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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, July 15, 2016

The Making of A New Age Nerd Part 3



(Please refer back to the first posts from early January for Parts 1 and 2)

It has been over six months since I have written the first two parts of ‘The Making Of A New Age Nerd’ and the time felt right to finish my little trilogy of sorts by FINALLY finishing the story.  Why has it taken me this long to finish the narrative?!  Well, this final installment is a little esoteric to say the least, and six months ago, I was just introducing myself to the New Age Nerd community for the first time.  I had every intention of writing the last chapter, but thought that it may be a little too much to disclose so early in our relationship.  But now that some time has passed and I have written over 120 posts, hopefully I have built up the credibility in the sharing of my own Hero's Journey to finish the ending to this story!  So without further adieu, here we go..................................

Given the extreme amount of blood I had lost due to the internal bleeding from the ulcers in my digestive system, I felt very tired most of the time.  To help give my system some much needed ‘boost’ I would often consume an energy drink.  At least if I wanted to stay up past 7 at night.  lol  

On this particular evening, the Major League Baseball All Star game was on, and being the sports junkie and baseball fanatic I was, there was NO WAY I was going to let some disease I could barely pronounce the name of keep me from watching the whole damn thing.  So I consumed several energy drinks and stayed up until near midnight!  

When the game was over, I turned off the TV and headed off to bed for what I thought would be a long night of sleep.  But there was ONE little issue;  SPIRIT had another idea in mind for that evening!  I remember lying down and trying to quiet my mind from the images of the game I had just watched.  And just as I was starting to fall asleep, a TINGLING sensation started down around my legs and slowly made its mercurial way up the rest of my body. My breathing started slowing down and I could literally FEEL my heart start to slowly stop beating.  I wanted to call out for help, but I simply couldn't.  And although in my mind I was coming to the realization that I might be dying, I  have never felt so calm and peaceful.  Blissful in fact.  

Suddenly, my darkened room started to slowly light up when three bright white orbs entered the space.  They hovered over me for several minutes and then each moved over to one side of the bed; right, left, and center.  Then, they each started to take human form.  Picture the Old King's council from Lord of the Ring's.  They were majestic, regal, and emanated a compassion that was all encompassing.  One by one, they reached out to touch me.  And without saying ONE WORD, they communicated with me.  Through FEELINGS.  It's truly something you have to experience for yourself.  I was told by them it is how things are communicated on the ‘other side.’  And I can understand why.  Imagine if you could allow someone to know how you are feeling, by allowing them to share in that exact emotional vibration you are experiencing.  Let me just say, it could help heal the world.  Rather than having to explain ourselves, which as we know often leads to confusion and disconnection,  on the other side, we allow one another access to our FEELINGS.  And it is a MAGICAL experience.  As much as I absolutely adore words, THIS my friends is the creme de la creme of communication! So clear and unfiltered by subtext and the projection of our minds. 

The message they shared with me was that I was going to be OK.   And that they were sympathetic for my suffering, but that it was needed for my Journey.  I need just TRUST.  And without warning, they were gone!!  And my heart was racing!  I mean out of control racing.  I could barely breathe.  I screamed for help and my parents who were sleeping upstairs came racing down to assist me.  They immediately called 911 and I was rushed by ambulance to the hospital.  In the ER, I was told that the caffeine I had consumed, given my low blood count, had caused an arrhythmia ‘situation’ but that there was no sign of a heart attack or heart damage.  Thank God!  

I NEVER revealed my visit with these ELDERS to anyone for many, many years.  My thought is that given my weakened state of health that night, most would just chalk up my ethereal experience to a dream or something of that nature.  But I KNEW THE TRUTH.  

And that wasn't the last time I would to be visited by the ELDERS.  Years later, when I was in the hospital having to have my entire colon removed from the Crohn's dis-ease, I was visited by them once again.  

My entire hospital stay during this process of colon removal and having to wear a colostomy bag took nearly a year.  And if what I experienced isn't a version of HELL, than PLEASE God, forgive me of all my sins!!  In a similar fashion as the first visit, it was a late summer evening and I had gone through pretty much every complication one can have during and after my 12 hour surgery.  And I had dropped from 170 to 130 pounds in the process.   We had to have several different beds brought in to find one that would actually allow me rest since my back bones were so exposed to outside pressure.  And the colostomy bag I was now wearing, wasn't ‘jiving’ with my digestive system.  I was constantly dehydrated and nearly passed out on several occasions.  Just standing up and walking upstairs was in and of itself an act of terror and courage, wrapped in exhaustion.  Just sayin'.

