPTION

And oh how much you will grow! For in this experience, the more you know, the more shall you grow. And eventually, you will re-member all that you already knew. Which is a ton! Your powers will grow to levels that will eventually allow you to BE and DO anything in the entire set of multi-Verses! And it's all in your contract! Signed, sealed, and delivered by your own personal Wisdom Waiter
To assist you on your mission, you will be encoded with a "Spiritual Guidance System."
Your very energetic essence will be connected to it at all times! It is called a Sub-conscious Mind. It is 1 million times more powerful than the "Conscious EGOIC Mind." The one you will be tempted to use as your default system. And through this Sub-conscious Mind, we will be in constant communication with you. It is non-verbal in nature, so your words will have absolutely no power over it. It is activated through your thoughts (images), feelings and emotions. We will send you daily re-membrances of "Who You Really Are", through intuitive hunches, synchronicities, pre-conceived plans, and the insertion of people, places, and things in the exact perfect timing they are of necessity. You will not be doing any of this alone! This planet is in desperate need of cosmic SUPERHEROES. And pronto! In fact, its very existence depends on this group of Super Friends we will be organizing and called 
The Legion of Love

And for your efforts, you will all become Galactic Legends! For since the illusion of time and space were conceived, never has there been such an opportunity for greater loving expansion throughout this Universe! You will create a permanent state of HEAVEN ON THIS EARTH! For billions of other souls to bask and play in for eons to come! No pressure, 
but the entire fate of this planet now rests in the hands of the greatest team of SUPERHEROES to ever assemble anywhere in the cosmos!  You have exactly 30 seconds to accept this Mission Possible before this tape self destructs. What do you say?"

And I know all you New Age Nerds said, "Hell yes!" And so it is! And so it ever shall be!

So please re-member. Especially when funds are low and your bills are quite high. Life is completely rigged in your favor. The Universe has got your back. Just as Junuh had Bagger Vance, you have your own set of Spiritual Super Friends at your side, ALWAYS! To help guide you on your own Superhero's Journey. All to re-member the one of a kind CALLING you came here to fulfill, and forever change the entire Universe as a byproduct of its completion! Gotta run, my tee time is up next.  See you out there on the cosmic golf course. Never stop creating with that conscious club to find your own "authentic swing."
The entire fate of this planet now rests within your collective Loving Hands.........


Jeffrey Louis Martinez