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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Hard to believe we are already half way through the first month of the New Year.  And I wonder how many of you are still on course toward fulfilling all your Resolutions from just a few weeks ago?!?  Personally, I have changed my Mindset about New Year Resolutions.  To be completely vulnerable, I don't think I can think of five that I actually have stuck with for one full year.  (Guilt tap on the hand!) ;0)  How many of you New Age Nerds have had similar experiences in trying to remain faithful to your resolute desires?!  I am guessing a great deal of you!  Am I right?!?  Be honest.....     LOL    

So now that we are on the same page, (wink) I would like to share with you how I have TRANSCENDED the trend of ringing in the New Year with Resolutions.  Resolutions do not work for the majority of us because true life change stems from creating new HABITS!!   It's the same philosophy that surrounds the challenges with losing weight through dieting.  Did you know that a Gi-normous 80 percent of people finishing a diet regime gain any weight loss back!  EIGHTY PERCENT!!  And that doesn't take into account all those extra pounds that people pack back on in addition to their original weight.   I think that's why they call it Weight Watchers.  You get to Watch Your Weight come piling right back on your bones!  LOL   I have been a "Hard Gainer" the majority of my life. However,  the various terrible tussles I have witnessed others struggle through during this process of yo-yo dieting is just one resolution/goal that has greatly informed the Paradigm Shift I now institute into my life!  

The issue is most diets do not teach 'Lifestyle Change' as a core component of their programs.  And all sustainable lifestyle changes come from working on our HABITS!  There is a long held misconception that it takes just 21 days to form a New Habit.  The '21 Day Theory' was first introduced by Maxwell Maltz, a plastic surgeon in the 1950's.  He discovered through his practice, that on average, it took his patients 21 days to get used to their newly formed faces.  However, a more recent scientific study by Phillippa Lally and her colleagues from the UK Health Behavior Research Center have shown that it actually takes 66 days on average for a new HABIT to take a firm hold.  Seems very doable for anyone who is truly committed to making a life change, doesn't it?!  ;0)

So for those of you who already bid a fond farewell to your New Year's resolutions, have no fear, The Hero's Coach is here!!  And I am going to share with you some tips on how to form sustainable lifestyle changes in your own life through creating HEROIC HABITS!  Sound good?!  Fantastico! ;0)  


1.  The first step is to decide in what area/areas of your life you would like to create sustainable change. In order for this to work, you have to BE FULLY COMMITTED!!  So make sure to pick an area/areas that you feel fervently passionate about creating change.  Perhaps it is financial abundance, better health, losing weight, or calling forth a Soul Centered relationship into your life.  The point here is the desire must be BURNING within you!  

2.  Now that you have in mind which burning desires you wish to work on, it's time for ACTION!  As Albert Einstein said, "If you want different results, do NOT do the same things!"  And who wants to argue with Sir Einstein?!?  Your current life is a creation of all the thoughts(MINDSET), words, and ACTIONS that you have created as habitual habits up to this very moment!  My first suggestion is to infuse this phrase as part of your daily affirmations.  HOW I DO ONE THING IS HOW I DO EVERYTHING!  BOOM!!........  The first new habit I suggest you create is one in which you start tackling everything you do the exact same way.  Do it fully or not at all!  No more half assed attempts....no more half made beds, or floors that are still half covered with clothes, or dirty dishes still left in the sink!  Because as they say, anything worth doing is worth doing fully!  Capiche?!  Coolio!!  ;0)

3. Tackling a new MINDSET around your burning desires is the next step in creating HEROIC HABITS!  This is where the Power and Magic of Belief comes into play.  No more 'I will believe it when I see it.'   For by simply believing first that you deserve it, the Universe will serve it!  

Your Subconscious Mind is the most powerful gift you will ever be given.  And it feeds off of imaginative thought mixed with emotionalized belief!  The next HABIT to work on is Visualization.  I suggest creating a new HABIT of spending ten to fifteen minutes every morning and every night doing visualization exercises.  This is critical to form a new MINDSET around your burning desires! Below I am reposting the 'visualization technique' I teach from a previous blog entry.

Take time out of each and every day (10-15 minutes ) to find a quiet place, close your eyes, and IMAGINE that your burning desires have ALREADY MANIFESTED INTO YOUR LIFE.   In order to convince your Subconscious Mind that you are already in possession of your heartfelt desires, you MUST mix your thoughts of it already being in your possession with the POWER OF EMOTIONALIZED BELIEF!   Literally feeling the ownership of your burning desire, by the VISUALIZATION THROUGH IMAGINATION technique.  For instance, if a new job is your Desire, IMAGINE yourself in that new office, with that terrific boss, and how you want to feel while going to work each day. And do not be afraid to let your Freak Flag fly during this habit.  As you imagine this new reality now in your precious possession, DO NOT temper your deepest feelings and emotions from shining through.  Pump your fist, jump up and down; express every emotion fully!  And feel the thrill of actually KNOWING you have created this new reality for yourself!!!  

4.  To further imprint on your Subconscious Mind that which you desire, I suggest using a notebook to create another new HEROIC HABIT.  Once a day, write down five things you will be able to do once you have accomplished or received your burning desire.  It is crucial t they are written in the present tense, as though they have already manifested into your life.   As an example, I have a financial goal for 2019.  So every day, I write down five things I would do as if that money were already in my possession!  If your desire is to get healthier or lose weight, write down five things you would do with the new energy and fitness and/or loss of pain as if it were now in your life's experience.  It will really assist you in creating a brand new ANABOLIC energy and MINDSET surrounding your desires!!

5.  Our Subconscious Mind thinks in terms of images.  So create a new HEROIC HABIT of feeding it 'Visual Cues" in the form of pictures/photographs, written notes, personal drawings, or art work that resonates with your burning desire.  Here are two examples from my home that assist me in creating a Financial Abundant Energetic vibration for my fiscal desires! 

                                    EVEN SANTA SAYS MONEY IS PURE MAGIC!!!

                                           Yes, at night......   I AM BATMAN!!!   LOL

These visual cues surround my environment with the energy of pure Financial Abundance!  You can get really creative with this and make it super fun!  It's like a 3D version of a Vision Board!  I'd LOVE to see pictures of what you New Age Nerds can come up with using the HABIT of 'Visual Cues' surrounding your own burning desires.... 

6.  The last HEROIC HABIT is much more powerful than you might think.  Get into the HABIT of making your bed every day!   I know, I know what you may be thinking!  Are you kidding me, Jeffrey?!  I've read this whole darn post and this is what you end with!!  Slow your roll!!  LOL  Let me explain..............

The State of Your Bed Is The State of Your Head!!

There have been several scientific studies that suggest that people who make their bed first thing in the morning are much happier and even more productive during the day!  

Naval Admiral William McRaven even used making your bed as the cornerstone of his commencement speech given at the University of Texas back in 2014:

"If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day.  It will give you as small sense of pride and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another.  By the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed.  Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that little things in life matter."

The HEROIC HABIT of making your bed first thing every morning also gives you time to shake off the cobwebs from the night's slumber and start focusing on your new MINDSET!  I highly suggest that you play inspirational music or even better, motivational audio files while you wrestle with your sheets.  

No matter what your burning desires may be, incorporating all of these HEROIC HABITS into your life will pay massive dividends by the year's end!  Of course, depending on your desire, you must have a sound plan in place in addition to these new HABITS.  I have found that by committing to these new habitual steps, you will be much more motivated and inspired to stick with the other parts of your action plan toward fulfilling any form of abundance you desire in your own life!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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