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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Are You READY and AWARE of Your LIFE REVIEW..?!?




I want you to think back to a time in your life, in which there was such irreconcilable differences between you and another individual who you cared for DEEPLY!  Do you ever recall thinking, “I wish he/she knew how this is making me feel right now.  And what the truthful beating of my heart was racing to express in its purest form!”  I know I sure have had that thought too many times to recall.  Well....not according to my therapist, he has them all written down.  :0)  LOL

Well today I am going to share with you that wishes do indeed come TRUE!  For those of you who had a chance to read my post ‘The Making of a New Age Nerd Part 3’ I retold the story of being deathy ill and being visited twice by an amalgam of SOURCE energy I refer to as The Elders.  Before continuing reading today's entry, I highly suggest going back to read that post before continuing with what I have to say today.  (The post can be found by typing in Making of a New Age Nerd Part 3 in the upper left and corner of the blog)

Ok, for the rest of you, let's continue!  Hopefully you will recall that during my visits with The Elders, they communicated with me strictly through FEELINGS.  One by one, the three of them approached my bedside and touched me with a knowing hand.  And then, something too magical for even an 80's Spielberg film occurred.  They began to transmit their feelings and thoughts through me from their energetic essence, straight into my mind's eye.  And as much as I absolutely adore words, I must admit that this form of communication was so clear, intense, and devoid of any subtext or misconception that I felt my body literally vibrating at a much higher level than I ever have since those experiences those many years ago.  There was no them and I, only ONE in the room.  If that makes sense.  I felt completely bathed in LOVE and supported with a knowingness that I AM NEVER ALONE!  EVER!  And neither are you!!

However, one thing I never described in my previous post was their explanation of what happens when you transition from this human form, back into the Source energy from which we all came.  It started when I discovered that I could communicate back to them through my innate feelings.  So I asked them if I was in Heaven.  And they instantly calmed my fears by assuring me that it was not yet my time.  And I will know when it is because after making the transition, I like every other soul, will go through an intensive LIFE REVIEW.  I would ‘relive’ my life from beginning to end, but in every co-creation I ever encountered, I would EXPERIENCE IT FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE OTHER.  So I would be given the opportunity to know EXACTLY how anyone and everyone who ever came into my life felt at any given point in time during their moments in my presence.  I was informed that the process was NOT a tool used to hurt, punish, or bring vengeance, but rather as the ultimate teaching practice the Universe has to offer.  A PHD level course in THE SCHOOL FOR HEROES!!

The next morning when I awoke, I couldn't stop thinking about what The Elders had shared with me. Part of me was scared shitless!  Thinking back to times when I know I lashed out in anger and said things that I didn't really mean, and how it will feel to know the pain and anguish that it must have made so many people in my life experience.  As well as the ultimate vibrations of unadorned Love, Peace, Joy and Bliss that hopefully many of my co-creaions had wrought!!   But the more I thought about it, the more it made complete sense.  Can you think of a better way of teaching and learning about how your actions and words effect the vibrations of the Collective Consciousness?!?!  I have been pondering that question for nearly 20 years and still can't think of anything that even comes close!  If you can, PLEASE let me know!  

I can completely understand if many of you reading this are skeptical of its nature and truth.  And I don't blame you one bit.  However, I ask you this.  If there is just a 10% chance that what I was told that night 20 years ago is true, how might it impact the way you live your life from this point forward.  Will you work harder at shifting your perspective toward others from judgement, fear, and any form of prejudice or hate into compassion and LOVE?!?  Or  in a moment of temporary egoic rage tearing down another's beliefs for the quick fix of ‘being right.’  Or will you Re-member that you can choose to be loving, or you can choose to be right.  But rarely can you choose to be BOTH.  And to Re-member to stay as lovingly conscious in every moment of your Creations, both individually and with and for others! You may be the ever form of highly Collective Consciousness they ever encounter.........

I know what my answer to the above questions are, and I challenge all New Age Nerds to ponder what changes they will choose to make in their lives when they awake from their slumber tomorrow morning to each and every Soul they encounter during their Hero's Journey............



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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