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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Are You On The PATH Toward Your SUPREME DESTINY......?!!?



As I sat listening to President Obama speaking at the Memorial service for the slain Dallas police officers on Tuesday morning, my heart literally ached for this man.  At one point, as it appeared he was going to start to cry he said, “I have just been to way too many of these events.  Way too many. (PAUSE)  It's taken a toll on me to meet with all the families who are grieving and in so much pain. It's something I don't like to do.  It's hard.  AND IT'S GOT TO STOP!”

Before stepping off stage, he looked off to his right for a few beats and just stared.  It was like watching PAIN and FRUSTRATION in tangible form, and it made me tear up.  You could actually FEEL the hurt emanating from the President as he appeared to be recalling the horrors he has been forced to face while in office.  We may watch things unfold from the comforts of our living room chairs, but this special and courageous soul has to go meet with all the families, one by one, to offer his support through LOVE and compassion.  

Last week, I had to make a decision on the specialty niche I would be certified in through my life and leadership program that ends in September.  And while the choice seemed to be quite a challenging one for many in my program, for me, the answer was resoundingly resolute.  I picked LIFE PURPOSE.  And hopefully for you fellow New Age Nerds and readers of this blog, that makes complete sense!  After all, the Paradigm for all my coaching work is based on the template of The Hero's/Heroine's Journey for a reason.  It is my KNOWINGNESS and deep core BELIEF that one of the most powerful ways for the consciousness in this world to rise above its current level is through the transformative power of.....   PURPOSE!

Can you close your eyes for a moment, and connect with your breathing.   Slow down your thoughts and focus on a NEW WORLD.  One in which the entire planet's population wakes up tomorrow morning and no matter the fiscal or physical challenges they may face, or the fear they FEEL, they have the strength and conviction to take the first step toward their Supreme Destiny, their purpose, their calling.   The reason they decided to manifest into this world at THIS time.  Rather  than spending their precious time chasing false idols and materialistic accoutrements, they channel that same energy into the cultivation of the gifts and talents that they were betrothed with upon agreeing to take this ‘ride of a lifetime’ with a human experience on Earth!  CAN YOU IMAGINE THE MIRACLES THAT WE WOULD SEE!!

Jesus the Christ espoused after each and every Miracle he performed, “This, and so much more, you too, one day will do.”  It was a constant declaration he shared with his disciples as well.  I fervently believe this was what he meant by saying we can have ‘Heaven on Earth’ on several occasions.  

From previous posts I have written, many of you know I had a complete BREAKDOWN and then was resolutely BROKEN OPEN at the start of this year.  And although I had read many books on this notion of being truly broken open, it wasn't until I experienced it for myself that I have come to understand what this experience FEELS like.  All the pain, suffering, confusion and loss was preparing me and clearing the path for the allowance of me stepping into my true path.  Suddenly, the turmoil all made sense.  The miracle sense that is knowingness. And the only word I can think of to describe it is.......BLISS!  I will never forget the night that the breaking open of my heart and soul began to take hold.  I was watching a previously recorded special of ADELE performing live in NY.  And as she belted out songs from her new album, with lyrics that spoke of love, longing, and forgiveness, I utterly started this breaking open process of soulful proportions.  Although trying to explain the experience through the use of words is quite daunting, I will say that for the first time in my life, I felt BEING ONE with LOVE.  There was No Thing that I could see, touch , or feel that was not LOVE.  It felt so intense that it ALMOST hurt.  ALMOST.  It reminded me of the many scenes in ‘The Green Mile,’ when Michael Clarke Duncan's character made declarations of his emotions.

Everything I was experiencing felt incredibly heightened.  LOVE, compassion, empathy, peace, and joy radiated from deep within me.  It had ALWAYS been there, but there no longer was anything blocking it from my experience.  Like a Spiritual Santa, I was consumed with wanting to HUG THE WORLD!

I desperately wanted everyone to feel what this experience encompassed for me.  I felt the pain of unconsciousness too!  A ‘Spiritual Spidey Sense’ and I couldn't fathom this all encompassing gift ending!!  And guess what, I have discovered the Secret Sauce to the replication of this transcendent place of BEING.   Of actually eradicating the illusion of separation and being in ALLOWANCE of direct connect to Spirit. 
And for those of you waiting for some sort of profound and ethereal notion as the answer, you are going to be disappointed. ( Yet hopefully INSPIRED!)

I am able to reconnect with is this  vivacious vibration whenever I am in a space of working(although playing is more like it) on my Divine Destiny, by walking along the path of My Hero's Journey.  As Oprah herself has reminded us, “There are no mistakes.  Because you have a Supreme Destiny.  When you are in your little mind, where you are NOT centered.  Where you don't know who you really are.  This is when you become flustered. You get stressed all the time. In these moments, there is a Supreme Destiny calling your life.  Your job is to FEEL that, know that, and hear that.   I always ask my guests on Super SundaySoul, if you could go back to your younger self any advice, what would it be.  And 90% of the time, the answer is the same.......RELAX.  It's going to be OK.  It is truly going to be OK.  Even if you are on a detour on you path, and have the feelings of anxiety and disconnection.  That is OK.  Because THAT is your cue.  The cue that you need to change direction. 

To make a new choice. Take that NEXT step. And then another .  Then another.  And don't be afraid of taking these steps.  Because failure is an illusion.  It shows up simply to let you know that you need to be headed in another direction.”

And in my experience, I could not agree more.  And it is in these times that I turn on my inner GPS.  Which I call your Guided Purpose System.  And back in February and March, I feel like my life had FINALLY begun taking the form of its true purpose.   Let me tell you, whenever I am in alignment, and with the intense focus of a master martial arts champion, synchronicity starts to flood into my experience pretty much on a daily basis.  And as I sat in alignment with what I think, say, and do, not forgetting the Secret Sauce of checking in several times a day to make sure my BELIEFS are in alignment with the wholeness of my PURPOSE, it feels like Heaven on Earth.  I'M WALKING ON SUNSHINE!!  

Any fear is replaced by fulfillment.  Disconnection turns into DESIRE!  Frustration to freedom.  And confusion into pure consciousness!!  BLISS abounds, and life becomes the priceless gift it was always meant to be!

What would it look like if you made a commitment to yourself that starting today, you will start the process of taking steps on your own Hero's/Heroine's Journey.  Re-member, you cannot make a mistake along the way.  Just MISSTEPS that if you are listening to, will help guide you on the next step you should take toward your Supreme Destiny.  The very reason YOU are here!!


Jefrey Louis Martinez

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