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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Did You KNOW You Could Be A Wounded HEALER...?!?!?



I was introduced to the term ‘Wounded Healer’ on the very first episode of Super Soul Sunday I ever watched.  And it has been a part of my spiritual paradigm ever since.  In the episode, they were discussing the fact that there are certain individuals who seem to go through extraordinary life challenges, as well as an amazing amount of pain and suffering.  And unfortunately, many of these chosen SOULS are labeled with having bad luck, or making poor decisions that are at the root cause of their various life struggles.  And yet, often, that is simply NOT the truth of what is taking place behind the spiritual scenes of their experiences.  Many of these special individuals are called to be WOUNDED HEALERS.

The term itself is derived from Mythology.  In Greek myth, Chiron was the wisest of Centaurs, and the archetype of the wounded healer.   He was accidentally wounded by an arrow that had been dipped with the blood of Hydra.  Chiron was immortal though, and so that arrow's venom sentenced him to eternal pain, suffering, and terrible torment.  In his lengthy search for a cure to his own condition, the byproduct became an ability for him to help others.  He became a teacher who spent his days spreading the healing arts he had learned through his own struggles.  The very act of helping others with their suffering, greatly aided his own angst.   As Buddha says, “Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion.”

While Greek Mythology may have originated the idea behind a wounded healer, the energy behind this powerful archetype has continued to spread throughout  all generations.  It is at the core of The Hero's/Heroine's Journey.  In the final act of the Journey, the Hero, after overcoming an inordinate amount of struggles, pain, and suffering, brings the knowledge collected and lessons learned back to their tribe to share this newfound enlightenment with everyone.

However, there is a distinct difference between ‘curing’ someone from their particular malady, and HEALING them from their pain so they can resume their life's purpose.  Perhaps it can be surmised as the difference between science and art.  Effective healing energy flows when two hearts intimately connect.  There is a deep trust because of the mutual understanding that both have from experiencing things that are quite similar in nature.  I know, for instance, that when I meet someone who has suffered from Crohn's disease, that they truly understand my pain. In fact, we call ourselves ‘The Crohnies’ when we meet.  We share a common yet unspoken badge of honor from our malady.  That doesn't mean that the only people who can assist and support me have to have Crohns, but as Carl Jung said, “The doctor is effective ONLY when he himself is affected.  Only the wounded physician heals.”  What I have found is that I tend to resoundingly connect and resonate with others who have dealt with their own severe forms of trials and tribulations.  They just seem to have a common form of knowingness and understanding that I relate to.  The depths of their souls are so full of mystical magic and wisdom, that I can get lost in this esoteric energy for days!

Jung believed that the best healers were those who had undergone a transformation of sorts from their own suffering and set of life struggles.  It offered to them an authentic piece of soul based compassion.  The Wounded Healer understands at a profound level what his client feels, because he/she has experienced something of a VERY similar nature.  The HEALER is thus able to feel a profound empathy, and not just sympathy for their client.  And that makes a Gi-normous difference in the relationship!  It's as if a spiritual channel of connection emanates from both healer and patient that   causes a sense of soulful connection and ultimate trust.

Admittedly, my life has had MORE than its share of experiences that I have had many people lable as bad luck or hearing phrases such as “Jeff just can't catch a break.  He has the worst luck.”  And sometimes, it has been excrutiatingly painful and frustrating to be engaged in such a manner. In an old post called ‘A Dark Knight of the Soul’ I describe the moment when I realized that luck had No Thing to do with my life experiences.  I believe that I was called to be a Wounded Healer and have since made it my life's purpose to use what I have learned through my Journey to support and assist others who are still in their own particular sense of HELL.  A BATMAN with a spiritual PURPOSE!! Yeah...I Like That!!!  As Thomas Jefferson said, “Who then can so softly bind up the wound of another as he who has felt the same wound himself.”  Utter perfection...........

So today I ask you, do you believe that perhaps you can find a way to use YOUR unique set of hardships and pain to assist others?  Because in a way, I believe we are ALL meant to be Wounded Healers for one another.  That doesn't mean it has to become our life mission.  But how much human suffering could be transformed if we had the courage and were VULNERABLE enough to share our hurt and illusionary failures with our fellow brothers and sisters across the planet?!  Furthermore, I believe it is time for us to make this one of our missions.  We need one another NOW more than ever!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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