This particular night,  I was trying to get some rest, because I had been feeling nauseous all day.  At about 3 in the morning, I had that exact same TINGLING sensation come back.  And I just knew I was about to have another visit.  However , this one was much more profound in my life than the first.  The Elders did indeed appear in my room, and took the exact same positions around my bed as the first time they surprised me with their presence.  But this visit had a much more tangible reason for BEING.   As in the first visit, they each stepped toward me one by one, and laid out a hand to rest on my core.  The first one told me the Journey here in the hospital was about to end.  And that I would soon be going home, with no further complications.  And to have FAITH in that.  The second Elder at the head of the bed then reached forward with a message of his own.  Again, all through finite FEELINGS.  He said that I was to- get this- move to Hollywood, CA.  And that the next step in my calling required me to be in Los Angeles, where I was born.   When I asked why, the final Elder stepped forward and said that they could not disclose that information.  Because the wisdom and KNOWINGNESS I needed was to be found along the JOURNEY.  They each told me how much I was LOVED and then, once again, without warning, they disappeared.  Communication with them was like being in a trance of tranquility.  And when I broke free from that vibration, I once agin felt my heart racing.  Uncontrollably so!   I pushed the emergency button next to my bed and two doctors and nurses flooded into the room.  They rushed me down to the cardiologist department and ran several tests.  And once again, found nothing!  

The following morning I felt refreshed and even had a little bounce and pep to my step.  My nausea was completely gone.  And I even had an appetite.  For the first time in months, I actually desired food!  Hell to the yes, and can I get an AMEN up in this hospital room!!  LOL

After months of agonizing pain and suffering, one week later, I was actually released for what turned out to be the final time.  My dad had just purchased a convertible and on this warm summer day, I asked him to put the top down on the ride back home.  Tears flooded my eyes as I felt something so simple as the wind blowing through my hair and the sun's lovingly warm touch on my face.  There were several times in the hospital in which I never thought I would experience such magic ever again.  Yet, here I was, feeling spectacular and heading back to my own home!  They say the greatest things in life are FREE, and in my experience, that should be the mantra for the WORLD!  As long as you pay me for the idea.  KIDDING!!!!!    LOL

As we pulled up into our driveway, my mom assisted me in getting out of the car and helped me in walking down into the basement where I stayed.  My dad went straight to one of his favorite activities in the entire Universe, GETTING THE MAIL!  ;0)  (I know you all have dad's who are the exact same way!)

I had JUST sat down on the sofa when my dad burst through the door calling my name.  “Oh my goodness gracious,” I thought.  What NOW, I pondered with anxious emotions running through me.  He came charging down the stairs and handed me a piece of mail.   

Look what came in the mail for you today, Jeff?”, he said.  

It was a postcard with a Gi-normous picture of the HOLLYWOOD sign on the front.  I quickly turned the card over and saw it had been sent from an old friend I had met in an International TV and Radio fellowship both he and I were lucky enough to be awarded straight out of college.  We were roommates in the program and had promised to stay in touch upon the fellowship's ending.  Of course, as is typically the case,  good intentions quickly morph into wonderful memories as life goes by.  His name was John Wood and he had just moved to LA.  He was working for E! Entertainment and the postcard was basically an open ended invitation for me to visit.  I got the most intense case of the Godbumps I have ever had to this day.  The ELDERS had told me to move to Hollywood.  And here, on my very first day back home, I get a card in the mail fromm someone I hadn't heard from in five years,  inviting me out to LA.  

Mom, dad, get me the phone.  QUICK!!” I shouted out.  ”What's wrong Jeff?   Is everything OK.” my mom blurted.

Everything is better than fine, I just need the phone!”

John had left his business number on the back of the postcard and so I called him as fast as my skinny little fingers could dial!  And he picked up, on the second ring.  “John, this is Jeff Martinez -or as he would pronounce it Jeff Martin-ez- I just got your postcard.  It's a long story, but I have just spent the past year sick with Crohn's dis-ease, had to have my colon taken out and weigh about a buck 'o five!  But that extra bedroom you mentioned in your letter, keep it open for me.  I will be there in three months!!”

When I hung up the phone, I just sat there staring at the postcard.  Pondering. Processing.  My world changed in an instant.   My sense of DESIRE about a spiritual realm beyond the world we resided in, turned to KNOWINGNESS that we are without a doubt SPIRITUAL BEINGS HAVING A HUMAN EXPERIENCE.  And my life has never been the same sense.  

And as all fellow New Age Nerds practice, I was a man of my word.  Exactly three months later, I showed up on John's LA doorstep.  And my Hero's Journey as a New Age Nerd thus began...........................


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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