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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, December 31, 2018

How to MANIFEST All Your 2019 GOALS..!!

With only one day left until we enter the New Year of 2019 (Can you Believe It Already?!?) , many of you New Age Nerds are using your free time to make plans for all the GOALS you which to accomplish.  And for those of who have not yet started to flesh out your DREAMS and GOALS for the New Year....What the heck are you waiting for?!?  ;0)

Did you know that by simply writing down your GOALS, you are FIVE times more likely to achieve them!!  Hopefully that statistic in and of itself is enough motivation to THINK about what you desire to manifest into your experience during the next 12 months!!  During the last 20 years of my studying to become a Transformational Life and Leadership Coach and Teacher, I have come across a plethora of information about the “Right and Wrong" way to manifest your DESIRES.  Now everyone who follows the basic tenets of being a NEW AGE NERD understands that Right and Wrong don't actually exist.  Why you ask?  Terrific question.  It is because there would have to be a Universal judge to decide on what actions are in which camp.  And as we all understand, GOD DOES NOT JUDGE!  EVER! Do not misunderstand me; that does NOT mean that there are not repercussions in this Earthly plane for our actions.  Our actions carry with them an energy that vibrates out reverberations that ECHOS out through all SOULS on this planet.  And so they affect everyone as a collective whole.  But I teach a principle that states so long as our DESIRES DO NOT hurt any other Soul, and truly serve our Highest Purpose, they are worthy of our attention.   For energy truly flows where our attention goes.  

Now that we have gotten that discourse out of the way, let's get back to the main course of this post; namely creating our GOALS for 2019!!  And here is THE SECRET SAUCE to creating your most heartfelt DESIRES in the New Year!!  Your subconscious mind CANNOT determine between what is real and what is IMAGINED in your mind's eye.    There is a Universal teaching called THE LAW OF AUTOSUGGESTION that states that THERE ARE NO LIMITATIONS TO THE MIND EXCEPT FOR THOSE WE ACKNOWLEDGE.  Basically, you can 'CONVINCE' the subconscious mind you are already in possession of that which you desire!  How exactly does this Magic Trick of the Cosmos come to its full fruition?!  Well, it isn't nearly as complicated as you may think.  And Re-member that THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS!  PERIOD!!!  Unfortunately, the majority of us turn this truth around and then become completely frustrated with what shows up in our life.  Meaning that most of us concentrate on what is currently going on in our lives (THE THINGS) and with wishful thinking believe that these THINGS will somehow create higher energetic vibrational THOUGHTS if we can somehow change them into being so!   But Things don't become Thoughts.   Thoughts become Things!

Let me give you an example. Let's say you are in a job you cannot stand, and your heartfelt GOAL is to find a new job that will make you happy and fulfilled with a sense of purpose and give you the income your DESIRE.  Most of us will concentrate on our current situation with feelings of lack and want.  And because the Universe, through the power of AUTOSUGGESTION to our subconscious mind, will feed it with our focused energy, namely lack and want, we will continue to experience NO THING different than our current situation.  

HOWEVER, if we feed our subconscious mind, through our IMAGINATION, the NEWLY DESIRED goal we seek, our subconscious mind, unable to determine between what is real and what is IMAGINED will convert that energetic focus into your reality. Sometimes directly!  Other times through giving us intuitive hunches, silent whispers, and plans of guidance toward our desire.

So when writing down your GOALS for 2019, take time out of each and every day(10-15 minutes ) to find a quiet place, close your eyes, and IMAGINE that those GOALS have ALREADY MANIFESTED INTO YOUR LIFE.   In order to convince your subconscious mind you are already in possession of your heartfelt Desired Goal, you MUST mix your thoughts of it already being in your possession with the POWER OF EMOTION, actually feeling the desired goal, through the VISUALIZATION of IMAGINATION .  For instance, if a new job is your GOAL, actually IMAGINE yourself in that new office, with that new boss, and how you want to feel while being in that new position that you so DESIRE.  And do not be afraid to let your Freak Flag fly during this habit.  As you imagine this new reality now in your precious possession, DO NOT be afraid to allow your deepest feelings and emotions shine through.  Pump your fist, jump up and down, as you feel the thrill of actually KNOWING that you have actually created this new reality for yourself!!!  

