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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, April 20, 2023



No matter how much self realization work we have done on ourselves, there seems to be one common thread that tends to crop up in our day to day actions.  I like to refer to it as visits from the 'Monkey Mind' but you may have your own better served term for this malady of epidemic proportions.  It tends to appear with more reckless abandon with us sensitive types and wounded healers, at least this is my experience. As a mentor once told me, “Jeff, you are an emotional genius.  But your greatest strength can become your undoing if you let it.”  I liken it to my own form of kryptonite.  My mind can over think most any situation with emotional abandon in which I can pretty much think my way out of or into any situation I desire. Now in some ways you may be thinking that's not such a bad thing.  And in some ways it truly isn't!  HOWEVER, when this ‘GIFT’ of sorts causes me to oscillate back and forth between making a firm decision, it isn't exactly the things that concrete choices are made of!  In fact, it can drive a person crazy. Not...that...I ..would know anything about that.....lol  ;0)

Now please do not misconstrue my meaning of this posts's topic. I am a BIG and staunch proponent of the power of THINKING!   As so long as WE are using our mind in this process rather than the other way around.  As Yoda would say, our mind is a powerful alley.  But we are its master, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.  And this becomes particular problematic when lose our connection to Source energy and believe we are going about things completely by ourselves. Because THAT can become one of the most harrowing thoughts of all! It's akin to starting to build a house or a business with no concrete plans. Aye dios mio!! That's why so many of us freeze in our tracts and never take another action step toward our goals. It just seems like too much is at stake, including our fragile EGO!  Right?! Exactly!

Think about something for just a minute.  How much would this world of ours change literally overnight if we did what we are capable of doing and not what we are COMFORTABLE doing?!?  Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it!  New technology being born, answers to poverty and destitution being eradicated.  It literally BOGGLES the mind!!  At least this New Age Nerd's noggin!

Unfortunately, we would rather stay in our place of comfort, with a daily agenda that offers little to no variance, so that we know we cannot fail.  The biggest problem with that Paradigm is that it keeps our most hearfelt desire and dreams, the type that could revolutionize the world tucked hidden deeply inside our own BEING.  AND that serves NO ONE!!

SO what is a possible answer to this issue of overthinking that has taken over our society like a version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.  My suggestion is to stop thinking so much(No I didn't say STOP THINKING, I said stop thinking with the Monkey Mind) and start to FEEL more.   After all, FEELINGS are the guideposts to the Soul.  They help us understand if we are in or out of alignment with your purpose.  Feelings and their not so distant cousins, EMOTIONS, are the tools we use to paint the desires we wish to manifest in the real world.  We can think until the cows come home, but until we feel our emotions and then use those emotions to fuel our ACTIONSNO THING tangible will ever be accomplished! Capiche?! Fantastic!

In fact, one of my favorite quotes comes from author Jeff Brown who says, “ Repressed emotions are unactualized spiritual lessons.”  To that I would like to add, please DO NOT make a Broadway show out of your feelings and emotions.  NOBODY and I mean No One wants to buy a ticket to a show that has well overstayed its welcome!  Trust!!  LOL

Here is a trick I use that combines both thinking AND feelings for my highest good.  When I find myself thinking a great deal, I stop and ask myself how those thoughts are making me FEEL. I'm not a proponent of being impetuous so I will continue to check in with myself when these thoughts tend to arise.  And what I have ascertained by using this technique, is that the TRUTH about these thoughts and their purpose in my life seem to surface the more I continue to listen to my FEELINGS about them. Does that make sense?! I hope it does!

Perhaps the most important thing to remember is that WE ARE NOT OUR EVERY THOUGHT!  Our society has become conditioned to believe we are what we think.  And that is pure anarchy, not to mention causes an inordinate amount of senseless pain and suffering.  I know I would be in a permanent psych ward if I allowed myself to believe all the thoughts about myself that tend to sneak into my daily brain waves!  :0)  No, I'm serious...lol  Again, our thoughts are an incredibly powerful tool. But only when we learn to harness them with focused intention to help in the creation our reality.  But our Inner Critic or EGO will often fly its freak flag within our minds eye to create thoughts to keep us feeling small, worthless, and disconnected from Source. And most of the world's collective suffering stems from our identification with THOSE THOUGHTS!  Which aren't even TRUE!  That's why it is SO important to constantly check in with what you are FEELING.  Because if we are feeling self doubt, worry, or worthless, it is our SOUL telling us that its time to change our THOUGHTS. Remember, WE HAVE COMPLETE CONTROL OVER OUR THOUGHTS.  And thus, we are also the master over how we FEEL!

If this shift from thinking to feeling seems overwhelming, that is OK.  There is no need to shift your entire Paradigm overnight.  Instead, just start being the silent observer of your thoughts. And slowly you will come to realize that YOU are the observer of the thoughts and NOT the thought themselves.  And this is a breakthrough of ginormous proportions!  

And secondly, learn to trust your feelings and emotions.  They are there for a reason.  To serve your highest good and assist you on your Superhero's Journey!  As Darth Vader told Luke, “Search your feelings.  You know they are true!”   And they are your obedient servant to guide you along your daily path!

Combining your thoughts with your feelings are a magical potion that can transform our lives in the most unexpected and powerful of ways!  It just takes some practice to understand how these two aspects of our lives can be used in harmony to manifest a life that benefits and serves us all!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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