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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Why The WORLD Desperately NEEDS The Real YOU..!!


I believe with all my heart and Soul that we were each born with a Heart Song.  A certain vibration of energy that is uniquely ours. Nobody has ever carried this exact frequency and nobody  ever will.  For it is absolutely PERFECT!  It is 100% yours and yours alone to do with as you please.  

Think about how amazing that is to ponder.  Out of the billions and billions of people who have manifested on this planet, NOBODY has carried the melody, tempo, and harmonious magnificence that your precious HEART emits at all times!  

Just as penguins emit a unique sound that can ONLY be heard by their life partner, we too emit a level of energy that is meant to imprint and have affect on the perfect people, places and things that were meant to be brought into our experience at any given moment in time.  So what do you  think happens when we ‘play small’ or even worse, change our  Heart Song to please others or fit in with the masses.  I can come up with a few answers!  Chaos, discord, frustration, wrong partners, dysfunctional friends, bad clients to name just a few!  I'm sure you can come up with many more!

I am asked all the time how the power of manifestation works.  There are so many people who appear to be ‘doing the work’ of a spiritual practice, yet what continues to show up in their life never truly changes and utter frustration ensues. Sound familiar? I know I've been there...Lord have I been there....   :0)

One of the biggest questions for us all to ponder is exactly what is it that we are truly seeking in our lives.  And YES, I understand we all need basic human needs like clothes, food, shelter, and water. And it is our God given right to never be in lack of these essentials to life.  However, I am talking about what is your purpose?  Why are you here?  What is it that you are looking to manifest into your experience?  If the answer is anything less that to be of service to others in some way shape or form, through Love and Light, compassion, and the sharing of your super powers, than I suggest you take a serious look at a re-alignment of your priorities. And PLEASE do not misconstrue my words.  That DOES NOT MEAN that having material abundance in any form is a lower vibrational thought. For it is NOT.  But it is when those DESIRES come from a byproduct of service and assistance toward others that material abundance not only flows more freely into your experience, but does so with grace and beauty. Your thinking changes from “I Need” to “I Have.”  And the struggles of life cease to exist. That doesn't meant that life becomes easy, but your daily work morphs into daily play because your DOINGNESS comes from a SOURCE of your own individual HEART SONG.  

We are currently caught in a world of conformity.  And the hate and fear is consuming our collective consciousness because we are starting to lose identification with our own heart song.  And pain and suffering sets in as a 'Dark Night of the Soul.'  When this starts to happen, I suggest you take heed from the words of Agape founder Michael Beckwith who espouses, “If you knew this experience of life was to last forever, what quality would have to emerge to have peace of mind?”  This is when it is oh so crucial to turn the radio dial back to your unique channel and listen to the Number One hits of your own Soul!  And I bet some of your own top ten hits include LOVE, Peace, Joy, Compassion, and Wisdom!  Just sayin....    ;0)

And if we get caught up in the Soul Songs of the masses, we become misguided, like zombies from the Walking Dead, toward the illusions of fear that are threatening to morph our society into one of dissonance and decay.  And unless you know of a real life Darrel Dixon and Rick Grimes, I suggest you re-member how important it is to BE YOU!  ALWAYS!!

So much of what happens in our life comes from simply BEING YOU.  The authentic you.  The one who came here to bring wondrous miracles and amazing assistance to the world.  We are not so much attracting things into our life so much as we are radiating out who we really are deep within our core.  If we are radiating LOVE and compassion, then loving and compassionate people, places and things appear on our path. That's why it is so very important to be in alignment and acknowledgment of our own Yellow Brick Road and what we are spreading along its winding way!  

It takes a gi-normous amount of courage and strength to be our authentic selves. We all want to ‘fit in’ and feel as though we matter to our particular tribes.  Well guess what? It is that type of acceptance which will become a wonderful byproduct of remembering the truth that we all matter; greatly, MAGNIFICENTLY.  The Infinite Source that created each and every one of us touched you with an undeniable force of Love and Light that shines through you and for you. NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO!  And the most powerful and transformational thing we can do in every given moment of our lives is to be IN ALLOWANCE of the heart station that God knows so Divinely. So that Spirit can work its unfoldment of the unique wisdom, talents, and Inner Joy and Peace for both you and the world to share!  If you are internally tuned into a different channel or vibration with your Heart Song, than the Universe has its hands locked.  For it can ONLY work its MAGIC through YOUR INDIVIDUAL EMANATION of the delicious Heart Song that was placed within your Soul.

So now more than ever, it is very important to swing your Freak Flag, dance in the streets, sing without the music on. Anything and everything that is a part of that absolutely delightful authentic YOU! Because to THE ONE GOD MIND, that is the only music he wishes to hear............



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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