The last and final step is to take daily ACTION toward your desired GOALS.  That's right, the last part of the magic elixir that will help to manifest your GOALS is through the power of daily action steps.  By taking small steps toward your goal each and every day, eventually, the subconscious mind, having now been convinced through the power of AUTOSUGGESTION that it is already in your possession, will actually deliver into your CONSCIOUS mind the plans of action you should take in order to make your GOALS a reality.   You will actually start to have daily silent whispers and intentions of the actual steps you should take!   How absolutely MAGICAL is that truth?!?   Right?!?

To prove to my Tribe that I DO practice that which I preach, let me share with you my latest Manifestation Miracle.  I will soon be relaunching the New Age Nerd with a focus on being The Hero's Coach!  All of you following this blog the past three years know that one constant tenet that I teach is that of The Hero's Journey.  I believe with every ounce of my heart and soul that EVERYONE is a Hero!!  And the reason that our planet is currently fraught with such levels of unhappiness, disconnection, disillusion, and forgetting that We Are All One is because oh so few of us are truly awake.  We hear the soulful CALLING in our beings but are refusing to pick up the phone when the spiritual ringtone of our lifetime comes a knockin'!'  Did you know in a recent worldwide Gallup Poll that only 9% of the collective population feels happy in what they are doing with their lives!  That's right----   a paltry 9%.  Is it any wonder that anxiety, addiction, and depression is like a bucking bronco leveling the lives of Billions!!

But I digress; back to my Manifestation Miracle :0)   ..........!
So when I turned 49 back in October of this year, I made a declaration to be laser focused on the new Mindset of creating a MUCH BIGGER VISION for my business to assist others in igniting and unleashing their Inner Hero.  And I allowed myself to be absolutely grandiose in what I am determined to accomplish.  I commit to creating a community of fellow Heroes who have had the courage to face their fears, Head On Baby!  No complaining, no explaining.  I saw myself getting my Brand out to the major masses of this blue spinning ball in the Magical Cosmos.  And in doing so, being a DISRUPTIVE force to the nominal norm.  Disruptive in service to others.  Disruptive in Love, kindness, compassion, and creativity!!
No guts, no glory, NO LEGEND, No story.............

And just as I described above, every morning and night, I did a visioning process until I literally created an actual KNOWINGNESS that I was already living that life.  And I am most grateful that there were no hidden video cameras on me.  Seriously!  ;0)  Because I felt this vision so deeply, that my emotional threshold was stretched beyond anything resembling the word reasonable!  I was literally 'Walkin on Sunshine!"  Shaking my booty, high fivin', well, the astral plane before me.  Bringing out all my old school dance moves.  ( I can still cut a rug thank you very much!)  In fact, I highly suggest you do the same.  BE RELENTLESSLY UNREASONABLE in what you desire.  The Universe has absolutely NO limits; and neither do you!!  Let that Freak Flag Fly............

And guess what, one of my favorite Hollywood Sites for movie interviews and reviews is called HEROIC HOLLYWOOD.  It gets over a million visitors a day!!  Well, I applied to be a writer for the still burgeoning site even though I have no experience as an entertainment reporter.  But I started including it in my daily visioning process.  Seeing myself interviewing the leading artisans in Heroic Hollywood, and in the process growing my own brand........

Well, last Friday, I got a call from them with a job offer to be one of their new reporters!!!!
Ask (with unwavering belief) and it will always be delivered!!  

So I hope incorporating these suggestions into your Goal Making for 2019 will leave you BLESSED with all your heartfelt DESIRES manifesting into your life..................

For those in my TRIBE who had a challenging 2018, I am holding a space of renewed faith  that the Universe reveals the Wisdom in your wounds so that you may carry a newfound sense of Supreme confidence that IGNITES a blazing path of BLISS into the New Year!!

2019 is the year of The New Age Nerd....    !!!   ;0)

The Happiest and Healthiest of New Years to you all...  I love you!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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