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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, December 27, 2018

How to TRANSFORM Your STRESS into Being BLESSED....!

Especially here in the United States, for the majority of us, our lives have become so blurred with being busy that we have forgotten how to stop and 'smell the roses'.  Heck, we are fortunate if we remember our relatives names, birthdays, anniversaries, or the ability to stop long enough to make the true memories that are so vital to giving meaning and Purpose to this thing called Life!  One of my own New Year Resolutions last year was to stop so much texting and actually have at least ONE phone call or face to face meeting with my close relatives and friends once a week.  A quarter through the year, wanna ask me how that went ......   ?!?!  Take a frickin guess?!?!   LOL

And even worse, we are modeling this behavior for our own children, who are already being programmed to live in a world built upon technological advances so that there is no need for actual meaningful face to face connection.  Is this the world that we are now choosing to accept as the nominal norm?!?   

Before I continue, please know that I am in NO way immune to the delicacy of quick shots of communication through my own fancy dancy technological devices.  I love sending and receiving  texts full of nuanced retorts and FULL of emojis!! Call me old school, HOWEVER I still find the time to send out actual letters with full addresses and stamps and cards that contain written notes curtailed to the individual recipient.   Cards, stamps, and written notes, OH MY!!  :0)

Here is a Superhero's Tip!   You will be completely AMAZED how much this relic version of communication truly touches the Heart of the person who receives it!! I have several relatives currently fighting for their very own lives and whenever they receive either an actual phone call, personal visit, or the courtesy of a hand sent card, they let me know how much it truly touches their SOUL and showers them with the strength to continue fighting their individual maladies!!  And my fellow New Age Nerds, that is EXACTLY why we are here!  To paraphrase the prayer of St. Francis, "Lord, make me an instrument of your PEACE.  Where there is Hatred, let me SOW Love.  Where there is injury, Pardon.  Where there is Doubt, Faith. Where there is Despair,  HOPE.  Where there is Darkness,  Light.  And where there is sadness,  JOY."

Yet, tell me, "How can we allow ourselves to be these instruments intended to ease the suffering of those who may have lost their way.  Or are ensconced with the Dis-ease of loneliness and have no other SOURCE to remind and comfort them with the Re-membrance that even in their Darkest Hours, they can still be a powerful beacon of Light for so many others of their fellow brothers and sisters if we never stop our near addiction to stress and in turn constantly whispering to our egoic mind that,  'I'll get to that next week'?"  For we are TRULY our brothers Keepers and here to be of service to those who may have forgotten their Calling or need our assistance to share their individual stories with the Collective Whole so that we ALL may benefit from the hard fought Wisdom ensconced within their tales of overcoming the trials and tribulations encountered along the yellow brick road of their own Hero's Journey!  And in doing so ensuring that NOT ONE PERSON'S Story shall ever be ignored, forgotten, or unrecognized for the power it has flowing through its owner's personal pages!!  My suggestion is to Re-member and apply the following words in the way that you see fit with the intention of making sure that anyone's path you touch is filled with the loving acknowledgement of how bravely they have been worthy of their many Earthly sufferings......

"When you find yourself in the position to help someone, feel Happy and Blessed because God is answering that person's prayer through you.  REMEMBER:  Our purpose on Earth is NOT to get lost in the Dark, but to be a LIGHT to others, so that they might find a way through us! " 

Fellow Nerds, I don't have to share with you the fact that every incarnation we embellish upon is just a quick blink in the eyes of God's Source Energy!  And from that understanding, we must acknowledge the fact that each and every moment that we experience is not only PRECIOUS, but will NEVER be replicated in such pure form ever again!  And that's why every opportunity we have is called a MIRACLE!  For a Miracle is the choice to turn our FEAR into LOVE!   But it becomes increasingly challenging to make this shift when we are too busy being STRESSED by overloading our experiences with external pleasures we think will make us feel whole. Rather than realizing each moment in our lives is a moment to feel BLESSED!!  And filled with GRATITUDE and Grace!!  For as God has stated, I BRING YOU NOTHING BUT ANGELS!!   And as Bishop TD Jakes has espoused, "Appreciation leads to duplication."   

