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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Learn How To CHANGE Your FINANCIAL Blueprint For More ABUNDANCE..!!



I find it ‘Interesting’ how conflicted so many of us are about the energy surrounding MONEY.  We get uncomfortable talking about it, or mentioning it.  Especially when we are in a group of others we do not know.  Many of us are even in a constant vibrational state of FEAR about not having enough of it, or worrying about losing what we do have.  My own father refused to talk about his personal finances with the family when he knew he was about to pass.  And it caused a great deal of tension and stress for my mother, who had to deal with the financial estate with little information to lean on after he transitioned.  And I'm not judging him for his reticence to discuss his financial matters.  Because it was all a part of his FINANCIAL BLUEPRINT.  We all have one, whether we are aware of it or not.   And NOT coming to terms with what your personal FINANCIAL BLUEPRINT is could be the biggest misstep you make in life.  

So what exactly is a FINANCIAL BLUEPRINT you ask?!?  It is your core vibrational inner belief system about abundance.  And for most of us, it is first conceived in our childhood.   How many of your parents would repeat statements such as “Close the door.  The air is on and money doesn't grow on trees ya know!!”   A great majority of us were brought up with the notion that money was scarce, hard to come by, and even harder to keep.  And we didn't even realize it!!  And there started our own personal energetic relationship with money and abundance.  

In T. Harv Eker's book ‘Secrets of The Millionaire Mind’ he says “It's simple, it's law, and you are NOT going to circumvent it.  It all comes down to this: if your subconscious “Financial Blueprint’  is not set for success, nothing you learn, nothing you know, and nothing you do will make much of a difference.”  He goes on to explain how he learned about his own relationship with money , “I examined my true beliefs and saw that even though I said I wanted to be rich, I had some deep rooted worries about it.  Mostly, I was afraid.  Afraid that I might fail, or worse, succeed and then lose it all.

So Eker spent several years searching and investigating the true MINDSET of the rich.  And not just rich in terms of money, but in abundance in ALL its forms.  Health, love, money, and happiness.  And do you know what he discovered; that THERE IS A SIMILAR ENERGETIC MINDSET THAT IS SHARED BY EVERYONE WHO LIVES A LIFE OF ABUNDANCE!  And that frequency is what Turbocharges our Subconscious Mind into action on our behalf.  Re-member, it is our Subconscious Mind that is an open gateway to Source, Infinite Intelligence AT ALL TIMES!  And any form of Resistance is the biggest enemy toward lowering the frequency and magic that the Subconscious Mind is capable of delivering to us!  

He eventually opened his own business and challenged his daily thoughts whenever they were not in complete alignment with abundance.  He had learned that it was his Subconscious Mind and the beliefs about abundance that had been his biggest obstacle toward obtaining and experiencing it in all its Glory.  And you know what, if you are not living the life of abundance you desire, than chances are a great deal of if it has to do with the EXACT same thing.  Your FINANCIAL BLUEPRINT isn't set for success.  And so the Subconscious Mind lowers it's energetic frequency and we, in turn, experience the level of abundance that matches our vibration.  You cannot fool the Universe.  Your outer experience perfectly mirrors your internal reality.  So check yourself before you rickety-wreck yourself...CAPICHE!?!?!

So how can you shift your inner beliefs toward an absolute unshakable vibration of abundance in all its transformational shapes and forms.  The first thing I would suggest is getting real with your mindset and the thoughts that are currently circulating within your noggin about abundance.   And I mean being compassionately honest with yourself. What are your feelings about your own self worth and value.? Do you BELIEVE you are worthy of ‘having it all?’  Do you fear talking about or dealing with bills?!  Are you afraid to ask your job for a salary that you are truly worth?  Is your belief system strong enough to leave your current job from the KNOWINGNESS that there is another opportunity out there that will pay you what you are truly worth and value you the way you deserve ?  The byproduct being more abundance than you ever imagined!  Enough to serve yourself and others?!  

Stuart Wilde had an uber supercharged FINANICAL BLUEPRINT!  As is shown is his famous quote, “The key to success to is to raise your own energy.  ; when you do, people will naturally be attracted to you.  And when they show up, bill em!”  LOL

In fact, it has been scientifically proven that it is actually your ‘inner workings’ about abundance that determines your financial state.  Did you you know, for instance, that study after study has proven that 90% of lottery winners are either broke or dead within five years of winning their lot.  And it is because most of them did not work on their inner beliefs and knowingness about abundance before their winning hand was dealt.  And so they were NOT ready to receive it.  

We all have a built in abundance ‘Thermostat’ that regulates our energetic frequency toward abundance.  And if yours is set to low, there is NO THING you can ever do that will allow you the prosperity you deserve!  And research has shown that over 80% of people will NEVER be financially free in the way they would truly desire, and that same 80% will never truly live a life of JOYFUL BLISS.  

One principle I want to share from Eker's book is the ‘Law of Both.’  He explains that poor people always think ‘either/or’ while those who live abundantly ALWAYS think BOTH.  Meaning they find a way to not have to choose just one thing over another.  If they want to start a new business, they don't come at it from just the perspective of having to quit their current place of employment to begin a new adventure.  They find a way to keep money flowing through the door WHILE they build their new business.  They know there is a way to have BOTH in any circumstance!!

I also love and have myself applied  his principle of ‘The Roots Create the Fruits.’

In it he explains, “Imagine a tree.  Let's suppose this tree represents the tree of life.  On this tree there are fruits.  In life our fruits are called our results.  So we look at the fruits (results) and we don't like them.  There aren't enough of them, they are too small, or they don't taste good.  So what do we tend to do.  Most of us put even more attention on the fruits, or our results.  But what is it that actually creates those fruits; it's the SEEDS and the roots that create the fruits.  It's what's under the ground that creates what's above the ground. It's what's invisible, that creates the visible.  So what does that mean?  It means if you want to change the fruits(results) you have to change the roots! If you want to change the visible you must first change the INVISIBLE.”

The roots he is referring to of course is our inner world.  Our beliefs.  Our core energy about abundance and they way we truly FEEL about it.  One powerful suggestion in making a sizable shift in our inner beliefs is through filling our affirmations with declarations.  As us New Age Nerds are aware, an affirmation is a statement that something we desire is actually happening.  And they can be amazing game changers when repeated often with conviction and emotion.  However, if you REALLY want to up your FINANCIAL BLUEPRINT's core vibration, mix your affirmations with the energy of a declaration.  A declaration is a commitment toward ACTION!  As the saying goes, ‘Faith is belief mixed with action!’  And trust me, it is a potent universal combination!!  Give it a try.......

In closing, I want to reiterate that this post is NOT about just financial abundance.  There is enough GREED in this world that it is causing us all some major league problems.  The wonderful thing about your FINANCIAL BLUEPRINT is that it works on ALL forms of abundance.  Health, wealth, knowledge, wisdom, and happiness.  It is the same formula for manifesting more of all of these magnificent and JOYOUS experiences we came here to have and share!  May at least some of today's words assist you in living a life of true abundance in all its magnificent forms!!!  And even better, the more abundance we have, the more we have TO GIVE!!

To living a BLISSED OUT LIFE!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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