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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, June 11, 2018

What Exactly Makes a HERO....?!?!?

Today's Inspirational MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC....

THE FLASH.............

Believe it or not, this Blog called The New Age Nerd has over 400 posts that have tried to bring you faithful readers a myriad of offerings that include INSPIRATION, COMMISERATION, TRUTH, TIPS on PERSONAL Growth, and SUPPORT from my OWN PERSONAL LESSONS.  With the INTENTION of assisting you all in Following Your Own Personal Callings and with the byproduct of Living and Leaving Your Own Personal Legend!!!

At the very core of this personal Mission has been having the fortitude of following your own  Hero's/Heroine's Journey!!   For The Hero's Journey is truly LIFE ITSELF!!  Whether you have realized it not, every single one of us is a HERO!!  We all came here to muster up the COURAGE to follow our Calling.  The individual Journey that will leave an indelible imprint on the very VERSE that can only come from the manner in which you decide to live your life with the precious TIME that has been allowed to you!  PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO CONTEMPLATE THAT............For it is The Gift that GOD Herself has Bestown upon every precious Soul that has proven to contain the moral strength to make this arduous yet Miraculous Journey!!

During my own Journey as both a Wounded Healer/Teacher and Coach, I have come across more than my share of individuals who feel less than worthy of accepting the moniker of being a HERO.
Thus my purpose and intention for writing today's post!  Because this world absolutely needs more HERO's and HEROINE's!!  TRULY!!  And I believe that there is a Gi-normous chasm between what characteristics many of us believe make up the true makings of a HERO and/or HEROINE!

So I thought the most effective manner in which I could teach and truly imprint the meaning of what constitutes a HERO/HEROINE was by fleshing them out in the following individual understandings so that will hopefully alter any previous misconceptions:

1.  A HERO does NOT always wear a cape.....But they ALWAYS TEACH!!

2.  HERO in Greek means 'To be of service!'  Thus to be a HERO is to be a Servant...

3.  At the Heart of Every HERO's Calling is LOVE!

4. The Hero's Journey is the story of ANY experience of Life itself...!!

5.  HERO's DO NOT reside in Victim Consciousness.....things don't happen to HERO's....HERO's      happen to things....!

6. The HERO's Journey is the blueprint for finding our Calling and Unleashing our Unique gifts and talents that will eventually help raise the Consciousness of this planet...!

7. A HERO initiates the Courage to answer their Soul's Calling and follows it to completion....and in doing so Not only activates their own personal MISSION, but returns home to share their newfound knowledge and wisdom....!

8.  HERO's understand that on their Journey, they will come to appreciate the power of Acceptance and Gratitude...   

9.  HERO's always find a way to create Justice!!  And understand that they are beacons of Peace...ALWAYS!!

10.  HERO's come to the understanding that their true Mission is to Inspire others to have the courage to follow their own individual Calling/Journey.........

All HERO's are in some way wounded and thus by learning to overcome their pain and suffering, become WOUNDED HEALERS/TEACHERS!  The term itself is derived from Mythology.  In Greek myth, Chiron was the wisest of Centaurs, and the archetype of the wounded healer.   He was accidentally wounded by an arrow that had been dipped with the blood of Hydra.  Chiron was immortal though, and so that arrow's venom sentenced him to eternal pain, suffering, and terrible torment.  In his lengthy search for a cure to his own condition, the byproduct became an ability for him to help others.  He became a teacher who spent his days spreading the healing arts he had learned through his own struggles.  The very act of helping others with their suffering, greatly aided his own angst.   As Buddha says, “Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion.”

Ardent followers of my blog know that the basis for my personal MISSION stems from very few sources, one of which is the lifelong Calling of Joseph Campbell.   And I would LOVE to share another one of my present VISIONARIES take on his life long work to further help flesh out my teaching of the power behind the understanding of The Hero's Journey....      

The Hero’s Journey
Every single one of us visionaries is invited to embark upon what Joseph Campbell calls “the hero’s journey.”
In The Hero With A Thousand Faces, Campbell writes, “A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.”
Such is the life of the inspired visionary.
Campbell describes the hero’s journey in a series of steps. The hero is going about her business, living her ordinary life, un- aware that her life is about to change, when suddenly, the met- aphorical phone rings. It’s her calling, ringing in. She picks up. On the other end of the phone line, she receives the message — the calling, what Campbell termed “the call to adventure.”

LISSA RANKIN...........

So life can be looked at through the lens of Joseph Campbell's lifelong work that challenges each and every one of us to accept our own Soul's Calling!  Which in plain terms means to follow that deep feeling that will eventually rise within and begs us to answer the question of a lifetime....   WILL YOU ACCEPT THE CALL!!  

It may force you to leave all the security that you have fought for your entire life up to this critical moment. You may lose all you friends, many family members, or a support system that just cannot comprehend why you would leave a life of abundance to follow YOUR CALL TO ADVENTURE.......

Leaving you to forever ponder , WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN.......

The brutal TRUTH is that absolutely nobody has the answer that will serve you inner solace....   The answer lies only within the HERO that we all came here to BE......


Jeffery Louis Martinez

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