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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, February 9, 2018


From the time we are born until the time we make our transition back into pure SOURCE, we each have a once in a lifetime opportunity to find our CALLING, find and use our UNIQUE talents and gifts to change the very vibration on this planet!!   Please understand that the particular energetic pattern that dominates the MATRIX of experiences on this planet is a once in a lifetime ticket to ride!
If you were born and awoken to be a part of this communal experiment, it is because YOU decided that slowing down your own vibration to a paradigm of dense BEINGNESS so that you could  completely forget Who You Are and Why You Came here with the trust that it would be brought back into your consciousness it is because you were ready to be an explorer of TIME AND SPACE!!

For this planet offers an experience that is absolutely UNIQUE in that there is no other opportunity amongst the entire COSMOS that allows for one individual SOUL to forget that they are an emanation of pure Spirit, and Infinite Intelligence! So many of you may be asking why on Earth would any conscious SOUL decide to enter into this vibration when there is sooooo much that could interfere with the Re-membrance of Who They Are!  

And that is a question that only YOU can determine through prayer, and communion with SPIRIT!!
That is a declaration that I can only be of assurance that you came here with a clear sense of the Purpose and Calling that resonated DEEPLY within your SOUL!!!  Depending on your level of Re-memberance, you may or may not yet recall the exact set of life circumstances that you and your Spirit Guides designed for yourselves as EXACTLY what you needed to experience before coming into the dense world of planet EARTH!   And BLESSED be that we each are given the same opportunity to design the exact set of circumstances,  so that we can UNLEASH the set of PARADIGM shifting gifts that will play a part in the grandest collective set of energetic vibrational shifts to raise the collective consciousness on this planet!!  

And with that context now in place, I would like to get back to the title and purpose of this post.  Which is WHAT ARE THE FIVE MOST POWERFUL WORDS IN THE UNIVERSE?!?
Does anyone know the answer to this posing question?!?   No cheating with GOOGLE!?!?  LOL

The answer is not as magical as you may think!  However it is a time tested litmus test that has not changed in over the last three thousand years........    So without further adieu.............
The answer is LET ME TELL YOU A STORY!!!!  And for those of you who will call me out with, 'I call Bullshit', I understand.   However, I have the scientific proof behind my answer that hasn't changed during the last 3 thousand years.  That's right non believers!  For even during the time of our fellow ancestors, the caveman, they used the power of the nightly fire and the primitive drawings that we have unearthed on the caves that prove our ancestors very existence and the proof of the very stories that they used on a daily basis to assist in drawing PURPOSE for their very reason of BEING!!!  Even three thousand years ago, the POWER OF "LET ME TELL YOU A STORY" was used as a way to help the communal TRIBE to make sense of the beyond challenging daily tasks that were absolutely essential for basic survival!!  And even more importantly, the PURPOSE behind these menial daily assignments, because of the STORY that was emotionally engrained in their consciousness, were the engine of motivation that kept them dedicated toward keeping their TRIBE thriving!!   Not just surviving!!

For just as the author and spiritual LUMINARY Victor Frankel so prominently declared, our life only starts to make sense, when we understand the meaning for our SUFFERING!!  And the manner that our primitive ancestors discovered to help create meaning for our suffering on this planet was through the Power of Story!!   

The most effective way of INSPIRING, influencing, and educating others focused attention has never really changed in over a Milllenium!! And that is through the POWER OF STORY!!

Even the contemporary master's of INFLUENCE continue to espouse that there is No Thing that comes even a close second to the Power of STORY!!    The Power of Story has created the most lasting paradigm shifts of how the vibrational energy on this planet creates an understanding of universal consciousness that has ever existed!!

Perhaps the most effective manner in which this truth can be communicated is through the power of MODERN MYTH!!    

 We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for. To quote from Whitman, "O me! O life!... of the questions of these recurring; of the endless trains of the faithless... of cities filled with the foolish; what good amid these, O me, O life?" Answer. That you are here - that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. That the powerful play *goes on* and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?”
~~  John Keating           (THE DEAD POETS SOCIETY)

So this evening as I write this post, I ask you......     What is the verse that you would like your life's Story to contribute to the collective consciousness of this WORLD?!??   As Albert Einstein so eloquently professed, there is but one question that we all must decide for ourselves.  And that question is simply, "Is the UNIVERSE a compassionate entity or 

My answer is a resounding YES!! The UNIVERSE in which we all contribute a verse of Love, compassion, and understanding is beyond pure perfection!!  It is filled with wonder, miracles, and unexpected surprises!!  And it is my heartfelt wish that in time, you BELIEVE in the same VISION...........Our individual STORIES matter.  They contribute to the collective conscious fabric of the story that shares the secrets of the UNIVERSE that is a unique emanation of each and every SOUL who had the COURAGE to share a verse of the collective whole of our BEING within this vibrational consciousness!!!  And to Each and Everyone of those Courageous and Precious Souls I salute you with a a resounding THANK YOU!!!!

Now life in this realm is NOT a process that is as easy as I am professing!! Not even close.....It is a pure PROCESS of Allowance  and even more importantly ACCEPTANCE!!     Not living through the paradigm of ACCEPTANCE is living through EGO!!  As if YOU KNOW WHAT BEST SERVES You!!  The EGO always DESIRES you playing SMALL by keeping your vibration of separation.....rather than being in connection to SOURCE....

If you are having a problem with accepting something....think back to a time when something occurred that you were unable to Accept .... and it ended up turning into a BLESSON (a Lesson that was also a Blessing).....and use THAT as a place of Vibrational Resonance to assist you in Re-membering tht everything happens Through you and For You....NOT to You...

And then Ask Yourself.....     what is it costing me...  to refuse ACCEPTANCE regarding this or any other moment that has manifested in my experience....?!?!?!??


If you are STILL having trouble with ACCEPTANCE in any area of your life...In what ways can you allow these events to reside within you in a more PEACEFUL manner until they can be healed with the support of you TRIBE.......?!?!?


Jeffrey Louis Martinez
The Hero's Coach

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