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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, January 29, 2018

Learn Just How POWERFUL Your BELIEFS Are..!!


J.R. Tolkein        (The Lord of The Rings) ___________________________________________________

I was recently working with a client who was, to say the least, completely frustrated and utterly confused.   She was doing what she THOUGHT were all the ‘right’ things to try and improve certain areas of her life.  Yet it seemed that instead of experiencing the changes she desired, she was manifesting complete CHAOS.  After several minutes attempting to calm her down back into a space of peaceful alignment so that our session could continue in a productive manner, I decided this was a job for the my inner SuperHero ‘The Connoisseur of Consciousness’.  You see, the true skill of coaching is in the subtle art of figuring out where the TRUE block of the client resides.  Sometimes, this comes after one session and becomes quite obvious with divine, heartfelt listening.  Now on other occasions, it's kinda like being a crime detective worthy of a Sherlock Holmes type prowess. 
And after only 15 minutes, I knew this was going to be much more like the latter!  lol

Some clients can be quite tricky and mercurial to try and coach, because they have a way of being very persuasive with their vernacular.  They come across as quite confident and self aware with pat statements that they THINK  display that they have things under control and that it is the cursed people, places, and things OUT THERE that are the cause of all their pain and suffering.  Refusal of self responsibility for any of their current life ‘predicaments’ is one sure sign that they are out of alignment in some foundational manner.  Of course, trying to break through their level of self refusal takes patience, compassion, with a huge helping side of intuitive knowhow.  And trust me, sometimes you just don't KNOW HOW you are going to find out where this misalignment reside.  ;0)

Most of us spend our energy living ‘within the shadows.’  Caught up in the drama of the darkness rather than moving toward the direction of the actual obstacle that is BLOCKING THE LIGHT in the first place.  For those of you who just can't grasp the true value of having a life coach, hopefully this helps explain the miracles that a co-creation with the right qualified coach can bring.  We help our clients in finding that obstacle to “let the Sunshine in, and face it with a grin!” (For your Flintstones fans! ) ;0)

During our third session, I noticed something quite contradictory in nature.  My client would say what she desired with a fervent passion.  Only to back up the statement with something that COMPLETELY contradicted what she wanted!  For instance, after saying she really wanted to find a new career, it was quickly followed with something like “Most companies are greedy and don't care about their people so I am being extra picky!”  And she wonders why the numerous resumes she has been sending out have been met with two results.  One being that she hears nothing back from them.  Or even worse, she lands an interview, and sure enough, the experience turns out to be caustic and off putting.  Same thing with her diatribes about relationships.  For each declaration of “I would love to find someone to settle down with, and be a true partner”,  it was soon followed by “But most men can't be trusted and lie and cheat!”  AYE DIOS MIO!!  Can you imagine how stressed out her spirit guides must be!  No doubt they have perhaps requested a reassignment from time to time.   LOL

I bring this up NOT to place any sense of judgment on the client, only to use it as a TEXTBOOK example of how what we BELIEVE actually creates a much more POWERFUL energetic vibration than what we think or even say.  Just as the conscious mind is the source of thought, the subconscious mind is the SOURCE of our true POWER of manifestation.  It is deeply and profoundly rooted in instinct, and it is aware of the most basic and extraordinary desires within us all.  It is a POWERHOUSE through which the most incredible amount of SOURCE can be connected with.  And it is within our SUBCONSCIOUS that we store our actual BELIEFS!

Basically, we can think one thing, and do another that matches that thought, BUT if our BELIEFS about what we are saying and doing contradict the intended outcome, well, that's the space in which CHAOS rules.  I love this quote from the sensational book ‘The Power of Believing’ by Nido Qubein, when he states, “Therefore visualize the exact thing(job, relationship, home etc) you desire and use daily affirmations until BELIEF in your goal becomes a vital part of you and your body.  See yourself actually doing the things or experiencing the people you desire, because every thought, backed by an equal BELIEF in that thought sooner or later materializes it into your life.

It's really all about BEING in alignment.  I have a suspecting intuition that if you truly start to check in within yourself several times a day, many of you will realize that what you think, say, do and BELIEVE are not in alignment with one another.  One, two, or more of these things are not congruent with the WHOLE!  And all that gets you is a whole lotta frustration, chaos and disappointment.  

So I urge you to think about the principles I have explained in today's post, and be honest with yourself.  RE-member, your outer experiences are a direct reflection of you inner reality.  Basically speaking, you cannot lie to the UNIVERSE.  It knows what you truly think and what you BELIEVE and will deliver to you the exact order you are putting in to the Wisdom Waiter always at your side!

So before you scream, “EXCUSE ME GOD, BUT I DID NOT ORDER THAT!”, Re-member that based on your BELIEFS, you actually did!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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