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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Are You Settling By COPING With Life Through TOLERANCE.... TRANSFORM To THRIVE!!!



Back in Spring of 2013, I started a Life and Leadership National Certification program with a company called iPEC.  I was incredibly drawn to its CORE ENERGY transformation techniques that are its principle Paradigm of instructional teaching components!  Many of my friends were confounded as to why I believed I needed to attend yet ANOTHER program.  I had already studied for many years with Master Coaches at several different institutions across the country.  And let's just say my bookshelves pleaded with me to NOT add another tomb to its sturdy structure,  as my collection had grown to nearly 500!  A constant mantra became “What more is there for you to possibly Re-member to actually start getting out there and teaching this stuff yourself?!?!”

And in many ways, their ‘Call to Action’ resonated with me.  Yet, there was something that was inherently pulling me toward enrolling in the program despite their constant pleads to begin my own practice.  It became a calling from my Spirit.  And if there is ONE thing I have learned on my spiritual Journey of self realization, it is this:  DO NOT TRY AND ARM WRESTLE GOD.  YOU WILL LOSE EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!   ;0)  I'm serious....    LOL

Yet as FATE would have it, exactly two days before the official start of the program, my Father(Stepdad but a true Father to me) was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer of the nasal cavity.  I will spare you the gory details in this post as I have fully fleshed out that Journey in earlier writings.  But this devastating diagnosis left me with a huge decision to ponder.  Yet it took me all of one day to quit my job AND the coaching program to be a primary caretaker for my Father as he tried to fight this SOUL CRUSHING disease;  even though I had already plopped down several thousand dollars toward the certification.  I'm a Wounded Healer by nature and one of my own needed me Now more than ever!

As those of you who follow my daily blog are quite aware, my Father lost his battle and passed away one year later, as the cancer slowly moved to his brain.  And I was absolutely heart broken and fractured into many painful pieces.  During the next several years, I thought about rejoining the iPEC program, yet life kept ‘getting in the way.’    Then in January of this year, the pieces of my life FINALLY started falling back into place and I called the program to see if they would honor the money I had already committed to the program three years earlier.  And although it was against their typical protocol, given my harsh circumstances they agreed to apply my previous payments toward a certification in 2016!!   Thank you GOD!!

So one month later I was back in action and began the nearly year long process of becoming a Nationally Certified Master Coach!  And guess what, tomorrow is my last day of class!!  And although I have met a new TRIBE of friends and gained even greater insight into coaching techniques I have already been putting into practice with several clients, it wasn't until TODAY that I received the AH HA moment that completely confirmed the reason I was so intensely called to finish this program!!

Right before our lunch break earlier this afternoon, our AMAZING instructor began teaching us an energy assessment tool (Think MYERS BRIGGS) that we can use with all of our clients as a way of showing them where their potential blocks and limiting beliefs are holding them back from their full potential and desires in life.  To simplify the process for the sake of brevity, there are 7 levels of Energy that we are all capable of accessing at any given time throughout our lives.  Our instructor was teaching us how to explain the test results through each level with our clients.  And when she got to Level 3, a chaotic stranglehold took over the room.  Confusion turned into disconnection, which sprung various levels of energy filled with anxiety, stress, and discord throughout the classroom!  

Level 3 is a level of energy that expresses TOLERANCE as its main component.  And many in the class(Including me for the first ten minutes) began to become disillusioned with what is potentially not empowering about this state of BEING.  I mean isn't that what so many scholars, teachers, and coaches prosthelitize in society.  That the LACK of TOLERANCE as being a core issue with the problems in the world?!!?  And that we should all learn Tolerance of one another's differences in religion, beliefs, and cultures?? 

And as our Master Teacher continued trying to explain the potential blocks and limiting beliefs that are imbued in Level 3 energy, I got an INTUITIVE HIT that literally knocked my spiritual socks off!!  For the VERY FIRST TIME in my spiritual Journey I received a transformative distinction that instantly brought me to a higher level consciousness.  Yeah, THAT powerful!! 

I suddenly realized that TOLERANCE is NOT a high vibrational state of Beingness.  Please read the previous sentence one more time!  TOLERANCE is a form of settling and/or coping with circumstances and experiences in our collective consciousness. And it also is a state that sees separation when the truth of the matter is THAT WE ARE ALL ONE!  And previously unbeknownst to me, I had not only been using techniques such as REFRAMING circumstances toward their TOLERANCE as an End Result, but I had been teaching my friends and clients the same thing!!  Aye Dios Mio!!  Now it is perfectly OK to use reframing as a bridge  for ourselves and/or others to temporarily cope with any disruptive discord until you can transition and transform that energy into a higher level of vibration. (such as the Re-membrance that we are all Pure Love and Light) But using it as a cure all for the pain, blocks and limiting beliefs is no different that using drugs and alcohol to numb yourself out, avoiding the challenging self work and deep seated primal fears that need to be healed and transformed!  It is a coping skill that actually only band-aids the experience of discomfort so that we can simply  COPE WITH OUR BLOCKS AND LIMITING BELIEFS!  I don't know about YOU, but I want No Thing to do with settling for just coping with life! I commit to THRIVING through my Hero's Journey!!  And I am willing to bet you feel the same way!!

Now here is where I highly suggest adding some Secret Sauce to this transformation in understanding and Re-membrance.  I am NOT saying that the opposite of TOLERANCE is allowing others to mistreat and disrespect us.  And it does not mean that we are in any way, shape, or form under spiritual obligation to surround ourselves with individuals whose current level of consciousness is TOXIC.  But instead of tolerating these individuals and their behavior, what would it look like to choose to LOVE them from the other side of the room?!?  The key word here is of course LOVE!  You are not judging them or their behavior, and are still seeing the Light of their true essence that they have yet to Re-member in their Journey's process.   But that does not mean that you cannot hold them in a state of reverence from afar!  Does that make sense?!  I sure hope it does.  As was demonstrated from our class of Master Coaches earlier today, this is a complex concept to process.  Yet I promise  you it is worth the time and effort to do so.........


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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