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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, February 28, 2019


Back on February 28, 2019 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC., Michael Dean Cohen, former lawyer for President Donald Trump from 2006 until 2018 and former Vice-President of The Trump Organization testified in front of Congress.  He pleaded guilty to several charges of fraud (including avoiding his income taxes amongst others) and will be going to federal prison as a consequence of his actions. 

After nearly 12 hours filled with his personal testimony, followed by grilling questions and pondering pontifications from both sides of the political isle, the day's events were closed with the following TRANSFORMATIONAL speech by Mr. Elijah Cummings (D) Maryland! At that time, little did we know that this speech would be the final exclamation point given by a true luminary in the very likes of Martin Luther King, Jr., Robert Kennedy, and every member of a political stewardship that continues to seek UNITY for the greater good!! As Mr. Cummings passed away at the tender age of 69 earlier this week. Please allow his words to seep within the deepest aspects of your SOUL! For we are rarely graced with individuals who have the prescient knowledge and wisdom that Mr. Cummings possessed with such humility of all ages...........


"I don't know where you go from here. As I sat here and listened to both sides. I just felt as if.... (several beats) and now people are now using my words that they took from me and didn't give me any credit! We are better than this! We really are. As a country we are so much better than this. And, you know, I tell you (beat) For some reason Mr. Cohen I tell my children that when bad things happen to you, do not ask the question, "Why did this happen TO me," ask the question, "Why did it happen for me." I don't know why this is happening for you. But it is my hope that a small part of it is for our Country to be better. If I hear you correctly  it sounds like you are crying out for a new normal. Sounds to me like you want to make sure our democracy stays in tact. The one meeting I had with President Trump I said to him, "The greatest gift Mr. President you and I can give to our children is a democracy that is still in tact. A democracy that is better than the one we came upon."

And I am hoping that the things you said today will help us get back there. I mean come on now.  According to the Washington Post, our President has made at least 8,718 false or misleading statements. That is stunning! That is not what we teach our children. I don't teach mine that! And for whatever reason it sounds like you got caught up in it. You got caught up in it. 

And in some kind of way, I hope that you will...I know that it is painful to go to prison. I know it is painful to be called a rat. Let me explain. A lot of people don't know the significance of that. I live in the inner city of Baltimore. And when you call somebody a rat, that's one of the worst things you can call them. Because when they go to prison, its called a snitch! I'm just sayin'. The President called you a rat. We're better than that! We are! 

And I am hoping that all of us can get  back to this democracy that we want and that we should be passing on to our children, so they can do better than what we did.  So you wonder whether people believe you. I don't know! I don't know whether they believe you. But the fact is that you come and you have your head down. And this has got be one of the hardest things you could do. Let me tell you  the picture that really, really pained me. You were leaving the courthouse. And I guess it's your daughter had braces or something on. (painful beat) Man, that thing.  Man, that thing hurt me. As a father of two daughters. It hurt me. And I can imagine how it must feel for you. 

But I'm just saying to you. I just want to first of all thank you. I know this has been hard. I know that you face a lot. I know that you are worried about your family. But this is a part of your Destiny. And hopefully, this portion of your destiny will lead to a better, a better Michael Cohen, a better Donald Trump, a better United States of America, and a better World!  And I mean that from the depths of my heart. When we are dancing with the angels, the question will be asked, "In 2019 , what did WE do to make sure we kept our democracy in tact?!" 

Did we stand on the sidelines and say nothing! And I'm tired of these statements saying this is our first hearing! People come in here and say, "Oh! Oh! This is our first hearing." It is not the first hearing! The first hearing was in regards to prescription drugs! Remember (pointing to the front row) remember there was a little girl, a lady sat there. A Mrs. Wortham.  Her daughter died because she could not get $313.00 dollars a month in insulin!! That was our first hearing! 

Second hearing! HR one, voting rights! Corruption in government! Come on now! We can do more than one thing! And we have got to get back to normal! And with that this meeting is adjourned."

WOWSA! Right?! I truly believe that not only our country, but this entire World is at a crucial precipice of "Cracked Consciousness." As I have stated before, the Universe is currently desiring a grandiose form of expansion! Which requires all of us SUPERHEROES to DO and BE our part in this Mission Possible! It's an arduous task, but also one that will give all of us the great challenges we so crave and live for. If you're here, NOW, it's because you were "TAGGED IT" by the The One God Mind! Many were asked, and yet very few were willing to answer this Galactic Beacon Call! But all of us currently traversing the planet said "HELL TO THE YES! I AM -  SO IN!" And so it is, as it ever shall BE!

