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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, September 12, 2023



Matt Murdock (The Daredevil) is having a heartfelt talk with a nun who he has discovered is his birthmother. They are reminiscing the life of the church's former head Pastor who was slain in cold blood in the basement of an old Catholic Church in Hell's Kitchen.

MATT: I was angry.  I would change that if I could.

SISTER MAGGIE: If God allowed that, there would be no future. Just people endlessly rewriting the past.

MATT: Yeah. I think he was trying to tell me that for a long time. His last words were, "Forgive us."

(forgive them for keeping the secret to who his birthmother really was)

SISTER MAGGIE: Do you think that's possible?

MATT: (Several contemplative beats) He told me something years ago when this happened that I never forgot.  (pointing to the sunglasses he wears to protect his blind eyes) You see I was pretty angry at God and bitter toward his world. How could a loving God blind me. Why?! Anyway, he told me, God's plan is like a beautiful tapestry. And the tragedy of being human is that we only get to see it from the back. With all the ragged threads and the muddy colors. We only get a hint of the true beauty that would be revealed if we could see the whole pattern on the other side. As God does. 

(Looks down at the ground as if to summon his own TRUTH)

MATT: And although people have died on my watch. People who shouldn't have. There are countless others who have lived. So, maybe it is all a part of God's plan. 


Matt Murdock (The Daredevil) is a haunted SOUL. As a young boy, while trying to save a man from being hit by a car, his eyes were exposed to a canister of toxic liquid the caused him to lose his eyesight. Then his father was gunned down for refusing to 'take a fall' in a boxing match with tons of hush money on the proverbial line. Matt ended up being raised by a group of caring nuns in a Catholic orphanage in Hell's Kitchen. And it was within those hallowed halls that his own Superhero's Journey began!

His journey reminds us that everything happens "through you and for you.NOT TO YOU! See the big difference. I surely pray so because the shades within that subtle shift in understanding is but one of the greatest TRUTHS you will re-discover while on your path in this Earthly plane!

And once you re-member how to leverage that knowledge, your life will suddenly both ascend and then settle into a space of inner peace. For no longer will you wake up daily fretting 'what could go wrong today.'  In fact, you will re-member that 'right and wrong' do not even exist! Only that which does and does not serve you and all others. And you will begin to embrace everything that appears within your daily experiences as no thing less than a SOUL sent blessing from your own personal Wisdom Waiter

Think of life as a precious, multi layered jigsaw puzzle. We often start working on one particular area of the puzzle at any given period in time. Just as we are getting our perfectly imperfect 'Jigsaw Jam' on, WHAM, God sends us a piece that is for the complete opposite side of where we were focusing our efforts! And more often than not we become stubborn and resolute in the way WE think things in our lives should play out. So staying stuck in our own personal convictions, continuing to build out the puzzle from where we have started it becomes our nominal norm.

And so we tend to ignore the puzzle piece sent special delivery from The Grand Creator
"I've been working my ass off on this puzzle God! I'm confused. Why are you sending me a piece that goes way over on the opposite side of where I'm building all my magical momentum?" So your inner monologue espouses.

But you have to re-member that THE ONE GOD MIND can see "the whole puzzle" already perfectly and pristinely finished in its glorious form! We tend to see things from a more limited perspective as we live out our daily experiences. Hopefully, now you can see the prescient power in learning to take a DEEP breathe and just RELAX! And then take a few steps back from wherever you currently find yourself to be. Each step will allow you to BE in a space of appreciation and GRATITUDE for the 'entire picture' that your jigsaw puzzle is slowly becoming! Just as THE GOD VOICE within you has seen it from the very beginning. Pretty rad, huh?! ;0) 

And the next time God throws you a piece of your personalized puzzle from "way over there," you will already BE in a state of pure ACCEPTANCE.  And be in allowance of it to grace your world with a form of loving reverence! For it came from a place of Universal KNOWINGNESS of exactly what you need in that given moment of NOW!


Creating a New Super Heroic Origin Story

One thing I do with all my coaching clients is have them write a new 'Super Heroic Origin Story.' With the intention of assisting them in transcending their past stories from a state of catabolic, victim consciousness, into an anabolic VICTORIOUSLY HEROIC energetic vibrational space! I highly suggest you try this incredibly transformational process too!

Literally start from your earliest memories and begin to write down the 'New Story of Your Life.'  But refrain from seeing these events from your past perspective.  The static stories we tell ourselves about our past become the coming attractions of what is still to come.  And unless you have already done the energetic clearing work on these traumatic pain points, I really don't think you desire THAT! Am I right? lol

While writing, concentrate on just how any past painful experiences in your life have actually proven to be blessings rather curses.  Start learning to ACCEPT them rather than reliving them in your mind.  Acceptance frees you to transcend these catabolic and disempowering based thoughts and start seeing them in a fresh state of GRATITUDE! (Just like the gift and miraculous blessing of my own father's abandonment)  In your writing, it is vital to transcend such limiting beliefs in a manner that you can actually begin to see your past challenges as no thing less than "Bliss Filled Gifts." That were soul sent as opportunities for you to heal, grow, and expand into the greatest version of yourself. Which benefits not only YOU, but the entire Universe!

Start 'connecting the dots' of your life.  Look for the pain filled patterns that keep showing up in your daily experiences. Continued situations imbued with lack in any form; yuperoo, right there is a great place to start! For that is proof positive of resistance still holding space within you. That's where you are still NOT in alignment with your Super Heroic Higher SelfTRUST! This will shine a light on the areas of trauma bonds that still need healing and tending to!  The blocks and trapped energy that is still awaiting you to release and transform it into your unique Super Powers. Once looked at through the lens of OPPORTUNITY, the things you once thought as misfortune will be seen as perfectly placed in your path to pull you back and then "Propel You Forward!"  If you are having great challenges doing this, stop and pray. Ask SPIRIT for guidance and wisdom to see the Truth behind your pain! Then quiet your mind and listen. You will be shown the answers.  PROMISE!  

You've suffered enough!  It's time for transcendence and TRANSFORMATION!  By creating a New Super Heroic Origin Story.  Start living from a state of Christ Consciousness and NOT  'Victim Consciousness.'  Because the past stories you have been programming your mind to believe, are powerful forms of RESISTANCE!  Resistance is the arch enemy of the Subconscious Mind.  The Powerhouse of our Abundance Making MIND Machine! And that is part of what is still blocking you from being able to manifest all your heartfelt desires.......

So look around you often.  Re-member your outer experiences are a direct reflection of your inner reality. So if you find yourself in a space of lack; be it financially, health wise, or in any other form, it is "proof in the pudding" that you have some blocks, limiting beliefs, or pain points and trauma bonds that still need to be addressed with non judgmental love and compassion.  For there is resistance somewhere within you that requires your immediate attention!  Just sayin'. ;0)

Commit to using this year to both create and live from your 'New State of KNOWINGNESS!' And just like 'The Daredevil,' begin to see with eyes no longer blind to the TRUTH!

Because if you knew just how POWERFUL you truly are, there is absolutely NOTHING you would be afraid of!!  And dreaming BIG would be your new mantra.........  And So It Is!




Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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