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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, June 15, 2018


Today's Inspirational “MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC

"Men are still good.  We break things.  We tear them down.  But, we always rebuild. We can be better.  We can do better.  We have to be.."
~~ Bruce Wayne   (Superman V Batman Dawn of Justice)

~~ Morpheus  (The Matrix)

~~ Author Anonymous


Remember when you were a kid, and technology had not yet advanced to the stage where so much of our combined intellectual and imaginative outlet was consumed by electronic ‘gadgets’ of one form or another?!  You actually went outside and played games like kickball, hide and go seek, cavorted on jungle gyms and had water balloon fights!  And MANY of us younger New Age Nerds in training for our Hero's/Heroine's Journey to come, were consumed with role playing as our favorite Super Hero characters.  Some of us were lucky enough to have well worn costumes denoting the capes, cowls, and masks of our fantastic caped crusaders like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and SuperGirl.

Still others were left purely to their imagination, pretending to don Green Lanterns magical green suit and power ring.  The ONE constant no matter the choice of character representation, was the all mighty and powerful SUPERHERO POSE.  Even though we couldn't actually fly, or zoom around in an invisible jet, the common denominator that best imbued our feelings of strength and confidence was our legs apart, hands on hips, chest proudly sticking out, and head held high.  And in THAT moment, we felt like someone who could take on the world!

Little did we know at that time, that we were actually practicing a very pragmatic yet absolutely effective and immensely powerful technique that can be used even now in our more ‘formative’ years to conjure CONFIDENCE and even a deep emotional transformative shift in our body chemistry.  The scientific term is POWER POSING yet here at The New Age Nerd it will be deemed SUPERHERO POSING!  

In fact, there are so many reports of people receiving AMAZING results from using the technique, mostly before stressful events or important tasks such as job interviews, exams, public speaking engagements, and even before a hot new date, that major areas of academia have been doing studies that have led to some eye opening statistics.

Harvard social scientists affirm that just 120 seconds of powerful posture increases testosterone (dominance hormone) about 20%, while dropping cortisol (stress hormone) ~25%. Superhero posture turns you into a superhero! 
~~ Quote from The Creativity Post

In fact that same group of Harvard scientists conducted a group of mock job interviews.  They separated the participants into two main groups.  One group was told to hold a SUPERHERO POSE of their favorite character for a minimum of two straight minutes prior to their interview.  The other group was given no such instruction.  The result was that the group of Super Hero Posers got hired 90% of the time versus their counterparts of mere mortals!  Just another reason us New Age Nerds have such prominence in the world!! 

Still not convinced? I feel ya...   It sounds a little like something to be filed in the  ‘too good to be true’ file, right!?  Well, Harvard Business School professor Amy Cuddy gave a great presentation at TED back in 2012 about this very topic.
Certain "power poses" don't just change how others perceive you, Professor Cuddy says. They immediately change your body chemistry.
And these changes affect the way you do your job and interact with other people.  Here are some quick facts she shed light to:
1.  Perhaps the MOST important elements of our body language is the Power Pose i.e...... Superhero Pose
2.  This Superhero Pose is in innate aspect of our emotional conditioning.  In fact, most congenially blind people do it ‘naturally’, even though they have actually never seen it being performed.
3.  After just a 2-minute "high power super hero pose," the risk tolerance of the high-power posers soared. The risk tolerance of the low-power posers, meanwhile, shrank.

4.  Small changes in body language change your body chemistry greatly!!

So the next time you need an extra emotional lift, or get an edge so that you show up as the  Greatest Version of the Greatest Vision of yourself, give a two minute SUPERHERO POSE a try!  I think you may be surprised by how truly effective calling forth our childhood imagination can still be in our ‘grown up’ lives!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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