I desire NOT to begin a political discourse with this post entry. No! I only declare to call forth the TRUTH of our current planet's predicament. I believe (actually KNOW) from the deepest recesses of my heart and soul that things are currently playing out in PERFECT IMPERFECTION! No matter your personal "thoughts" about our current President, his presence has absolutely brought the "shock and awe" that is often required for a crack in collective consciousness to occur! As J.K Rowling, the imagination behind the Harry Potter franchise teaches, "Rock bottom is the place upon which to build an (entire new world)!" And So It Is Mrs. Rowling. Tell Harry's owl I said, "Hoot Hoot HOOTie and the Blowfish!" lol

And rock bottom have we hit. And a huge, "YEA for us!" I say. For the bigger the mess, the more to be blessed! And how blessed we all are. To be here at a time that will be looked back upon with the fondest of eyes. And the reverence and astonishment that only the most prolific LEGENDS are created from! Ain't life grand?! ;0)

So I lovingly urge all of you New Age Nerds to grasp the TRUE PERCEPTION that is right before your energetic eyes! Time is a precious gift in this realm. And "time it is a ticking for us all." So there is now NO TIME to waste. Our wings are ready. It is time for us to soar to heights previously unimagined and thus not held in a space of our own allowance.  The sky is NOT the limit; it's just the beginning! Feel me?! ;0)  

So now go and spread the "Great Word!" to all ready to receive it. And start to gently and lovingly nudge those who are not yet awakened. Trust me, they will eventually re-member who they really are and LOVE YOU FOR THE JOLT! Promise! ;0) And their favorite band will become Aerosmith because as they sing, "I just don't want to MISS a thing!"  And miss a thing they will not if we start to DO and BE what we promised.  Which is of course, no thing less than being of loving service to ourSELVES and all others! Keep it eazy peezy por favor! K?! Simple, but deep! Always........

Go deep within and trust what you FEEL! For feelings are truly the guideposts to the SOUL!
And pray (a prayer is an energetic thank you note to the Universe) for the KNOWINGNESS of this great adventure! And YOUR part in it! Warm up them vocal chords and start to belt out your own unique "Heart Song!" Re-member, you incarnated with a Soul Pod. And many of them are still searching for you. And you for them! So please DO NOT allow anyone to tame your freak flag. As Freddie Mercury from Queen taught us, becoming a LEGEND requires you to BE unapologetically you. Be weird, unique, and especially NERDY! (wink) Your Soul Tribe will NEVER miss you that way. 

RELAX and KNOW that we are already well on our way to this "New Earth." In Tuesday's New York Times, there was an awesome article declaring that the Universe is expanding more rapidly than ever believed possible!! See! IT HAS BEGUN!! Heck YES it has!!! Wooo yooooooooo.............

So my suggestion is to stop being afraid.  Re-member from the post earlier this week, your best friend is Frankie FEAR! You CANNOT fail. Failure is just constructive FEEDBACK from the Universe. The world is completely rigged in YOUR favor! ALWAYS! And Frankie is just a loud mouthed bestie who is showing you all the places to go so that you can become a fully self actualized version of your Super Heroic Higher Self! It's that simple! So no more "One Dayer" mentality. Your day is NOW! Everything has been put into its magnificent imperfectly perfect place. All so you can joyfully PLAY in this matrix of energy that can be bent and twisted beyond the reaches of time and space to create ANY REALITY YOU SO DESIRE! How frickin cool is that?!

Again, no pressure. But the entire galaxy is watching. In complete awe and astonishment of what we chose to come here to BE and DO! Ok, I gotta scoot. Tons of fellow peeps to be of loving service to....... 5th Dimension Here We Come!!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

1 comment:

  1. Testify, Brother!!! :) ---Thank you for sharing the words of Elijah Cummings at that pivotal moment of US events of consciousness. I am strengthened in the knowledge that there are clear eyes and hopeful hearts, yet, influencing the minds of government, in proximity. So few of us have the courage to fight our peaceful battle for peace on that stage.---The Energy of the new world consciousness comes. It is a wave of our own creation. Just an Energy of our growth as Sentient Life; but a BIG one...for We (collectively) have learned much to add to our Understanding. We feel it don't we? (I'm an Energy empath...so for me that is a rhetorical question :) ) ---At my emergence I stand at the epicenter of great forces at play. I stand there, in the peace of my own being, with an Understanding of the Energy I am, and what role that Energy can play for the Balanced Goodness of this thing that I am a part of: Humanity. I would be THAT Good.---Knowing myself...I see you, Exuberant Joy/Kind Soul! And meet with you always, where I stand...At the Balance of our Good Possibilities.---Love and Light, Fey
