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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, May 14, 2023





Please be Patient With me...
As My Calling has Been Patient...

And Your Calling with you...
Eternally Obedient ..  A Contract written with Remnant Tears...
From The Times They Were First Imagined..
And Birthed through JOY's Love and Laughter...


Sealed with God's Knowing Nod...

And So It Is....

Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Are you currently feeling like your dreams will never come true?  That you are DOING literally everything you can think of to manifest a life that envisions your most heartfelt desires, yet it often FEELS like you are moving in the opposite direction?  It may be time to take your dreams and desires to the ER!  STAT!  

And NOI AM not referring to the Emergency Room.  I mean it may be time to start reversing the manifestation process you are currently using, by STARTING at the END RESULT! (ER)  You see, most of us are not aware that our experiences, dreams, and desires come to us in a process that is exactly the REVERSE order shown to us by our physical senses.  I was first introduced to this version of the Universal Law by Mike Dooley in his life changing book ‘Manifesting Change.’  Many of you reading this may already be aware of Mike from his ‘Notes To The Universe’ e-mails and books.  And if you are not on his e-mail list to receive daily writings, I highly suggest you go to his website, www.tut.com, and sign up!  I'll wait while you go do it!  LOL

After reading and then implementing many of the techniques he outlines in his book, my life began to change in the most miraculous of ways.   And QUICKLY!  It's no coincidence that when I get disconnected from SOURCE and forget to implement these Universal Laws, well, life goes to Hell In a Handbasket.  Nooooo fun!! 

This passage from his book perfectly illustrates how things actually manifest in this energy matrix we are all living within.  Mike writes, “The Universe didn't think small and then bigger and bigger and bigger.   The Universe didn't sit down and say, “Oh my gosh, science!  Almost forgot science.  We're going to need biology, chemistry, physics, quantum physics- OH- and math.  We're going to need a lot of math for reality!”  No, the Universe wasn't assembled on a timeline!  Though that's how we typically assess ANY creation- using our physical senses alone, thinking in terms of beginnings, middles, and ends.  Completely forgetting that time is an illusionInstead, the Universe simply began with the END RESULT: the spectacular beauty, the impossible perfection, and the infinite vastness. And in that instant all of the mathematics, all of the sciences,  everything necessary to support life as we now know it in time in space, fell into place. In an instant! The starting point of all creation, and certainly with any change we wish to manifest, is WITH THE DESIRED END RESULT IN MIND.”

Yet how many of you can honestly say your manifestation process begins with the End Result in mind.? And I am not talking about a vague mental image of what you want to accomplish or create!  I mean a complete blueprint that is powerful enough within your Being that you can even FEEL, SMELL, and SENSE what that desire looks like!  

To help assist you along this new path and for many of you a new Paradigm of thinking about how to create the life you always dreamed of, I am going to give you these suggestions as a process you can begin implementing TODAY!

1)  Start by creating a mental image of what the END RESULT of that which you desire looks like.  Make it as vivid, colorful, and as rich in details as you can.  Until you can literally feel your body tremble with anticipation as though it already exists!  

2)  TAKE ACTION!  The second step involves moving in the general direction of your dreams and desires.  Sorry to break it to ya, but having a vision board and loafing around on a sofa waiting for your dreams to manifest just ain't gonna happen.  EVER!  It's perfectly OK to start with small steps to strengthen your belief in the process.  But  you must make that call, write that e-mail, start that blog, send out those resumes.  Just move in the general direction toward what your desire.

3)  This is where the Universe comes into play to assist you in the most profound of ways.  For as soon as you finish the first two steps, the Universe creates as Mike writes, “A brand new NOW.  This can be a bit jarring because we don't expect the process to culminate in a brand new now.  Usually, we think the Journey begins NOW and finishes later.  The starting point of ALL physical change is in thought, which is the ONLY place the power of NOW exists.”

4) VISUALIZATION!  As you go about with tangible action steps each and every day, take five to ten minutes to stop and visualize the END RESULT you seek to manifest.  I find a quiet place, and do a quick meditation.  And then mentally paint the picture that contains the new and desired END RESULT in my mind's eye AS IF I AM LIVING IT NOW.  I then inject real emotion into the mental image, allowing myself to FEEL what it's like to live in this vision of NOW.  

Mike describes the process this way, “Your vision then begins attracting itself to you as life's MAGIC, programmed by your chosen END RESULTS.  Put the right people in the right place at the right time on your path.  You just need to be physically out there in the real world (step 2) showing up where you can be reached.  The Universe will always do the hard part of figuring out (forcing) the HOWS, which is the virtual incalculable part.  All we have to do is define whatever it is we want or the changes we wish to experience in terms of the end result. Define them as if they were already there (visualize) and then simply begin moving in the general direction of your dreams, knocking on doors, and turning over stones.”  I REPEAT, nothing in your life will change without persistent ACTION STEPS!

Now, before any of you stop reading, thinking all this to be a little too Woo-Woo for your sensibility, I will finish with a recent story that perfectly illustrates how this all really does work! Just a few short weeks ago, I had made a decision to manifest a job that would allow me to work from home, back in the podcasting world I love so much, making a great deal of money, yet still leaving enough time for me to continue growing my coaching business.  

One night I sat down and followed the EXACT steps from above.  I started with the END RESULT in my mind's eye.  I allowed myself to feel how this job would change my life.  The emotions I would experience getting up everyday to start the day.  The kindness and support of a boss and team members that would co-create blissful moments of work well done!  I then began the process of perusing the internet for jobs that fit the bill.  Here is where the magic happened.  

Three nights later, I jumped on LinkedIn and saw that just three minutes earlier, a former colleague of mine had posted a blog about her new gig working for a new podcast advertising network!  I immediately reached out to her to congratulate her for her accomplishment on the new job.  It was for a company that had just started the process of entering the US marketplace, so I decided that evening to craft a cover letter and arbitrarily e-mailed it to the company's Director of Sales. And guess what? In two short weeks, I was offered a job with the company covering the Mid-Atlantic, and NY territory!  And I get to work from home!  And my team members are some of the smartest, authentic, and kind people I have yet to meet in corporate America.  If that isn't proof enough that this process is part of a tangible Universal Law of manifestation, then I have no idea what could............

I hope many of you incorporate this process into your own lives.  In fact, start today!  There is no time like the NOW!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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