I would invite everyone reading today's post to ask yourself a few vital questions.   "Where exactly are you headed in life?  What is your CALLING?  What is the true LEGACY you would like to leave before this short Journey on earth ends?"  Because if we are too busy to answer these questions or have never slowed down enough to ponder these questions, isn't it time to finally allow ourselves the time to do so?! Aren't we truly worth this pontification....... Before it's to late to do so.....?!?!?  I don't think so, I KNOW SO!!  Just sayin....  LOL

There is an absolutely profound book called THE TOP 10 REGRETS OF THE DYING written by Bronnie Ware.    And I feel it perfectly encapsulates how important it is too live our lives with the STRESS level turned WAY DOWN!!  I would like to list the TOP 5 Regrets that she was so BLESSED to learn from those precious Souls who were brave enough to share their truths with her before they left this plane of existence.  And it is my wish that it will help my TRIBE to be a recipient of such WORLDY WISDOM that they can apply in their own lives.   Because there is still plenty of Time for it to make a lasting imprint for Soulful Course Correction on your own personal and unique Hero's Journey!


In the book, she said many of her patients had not honored even half of the dreams they wanted to fulfill, and this caused them to have major regrets before the end of their life. They wanted so badly to knock other things off their bucket list, but they had to die knowing they still had dreams. Don’t die with your dreams still in your heart. Don’t die knowing that you lived for someone else’s dreams and stuffed yours under the rug. Live life the way you want NOW, and don’t wait for anyone’s permission.


Ware said that this regret came in at number two, based on how often she heard people say this. We all work too hard in today’s world, but for what? We all want to reach some goal, some achievement, some number in our bank account. However, what will all this really mean? Sure, we may have security and pride knowing that we can afford certain things or have a specific title, but humans need more than that. We thrive on emotional connection and love, both of which require other people.
In the end, you won’t remember how much money you made or how far you got in your career; you’ll remember the people you made connections with, and how they impacted your life. You’ll think about the memories you made and all the laughs you had with those you loved. We have to work to survive, but don’t work so much that you forget to build relationships and a life outside of your job.


Coming in at third on Ware’s list, the dying patients also regretted holding back their feelings. They wanted to keep the peace and not rock the boat, so they settled for repressing their feelings. However, this leads to a limited and very resentful existence. You will come to resent those you keep feelings from, because you obviously have an issue with them but choose not to voice it. This results in bottled up feelings that can even lead to mental and physical illness.
Speak your truth, even if your voice shakes. Even if you lose friends or a relationship, say how you feel. You may lose someone, but no person on this Earth is worth holding back your feelings for. This will only haunt you in the end.


People at the end of their lives also regretted losing touch with friends. They missed their companionship, and wished they had put more effort into keeping in touch. We may take our friends for granted now, but remember, they won’t always be around. If you miss a friend, try to get back in touch with them via Facebook, email, text, or some other form of communication. They probably miss you too, and would love to hear from you sometime. Friends help us get through life, and stick with us through the ups and downs. Life may take you in different directions, but it doesn’t have to alienate you from them. Pick up the phone and chat with them for a bit; you will never regret reaching out.


We like to think that outside forces control our emotions, but the key to emotional control lies within us. We don’t choose what happens to us, but we can choose how we react to it. Life goes by so fast, so why spend it finding every little thing to complain about? Being happy costs nothing, keeps you healthier, makes life more fulfilling, attracts more positive relationships, and so on. So, unhappiness, then, actually costs MORE in the long run, and can even lead to serious illnesses. Our mental, emotional, and physical health relies on our perception, so if you want to start living a better life now, simply change how you look at things.
Listen, my own life has been BEYOND challenging the last 5 years.  And I can commiserate with many of you who feel in a similar fashion.  Life can be absolutely BRUTAL , and often PUNISHING!  Yet let us not forget that the challenges that come our way teach us how to shed the DARKNESS so that we may truly embrace the LIGHT!!  Because when we learn the tools to do it for ourselves, we are able to share our WISDOM with others!  And HEROES are NOT afraid to stare the UNKNOWN straight in the eyes with the Knowingness that they will be Rebirthed with a source of understanding that can heal the pain that comes from the trials and tribulations that confront all of our personal Journey's!

Because even though there are many moments in which we feel like braking under the pressure of the Stress that comes from this Heavenly experience, we must NEVER forget that we are all truly BLESSED simply to BE HERE NOW!!!!  

To that point, what would it look like for you to start a journal today in which you write down ALL THOSE THINGS THAT YOU ARE GRATEFUL FOR AND FEEL BLESSED TO HAVE IN YOUR LIFE EVERY NIGHT?!?   It's a wonderful way of forcing yourself to SLOW DOWN and simply Breathe in your BLESSINGS!!  Because life has a Magical way of duplicating anything you DESIRE when you feel Blessed rather than Stressed........



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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