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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, February 22, 2019


Thank you for being in allowance of us to visit you again. For those of you who are called The New Age Nerds, once again, we are a compendium of energy from the Galaxian Council known throughout the Multi-Verse as BLISS - Bringing Love In Support of Spirit. We just adore all that you are accomplishing on the planet you have called Earth.  For around the Universe it is known as "THE ANCIENT SPACE."  For every single creature that has ever graced your planet has been encoded with the DNA of ALL AGE TRUTHWhich makes your "Earth" a most special place indeed!  

For within each and every crevice below and above your oceanic planes, there is a space that contains the Universal Truths of the ONE GOD MIND! How does that make you FEEL?  We pray it allows you to further practice the Art of Knowingness. The deep understanding that you came here for a specific Mission Possible. Your Universe currently desires grand expansion. And so trillions of Spirit's around the Multi-verse were given the opportunity to grace your planet at this very moment of NOW. Because this task WILL NOT BE EASY!  Your collective consciousness currently resides within the 4th Dimension of Consciousness.  The Universe desires you to transcend into the 5th Dimension! Yes! What an exciting time of magic and miracles for all of you!

The 5th Dimension of Consciousness is a space that holds all "Esoteric Truths" as its philosophical paradigm. Your new TRUTH! In the 5th D (we like to call it this because we think it sounds cool) everyone will care and share LOVE always. For in this dimension all will accept and KNOW that what you now deem as New Age understanding is truly ALL AGE! Which is all there ever has been and all there will ever BE. Religions will slowly melt away. For there will be no need for separation of a TRUTH that will now be "Unified as ONE." Any construct of "separation" in the form of hate, disrespect, discord, and fear will be an after thought. For it will no longer even be a thought you are able to generate! You will choose to care for your planet as much as you care for one another. And BLISS (WOWSA....  that's...who WE are) will rule your lands.

That is why you are already seeing your "millennials" stop attending temples of worship. They are younger and still carry the whispers of wonder that were lovingly placed deep within their sub-conscious mind. It would serve you well to follow in their footsteps. For they seek not materialism as a form of getting high with quick hits of pleasure. They crave grand experiences as their way to express and to feel good! Bravo! Rinse and Repeat!  ;0)

The great majority of Spirits granted with this opportunity "ran the other way." And we judge them not! For this mission is Not Easy. As we are quite sure most of you experience on a day to day basis. That is why every single one of you "Spiritual Spinsters" are SUPER HEROES! For HEROES do not run from the greatest of challenges. They actually CRAVE them! That is why your history books will one day explain this very crucial space under the illusionary veil of time as  "The Heroic Age." Is it any coincidence, that suddenly, every other form of what is deemed entertainment in your experience contains Super Heroic messages. We ourSELVES prefer Dr. Strange. He is...as you say...Da Man! lol

So. Now that you finally know the truth of your Collective Calling; SEE IT! SPEAK IT! BE IT! KNOW IT! There is so much to BE. And even more to DO within the space of "being LOVE."  So what are you waiting for. Your planet is slowly dying.  And deep down within your eternal essence, YOU KNOW IT! So start today by doing something about it!  Re-member that you are the greatest group of heroes ever assembled.  Yes, including your Marvel Avengers!  LOL For you are known around the multiverse as The Legion Of Love
Isn't that ....well....LEGENDARY. You are already deemed LEGENDS to us.....  Just sayin' and prayin' for all of you. We know that's "how you all roll."  Is this not what you like to tout to one another?! ;0)

You are already there. So much good is coming your way and into your life right now. Clarity, insight, abundance, breakthroughs, love, awareness, guidance, and positivity are all in your reality at this moment. It’s not somewhere distant. It’s now. Own it as truth for yourSELVES. You must simple now go and collect what you have already manifested within “The Space of Your Playfulness."

Starting today, begin to focus only on what you desire to expand in collective consciousness. Open your Third Eye and really begin to SEE! SEE what is working and serving the highest good.  SEE what you KNOW is needed for the survival of your planetary play space.  Everything in your experience is happening in your favor. Even when it feels like you’re up against something insurmountable.  And very painful. Re-member that life is completely rigged in your favor.  The Universe has got your back! Re-member everything happens through you and for you, NOT to you! 

LIFE IS NOT A TEST! Why would the Grand Creator herSELF desire to test you.  When You and the ONE GOD MIND are indeed….ONE! God needs not test HimSELF.  EVER!  The GOD SPACE is simply sending you opportunities to grow and expand.  For IT herSELF KNOWS exactly what areas within your "Soul Space" require to be forged and strengthened like steel (HA! That’s why Superman is called The Man of Steel!) in order to fulfill your "Universal Calling." Please be in allowance of these truths. NOW!  

Your mind is now opening up to a greater understanding of this KNOWINGNESS!  This new insight is giving you more clarity on your mental power, perspective, and emotional intelligence. For emotion is simply energy in motion.  Or energy in action. Which ever suits your mental sensibilities. Your sub-conscious mind is “non-verbal.”  It does not respond to words.  Only your thoughts and the E-motions behind them!  So it would serve you well to become an “Emotional Genius."

You’re learning that you HEROES were built for pain. No thing painful lasts forever.  Pain is a powerful professor.  The most prescient of you on your planet will “let it in.” Until it teaches you what it already KNOWS your soul needs!  

Your MIND-SET, words, and e-motions should always be charged with - "I AM a Miracle Makin Machine!"  Always and in all ways. This reminds you of your truth and puts you back to focus on your abundance and expansive spirit. BE afraid of no thing.  For you cannot fail. Failure is a man and woman made construct to control the masses from daring greatly!  Failure is simply FEEDBACK from the Universe. It's that simple Nerds! And this feedback will always be instructional in nature. Re-member the Universe tagged you as being "IT!"
It desires that you never fail. Only succeed. Feedback will assist you in your succeeding! See what we are "throwing' down". Boy, we are getting your hipster chat down pat!  Holla!  LOL

We must go now.  For just as you have a "Mission Possible," so do we!  But that is for another time and visit...................

There is NO THING now that you do not KNOW. So no more excuses! Please. No pressure. But the entire Multi-Verse is watching you. Studying and learning from your group called The Legion Of Love!

Until we meet again!



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